General requirements to content and structure course work


The structure of the course work is determined by the individual purpose of the study, the selected object of study and the specific topic of the work. The structure of the work is considered justified if, within its framework, it is logically possible to achieve a full disclosure of the chosen topic.

At relatively free choice The structure of the course work must necessarily include the following: structural elements:

Title page. (Drawn up strictly in accordance with the requirements of NOU VPO VIB)


1. Theoretical and methodological foundations studying the problem.

2. Analysis of the state of the problem being studied using the example of an enterprise (industry, market).


List of used literature.


Review form for course work.

Use is permitted and encouraged additional information in the form of the last structural section - applications (tables, graphs, photographs, sample document forms, etc.). The applications provided must correspond to the topic of the course work.

Each chapter should end with conclusions or at least a statement of results. When formulating conclusions, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the results must be specific judgments of what is said and what is asserted;

2) your own results must be clearly highlighted. At the same time, their difference from the results of other authors is indicated;

3) reasoned and critical assessments justify the novelty of the result in comparison with known solutions on all aspects of the problem studied;

4) the truth of the result is justified (based on the accepted and formulated premises and definitions of concepts introduced into the work on the basis of the rules and laws of formal logic).

Scientific and practical problems that are solved using the results obtained are indicated.

The conclusion for each chapter begins with the words:

This chapter covers theoretical aspects marketing in strategic management enterprise. The concept of marketing is defined - this is a system for organizing all the activities of an enterprise…………

The conclusion of a paragraph can begin with the words: " Thus, …."; “To summarize this paragraph...”; “In conclusion, we note.....”, etc.

In order to improve the quality of coursework and qualification papers of students of the Volgograd Institute of Business, the directorate decided to mandatory check all coursework and qualification papers in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The final assessment of the originality of the work applying for a “Satisfactory” rating must be at least 50%. If the final assessment of the originality of the work is less than 50%, then the work is not allowed to be submitted/defended.

The student independently checks the work on the website The manager is presented not only with the work itself, but also with a report on the Anti-Plagiarism program. If there is no report on the work for checking it using the Anti-Plagiarism program, the work is not allowed to be submitted/defended.

It is not allowed for two or more students from the same group to have the same topic. If students intend to write a course work on coinciding problems, then appropriate additions and clarifications should be made to the title of the topic.

The conclusion, along with the introduction, is also the most important part of the work. It should contain 1~5 pages (depending on the type of work) to outline the main conclusions.

The conclusion outlines the following aspects:

  • - conclusions made by the author of the work on the study of the theoretical part of the work;
  • - results of the analysis of the subject of research;
  • - recommendations for improving the subject of research.

It is good if the conclusion to the thesis begins with a short introduction on the topic of the work. Conclusions in the conclusion should be short, concise, but summarizing the essence of the analyzed issue. Copying parts of the text from the introduction or the main part of the work in the conclusion is not allowed.

Often teachers ask you to write a conclusion in accordance with the assigned tasks. Then the phrase in conclusion will look good: “In In the process of performing the work, its goal was achieved and the tasks were solved. The work analyzed the main sources on the research topic... The thesis revealed the main provisions of the theory using an example.

The conclusion can be created as continuous text or as a numbered list. In the second case, as a rule, they write: " As a result of the work done, the following conclusions were made." And then follows a numbered list.

In conclusion it is allowed to carry out brief retelling work. When retelling the content of the work, the following phrases can be used.

"IN The first chapter of the work analyzed the theoretical issues of the study...".

"In the second chapter of this work, the main directions of the enterprise’s work were considered,

"IN third chapter of this thesis improvement measures were described..."

If a hypothesis was posed in the introduction, then in the conclusion it is necessary to indicate whether it was confirmed or refuted. For example, in As a result of the work done, the hypothesis was confirmed; as a result of the experimental study, it was found that children with general violation speech, there are difficulties in composing a coherent text."

It's better to finish the conclusion general conclusion on the topic of the work, as well as prospects for applying the developed recommendations in other conditions or on other subjects of research.

For example: “The research made it possible to develop the following design and practical recommendations and evaluate the possibility of their implementation:

  • 1. The first direction of the proposed recommendations is related to overcoming staff turnover by providing special working conditions for employees in comparison with other companies in St. Petersburg by providing additional vacation days and bonuses.
  • 2. The second area is related to reducing the significant workload on staff on busy days by attracting additional staff and additional cash payments.
  • 3. The third direction of increasing the effectiveness of the motivation system is related to the development of non-material incentives for personnel. Here it is possible to introduce various bonuses, certificates, and verbal thanks.

It would also look good to highlight the prospects for researching the topic of the work. For example: "The prospects for research on this topic lie in the need to study methods of motivating personnel, the features of optimizing the cost of motivation. It should always be remembered that a motivated employee makes better use of his abilities and new opportunities technical means, which leads to the desired result and more efficient work the entire organization."

The full version of writing a conclusion to the thesis is given in the appendix.

Thus, the conclusion is a generalization of the results of the work and its results.

One of the criteria for writing a successful work, be it a thesis or term paper, an essay on a given topic, school essay or Research Article, is not only a competent presentation of thoughts, but also correct adherence to the structure - introduction, main part and conclusion.

Writing a conclusion is not difficult, following a few simple rules.

Conclusion to a diploma or course work

Conclusion is the logical conclusion of the work, which indicates the result of all the research done, conclusions and proposals for the development of a particular issue. It also talks about the prospects of this area of ​​research and its practical significance. A well-written conclusion makes the work whole and complete.

Conclusion writing plan


You should not immediately proceed to listing the conclusions obtained during the study. The conclusion, like any other part of the thesis or course work, requires adherence to a special structure of presentation from the general to the specific. The introductory part includes 2-3 sentences concerning the theoretical part - an introduction to the problem to which the study is devoted.

Main part

The main part should present the conclusions obtained during the practical work. To do this correctly, it is necessary to provide answers to the questions posed in the introduction to the work. In practice, this means that for each problem in the introduction there is a corresponding conclusion in the conclusion. This approach will not only help to correctly format the main part of the conclusion, but will also ensure the overall integrity of the work.

Final part

The conclusion, like any other part of the work, must have a final part. Here proposals for improving the object of study are indicated and justified practical value work. In conclusion, you can write about the areas in which the conclusions obtained during the study can be applied.

Scope of conclusion

The volume of the thesis conclusion is 3-4 pages, for the term paper - 2-3 pages.

To write a conclusion correctly, you should adhere to a scientific writing style. This means using expressions such as:

  • In our research we found...
  • Based on our research, we can draw the following conclusions...
  • In conclusion, we note that...
  • We come to the conclusion that...
  • Our work allows us to conclude...
  • Practical significance Our research is...

Conclusion to the article

The conclusion to the article contains a conclusion on the topic indicated at the beginning, a solution to the problem posed, and less often the author’s opinion about the problem.

If a problem is posed at the beginning, then at the end it is necessary to give a balanced solution, sometimes several, to mention different opinions regarding this problem.

It is important that the results given in the conclusion to the article focus only on the positive result.

Conclusion to an essay, essay

In the conclusion to the essay, you should summarize everything that was said earlier. The conclusion logically connects the text with the problem posed and the given topic.

As in the introduction, the conclusion should not pay attention to insignificant facts and minor details; only the essence of the issue is presented here.

The volume of the introductory and concluding parts of the essay is 25% of the entire work.

Compliance with a clear structure, brevity and laconism of presentation is the key to successful work that will be appreciated!

We set a goal and outlined tasks, designed a title page and a list of references. It would seem that you can relax and enjoy life. But no, in any work the results must be summed up and conclusions drawn. So put your hands to your feet and write a conclusion. And we will help you.

The conclusion is an indispensable part in the structure of the work. How to write a conclusion in an abstract? Many students want to know the answer to this question. After all, GOST and methodological manuals do not provide rules for the format and content of the conclusion. By the way, the conclusion is the most important part of the abstract, since it summarizes and structures all the material.

Conclusion is the conclusions that are based on the objectives and purpose of the study.

The result (conclusion) of the abstract is conclusions related to the purpose and objectives with personal assessment and one’s own conclusions. main feature The conclusion is as follows: conclusions are formulated in your own words, and not quoted as phrases from parts of the work. The results in the conclusion must be justified and supported by facts from each section of the abstract.

How to write a conclusion? Strictly and scientifically. The conclusion is stated scientific style: without personal pronouns and “water” words - only facts and your own conclusions.

The conclusion should:

  • reveal the purpose and objectives of the study;
  • provide statistics and analytics;
  • formulate clearly and unambiguously.

The conclusion should contain only conclusions about the work. No tables, graphs or links to third-party sources.

If the student has become attached to the topic of the work, then when summing up there is a own attitude to the problems or prospects for further research.

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Please note that the conclusion must correspond to the objectives of the work set out in the introduction. A bad conclusion is a summary of sources on the topic, a good one is the author’s thoughts about the problems of the topic.

Templates of phrases for the conclusion to an essay

To avoid tautology in conclusion and formulate conclusions clearly and clearly, we recommend using speech patterns and cliches:

  • based on an analysis of the literature studied... ;
  • but to summarize the above... ;
  • Thus, one can say... ;
  • the work done allows...;
  • In conclusion, it should be noted...;
  • summarizing what was written above... ;
  • based on analysis...;
  • the study showed...;
  • The material presented in the work allows us to conclude...;
  • Based on the work carried out, it can be assumed...;
  • determined that... ;
  • the authors of the studies come to... ;
  • we researched (obtained)... ;
  • we managed... .

If logic is not your strong point, then don’t suffer in vain trying to summarize the abstract. Let the professionals handle this. All you need to do is contact

In the abstract? If previously only students wrote such works, then after the modernization of the domestic education system, schoolchildren were given a similar responsibility.

Features of abstracts

Before we talk about how to write a conclusion to an abstract, the template of which is given below, we note that an abstract is one of the forms of summarizing information on a specific problem.

Competently compiling a report on the work done is the key to receiving a high score.


When discussing how to write a conclusion in an essay, let's talk about structure. Among components that must necessarily be present in such work, we highlight:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

There are certain design requirements title page. It provides full information about the author, title of work, volume educational institution, on the basis of which the abstract was written.

Continuing the conversation about how to write a conclusion in an abstract, we highlight that after the title page, the work contains content. It is advisable to divide the main part into separate chapters, each of them also has its own subtitle.


First, it is important to list all literary sources, only after that can you draw up the conclusion of the abstract. We will present a sample below; first, we will identify the requirements for teaching aids.

They are listed in alphabetical order, with the obligatory indication of authors, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.

Specifics of the conclusion

Let's find out how to write This part of the work can be considered in the form of a kind of summary of the author about the theoretical and practical work he has carried out.

How to write a conclusion in an essay? An example of the end of the work is given below. It indicates that this part should not exceed two pages of text.

Despite minimal amount text, in this section it is necessary to indicate the results that were obtained by the author in the course of his creative activity.

How to cope with this complex and responsible task? How to write a conclusion in an abstract? These questions are of interest to both schoolchildren and students of Russian educational institutions.

The final part should be filled with meaning and provide information about the main content of the work. You need to look at the main part and select from it main idea. You cannot limit yourself to copying sentences from work; it is important to rework them and arm yourself with synonyms.

With the correct interpretation of the idea that was taken for the abstract itself, the final result is a meaningful text with the results of the activity. There must be a relationship between the goals set in the first part of the work and the summed up results.

Let's continue the conversation about how to correctly write a conclusion in an abstract. The examples offered to students and schoolchildren to familiarize themselves with the structure of such works indicate that the conclusion should contain certain semantic phrases and expressions:

  • managed to come to a conclusion;
  • we received;
  • we have analyzed.

We talked about how to write a conclusion in an essay. We will present a sample of the finished work using the example of a chemical study. But first let's give a few useful tips, which will help create high-quality work that deserves highly appreciated experts. So, how to write a conclusion in an essay? The cliché of activity presupposes a certain algorithm, which should be discussed in more detail:

  1. Don't be lazy. The abstract work should be the result of long-term independent activity of the schoolchild (student).
  2. The conclusion is an important part of the work or work, therefore the perception of the entire work directly depends on the literacy of its writing.
  3. It is necessary to formulate the material presented in the main part in such a way that the conclusion contains only the main idea of ​​the abstract.

There is no need to describe all chapters and sections, you need to compile them brief conclusions, which complement each other.

If there is no logical connection between the main and final parts, the essay is considered incomplete and the teacher will return it for revision.

Try to format it like this last part work so that it does not contradict the materials that were found during the research.

It is undesirable to stretch this part over several pages, this will create negative attitude to the thoughts expressed.

First example: physics

To understand how you can complete your abstract work, here are a few suggestions: specific examples. IN school curriculum in physics, special attention is paid to abstract activities. When considering the topic “Aggregative states of matter,” schoolchildren are invited to self-study one of the natural phenomena.

If the purpose of the research is to explain precipitation, then the main part of the abstract considers the transition from liquid state of aggregation into a solid.

What will the conclusion look like in such work? It is proposed to complete such an essay as follows: “Based on the literary material, we were able to find out that snow falls as a result of the transition of water into a solid form when the temperature drops.”

Example for a literature essay

Among those academic disciplines that are difficult to imagine without abstract activity, we note the humanities: history, social science, literature. If the topic of the activity was the study of the attitude of contemporaries to the poetic heritage of M. Yu. Lermontov, the final part of the abstract should contain the personal position of the author of the abstract.

For example: “Having analyzed various literary sources, we were able to find out that the relevance of the poems written by M. Yu. Lermontov has not been lost. The patriotic themes of his poetry force us to overestimate people’s attitude towards their historical roots, the spiritual heritage of their ancestors.”

An example of a conclusion in a chemistry paper

Despite the fact that chemistry is largely experimental academic discipline, in this scientific field, schoolchildren also often carry out serious abstract activities. Let’s say that in the process of studying the topic “The presence of metals in nature,” the teacher invites the children to prepare abstracts on various minerals. If a child has set a goal - to study natural deposits of aluminum compounds, in the final part of the work he should present the results:

“Analysis of literary sources showed that aluminum is found in nature in the form of ores. Their main component is aluminum oxide. Considering that such minerals are widespread in nature, we were able to confirm their importance for the modern chemical and mechanical engineering industry.”

Abstracts for physical education lessons

In the domestic educational system, abstract activities are carried out even in the classroom physical culture. For example, children are offered an analysis of the history of the development of skiing. How can I complete finished work so that it looks attractive? When writing a conclusion, it is important to use cliches, that is, those phrases that will help formulate the main idea of ​​the study:

“An analysis of the literature showed that skiing in our country has always been given increased attention. We were able to find out that the first stage in the formation of future athletes was the organization of children’s and youth sports schools.”


An abstract can be considered as a publication that covers a specific topic. That is why it is so important to choose the right phrases and expressions for its final part.

Thanks to the reform of the Russian educational system New state standards were introduced at all levels of education. They involve carrying out serious design and research activities not only in high school, but also at the initial stage of education.

The child gains theoretical skills in drawing up an algorithm for an abstract (project), learns to plan the purpose of his research, and sets goals for himself. The main difference between abstract work and research is the conduct of a high-quality literature review on the selected topic.

The choice of the sequence of actions and the possibility of writing a high-quality conclusion depend on how accurately the purpose of the abstract is formulated.

It should be understood that there must be a relationship between the main part of the abstract and its logical end.

In this case, it is advisable to be careful with the enumeration so that the total volume of the final part of the abstract does not exceed one page. Otherwise, the work will lose interest for experts and will not be given a high rating.