The guest of the new release of Boris Korchevnikov's program is producer Sergei Senin, the sixth and last husband of the famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Sergei spent 18 years of his life with her. She was dying in his arms. Since then, he spoke very little about their relationship, almost never gave interviews and never told what it was like to live in the shadow of a great actress.

Sergei Senin recalled that their first meeting took place in 1990. Then he, together with his friend, opened an independent film company, and director Elena Nikolaeva invited him to make a film based on Nabokov. The main role was taken by Lyudmila Gurchenko. The result of their work was the painting "Sex Tale". Gurchenko and Senin often met on the set, but at that time there was no question of any relationship - the actress was married, and he was married.

But fate brought them together again and again. Later, Sergei divorced his first wife Galina, and she and her daughter moved to Israel. Once she called him and offered to hold a tour of "Sekkazki" there, so that Lyudmila Gurchenko performed. “I was delighted because there was an excuse to dial Lucy's phone number,” Senin recalls. The actress was given a small fee, so Sergei was sure that she would refuse. But, to his surprise, Gurchenko agreed - at that time she was going through a difficult divorce from her husband, so she went to work ...

As a result, it turned out that Sergei's first wife pushed him to get closer to Lyudmila. Although Senin himself is sure that everything began much earlier, because it was thanks to Galina that he left to work in cinema at all: "If I had not married Gala, maybe today I would have taught some kind of hydromechanics or something like that."

After the tour to Israel, the paths of Sergei and Lyudmila diverged for a while, but then somehow a telephone conversation happened between them and Gurchenko shared with him that she had an idea for one musical picture. The actress invited Senin to meet if he was interested in taking part in this. Sergei recalled that at that moment he thought: "I will do everything. I will sell everything in the world to do it."

Later, when they had already begun to live together, what they wrote about Sergei Senin, they called him a gigolo, a swindler. After all, he is younger than the actress by a quarter of a century. He himself comments on the difference in age in the following way: "Trust me, I did not feel her at all. Gurchenko was out of age, out of time, an absolutely modern person. It's very easy with her. I was the eldest in our family."

Problems with Gurchenko's daughter, Maria, also became a difficult page in their relationship. She refused to communicate with her mother, and after her death she began to share the inheritance with Senin. But, as Sergey said, now they communicate well, and the situation has settled down. It's just that Maria is a very gullible person, and next to her were not very smart and well-mannered people (whose names Senin did not name), who brought everything to a spat. "What a blessing that Lucy did not see all this. This is madness!" - commented Sergey.

The viewer is often interested not only in the creative, but also in the personal life of his favorite actors. Fans of Lyudmila Markovna know that she has put a stamp in her passport more than once (it is better to keep silent about unofficial connections). Who were the legal husbands of Gurchenko?

The famous temptress walked down the aisle 5 times. So, about all marriage partners in order.

Vasily Ordynsky

Young Lyudmila met a young film director in her second year at VGIK. Looking ahead, I must say that all of Gurchenko's husbands were associated with the stage. They studied with Vasily in the same workshop, with the same teachers, but with a difference of 4 years: Lyudmila went to college right from school, and Ordynsky had a front behind him. She was only 18, and her chosen one was 30 when they got married in 1953.

Boris Andronikashvili

The imposing young screenwriter from the same VGIK immediately made the heart of young Lucy beat faster. She herself spoke of her tendency to fall in love at every step. And in the person of Boris, she met not only a handsome man, but also a talented person. By the way, he was like from the famous Shengelai film dynasty (directors Eldar and Georgy were his cousins). His Georgian appearance was more than charming. Subtle irony, intellectual mentality, musicality - these and other qualities were possessed by her new chosen one.

Lyudmila was at the peak of her popularity. But family life for some reason did not work out. There is nothing to hide: some of Gurchenko's husbands remember that she still had the same character. They also had some professional disagreements: Andronikashvili did not take her role as a comedian seriously. The marriage of Boris and Lyudmila lasted only 4 years, from 1958 to 1960. Even the birth of their daughter Maria could not keep these two talented people together.

Alexander Fadeev

Only two years - from 1962 to 1964 - the new union of the actress existed. Her husband this time was the adopted son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. He was also an actor, but not very promising. Here the family did not work out due to the constant spree of the spouse. The fourth attempt to start a family was also unsuccessful.

Joseph Kobzon

Yes, it was he who lived with everyone's beloved actress for 3 years. Both consider this marriage a huge mistake and behave like this with each other, as if they were completely strangers. Most likely, two passionate and extraordinary natures could not get along under one roof. Be that as it may, their official union lasted from 1967 to 1970. Gurchenko was so shocked by this experience of family life that for several years she decided to abstract herself from any relationship and did not admit anyone, which was very unusual for her.

Konstantin Kuperveis

Some of Gurchenko's husbands were younger than her. But a significant difference in age (14 years) did not prevent them from living with Konstantin together from 1973 to 1991. For the notorious heartbreaker, this is a record. But they did not officially register their connection. Konstantin was a pianist, but he pushed his career into the background, which he later regretted. He lived these years in the shadow of her glory, but then ambition prevailed, and Kupervis left.

He was born in Odessa in 1961. He graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute, got a job as a laboratory assistant within the walls of his alma mater. But unexpectedly for everyone, he changed his occupation and went to work at the Odessa Film Studio.

Lyudmila Markovna met him in 1993 during the filming of one film, where the last husband of Gurchenko was a producer. She was 58, he was 32. Of course, the ruler of men's hearts always kept her brand and at this age did not lose her charm and charm at all. The entire film crew watched as their relationship developed rapidly. It was not without a scandal: Sergei Senin, Gurchenko's husband, was married at that time and had a daughter. His wife, having learned about the betrayal, immediately filed for divorce. There were no legal obstacles, and the lovers were married in the same 1993. Together they lived for 18 years, until the death of the actress.

Senin himself (Gurchenko's husband), whose biography is not replete with bright creative events, devoted himself entirely to Lyudmila Markovna and did not regret it at all. For example, he did for her creatively what the others could not - he gave her participation in a musical film. This genre was Gurchenko's dream, which came true only in 1993. The short film was called "I Love". It consisted of monologues and songs. Also Sergei Senin, Gurchenko's husband, was the producer of the projects "Motley Twilight" and "Reload", where Lyudmila Markovna played herself.

It seems that it was the last marriage that brought Lyudmila Markovna what she had been looking for all her life in relationships with men: love, care, respect and understanding.

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev is a Soviet actor, the son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. He became famous for his role as a viscount in the film "War and Peace".

It is generally accepted that a person's talent will always help him become successful in life, achieve fame and universal love. But how often this statement turned out to be erroneous. Many truly gifted people have not been able to properly dispose of this gift of fate, have wasted it in vain and have not reached any heights. This fully applies to the actor Alexander Fadeev. Neither his amazing talent nor influential parents helped him in life.

What happened, why the artist's brilliantly started creative biography so quickly faded away and ended in episodic roles, the name of the performer of which was not even in the credits?

Star parents

Nobody ever knew the name of the real father Alexander Fadeev. This remained a secret, which the actor's mother kept until her death. But everyone knew Sasha's mother very well - this is Angelina Stepanova, one of the cult actresses of the times of the USSR, whose name was on all theatrical posters of the Moscow Art Theater.

Angelina's husband was the director of the Moscow Art Theater Nikolai Gorchakov, but this marriage cannot be called happy, because the secret passion of the beautiful Angelina was the writer Nikolai Erdman. Their romance lasted for seven whole years, but despite this, Angelina never filed for divorce from her husband and did not connect her life with her beloved. The reason for the banality is simple - she was afraid that this divorce would affect her career, which depended so much on her director husband. And then divorces in the Soviet Union were not encouraged and Stepanova could easily be made restricted to travel abroad, even without taking into account all her merits.

Photo: Alexander Fadeev as a child with his family

A way out of this difficult triangle was provided by fate itself - in 1933, the actress's lover was arrested and exiled. After 2 years, Stepanova and Gorchakov still broke up. And the real reason for this gap remained unknown, either the actress ceased to be afraid for her career and broke up with her unloved husband, or Gorchakov himself was afraid for his reputation, which could be spoiled by a marriage with the mistress of a repressed writer.

But Angelina was not alone for long. While touring in Paris with the theater, she meets the famous writer - Alexander Fadeev, who was there on official business.

Their romance developed very rapidly, so after returning home, they decided to get married. He was married for twenty years, until the very suicide of Alexander, which he committed in 1956. During this time, a lot happened - both the frequent drinking of her husband and his betrayal, but this beautiful, elegant, intelligent and courageous woman endured everything. Probably because she loved her Sasha very much. Angelina survived her husband for 44 years and asked to bury her next to her beloved. It was in 2000, the actress turned 95 years old.

In July 1936, literally immediately after the wedding, the young couple had a son, who was named Sasha in honor of his adoptive father. Fadeev adopted the child, gave him not only his last name and patronymic, but also his first name. The son became the full namesake of the adoptive dad, and so that there was no confusion, they began to call him Alexander Fadeev Jr.

early years

Fadeev Sr. was a very famous writer. He wrote The Young Guard, The Defeat, The Last of Udege. These books were read to the bone, they were loved by several generations of Soviet people. He was a deputy, awarded the Orders of Lenin and the Stalin Prize, stood at the origins of the creation of the Union of Writers of the USSR, the ruling elite reckoned with him.

Angelina Stepanova was a successful, sought-after actress, prima of the Moscow Art Theater. In those years, it was not easy, but the family had a normal income, therefore, in childhood, Sasha Fadeev Jr. did not need anything materially.

The couple soon had a joint son, who was named Misha. The boys were very friendly with each other, and tried not to forget their sister - the illegitimate daughter of their father Masha. Despite such a number of children, Sasha was loved most of all.

Choosing a life path

It remained a mystery why Sasha decided to devote his life to the acting profession. Maybe the genes of the mother, or childhood, which passed practically in the theater, affected. Or perhaps his sophisticated nature liked the art of theater more than the writing of his stepfather. The young man made the choice in favor of the theater, and the parents raised all their connections in order to attach their beloved child. And right after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Sasha was accepted into the troupe of the Soviet Army Theater, where he shone for several years.

Movie debut

The debut of Fadeev Jr. in cinema took place in 1965 - he played the role of the viscount in the filming of the film "War and Peace" based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The role was not the main one, but Alexander performed just fine. A handsome young man with aristocratic manners and an upright posture - this is how the audience remembered him. It didn't even look like a game, he looked so natural in this role.

The successful debut showed everyone that the young man is undoubtedly very talented and can reach the highest peaks in cinema.

Only one thing oppressed Alexander - his father did not see his success. By this time, Fadeev Sr. committed suicide, he shot himself with a pistol, being left alone in the country.

The wife at this time toured with the theater abroad. This tragic event happened in 1956, after Khrushchev made a revelatory speech against Stalin. The writer was only 54.

This tragedy greatly affected all the children of Fadeev. Years later, daughter Masha would also commit suicide, and Alexander Jr.'s family also began to notice a tendency to suicide. But this is in the future, but for now, after a successful debut role, Fadeev Jr.'s career has rapidly surged upward - he is being approved for the main role in a film about mountain climbers.

The main role in the film "Vertical"

The plot of the film was quite simple, but despite this, "Vertical" was highly appreciated by the audience. The lion's share of the film's success was in the songs that I wrote specifically for it. These songs have become hits, more than one generation of the singer's fans have been listening to them. The success of the film was also brought by the actor Fadeev, who very harmoniously played the main role - Nikitin.

During the filming, a romance broke out between the actor Alexander Fadeev and the actress. I liked the pretty girl and Vladimir Vysotsky, but his popularity could not be compared with Fadeevskaya, so the preference was given to the handsome Alexander. Moreover, he was a more promising game than the little-known Vladimir. Larisa was already ready to marry Alexander, but stopped in time. The actor drank heavily and a lot, became uncontrollable and impulsive, grabbed a gun to shoot himself and Larisa sometimes had to save him from certain death. This stopped the girl from getting married.

The collapse of a film career

Inspired by the first successes in cinema, the actor soared too much in the heavens and very soon became a victim of a real star fever. He quarrels with the directors, does not come to rehearsals, and appears on the set in a state of severe hangover. He was forgiven a lot and for a long time, maybe because of his talent and charm, or maybe out of a sense of respect for the mother, who asked for her dissolute son. It seemed to everyone that it was temporary, Sasha would come to his senses and start working at full strength. But the actor did not live up to these hopes.

At the end of the 60s, the actor Fadeev practically ceased to be invited to the cinema. After the release of the film "Vertical", he starred in the tapes "One Chance in a Thousand" and "Conscience" - these were serious roles, and after that only episodes were entrusted to him. “In one neighborhood”, “Front behind the front line”, “Lonely hostels”, “Accident - the cop's daughter”, “Mother” - in these films he appears exclusively in episodes, his name is not even in the credits for the films.

Theatrical career

Compared to his film career, the theater career of Alexander Fadeev Jr. was more successful. But this is not thanks to his talent, but rather to the efforts of his mother, who was respected among colleagues. She realized that her son's career in cinema had come to an end, and in the theater he was threatened with dismissal due to unworthy behavior. Therefore, he turns to with a request to accept Alexander at the Moscow Art Theater. Efremov was not delighted with such a proposal, but agreed to the persuasion.

Alexander Fadeev was known for his scandalous antics, but in terms of acting, he was even very useful in the theater. He took part in the productions of Efremov himself, he had a role in the performances "Sleep of Reason" and "Old New Year".

But again feeling permissiveness, Alexander gradually begins to become impudent, to enter into disputes with Oleg Efremov. The conflict was enormous, the Moscow Art Theater was divided into two parts and Fadeev, not wanting to work for Efremov anymore, goes to, and Stepanov remains with Oleg Nikolaevich. In the new theater, Fadeev continued to play until 1993.

Personal life

Alexander Fadeev was very famous for the theatrical beau monde. And it's not only about creativity, which began to decline - he was famous for his love affairs and revelry. Nature endowed Alexander with beauty, but this is not the main thing, he was a very charming and attentive gentleman, knew how to beautifully look after and interest any lady. He made full use of the connections of his stepfather and the authority of his mother, his life was free and secure, and he himself did not make any efforts for this.

But the time came when Alexander was fed up with novels and realized that he wanted a serious relationship. For the first time, he entered into an official marriage with. Their acquaintance took place at the WTO restaurant. Lyudochka was simply charmed by the capital's handsome gentleman. They did not meet for long, they soon registered a marriage. But a long and happy personal life did not work out. Too spoiled by fate, Alexander continued to lead his old life - restaurants and fun companies, and Lyudmila worked hard. Their marriage lasted only 2 years, after which Gurchenko realized that it was a mistake and divorced her husband.

In the personal life of Alexander Fadeev, there were two more marriages. The artist's second wife was Natella Kandelaki. But this marriage was allotted a short time, they divorced very quickly.

Fadeev is getting married for the third time. Now this is Nadia Stalin, the granddaughter of Joseph Vissarionovich and the daughter of his son Vasily. This was the last wife of the actor, they lived together until her death. No one knows how happy the spouses were, because Nadia never told anyone about what was happening in the family. But judging by the character of Alexander, there is no doubt that his wife's life was difficult. In this marriage, in 1974, Fadeev had a daughter, Anastasia, who was recorded by the names of her grandfather and father, Stalin. In 1992, Anastasia had a daughter, Galya, whom her mother wrote down to Fadeeva.

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Chapter 16. Boris Andronikashvili: exquisite appearance with a set of extraordinary qualities

Immediately after breaking up with Ordynsky, Gurchenko began an affair with 22-year-old student of the screenwriting department of VGIK Boris Andronikashvili. They signed, a year later their daughter Maria was born, and about a year later they divorced.

Lyusya ran into Boris Andronikashvili by chance, at the self-service counter in the VGIK dining room. Seeing in front of her a textured, burning brunette, the girl dropped the tray. Here he is - the Englishman, Laurence Olivier, reincarnated as a student - the man of her dreams, who played Hamlet and Henry V, who shone in the films "Wuthering Heights", "Pride and Prejudice", "Lady Hamilton" ...

Boris Andronikashvili was born on October 28, 1934 in Moscow in the family of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak (pseudonym of Boris Andreevich Vogau) and actress Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili from the Georgian princely family of Andronikashvili. In 1937, his father was arrested on charges of state crimes. Subsequently, after many years, literary critics will define Pilnyak as "the head of an entire school or trend in Soviet literature," which they will call "ornamental prose." The mother, fearing for the fate of her son, sent him to Tbilisi to his grandmother, who adopted her grandson and gave him her last name - Andronikashvili. In his youth he went to Batumi, where he entered the Batumi Naval School. But then he decided to change his profession and in the early 1950s he left for Moscow, where he entered the screenwriting and film studies faculty of VGIK, from which he graduated in 1959.

At the time of his student life, almost half of the students dreamed of a handsome man with Georgian roots. And he fell in love with a girl two years older than him. Lyusya did not hide her close relationship with Andronikashvili, on the contrary, she lived as if for show. Not surprisingly, there were many envious people who wanted to ruin the relationship of this couple.

And soon young people became parents, in 1959 they had a little miracle - a daughter Masha. Alas, the happiness did not last long; as the clever guys say: only good things pass quickly ...

And soon it became clear to Lyudmila Markovna herself that her career was more important than diapers.

- An actress cannot be a mother. Everything must be given either to the profession or to children. Personally, I chose the first path. Although it may be very cruel, the actress once admitted bitterly.

But the fact of the birth itself, which took place not in Moscow, where her young husband lived, but in Kharkov, with her parents, also left a negative imprint on her. In addition, she dreamed of giving birth to a boy whom she was going to name Mark in honor of her beloved daddy. So one can even imagine the deep disappointment of the actress when on June 5, 1959, she was notified that a girl was born. And the situation in the hospital, as the biographers write, did not contribute to calmness and true joyful anticipation - the women in labor in the ward recognized their popular countrywoman and immediately divided into those who like her and her work, and those who simply hate her for the very fact of existence ... Lyusa had to move to another ward. And little Mark will indeed one day appear in the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko, but her grown-up daughter will give birth to him.

In the book "Applause" Lyudmila Markovna will write this, briefly and strangely: “In 1959, Masha was born to me. And my mother came on her vacation to me in Moscow. Since then, she spent all her holidays with us. Always came with full baskets. “Mustache, mustache take the children. To my daughter and my little beanie. They are our joy. There is no one in the world greater than Nim, Lyalusha. "

Alas, the marriage of the star couple fell apart. Lyusya Gurchenko went ahead along the road of creativity, filling more and more new bumps, getting more and more sophisticated everyday experience. And the "dark eagle" Boris Andronikashvili - screenwriter, historian, son of a writer and actress, cousin of Georgian directors Georgy and Eldar Shengelai - also did not remain without his favorite work. But their child eventually turned out to be deprived of the care and affection of the closest people ... Her fate and relationship with her parents are so absurd, strange and even tragic that we will devote a separate chapter to this woman, whose existence has not been known to the general public for many years.

Lyudmila Markovna later spoke about her wife, paying tribute to his inner talents:

- Despite his exquisite appearance, from which you do not expect anything deep, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small.

Boris Andronikashvili and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Perhaps it was this complexity of character, education and intelligence that became the reason that pushed Lucy away from her chosen one. He was really well-mannered, brilliantly educated, had a sense of humor, was well-read and musical, charming and talented. And she, hoping to find the ideal man in Boris, in the end wanted to live not with such a Georgian Laurence Olivier, but with a simple guy-shirt, like two drops of water similar to her ideal man - Mark Gurchenko, a rural illiterate self-taught accordion player. But, it was said that Boris was also not a righteous man, and more than once he hurt his young wife with his betrayals.

E. Mishanenkova in her book about the great actress describes this difficult period of her life, which brought the first experience of true love and real motherhood.

“But this time everything was much more serious - not a fleeting love, but a strong passionate feeling. And her chosen one, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, was an outstanding person - the son of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak, who was shot in 1938, and his beautiful wife, actress Kira Andronikashvili, who came from a princely Georgian family. And of course, he was "tall and dark-haired"!

And at first it seemed that here it is - happiness. Love, marriage, child. Career collapsed, but is this the main thing? But there is a person nearby who is smarter than her, stronger, who supports and understands. And his mother is so extraordinary - from Kira Andronikashvili, Lyudmila Gurchenko was in a quiet, but no less strong delight, and even after many years she remembered her as a woman of "beauty, intelligence, talent and unsurpassed femininity." Who knows, if Kira Georgievna had not died a year after the birth of her granddaughter, perhaps the marriage of Lyudmila Gurchenko and Boris Andronikashvili would not have ended so quickly and so sadly.

The first calls began to appear rather quickly, but Lyudmila Gurchenko did not notice them at first. "

“Maria was born in Kharkov. Weak, painful, and even with a congenital defect. The girl was immediately handed over to Lucy's parents. And the young mother herself returned to Moscow. Here the tests of the harsh prose of life began. Three or four concerts a day, in different parts of Moscow. Factory, factory, trade union committee, police. After the performance, take the subway home. There were no new roles in the cinema. The family needed money. And what about Boris Andronikashvili, her husband? Did you help, support in difficult times? Unfortunately no. She learned about her husband's infidelities from her friends. Gurchenko did not humiliate herself to questions and clarifications. She immediately filed for divorce.

Only relatives knew about Lucy's personal drama. In public - she always kept her face. It was part of the profession. She deleted Boris Andronikashvili not only from her own, but also from Masha's life. The topic of the would-be father and his relatives was closed forever. Gurchenko remembered her daughter's Georgian roots only in moments of irritation. Having burned herself once, Gurchenko decided: sacrificial love is not for her. No more faith in men. And most importantly, no children. "

In an interview, the great actress admitted:

- I had to give up a lot. When Masha was just born, she had to bandage her breasts with a towel to burn the milk. Because I had to work hard, because my husband turned out to be a scoundrel ...

It is perhaps worth saying a few more words about how Andronikashvili's fate developed after the divorce from Lyusya.

After parting with Gurchenko, Boris met with Nonna Mordyukova for five years and even wanted to marry her, but it never came to a wedding. The second wife of Boris Andronikashvili was the artist Rusudan Khantadze, with whom he lived until the end of his days in 1996. In marriage, they had a daughter and a son.

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