Today we have prepared Full description topics: dream "kisses on the neck": why do you dream and full interpretation With various points vision.

A kiss on the neck is a reflection of the real feelings of the sleeper. This could mean that he loves the person he is kissing. If someone kisses the dreamer on the neck in a dream, then this indicates that this person is in love with him and hopes for reciprocity.

Kissing your lover’s neck means having designs on him; if he reciprocates, he will soon propose marriage. You shouldn’t think for a long time, as he might simply get offended and change his mind. Kissing your fierce enemy on the neck means you should mentally prepare for the next blow from him. However, you can cheat a little and change the prediction; for this, the dreamer must tell his friend that he appreciates his enemy for his intelligence and business acumen, and that he is an example to follow. You can be sure that everything will be handed over to him, and this will moderate his hatred.

Kissing your lover's neck is actually having romantic feelings for him. Such a dream may foreshadow a divorce from your husband, but you should not do this, since it will not lead to anything good, since new lover will quickly disappear.

If a woman kisses her husband on the neck and whispers to him sweet words, then in reality she has a very passionate nature, and she is bored with one partner. However, she should not go to the left, since her husband is very good man, and if she explains everything to him, then he will do even the impossible to give her maximum pleasure in bed. If a man dreamed that a beautiful stranger kissed him on the neck in a dream, then in reality he will meet a girl to whom he will be drawn. However, he should not propose to her right away, it is better to wait a little and listen to his mind, then a serious mistake can be avoided.

When thinking about why you dream of kissing your neck, you will need to look at the interpretation of such a dream in several dream books. Miller is of the opinion that a single person will soon find a life partner, and a married person will receive what he has long passionately dreamed of. Dr. Freud advises paying more attention to foreplay in bed, since the sleeping partner does not feel satisfied, which can cause a break in the relationship. Hasse's dream book foretells a meeting with a very sensual nature, which will give the dreamer incomparable pleasure.

If a man spies on how his lover kisses his wife on the neck, then in reality he will suspect her of cheating. However, she is faithful to him, so you shouldn’t even consider this version, and her coldness is just for show, and to make all this disappear, you should have a romantic dinner.

A kiss on the neck is a good enough omen that you shouldn't worry too much about it. It is better to surprise your significant other after such a dream; she will definitely appreciate it and give affection and tenderness in reality.‏>

Dream interpretation kiss on the neck

Why do you dream of a kiss on the neck in a dream?

A kiss on the cheek in your dream has little to do with sublime feelings. Usually a dream is a reflection of the carnal desires that you experience in reality. A dream in which a kiss on the neck appears means that in reality the time has come to act more decisively, winning someone’s affection.

The dream may also mean that you have poor self-control and are prone to passion in relationships. Often such a dream comes to those whose sexual desires have been accumulating for quite some time and are now looking for a way out. Depending on who kisses whom on the neck in your dream, you can understand from whom in reality the initiative for a closer relationship will come.‏>

Dream Interpretation Kiss

Why do you dream about a kiss in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about a kiss promises attention from the opposite sex. If you manage to receive well-deserved recognition, your efforts will be appreciated. You will be remembered by a person from whom you did not expect to receive gratitude.

Have you kissed a loved one in a dream? Did you know the person you kissed? Have you kissed a child in a dream? What was your kiss like in your dream? What body parts did you kiss in your dream? What events related to the kiss happened in the dream? Have you kissed animals in your dreams?

Have you kissed a loved one in a dream?

Kiss with husband Kiss with brother

Kiss your son-in-law in a dream

If you dreamed that you were kissing your son-in-law, get ready for trouble. You are expecting to receive some not very good news, because of which your worries will only increase and you will have to work harder.

Did you know the person you kissed?

Kiss with a celebrity Kiss with a friend Kiss with a friend Kiss with a man Kiss with ex Kiss with a boss Kiss with a loved one Kiss with a dead person Kiss with a stranger Kiss with a friend Kiss with a guy Kiss with a girl

Dreaming of a kiss with a brownie

Dreaming of a kiss with a brownie - a period of calm and harmony begins family life. Relationships with household members will be built on trust, everything that happens in the family will only please you.

Kissing an enemy in a dream

Kissing an enemy, according to Felomena’s dream book, portends success in reconciliation with a friend. The quarrel that happened between you will haunt you for a long time, but the relationship will return to its previous course.

I dreamed of a kiss with a classmate

I dreamed of a kiss with a classmate - in Hard time you will be able to get the support of your former friends. It is possible that some of them need your help in difficult moment. Be responsive, it will not go unnoticed.

Have you kissed a child in a dream?

Kissing a baby Kissing a baby

What was your kiss like in your dream?

French kiss First kiss Passionate kiss

Dreaming of an air kiss

Why do you dream of an air kiss? A dream is a symbol of daydreaming, platonic love. It is possible that it reflects your unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

I dreamed of a kiss in a hickey

Kissing passionately in a dream - significant changes will soon occur in reality. What they will lead to, whether they will turn out to be favorable - all this will be indicated by the details of the dream.

Why do you dream about an unpleasant kiss?

A dream about an unpleasant kiss is a good sign. IN soon you can get a surprise. It is possible that this will be something that has been wanted for a long time.

Dreamed of a tongue kiss

A kiss with a tongue means a feeling of euphoria, immersion in one’s own dreams. Don't lose touch with reality, don't build false hopes to avoid disappointment.

Dreaming of a tender kiss

Felomena's dream book interprets a gentle kiss as success with the opposite sex. Soon many suitors will appear who will do something nice and invite you on dates.

Salty kiss

What body parts did you kiss in your dream?

Kiss on the ear Kiss on the head Kiss the feet Kiss the shoulders Kiss the belly Kiss the chest Kiss the forehead Kiss the hands Kiss the cheek Kiss the lips Kiss the neck

Dreaming of a kiss on the nose

I dreamed of a kiss on the nose - your feelings towards the person being kissed are characterized by warmth and care. You really want him to be happy and want him to do well.

Why do you dream of a kiss on the back?

Why do you dream of a kiss on the back? You should show your true nature. Not now best time adapt to something, circumstances may not be in your favor. You have the necessary power to control the situation.

What events related to the kiss happened in the dream?

A woman kissed a man A wife kissed another Refusal to kiss

I dreamed of a kiss from Thursday to Friday

Felomena's dream book considers a kiss from Thursday to Friday as a prophetic symbol. IN real life you should expect a quick kiss, and it will not necessarily come from your partner.

Have you kissed animals in your dreams?

Dreaming of a kiss with a cat

If you dreamed that you were kissing a cat, then in reality you would be betrayed. Most likely? This will be done by someone you would never think of in your life. Be more aware of your surroundings.

I dreamed of a kiss with a snake

Why dream of kissing a snake? The dream is a warning. In reality, you communicate well with a person who seems friendly, but in fact he is a traitor.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book Freud's Dream Book Tsvetkov's Dream Book 1 2 →‏>

Kiss on the neck in a dream

Kiss on the neck

Kiss on the neck in a dream

I dreamed that one guy (who in reality has sympathy for me and wanted to spend the night with me, which is why we don’t communicate, for him this is a feeling above sympathy) kisses me slowly and tenderly on the neck in between... What does such a dream mean? =)

Kiss on the neck in a dream

Everything around is light and white: a high bright sky (or ceiling), columns going up, dim loose clothes of some delicate, dirty gray-blue color, the same color as the eyes of old people - calm, slightly faded, wise. Next to me is a young woman, in a dream I knew her, but now I can’t identify her with anyone.

Some kind of unhurried conversation, it babbles between your fingers, flowing away, leaving no trace. She leans towards me and kisses my neck for a long time, wrapping her hair around me. I cringe, I feel a little uneasy that a mark might remain, but the kiss is too sweet, too tender, I can’t and don’t want to interrupt it.

By the way, I am also a woman. Why do you dream about a kiss on the neck in a dream?

A kiss on the neck and painfully intertwined fingers in a dream

It's hard for me to remember all the details, but I'll try to describe it in general outline. I don't remember how the dream begins. Feeling of activity, action. I do something, run somewhere, do something. Near me, my best friend. Everything is as usual. What’s happening doesn’t cause me any special feelings (obviously that’s why I didn’t remember anything) I’m walking along the corridor (7th floor of my university, where our faculty is located - foreign language) My phone is ringing, although I don’t hear any melody, I just bring it up tube to your ear. Even before I hear the voice, for some reason I know who exactly is calling me. (a guy I liked, but we remained at the level of acquaintances.) A mixture of excitement and surprise.

“Nellichka! ” (he only called me that once)

“Yes, Zhenya” (although I would like to call him ‘Zhenya’)

I see my best friend, who either said something or distorted me as soon as I said the name of my interlocutor. In general, her entire appearance shows me that she does not approve of everything connected with him. (in real life she doesn't want to hear anything about him)

This is the day. It's light, the light comes through the windows. Mainly cloudy. The weather looks like autumn because my friend is wearing jeans and a long-sleeve sweater.

I listen to what he says, but I don’t remember what exactly. But I quicken my pace, ignoring my friend and, one last time, before turning the corner, I show her right hand middle finger.

It looks like he asked me to come somewhere. Again some action, speed, I’m talking to someone, deciding something. I remember the street, wet asphalt, I’m wearing heels, wearing a long coat (I don’t wear anything like that in principle). In the end I find myself in some building, I’ve never been there before. The door opens, there is some kind of Soviet-era office there, there is no smell of renovation. 3-4 tables, cabinets all cluttered with papers, folders, flowers in pots. I see him, he’s sitting at one of the tables, somewhere in the left corner, closer to the window, wearing a white shirt. There are still some people sitting there, aunts, uncles - I don’t remember. I feel like I'm there for work (even though I don't work). I don’t remember what we’re talking about, what I’m doing. I seem to be wandering around the city and have some feeling that I am responsible for some things - the main thing is not to lose them, not to forget them, not to leave them somewhere. Again in this office, I have some kind of key with a number in my hands (like for a storage locker), I go up to him and ask him to either pick up something or for him to just have this key. He agrees. I want to thank him. He is sitting at the table, I sat down to his left, as if no one would see. And I want to kiss him, I’m aiming on the cheek, but I want to kiss him on the neck. I hear my heart beating in my chest - not quickly, but clearly, strongly, loudly. I hit the neck with my lips. He doesn't react at all and no one noticed. I buried my face in his neck, closing my eyes. I leave again, run somewhere, do something. It’s the end of the working day, I’m at some enterprise, some girls (employees) are calling me to go home with them. Then I realize that I forgot something and I urgently need to return. I go up the stairs and meet him on one of the floors. Glad. I approach him (distantly realizing that he has this thing, I don’t know what it is) One of the two of us offers to go together. We hold hands and I can see how our fingers intertwine. We squeeze our hands until it hurts. We go down the stairs. It becomes hot in the stomach area, a sensation comparable to the excitement that I felt before when I saw him. I can’t remember anything else at all...

The dream didn’t disturb my soul, but it made me think. I have at least 2 more years of seeing this person.

Kiss on the neck words in a dream

I had a dream in which my ex-boyfriend, whom I still love, lifts me from the escalator, which I am about to go down and going down and littered with all sorts of bags, wallets, clothes... Being behind me and not letting go of my hands , asks: how is “so be the woman” translated? I immediately answer: “so be that woman.” After which he kisses the back of my neck. At the same time, I hear the joyful cries of our friends around me.

Kiss on the ear in a dream

In general, I dreamed of the following situation:

My classmate (who does not smoke and hardly drinks) was very drunk and smoked cigarettes. I snatched these cigarettes from her several times and threw them away. Afterwards we sat and talked. And suddenly she took me and kissed me on the cheek. And immediately, when I was still in shock, she kissed my ear. I woke up.

I looked at the “kiss” in dream books, but nowhere is there a kiss IN THE EAR. What would that mean?

Kissing a stranger in a dream

I had three dreams at once, or was it just one dream with three stages...

1. I and the person with whom I am on good terms, one might say, were sitting in his room and working on a new song.. And someone was sitting with his back to us. Then this same person kissed me when the one who was sitting with his back to us was not looking.. And I remembered that I have a boyfriend, but I continued anyway.. We got up and went to another room and continued.. (on this same day, me and my boyfriend We had a big fight.. Maybe it has something to do with the dream)

2. I stood near my class at school.. I turned my head sharply and someone kissed me.. I didn’t have time to see who.. At first I thought it was my boyfriend and stopped to look.. It turned out that it was someone terribly familiar, but I I couldn’t figure out who…. Then I slapped him on the cheek and ran away.. And before that I asked “what are you doing, I have a boyfriend.”

3. I was walking with a friend through the school yard and someone came up to me and started asking me questions.. If I have someone and if you can kiss me.. I said that I have a boyfriend, but he laughed and decided that I’m lying so that he’ll leave me alone.. At that moment my boyfriend came out and came up to us, took me by the hand and told the man that he was my boyfriend and we left.

Such dreams sometimes scare me because there have been more than once when my dreams turned into reality.. Help, who knows what this means :)

Kissing your ex-best friend in a dream

I had a dream in which my ex-best friend came to visit me and we sat at the computer and discussed something. Then they started talking about us, and she started saying that she felt something for me. I told her the same thing about my feelings. Then she kissed me, I kissed her back and we kissed and talked for a very long time and the topic of sex came up, she stroked me between my legs, in a dream I felt excited and that’s when I woke up. A strange dream, I never had sex with a girl and never wanted to. We haven’t communicated with my friend for about a year, although we tried to measure each other a couple of months ago, but after a couple of weeks we had a fight again and we don’t communicate. If you can, solve the dream; I was just wondering what it means.

Kiss in a dream

It’s hard to call my dream a dream, a short moment during which I kissed very sensually with another girl, and quite famous, Alena Vodonaeva from “House-2”. I won’t talk about my feelings yet, I’m just wondering what it would mean?

Kissing a girl, I'm a girl myself in a dream

And so, I had such a dream. I’m sitting in a dimly lit room with someone, and next to me is a friend of mine (an acquaintance from life. It’s important to note that I’m in love with this friend in my life. Yes, despite the fact that I’m a girl myself.

We talked with her for a month after we met, but now everything is at the “hello” level and that’s it...) And so we all left the room. I think it was light when we left. And then my friend, with whom I am madly in love, takes, no, even grabs my hand and we go back to the dimly lit room.

And she kisses me. The taste of the kiss itself was somehow sour. But the thought that I was kissing HER overshadowed everything.

The next episode goes something like this. It looks like we're on the street. Fresh air. Humid, cool morning. Not bright, but a little cloudy. It’s like spring is in a dream too. We seem to be sitting on the ground... In some kind of wooden fence where the firewood lies.... It seems that way. But the main thing is that we sat hugging each other.

There was a feeling that we were saying goodbye... This feeling of saying goodbye in a dream, and even now in life, oppresses me. (There was nothing at all between us in life. Only communication. Which is now at zero.)

Why do you dream about kissing a girl (I’m a girl myself) in a dream?

Kissing a girl in a dream

I dreamed that I was running across the rooftops from a giant, and I kept running, running, jumping from roof to roof (about 5 storey buildings) and now this giant becomes a girl, she begins to approach me and I see that it is Olya Buzova from building 2 She came up and I started squeezing her, hugging her, and then we kissed deeply and I woke up. (but I didn’t like it, I almost felt sick). I often dream of kissing strangers and I don’t like all these kisses - I want to snatch them).

In general, what does it mean to KISS GIRL TO GIRL, JUMP FROM ROOFTOP TO ROOFTOP, GIANT, FAMOUS GIRL. Tell me the interpretation please. I'm too lazy to look!

Buddha's kiss in a dream

I dreamed of Buddha, very beautiful, huge, kind and pink, he took me in his palms and kissed me on the lips) after the kiss, beautiful flowers blooming of heavenly beauty began to appear on my body. I was covered in flowers. The dream was very bright and colorful and left a pleasant impression. What could this mean?

Kiss in water in a dream

Good time. I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday. I dream about the beach, it’s like I’m on an island. Sunny weather, nice day. I wanted to swim on a board (surfing, I’ve never done it in my life). The waves were big and I liked it because I felt that this was it. After riding a little, I decided to just lie on the board. A person swam up to me, I noticed that it was a girl. Swimming close enough, she kissed me, as they say, “in French”...

(I didn’t feel that it was, well, for example, not pleasant, on the contrary, I kind of liked it.)

After the kiss, she smiled at me and swam away (she was also on the board).

I never had such an interest in girls in my life. And what I realized is that I know her. She and I are communicating well now. I didn’t think about what I dreamed about, I didn’t even expect it.

Why could such a dream be?

Kissing a demon in a dream

I don’t know what this would mean... Today I had such a dream, some kind of even half-real.

I am in my apartment with my family. I see someone very handsome man(young). I feel that it is not as simple as it seems. He comes into the room where I’m changing clothes and films me in a negligee... This scares me, because I don’t want to be compromised. When he comes out of the next room (where for some reason his things and apparently his room are), I make my way there and try to pick up the videotape, but he catches me at the scene of the “crime”. Then he begins to seduce me in the most indecent way. As a result, when I almost gave in to temptation, my mother caught us just in time…. The next episode is on the river bank. My family, along with three young men (including him), are talking about who they really are. At the same time, we know that they are something like “demons”. In response to this statement, the trio does not deny anything, but states the fact that they are “seducing” girls in order to get liberation. (From what? I don’t know...). I moved away from the whole company closer to the water, where there is a marble balcony. I saw my sister on it. I go up to her and ask “How did you end up here? After all, you were just there, with everyone else? ” She silently turns around and turns into that same person. In general, it all ends with the most amazing kiss, from which I completely lose my mind. At the same time, I feel that I love (!) him, this stranger. And I don’t even care what the consequences of my fall may be, because then He will become free.

The entire second episode felt like reality.

Kissing a girl I'm a girl in a dream

... A long sitting, like in the subway, I sit next to my friend, remembering everything that happened to me during the day and asking, as if into emptiness: “I wonder where she is? Where is my beloved woman?..”, I turn my head - this girl is sitting on the left. I take her and the girl on the right by the hands to make a wish (they have the same name), but M. on the left approaches me with a meaningful smile and begins to kiss me, carefully, watching my reaction. Well, naturally, I reciprocated her feelings, and we kissed for a long time. It was not an ordinary kiss, but a pleasant game, then she, still smiling, got up and left...

What could this mean? In dream books they write about separation or loss... But the dream was very pleasant and vivid, I refuse to believe it.

Kissing a married man in a dream

I dreamed that I was kissing a married man. We work together.

In the first dream, he and I had a very good relationship. And yesterday I dreamed that I wanted to kiss him, and he said: “No need.”

What is this for?‏>

Kiss a stranger's neck

Dream Interpretation Kiss on a stranger's neck dreamed of why you dream about a kiss on a stranger’s neck? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream to search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a kiss on the neck of a stranger in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

Strangers in dreams can present quite a difficult puzzle. In most cases, these are simply faces and images taken from a list of persons whom we know by sight and name (sometimes they represent our own INTERNAL ESSENCE or INTERNAL ENTITIES). Images of strangers can open our eyes to how we perceive the world. Various theorists offer numerous explanations for who these characters are and how they entered our souls. To interpret any dream, it will be useful to organize the list of participants in the action.

The inner being/inner beings are like strangers. CARL JUNG theorized that in the Ego there is a feminine complement to the male PERSONALITY and male supplement to the female personality. These additions are psychic projections that come to us in dreams. When in men's sleep a stranger appears, her behavior may be a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer’s personality. This, quite the opposite, is true for women who dream of male strangers. These strangers quite rarely have SEXUAL desire towards the dreamer, although, in principle, this is possible. More common is intimate friendship. Understanding these characters is useful because in this way we learn how we want others (especially members of the opposite sex) to perceive us, and therefore what we fear in their perception.

The second aspect of such a character embodying the inner self/s is the desire to express what we probably cannot express in real life. Women in their dreams can see a character personifying their inner essence, who, as compensation for feelings that he cannot show in real life, shows terrible ANGER. Likewise, men may have characters who embody their inner selves and cry from the pain that life has caused them, a manifestation of emotions that they do not consider it possible to express in reality. These strangers are often benevolent towards us: they can provide assistance, protection, or information to solve problems. If they cause trouble, it is often because they act in ways we ourselves would like to be able to act.

Displaced strangers. In this case, your dream moves the person from one type of relationship with you to another. Example: good famous celebrity becomes your brother or sister. A more common example is a boss or teacher as a parent. In addition to personal roles, emotions can shift. This especially applies to cases of anger or sexual desire that are repressed in real life.

Strangers personifying an incubus/succubus (demon). These are strangers-lovers who appear in a dream to have sex with the dreamer (an incubus comes to a woman; a succubus comes to a man). They often represent the extremes of sexual experience. These are either idealized lovers, in an emotional and physical sense, or demonic and repulsive personalities used to keep you from doing what you believe is bad for you in reality.

Shadow strangers are strangers of the same gender as the dreamer, who have the negative qualities of the dreamer. Most often these negative qualities presented in extreme form. This is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits, which we try not to show in public. Sometimes we even develop negative objections in our EGO, refuting the presence of base sides of our PERSONALITY. These shadow strangers appear in our dreams to point out our weaknesses.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss of a Stranger

To the find.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Scratching your neck in a dream means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Swollen - illness.

Scratching your neck means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Dream Interpretation - Neck‏>

Kiss on the neck

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Seeing an ugly neck means a happy, cheerful life.

You see a person with a thin neck - this is a warning about possible deception on the part of a friend.

If you see your neck, it means success and happiness.

Seeing a wound on the neck means debts and quarrels in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

In your neck is energy center, relating to communication.

Are you ready to always tell the truth? Are there people you know about whom you can say that they are “sitting on your neck”? Or perhaps someone can say the same about you? “stick your neck out”: means taking a risk.

Do you think now is the right time for this? Neck: is the link between your head (intellect) and heart (emotions).

Do you think it's time to balance intellect and emotions?

Dream Interpretation - Neck

If you dream that you see your own neck, this means that unfavorable family relationships will harm your business affairs.

Admiring someone’s neck portends that your experience and cynical attitude towards feelings will push you to destroy someone else’s family.

If a woman dreams that she has a thin neck, this is a sign that she will quickly become grumpy if she loses control of her character.

Cipher To dream that you are deciphering encrypted material or trying to read ancient texts speaks of your long-standing desire for literary work. The dream foretells you success in this area, which you will achieve by acquiring deep knowledge and experience.

School Visiting school in a dream is a distinctive sign of your unconditional literary talent. If you dream that you are young, and the school of your dream is the school of your youth, it means. You will find that the vicissitudes of fate will make you yearn for the simple truths and simple joys of earlier days.

If you dream that you are teaching at school, it means that you will be attracted to a humanitarian education, but the severe need for daily bread will change everything. If you attend the school of your childhood in a dream, it means that some unfortunate incident will darken your life today.

Seeing a school and children in its yard in a dream promises you a gradual ascent up the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

If someone sees a collar on his neck that causes embarrassment in a dream, he will have an unpleasant thing happen to his neck. If someone sees in a dream that a person’s neck was cut and his head was given away, then for the sick it means healing, for the debtor it means release from debts and the performance of “Hajj”.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

Kiss - if you kiss someone in a dream, then this is a nuisance. If a girl kisses, then for a guy it’s a disease. Kissing someone - seeing a friend. Kissing is a quarrel. Whoever kisses you in a dream blames you. Kissing is separation. Kissing someone of the same sex is a fake acquaintance. Kissing a dead person is a disease. Air kiss - submission.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

If you dream that your lover is kissing you, then you will soon learn about betrayal. Such a dream often foreshadows separation from a lover. Kissing someone yourself in a dream means that your love will be mutual. Kissing a business partner in a dream means that there will be complete understanding between you. Kissing one of your parents in a dream portends you success in business and peace in the family. A dream in which you saw someone blowing you a kiss portends receiving news from close friend. Spouses kissing each other in a dream is a sign of harmony and happiness in their family. Kissing a freak (or decrepit old people) in a dream means receiving bad news. Kissing children in a dream is a sign of reconciliation between lovers. Seeing people kissing predicts that close person will upset you. Kissing someone secretly or in the dark is a warning that your frivolous behavior may cause condemnation from others. A dream in which you are not shy about kissing in public or with a stranger means that you should be more modest in order to prevent gossip about you. If you dream that your lover (or lover) is kissing your rival (rival), then you should try to maintain your image in his (her) eyes. Kissing someone's hand in a dream means that you will have an influential patron who will take care of your future. If someone kisses your hands in a dream, then someone bows to you. If you dream that someone kissed you, then you will soon be disappointed in this person. Kissing a dead person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. Kissing an enemy in a dream is a sign of hatred or envy that you feel towards this person. Kiss stranger in a dream - means that your lover will cheat on you.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Seeing a human neck in a dream indicates that your sexual needs are becoming more refined and exotic. If in a dream you look at your neck in a mirror image, this means that troubles in the business sphere will affect your sexual activity.

Seeing yourself with an unnaturally thin neck means in real life you are intolerant of those around you and close people, you do not take their opinions and points of view into account.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

If you dreamed of someone excessively Long neck- say, a giraffe or a swan - this means that in reality you will be at risk by taking part in a rather dubious business.

If you were hit on the neck in a dream, only patience and endurance will help you avoid serious troubles in an extremely tricky situation. A headless neck means that you will soon meet a person with whom fate will connect you firmly and for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

If you dreamed about your own neck, then try to improve your family relationships. Otherwise, they will harm your business affairs.

A dream in which you admired someone's neck foretells that your cynicism can destroy someone's happiness.

A woman who sees herself in a dream with a very thin neck should watch her character, otherwise she will become very grumpy over the years.‏>

Friend kissed your neck

Dream Interpretation Friend kissed on the neck dreamed of why in a dream a friend kissed you on the neck? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a friend kiss you on the neck in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Neck

The neck in a dream is a symbol of power, honor and inheritance.

Pain in the neck in a dream portends great trouble about an unpleasant matter. A dream in which you broke your neck indicates that due to your own stupidity you will find yourself in a difficult situation and all your plans will collapse.

If in a dream you think about how to hit someone in the neck, then in reality you may lose control over yourself and lose control, which will ruin your business and ruin your relationship with the right person. A dream in which your neck is cramped foretells shame, dishonor and material loss. If you dream that someone broke their neck, then soon you will hear about the failure of some business that you previously considered hopeless. Seeing your neck fragile in a dream means that you will not cope with the tasks assigned to you. Seeing a thick neck in a dream is a sign of the security of your position, which indicates that you can overcome any difficulties. A dream in which you saw that your neck has become thick means great personal happiness and material well-being.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.

If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.

Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.

Kissed in a dream unknown woman– try to avoid immoral acts.

If you gave your enemy a kiss, you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Having a fat neck in a dream means success.

Seeing a thin neck in a dream means useless labor and torment.

Seeing a swollen blue neck is difficult to bear surrounding life, suffer from the vanity of life.

Missing neck, dreamed of not having willpower.

Having a cut neck in a dream means trouble.

Looking at your neck is a sign of danger, a surprise that you need to beware of.

Scratching your neck in a dream means sadness.

If you saw a collar around your neck, you would be in an unpleasant position.

To see a beautiful woman's neck - for a man, to the whims of the woman he loves.

An unattractively exposed neck is a harbinger for young people that the wedding will not take place.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

The primacy of the neck for a man in his dream is a sign that the head of his family at home is a woman.

Wash your neck - buy something very expensive for your wife.

Admiring someone's neck is trying to destroy someone else's family because of your own whims.

In general, for everyone to see a neck in a dream - to honor, power, wealth.

Your own neck means trouble in the family.

If your neck is cramped, the dream predicts money.

Wounds or abscesses on the neck - to a mistake or illness.

If the neck is thicker than usual - to honor.

Subtle - to malice, grumpiness.

If your neck is squeezed, you will become dependent on someone.

If bitten, you will get sick or face trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Looking at your neck is a danger, a surprise that you need to beware of. Having a fat neck is a success.

Swollen - illness.

Thin - useless labor and torment.

To have a swollen blue neck means it is difficult to endure the life around you, to suffer from the bustle of life.

To have no neck means to have no independent will, to act automatically or under someone’s suggestion.

Having a cut neck means adversity.

Scratching your neck means sadness.

Having a collar around your neck is an unpleasant position.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

“to hang on someone’s neck” to become a burden, to be glad to meet you. “Breaking or wringing your neck” means not calculating your strength, getting involved in a dangerous project that is obviously impossible. “Push in the neck” to drive away.

“break someone’s neck” win.

“stretch your neck” curiosity, foresight.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see your neck - long, beautiful and well-groomed - your reputation will be strengthened in the near future. If your neck is decrepit and wrinkled, you will be slandered by your enemies. Feeling pain in the neck - misunderstanding between the older and younger generations will create an unfavorable environment in the family.

If you dreamed that your neck was decrepit and wrinkled, imagine that you smeared it with a wonderful elixir and it became young and beautiful (see Elixir). If you feel pain, imagine that you are wrapping a scarf around your sore neck - and the pain immediately goes away. You also give scarves to all your relatives (see Scarf).

Dream Interpretation - Neck

If you pay attention to your neck: such a dream warns you that your carelessness or indiscretion can harm your affairs.

Seeing your neck thin: a sign of your defenselessness in the face of possible troubles. It seems that it doesn’t bother you to learn to stand up for yourself and defend your interests.

If your neck seems too long to you: this means that in reality idle curiosity distracts you from real problems, threatening to become a source of misunderstandings for you.

Meeting a person with a long neck: a sign that someone is showing excessive interest in your affairs.

A man with a short neck pulled into his shoulders, seen in a dream: portends danger.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

The neck is a symbol of power, honor, wealth and great inheritance.

Whoever sees in a dream that his neck has become larger and fuller than usual will be respected by everyone for his honest and good life, and soon he will become richer than he was before.

A neck that has decreased in volume means the opposite.

If someone dreams that someone tied or squeezed his neck with his hands, this is a bad sign.

Such a dream foretells to the one who saw it that he will submit to the person who laid his hand on him in the dream.

To dream of seeing your neck crooked so that your head is constantly tilted to one side is a sign of unhappiness, shame and loss.

A neck swelling in a dream from inflammation or a boil portends illness.

Seeing yourself in a dream with your throat cut but still alive means hope and a successful end to the matter.

A person who dreams that his throat was cut with a knife will receive an insult from someone.

If he himself cut the throat of an acquaintance in a dream, this means some offense on his part, already committed or which he will soon commit.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Represents spontaneous moments of life, random turns.

If you are being strangled in a dream, this is a symbol evil force, the enemy who “cuts off your oxygen.”

The neck is a symbol of changing life in one direction or another.

A thin, skinny neck is fruitless work.

A fat, swollen neck is a disease.

The inability to turn your neck means being under someone’s strict control.‏>

Kiss on the neck

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

Changeable image.

For those who are separated, a kiss from a stranger: a sign of a fleeting connection or a short-term surge of emotions.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

The traditional meaning of a dream in which you kiss your loved one is separation, betrayal, parting.

However, kissing relatives means success in business, love and respect from friends and family.

With the enemy - to reconciliation.

With strangers - to immoral acts.

If a woman dreams of a kiss with a man with whom she dreams of intimacy, her wish will come true and their sexual relationship will be very harmonious.

For a man, kissing the woman he likes is to fulfill the dream of a beautiful beloved.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

To a scandal.

If you kissed a stranger, a fight is possible.

If it’s a child, they’ll make fun of you.

If you dream that you are kissing your lover, you will quarrel.

Kissing a stranger means you will get into a fight.

Kissing a child means they will laugh at you.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

To receive from a stranger means a godsend.

Receiving a kiss from an unfamiliar woman portends deception and seduction.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

Kissing your family means a change in business.

Kissing an unknown and pleasant person is a joy.

With a freak or an old lady - bad news.

With the dead it's a secret.

Seeing others kiss is sadness.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

Seeing a kiss is a sign of joy.

Dream Interpretation – Kiss

It can be a sign of warm feelings, love and passion.

It can also symbolize the unity established in your soul and the reunification of your masculine and feminine principles.

This could be the Judas kiss of death.

Is there a person among your acquaintances who, flattering your eyes, wishes you harm?

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Neck – long, thin – unhealthy – beautiful – confidence – wash – health – swollen – happiness – hold or strangle – they want to harm your well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Neck

Someone else will sit on your neck.‏>

Kiss on the neck in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Kiss on the neck. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Kiss on the neck mean, or what it means to see a Kiss on the neck in a dream.‏>



I was at dance training. I’ll say right away that I like one boy, he goes to dances with me. So, I walk past him, and he takes me by the hand, puts me on his knee, hugs me tightly and kisses my neck. I then immediately jumped up and went to the locker room. Two girls came for me. I don’t remember one, the other doesn’t go to dances with us at all. And so she says why did I leave so quickly, well, I didn’t find anything to answer (I was shocked).


In my life I love one person, but due to circumstances I cannot be with him, a big difference aged and social status, he knows nothing about my feelings, but perhaps he can guess. I dreamed that he and I were in some kind of building, where he asked me to write something in his notebook, and all the time while I was writing, he leaned so low towards me that I involuntarily kissed his neck, and from this he He pressed himself even closer to me. This went on for quite a long time, and when I finished writing, he let me go, but I didn’t want to leave, what does all this mean?


In general... the guy was not familiar to me, he looked about 20 years old, maybe a little older. We were driving in a car, he was driving, and I was in the back seat. Judging by the way we communicated, he was “dear” to me I was sitting right behind him and reached out to kiss his neck on the left side... It’s strange, but the guy was somehow ideal for me.


It all started with the fact that my second cousin and I were sent to the same country camp. My sister and I were in the detachment. There was one more guy than girls in this squad. Those. There were about 6 girls, and 7 guys.
Our entire squad was sitting in their room and we sat and played something. Suddenly a fire alarm started (there was one large building) and the whole squad ran to the emergency exit. But when we approached this exit, they began to drive us back to our room, saying that it was a false alarm, that there was nothing to worry about. Well, I didn’t go to the room, I decided to take a walk around the building.
Suddenly, one guy from my squad comes up to me, picks me up and whispers in my ear: “Can I kiss you? When we played the game in the room, I couldn't take my eyes off you." I didn't answer. He continued to whisper something to me (I don’t remember what exactly). He began to carry me in his arms along the corridor on the first floor. Two or three guys also laughed at him there.
Then I woke up.


several employees and relatives stood in a row. I walked past, as if greeting everyone. And walking past the director, someone said that it was my birthday and no one was congratulating me, and at that moment the director whispered something in my ear and kissed my neck.


Hello, the other day I had a dream... That I brought a guest to my friend, someone I like (a guy). But we don’t communicate with him (and he doesn’t really know me at all). Then she (the friend) went somewhere... he was sitting on the floor doing something, and I wanted to kiss him, it was mutual! And that’s where the dream ends.


I dreamed that I met a guy who I like in reality, he took me in his arms and spun me around and then kissed me on the neck and I kissed him on the cheek and then we kissed on the lips and then we went somewhere in his car after which I I was walking around the store and then I woke up.


There was darkness around us where we were. A stranger asked me if I wanted to marry him. After that, he began to kiss my neck, then gradually on my cheeks, moving towards the corners of my lips.


I met a man, he is older than me, we even had a small conflict, but today I dreamed of him, in the dream he was affectionate with me, cared for me, and kissed me on the neck, the dream was very vivid and left a pleasant feeling.


I dreamed that a girl I knew with whom I had not spoken for a long time was kissing me on the neck.


Today in a dream I kissed a girl on the lips and neck that I really like in real life and she also wanted sex, but I didn’t give it to her. And she also looked like my wife


I dreamed that a stranger kissed me on the neck, and also left several scratches on it... I return home in the hope that my boyfriend didn’t see all this and felt as if I had cheated on him.


I dreamed that I sent a letter to a guy I really like (he is also my colleague). Having received my letter, he apparently decided to pleasantly surprise me. He sent a basket of flowers to work, and when we saw each other that same day, he kissed me on the neck in front of everyone. I was very pleased, but none of my colleagues know about us, so I was very embarrassed when he flaunted it.


Well, I worked with this man, we got along well and one day I had a dream that he was kissing me on the neck and I was so jumpy and I didn’t want him to kiss me


I was sitting at my desk, and two guys behind me (whom I don’t know in life, but for some reason I knew in a dream) start kissing me on the neck (and like this: they remove my hair (for some reason it’s long and with curls), they start kissing my neck vertebrae. And at the same time, they don’t care about the lesson and the fact that we are sitting on desks 1-2 (and from the desks it is clear that we are more likely not at school, but at the institute. They take turns taking turns). I take this calmly, reach out to meet them and say: “Stop it, well, not at all. Hehe! I also feel pleased. Also, I remember that according to the horoscope, the neck, especially the back, is my most sensitive place. That's it, that's all I remember. This is only a fragment of a dream, but it’s what I remember most. Oh, yes! I don’t feel like myself there (a girl a little older than 12 years old), but an adult girl (and I look like an actress from a shampoo commercial there). A bit much._."" And... I think I can guess what he’s talking about...


Hello! I dreamed that I was standing at the window in some tall building, I remember that I was scared because high altitude suddenly a young man came up from behind and started kissing my neck and shoulders. I remember his face vaguely, but he’s definitely not familiar to me, his hair was blond. And it seems to me that this is not the first time I’ve dreamed of him in the role of another person. For some reason I also I was sure that he was a magician or a sorcerer. In addition, I often dream about the sea, resorts, these dreams are very vivid and detailed. I’m very interested in what this is for. Thanks in advance!


I dreamed that I was complaining to my classmate about something and at the end I buried my face in his neck and kissed him


I am 16 years old. I don’t know why, but I had a dream in which I was kissed by a boy who I like but he has a girlfriend


Dream. I look into the room, and there is a guy sitting at the table, about 30-35 years old. tall, thin, fair-haired. We make eye contact and I understand what it is mutual love at first sight. I walk into the room and this guy hugs me tightly from behind and kisses my neck. And I am enveloped in warmth and love. I looked at him sternly, and he said: This is so that you immediately understand that you are mine. Then, we sit at the same table with him. there are a lot of papers on the table, the guy has a pen in his hand, but he doesn’t want to write, he looks at me with loving eyes. A handsome, dark-haired man sits opposite him. He watches us half-indifferently, listens to what I say and writes. It’s as if the investigators called me to find out about my boyfriend’s mistress. And I tell them that my boyfriend is cheating on me with another girl. I woke up, I wanted to cry and laugh.


I was in a friend’s cafe at work, it was already night, the cafe was dark, my friend came best friend, we talked something, and he kissed my neck, just like that, and then left


I stood and put things in the closet, then he came up and started kissing me on the neck and at that moment I wanted to kiss him on the lips, but the doorbell rang and that’s it


I dreamed like mine ex-husband passionately kisses me on the neck, and I understand that it shouldn’t be like this, my friend is looking at me from the side
with reproach, but still I don’t push him away, and I also kiss him on the shoulder, but not passionately, but rather in a friendly way


I dreamed of a cemetery and my brother was beating me there. He bent down to kiss me, and my mother told me to push him. I started to push him, but he reached out and kissed me on the neck. Then my mother said that I had good blood and that’s why he kissed me. My mother drove him away and told me to he never came again

Ilona Kurienko:

Hello, my name is Ilona. The dream was in dim light, as if in semi-darkness. I saw a guy who was talking to my friend, and I stood a little behind my friend, I began to cry quietly and turn away, I was jealous of him. He noticed that I was crying I asked what happened, I tried to leave, he carried me around the corner in his arms, for some reason he was very happy and satisfied, he immediately asked if I had become pregnant from him. He leaned me against the wall and took my face in his palms. I immediately said no , he seemed a little upset. and for some reason I answered him that I don’t want to be your mistress, but I want to be your girlfriend. He laughed in surprise, kissed my face and then my neck. He said harasho, I’ll do it! This is the end. The only thing that amazes me is that I’m married, I don’t dream husband and lovers I do not have.


I dreamed of a small room. I’m standing in the middle, a guy who I used to like comes up from behind and kisses me on the neck. and I felt goosebumps running all over my body, I felt so warm and good next to him


We met with an old good friend, with whom we still communicate well and warmly. In the dream we were walking, talking, then he twisted his ankle and we sat down. I leaned my elbows on him, and then buried my nose in his neck, warmed myself, and I felt very light, good, pleasant, and I liked the smell (aroma) that I felt. And then he said, well, my girl should I kiss you already (a man much older than Mench) and I already vaguely remember the end, but he still kind of gently kissed me on the lips.


I’m sitting at work and here he comes up and kisses me on the neck and there the girls from work saw it... and then we kissed


My friends and I were sitting in my house, among them was a person I like. I needed to move away and he followed me. I don’t remember what I did, but at that time he came up from behind and gently kissed my neck


A man I didn’t know invited me on a date, for some reason we were going to be his lady; he kissed me on the neck, body, but not on the lips.


I dreamed that I, my friend and my boyfriend in the dream (I don’t know him in real life) were walking around the shops. And suddenly he comes up to me from behind, hugs me, and starts kissing the back of my neck, and I feel so good, tenderly, I just melt. I saw this moment several times in my dreams. And then I woke up.
In real life on this moment I don't have a boyfriend. I would really like to know why I had such a dream.


I dreamed of my husband hugging and kissing my mother on the neck, why is that?!


Hello. I had a dream that a person I know, with whom we are purely in business relations kisses me on the neck, several times in a row. At the same time, there are other people next to us, but they don’t notice it since the kiss was noticeable only to me. And this man is also married


I went to a party and there was a guy I like. He was talking to some girl, and I stood looking at him and almost cried. Then he came up to me, took me by the hand and led me into the room. And there he started kissing my neck.


I dreamed of my husband kissing me on the neck and then taking a strand of hair and kissing it the same way


I dreamed of a person whom I love, but who does not love me. He sat next to me and we talked about something, and then he kissed me on the neck 10 times, while he counted. Then I also kissed him on the neck and lips.


The dream began with a nice guy of about 16 congratulating me on some holiday. We were in a small company, apparently our mutual friends. He had light, clean skin, a fairly neat hairstyle and bright, either green, or gray, or Blue eyes. He gave me a small gift, it seemed to be a cake with pink frosting. I hugged him and kissed him twice on the neck.


In a dream, a guy (in real life he is a friend to me) kissed me on the neck, and it gave me goosebumps. What could this mean and what should I expect in the future?

Alexander, 42 years old:

A girl came up from behind and kissed him on the neck. Not in a relationship now, but I like her.


Hello! I dreamed of a young man whom I once loved and he kissed me on the neck. When I woke up, I was very surprised, because I have another one now and I didn’t think about it.


From Sunday to Monday I had a dream that a guy was kissing me tenderly on the neck, but this was not my boyfriend, but just an acquaintance. But in the same dream a big one wanted to attack me, black Dog Doberman We also wanted to go somewhere by car, there were about 3-4 of us, but we never left. The dream was quite strange and so I would like to know what this is about? Since in one dream, there were several events at once.


I dreamed of an unfamiliar young man who hugged me from behind around the waist and kissed my neck several times, and I had a super feeling, goosebumps, a buzz.....


I dreamed that a tall, strong vampire with dark hair was standing in front of me. And his fangs are visible. He wanted to bite, but two people protected me from him. Then he said that he would just touch his neck. And I allowed it, even though it was scary. Then he kissed me on the neck and I seemed to be under hypnosis, looking at him in surprise that he didn’t bite.


I dreamed that ex-boyfriend left a hickey on my neck, what is this for?


I dreamed that I was driving in some kind of trailer very quickly, the driver in a white Lada 2107 to which the trailer was attached, he had a bunch of flowers with a black ribbon in his hands.
when he slows down and turns off the engine, the car disappears, I find myself in the middle of the road, the driver comes up to me and says something, and a second later he disappears and appears, a well-fed guy of about 25 years old asks when I will come to him, hugs him tightly from behind, restricting my movements and attaches himself to my neck and at the same time I can’t do anything, not even shout.
when I turned my head to see if there was someone nearby, I saw a couple of people standing in the alley, one of them seemed familiar to me..


The guy kissed me on the neck, although he is in a relationship with another girl


I was very upset by the unsuccessful performance and walked around the school, it was like in the shadows. Then I came to the bright window and stood, and when I turned around I saw my friend (whom I like) He told me that we need to move on to more in our relationship level. And he kissed me on the neck, I didn’t expect this (I immediately felt warm and good), then he kissed me on the lips. And we stood together. We wanted to exchange numbers, but then I don’t remember.


Here is how it was. This man, my old friend, with whom we had not communicated for about six months, and just the other day we met about one of my problems. And in the dream it so happened that me and several of my friends got into some kind of trouble and I ask this guy to come and pick us up. He's coming. But then for some reason it’s not him who gets behind the wheel, but my dad. There were a lot of people and we could barely fit into the car in the back. He sat down next to me, I was almost sitting on him, and hugged his neck. That is, I was, as it were, a little higher than him. And so, he starts kissing my neck. It was very nice, but despite the crowd in the car, no one saw it.
I can say that in life I really treat a person like a friend, some kind of emotional intimacy We didn’t have one; we only saw each other in one company. What does it mean?


I dreamed of a married friend kissing me passionately on the neck and leaving me with a hickey.

A kiss on the neck is a meaningful and intimate gesture, with which, as a rule, people express love attraction and passion experienced for the object of attraction. If a person saw something similar in a dream, then it would not be superfluous to look through books of interpretations. Since this gesture is interpreted in a very interesting way. That is why now I would like to turn to the most popular dream books to find out why you dream of a kiss on the neck and what to expect from such a vision.

Female interpreter

You should contact him first. If a girl dreamed of someone kissing her on the neck, it means that in reality it would not hurt her to decide on life priorities. And put things in order on the personal front. If she is characterized by some frivolity, then it is worth reconsidering her behavior. Countless intrigues and constant flirtations can negatively affect her reputation.

This is what dreams of kissing a man on the neck mean. But what if it was the girl in the vision who touched his lips? It is important to remember who that man was. Those who are closest and dearest? Then the vision speaks of their strong feelings and mutual sympathy. The girl kissed a stranger on the neck? In this case, it would not hurt for her to think about the relationship with her lover, especially if in reality she is visited by thoughts of betrayal or is not satisfied with something intimately.

Interpretation for men

It happens that representatives of the stronger half of humanity dream of such a vision. In this case, the interpretation will be different.

If a man kissed his chosen one on the neck, then this good sign. He talks about her loyalty and devotion. By the way, this same vision may also indicate his strong susceptibility to sexual feelings and violent passion, which can be very difficult to calm down.

Why dream of a kiss on the neck from a stranger? They say that this portends an acquaintance with a sensual person with whom the man will begin a fleeting but memorable affair. If it was possible to discern recognizable features in the girl’s face, then soon, perhaps, someone from the circle of his acquaintances will begin to show attention to the dreamer.

Eastern dream book

It would not be superfluous to turn to him for an explanation. After looking through this book, a girl will be able to find out why she dreams of a kiss on the neck of her lover, given by some stranger.

Not the most pleasant vision. It is said to represent the threat of losing the trust of a loved one. The dream book recommends that the girl take a closer look at her behavior and give up crazy ideas if any come to her mind.

But that’s not all that a kiss on the neck means in dreams. If the girl’s lover takes the initiative towards a stranger, then it would not hurt for her to think about his fidelity in reality. And in general, look at your chosen one without rose-colored glasses. Maybe long-term and trusting relationships with prospects are not a priority for him at all?

Interpreter of the 21st century

He is also able to help figure out why you dream of kissing a guy on the neck. Does the girl have a boyfriend in reality? If not, it may appear soon. And this will not be a fleeting relationship, but something more serious.

The girl didn't like that someone was kissing her neck? Then you should consider this vision as a harbinger of shame. Perhaps in reality someone will try to discredit her.

The dreamer was a married woman, and someone else kissed her? This is not good. The vision promises family troubles and scandals. Which are likely to arise out of jealousy. But if the lady was kissed by her husband, then there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, their relationship will become closer and warmer.

By the way, if you had a chance to observe from the outside how strangers exchanged kisses on the neck - it’s time to think about your personal life. You need to stop dreaming about relationships - it's time to start building them.

Universal dream book

Finally, it’s worth turning to him. It happens that a girl dreams of a kiss on the neck from her ex. What is it for? It is often said that such a plot only reflects her subconscious desire to renew her relationship with him. But there is another version. It says that very soon the dreamer will enter into a new relationship. And in terms of the strength of feelings they will not be inferior to the past.

Also, when trying to find an explanation for such a vision, it is recommended to take into account your own feelings experienced at that moment. Did the girl feel depressed? This means that the young man will try to make attempts to renew the relationship, and she will not like it. Did you feel upset? This means a disagreement with your current partner.

Was the feeling felt regret? This means that in the near future the girl should become more restrained and reasonable, since a situation may arise in which it will be easy to provoke her to do something that should not be done. In the end, everything will end in tears. Therefore, in order not to regret, it is better to train yourself to control yourself.

But if the girl, despite the kiss from her ex, was in a great mood, then in reality she finally managed to sum up the relationship and sort out her feelings.

Did you dream of a kiss on the neck? In this case, the Dream Interpretation recommends listening to the sensations that were experienced at that moment. And also remember the details that accompanied the vision. By taking into account all the nuances present in the dream, it will be possible to give it the most accurate and reliable interpretation.

Universal dream book

If in a vision a person kissed his “soul mate” on the neck, then you can rejoice. Such a dream personifies the reciprocity and sincerity of the feelings experienced and, perhaps, indicates imminent attack a new stage in the relationship. If a person kissed the neck of someone who is his fierce enemy, he should be prepared for the next blow that he is preparing for him.

When trying to find answers to his questions related to vision, a person must take into account his real status. Every dream book reminds us of this. A kiss on the neck, dreamed of by a lonely person, promises him happiness in his personal life and the end of his search for a “soulmate.” For someone who already has a partner, such a vision is also a pleasant omen. Most likely, a person will receive what he has long dreamed of.

Ladies interpreter

It wouldn’t hurt to look into this dream book. A kiss on the neck from a man who a girl likes, but does not show attention in reality, indicates her desire to find out some secret. If the dreamer doesn’t want anything like that, then most likely there is someone in her environment who is behaving insincerely and falsely. In this case, you should become less gullible and take a closer look at the people in your close circle.

If the girl herself in a dream took the first step towards foreplay, starting to kiss the object of passion, who in response touched her neck with his lips, it means that soon someone will try to humiliate her. Also, perhaps someone will try to find out some secret, hiding behind a mask of imaginary friendliness.

But that’s not all that the dream book tells. A kiss on the back of the neck from a man with whom the girl actually has mutual sympathy, but is not yet in a relationship, may seem like a favorable sign. However, in reality this vision foreshadows problems. Perhaps someone will want to use the girl, set her up or betray her. Maybe even a whirlwind romance will develop with the object of passion, but the dreamer’s frivolity and extreme naivety will not play into her hands.

Family dream book

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its interpretations. This dream book a kiss on the neck from her husband is explained as a signal from the subconscious that a woman in reality does not get enough attention from him. If this is the case, then it’s time to hint it to him.

It is recommended to pay special attention to a vision in which someone whom the woman did not see gave her a passionate and pleasant kiss. Such a dream is a warning. And he talks about the possible intentions of close friends to betray the heroine of the vision.

A timid kiss on the neck from a stranger does not bode well either. The dream book says that this means betrayal on the part of a lover.

But if the woman herself gave someone such an intimate sign of attention in a vision, then you can rejoice. This means good luck in business, financial well-being, as well as the appearance of new pleasant acquaintances in life.

However, often such interesting stories represent the desire of the dreamer (whether a woman or a man) to enter into intimate intimacy. By the way, this is mentioned in Freud’s dream book. If you believe him, the more passionate the kiss and the more “hot” the atmosphere, the hotter the dreamer’s sex will be in reality.

Psychological interpreter

According to this source, a kiss on the neck symbolizes a relationship. But it doesn’t always foretell something good.

This is what the dream book says: a man’s kiss on the back of the neck, which he gave as if distantly, “for show,” personifies cooled feelings. The passionate but short-lived touch seems to hint at a similar duration of their relationship. A kiss that leaves unpleasant sensations usually indicates that the dreamer’s lover is deceiving her.

But if touching your neck with your lips develops into a longer and more passionate foreplay, this means the relationship is moving to a new level.

Dream book of the 21st century

You can also find something interesting on its pages. This interpreter describes in particular detail why one dreams of a kiss on the neck given by a friend or girlfriend. That is, a person to whom there is no attraction in principle.

It is believed that this vision foreshadows an event after which the friendship of young people will go downhill. A final loss of mutual respect is possible.

And a vision in which a friend’s kiss was forced does not bode well. In this context, it symbolizes betrayal. The one who seemed so familiar and dear will turn out to be not at all what he seemed to be.

Erotic dream book

He is also able to explain what a kiss on the neck means. The dream book assures that this vision does not bode well. If a lonely girl felt a gentle touch of lips from a man whom she could not see, it means that the one who could become her life partner is next to her, but so far she simply does not notice him.

This is not all that the dream book tells. A kiss on the neck from a stranger who was most pleasant can also be a harbinger of a surprise. Just what area of ​​life he will relate to is unknown.

Did the stranger forcefully kiss the dreamer? Not very pleasant circumstances, but the interpretation is good. Such a dream foreshadows the appearance in a girl’s life of a passionate admirer who will be ready to do anything just to conquer her.

By the way, if the dreamer responds to a stranger’s gesture with a passion that is unexpected for her, this is good. Very soon she will have the chance to dramatically change her life for the better. She, even if it seems reckless, will decide to take a risk and will not regret it.

Was the kiss in the vision a prelude, after which his characters, overwhelmed by passion, moved on to intimacy? This suggests that it is very difficult for the dreamer (regardless of his gender) to restrain his passion. He is too susceptible to sexual feelings. And, if possible, it is better to reset the accumulated “energy”, otherwise thoughts of a corresponding nature will prevent a person from doing business.

As you can see, the same vision has many interpretations. And if you really want to find out what a dream means, you need to take into account all its details and turn to not one, but several interpreters.

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Unlike other expressions of affection, a kiss on the neck is a more intimate and meaningful gesture. Dream books associate such a plot with the expression of passion, love attraction. The semantic load of the dream is formed together with the dreamed details in the dream, which help to clearly understand why such an action is dreamed of.

Touching the neck of a loved one with your lips in a dream is interpreted by dream books as mutual feelings and sympathy. If such an erotic gesture was made by a stranger, it means that in the near future life will be full of surprises and surprises.

Interpretation for girls

A lonely girl's dream of a kiss on the neck is interpreted as a warning to the Universe that she needs to decide on her life priorities. Countless fleeting romances can negatively affect the dreamer’s reputation, thereby delaying the meeting with her betrothed.

A married woman who in a dream rewarded a stranger’s neck with a kiss, according to dream books, should think about her relationship with her husband. In order for thoughts of betrayal to leave your head, it is better to discuss with your husband the details that do not suit the dreamer in an intimate sense.

A young lady who has a boyfriend in reality will be pleased to know why she dreams of a kiss on the neck. Such a dream expresses complete confidence that the young man will take a decisive step towards a more serious relationship.

Interpretation for men

A man who kisses his chosen one on the neck in a dream can be completely calm in the fidelity of his other half. Mutual sympathy and attraction have not yet faded between the partners. Another interpretation of what such a gesture means in a dream is that the dreamer is strongly susceptible to sexual feelings for the dreamed character, and it is very difficult for him to calm down his violent passion.

A kiss on the neck from a stranger in a dream promises a meeting with a sensual nature, with whom a fleeting, but very wonderful novel. If in the features of the young lady you find some similarity with a person you know, then there is a possibility of a real “hot” relationship with him.

Watch the kiss on the neck

Seeing another kiss your lover’s neck is a threat to lose the trust of your loved one. It’s better to give up crazy ideas, and you shouldn’t give your girlfriends the opportunity to keep secrets with your chosen one behind their back.

If you had to see the same picture, but on the contrary - where the guy takes the initiative, then it’s time to think about the fidelity of the other half. Probably, close and long-term relationships are not a priority for the lover.

For interpretation male dream, Freud describes what it means to dream of seeing a kiss on the neck between a lover and another guy. The dream book indicates the need to spend more time on foreplay during sex.

If you dreamed that you were kissing the neck of your enemy in a dream, look around. According to the dream book, some friends or loved ones lead double play and they cruelly deceive you.

A kiss on the neck is a very intimate gesture that can be very different. Most dream books believe that it is a manifestation of love and passion. However, the exact interpretation of what a kiss on the neck means in a dream depends on many details.

Did you dream of touching your lips to the neck of someone dear to you? The dream book believes that your relationship is built on mutual feeling and sympathy. If you received such a gesture from a stranger, it means that in reality life will present many surprises.

Prediction for girls

Why does a lonely girl dream of a kiss on the neck? The dream book is sure that it’s time to decide on life principles and decide what is more important: fleeting romances or meeting your one and only.

If married woman If she had a chance to kiss an unfamiliar man on the neck in a dream, then, most likely, in reality she had problems in her family. Try to discuss the current situation with your husband and sort out any misunderstandings. Otherwise, you will not be able to get thoughts of cheating out of your head.

For a young girl who has a boyfriend in real life, the interpretation of a dream about a kiss on the neck will give her a lot of positive emotions. In reality, your young man will do everything possible to ensure that the relationship moves to a more serious level.

Prediction for men

Why does a man dream of kissing his chosen one on the neck? Such a plot suggests that peace, mutual understanding and sincerity reign in your relationship. According to another version of the interpretation, you feel strong sexual desire to your soul mate and even in a dream you cannot calm him down.

Did you dream of a kiss on the neck from a stranger? The dream book is sure: in reality you will meet a sensual person who will become a wonderful muse for you, but not for long. If in the features of the charming woman you find similarities with a person you know in reality, then you will probably have a dizzying romance with this character.

Seeing a kiss from the side

Did you dream of seeing someone else kissing your lover? In reality, you may lose the trust of your loved one. The dream book advises not to experiment in relationships and give less reasons for gossip to your friends.

Did you see your boyfriend kissing someone else? Perhaps he is not as faithful as you would like. Surely close and long-term relationships are not his strong point.

Freud believes that if a man happened to see a kiss on the neck of his beloved from another man, it means that sexual relations the dreamer does not spend enough time on foreplay.

Did you dream that in the kingdom of dreams you were kissing your enemy on the neck? According to the interpreter’s prediction, enemies and ill-wishers are hiding in your inner circle. Soon you will have the opportunity to see true face his friends".

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

A kiss on the neck is the touch of the lips to the body of the “victim’s” neck for interest caused by various circumstances, from the most highly spiritual to the most base and negative...

Dream interpretation of a kiss on the neck

  • If a stranger kissed you, you will find something or someone

This is not about the things you lost yesterday. Think and think more globally! You can find a wallet, money, a ring…. You can also find new love. It is also possible that he will ask you to marry.

  • If you kiss your own mother (mother or godmother), you will earn the respect and love of your friends

Real respect! And don't be modest, honey. Another surprise is success in your entrepreneurial activity.

  • If you kiss your husband’s neck or your husband kisses you, you are guaranteed harmony of soul

Such harmony will never leave your home, leaving it also cozy.

  • If you kiss your loved one in a dream, you will be considered a girl of easy virtue.

Don't be afraid! This dream can also have a second meaning. It's certainly not the best either. In general, such a dream also means some kind of danger. Where it will come from is unknown.

  • If a fan kisses you passionately, your friends will betray you

Be prepared for such an “event” turn. But don’t call all your friends in the hope of finding the traitor in advance. Just know how to wait. Or don't believe in the "sleepy" meaning.

  • If you suddenly kiss your brother (sibling, cousin, second cousin) - this is a sign that pleasure awaits you
  • If you kiss your sister, you will meet a new boyfriend or girlfriend

And your friendship will be strong and real. Don't be afraid to do something wrong. If you have such a dream in your unconscious world, it is inevitable that you will add someone to your list of true friends.

  • If your lover is kissed by someone else, you risk losing his respect for you forever.

You shouldn't stay awake, darling. And the dream may not come true in its meanings.

  • If you kiss your loved one in the light - your noblest attitude towards opposite sex will never change

You've probably already thought about men... And don’t be afraid to kiss your loved one in the light!

  • If your loved one kisses you hesitantly on the neck, he may cheat on you!

And his conscience will not waver, since he simply does not have one. Or she disappeared for a while.

  • If you kiss some dead person, expect misfortune...

What it will be like - the dream is silent. And there are no interpretations of this, so you will have to live and wait.

  • If you “throw” an air kiss towards the neck, you “shine” submissiveness

You'll probably get married. Or something else will happen that will force you to become submissive. There are many options, beautiful...

  • If you kiss a girl on the neck, beware of falsehood in dating.

Your rashness can ruin a lot of things. Just like your gullibility and naivety. Try to reconsider your views on life.

  • If you kiss an enemy, your friends are cruelly deceiving you

Be on alert so that it doesn’t hurt later...

What are “dream books” for girls?

Reviews from girls

  • Sleep is great. Dream Interpretations - funny...

I never believed in all this nonsense. And my mother always keeps a book under her pillow, which she constantly looks into. And then he walks around the apartment and “loads up.” At the very least it looks very funny. I don't blame her. (Olga Polyanskaya).

And those that are associated with kisses - even more than once. I didn’t want to wake up, but the university was calling. I didn’t like skipping lectures or being late. By the way, everything in the dream book is true! (Inga Levitskaya).

To be honest, I often have frank dreams. Not just kisses, but you yourself understand that... And I’m not embarrassed to talk about it. I like these kinds of dreams. Because they involve a loved one. (Olga Dvorakovskaya).

  • Before falling asleep, I read about “kissing a dead man”

It became so scary that I couldn’t fall asleep right away. I read magazines that had been lying under the crib for a week, “wiping off the dust.” The magazines were interesting. But until that moment, I remembered what I saw in the dream book. The picture that visited my eyes, which were closed for a moment, was incredibly frightening. (Zhanna Zhuravleva).

  • My classmate on VKontakte has an interesting avatar...

She plays the role of a real vampire there. And on the neck of the girl who stands next to her, a kiss is clearly visible. You understand how it looks from the outside. I won’t say that I’m afraid of such photographs. Just, as they say, the topic came to mind. I did not comment on her such photographs. But I clicked “Like”. I really appreciated the originality of these "images". Interesting…. What would such a kiss mean? (Natalia Borodko).

  • In all my dreams I kiss only my beloved little man

I wouldn't let anyone else get close to me. And why, exactly, if I don’t need anyone else? And I wouldn’t take on a “sleepy” lover. I'm not afraid of jealousy. I just would be disgusted if anyone other than mine touched me at all. Those who love understand me. But I respect the book of dreams. As a child, I had many such books. I gave them to my friends to read. (Sofia Remilskaya).

The neck in a dream is a symbol of power, honor and inheritance.

Pain in the neck in a dream portends great trouble about an unpleasant matter. A dream in which you broke your neck indicates that due to your own stupidity you will find yourself in a difficult situation and all your plans will collapse.

If in a dream you think about how to hit someone in the neck, then in reality you may lose control over yourself and lose control, thereby ruining your business and ruining your relationship with the right person. A dream in which your neck is cramped foretells shame, dishonor and material loss. If you dream that someone broke their neck, then soon you will hear about the failure of some business that you previously considered hopeless. Seeing your neck fragile in a dream means that you will not cope with the tasks assigned to you. Seeing a thick neck in a dream is a sign of the security of your position, which indicates that you can overcome any difficulties. A dream in which you saw that your neck has become thick means great personal happiness and material well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Neck

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see your neck - long, beautiful and well-groomed - your reputation will be strengthened in the near future. If your neck is decrepit and wrinkled, you will be slandered by your enemies. Feeling pain in the neck - misunderstanding between the older and younger generations will create an unfavorable environment in the family.

If you dreamed that your neck was decrepit and wrinkled, imagine that you smeared it with a wonderful elixir and it became young and beautiful (see Elixir). If you feel pain, imagine that you are wrapping a scarf around your sore neck - and the pain immediately goes away. You also give scarves to all your relatives (see Scarf).

Interpretation of dreams from

Anchor points:

Kiss on the lips

A man kissed her - signifies quick changes in real life, but, unfortunately, they are not always positive after such a dream. You have to expect something new, previously unknown; you will have to study this phenomenon and understand the mechanism of its action. You need to be prepared for any surprises and lightning fast react to the slightest change in the situation.

If you kissed me on the cheeks

On your cheek– you will experience in real life very strong feelings to some person. Soon you will meet him and recognize yourself in him: the same habits, hobbies, interests, you will be able to talk with each other for hours, never ceasing to be amazed at how similar people can be when they meet for the first time in their lives. You won't want to let this person go for long, which will lead to... for the wedding and a long happy life together to the envy of everyone.

Kiss on the neck

In the neck– you will experience carnal desires in real life. You want to gain someone's favor, but are afraid of failure, this dream predicts that the most suitable the time has come to fulfill your plans. Act decisively, without even thinking about possible failures, and then fate will definitely meet you halfway and avert all dangers. In addition, this dream suggests that you are missing intimate relationships in a given period of time. You are too sensual and expect the same from a partner who is the complete opposite to you.

Kissing men

A man kisses a man- to a quarrel with an existing partner. You are going to be unhappy with each other. By expressing mutual claims, you risk falling out forever, without the possibility of returning your old feelings.