Summer is coming soon, which means a little more and in addition to the dacha, the mushroom season. There are people who do not like to go into the forest and pick mushrooms, but refuse rich mushroom soup, fried potatoes with mushrooms or pickled mushrooms with onions and vegetable oil hardly anyone can.

But very often mushroom pickers note that there seem to be a lot of mushrooms, but some of them are wormy. Some people immediately throw these items away, while others, as if nothing had happened, put them in their baskets and buckets. So is it dangerous to eat? wormy mushrooms? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Where and why do worms appear in mushrooms?

Worms appear in mushrooms from the larvae that some varieties of flies and fungus gnats lay. In addition, another insect that lays its larvae on mushrooms is click beetle, the offspring of which are worms - wireworms, which differ from other individuals that eat forest delicacies in thickness and rigidity.

Like most living things, insects love dry and sunny weather, therefore, it is at this time that wormy mushrooms are much more common.

In addition, by eating mushrooms, worms become carriers of spores, which further contributes to the spread of mycelium.

If you come across a worm-bearing mushroom in the forest, then you need to cut off all the damaged elements from it, since the worms eat mushrooms very quickly and can instantly spread from damaged specimens to clean ones.

What to do with wormy mushrooms

If the mushroom is all rotten and wormy, then it is better to leave it in its place and not touch it, but go look for decent, clean specimens.

If the mushroom is only slightly affected by worms, then you can take it, but at home you will need to carry out simple manipulations with it:

  1. Cut into small pieces and pour heavily salted water for 2 – 4 hours.
  2. Send the mushroom to dry on the stove, in the oven or in the sun, but preferably on a grated surface - when it starts to dry out a little, the worms will immediately jump out of it and will not be able to get back.

Is it possible to eat wormy mushrooms?

As noted above, if the mushroom is slightly damaged and it is subjected to simple processing, then no harm will be done to the body, but on the contrary, our body will receive maximum benefit due to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the mushrooms.

If the mushroom is simply teeming with worms and it will not be subjected to additional processing, then the possibility of infection of the body is possible helminthiasis.

This disease can be detected in a person by conducting a series of diagnostic studies: conduct an ultrasound of the intestines and x-rays, donate blood, sputum and feces for analysis, perform an endoscopy of the intestines and perform a biopsy of its tissues.

If such a serious disease as helminthiasis is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. But it is important to remember that treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist.


First of all, a drug is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at weakening the action and reproduction of worms, this medicines, the main active ingredient of which is levamisole. Another remedy that is prescribed at the first stage of treatment of the disease are drugs that have an anthelmintic effect ( "Biltricide", "Vermox", "Vormil", "Helmintox", "Mebendazole", "Nemozol", "Nemotsid").

The use of these drugs leads to the fact that the movements of the worms are paralyzed, and accordingly, after some time without movement and without food, they will begin to die.

It should be taken into account that dead worms, their waste products and larvae will leave the human body not only through bowel movements, but also spontaneously. Therefore, during the treatment period, it is necessary to carefully monitor your hygiene and change not only your underwear, but also your bed linen more often.

In addition to this method of treatment, you can use enemas, which will contain a decoction of herbs. To do this, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the grass, crushed to a powder, with 0.5 liters of hot, but not boiling water, leave for half an hour and use before bed.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that Wormy mushrooms themselves do not pose any particular danger, if they are thoroughly treated with salt water or dried a little before cooking. After all, it’s so hard to leave a strong fungus in the forest that has been eaten a little by a worm, especially if the find is White mushroom

Poor heat treatment of mushrooms can lead to the appearance of a disease such as helminthiasis in the human body.

If you still want to protect yourself and your family, possible consequences consumption wormy mushrooms, and also to save yourself from unnecessary hassle, it is better to leave a wormy specimen in the forest, preferably placing it on some bush, thus preparing food for the forest birds during their possible starvation due to the lack of other food.

We are not the only ones who appreciate mushrooms. Every forest creature loves them, both running, flying and crawling. And living in the mushroom itself. Today we’ll talk about them, who take away our spoils. Insects, by the way, benefit mushrooms more than people - worms eat the mushroom and carry the spores into the ground, thereby helping the mycelium spread.

But what to do with wormy mushrooms? Throwing it away is a pity, leaving it is scary, in case we get poisoned... Let's figure it out.

Where do worms come from in mushrooms?

Worms, that is, insect larvae, hatch from eggs laid different types flies and fungus gnats. Some live in an apple, some in a raspberry, and some mushrooms I like it better. Thicker and tougher worms are found in mushrooms - wireworms (larvae of click beetles). Insects prefer to fly when it is dry and sunny, so the likelihood of encountering a wormy mushroom is higher in good weather.

Is it possible to get poisoned by wormy mushrooms?

Yes, if this mushroom is poisonous. There is a myth that worms do not grow in poisonous mushrooms. This is a dangerous misconception. Very tasty and completely safe chanterelles and hedgehogs are not wormy. On the other hand, pigs easily worm, which cannot be eaten without boiling.

Themselves worms do not make the mushroom poisonous. Speculation that one can be poisoned by “worm waste products” has no basis. Do you know what propolis is? — That’s right, also a product of the vital activity of an insect (bee).

What to do with wormy mushrooms

Three options for your choice:

  1. Leave the mushroom for the worms to finish eating. At least let them be happy. This is what I do with heavily wormy, already rotten mushrooms. You can throw their caps under the trees at the dacha, maybe a mycelium will start.
  2. Pretend we didn't notice them.
  3. Drive out of the mushroom. There are two ways to expel it: soak the coarsely chopped mushroom for 1-2 hours in salt water. Or dry the mushroom. As soon as the mushroom begins to wilt, the worms will fall out of it. Don’t forget to sweep the floor in time, otherwise you won’t scare someone...
What not to do with wormy mushrooms

Do not under any circumstances talk about what you saw at the table. inside mushroom. Suddenly, there are vegetarians next to you... Seriously, in fried mushrooms worms are invisible by sight, and even less so by taste. Problems are possible with mushroom noodles or soup. A worm can emerge from the broth at the most inopportune moment - on the plate of a respected guest, for example. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to filter the broth.

And for dessert, I offer you an excerpt from Vladimir Soloukhin’s wonderful book “The Third Hunt,” which I read a lot as a child.

You admire your find, but your soul is restless. He is beautiful, but he can be eaten by a worm. You cut it, and inside there is rot, or if not rot, then everything is filled with countless holes and tiny white worms. You will be in your last hope to cut off the white wheels from the root: maybe there are no worms closer to the cap. This is the last cut, close to the cap, but even here there are wormhole holes. All that remains is to cut the cap itself. You cut it and throw it on the ground. The prey, it turns out, is not yours. Even earlier, nasty forest flies found that mushroom and made it their prey, laying eggs, from which even more nasty forest worms now hatched.

Is it possible to eat wormy mushrooms? This is not an idle question. Every lover of quiet hunting has to look for an answer to this from time to time. It just so happens in nature that the gifts of the forest are loved not only by people, but also by all kinds of insects and other unpleasant but voracious creatures. It’s a pity when they get ahead of us and manage to leave behind us. It's a shame to see holes in a strong boletus or boletus, pigweed or saffron milk cap. What to do? Is there really no escape from this scourge, and will you have to throw away your find? Is it possible to remove all pests from mushrooms, is it possible to clean them? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why does a mushroom become wormy?

First, let's find out where worms come from and on what basis they choose their victims. Do they eat all mushrooms? Why do they spoil our fun? Worms are very unpleasant creatures. It is believed that they are especially voracious in rainy summer. In fact, this observation is not entirely correct. Wormy mushrooms can be in any weather. The degree of activity of these animals does not depend on air humidity and temperature.

Mushroom worms- these are larvae various flies and mosquitoes, under the hat they find shelter and food for themselves. But unlike people, the forest beauty itself does not suffer at all from the presence of worms in its pulp. On the contrary, these larvae perform a very significant role - they facilitate the transport of spores into the soil, which subsequently increases the amount of grown crop.

Processing such specimens only involves removing stuck leaves and blades of grass, washing and cooking - boiling or frying. These include cute little foxes. They are very tasty; some experts in quiet hunting and gourmets prefer to eat them only. Being very cute, they delight the eye both in a clearing in the forest and on a plate at the table. Chanterelle is a very popular mushroom.

Is it possible to save a wormy mushroom?

What to do if the mushroom is wormy, but it’s a pity to throw it away? Especially when he looks so strong and young. How joyful it is to meet a boletus, saffron milk cap, and boletus in a clearing! But often joy gives way to disappointment. It is very disappointing to see holes in the cut, indicating the presence of unpleasant guests. Of course, you don’t want to see worms in mushrooms. Is it possible to save your loot? Should you put your find in a basket and bring it home? Or is it better to throw it away immediately? It often happens that there are a lot of slightly damaged finds. Is it possible to eat them?

In general, you can eat them; the presence of worms in mushrooms does not make them poisonous. This has been tested by many years of experiments, confirmed scientific research. You cannot get poisoned by wormy mushrooms; they are quite edible, but not everyone will like it if a worm gets into their plate. So it is created a difficult situation- It’s a pity to throw it away, and it’s impossible to offer it to guests. Over the course of several decades, especially compassionate lovers of forest gifts have experimentally discovered how to get rid of the presence of someone in the mushroom pulp without much effort. And after appropriate processing, they ate them with gusto. So, if the mushroom is not rotten, it makes sense to fight for it.

Processing mushrooms in this case involves the following steps. You need to cut them into large pieces, then soak them in cold, highly salted water and leave for 3-4 hours. It is assumed that the worms will begin to flee, the cause of which is the salt. This is, of course, an unpleasant sight, but the desired result will be achieved. In this way you can easily clean the mushroom from unpleasant creatures. All that remains is to rinse everything thoroughly after the time has elapsed. When the worms are removed from the mushrooms, forest beauties saved, you can send them to the kitchen and start preparing your favorite dishes that will decorate your table.

Another popular method is drying mushrooms. It is also very easy to clean them of worms this way. The sun will help you cope with them. They will leave their habitat on their own in a hurry during the drying process. Processing mushrooms from unpleasant creatures in this way is not difficult.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones (video)

So that everyone is happy

You can save wormy mushrooms. But to do this or not, everyone decides for themselves. Not everyone can calmly eat forest delicacies, bearing in mind that quite recently worms lived in them. For such capricious mushroom pickers, there is only one way out - to put only whole mushrooms in the basket without a hint that someone has had time to taste them.

Already cut worm finds can be hung on a twig. They will dry out and become a treat for some bird or animal. Some nature lovers do just that. Thus doing a good deed for forest inhabitants. And for yourself and your loved ones, if you wish, you can always pick up clean, unbitten, worm-free mushrooms. There may not be so many of them, but it will be more pleasant to eat. You can pamper your guests with your favorite delicacies.

But we must not forget one thing important rule— you need to be very careful with mushrooms, this is a difficult food for the stomach; small children and people with poor health are not recommended to eat mushroom dishes. And you can collect forest gifts only in environmentally friendly places, away from roads. Then, even if they are a little wormy, they will not cause harm to health. Follow these simple requirements to silent hunt brought only joy and pleasure to you and your loved ones.

What to do with wormy porcini mushrooms (video)

Reviews and comments

(5 ratings, average: 4,60 out of 5)

Daniil 11/28/2017

No matter what anyone says, I won’t eat wormy mushrooms and never have, they’ll be thrown away straight away. This is really dangerous food, and if it is also eaten by worms, how the stomach will react to this will be a big surprise.

We are not the only ones who like porcini mushrooms. Nothing strange - the most delicious mushroom Animals, slugs, insects and their larvae have tasted it. There are more than 300 species of insect pests that are dangerous to. It may be that while you are processing harvested, some cockchafer can chew the entire leg from the inside.

But what to do if you come across a not very wormy porcini mushroom? It’s a shame to throw it away, it’s scary to leave it, what if you get poisoned?

Where do worms come from in mushrooms?

The worms that we see in mushrooms are insect larvae hatched from eggs laid by all kinds of fungus mosquitoes and flies. Sometimes thick, hard worms - wireworms or larvae of click beetles - are also found in mushrooms. Any insects that lay their eggs in mushrooms prefer to fly in dry, sunny weather, so at such times the likelihood of encountering a wormy mushroom is higher.

Is it possible to get poisoned by a mushroom with a worm?

Yes, but not from worms, but when the mushroom itself is poisonous. The opinion that there are no worms in poisonous mushrooms is wrong, it’s just a myth. For example, pigs, which cannot be eaten without boiling, easily get worms. At the same time, there are never very tasty hedgehogs or completely safe chanterelles.
But the worms themselves do not make the mushroom poisonous. And arguments based on the fact that “waste products” are poisonous have no basis.

What to do if you come across a not very wormy porcini mushroom?

If, after cutting the mushroom, it turns out that there are worms in it, you can choose one of several options:

1. Don't take it. In this case, it is better not to leave it on the ground, but to put or pin the cap on a branch. Then it will not rot, but dry out. After this, the spores will ripen and be sprayed onto large area. Next year you will be able to harvest a good harvest from new myceliums in these places.

2. You can cut the white mushroom along its entire length into two halves and see if it is completely worm-eaten. Only the leg can be wormy. Then just cut off the cap and take it with you.

3. Wormy places, if there are not many of them, you can simply cut them off.

4. Or you can take the whole mushroom, if it is not old and flabby. At home, such mushrooms are cut and placed in a salt solution for several hours (2 tablespoons per medium saucepan). After this, all the larvae present in the mushrooms will come out. After salty water will be drained, the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed.

5. You can use a slightly wormy mushroom for drying in a hot oven. As soon as the mushroom begins to dry, the worms will fall out of it. It's best to dry them in something like a sieve with large holes, so you don't have to separate them from the dried mushrooms later.

But in general, porcini mushrooms become wormy very quickly, since insects love them very much. Therefore, it is best to choose the time to collect them mass exit. This usually happens at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, after a slight cold snap and rains. This period is very short, one or two weeks, so you should hurry to visit the places that you know as mushrooms.

We are not the only ones who appreciate mushrooms. Every forest creature loves them, both running, flying and crawling. And living in the mushroom itself. Today we’ll talk about them, who take away our spoils. Insects, by the way, benefit mushrooms more than people - worms eat the mushroom and carry the spores into the ground, thereby helping the mycelium spread.

But what to do with wormy mushrooms? Throwing it away is a pity, leaving it is scary, in case we get poisoned... Let's figure it out.
Where do worms come from in mushrooms?

Worms, that is, insect larvae, hatch from eggs laid by various types of flies and fungus gnats. Some people live in apples, others in raspberries, and some people prefer mushrooms. Thicker and tougher worms are found in mushrooms - wireworms (larvae of click beetles). Insects prefer to fly when it is dry and sunny, so the likelihood of encountering a wormy mushroom is higher in good weather.
Is it possible to get poisoned by wormy mushrooms?

Yes, if this mushroom is poisonous. There is a myth that worms do not grow in poisonous mushrooms. This is a dangerous misconception. Very tasty and completely safe chanterelles and hedgehogs are not wormy. On the other hand, pigs easily worm, which cannot be eaten without boiling.

The worms themselves do not make the mushroom poisonous. Speculation that one can be poisoned by “worm waste products” has no basis. Do you know what propolis is? - That's right, also a product of the vital activity of an insect (bee).
What to do with wormy mushrooms

Three options for your choice:

Leave the mushroom for the worms to finish eating. At least let them be happy. This is what I do with heavily wormy, already rotten mushrooms. You can throw their caps under the trees at the dacha, maybe a mycelium will start.
Pretend we didn't notice them.
Drive out of the mushroom. There are two ways to expel it: soak the coarsely chopped mushroom for 1-2 hours in salt water. Or dry the mushroom. As soon as the mushroom begins to wilt, the worms will fall out of it. Don’t forget to sweep the floor in time, otherwise you won’t scare someone...

What not to do with wormy mushrooms

Under no circumstances should you talk at the table about what you saw inside the mushroom. Suddenly, there are vegetarians next to you... Seriously, in fried mushrooms the worms are invisible in appearance, and even more so in taste. Problems are possible with mushroom noodles or soup. A worm can emerge from the broth at the most inopportune moment - on the plate of a respected guest, for example. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to filter the broth.

And for dessert, I offer you an excerpt from Vladimir Soloukhin’s wonderful book “The Third Hunt,” which I read a lot as a child.

You admire your find, but your soul is restless. He is beautiful, but he can be eaten by a worm. You cut it, and inside there is rot, or if not rot, then everything is filled with countless holes and tiny white worms. You will be in your last hope to cut off the white wheels from the root: maybe there are no worms closer to the cap. This is the last cut, close to the cap, but even here there are wormhole holes. All that remains is to cut the cap itself. You cut it and throw it on the ground. The prey, it turns out, is not yours. Even earlier, nasty forest flies found that mushroom and made it their prey, laying eggs, from which even more nasty forest worms now hatched.

But then, when you cut a mushroom close to the ground and see that the meat of the root is as white and pure as sour cream or lard, then your heart will skip a beat for the second time. And it turns out that you found one mushroom, as it were, twice, and experienced double the joy of hunting from it.