The first step in rectifying a horoscope is to determine the position of the Ascendant (Asc), the ascending degree at the time of birth. To do this, you should translate the horoscope into the house system of Jamaspa (or Brahmagupta), because it is this Asc that indicates the characteristic facial features and structure of the figure this person. It should be noted that in 90% of cases, if Asc is in the last three degrees of the zodiac sign, then the following constellation will appear in appearance. For example, if Asc in the Jamaspa house system falls at 29 degrees Leo, then this individual will most likely display Virgo features in his appearance. And if Asc is at 29 degrees Taurus, then we will see manifestations of Gemini traits. The Saraswati program contains a description of the most important external characteristics of a person with the Asc position in 12 zodiac signs and examples of various famous people. In addition, we suggest that you go through special system tests, where you need to select the corresponding position Asc from three photographs or drawings. If you learn to determine Asc using tests without errors, you will be able to easily cope with this task with any person from your circle of acquaintances who turns to you for medical, astrological or psychological help or even seeing it in public places or on TV. This will be especially easy to do when the time of birth is known within 2-3 hours, since Asc moves from one zodiac sign to another at a speed (depending on latitude) from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.

The main difficulties may arise in rectifying the horoscopes of people whose Asc falls on certain planets, called “geniuses of birth.” Although in some cases they allow you to exclude or confirm the position of the ascending degree without further rectification steps. For example, if a person’s Chiron is in the orb of one degree in the XII house or two degrees in the I house, then the color of his pupils will necessarily be different colors (one is brown, the other, say, gray). Or, if Uranus is in the last 2-3 degrees of the 12th house or in the first third of the 1st house, then this person will certainly be tall and have at least a slight squint. We also provide a description of the “geniuses of birth” in the Saraswati program.

To control and train identification rising sign use the “3 signs” tests, where, based on one photograph, you are asked to indicate the sign of the ascendant, and “3 photographs,” where from 3 photographs you need to choose the one corresponding to a given zodiac sign. Tests must be repeated until the answers are 100%.

Ascendant in Aries

  • The face fits into a triangle, pointing down.
  • Hair is often curly, chestnut, red or light brown in color.
  • Arched eyebrows and often brow ridges.
  • The eyes are large or medium.
  • The look is direct, open, often arrogant, perhaps militant, and sometimes naive.
  • The nose is large, often straight or curved down.
  • Lips are small or medium.
  • The chin is small.
  • Men often have bumpy skin on their faces.
  • Characterized by an athletic build, even among women.

Examples of an ascendant in Aries:

Ascendant in Taurus

  • The face fits into a square.
  • The hair is thick, often dark,
  • but there are also fair-haired ones.
  • The hairline is usually straight.
  • Eyebrows are medium and straight.
  • The shape of the eyes is beautiful, the eyelashes are often pronounced.
  • The look is soft, good-natured, “calf”, but in anger the face turns purple, the eyes are filled with “blood” and hatred.
  • The nose is usually small, often snub-nosed,
  • often with pronounced nostrils.
  • The lips are large and harmonious.
  • The chin is average.
  • Characterized by a short and wide neck.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • In women, breasts, buttocks and thighs are prominent.

Examples of an ascendant in Taurus:

Ascendant in Gemini

  • The face fits into an oval.
  • Hair comes in different shades and is sparse.
  • They like to have their hair cut short.
  • Eyebrows are small and narrow.
  • The eyes are medium or small, often with squinting,
  • located closer to the nose.
  • The look is moving, interested.
  • The nose, lips and chin are average.
  • Tend to be thin, often short.
  • They usually look younger than their age.
  • It is difficult to sit still for a long time; they like to do different things at the same time.

Examples of the ascendant in Gemini:

Ascendant in Cancer

  • The face fits into a circle, a little puffy.
  • Pale skin color, sometimes with a yellowish tint.
  • The hair is dark, less often light brown.
  • The eyes are a little protruding, but the gaze is inward, somewhat childish, naive or confused.
  • The figure tends to be overweight, arms and legs are usually small.
  • Women have pronounced mammary glands.
  • The nose is small, often snub-nosed or “potato-shaped.”
  • As a rule, the chin is not very pronounced.
  • Characterized by drowsiness, slowness and lethargy.

Examples of an Ascendant in Cancer:

Ascendant in Leo

  • The "lion's" mane is characteristic.
  • Men often experience early baldness.
  • Hair is often chestnut, light brown or red.
  • If dark, there is a tendency to early gray hair.
  • The eyes are large, somewhat slanted and beautiful.
  • The look is friendly, inviting to play.
  • The nose is medium or large, usually straight (Greek or Roman).
  • In profile - a “lion” face.
  • The lips and chin are average.
  • The figure is better formed at the top: broad shoulders, well-developed arm muscles, large chest. In women, the size of the mammary glands is medium or large.
  • The shins are often narrow.
  • Posture is proud, straight, confident.

Examples of an Ascendant in Leo:

Virgo Ascendant

  • The face fits into a wide oval.
  • Almost all facial features have the same proportions, which makes the appearance unmemorable, without any special features.
  • Astrologers often joke that they have “ typical appearance Komsomol worker."
  • The eyes are medium in size, set close to the nose.
  • Bow lips.
  • Women often have pink or white moles on the nose and around the lips.
  • They love classic style clothes.
  • Most often, the tendency towards youthfulness remains.

Examples of a Virgo Ascendant:

Ascendant in Libra

  • The face fits into an oval.
  • Hair is often dark or light brown, usually sparse.
  • The eyes are beautifully shaped, the gaze is cold, somewhat aloof, but not arrogant.
  • The smile is forced. The bridge of the nose is narrowed.
  • They keep their distance and don’t like familiarity.
  • The nose is small, often snub-nosed.
  • There are usually dimples on the cheeks.
  • The chin is large but harmonious.
  • The skin is often pale.
  • Poorly developed upper body: narrow shoulders, small chest, in women small size mammary glands.
  • Buttocks, thighs and legs are well and harmoniously developed
  • Typically thin bone.

Examples of the ascendant in Libra:

Ascendant in Scorpio

  • The face fits into a wide oval or triangle.
  • The hair is often dark.
  • The eyebrows are thick - fused on the bridge of the nose or dicritical (dominated), often lowered low.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, often squinted.
  • The gaze is direct, “snake-like”, piercing right through, like an x-ray.
  • The nose is large, often slightly curved downwards or with pronounced nostrils.
  • Lips are narrow or medium.
  • Characterized by a pronounced lower jaw.
  • Men like to wear a mustache, beard and long hair; their skin is most often lumpy.
  • Athletic figure, even for women.
  • They don't like to show emotions.
  • The timbre of the voice is low or hoarse.

Examples of the Ascendant in Scorpio:

Ascendant in Sagittarius

  • The face fits into a pentagon.
  • The forehead is large, straight or rounded.
  • Baldness, usually early from the forehead.
  • The eyebrows are wide and thick, but do not grow together on the bridge of the nose.
  • The nose is average of any shape.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • Characterized by a large, rounded belly.
  • The hands are large, and the finger joints are often pronounced (knobby).
  • Women, as a rule, have a large overweight figure.
  • The look is somewhat arrogant, self-confident.
  • They like to put pressure on others with their authority.

Examples of the ascendant in Sagittarius:

Ascendant in Capricorn

  • In childhood and youth they look older, in old age they look younger.
  • Often the face seems to be forged from stone, there are many wrinkles.
  • Height is usually below average.
  • The eyes are often small.
  • Eyebrows are often wide but sparse.
  • The nose is massive.
  • The forehead is large.
  • The look is confident, stubborn.
  • Prominent chin.

Examples of an ascendant in Capricorn:

Ascendant in Aquarius

  • Tendency to be tall and thin.
  • They look youthful.
  • Characterized by strabismus.
  • They like to dress and behave in very strange ways, like jesters.
  • The fingers are long and the joints are knobby.
  • The gaze is distracted or clouded.
  • Eccentricity and anarchy in behavior.

Examples of an ascendant in Aquarius:

Ascendant in Pisces

  • The face fits into a circle or an extended oval.
  • The hair is thick, dark or light brown, and flows down like a waterfall.
  • The forehead is large and usually straight.
  • Eyebrows are usually thick.
  • The eyes are incredibly beautiful.
  • The look is mysterious, a little sleepy,
  • directed inwards.
  • The nose is medium, of any shape, but harmonious.
  • The lips are big and beautiful.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • There is some pallor and swelling of the skin.

Examples of an Ascendant in Pisces:

Planets – “Geniuses of Birth”

If a planet falls on Asc, then it affects appearance in the following way.

Each planet has its own orbs (tolerances), which we will indicate.

Sun (orb in the XII house up to 5-6 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a charismatic personality, large slanting eyes, a playful, friendly and radiant look, a pink or reddish complexion. Women most often have voluminous hair.

Moon (orb in the XII house up to 5-6 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a pale or pale yellowish skin color, a rounded face, some swelling, small arms and legs, as well as hands and feet, a tendency to be overweight, slightly protruding eyes, a thoughtful look.

Mercury (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives thinness, a mobile look, small eyes set close to the bridge of the nose. Tendency to wear short hair, youthfulness even in old age.

Venus (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives large and harmonious lips, a beautiful eye shape, pronounced eyelashes. Women have a harmoniously proportioned figure (breasts, waist and buttocks). The hair is thick, often dark or light brown.

Mars (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives an athletic figure. A big nose. Typically arched eyebrows. An arrogant or too direct gaze.

Jupiter (orb in the XII house up to 3 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives charisma. Usually a pentagonal face. Early tendency to obesity and baldness from the forehead. Big belly. Thick eyebrows. Large brushes. Pronounced hips and buttocks. A self-confident, sometimes vain look.

Saturn (orb in the XII house up to 3 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a tendency towards thinness, short stature. A large number of wrinkles Eyes with a small cut or medium. The look is firm and purposeful. Typically low forehead. Youthfulness after 50 years.

Uranus (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives high growth. Tendency to squint, even slightly. Unusual appearance. Large hands.

Neptune (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a sleepy, foggy, mysterious look directed inward. Tendency to swelling. There is a feeling that a person always wants to sleep.

Chiron (orb in the 12th house up to 1 degree, in the 1st house – up to 2 degrees)
Gives different eye colors. Top part less developed than the lower one. The look is moving, the feeling of a mask on the face. Hair growth is developed in the lower part of the body (especially the legs).

Pluto (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a fixed gaze, penetrating through and through. The sizes of the eyes vary, but, as a rule, they are squinted. They are most often tall. People usually have a feeling that the surrounding space is filled with this person and psychological pressure on others, regardless of volume and height.

Proserpina (orb in the 12th house up to 1 degree, in the 1st house – up to 2 degrees)
Such a person blends into the crowd and is difficult to distinguish from those around him. Everything is proportional, averaged. He can look like anyone.

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The sign of the Ascendant and the planet near the Ascendant largely determine the characteristics of the birth of a child.

Element of Fire on the Ascendant. As a rule, the baby is born a little ahead of schedule, often not in the maternity hospital. During childbirth there is an element of surprise and an element of overcoming various obstacles. Childbirth begins at the most inopportune moment, causes a commotion among loved ones, requires high physical stress and extreme efforts from the mother, is accompanied by large loss of blood, high temperature bodies and environment. Immediately after birth, the child experiences close physical contact, behaves actively, and is overexcited.

Earth element on the Ascendant. There are frequent cases of post-maturity. Labor is often protracted. Almost always, the woman in labor is managed to be taken to the hospital or there is careful preparation and medical supervision during childbirth. Women in labor have experience of childbirth or are late-birthers. The newly born child behaves calmly and does not cause unnecessary trouble to the medical staff. The temperature of the woman in labor and the environment is normal or low.

The baby may be born prematurely. Childbirth is often rapid. Here, the most common cases of birth of twins (identical and fraternal). There are usually many people present during childbirth. Childbirth can occur in different vehicles: in trains, planes, buses, carts, ambulances; on open air; near roads.

After birth, the child immediately experiences the influence of various stimuli and behaves restlessly.

Element of Water on the Ascendant. Cases of prematurity are very rare. Childbirth usually lasts a long time. Sometimes stimulation is required. Often there is an active drug effect. Childbirth is shrouded in secrecy, it is deliberately hidden from someone or it takes place in a secluded place. The ambient humidity is high and it may rain or snow. After birth, the baby quickly falls asleep and behaves quite calmly.

Sun (Leo) on the Ascendant. Childbirth usually causes delight in the father (grandfather), is accompanied by hype, widespread notification of others, and is sometimes accepted by famous doctors or the father. Usually they go well. The afflicted Sun gives rejection of the child's gender by the father or mother.

Moon (Cancer) on the Ascendant. Childbirth takes place in a favorable environment, sometimes at home. The child immediately has contact with the mother and is surrounded by increased care from relatives or medical staff. The afflicted Moon gives rise to rejection of the child's gender by the mother or, conversely, excessive attention and an over-emotional attitude of the mother towards the child.

Mercury (Gemini or Virgo) on the Ascendant. The child experiences a sharp change in environment before and immediately after birth. This could be childbirth on the road, on a train, bus or car, but most often the woman in labor is provided with qualified assistance. When Mercury is affected, there is an excess of external stimuli that causes nervousness, insufficient emotional contact with the mother.

Venus (Taurus or Libra) on the Ascendant. The child is usually desired. During childbirth, the mother feels very comfortable. Joyful emotional atmosphere during childbirth. When Venus is affected, the emotional situation is unfavorable, and the mother or relatives may not accept the child’s appearance.

Mars (Aries) on the Ascendant. Usually unexpected and stormy births. Surgical interventions are common. When Mars is affected, birth injuries of the skull, hypertension, elevated temperature, inflammatory processes.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) on the Ascendant. Childbirth has a social resonance and leads to an increase in the social and material status of family members. The child is usually large and admired by his parents. When Jupiter is affected, complications of childbirth due to the large size of the fetus or excessive weight of the mother, induced labor, surgical intervention.

Saturn (Capricorn) on the Ascendant. Late labor, post-maturity. Prolonged labor. Lack of energy in mother and fetus. The child is usually small. Immediately after birth, the child is isolated and contact with the mother is disrupted. Experiences a lack of attention and care. When Saturn is affected, joint dislocations and other disorders skeletal system. Often the child is a burden for the parents.

Uranus (Aquarius) on the Ascendant. The child is born much prematurely or as a result of surgical intervention ( C-section). Childbirth is rapid, sometimes unexpected even for the medical staff. They take place in extreme or similar conditions, sometimes on the road (on an airplane, at the airport), or - it is possible to use experimental methods of obstetrics. When Uranus is affected, deformities of the child, abandonment of the child by the mother immediately after birth, and serious birth injuries are possible.

Neptune (Pisces) on the Ascendant. Massive medicinal effect on the woman in labor and on the child after childbirth. Use of anesthesia. Drug poisoning in a child after childbirth is common. Childbirth in water or with elements of mystery. Religious ceremonies are often performed immediately before or immediately after childbirth. When Neptune is affected, the fetus is suffocated, infectious diseases in mother and newborn. It is possible to replace the child.

Pluto (Scorpio) on the Ascendant. Usually difficult, protracted labor, resulting in injury to the baby and mother, often in inappropriate conditions. May be initiated by mental shock of the mother. The mother feels discomfort and bad attitude towards herself. When Pluto is affected, abandonment of the child or death of the mother, deformities of the child, postpartum mental shock of the mother or long-term illness.

2. Indirect determination of the Ascendant sign by name.

Element of Fire on the Ascendant. In the first name, patronymic and last name, voiced consonants and open vowels predominate; The letters “A” and “P” are very characteristic. Names: Andrey, Alexander, Arkady, Arseny, Eduard, Eldar, Aron, German, Mark; Tamara, Margarita, Marina, Marianna, Maria, Martha, Varvara. Surnames: Arbenin, Bazarov, Karamazov.

More often, surnames carry some semantic meaning associated with the element of the sign on the Ascendant, for example: Pozharsky, Ogarev, Gromov, Goryachev, Ozhegov, Krasnov, Kuznetsov, Goncharov, Boytsov, Starshinov, Mayorov, Chesnokov, Krapivin, etc.

Earth element on the Ascendant. In the first name, patronymic and last name, voiceless consonants predominate and in general there are significantly more consonants than vowels. Vowels are short and closed. The letters “P”, “Sh”, “F”, “U” are very characteristic. Names are often generic in nature, when a child is named after his father or grandfather. Also, the earthly element is characterized by traditional and somewhat outdated names, for example, Peter, Bogdan, Mikhail, Methodius, Timofey, Stepan, Vsevolod, Gleb, Nikita; Ustina, Fekla, Evdokia, Sofia, Kapitolina, Taisiya. Surnames: Shukshin, Sholokhov, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Blok, Zapashny, Pakhomov, Utesov, Glinka, Stupka, Chernyshevsky.

Element of Air on the Ascendant. In the first name, patronymic and last name, voiced consonants and double vowels predominate. The letters “N”, “S”, “Z”, “I”, “E” are very characteristic. Such names are easy to shout and announce, they rhyme easily. For example: Semyon, Leon, Ivan, Dmitry, Vyacheslav, Alexey, Oleg; Elena, Veronica, Evgenia, Svetlana, Lydia, Zoya, Zina, Ksenia. Surnames: Yesenin, Minin, Lenin, Feoktistov, Lebedev, Leonov, Golubev, Sorokin.

Element of Water on the Ascendant. In the first name, patronymic and last name, vowels and soft consonants predominate, and a soft sign is often found. Characteristic letters and combinations are “Ть”, “Ль”, “О”, “Я”, “У”, “И”. Such names are very lyrical and poetic, for example: Pavel, Ilya, Nikolai, Vasily; Ulyana, Yulia, Olga, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Tatyana. Surnames: Florensky, Mayakovsky, Zabolotsky, Malevich.

Superior planet on the Ascendant often leads to a change of first or last name in men, taking pseudonyms, and sometimes artificially constructed pretentious names. Uranus (Aquarius) gives a discrepancy between the first and last names, for example, Eldar Ryazanov, Venera Bildushkina, Apollo Tyutkin, etc., or the last names cause laughter. Pluto on the Ascendant is characterized by dissonant surnames or surnames that cause rejection in a given society. It should be noted that the lunar and plutonic effect is often associated with very common surnames that make personal identification difficult, such as Smirnov, Kuznetsov, Ivanov. Rare and foreign surnames, on the contrary, are associated with the Neptunian and Uranian effect.

One should not neglect nicknames given in childhood, at college or in the service. They often help determine the sign of the Ascendant. Besides, great importance has how the person himself perceives his first and last name. If he is shy about his first or last name, this indicates a superior or afflicted planet on the Ascendant. If a surname or name seems very beautiful and sonorous to a person, he is proud of it - this indicates ascending Jupiter, Sun, Venus.

3. Determining the Ascendant sign by appearance
and structural features of the body.

Element of Fire on the Ascendant. Face: Facial features are sharp, chiseled and give an impression of energy or majesty. Direct clear gaze. The eyes seem to glow from within, “burn with fire,” look straight into the eyes of the interlocutor, look at him point-blank, without blinking. Typically, the eyes are wide apart and wide open.

The nose is large, often with a hump or has one line with the forehead (“Roman profile”), the tip of the nose can bend down, the nostrils are sharply defined. The forehead is sloping and low. The chin is heavy, the lower jaw sometimes protrudes forward. The mouth is wide, the lips are dry and narrow, the teeth are large and widely spaced.

Hair with a reddish tint. Tendency to early baldness. Men usually cut their hair short, so that their hair stands up in a crew cut, while women wear very short haircuts or voluminous hairstyles.

The body is muscular. Height, as a rule, is average or below average, the figure is stocky, with a well-developed chest. The arms, legs and neck are short.

Each sign has its own distinctive features.

Aries on the Ascendant, in comparison with other fire signs, is characterized by the most powerful forehead and heavy brow ridges, sharp facial features and a lean figure. More than other signs, he is prone to early baldness.

Leo on the Ascendant has the widest chest, the largest and widest eyes and a rounded face (among the fire signs). Hair is curly and a lot of attention is paid to it. Often there is something resembling a halo or mane on the head.

Sagittarius on the Ascendant gives the tallest stature among fire signs, developed hips, an elongated face, a “downward look” and thick hair. Women love the ponytail hairstyle.

Element of Earth on the Ascendant. The cheekbones protrude, the face has monumental shapes, it is as if sculpted, sometimes poorly, sometimes well. With age - sunken cheeks and dry, inelastic skin. As a rule, a person looks older than his age.

The eyes are small, deep-set, and set close together. The color of the iris is uniform: either light blue or brown. The gaze is motionless, directed downwards. Rare glances are usually cast at the interlocutor from under knitted eyebrows.

The eyelids are heavy. Thick eyebrows, often fused at the bridge of the nose. The nose is large, wide, heavy at the bottom, the forehead is low, knobby. The mouth is small, the lips are often pursed, so that the chin is tense, and the corners of the mouth are downturned. The chin is massive, heavy, the lower jaw seems to be pulled down. Hair is thick and healthy, its appearance and structure greatly depend directly on the sign that is rising.

The body is stocky, the bone base, large hands and feet are always clearly visible. Height is average or above average.

Taurus on the Ascendant characterized by the most rounded and graceful forms (among the earth signs). A large, prominent forehead and bulging ox-eyes with long eyelashes. Usually beautiful hair that is easy to style and has a beautiful thick color, without tints.

Virgo on the Ascendant gives high growth, long neck, long arms and fingers, the longest nose and a refined face. Usually curly hair is the color of ripe rye or with an ashy tint. Often men wear long hair and mustaches.

With Capricorn on the Ascendant a person has a wide bridge of the nose, a large distance between the nose and lip. Wrinkles appear early, especially on the bridge of the nose. Massive shoulders and back, often showing a tendency to stoop.

Long legs with convex knees. Hair is usually straight, dark or ashen, and short in men; women often wear top knots and chignons and have elaborate updos.

Element of Air on the Ascendant. The face is lively, often changing expression. The facial muscles are very developed, which allows you to make all kinds of mines and antics. Facial features are pointed. The gaze is lively, running, rarely fixed on one object or on the face of the interlocutor. The corners of the eyes are slightly raised. Likes to squint his eyes.

The nose protrudes forward (“Pinocchio profile”), the tip of the nose is sometimes forked. The forehead is high, straight, usually open. The mouth is medium, the lips are often accentuated by a beautiful or unusual shape, small teeth. The chin is light, small (sometimes sloping).

Hair is rarely very thick and long. Women avoid having complex hairstyles, preferring haircuts, but they rarely cut their hair very short.

The body is light. Tendency to thinness, due to which representatives of this element often look younger than their age. The figure is elongated, directed upward (sometimes they can be short and dense and yet fast and lively - “like mercury”). Often beautiful hands with long fingers, active gestures.

With Gemini on the Ascendant man has the most short stature among the air signs. The chin is either of a specific protruding wedge-shaped shape, or, conversely, very small and barely defined. Often the look is sly and cunning. The corners of the eyes are especially noticeably upturned.

Libra on the Ascendant They are characterized by a very sweet, handsome appearance and harmonious facial features. Correct oval face, full cheeks with dimples, beautifully shaped lips. The eyes are small, but very attractive, with long eyelashes. The nose is the shortest among the air signs. The height is usually average, the build is proportional.

Having sign of Aquarius on the Ascendant the tallest among the air signs. Large eyes, often with some kind of strangeness: they can be slightly askew, be covered with glasses, have an unusual shine, or have an unusual shape or color. The tip of the nose is thickened. Hair is frizzy; both men and women prefer medium hair length; women tend to wear their hair loose.

Element of Water on the Ascendant. The face is usually round, gives the impression of childishness, and the facial features are soft. The eyes are large, beautifully covered with eyelashes. The corners of the eyes are downcast. Eye color is iridescent greenish-blue, green-brown or deep black, changing depending on the light. The gaze is often wandering and the eyes are hazy. Rarely looks directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, casts a sidelong glance, furtively.

The nose is snub-nosed, or at least its tip is turned up. Often found wide noses, especially in the lower part (“duck”). The forehead is small, convex, and forms a wavy line together with the nose. The mouth is small, the lips are swollen, sometimes “heart-shaped” or “bow-shaped.” The chin is small, round in shape, sometimes with a dimple underneath lower lip. A double chin is common.

The hair is thick, curly, may be uneven in color and consist of strands of different shades. The body, like the face, has soft round shapes. Tendency to be overweight (sometimes there are thin figures with limply drooping shoulders and sunken chests). Above average or average height. Women have developed breasts and hips. The hands and feet are small, the fingers are most often short and plump.

Cancer on the Ascendant characterized most tall among water signs, with a soft or distrustful glance from under the brows, bulging eyes.

With Scorpio on the Ascendant a person has specific features: average or below average height; body of “dense consistency”; the nose (unlike other water signs) may not be snub-nosed, but, on the contrary, hooked, “eagle-shaped”; the gaze is usually energetic, sharp, piercing, but with a touch of mystery, which distinguishes it from the gaze of fire signs; lips are large, clearly defined, slightly convex and bright; the corners of the eyes are strongly lowered, the pupil is very close to upper eyelid; The hair is usually straight and cut short.

Pisces on the Ascendant characterized by elusive, blurred features that change depending on mood, time of day, environment. Distinctive feature is a large upper lip, which sometimes exceeds the lower lip in size. There are often slightly saggy cheeks.

Necessary note. All of the above material concerns mainly people of the Caucasian race and cannot be directly applied to people of the Mongoloid and Negroid races. Racial characteristics make the manifestation of the Zodiac signs on the Ascendant very peculiar, but in general the principles remain unchanged:

  • Fire gives straight lines, sharpness and medallion features,
  • Earth - some heaviness and fundamentality of features,
  • Air - pointed shapes and lightness.
  • Water is round and soft.

In order to describe their differences within the race according to the sign of the Ascendant, specific amendments are needed.

In addition, it is very important not to confuse ethnic features of appearance with individual ones. For example, the Mediterranean or Southern European type of appearance (Arabs, Turks, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and others), as a rule, demonstrates, regardless of the sign of the Ascendant, the characteristics of the sign of Aries. The same applies to the peoples of the Caucasus: Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and others.

On the contrary, the northern European and Baltic peoples (Swedes, Danes, Dutch, Finns, Estonians, Latvians and perhaps others) seem to bear the imprint of the sign of Pisces. Therefore, individual traits must be considered within the national-tribal context.

4. Determination of the Ascendant sign based on life style.

In short, the Ascendant is a style - everything that this concept includes:

  • clothing preferences and communication style,
  • characteristic gestures and favorite expressions,
  • ability to behave in different situations
  • choosing your place in society and much more.

Element of Fire on the Ascendant. The gait is fast, the leg is planted rigidly, the head is slightly raised, they look forward. The movements are sharp, usually moving in a straight line. The handshake is energetic. The voice is loud, harsh, guttural timbre, with demanding intonations.

Pronounced extroverts, strive for active communication, keep the initiative in their hands. In a conversation, they focus on one topic, preventing themselves from being distracted and moving the conversation into a calmer direction. They move closer to the interlocutor, enhancing the intimate, personal nature of communication. They are poor listeners, like to impose their point of view, easily move into argument, and raise their voice.

Sit with your back straight, in a tense position, with both hands folded under your chin.

In clothing they adhere to a rather sporty style. They love caps, jackets, short coats and skirts, tracksuits, T-shirts, shorts. They prefer bright colors, all kinds of shades of red and yellow. Sagittarius shows a preference for purple and ultramarine; Leo is more likely to wear sandy and golden shades.

Element of Air on the Ascendant. The gait is light, sometimes bouncing. Movements of the arms and legs may be uncoordinated. Hand gestures are free and fast. The trajectory of movements is zigzag. They like to rub hand in hand or touch their ear with their hand. The handshake is light and dry. The voice is high, ringing, with enthusiastic or inviting intonations, the sound goes up, fills the space.

Very communicative. Easy to contact and find common topics for conversation. Can conduct a conversation with several partners at once;

When communicating, they keep their distance from the interlocutor. In conversation, they try not to get too personal, avoiding close contact. They easily change the topic of conversation, jump from one to another. They like to change intonations, imitate and mimic those they are talking about. On new information They react quickly and are very inquisitive.

They sit on the edge of a chair, like to cross their legs, often change their position, and are ready to jump up at the first opportunity.

They prefer a romantic style in clothing. They can also mature age dress like teenagers or like those who have gone traveling. They love small berets and hats, tight trousers, turtlenecks, short jackets, long but tight skirts, tight-fitting coat styles. They prefer blue and purple shades, often in combination with yellow and black. Excessive extravagance in clothing betrays Aquarius.

Element of Water on the Ascendant. Smooth gait, place your foot gently, sway your hips. Hand movements are smoothly slow. They often adjust their clothes and roll their shoulders. The handshake is limp and wet. They have insinuating (cat-like) manners.

Make contact carefully. They easily fall under the influence of a partner, follow his logic of conversation, often only supporting him. They are distracted from the thread of the conversation, withdrawing into themselves, into their thoughts and feelings. Drawing manner of speaking. They actively respond only to emotional outbursts of the conversation. They do not like intrusions into their personal space and react to the most insignificant changes in the emotional atmosphere. They avoid direct answers. In a company, they try to occupy the most secluded, but also the most comfortable place.

They usually sit bent over, like to support their head with their hand or tilt it to the side. If the situation allows, they curl up and tuck their legs under them.

In clothing they prefer “Victorian style” or “country” style. They love wide-brimmed hats or voluminous berets, long loose-fitting coats and raincoats, wide skirts and trousers. Women (and many men) wear clothes with frills and lace. They prefer blue, light green, pink, and crimson tones.

The combination of red and black always indicates Scorpio or Pluto ascendant.

Earth element on the Ascendant. The gait is heavy, the movements are thorough, slow, but clear and precise. They like to interlock their fingers or clench their hands into fists, and rest their hands on their knees or sides. The handshake is tight and heavy. Manners are rude.

Representatives of this element are uncommunicative, have difficulty making contact, and have difficulty finding topics for conversation. They are inert in conversation and do not change the chosen direction and content. Avoid talking to several people at once.

They love close, close contact with their interlocutor. Outwardly they react very poorly to changes in the situation. The voice is low, hoarse, often colorless or with authoritative intonations.

They always sit down thoroughly, rarely change their position, rest on the floor with both feet, and look for a rest for their hands.

In clothing they choose a strict and practical style. They wear classic suits, coats and hats or “work clothes” - overalls, straight trousers, untucked shirts. They prefer a straight silhouette and medium length skirts and coats. They love “natural autumn” colors: brown, ocher, yellow, marsh, terracotta. Love for gold and emerald is a sign of Taurus.

5. Determination of the Ascendant sign based on family and related differences.

It has been noticed that each family and clan, as a rule, has its own “favorite signs” or constellations of planets. They are passed down “by inheritance” for many generations. Very often, the mother’s Ascendant sign can move to the child’s Sun, and the mother’s Sun sign can become the children’s Ascendant sign. A grandmother with a stellium in the 7th house may have a granddaughter with an Ascendant in Libra. If the sister has many planets in the V house, the brother has Leo rising and so on. In this way, relatives help to extract important information about the Ascendant sign of the person in question.

Example 1. A woman with the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Pisces knows the time of birth very approximately. Possible signs on the Ascendant: Gemini, Cancer, Leo. This woman's mother has the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Aries, her grandmother the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Capricorn. Thus, the probability of falling on the Ascendant of Leo and Cancer is higher than that of Gemini. To find out more precisely a sign Ascendant, let's move on to the analysis of children's cosmograms. The daughter has the Moon in Aries, and the son has the Moon in Leo. Since it is the Moon in the child's chart that describes the mother, in our case the mother must have fire characteristics. From this we conclude that the desired Ascendant is most likely in Leo.

Important information can be provided astrological characteristics marriage partners. Quite often, the Ascendant sign of the husband (wife) is opposite to the Ascendant sign of the person in question (i.e., it coincides with the Descendant sign).

Example 2. A man with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Libra. Ascendant options - from 5 degrees Capricorn to 5 degrees Aquarius. The wife has the Sun and three other planets in the middle of Cancer. This speaks in favor of Capricorn on the Ascendant for the person in question. Subsequent analysis confirmed that the Ascendant falls at the 15th degree of Capricorn.

6. Determination of the Ascendant sign by the time of first contact.

Valuable information about the client’s Ascendant can be provided by a chart drawn up at the time of the client’s first contact with the astrologer. As a rule, the Ascendant of the first treatment card and the Ascendant of the client belong to the same element. Sometimes the planet rising at the time of first contact is the ruler of the client's Ascendant.

A planet that is in strong aspect to the Sun or is stationary at the time of contact very likely rules the client's Ascendant.

Note. Astrologers who have been practicing for quite a long time develop their own circle of clients. These are people whose astrological characteristics correlate with the main factors of the astrologer’s chart. Consequently, the possible “set of Ascendants” is very small, and it is easy for an experienced astrologer to choose the most suitable sign for this case.

7. Determination of the Ascendant sign
on the accuracy of information about the time of birth.

As a rule, the most exact information The time of birth is reported by those born under the signs of Virgo and Capricorn. If information about the time of birth is missing or very approximate, this indicates a water sign on the Ascendant or higher planet in the 1st house.

Attention! A necessary note. All of the listed methods for determining the Ascendant cannot be used in isolation, in isolation from the cosmogram. Only by taking into account all the main factors of the chart can one make a correct judgment about the sign of the Ascendant.

As an example, we use the method of determining the Ascendant by appearance (the sign of the Ascendant has a stronger influence on the profile, and the sign of the Sun is better visible from the front). In addition to the sign of the Ascendant, appearance is also influenced by: the sign of the Sun, the sign of the Moon, a planet in the 1st house, the sign of the planet ruling the Ascendant, a planet making a major aspect to the Ascendant.

A person who has, let's say. The Sun and Moon in earthly signs, has many appearance features characteristic of the earthly Ascendant, therefore, when determining his Ascendant, an allowance must be made for this.

The same applies to the circumstances of birth. If the Sun and Moon are afflicted by Uranus in the natal chart, then even with the Ascendant in Taurus one should expect premature or unusual births.

After the Ascendant has been determined, it is advisable to further clarify the time of birth by checking the correspondence of the positions of the planets in the houses with the real characteristics of the individual, facts and events of life. The information about planets in houses given below will help you navigate the variety of factors (however, this material does not pretend to be a reference book).

What is the Ascendant?

The Ascendant is a very important point in every horoscope. When you just start studying astrology, then all these concepts “Ascendant”, “Descendant”... seem like something incomprehensible. In fact, everything is very simple.

When constructing a horoscope, why do we start? From date, time and place of birth. This is the very starting point.

For example, date of birth (DO) 16.09.1980 V 10:00 V Zaporozhye. To buildhoroscope for this person we need to see what zodiac sign was rising on the horizon at the time of his birth and in what degree of this sign Asc fell. In other words, the Ascendant is the degree of the Zodiac that is on the eastern side of the horizon (or the ascending degree) at the time of birth, as seen from the place where the person was born.

In the majority astrological systems houses The Ascendant (Asc., Asc) is used as the vertex of the first house and is the starting point in constructing the grid of horoscope houses.

This can be done using Ephemeris and house tables, which is quite clever. But today everything is much simpler - there are professional computer programs. Also, knowing the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday (which can be found in any even detachable calendar), you can also “estimate” your Ascendant. Here's the simplest way:

  • If you were born at dawn, then the Ascendant will be equal to your Zodiac sign. That is, if you are Cancer, then your rising sign in your Horoscope is also Cancer.
  • 2-4 hours after sunrise the Ascendant moves by about one sign. That is, if you are Cancer, but were born at 7 o’clock in the morning, then your rising sign is already Leo.
  • 4-6 hours after sunrise the Ascendant will move through two signs. This will already be Virgo for our Cancer.
  • Being born in the middle of the day means that the Ascendant moves about three signs.
  • 4-6 hours before sunset - four digits. Our Cancer will most likely already be Scorpio according to the Ascendant. And so on.

That is, at the heart of this very simple method it is implied that every 2-4 hours the Ascendant moves approximately one sign (30 degrees). But this is conditional, of course. Because there are signs that travel through the Ascendant for more than 2 hours, but there are also those that move much faster, less than 2 hours. They are called the signs of fast and slow ascension.

Therefore, the easiest way to accurately determine your Ascendant is to use a computer program that allows you to calculate your natal chart.

So, in our example for DR: 09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporozhye

What does the Ascendant show in the Horoscope?

This is, figuratively speaking, the door through which we enter this world after taking our first breath. We were born. Under what circumstances were we born, what preceded it, how do we perceive the world, what do we look like, our appearance, our reaction? All this information is given by the rising sign.

09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporozhye – The Ascendant in the birth chart is in the 3rd degree of Scorpio.

What can we say about this person?

According to his manifestations, he is Scorpion. We begin to build on this in our reasoning, describing the behavior, character and appearance of a given person.

Scorpio - implies some tension, internal contradictions, aggressiveness. It is possible that before giving birth the mother of the newborn experienced some negative emotions, anxiety, worries, I didn’t really want pregnancy... something was inharmonious. There could have been complications or bad attitude from the staff during the birth. That is, the child went through negativity. As a result, he will be restless, loud, and demanding.

In the appearance of this person, despite the fact that he is a Virgo according to the Sun (“according to the Horoscope”), there will be something Scorpio-like - for example, a hooked nose, a sharp, mocking look, as if from under his brows. The character will show secrecy, some poisonousness, anger, and aggressiveness. In life, such a person will have to face crises more than once. Scorpio attracts negativity.

It must be said that the Ascendant is also how other people see us, what we are in their eyes, our abilities and talents. If at the time of birth the Ascendant was strengthened by connection with anyplanet, then all of the above becomes a priority in the interpretation of the Horoscope. Most likely, it is precisely according to this scenario that the life of its owner, the native, will develop.

Viya Fedyanina

  • Here you can calculate your ascendant

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Every person has two zodiac signs. The first sign is determined by the hour of birth. It is called the rising sign, or ascendant, and characterizes individual personality person.

The second sign is determined by the birthday. It is called solar and according to the position of the Sun it records the degree of birth, which characterizes the unique essence of a person.
The first part of the book explains how to determine your ascending sign by the hour of birth in order to know the inner forces that contribute to the revelation of the capabilities and character of the individual.
The second part of the book reveals the hidden meaning of the birthday, fixed by the degree of birth, and defines those leading manners that, through their patronage, actively influence the formation of earthly opportunities provided to the embodied entity.
Separately, the definition and characteristics of the leading planets during their stay in a particular zodiac sign and their direct influence on the course, rhythm and color of the life cycle are given.

Rising sign (ascendant) – a person’s personality

The ascending sign, which is determined by the hour of birth, characterizes a person’s personality.
A person’s personality is a set of properties and qualities of character, its external manifestation, as well as physical and spiritual potentials that are given to the entity for implementation in terrestrial conditions opportunities provided by the degree of birth.
The sphere of activity of the individual is earthly life.
The sun sign, which is determined by the birthday, characterizes the essence of a person.
The essence of a person is the spiritual basis of individuality, his ego, his monad, which carries within itself the experience of all past incarnations.
The field of activity is endless life on a subtle level.
The personality is constantly under the control and influence of the essence, taking upon itself all the joys and hardships of physical existence in the dense material world.
In his activities, the individual is completely independent and free to make any decisions. However, her every decision is recorded By Higher Powers who monitor the fulfillment of fate (karma).
As mentioned above, the totality of personality properties and qualities determines the ascending sign.
The rising sign can coincide with the solar sign and thus enhance all its qualities and, giving it its vital energy, determine the character, often strong. A person becomes the bearer of his double sign, that is, he initially becomes twice Capricorn, or twice Aries, or, say, twice Sagittarius.
However, often the rising sign is not a mirror image and does not coincide with the solar one. Such people become carriers of the vital energy of two signs of the Zodiac. This is what often leads to confusion in the minds of those who are familiar only with the beginnings of astrology. They see the behavior of a person in front of them, they know his birthday, that is, they know the sign of the Zodiac, and they cannot understand either his actions or character traits, because they do not correspond to this specific solar sign, its characteristics. In such cases, they usually give up on astrology as a very approximate science, far from concrete, and in general... How can you trust the signs of the Zodiac if we know for sure that this person was born in early January and according to the horoscope he is a pure Capricorn, but in reality he behaves like a real Gemini?
Such examples are often found in everyday reality, and people who are superficially familiar with astrology blame the ancient science without reason. They just don't know that
Every person has two zodiac signs, and in the above example, Capricorn, who is born at the typical hour of birth, has an ascending sign in Gemini, and it is they, the qualities of Gemini, that dominate behavior. We repeat - in behavior, that is, in the external manifestation of the essence. But inside, at his core, this person remains a Capricorn, and when it comes to serious issues, he will show his flinty Capricorn hardness.
Often the ascending sign has a decisive influence on a person’s appearance: on his face, on physical structure bodies. A man will look at a chubby woman, consider that in front of him is a charming and sensual crayfish, he begins to court, make acquaintances, but in reality it turns out that instead of the emotional sensuality of the crayfish, he met the cold prudence of a Virgo.
The ascending sign is the external manifestation of the essence, the “clothing” by which it is met, in which it manifests itself, and in which it walks through life.
To avoid unpleasant mistakes in determining a person’s character, you need to learn to recognize his rising sign.

Determination of the rising sign (ascendant)

The ascending sign is determined quite simply. Take a simple tear-off calendar and open it to the page for a specific birthday. As a rule, all tear-off calendars indicate the time of sunrise. The time of sunrise on a specific birthday is the starting point, the starting position for determining the rising sign.

Next comes the arithmetic calculation. But before you start calculating the ascending sign, you need to know two rules.
First rule. The rising sign changes every two hours of direct time. There are 24 hours in a day, and there are 12 signs themselves, therefore, there are two hours for each sign.
Second rule. The determination of the rising sign begins from the moment the Sun rises, and the first rising sign will be the repetition of the given person’s sun sign. A person, for example, was born in the sign of Capricorn, and the first two hours after sunrise on the day of his birth will belong to the rising sign of Capricorn. And if a person was born in the sign of Taurus, then the similar first two hours will be the ascending sign of Taurus, then the hours of Gemini, Cancer, and so on will follow.
Let us explain with a specific example. The person was born on March 31st. Open the calendar and look at the numbers. They indicate that the Sun rose on this day at 6 hours 2 minutes. This is the starting time for determining the ascending sign.
And then comes a simple arithmetic calculation. If, for example, this person was born between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning, then his rising sign will be Aries, with all the ensuing consequences that strengthen his sun sign.
If you were born between 8 and 10 am, then your rising sign will be Taurus, which will impose its own characteristics and bring its own energy.
If born between 10 and 12, then his ascendant sign will be the sign of Gemini, which will leave its strong imprint on behavior and appearance.
The next rising sign will be Cancer, then after a couple of hours, it will become Leo, then Virgo and so on. The last ascending sign in this series will be the sign of Pisces, if a person was born on March 31 in the period between 4 and 6 o’clock, that is, just before dawn. It is quite natural that his behavior in life will be far from the habits of Aries.
Important feature. You need to know that if the ascending and solar signs belong to the same element or related ones, then they complement and strengthen each other. For example, Aries has an ascending sign in Sagittarius (the element of Fire) or in Aquarius, that is, in the related element of Air. But it is precisely this strengthening that can sometimes let a person down, since everything in life will be easy for him, which means that from constant “luck” he can become complacent and lose that vital vigilance and fighting energy that is so necessary for him in this earthly incarnation.
And vice versa, if the solar and ascending signs belong to unrelated elements, for example, Aries has a rising sign in Cancer, that is, the element of Fire (Aries) meets the element of Water (Cancer), then in such cases there is no mutual suppression and muting of characteristic qualities , and simultaneous feeding of opposite energies. They, as a rule, also complement each other with the high demands of these opposites. Here life does not go “like clockwork”: both the most global and the simplest life issues are resolved intensely, but in a more complete manner and often with better results than in the first case. Conclusion: this Aries in his earthly incarnation needs to have the “clothes” of Cancer in order the best way complete the task, fulfilling your destiny.
Let us especially note that there are neither good nor bad combinations and each is given to a person for a specific purpose. Accidents are excluded, every soul, going to earthly life, in her next incarnation, knows well the goals, objectives, and conditions in which she will have to live, fulfilling her destiny.

Features of the rising sign (ascendant)

Now, knowing how the ascending sign is determined, let's move on to considering its characteristics and personality traits that it determines while being in each individual sign of the Zodiac.
The rising sign indicates the constellation that rose above the horizon at the moment when a person was born, and it is this constellation, or rather the sign of the Zodiac, that becomes the fulcrum in his earthly life, like home and earth, strengthening the concept of himself, of his will and its manifestation in the surrounding world, that is, characterizing the personality.
Below we give a description of typical, one might say normal, or ideal, or classical manifestations of ascending signs, although in reality it can be observed that these descriptions are somewhat inconsistent with individual specific cases. These differences, or rather, some changes in appearance and personality characteristics, occur for two reasons.
First reason. If at the time of birth there was a planet above the horizon in the constellation, which will influence these signs. A happy, related planet with its influence will strengthen good ones and weaken negative qualities character, and vice versa if the planet turns out to be hostile.
The second reason. They influence the formation of personality and national characteristics, inherited characteristics, early training, environment, occupational traits and geographical, racial influences all have some influence on changes in both character and appearance.
We repeat that both of these reasons exist in reality, but they only partially influence, without changing the main characteristic. For example, the influence of a planet can be determined by a person’s appearance. Jupiter determines the tendency to be overweight. Mars develops the muscular system. Venus indicates graceful forms and pleasant appearance, a unique attractive smile. Saturn usually makes hair, eyes and skin color darker than the sign characteristic indicates. Mercury gives high and medium height, restless activity. Neptune indicates some physical sign - pale, transparent color faces, something remarkable in the depths of the eyes, the lines of the lips. Uranus leads to long limbs, slender forms or unusual, strange facial expressions and, often, an enlarged nose. Rising Mars, Uranus and Saturn usually leave their “mark” on the face or head in the form of a scar or mark.
The planet that appears above the horizon at the moment of birth affects the physical and mental makeup of a person.