Any story about historical edged weapons would be incomplete without a story about medieval Japanese swords. This is a unique weapon throughout many centuries faithfully served its masters - the fierce samurai warriors. In recent decades, the katana sword seems to be experiencing a rebirth; interest in it is enormous. The Japanese sword has already become an element popular culture, the katana is “loved” by Hollywood directors, creators of anime and computer games.

It was believed that the spirits of all its previous owners lived in the sword, and the samurai was just the guardian of the blade, and he was obliged to pass it on to future generations. The samurai's will always included a clause in which his swords were distributed among his sons. If good sword If there was an unworthy or incompetent owner, then in this case they said: “The sword is crying.”

The history of these weapons, the secrets of their manufacture and the fencing techniques used by medieval Japanese warriors are of no less interest today. However, before moving on to our story, a few words should be said about the very definition of a samurai sword and its classification.

Katana is a long Japanese sword, with a blade length from 61 to 73 cm, with a slight bend in the blade and one-sided sharpening. There are other types of Japanese swords, mainly they differ in their dimensions and purpose. Moreover, the word “katana” in modern Japanese means any sword. If we talk about the European classification of edged weapons, then the katana is not a sword at all, it is a typical saber with a one-sided sharpening and a curved blade. The shape of the Japanese sword is very similar to a checker. However, in the tradition of the Land of the Rising Sun, a sword is any type (well, almost any) of a bladed weapon that has a blade. Even a naginata, similar to a European medieval glaive, with a two-meter handle and a blade at the end, is still called a sword in Japan.

It is much easier for historians to study the Japanese sword than European or Middle Eastern historical edged weapons. And there are several reasons:

  • The Japanese sword has been used in the relatively recent past. The katana (this weapon had a special name gun-to) was widely used during the Second World War;
  • Unlike Europe, it has survived to this day a large number of ancient Japanese swords. Weapons that are several centuries old are often in excellent condition;
  • The production of swords using traditional medieval technologies continues in Japan today. Today, about 300 blacksmiths are engaged in the manufacture of these weapons, all of them have special state licenses;
  • The Japanese have carefully preserved the basic techniques of sword fighting.


The Iron Age began relatively late in Japan; only by the 7th century did Japanese blacksmiths master the technology of making weapons from multilayer steel. Until this point, iron swords were imported into the country from China and Korea. The most ancient Japanese swords were most often straight and had a double-edged sharpening.

Heian period (IX-XII centuries). During this period, the Japanese sword received its traditional curve. At this time, central state power weakened, and the country plunged into a series of endless internecine wars and entered a long period of self-isolation. A caste of samurai - professional warriors - began to form. At the same time, the skill of Japanese gunsmiths increased significantly.

Most of the fights took place on horseback, so the long saber gradually took the place of the straight sword. Initially it had a bend near the handle, later it shifted to an area 1/3 from the end of the tang. It was during the Heian period that the appearance Japanese sword, and the technology for its manufacture was developed.

Kamakura period (XII-XIV centuries). The significant improvement in armor that occurred during this period led to changes in the shape of the sword. They were aimed at increasing the striking power of weapons. Its top became more massive, the mass of blades increased. It became much more difficult to fencing with such a sword with one hand, so they were mainly used in foot fights. This historical period is considered the “golden age” for the traditional Japanese sword; later, many blade manufacturing technologies were lost. Today blacksmiths are trying to restore them.

Muromachi period (XIV-XVI centuries). During this historical period, very long swords began to appear, the dimensions of some of them exceeding two meters. Such giants are the exception rather than the rule, but the general trend was obvious. A long period of constant wars required a large number of edged weapons, often at the expense of a decrease in their quality. In addition, the general impoverishment of the population led to the fact that few people could afford a truly high-quality and expensive sword. At this time, Tatar furnaces became widespread, which made it possible to increase the total amount of steel produced. The tactics of fights are changing; now it is important for a fighter to get ahead of his opponent in delivering the first blow, which is why katana swords are becoming more and more popular. Towards the end of this period, the first firearms, which changes battle tactics.

Momoyama period (XVI century). During this period, the Japanese sword became shorter, and a pair of daishos came into use, which later became classic: the long katana sword and the short wakizashi sword.

All the periods described above belong to the so-called Age of Old Swords. IN early XVII century, the Age of New Swords (Shinto) begins. At this time, many years of civil strife ceased in Japan, and peace reigned. Therefore, the sword somewhat loses its combat significance. The Japanese sword becomes an element of costume, a symbol of status. Weapons begin to be richly decorated, and much more attention is paid to their appearance. However, this reduces his fighting qualities.

After 1868, the Age of Modern Swords begins. Weapons forged after this year are called gendai-to. In 1876, the wearing of swords was prohibited. This decision dealt a serious blow to the samurai warrior caste. A large number of blacksmiths who made blades lost their jobs or were forced to retrain. Only at the beginning of the last century a campaign for a return to traditional values ​​began.

The highest part for a samurai was to die in battle with a sword in his hands. In 1943, the plane carrying Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (the same one who led the attack on Pearl Harbor) was shot down. When the charred body of the admiral was taken out from under the wreckage of the plane, they found a katana in the hands of the dead man, with which he met his death.

At the same time, swords began to be manufactured industrially for the armed forces. And although they outwardly resembled a combat Samurai sword, these weapons no longer had any relation to the traditional blades made in earlier periods.

After the final defeat of the Japanese in World War II, the victors issued an order to destroy all traditional Japanese swords, but thanks to the intervention of historians, this was soon canceled. The production of swords using traditional technologies was resumed in 1954. A special organization “Society for the Preservation of Artistic Japanese Swords” was created, its main task was to preserve the traditions of making katanas, as part of cultural heritage Japanese nation. Currently, there is a multi-stage system for assessing the historical and cultural value of Japanese swords.

Japanese classification of swords

What other swords, besides the famous katana, exist (or existed in the past) in Japan. The classification of swords is quite complex; in the Land of the Rising Sun it refers to scientific disciplines. What will be described below is just short review, which gives only a general idea of ​​the issue. Currently, the following types of Japanese swords are distinguished:

  • Katana. The most famous type of Japanese sword. It has a blade length of 61 to 73 cm, with a rather wide and thick curved blade. Outwardly, it is very similar to another Japanese sword - tachi, but differs from it in the smaller bend of the blade, the way it is worn, and also (but not always) in length. The katana was not just a weapon, but also an invariable attribute of the samurai, part of his costume. The warrior simply did not leave home without this sword. The katana could be worn in a belt or on special ties. It was stored on a special horizontal stand, which was placed at the warrior’s head at night;
  • Tati. This is a Japanese long sword. It has more bend than a katana. The length of the tati blade starts from 70 cm. In the past, this sword was usually used for mounted combat and during parades. Stored on a vertical stand with the handle down in peacetime and with the handle up during war. Sometimes one more of this type of Japanese sword stands out - O-dachi. These blades were significant in size (up to 2.25 m);
  • Wakizashi. A short sword (blade 30-60 cm), which together with the katana forms the standard weapon of a samurai. The wakizashi could be used for fighting in tight spaces, and was also used in conjunction with a longsword in some fencing techniques. These weapons could be carried not only by samurai, but also by representatives of other classes;
  • Tanto. A dagger or knife with a blade up to 30 cm long. Used for cutting off heads, as well as for committing hara-kiri, and for other, more peaceful purposes;
  • Tsurugi. A double-edged straight sword that was used in Japan until the 10th century. This name is often given to any ancient swords;
  • Ninja or shinobi-gatana. This is the sword that was used by the famous Japanese medieval spies - ninjas. In appearance, it was practically no different from a katana, but it was shorter. The sheath of this sword was thicker; the elusive shinobi hid a whole arsenal of spies in them. By the way, ninjas were not worn on the back, because it was extremely inconvenient. The exception was when a warrior needed his hands free, for example, if he decided to climb a wall;
  • Naginata. This is a type of bladed weapon, which was a slightly curved blade mounted on a long wooden shaft. It resembled a medieval glaive, but the Japanese also classify naginata as a sword. Naginata fighting continues to this day;
  • Gong something. Army sword of the last century. These weapons were manufactured industrially and sent in huge quantities to the army and navy;
  • Bokken. Wooden training sword. The Japanese treat it with no less respect than a real military weapon.

Making a Japanese sword

There are legends about the hardness and sharpness of Japanese swords, as well as about the blacksmithing art of the Land of the Rising Sun itself.

Master gunsmiths occupied a high place in the social hierarchy of medieval Japan. Making a sword was considered a spiritual, almost mystical act, so they prepared for it accordingly.

Before starting the process, the master spent a lot of time in meditation, he prayed and fasted. Often, blacksmiths wore the robes of a Shinto priest or a court ceremonial costume while working. Before the forging process began, the forge was thoroughly cleaned, and amulets were hung at its entrance, designed to scare away evil spirits and attract good ones. While working, the forge became a sacred place; only the blacksmith himself and his assistant could enter it. During this period, family members (except women) were prohibited from entering the workshop, while women were not allowed to enter the forge at all, for fear of their evil eye.

When making a sword, the blacksmith ate food cooked on a sacred fire, and there was a strict taboo on animal food, strong drinks, and sexual contacts.

The Japanese obtained metal for the manufacture of edged weapons in Tatar furnaces, which can be called a local version of an ordinary domnitsa.

Blades are usually made of two main parts: a shell and a core. To make the sword's shell, a package of iron and high-carbon steel is welded together. It is folded and forged many times. The main task of the blacksmith at this stage is to achieve homogenization of the steel and clean it of impurities.

For the core of a Japanese sword, mild steel is used, and it is also forged many times.

As a result, to make a sword blank, the master receives two bars, made of durable high-carbon and soft steel. When making a katana from hard steel, a profile is formed in the shape of a Latin letter V, into which a block of soft steel is inserted. It is somewhat shorter than the overall length of the sword and does not reach the tip a little. There is also a more complex technology for making a katana, it consists in forming a blade from four bars of steel: the tip and cutting edges of the weapon are made from the hardest steel, a slightly less hard metal is used on the sides, and the core is made of soft iron. Sometimes the butt of a Japanese sword is made from a separate piece of metal. After welding the parts of the blade, the master shapes its cutting edges, as well as the tip.

However, the “main feature” of Japanese swordsmiths is considered to be sword hardening. It is the special heat treatment technique that gives the katana its incomparable properties. It differs significantly from similar technologies that were used by blacksmiths in Europe. It should be recognized that in this matter Japanese masters have advanced much further than their European colleagues.

Before hardening, a Japanese blade is coated with a special paste made from clay, ash, sand, and stone dust. The exact composition of the paste was kept strictly secret and passed down from father to son. An important nuance is that the paste is applied to the blade unevenly: a thin layer of the substance was applied to the blade and tip, and side faces and the butt are much thicker. After this, the blade was heated to a certain temperature and hardened in water. Areas of the blade covered with a thicker layer of paste cooled more slowly and became softer, and the cutting surfaces obtained the greatest hardness with such hardening.

If everything is done correctly, then a clear boundary appears on the blade between the hardened area of ​​the blade and the rest. It's called jamon. Another indicator of the quality of the blacksmith’s work was the whitish tint of the blade’s butt, it is called utsubi.

Further refinement of the blade (polishing and grinding) is usually carried out by a special master, whose work is also highly valued. In general, more than ten people can make and decorate a blade; the process is very specialized.

After this, the sword must pass tests; in ancient times, specially trained people did this. Tests were carried out on rolled up mats and sometimes on corpses. It was especially honorable to test the new sword on a living person: a criminal or a prisoner of war.

Only after testing the blacksmith stamps his name on the tang, and the sword is considered ready. Work on mounting the handle and guard is considered auxiliary. The katana handle was usually covered with stingray skin and wrapped with a silk or leather cord.

The fighting qualities of Japanese swords and their comparison with European swords

Today the katana can be called the most popular sword in the world. It is difficult to name another type of bladed weapon around which there are so many myths and outright fairy tales. The Japanese sword is called the pinnacle of blacksmithing in the history of mankind. However, one can argue with such a statement.

Research carried out by specialists using the latest methods, showed that European swords (including those of the ancient period) were not much inferior to their Japanese counterparts. The steel that European blacksmiths used to make weapons turned out to be no worse refined than the material of Japanese blades. They were welded from many layers of steel and had selective hardening. When studying European blades, modern Japanese masters were involved, and they confirmed high quality medieval weapons.

The problem is that very few examples of European bladed weapons. Those swords that are discovered during archaeological excavations are usually in poor condition. There are particularly revered European swords that have survived centuries and are today in museums in good condition. But there are very few of them. In Japan, due to the special attitude towards edged weapons, a huge number of ancient swords have survived to our time, and the condition of most of them can be called ideal.

A few words should be said about the strength and cutting characteristics of Japanese swords. Without a doubt, the traditional katana is an excellent weapon, the quintessence of the centuries-old experience of Japanese gunsmiths and warriors, but it is still not capable of cutting “iron like paper.” Scenes from movies, games and anime where a Japanese sword cuts stones effortlessly, plate armor or other metal objects should be left to the writers and directors. Such abilities lie beyond the capabilities of steel and contradict the laws of physics.

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The name "samurai" can be considered conditional. It is familiar to a European, who understands this type of sword primarily as a katana, but this form of sword came to Japan itself from Korea, and in Japanese chronicles of the 7th-13th centuries. such a sword was called “Korean”. The ancient Japanese sword - tsurugi - had a long handle and a straight, double-edged blade. They wore it obliquely behind their back and uncovered it, grabbing the handle with both hands at once. Since the 3rd century AD. The tsurugi becomes sharpened on only one side, and some types have a massive counterweight on the handle. Curved blades in Japan began to be made in the Heian era (the first serious mention of them dates back to 710), that is, almost simultaneously with the appearance of the classical saber in the Middle East. By the 12th century, with the growth of power and the strengthening of the samurai class, the curved blade, which was the service weapon of the samurai, completely replaced the straight one in Japan.

Both in European and in our literature there is sufficient confusion in the names of samurai swords. It is known that the samurai carried two swords - long and short. Such a pair was called daisho (literally "larger and smaller") and consisted of a daito ("larger sword"), which was the main weapon of the samurai, and a seto ("smaller sword"), which served as a spare or additional weapons, used in close combat, for cutting off heads or hara-kiri, if the samurai did not have a kusungobu dagger specially designed for this. True, the custom of wearing two swords finally developed only in the 16th century. A long sword has a blade length of more than two shaku (shaku = 33 cm), a short sword - from one to two shaku (that is, 33-66 cm). The long sword is the most famous in Europe, usually called the "katana". But this is not entirely correct. A katana is a long sword that is worn in a sheath, tucked into the belt with the blade facing up, and is drawn from the sheath, unsheathed, in a downward motion. This method of wearing a sword appeared in the 14th-15th centuries. and became the main, most convenient one (by the way: wearing a katana in your belt with the blade up allows you to conveniently pull it out not only with your right, but also with your left hand). Until that time, the word “katana” meant a long dagger or a short sword tucked into the belt, and a long one was called " Tati". Tati was worn on his side in a sling tied to a sheath in which he was placed with the blade down, exposed from the bottom up. This method of carrying a long sword was suitable when samurai fought mainly on horseback, but for those on foot it was significantly less convenient. In addition, etiquette required that a long sword be removed when entering a house, and removing a sword in a sheath from a belt is much simpler and more convenient than unhooking them from the sling each time and then tying them back. From the 14th-15th centuries, when such swords began to be worn mainly in the belt, wearing a sword on a sling began to be considered rather ceremonial, and therefore the tati himself and his scabbard were treated much more richly, because they were ceremonial. The short sword, which was always carried in a sheath at the waist, was called a katana or tanto when worn in conjunction with a tachi. And when worn in conjunction with a long katana, it was called wakizashi. So the name of samurai swords reflects mainly the way they were worn, and when drawn from their scabbards, the larger and smaller swords, no matter what they were called, had the same length and shape, except perhaps the very early forms of the smaller sword (at the time when it was still called a katana) had a barely noticeable curvature and seemed almost straight.

The length of a daito is 95-120 cm, a seto is 50-70 cm. The handle of a long sword is usually designed for 3.5 fists, and a short one for 1.5. The blade width of both swords is about 3 cm, the thickness of the back is 5 mm, while the blade has a razor sharpness. The handle is usually covered with shark skin or wrapped in such a way that the handle does not slip in the hands. The weight of a long sword is about 4 kg. The guard of both swords was small, only slightly covering the hand, and had a round, petal or multifaceted shape. It was called "tsuba". The tsuba of the small sword could have additional slots for inserting additional knives into its sheath - throwing kozuka and utility kogai. The production of tsubas has literally turned into an artistic craft. They could have a complex openwork shape and be decorated with carvings or relief images.

In addition to the daisho, a samurai could also wear a nodachi - a “field sword” with a blade more than a meter long and a total length of about 1.5 m. It was usually worn behind the back like a tsurugi or on the shoulder, holding it with the hand. With the exception of length, nodachi was structurally no different from daito, which we will further call katana.

The rider could hold the katana with one hand, but in battle on the ground, this sword was preferred to be held with both hands because of its weight. Early katana techniques involved wide circular slashing movements, but later they became much more developed. The katana could be used to stab and chop equally easily. The long handle allows you to actively maneuver the sword. In this case, the main grip is the position when the end of the handle rests in the middle of the palm, and the right hand holds it near the guard. The simultaneous movement of both hands allows you to describe a wide amplitude with the sword without much effort.

Both the katana and the straight European sword of a knight weigh a lot, but the principles for performing chopping blows are completely different. The European method, aimed at piercing armor, involves maximum use of the inertia of the sword and delivering a blow “with a sweep”. In Japanese fencing, the person leads the sword, not the person's sword. There, the blow is also delivered with the force of the whole body, but not from a normal step, but from an additional step, in which the body receives a powerful push forward (greater than when turning the body). In this case, the blow is applied “fixed” to a given level, and the blade stops exactly where the master wants it, and the force of the blow is not extinguished. And when the master of the sword chops into small slices a head of cabbage or a watermelon lying on the stomach of his student, or cuts off half a lemon clutched in his teeth (often also blindly, blindfolded), then what is first of all demonstrated is his ability to catch a shot. And if such a blow does not hit the target, then it no longer pulls the owner along with it, as is the case with a European sword, but gives him the opportunity to change direction or strike the next one, especially since the short step allows him to deliver powerful blows at every step - today's A Kendoka with a black belt can perform three vertical sword strikes per second. Most of the blows are delivered in the vertical plane. There is almost no division into “block strike” accepted in Europe. There are knocking blows to the enemy's hands or weapons, throwing his weapon away from the line of attack and making it possible to deal a damaging blow to the enemy at the next step. They retreat forward when fighting with katanas. Leaving the line of attack while simultaneously striking is one of the most frequently used combinations. After all, we must keep in mind that a direct blow from a katana can cut through almost anything, and Japanese armor is simply not designed to “withstand” direct blows. A duel between true masters of the samurai sword can hardly be called a duel in the European sense of the word, because it is built on the principle of “one blow on the spot.” In kenjutsu there is a “duel of hearts”, when two masters simply stand motionless or sit and look at each other, and the one who first jerks to the weapon loses...

There were and are many schools of kenjutsu, as the art of sword fighting is called in Japan. Some pay special attention to instantly leaving the line of attack, accompanied by a vertical strike ("Shinkage-ryu"), others pay great attention to placing the left hand under the blade of the sword and combat techniques carried out using this technique ("Shinto-ryu"), others practice working with two swords at the same time - large in right hand, small in the left ("Nito-ryu") - such fighters are called "reto zukai". Some people prefer cutting blows in a horizontal plane with a detour around the enemy - there is a lot in common between kenjutsu and aikido techniques. You can hit with the handle, you can grab the sword with a reverse grip, you can use trips and sweeps in close combat. The features of the samurai sword allow you to use almost all techniques for working with long bladed weapons.

In the 17th century, after the unification of the country under the rule of the Tokugawa house, a trend began to transform kenjutsu into kendo - a method of sword fighting into the Way of the Sword. Kendo paid a lot of attention to the moral self-improvement of the individual, and is now one of the most popular sports in Japan, which no longer uses real military weapons, but their sports equivalents made of wood or bamboo. For the first time, a wooden sword that follows the contours of a real one (bokken, or bokuto) was introduced by the legendary master of the 17th century. Miyamoto Musashi. True, such a wooden sword was still a formidable weapon that could easily split a skull. Samurai often kept bokken at home, at their head. In the event of a surprise attack, it was possible to use it to disarm and capture the enemy without shedding blood, simply, for example, by breaking his arms or breaking his collarbone...

Compared to the technique of fighting with a long Japanese sword, the technique of fighting with a short sword is less known. Here you can find lashing blows with a brush, built on the same principle of a fixed blow, and a suspended position of the sword, which fans of Slavic-Goritsky wrestling love to flaunt, and frequent blows with the handle to the solar plexus. Naturally, compared to a long sword, there are more thrusting blows, since this weapon is still intended for close-range combat.

A lot has been written about the place of the sword in Japanese society and Japanese culture. The sword was and remains one of the symbols of the imperial dynasty, an object of Shinto cult, one of the symbols of nurturing the national spirit. Before starting to make a real traditional Japanese sword, the Japanese blacksmith performed a long preparatory ritual, reminiscent of the preparation of a Russian icon painter for painting a church or creating an icon important to him: fasting, cleansing baths, long prayers, dressing in clean, ceremonial clothes, celibacy .

Perhaps in no other country in the world was sword etiquette so developed. As in other regions, tucked into the belt with right side or placing the blade to your right signified trust in the interlocutor, because from this position the sword was more difficult to bring into combat readiness. When entering a house, a long sword was left at the entrance on a special stand, and entering inside with this sword meant demonstrating extreme disrespect. It was possible to hand over a sword to someone, both for display and for storage, only with the hilt towards oneself - turning the sword with the hilt towards the enemy meant disrespect for his abilities as a fencer, since a true master could use it instantly. When demonstrating weapons, the sword was never completely exposed, and it could only be touched with a silk scarf or a sheet of rice paper. Drawing a sword, striking the scabbard against the scabbard, and, even more so, rattling the weapon was tantamount to a challenge, which could be followed by a blow without any warning. As in Europe, swords could have names and were passed down from generation to generation. And the best Japanese gunsmiths often did not specifically brand their swords, believing that the weapon itself tells about who created it, and a person who is not able to understand this has no need to know who created the sword. The word "sword" was often taboo, and, for example, "wakizashi" literally means "stuck in the side"...

Speaking about the features of the manufacturing technology of a samurai sword, it is worth noting the weaknesses of this process, namely, while gaining greater hardness and power along the axis of the blade, this type of sword is more vulnerable if hit on its flat side. With such a blow you can break a katana even with a short mace (or Okinawan nunchucks, which were specially used to break samurai swords). And if a European sword usually breaks at a distance of a palm or two fingers from the guard, then a Japanese sword breaks at a distance of 1/3 or 1/2 of the length of the blade from the guard.

The Japanese sword is a bladed single-edged chopping weapon, produced using traditional Japanese technology from multilayer steel with controlled carbon content. The name is also used to designate a single-edged sword with the characteristic shape of a slightly curved blade that was the main weapon of the samurai warrior.

* Tachi is a long sword (blade length from 61 cm) with a relatively large bend (sori), intended mainly for mounted combat. There is a type of tachi called odachi, that is, a “large” tachi with a blade length of 1 m (from 75 cm from the 16th century). In museums they are shown in the blade-down position.
* Katana is a long sword (blade length 61-73 cm), with a slightly wider and thicker blade and less curvature compared to tachi. Visually, it is difficult to distinguish a katana from a tachi based on the blade; they differ primarily in the manner of wearing. Gradually, from the 15th century, the katana replaced the tati as a weapon for foot combat. In museums they are shown in the position with the blade up, according to the manner of wearing. In ancient times, daggers were called katanas, but since the 16th century this name was transferred to uchigatana swords.
* Wakizashi is a short sword (blade length 30.3-60.6 cm). Since the end of the 16th century, paired with a longer katana, it forms the standard set of samurai weapons, daisho (“long and short”). It was used both for fighting in close quarters and in tandem with a katana in some fencing techniques. Unlike the katana, non-samurai were allowed to wear it.
* Tanto (koshigatana) - dagger or knife (blade length< 30,3 см). В древности кинжалы называли не «танто», а «катана». Меч тати, как правило, сопровождался коротким танто.
* Tsurugi is a straight, double-edged sword, common in Japan until the 10th century. Many samples do not belong to real Japanese swords (nihonto), as they are made using Chinese or Korean technology. In a broad sense, the term was used in ancient times to refer to all swords. At a later time, it was replaced by the term ken to designate a straight sword.
* Naginata is an intermediate weapon between a sword and a spear: a strongly curved blade up to 60 cm long, mounted on a handle as long as a person’s height.
* Koto - lit. "old sword" Swords produced before 1596. It is believed that after this time many techniques of traditional technology were lost.
* Shinto - lit. "new sword" Swords produced from 1596 to 1868, that is, before the industrial revolution of the Meiji period. With rare exceptions, Shinto swords are not considered highly artistic creations of blacksmiths, although they may have luxurious finishes. By external signs They reproduce koto swords, but are inferior in metal quality.
* Gendaito - lit. "modern sword" Swords produced after 1868 to the present. Among them there are both showato (literally “sword of the Showa period”), mass-produced for the army using simplified factory technology, including shin-gunto (Japanese shin gunto:?, lit. “new army sword”), and swords , forged after the resumption of production in 1954 by modern blacksmiths using traditional technologies, for which it is proposed to use the name shin-sakuto (Japanese shin sakuto?, “newly made sword”) or shin-gendaito (lit. “new modern sword”).
* Tsuba is a guard with a characteristic round shape, except functional purpose(to protect the hand) served as a decoration for the sword.
* Hamon - a pattern line on a blade that appears after it is hardened between the blade and the butt as a result of the formation of fine-grained crystalline structures in the metal.

Japanese names are often used in literature to refer to varieties of Japanese swords and their parts. A brief dictionary of the most commonly used concepts:

Comparison table of Japanese swords

Type Length
Tati 61-71 2,4-3,5 1,2-2,1 5-6,6 Appeared in the 11th century. Worn on the belt with the blade down, paired with a tanto dagger. A type of odachi could be worn on the back.
Katana 61-73 2,8-3,1 0,4-1,9 6-8 Appeared in the 14th century. Worn behind the belt with the blade up, paired with a wakizashi.
Wakizashi 32-60 2,1-3,2 0,2-1,7 4-7 Appeared in the 14th century. Worn with the blade up, paired with a katana or separately as a dagger.
Tanto 17-30 1.7-2.9 0-0.5 5-7 Worn in tandem with a tati sword or separately as a dagger.
All dimensions are given for the blade without taking into account the shank. The width and thickness are indicated for the base of the blade where it meets the tang. The data is taken for swords from the Kamakura and Muromachi periods ( - gg.) from catalogs. The length of tachi in the early Kamakura period and modern tachi (gendaito) reaches 83 cm.

History of the Japanese sword

Ancient swords. Until the 9th century.

The first iron swords were brought to the Japanese islands in the 2nd half of the 3rd century by Chinese traders from the mainland. This period of Japanese history is called Kofun (lit. “mounds”, III - centuries). The kurgan-type graves preserved, although heavily damaged by rust, swords from that period, divided by archaeologists into Japanese, Korean and, most commonly, Chinese designs. Chinese swords had a straight, narrow, single-edged blade with a large ring-shaped pommel on the tang. Japanese examples were shorter, with a wider, straight, double-edged blade and a massive pommel. During the Asuka period (-), with the help of Korean and Chinese blacksmiths, Japan began to produce its own iron, and by the 7th century they mastered the technology of forging multilayer steel. Unlike previous samples, forged from a solid iron strip, swords began to be made by forging from iron and steel plates.

In total, about 650 licenses were issued to blacksmiths to make swords after the end of World War II. Approximately 300 licensed farriers continue to operate at this time. Many of them are trying to restore the traditions of sword making from the Kamakura and Koto periods. The swords they produce are considered primarily as works of traditional Japanese art.

Sword making technology


The blacksmiths had a high social status in Japanese society, many of them are known by name thanks to lists. Lists of ancient blacksmiths begin with the name of Amakuni from the Yamato province, who, according to legend, lived at the beginning of the 8th century during the reign of Emperor Taiho ( - gg.).

In the old days (the period of Koto swords, around 2000), there were approximately 120 blacksmith schools, which over the centuries produced swords with characteristic stable features developed by the founding master of the school. In modern times (the period of Shinto swords - gg.) 80 schools are known. There are about 1000 outstanding masters of the blacksmith's craft, and in total, over a thousand years of the history of the Japanese sword, more than 23 thousand swordsmiths have been recorded, of which most (4 thousand) during the koto (old swords) period lived in the province of Bizen (modern Okayama Prefecture ).

Iron ingots were flattened into thin sheets, cooled rapidly in water, and then broken into coin-sized pieces. After this, a selection of pieces was carried out, pieces with large inclusions of slag were discarded, and the rest were sorted by color and granular structure of the fault. This method allowed the smith to select steel with a predictable carbon content ranging from 0.6 to 1.5%.

Further release of slag residues in the steel and reduction of carbon content was carried out during the forging process - joining individual small pieces into a blank for the sword.

Blade forging

Cross section of a Japanese sword. Shown are two common structures with excellent combinations in the direction of the steel layers. Left: The metal of the blade will show texture. itame, on right - masame.

Pieces of steel with approximately the same carbon content were poured onto a plate of the same metal, in a single block everything was heated to 1300 °C and welded together with hammer blows. The process of forging the workpiece begins. The workpiece is flattened and folded in half, then flattened again and folded in half in the other direction. As a result of repeated forging, multilayer steel is obtained, finally cleared of slag. It is easy to calculate that when the workpiece is folded 15 times, almost 33 thousand layers of steel are formed - the typical density of Damascus for Japanese swords.

The slag still remains a microscopic layer on the surface of the steel layer, forming a peculiar texture ( hada), resembling a pattern on the surface of wood.

To make a sword blank, the blacksmith forges at least two bars: from hard high-carbon steel ( kawagane) and softer low-carbon ( shingane). From the first, a U-shaped profile approximately 30 cm long is formed, into which a block is placed shingane, without reaching the part that will become the top and which is made of the best and hardest steel kawagane. Then the blacksmith heats the block in a forge and welds the component parts together by forging, after which he increases the length of the workpiece at 700-1100 °C to the size of a sword.

With more complex technology welded up to 4 bars: from the hardest steel ( hagane) form the cutting edge and apex, 2 bars of less hard steel go to the sides, and a bar of relatively soft steel forms the core. The multilayer structure of the blade can be even more complex with separate welding of the butt.

Forging is used to shape the blade of the blade to a thickness of about 2.5 mm (in the area of ​​the cutting edge) and its edge. The upper tip is also straightened by forging, for which the end of the workpiece is cut diagonally. Then the long end (on the blade side) of the diagonal cut is forged to the short one (butt), as a result of which the structure of the metal at the top provides increased strength in the striking zone of the sword, while maintaining hardness and thereby the possibility of very sharp sharpening.

Blade hardening and polishing

The next important stage in sword manufacturing is heat treatment of the blade to harden the cutting edge, as a result of which a hamon pattern appears on the surface of the sword, specific to Japanese swords. Up to half of the blanks in the hands of the average blacksmith never become real swords as a result of failed hardening.

For heat treatment, the blade is covered with an uneven layer of heat-resistant paste - a mixture of clay, ash and stone powder. The exact composition of the paste was kept secret by the master. The blade was covered with a thin layer, the thickest layer of paste was applied to the middle part of the blade, where hardening was undesirable. The liquid mixture was leveled and, after drying, scratched in a certain order in the area closer to the blade, thanks to which a pattern was prepared jamon. The blade with the dried paste is heated evenly along its length until approx. 770 °C (controlled by the color of the hot metal), then immersed in a container of water with the blade down. Sudden cooling changes the structure of the metal near the blade, where the thickness of the metal and heat-protective paste is thinnest. The blade is then reheated to 160°C and cooled again. This procedure helps to reduce the stresses in the metal that arise during hardening.

The hardened area of ​​the blade has an almost white tint compared to the rest of the blade's darker gray-bluish surface. The border between them is clearly visible in the form of a patterned line jamon, which is interspersed with shiny martensite crystals in iron. In ancient times, the hamon looked like a straight line along the blade; during the Kamakura period, the line became wavy, with fancy curls and transverse lines. It is believed that in addition to aesthetic appearance, the wavy, heterogeneous line of the hamon allows the blade to better withstand impact loads, damping sudden stresses in the metal.

If the procedure is followed, as an indicator of the quality of hardening, the butt of the blade acquires a whitish tint, utsuri(lit. reflection). Utsuri reminds jamon, but its appearance is not a consequence of the formation of martensite, but an optical effect resulting from a slight change in the structure of the metal in this zone compared to the nearby body of the blade. Utsuri is not a mandatory attribute of a quality sword, but indicates successful heat treatment for certain technologies.

When the blade is heated during the hardening process to a temperature of more than 770°, its surface acquires a richness of shades and a richness of pattern details. However, this may damage the durability of the sword. Only the blacksmiths of the Sagami province during the Kamakura period managed to combine the fighting qualities of a sword with the luxurious design of the metal surface; high-quality swords of other schools are distinguished by a rather strict manner of design of the blade.

The final finishing of the sword is no longer carried out by a blacksmith, but by an artisan polisher, whose skill was also highly valued. Using a series of polishing stones of varying grits and water, the polisher would polish the blade to perfection, after which the smith would stamp his name and other information onto the unpolished tang. The sword was considered ready, the remaining operations were to attach the handle ( tsuki), guards ( tsuba), applying jewelry was classified as an auxiliary procedure that did not require magical skill.

Fighting qualities

The fighting qualities of the best Japanese swords cannot be assessed. Due to their uniqueness and high price, testers do not have the opportunity to test and compare them with the best work of gunsmiths from other regions of the world. It is necessary to distinguish between the capabilities of the sword for different situations. For example, sharpening a sword for maximum sharpness (for tricks with cutting handkerchiefs in the air) will be unsuitable for cutting through armor. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, legends were spread about the capabilities of weapons that could not be demonstrated in modern times. Below are some legends and facts about the capabilities of the Japanese sword.

Modern assessment of Japanese swords

After the surrender of Japan in World War II, the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition issued an order to destroy all Japanese swords, but after the intervention of experts, in order to preserve historical relics of significant artistic value, the order was changed. The Society for the Preservation of Artistic Japanese Swords was created (Japanese) 日本美術刀剣保存協会 Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyōkai, NBTHK, Nippon bujutsu to:ken hozon kyo:kai), one of his tasks was expert assessment historical value sword. In 1950, Japan passed the Law on Cultural Heritage, which, in particular, determined the procedure for preserving Japanese swords as part of the cultural heritage of the nation.

The sword evaluation system is multi-stage, starting with the assignment of the lowest category and ending with the awarding of the highest titles (the top two titles are under the purview of the Japanese Ministry of Culture):

  • National Treasure ( kokuho). About 122 swords have the title, mostly tachi from the Kamakura period, katana and wakizashi in this list are less than 2 dozen.
  • Important cultural property. About 880 swords have the title.
  • A particularly important sword.
  • An important sword.
  • A particularly guarded sword.
  • Guarded sword.

In modern Japan, it is possible to keep a registered sword with only one of the above titles, otherwise the sword is subject to confiscation as a type of weapon (unless it is classified as a souvenir). The actual quality of the sword is certified by the Society for the Preservation of Artistic Japanese Swords (NBTHK), which issues an expert opinion according to the established standard.

Currently in Japan, it is customary to evaluate a Japanese sword not so much by its combat parameters (strength, cutting ability), but by criteria applicable to a work of art. A high-quality sword, while maintaining the properties of an effective weapon, should provide aesthetic pleasure to the observer, have perfection of form and harmony of artistic taste.

see also

  • Uchigatana


The article was written based on materials from the following publications:

  • Sword. Kodansha encyclopedia of Japan. 1st ed. 1983. ISBN 0-87011-620-7 (U.S.)
  • A. G. Bazhenov, “History of the Japanese sword”, St. Petersburg, 2001, 264 pp. ISBN 5-901555-01-5
  • A. G. Bazhenov, “Examination of the Japanese sword,” St. Petersburg, 2003, 440 p. ISBN 5-901555-14-7.
  • Leon and Hiroko Kapp, Yoshindo Yoshihara, “The Craft of the Japanese Sword.” Translation into Russian on the website


  1. There are discussions in the literature about whether samurai-shaped swords produced using non-traditional Japanese technologies should be called Japanese. The article uses the established term “sword,” but some believe the term “saber” is more correct to refer to a curved, single-edged weapon. According to the current Russian GOST R 51215-98 (Melee weapons, terminology), “Japanese sword” refers to sabers - “4.4 saber: Contact blade cutting-cutting and piercing-cutting weapon with a long curved single-edged blade.” Sword definition: "4.9 sword: A contact bladed piercing and slashing weapon with a straight medium or long massive double-edged blade"
  2. The term “tati” has been established in Russian-language literature. Russian phonetics does not allow you to accurately convey the sound; English phonetics reproduces the name as tachi.
  3. There is no exact deflection standard for tati. At the beginning, the Tati sword had an almost saber-like curvature; by the 14th century the blade straightened. The “sori” deflection is standardly measured as maximum distance from the butt to a straight line between the tip of the sword and the base of the blade. The handle is not taken into account in the calculation of curvature.
  4. Definitions of the types of Japanese swords are given in A. Bazhenov’s book “Examination of the Japanese Sword” according to the explanation of the Japanese association NBTHK (Society for the Preservation of Artistic Japanese Swords), responsible for the certification of Japanese blades.
  5. Although the tachi is on average longer than the katana, it is not uncommon for the length of the katana to exceed the length of the tachi.
  6. These lengths are obtained by converting the traditional Japanese length measure shaku (30.3 cm, approx. elbow length) into cm.
  7. That is, until the end of the Momoyama period. Traditionally, Japanese history is divided into unequal periods, determined by the names of the settlements that became the habitat of the emperor.
  8. Kokan Nagayama. The Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords. - First edition. - Japan: Kodansha International Ltd., 1997. - P. 3. - 355 pp. - ISBN 4-7700-2071-6
  9. Leon and Hiroko Kapp, Yoshindo Yoshihara. Modern Japanese Swords and Swordsmiths. - First edition. - Japan: Kodansha International Ltd., 2002. - P. 13. - 224 p. - ISBN 978-4-7700-1962-2
  10. Aoi Art Tokyo: Japanese auction house specializing in Japanese swords.
    Japanese Sword Ginza Choshuya Magazine: A store selling Japanese swords, publishes a catalog every month.
  11. The sword of Kogarasu-Maru is made in unusual style kissaki-moroha, popular during the Nara period. Half of the blade is double-edged to the tip, the other half has a blunt edge. There is a central groove running along the blade; the blade itself is very slightly curved, but there is a rather strong bend in the shank in relation to the blade. There is no signature on the sword. Kept in the collection imperial family. See photo in Bazhenov’s book “History of the Japanese Sword”.
  12. "Lumbar curve" ( koshi-zori) was named so because the maximum deflection of the blade when wearing a sword comfortably fit the body just in the lumbar region.
  13. The butt can be flat or semicircular, but such examples are extremely rare among real Japanese swords.
  14. A. G. Bazhenov, “History of the Japanese sword”, p. 41
  15. A. G. Bazhenov, “History of the Japanese sword”, p. 147
  16. Tamio Tsuchiko. The New Generation of Japanese Swordsmiths. - First edition. - Japan: Kodansha International Ltd., 2002. - P. 8. - 256 p. - ISBN 4-7700-2854-7
  17. Sword. Kodansha encyclopedia of Japan.
  18. A. Bazhenov, “Examination of the Japanese sword”, pp. 307-308
  19. A brilliant clear color of the fracture indicates a carbon content greater than 1% (high carbon steel).
  20. The process of forging a sword is described according to the booklet of the All-Japan Association of Swordsmiths and the book “The Craft of the Japanese Sword” (see sources), which describes the ancient technology restored by a modern master.
  21. There are up to 30 varieties hada(metal textures), the main ones are 3: itame(knotty wood) masame(straight grain wood), mokume(tree bark). Unlike the hardening pattern (hamon), hada may not be visible to the naked eye. Its absence as a result of special polishing is typical only for Shinto blades.
  22. According to the authors of the book “The Craft of the Japanese Sword” (see sources).
  23. Hamon in the form of a straight line is called sugu-ha(lit. straight).
  24. The jamon pattern is stable sign to identify a particular blacksmith school or the time of sword manufacture. Conventionally, more than 60 types of hamon are distinguished for sword certification.
  25. A. Bazhenov, “Examination of the Japanese sword”, p. 76

Hello, friends!

In the previous article I started telling you about the katana, today I want to tell you more about it interesting weapons. Let's start with the history of its origin.

According to ancient Japanese legend, the first katana samurai sword was created by the blacksmith Amakuni in the 7th century, who lived in Yamato ( ancient state, later renamed Japan in 670). Legend has it that the blacksmith watched the warriors returning from the battlefield and noticed that many of the swords he forged were broken - this broke the master’s heart. He and his son Amakura swore that they could forge such a strong sword that would not fail in the most fierce battle.

They locked themselves in their forge and prayed to the Shinto gods for a whole week to help them create the perfect sword. It is not known for certain how much time they spent creating the sword, but as a result of their efforts, a combat katana appeared. And when the next year the warriors returned from the war, all the swords forged by Amakuni were intact. The emperor himself thanked the blacksmith for his work.

The progenitor can safely be called the Japanese sword tachi (tato), widely used Japanese warriors. Tachi differs from a katana in a longer (from 75 cm) and more curved blade. It is necessary to mention that tachi is inferior to katana in quality of manufacture. Gradually, by the 15th century Japanese katana supplants tachi and becomes the main weapon of the samurai.

The culture of carrying a katana developed in Japanese society by the 17th century, when the Sengoku period (“era of the warring states”) ended. The period in which the power of the Ashikaga dynasty in Japan weakened and principalities appeared on the periphery, which waged constant internecine wars. Samurai always wore a katana paired with short sword wakizashi. This paired wearing is called daisho (“long-short” translated from Japanese). We will talk in detail about wakizashi in the next article.

The katana should be worn only on the left side, always in a sheath (saya), placed behind the obi (a narrow belt tied with a simple knot) with the blade facing up. Wearing a samurai katana requires the performance of special rituals. So, entering the house, the samurai took out a katana from behind his obi and if he felt that he was in danger, he held it in his left hand and was ready to strike at any second. As a sign of special respect and trust, the samurai held the katana with his right hand. When sitting down, the samurai put his katana on the floor, but it was always within his reach.

On March 28, 1876, Japan passed a law prohibiting the carrying of swords by everyone except military and police officers, as well as people in ceremonial dress. Many were unhappy with this ban, so at that time it became common to wear a katana in an untreated wooden sheath (sarasaya) and without any decorations or inlays. Thus, the combat katana became similar to a wooden sword - bokuto. In the 20th century, katanas appeared, the blades of which were stored in a sheath that looked like a wooden staff.

Kenjutsu - Japanese sword art

Kenjutsu dates back more than 12 centuries ago to the rise of the warrior class in Japan. The emphasis in this art of combat is on swordsmanship. Often, mastery is achieved by repeating a kata many thousands of times. Kata is a sequence of movements that can be called fighting techniques. Thus, having trained for a long time, the warrior brought his knowledge of techniques to automatic and in battle used them unconsciously, at the level of reflexes.

In ancient times, training was often carried out using combat swords, which made them brutal and traumatic. In later times and in the modern world, wooden models of swords are used.

The basic idea of ​​kenjutsu can be formulated as follows: during an attack, the sword should go to the target not at a right angle (strike), but along its plane, thus causing cuts. This is the uniqueness and one of the main differences from Western sword techniques.

Perhaps the most famous and impressive technique of Kenjutsu is Iaido.

Iaido (literally meaning the art of meeting while sitting) is a fighting technique that involves instantly attacking or counterattacking an opponent. In Iaido there is no such thing as fencing; what is studied here is the instantaneous defeat of an enemy with a sword that was originally sheathed. All Iaido techniques and movements are simple. But mastery of this technique requires not only physical abilities, but also a sharp mind, since not a single mistake can be made and it is necessary to end the fight in a matter of seconds with one precise movement.

Since katana combat was fleeting (usually from a few seconds to a minute), cunning was the key to success. With his entire appearance (facial expressions, gaze) and behavior, the samurai showed the enemy that he was going to act in a certain manner, forcing the enemy to adapt to him. At this moment, the samurai attacked the enemy with lightning speed with an unexpected technique, giving no chance of defense. And the battle ended.

Using a Katana

Initially, samurai did not use the sword as their main weapon - preference was given to bows and spears. Katanas and other samurai swords were used as self-defense weapons. They were also used to decapitate a defeated enemy or to commit ritual suicide - seppuku. It was only in the 15th century, when samurai were officially allowed to use only swords, that katanas came to the fore. It was at this time that sword techniques became especially popular.

Katanas occupied an important place in the life of a samurai, so it was considered necessary to have more than one katana, but several. Thus, in the arsenal of a self-respecting samurai, there were combat katanas (which were usually performed in an ascetic style, without decorations), katanas for celebrations and holidays (lavishly decorated). The rich inlay (with precious metals and stones) can be explained by the fact that samurai were forbidden to wear jewelry. In this way they could show their wealth and position.

Masamune and Muramasa - great Masters

The first Master is Masamune. Born at the end of the 11th century in the province of Sagami, where he worked. He can rightfully be considered the most famous gunsmith in Japan. He gained fame for creating his own technique for making swords - Soshu. Weapons using this technology were manufactured according to strict canons. The basis of the sword was four strips of steel welded together, which were folded together and forged five times, resulting in the number of layers in the blade becoming 128. This technique was used by more than one generation of his students. According to legend, Masamune refused to sign his blades because they could not be counterfeited.

Second Master - Muramasa. The founder of an entire dynasty of gunsmiths from the Ise province. His swords were famous for their incredible sharpness. The master was dissatisfied with the policy pursued by the then ruler of Japan and put curses for the imperial family into each of his swords. For this reason, in the 17th century, Muramasa swords were banned and destroyed, and the people who kept them were persecuted to the point of death. Perhaps this is why there is a legend that Muramasa swords are bloody swords and can awaken bloodlust in the owner. Only four Muramasa swords have survived to this day, one of which holds the title of the sharpest sword in the world, which consists of 25,000 layers of steel.

These masters are connected by one legend - each of the gunsmiths stuck his sword into the bottom of a river overgrown with lotus, lotus flowers passed unharmed past Masamune's sword, while Muramasa's sword cut them into small pieces. In this fight, Muramasa recognized Masamune’s victory, since according to Japanese philosophy, the sword is not a weapon of aggression, but a weapon of peace and was created to stop wars.

Katana self made Samurai Sword Katana, price - 5248.37 rubles.

The outstanding qualities of samurai swords are legendary. Indeed, Japanese blades forged using technology have incredible sharpness. According to legends, they can cut both iron and a sheet of paper in midair. Yes, a blade sharpened into a razor will easily cut even rice paper weight, but cutting iron with such a sword means immediately ruining it. To cut iron, sharpening the sword must be done at a large angle (as on a chisel), otherwise after the blow the cutting edge will have to be adjusted, removing nicks on the blade.

When you hear the phrase “Japanese sword,” most will immediately think of a katana. Indeed, the katana is a Japanese sword, but besides it there were quite a few varieties of samurai bladed weapons.

Daisho - a pair of samurai swords

If you look deeper into history, you will notice that samurai carried two swords at the same time. One was long and was called daito (aka katana sword), the second was short, called seto (wakizashi). If the long Japanese sword was used in battle or duels, the short sword served as a backup weapon when the katana broke. When fighting in a confined space, the wakizashi sword was also used.

When a samurai came to visit, he gave the katana to the servant at the entrance or left it on a special stand. In case of sudden danger, it was the short sword that could save the life of its owner, so a lot of time was devoted to the art of wielding a short sword.

If the long sword was considered the privilege of the ruling samurai class and only they could wear it, then short swords were worn by wealthy merchants and artisans who tried to learn the art of swordsmanship from the samurai. It should be noted that such knowledge in medieval Japan was worth its weight in gold and was jealously guarded by clans. And if the master (for a huge price) agreed to show the technique, then he demonstrated it only once, after which, with a sense of fulfillment of duty, he importantly took the reward.

Combat samurai sword - its parameters and varieties

The Japanese sword katana or daito had a length of 95 to 110 centimeters. The width of its blade was about three centimeters, with a blade thickness of 5-6 millimeters. The handle of the sword was wrapped with a silk cord or covered with shark skin to prevent slipping. The length of the katana handle was about three fists, which allowed it to be used with a two-handed grip.

The Japanese Seto or Wakizashi sword is practically no different from the katana, except for the length. It is 50-70 centimeters. Naturally, the short swords of merchants and samurai differed significantly in quality and finish. The samurai's short sword was usually part of the daisho set and was made in the same style as the katana. Even the tsuba of both swords was made in the same style.

Samurai swords were not limited to katana and wakizashi models. There were also such variants of this weapon:

  • Kokatana is a variant that was sometimes used in place of the short sword in the daisho set. This sword was distinguished by an almost straight blade; in tight corridors, such a blade perfectly delivered piercing blows (the legendary ninja sword may have come from this particular type of samurai sword). The length of the kokatana was about 600 millimeters;
  • Tachi is a Japanese sword common from the 10th to the 17th centuries. Tachi is a weapon older than the katana and was worn only by noble samurai. This sword was intended for equestrian combat. His long length and curvature contributed to delivering a powerful slashing blow. Over time, the combat significance of the tati was lost, and this sword was used as a ceremonial or ceremonial weapon;
  • Nogati was with a huge sword with a blade length of a meter or more. There were swords with a three-meter blade. Of course, such a monster weapon could not be controlled by one person. Several samurai took it and cut down the mounted troops. The strongest warriors, who, as a rule, were the bodyguards of their master, armed themselves with standard nogati;
  • Tanto or short sword. Although the tanto is now considered a knife, its name clearly indicates that it is a type of sword. Most often, tantos were used to pierce armor or finish off a wounded enemy.

The katana sword and its varieties were worn on the belt or behind the back (the longest blades). A silk sageo cord was used for fastening, which could be used to tie up an enemy or for other purposes (ninjas used sageo especially inventively). If the sword was worn behind the back, then a sheath of a special design was used for this.

Katana - strengths and weaknesses of this sword

There are many myths regarding the quality of samurai swords:

  • The katana is made of steel that is forged tens of thousands of times, acquiring the qualities of real Damascus steel. In fact, the steel that was mined in Japan has never had outstanding characteristics. To give it the necessary hardness it had to be forged several thousand times. As a result of this, multilayer blades were obtained that had nothing in common with Damascus steels;
  • A katana can easily cut through any material, be it flesh or iron. In fact, Japanese armor was never particularly strong, so cutting it was not difficult;
  • The blade of a katana could easily cut through a European sword. This situation in itself is absurd. The European sword was intended to pierce heavy iron armor, and the katana was intended for precise strikes. While European knights could block blows with swords, samurai dodged blows, since one single blow to the sword could chip the cutting edge of the sword. The sword fighting technique of the samurai was radically different from the fighting of knights.

Most likely, the myth about the quality of Japanese swords stems from the fact that the katana easily cut through the light swords of Europeans, who no longer had heavy swords in this era.

You can often hear the opinion that a katana can both chop and deliver effective piercing blows. In fact, stabbing with a katana is quite inconvenient. Its shape emphasizes that its main purpose is cutting. Of course, there are samurai swords that can cut iron, but these are isolated examples. If you compare them with total number European swords capable of the same feat, then the comparison will not be in favor of the katana.

The weaknesses of the samurai sword blade were as follows:

  • Since the katana is not intended for fencing, its main weakness is fragility;
  • Possessing great hardness, the katana blade can easily break from a blow to the plane of the blade, so in battle the samurai carefully took care of their weapons, which could cost the annual income of a large village;
  • By the way, the katana blade could be broken by hitting its flat side with nunchucks.

What parts does a samurai sword consist of?

Any samurai sword, regardless of size, consists of the following parts:

  • The katana blade itself, which is inserted and removed from the handle using special bamboo wedges;
  • A handle, the size of which depends on the type of samurai sword and the personal preferences of the owner;
  • Garda, also known as tsuba, which has more of a decorative role than a protective one;
  • Handle braid. To do this, they used a silk cord, which was wound around the handle according to a special pattern;
  • A habaki clutch was used to secure the sword in the sheath.

The design of the sword is quite simple, but requires very careful adjustment of the parts.

Wakizashi - katana partner

The short wakizashi sword was worn in tandem with a katana. Its total length was 50-80 centimeters, of which 30-60 were on the blade. In its appearance, the wakizashi completely copied the katana, only it was held with one hand (although, if necessary, a two-handed grip could be used). For merchants and artisans, the wakizashi was the main weapon and was worn in tandem with the tanto.

Samurai used a short sword in castles or close combat when there was no room for a long sword. Although the katana and wakizashi are considered to be combat equipment, samurai most often carried them in times of peace. A more serious sword was taken to war - tati, which, in addition to its length, was also an ancestral weapon. Instead of wakizashi, they used tanto, which perfectly penetrated enemy armor in close combat.

Since often the wakizashi remained the only weapon available to the warrior (since when entering someone else's house as a guest, the samurai was required to take off his katana). In this regard, a lot of time was devoted to the art of wielding a short sword. Some clans even practiced fighting with a katana in one hand and a wakizashi in the other. The art of fighting with a weapon in each hand was quite rare and most often came as a complete surprise to the enemy.

The samurai wore a wakizashi Everyday life almost always. This sword was often called the “Guardian of Dignity and Honor”, ​​as it was always at hand.

How to wear a katana correctly

The Japanese sword is worn on the left side (for left-handed people it is allowed to wear it on the right) in a special sheath. The sheath is held in place by a belt called an obi. The katana is worn in such a position that its blade points upward. This position of the sword allows you to pull it out and deliver a fatal blow in one movement (nowadays there is such a martial art as Yaido, where exactly this technique is honed).

When a threat appeared or when surrounded by ill-wishers, the samurai took a sheathed katana in left hand so that in case of danger you can instantly reach it with your right hand. If he wanted to show his trust in his interlocutor, then the katana was held in his right hand. When the samurai sat down, the katana lay within reach (if it did not give up when entering someone else's house).

Katana fighting technique

Although formally a katana is considered a sword (even a two-handed one), according to the principle of its action it is more like a saber. You shouldn’t think that they used Japanese swords to fencing, as they show in modern films. A real samurai had to kill the enemy with one single blow. This is not a whim at all, but a necessity to take care of expensive blades, since getting a new one was quite problematic.

The long blade of the samurai sword allowed a wide range of different strikes. Since the katana was most often held with two hands, with one blow it was possible not only to cut off a head or limb, but also to cut the enemy in half.

There are three main stances in katana combat:

  1. Dzedan – top post;
  2. Chudan – mid-level stance;
  3. Gedan is a lower level stance.

To fight using a samurai sword, you need to take into account and analyze all the enemy’s movements and understand his fighting style. In accordance with this, you should plan your attacks, and the implementation should follow as quickly as possible.

Now that Japanese fencing (Kendo and Yaido) is quite popular, it is not difficult to find a section where this exciting sport is practiced. Several similar schools in Japan trace their origins back to the samurai clan schools of the Middle Ages. During the period of the ban on wearing swords, many schools disappeared, but some managed to preserve the ancient traditions of sword ownership to this day.

How was such a sharpness of the katana blade achieved?

Although Japanese metal was of fairly low quality, the forging techniques used by Japanese blacksmiths made it possible to forge blades of excellent quality. Thanks to the many layers obtained during the forging process, the sharpness of the katana was at its best. Zone hardening and careful polishing gave the blade even more outstanding qualities.

Now in any souvenir shop you can buy a copy of a samurai sword, which is only suitable for interior decoration. Real katanas are quite expensive. If you want to purchase an inexpensive but high-quality replica of a Japanese sword, order it from a blacksmith who works using ancient technology.