What's the best way to eat?

There is nothing special in the nutrition of an athlete. The main thing is regularity. Aim to consume at least two grams of protein per day for every kilogram of your body. But remember that it is important not so much to eat them at all, but to eat them regularly! More than 30-35 grams of protein at a time will not be absorbed. And if you eat a pack of dumplings or a pot of cutlets at once, then you will not get anything but an extra load on the digestive system - all the same, 2/3 of a pack of dumplings or 75% of cutlets will simply fly into the toilet. Ask yourself - you don’t mind throwing money on food? Eat less, but regularly. First of all, dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, cheese. They, in addition to a significant amount of protein, contain calcium needed by the bones, which, in particular, is washed out by various proteins.

Soy is very good. High in protein and carbohydrates and virtually zero fat. The only drawback is bad taste. However, this is the very place when you can test your own culinary skills.

And of course - meat, fish, poultry. Your body must receive a variety of proteins - both plant and animal. If your daily routine does not allow 4-5 times to be thoroughly refreshed, take food with you on the road - fortunately, cottage cheese is sold in various plastic packages and with flavored additives.

Further, your physique already plays a role. It is better for those who are located to be overweight to exclude everything fatty from their diet as much as possible. And also to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (including, alas, beer ...). On the contrary, thin people should consume more high-calorie foods (sweets, cereals, etc.)

Your day should start with carbohydrate foods to keep your body energized for the day. I recommend a good bowl of porridge and something protein like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, or the like. At night, on the contrary, it is better to eat only protein foods and fiber.

Is it true that if there is protein, muscle will grow??

Unfortunately no.

Therefore, those who eat a lot of protein, sitting on a perch or lying on the couch, can not be afraid - the muscles will not grow a single gram. Moreover, I can reassure you even more: if the intake of protein exceeds the physiological need for it of the body, the excess protein will, at best, simply be excreted from the body or converted into energy, and if you sit or lie very well and get too much energy from the breakdown of fats , carbohydrates and excess protein, then this unused energy is deposited in the form of body fat reserves. To this you still get a solid share of undigested protein "fragments" that overload the excretory system.

Thus, under certain conditions, fat can grow from protein and even health deteriorates, but in order to build up muscles, you need to sweat a lot in the gym! Protein is needed for the growth of growing muscles, and only intense resistance training makes growing muscles. I emphasize - intense! Muscles do not grow from only one barbell, just as children are not born from love alone.

In my opinion, our women are too scrupulous about the volume of their muscles. It seems to them that the cellulite buttocks and thighs are at the very least feminine, but the pronounced bulge of the biceps is fucking, it's masculine! Dear women! First, take a tailor's meter and measure the circumference of the bicep of a woman who is not the fattest; you will find that its volume is more than 40 centimeters, that is, equal to the size of the biceps, which you will not find in every bodybuilder! Only for a bodybuilder this is the circumference of the "dry" biceps ("meat" as such), and for the mentioned woman - the circumference of fat covering a small untrained muscle (although, excuse me, trained enough by carrying heavy bags, which I bow to you). And secondly, I dare to assure you that if women by nature could gain muscle mass as easily as men, then many female bodybuilders would sleep peacefully at night, not puzzling over how to make their biceps-triceps grow, and without exhausting yourself in grueling daily workouts with maximum weights, and even more so, would not use chemistry.

I'm confused - which is better to drink, proteins or gainers? And when to do it?

Let's immediately define the terms. Proteins are high protein foods (70-90% protein) with virtually zero fat and carbohydrates. Gainers are, on the contrary, high-carbohydrate blends (15-30% protein and 50-80% carbohydrates) with a high calorie content. Proteins provide muscle cells with protein - the building blocks of the future muscles of the athlete. Gainers - due to their high calorie content, they give a serious burst of energy, which increases efficiency in training and gives a powerful impetus to the growth of mass and strength indicators. It would seem logical to drink exactly the gainers - they also contain protein, and it will serve as a building material for the muscles. However, there is another pitfall - high calorie content can cause not only muscle growth, but also the subcutaneous fat layer. And muscles without relief .... To get along with the "meat" also deposits on the abdomen and sides is not a very pleasant prospect. Therefore, it is better to combine the intake of these products. In its pure form, weight gainers can only drink ectomorphs (lean body type) at the initial stage of training until they gain sufficient muscle mass. For the rest, I advise you to mix proteins and gainers. To half or one third of the recommended portion of the gainer add 70-80% of the portion of protein. As a result, you will get a high-protein mixture with a higher calorie content - just what you need.

I will give an approximate daily diet plan using my own example. I drink protein EGG PRO and MASS GAIN brand "Hercules" (see more in the Bodybuilding store). Every day, in 500-600 grams of water, I mix 2 measuring cups (a cup is a single serving) of EGG PRO and 3 cups of MASS GAIN (a single serving of a gainer is three cups). As a result, I get two servings of protein, each containing 30 g of protein and a fairly high calorie content.


8:30 breakfast. (porridge + eggs or curd mass)

10:30 second breakfast (curd mass + pastry)

12:00 first protein intake

13:30 lunch (meat, rice)

16:00 second protein intake

17:30 afternoon snack (curd mass)

Naturally, this schedule is very arbitrary, each has its own daily regimen. But the general principle is, I hope, clear. On the day of training, dinner is shifted even later. And, it is advisable to change the afternoon snack and the second protein intake in places so that the second protein intake is an hour and a half before training. You can add more protein to this intake of protein, and less protein - this will give you extra energy during your workout. You can also eat something else so that your appetite does not disturb later.

Choose by yourself and the menu. Endomorphs (overweight people) do not need to eat baked goods at all. As well as not need to eat baked goods if you are trying to lose weight. You can safely include eggs, soy products in your diet. If you can't eat so regularly, then turn on another protein intake in the regimen.

It is just as important as following an exercise and rest regimen. Therefore, the question: how to eat properly when you swing, is very relevant for those who are going to gain muscle mass. In order to gain muscle mass, you need to know that while exercising in the gym, your body needs a sufficient amount of nutrients that will give it energy so that it can overcome the stress.

It follows from this that, knowing how to eat when you swing, in no case should you go hungry to the gym. You should definitely eat before training.

The following tips will guide you on how to eat right when you rock.

The basis of nutrition is protein.

In order to finally understand how to eat properly when rocking, you need to know that super-intense training increases the release of hormones that can cause destruction of muscle tissue. These hormones are always present during nervous or physical stress. Therefore, immediately after the end of the workout, you need to refresh yourself with "fast" carbohydrates. For this, bagels, oatmeal cookies, raisins, honey are suitable. Even in the locker room, you need to eat 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of your weight. As for protein, it can be consumed in powder, in this form it is well absorbed by tired muscles.

In recent years, more and more people have begun to pay attention to their excess weight or obesity. Of course, quite often they are not satisfied with the appearance, however, one should not forget that behind the cosmetic problem there is a much more formidable problem - a whole "bunch" of various diseases.

Therefore, both men and women rush to fitness clubs to play sports. Moreover, the goal of the "weaker sex" is to reduce weight and remove fat folds, and men are concerned about how to achieve an increase in muscle mass and see the long-awaited "cubes" of the press.

As expected, the approach to such a good purpose must be comprehensive. Naturally, in order to contemplate the pumped up muscles, you need to remove the body fat that hides them. Otherwise, you risk even gaining weight, due to the fact that muscle mass is much heavier than adipose tissue. Therefore, proper nutrition is at the forefront and has its own characteristics in this case.

Let's take a closer look at how to eat right when you swing for muscle gain.

First of all, you should pay close attention to proteins. After all, as you know, muscles are mainly composed of protein. Considering that proteins in our body are constantly being transformed and partially removed from the body, it becomes clear that this deficiency needs to be compensated in some way. How? The answer is simple - eat more of them. The main sources of protein include:

* seafood;

Cheese is also a good source of protein. And from the vegetable suppliers of protein, legumes can be distinguished - beans, beans, peas, chickpeas, and especially soy. Another thing is that plant proteins are not well absorbed by our body, therefore, it is ineffective to use only plant proteins in isolation for muscle mass.

Separately, it must be said that in any product, even a protein product, it is imperative to know the fat content, otherwise, by eating, for example, pork or goose (sausages and sausages are not even worth mentioning), you risk gaining excess fat.

It is imperative to include in your menu the main sources of energy - grains, otherwise how will you gain strength to gain muscle mass by doing exercises ?! The main thing is that the food is made from whole grains, that is, it contains fiber and vitamins that increase the body's tone and resistance to stress from the external environment.

What else will help to release muscles from the oppression of fat and show them in all their glory to the world?

Of course vegetables and fruits. In addition to dietary fiber, they contain fast-digesting carbohydrates, which will indirectly prevent the breakdown of protein in the body, as they compensate for the lack of glucose, which is actively consumed during exercise.

Do not forget about dairy products, which contain a certain amount of animal protein casein, which can also be used for the needs of the body, that is, muscle tissue.

Most interestingly, drinking water also has a huge impact on weight loss and as opposed to increasing muscle volume with appropriate strength training.

Do not limit yourself to drinking, as you need to drink before class, during and after, approximately one - two glasses at a time. The source of the liquid can be just water or special sports drinks.

Those who visit the fitness club have probably seen the jars and bottles offered there, colorfully calling to themselves. However, you need to be careful. The main thing in these drinks is the presence of a certain amount of sodium and glucose. By the way, chilled liquid quenches thirst better.

Protein cocktails deserve a separate removal. Most muscle gainers are likely experienced in muscle gain. However, you should understand that these protein sources cannot be substituted for complete meals.

Therefore, try to get as much protein as possible from food. But the cocktail can be used on the day of exercise as an additional portion of protein. However, be careful about its contents as well. Choose a product without unnecessary additives, strive for the greatest naturalness.

And of course, it should be said that it is extremely dangerous to use hormonal drugs for health. By interfering with the balance of biologically active substances of your body, it is extremely difficult to predict how this will turn out later. Therefore, be moderate, stick to proper nutrition and select the optimal physical, including power, loads.

Drink more fluids

Counting calories

When doing strength exercises in order to build muscle mass, the issue of proper and balanced nutrition should be given serious attention. Of course, sports training primarily affects the development of muscle mass, however, without proper nutritional support, it will be almost impossible to achieve an effect. Muscles require the right nutrition for their growth, and every athlete who sets a goal to achieve the desired result simply must know the basics of proper nutrition. So how do you eat right when you're swinging?

Protein is the main building material for muscles. It is believed that the calculation of the amount of daily protein intake should be 2 g per kilogram of the student's weight. However, at a time, the body assimilates no more than 40 g of protein, and thus it becomes obvious that the number of times it is necessary to eat during the day is at least 5-6 times, especially since in small doses food is absorbed much faster. It is necessary to accustom yourself to at least the first and second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Although sometimes it is not so easy to do this due to the work schedule, however, it is necessary to find the opportunity to strictly follow the diet in order to achieve results in training.

Foods that are important sources of protein include fish, chicken, beef, legumes, and dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese and milk.

Carbohydrates, also referred to as body fuel, are other critical components of a healthy workout diet. It is their sufficient amount that gives the necessary energy for training, and their lack leads to the fact that the body is forced to replenish energy due to the already having muscle tissue, which negates all the efforts of the athlete.

Carbohydrates most often enter the body along with vegetables, fruits and cereals. It is very good to include in your daily diet such foods as rice, honey, raisins, cookies, apples and bananas.

Answering the question: "how to eat properly when you swing?", It is worth noting that carbohydrates can be "fast" - that is, they can be digested quickly, saturating the body with energy, and "slow" - remaining in the intestines, they gradually release the energy necessary for exercise ... As a rule, the former include sweet foods - cakes, sweets, cakes and others. But for the second - rice, potatoes, oatmeal ...

Thus, it is advisable to eat foods saturated with “slow” carbohydrates before training, but immediately after training, you can eat sweets, which will quickly saturate the body with carbohydrates. In addition, such carbohydrates provoke the secretion of insulin, which neutralizes the influence of hormones, which in turn provoke a reaction of muscle tissue destruction after sufficiently intense training.

After you eat, in the stomach, proteins are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids under the influence of acid, bile and enzymes, and carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and fructose. After the stomach, the nutrient mass enters the intestine, where, with the help of digestive enzymes, protein is processed into individual amino acids, while fats are converted to fatty acids. Thus obtained amino acids, fatty acids and other substances in the form of an aqueous solution are absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls.

Drink more fluids

Be sure to keep track of the amount of water you drink throughout the day. The more you drink water, the faster and more impressive your muscle mass will grow.

The human body is ¾ of water, and without the supply of fluid, muscle tissue growth is impossible. In addition, lack of water leads to the fact that muscle tissue begins to break down during training.

Counting calories

One of the criteria for evaluating proper nutrition is the number of calories. In calories, the amount of food consumed is also assessed, and the expenditure of the athlete's strength is also assessed in them. Remember that the number of calories you eat should be more than the amount that you spend in training, this is a prerequisite for the growth of muscle mass. If you train hard, but the effect is not observed, the most obvious reason is the lack of calories consumed from your diet.

The main conclusion that an athlete should make, who wants to understand how to eat right when you swing, is to eat the right foods at least 5-6 times a day. And then the training effect will be visible.

If you want to pump up - sign up to the gym and swing. It would seem that everything is elementary simple. However, very often in men, whose body is, in principle, adapted to building muscle mass (due to male hormones), with intensive training, muscle gain is practically not observed. This just means that he is not yet aware of when you swing.

Fractional nutrition

For every kilogram of your weight, you need 2 grams of protein to build muscle. However, at one meal, no more than 40 grams of protein is absorbed. From this it is concluded that you cannot take all the daily protein at one time, you need 5-6 meals. Fractional meals should be the first item on the list of how to eat properly while exercising.


Even children know that muscle is built from protein. We have already mentioned the daily dose. Now let's talk about products. Every meal should contain a protein meal. The best sources of protein are animal foods. For example: milk, cheese, beef, cottage cheese, egg white. Plant protein is less digestible, so it will be more difficult for a vegetarian bodybuilder to figure out how to eat properly. In any case, plant foods will not provide enough protein, which means you will have to turn to sports supplements.


Carbohydrates are our body's fuel. With a lack of carbohydrates, you simply will not have the strength to exercise. Best Carbohydrate Sources:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • wholemeal pasta and baked goods.

Carbohydrates save our muscle tissue from self-consumption of the body. After strength training, the body needs energy to recover and grow. If you do not have reserves, muscle tissue will begin to split, and this just means that all your training is down the drain, because you not only did not add muscles, you also "eat" them !!! That is why the question is very important, like after training. Men do not need to be afraid of fast carbohydrates, unlike women, it does not turn into fat so rapidly, and after training, quickly decomposed energy is just what you need. When it comes to pre-workout meals, opt for slow carbohydrates.


The last thing to consider is the amount of fluid. Since we are ¾ of water, our muscles cannot grow without enough water. Do you want fast muscle gain? Drink plenty of clean, still water.