Yana Rudkovskaya is a successful producer, TV presenter, and businesswoman. She is best known as the producer of Dima Bilan and her husband, Evgeni Plushenko.

Childhood and adolescence

Yana was born on January 2, 1975 in Kazakhstan, and spent her entire adult childhood and youth in Barnaul, where her father was transferred due to his type of service. There, Colonel Alexander Vasilyevich Rudkovsky held the position of deputy head of the flight school, and mother Svetlana Nikolaevna, a neurologist, headed the department at the local railway hospital.

Yana grew up an obedient, diligent and very purposeful girl. WITH early years she studied music and figure skating, I studied excellently. IN adolescence Yana began to dream of becoming a cosmetologist and, after graduating from school with a silver medal, she entered the medical faculty of the Barnaul Medical Institute, and later completed an internship in the Netherlands.


In 1998, with the money raised from the sale of her grandmother's apartment, Yana opened her first beauty salon. The business immediately began to bring stable income, Rudkovskaya covered all expenses within a year and, becoming a distributor of the Franck Provost company, organized three more beauty salons.

In 2003, Yana expanded her business to include a network of clothing stores from the world's leading brands and was right again - Rudkovskaya became one of the richest and most influential businesswomen in the south of Russia. Great help At that time, her husband, millionaire Viktor Baturin, helped her organize the business, but we must also pay tribute to Yana’s innate business acumen.

Producing career

In 2005, Rudkovskaya somewhat changed her field of activity and went into show business. After the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, Yana’s close friend, she “inherited” the young and promising singer Dima Bilan, whom Rudkovskaya undertook to produce. In three years, she made him the most popular artist on Russian stage, and Bilan’s victory at Eurovision in 2008 brought the singer to new level success.

A little later, Yana shared with journalists even greater ambitions for Bilan: “I want Dima Bilan to be popular in the West and become the first Russian artist who received a Grammy." In parallel with the development of Dima Bilan’s career, Rudkovskaya produced singers Alexa and Sabrina.

In 2009, Rudkovskaya released an autobiographical book, “Confession of a Kept Woman,” where she told in detail the story of her life and success, but cleverly avoided some issues related to promoting her business.

Soon after Eurovision, Yana got a new ward, her future husband Evgeni Plushenko. Rudkovskaya, with her characteristic zeal, began to take care of her husband, sports career which was approaching its completion. Numerous injuries no longer allowed the 2006 Olympic champion to demonstrate all his capabilities, but Yana insisted that he still take part in the Sochi Olympics in 2014.

But Zhenya could not withstand the crazy workload and withdrew from competing in the personal tournament. A huge scandal broke out, promising the athlete loss of reputation and complete oblivion. And only thanks to the intervention of Rudkovskaya, Evgeny did not become an outcast and remained afloat. Together with her husband, enterprising Yana organized ice show"The Nutcracker", picking up the idea " Snow Queen"Ilya Averbukh, and staged a grandiose PR campaign in support of Plushenko.

Yana has also been involved in charitable activities more than once - she helps orphans and provides support charitable foundations and talented young artists.

Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya

First common-law husband Rudkovskaya was businessman Evgeny Mukhin, who transported the girl to Sochi. Having developed herself and become a respectable businesswoman, Yana exchanged him for millionaire Viktor Baturin, whom she met in the VIP box at a football match. Rudkovskaya gave birth to baby Nikolai from Baturin and adopted his son Andrei from Yulia Saltovets.

Yana Rudkovskaya was born into a military family (her father Alexander is a career officer, currently the deputy head of a flight school and coach of the Russian national flying sports team) and a physician (her mother Svetlana is a doctor, currently a doctor medical sciences). The girl was born in Moscow, but soon the family was forced to move to Barnaul. There Yana went to school and spent her childhood. The girl went to sports section, worked hard at figure skating. An interesting fact: classmates claim that at that time Yana’s name was Alla. And, what’s even more interesting, Alla Rudkovskaya older than Yana Rudkovskaya for seven years. Having already graduated from the university (AGMU - Altai State Medical University), the future star moved to Sochi following her first husband, businessman Evgeny Mukhin (nine years older than her) and there, in one of the passport offices, she “rejuvenated” herself.

Yana Rudkovskaya started her business with the opening of a network of cosmetology salons “French Beauty Studio”. In 2002, she opened 3 beauty salons in Sochi, and later another one in Moscow. The personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya also did not stand still. In Sochi, she met her second husband, Yuri Luzhkov's brother-in-law Viktor Baturin. They lived together for seven years and raised two children, Andrei and Nikolai. Later it turned out that the eldest was not native son Yana Rudkovskaya, and adopted, from the second marriage of Viktor Baturin with stripper Yulia Saltovets. After Yana and Victor's divorce birth mother decided to take the boy for herself. After a series of lawsuits, both children remained with Yana. Yana Rudkovskaya did not grieve for long - she found solace in the arms of the figure skater. She married (September 12, 2009) for the third time and gave birth to a boy, Sasha, in this marriage.

Yana got into show business, one might say, by accident. She was friends with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. He's because of heart attack was unable to accompany his ward to the Russian Music Awards ceremony. And he asked his old friend Yana Rudkovskaya to do it for him. Not only did she not refuse, but after Aizenshpis’s death she took upon herself further care of the singer’s career.


  • Yana's real name is Alla;
  • Rudkovskaya “rejuvenated” herself by seven years in one of the passport offices in Sochi. In fact, she was not born in 1975, as she claims, but in 1968;
  • In 2009, she published the book “Confession of a Kept Woman,” or “So the Steel Was Tempered,” where she talks about her marriage to Viktor Baturin and much more.

2008 - award " Soundtrack"(best producer of the year);

2008 - Diamond Hairpin Award (best blonde in the country)

December 25, 2011, 13:30

After the scandalous arrest of businessman Viktor Baturin, he ex-wife Yana Rudkovskaya was finally able to accomplish what she had dreamed of for so long. She took her children with her - 10-year-old Andrei and 9-year-old Kolya. Now the boys live in Yana’s Moscow apartment. However, in an interview, one of Viktor Baturin’s lawyers said: Rudkovskaya allegedly abandoned the children! She flew to St. Petersburg to visit her husband, Evgeni Plushenko, and left the boys with their mother. Baturin himself, they say, is extremely outraged by this fact and is going to sue the “negligent mother.” Hearing about these statements, Yana burst out with righteous indignation and declared: all this is a blatant lie! Owes $4 million.- I don’t understand where these monstrous conversations came from! - Rudkovskaya was indignant. - That, allegedly, Kolya and Andrei are taken to school by strangers, that I abandoned them. Are the people spreading this out of their minds?! Yes, I am not an ordinary mother who sits at home around the clock, I am a working mother. I have a million things to do, filming, projects... But every day I get up at 7 am and get my boys ready for school. It so happened that they study outside the city - in a specialized " British school" This establishment was chosen for them by my ex-husband, Viktor Nikolaevich. In this school, the learning process takes place entirely on English language, so Kolya and Andrey now communicate freely in it. By the way, they communicate with each other only in “English”... So, I collect them, feed them, accompany them to the car, and the children go to school with a driver and tutor. Unfortunately, I can’t travel with them out of town and waste half a day. I have business trips. In addition, my husband Evgeni Plushenko is now training in St. Petersburg - I go to him. But when I’m in Moscow, I always meet my sons at home in the evening. And these are the happiest moments for me, because I was deprived of these simple maternal joys for many years... - Baturin’s family didn’t try to interfere when you decided to take your sons?- How?! I am the children's second legal guardian. There were courts whose decision said: the children should live with their mother, that is, with me. But Viktor Nikolaevich did not comply with these decisions. Then we signed a settlement agreement. According to him, due to the fact that the children study outside the city, they will live with their father in his house - next to the school, and on holidays and weekends - with me. True, let me clarify: this house is not Baturin’s, it is rented - Viktor Nikolaevich does not have his own home, he is now a debtor. For example, he still owes me 4 million dollars - under a prenuptial agreement during a divorce. As soon as it became known that Baturin was taken into custody, I received a call from law enforcement, asked if I was ready to pick up the children. I answered: of course I’m ready! - Do Kolya and Andrey know that their dad was arrested?- At first we tried to hide it... But then I realized that it didn’t make sense, the guys are already adults, they understand everything. You know, they reacted calmly to this news, with restraint, like men. They don’t show it, but, of course, they are worried. For me, the most important thing is that with me they forget about it and behave like all children: they are happy and play. We have already decorated the Christmas tree for the New Year. - What will happen if Baturin is imprisoned for a long time?- If this was his first story of fraud, he would, of course, have been released on bail. But since he already had an outstanding criminal record - 3 years probation, then... I emphasize that I don’t want anything with him new war because of the children. The main thing for me is that the children are happy, despite the fact that Viktor Nikolaevich, apparently, is ready to take revenge on me even from the grave. You know, he didn’t even let his sons into Dima Bilan’s recent concert, although they really wanted to. Alas, for Viktor Nikolaevich Dima, like Zhenya Plushenko, is a taboo. But now, when ex-spouse in prison dungeons, I want him to think and finally understand that if something suddenly happens to him, the boys will only have me left. And vice versa: if something happens to me, God forbid, they will only have him. I understand that this whole war for children is just revenge on me. - Because he still loves you?- For me, Viktor Nikolaevich is a mystery. It is unclear whether he has any concept of love at all. I want to ask him just one question: why does he do all this to me? After all, Baturin does not allow himself anything like this with other wives. He now has a wife - very beautiful woman, Ilona. My daughter is growing up, I saw her in the photo - a copy of her dad. Mom - Yana- In Andrei Malakhov’s program, everyone saw a monstrous video recording in which Baturin insults you in the presence of children. How did the boys treat you when you returned home? - Yes, alas (sighs sadly). There are such psychological moments. It hurts me, but they completely stopped calling me, as before, mom. - What do they call it?- Yana. I put them to bed, kiss them, scratch their backs... And now, after massages and bathing, they can call me, for example, “Mama Yana.” I really look forward to them saying “mommy” to me like before. I think that someday their children's hearts will melt. But I have a rule: don’t push them to call me mom. And don't talk bad about their father. This summer, one day in Sochi, where we were on vacation, Kolya snuggled up to me and said: “You are my mommy!” - for me it was great happiness. The boys are already big. I notice how they fight among themselves for my attention, they even become jealous of each other. They really yearned for their mother's affection - it's obvious. Dad, alas, had an almost Spartan upbringing. -What are they interested in?- Kolya is a fan of Eminem. He dreams of becoming a rapper and singing a duet with him. And Andrey dances amazingly. I'm very glad that they - creative personalities. I went to their school for a holiday - they played the pipes there. They were waiting for me and met me at the school. - How do they feel about Zhenya Plushenko?- They are friends, he is their senior comrade. They have already communicated several times. At first, of course, they were careful, apparently they were afraid to “cheat on dad.” But I explain to them that Zhenya does not want to be their second dad. They have only one dad - Viktor Nikolaevich, whatever he may be. Zhenya is now preparing New Year's gifts for them. Now Zhenya and I have finished renovations in our new apartment in St. Petersburg. The one that the President gave to Zhenya. The entire apartment is designed in white and silver tones. - Big flat?- Five rooms. I hope we’ll celebrate a housewarming soon and take the kids there. Lost Ring - Have you already bought New Year’s presents for the children?- Yes. And I know that the children have already ordered gifts for themselves and me on the Internet - on my credit card (laughs). Kolya and Andrey are well versed in the Internet - alone computer games We have already bought for 17 thousand rubles. I know that my boys really want to surprise me for the New Year. Give me the ring that I lost. - What kind of ring?- This is the “Graff” diamond ring that Zhenya gave me for my wedding (sighs). It’s terrible, I still can’t understand how I could have lost him... I was terribly worried, the children helped me look for him. The most amazing thing is that it was lying on a sideboard in a Moscow apartment and suddenly disappeared. - Is it really one of the servants?- Excluded! I trust my housekeeper 100 percent. I've had it for 10 years. We are still looking for him, in the corners and crevices - Kolya and Andrey are helping. But it seemed to disappear into thin air. The kids see how upset I am about this. They brought all their piggy banks with euros and dollars - what they had been saving for two years! It is clear that this will not be enough. But they want to contribute to the purchase of a new ring. True, it costs 65 thousand dollars. Zhenya, by the way, still thinks that I will find him. - Are you and Zhenya planning your children?- Certainly. We are working on it. So far it’s not working out... I would really like twins. I believe we will have our own children! Zhenya really wants this. Having learned that our friend Philip Kirkorov had a daughter, he was very happy for him. - They wrote somewhere that he even said that he was ready to teach her figure skating.- Yes, that would be cool! I know that Zhenya discussed this with Philip. It seems to me that Philip’s daughter will be very talented. Either a ballerina or an athlete! When he brings his daughter to Moscow, we, of course, want to come to the bride. Zhenya has already said that he will give her the most expensive skates. At 4 years old, a girl can already be put on ice - so the wait won’t be long!

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya has been happily married to Olympic figure skating champion Evgeni Plushenko for several years. The couple is raising three children – four-year-old Sasha and Yana’s two sons from her marriage to businessman Viktor Baturin, Kolya and Andrey.

Despite the fact that during the divorce proceedings, Yana Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin broke a lot of spears, today the producer admits that he does not hold a grudge against his ex-husband and is glad that he communicates with the sons whom he took from his ex-wife during the divorce. The boys returned to their mother's house in November 2011 when their father was arrested on fraud charges. Viktor Baturin spent several years in a colony, was released a year ago and almost immediately called Yana asking to be allowed to see the children.

“Viktor Nikolaevich said that he would like to see the children. “I answered: please,” said Yana Rudkovskaya in an interview with the NTV channel’s “Secret to a Million” program. - If the boys want to stay with him for the weekend, meet New Year- Please. We have no concept of alimony. I write to him how much I need, and he always hands over the money. Viktor Nikolaevich pampers the children, buys them things, gives them watches. Our relationship improved immediately as soon as he left the colony. And I'm glad that he reconsidered his views. He saw that everything was fine with the children, they were studying well and playing sports. Everyone is happy. He hands the Gnome the cookies to the Gnome, then asks: “Well, how is your fair-haired fellow, did he eat the cookies? Liked?"

The host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, was surprised by Yana Rudkovskaya’s attitude towards ex-husband, remembering how the spouses fought during the divorce, how Baturin sued Yana’s sons, and she could only see them on weekends. Talking about that period of her life, the producer could not hold back her tears.

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“I have been through more than 200 ships. He promised that I would only have donkey ears left, so I live with them,” said Yana Rudkovskaya. - Baturin spent a lot of money fighting me, he served his time undeservedly. He got involved in a war with me and began to make mistake after mistake. But money is one thing. What nerves were spent. It was hell."

Rudkovskaya admitted that she tried to erase from her memory everything bad that happened in her life from 2007 to 2011. “I can’t say that I forgave everything, but I let go - that’s for sure,” Yana concluded.

Yana Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975. Received higher education, graduating from the Altai State Medical University with a degree in dermatology and venereology. Since the end of 2005, Yana has been involved in show business.
“I broke into show business knowing practically nothing about it. I had to study how charts and rotations are built, how tracks are launched, how PR campaigns are created.”

In the early 90s, with one stroke of the pen, Alla Rudkovskaya turned into Yana and lost as many as 7 years!

Not everything was always equally successful for Yana. She did not have the chance to become an outstanding figure skater, although in Barnaul, where she studied, they remember that she practiced figure skating very diligently. However, the profession of a dermatologist-venereologist became purely applied for her in life.

“But I worked in my direct specialty for only six months. Then she went for an internship to Holland, and after returning from there, she went to Sochi, where she soon opened her first beauty salon.”

This salon was located in the most expensive and luxurious Radisson SAS Lazurnaya hotel in Sochi.

It is not surprising that she was brought into show business from a beauty salon. We must understand well that the beauty salon in Sochi is more than a salon, and the Radisson SAS Lazurnaya is more than a hotel. Hardly any city in Russia can compare with Sochi in terms of its developed entertainment industry and all kinds of services... Many who knew it closely at that time still sigh sweetly when “Never, never let you go...” comes from the speakers.

It was then, in semi-secular society, users of the VIP services of the “beauty salon” began to call Yana Rudkovskaya Yanka the Inkwell. Not for the passion for literary creativity, and for the strange and almost mystical feature of leaving black marks on everything she touches, writes Kompromat.Ru.

Yanka the Inkwell met her future husband, millionaire Viktor Baturin, in Sochi “at a football match between the Moscow Spartak and the local club Zhemchuzhina, which at that time played in the major league and was sponsored by Viktor.”

“...almost all the players of the Sochi “Pearl” went to my salon - some to get a haircut, some to undergo certain health procedures. The guys, as a sign of gratitude, often invited me to their matches, always giving me an invitation ticket to the VIP zone, from where honored guests watched the progress of the fights - the mayor of the city, the governor, sponsors... It was there that Victor first saw me and paid attention. We met. For three years, every time he flew to Sochi, he came to my salon for procedures.”

It’s not enough to say that the marriage of Yana and Victor has become an excellent business alliance. The “young” exchanged not only wedding rings, but also reputation. Rudkovskaya, for example, inherited from her husband an amazing ability to litigate on any occasion. In Sochi alone, almost all the properties purchased by Victor were in different time under the courts. And, although Yana’s scope at that time was not yet the same, she would have betrayed herself if she had not left a black mark at the famous hotel. The wife of a millionaire dragged Boris Averyanov, CEO of Radisson SAS Lazurnaya, through the courts for almost two years because of missing hairdressing supplies, including combs... The case reached the Supreme Arbitration Court.

While “The Comb Case” was gaining momentum, Yana was implementing one of the main projects of her biography, drop by drop injecting poison into the relationship between the Baturins’ brother and sister. Of course, this “talent” is inherent in a great many women, but here we were talking about millions. Rudkovskaya achieved her goal by quarreling close people and taking away from her new relatives 50 percent of the shares of Inteko-agro, as well as the Inteko business in Sochi.

It was during the turbulent Sochi period of Yana Rudkovskaya’s life that her first meeting took place with producer Yuri Aizenshpis and his by that time already established singer Dima Bilan.

“I called Yuri Shmilevich and persuaded him to come to me with Dima for a lot of money. They arrived and stayed with me for three days. We became friends. And then on the set of the video clips “You Should Be Nearby” and “As I Wanted,” I was already Dima’s stylist.”

“...From the very first day we met, Dimka somehow immediately became a member of my family. You know, my parents always raised me alone, but I always wanted to have a brother. And in the person of Dimka I found him...”

This touching style should cause delight among Dima's fans and tears among inexperienced old ladies. This is how the orphan writes about the sensitive and selfless help of strangers.

And here is the official piece of Yana’s biography, posted on the website of the international fan club of Dima Bilan:

“It so happened that before his death, Yu. Sh. Aizenshpis asked Yana to accompany his ward to the Russian Music Awards 2005 ceremony, which was to take place the next day.

Naturally, Yana did not refuse Yuri Shmilevich, but she not only supported Dima at the ceremony, where he received two awards as best performer and as the best artist, but did not leave him in his future activities.”

Doesn't it remind you of the description of the life of Mother Teresa?

But, even if you don’t choose crafty words for Rudkovskaya’s tough and pragmatic actions, the fact remains that Aizenshnis’s acquaintance and cooperation with Yana turned out to be fatal for famous producer. And no matter what anyone says about the 12 years of imprisonment that undermined the health of Yuri Shmilevich, this happened precisely when Yanka the Inkwell invaded his life and business. And it was precisely when she began to have her own vested interest in this matter. Time will pass and the new producer will perform a ritual act over the ashes of his predecessor.

“On the anniversary of the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, Dimka and I went to his grave. I brought three Bilan discs and said: “Yuri Shmilevich, I have something to show you.”

One of the favorite questions from the helpful press is: “How do you, Yana, combine the work of a stylist, taking care of your beauty salons with show business?” The answer today sounds categorical: “I now have one priority - Dima Bilan. I give him 80 percent of my time.” Wasn’t this 80% just enough to get Bilan hooked on “dope” again, from which, with incredible difficulty, Yuri Aizenshpis managed to keep the singer?

Often, on special occasions, Rudkovskaya can be found in Sochi. As we already know, the southern capital occupies a special place in her biography. On January 2, on her birthday, she accepted gifts at the Park Hotel in Sochi. In general, Yana is not one of those who flirtatiously hides her age. Like, don’t ask, I’m still a girl! Moreover, everyone knows: Yana is 32! However, her classmates and childhood friends will never understand: how did it happen that they are all already 39-40 years old, and Yanka is still barely over 30. This paradox should be looked for in one of the passport offices in Sochi. There, in the early 90s, with one stroke of the pen, Alla Rudkovskaya turned into Yana and lost as many as 7 years!

IN Lately Prestigious awards began to fall on Yana’s head. She recently became a recipient of the Prize fashionable people and places in Moscow “FashionTV People Awards” In the category “Fashion and business. Lady."

Needless to say, for a true lady there are no barriers. Rudkovskaya's new target is the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Apparently, he is closest to that romantic period of Yana’s life, when the fragile girl cut ice at a small provincial skating rink and dreamed of a career as a figure skater to the point of tears. However, everyone who saw Lady Rudkovskaya in the company of Plushenko that day has every reason to believe that this is not just nostalgia. This is, if you will, the “must-have program” of the Yankee Inkwell. Today, rumors about a romance between Plushenko and Rudkovskaya are extremely persistent.

The couple was photographed at the Atlanta airport. Both behaved in such a way that from the outside it might seem that they were young spouses or lovers.

And, it would seem, just recently a Barnaul student figure skater said goodbye to her childhood dream of becoming a dermatovenerologist in order to enter the highway of show business through the thorny path of a Sochi businesswoman. Everything seems to have worked out. However, little is missing. To add extravagance and benefit to the cause, Yana Rudkovskaya recently submitted an application to the party. Which one would you think? You are wrong! To the LDPR! One of the oldest parties in Russia decided on a desperate experiment. Obviously, the lady is haunted by Masha Malinovskaya’s laurels. But here is the fate of the LDPR itself. Doesn’t the sense of self-preservation, the intuition of the leader of all liberals, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, tell him that this innocent step could become fatal? Perhaps the most incredible intrigue is emerging on the political horizon. recent years. But the choice has been made. The black mark already knows its recipient.