Mikhail Derzhavin was born in acting family, his father was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, his name was also Mikhail. Please note that father and son are very similar in appearance, and especially in their youth.

In this photo, Mikhail Derzhavin’s father is Honored Actor of the RSFSR Mikhail Stepanovich Derzhavin.

How did I become acquainted with the work of Mikhail Derzhavin? I think I always knew this existed talented actor, my parents constantly watched humoresques performed by Mikhail Derzhavin and his closest friend and comrade, Alexander Shirvindt. Nowadays, “Comedy Club” is the main entertainment for sad people, but in the old days, after a hard day at work, the audience was amused by theatrical skits and “Laughter Panarama”, I won’t tell you exactly what kind of programs they were and what exactly their names were , but the pop-comedy duo Derzhavin-Shchirvindt was far from the most last place in them, and was very popular, just like the inseparable duet of Garik Bulldog Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov is now.

Well, a closer acquaintance with the work of Mikhail Derzhavin occurred during my trip to the cinema with my mother, I was 10 years old, we came to visit my aunt for a couple of days, decided to entertain ourselves by going to the cinema, the comedy “Womanizer” was on, Now I don’t remember with accuracy all the twists and turns of the plot, but I was impressed by this film. My mother did not expect the comedy to be so frank, but after fidgeting a little in her chair, she quickly came to terms with this fact. Sitting in the cinema that evening, we laughed heartily together. The next film in which I liked Mikhail Derzhavin was called “My Sailor”; we already watched this comedy at home together with the whole family. Mikhail Derzhavin's partner in the film was the inimitable Lyudmila Gurchenko, whose performance always simply fascinates me. The plot of “The Sailor” is a little stupid and drawn out, but our whole family watched the film with great pleasure. In both of these films, Mikhail Derzhavin starred with his wife Roxana Babayan, so once and for all I began to associate him with this sultry and incredibly funny woman. It seemed to me that Roxana and Mikhail were so different! How did fate bring them together, I wondered, but it was clear that these two were happy, they appeared together on various programs, starred in films together, and gave interviews. Roxana Babayan was incredibly popular in those days. A luxurious voice, exotic appearance, and also the wife of Mikhail Derzhavin himself, and, accordingly, a close friend of Alexander Shirvindt.

But as I found out later, this was already the third marriage for Mikhail Derzhavin, and the second for Roxana Babayan. When they met, both were not free, but Mikhail was already divorcing his wife at that time, and it was not he who lost interest in her, but she left him for another! Roxana Babayan and her husband, a talented saxophonist, were also heading towards a breakup. Officially, Roxana and Mikhail were not free, but formally they were ready for a new relationship, so they quickly filed their divorces and just as quickly re-stamped their passports, becoming legal husband and wife. When they got married, he was 44 and she was 34. Despite the fact that both were young, they had no children in this marriage. They lived together for 37 years!

But Mikhail Derzhavin has a child from his second marriage - daughter Maria and two grandchildren - Peter and Pavel (in this photo he is with his grandchildren). But Roxana Babayan, unfortunately, does not have any children of her own.

Well, Mikhail Derzhavin was married three times, and each of his love stories was bright and worthy of writing a novel. The first wife of Mikhail Derzhavin was Ekaterina Raikina, the daughter of the famous satirist Arkady Raikin. Mikhail and Ekaterina were married for only two years; after graduating from the Shchukin school, they were sent to serve in different theaters; the spouses rarely saw each other and this contributed to the fading of their feelings. Mikhail Derzhavin and Ekaterina Raikina had no children in this marriage. Catherine was a very beautiful, prominent girl, her second husband was famous actor Yuri Yakovlev, from whom she gave birth to a son, Alexei, this happened a year after the break with Derzhavin.

Among the huge Raikin family you can also see young Mikhail Derzhavin.

In this photo, Ekaterina Raikina is at a more mature age.

The second wife of Mikhail Derzhavin was Nina Budyonnaya - the daughter of that famous Marshal Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny - three times Hero Soviet Union! Nina and Mikhail lived in marriage for 17 years, but then she left for someone else, a certain talented artist became her new chosen one, Nina Budyonnaya herself was also an artist by profession and the world of fine art was probably hers closer to the world theater and cinema. With all my ex-wives Mikhail Derzhavin has always been on the best terms.

In this photo, the second wife of Mikhail Derzhavin is the artist Nina Budyonnaya.

In this photo, Mikhail Derzhavin is with his father-in-law Semyon Budyonny and mother-in-law.

Photo of young Mikhail Derzhavin.

In this photo, Mikhail Derzhavin with his only daughter Maria.

With Roxana Babayan, daughter Maria and grandson.

And finally, there are many photos of Roxana Babayan in her youth and adulthood.

Children's photos of Roxana Babayan.

And also photographs of Ekaterina Raikina, the first wife of Mikhail Derzhavin.

They did not have children, which Roxana Babayan compensates for with numerous relatives, communication with her husband’s daughter and his grandchildren. In addition, she is a well-known animal defender, currently heading Russian organization to protect the rights of our little brothers. Therefore, despite the severity of the loss, she does not consider herself lonely.

It is interesting that Mikhail Mikhailovich and Roxana maintained an excellent relationship with, and Derzhavin’s daughter Maria and her children are the closest people not only to Mikhail Mikhailovich, but also to Roxana. So, for their wedding anniversary, the couple decided to gather relatives in country house Masha (it is closer to Moscow than their own). "We are all one big family. In order: me, Roxana, my Masha (at one time she graduated from GITIS, but then focused on the family), her husband Peter (he is the general director of Rosvodokanal), my eldest grandson Petya (graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, and is now studying in London) and the younger Pashka, my sister Tanya and her son Misha Vladimirov (he is an actor, plays with me at the Satire Theater, acts in films), Roxana’s brother Yuri Arzumanov is a famous professor-psychophysiologist, his family - ugh, and this is not our entire clan , - Mikhail Derzhavin laughs. - We maintain relationships with our ex-wives and husbands, keeping abreast of all the events of their lives.

Immediately after graduation, the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia National artist USSR Konstantin Orbelyan invited her to his orchestra in Yerevan. It was there that her development as a professional pop singer took place.

Roxana Babayan - pop singer, actress, TV presenter, People's Artist of Russia. Fame came to her in the 70s, and a second wave of popularity surged in the 90s, when the singer was a constant participant in the shows “Song of the Year” and “Blue Light”.

Until 2000, the artist continued to give concerts and record discs. But gradually, Roxana Rubenovna comes to the decision to leave touring, which she does without unnecessary farewell parties and concerts.

Babayan met her second husband, People's Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Derzhavin, in the early 80s at Domodedovo airport: the artists were flying to the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan, where they were supposed to take part in a concert for miners. At that time, Derzhavin was married to the daughter of Marshal Semyon Budyonny, actress Nina Budyonny, but he quickly divorced when he realized that he had fallen in love with Roxana. Babayan and Derzhavin got married in Moscow on September 6, 1980. The couple had no children.

Roxana Babayan Wikipedia. News today 01/25/2018

Konstantin Orbelyan became the first husband of the aspiring artist. It was with him that she went to Moscow to conquer the wide audience THE USSR. But marriage with a famous composer, pianist and People's Artist Orbelyan, lasted less than three years, ending in divorce. At a certain point, the couple realized that they could not live under the same roof, because nothing connected them except music.

In the 90s, having slightly suspended her musical activities, Roxana Babayan began acting in films. Of course, she perceived this new experience more as entertainment, so she participated only in the films of her friend, director Anatoly Eyramdzhan, and exclusively in comedies. But some paintings are quite famous, for example, “Womanizer”, “My Sailor Girl”, “Impotent”. On the set, Roxana starred with Alexander Shirvindt, Irina Muravyova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny and many other Russian artists.

In films she starred exclusively in comedies by Anatoly Eyramdzhan and, of course, with her husband Mikhail Derzhavin - “My Sailor Girl”, “New Odeon”, “Groom from Miami”, “The Third is Not Extra” and others, establishing herself as a comedic, sharp-character actress.

Roxana Babayan's professional career began in Armenia, in the orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan. There the singer performed jazz compositions, but in the next ensemble, VIA Blue Guitars, the performance style approached rock. With this group, Babayan toured the country and performed at international festivals.

Despite successful training in technical university, the future artist does not stop dreaming of a career on stage and continues to sing. Thanks to this, at the beginning of her studies, Roxana’s extraordinary talent was noticed, and she made her debut as a singer in the pop orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan.

Roxana Babayan photo now. Recent events.

After a long serious illness, People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Derzhavin died on January 10 at the age of 82. He lived almost 40 years of his life with singer, actress and TV presenter Roxana Babayan. presents interesting episodes from the life of a couple.

Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan managed the seemingly impossible: they lived in happy marriage 37 years. The couple has always aroused the admiration of journalists, colleagues and simply fans for their stability and reverent attitude towards each other.

The more you learn about their relationship, the more it seems that fate itself pushed them into each other's arms. The spouses themselves admitted this.

“We are happy that our love did not destroy anyone’s families, did not ruin anyone’s life,” said Derzhavin. “My Ninochka Semyonovna (Derzhavin’s first wife is actress Ekaterina Raikina, the second is Nina Budennaya, the daughter of the famous Soviet military leader - ed.) by that time "I had already met my beloved man, with whom I soon got married. And Roxana's husband found his happiness. At that moment, the Lord simply correctly played the solitaire game, which had previously been incorrectly played," Derzhavin said in one interview.

Maybe, indeed, this was the key to their long family happiness. It is interesting that Mikhail Mikhailovich and Roxana maintained excellent relationships with their previous spouses.

The couple did not have children together, but the family festive table There were always a lot of people there. These were the most beloved and closest members of the family - Derzhavin’s daughter Maria with her husband and two sons, his sister, Roxana’s brother, etc. Family celebrations were invariably noisy and fun.

At one time, Mikhail Derzhavin hosted the music program “After Midnight” on the radio. Many times he announced the singer Roxana Babayan in it. But he didn't know what she looked like.

“Based on the singer’s surname, I pictured a well-fed Armenian woman in my imagination. And since I was always attracted to slender women, I had no desire to meet this lady. Although at that time I was just in the process of a second divorce,” he once admitted. that's an actor.

He saw Roxana at the airport, when a group of theater, film and pop artists went to Zhezkazgan (in those years Dzhezkazgan - approx.) on tour. Everyone gathered in the morning at Domodedovo.

“The flight was early, I was sleepy. But when in Domodedovo Borya brought me a charming girl in denim pantsuit, my breath caught, and I instantly woke up. I was stunned, because the Babayan I imagined did not coincide at all with the real Roxana - a fashionista and a beauty,” said Mikhail Mikhailovich.

But Roxana was completely out of sorts that morning: having just returned from tour, she had to go on tour again. However, the trip was more than fun, and the main ringleader of the company was Derzhavin. However, according to Roxana, they did not allow themselves any liberties, since both were actually married at that time...

A few months later, having already freed themselves from their previous marriage ties, the couple tied themselves into new ones. They turned out to be very strong, and it is not entirely correct to consider them bonds: they were not bonds, but real human happiness.

The future celebrity came into this world on May 30, 1946. Place of birth: Tashkent. Mother, pianist Seda Grigorievna, and father, engineer Ruben Mikhailovich, were infinitely happy about the appearance of their daughter. The singer's zodiac sign is Gemini. By eastern horoscope- dog.

Singing has been Roxana’s favorite pastime since childhood, and a little later it turned into a dream about the stage. But strict father did not share his daughter’s creative aspirations and forbade her to develop her vocal abilities. Ruben Mikhailovich intended to guide his daughter in his footsteps. It was in this regard that in 1970, having received school certificate, Roxana takes exams at the Tashkent Institute of Engineers railway transport in the direction of industrial and civil construction.

Despite successful studies at a technical university, the future artist does not stop dreaming of a career on stage and continues to sing. Thanks to this, at the beginning of her studies, Roxana’s extraordinary talent was noticed, and she made her debut as a singer in the pop orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan.

In young age

The singer successfully combines frequent performances with studying subjects in her chosen specialty. But about the work associated with technical direction, there is no longer any question.

In 1973, the artist went to Moscow, where she was invited to participate in the Blue Guitars VIA. During this period, the singer's performance style leans towards jazz and Roxana achieves excellent results.

The flourishing of a pop career

In 1976, the singer took part in the “Hit Festival” competition in Dresden with the song of her mentor and head of the “Blue Guitars” Igor Granov. Thanks to her impressive performance, Roxana receives her first and, of course, well-deserved award here.

From this moment on, the artist’s performance style leans towards pop music and Roxana’s pop career is rapidly gaining momentum, marking the beginning of a new stage in her singing life - the period of solo performances.

In 1977, the artist participated in the all-Union festival “Song of the Year –77”, where she successfully performed the song “And again I will be surprised by the sun”, written by Polad Bul Bul Ogly. An unusually artistic manner of performance and a strong voice contribute to the singer’s advancement to the finals. After which popularity literally falls on her.

Roxana continues to take part in many festivals all over the world. In 1982 - 1983 the singer performs songs at gala festivals in Cuba, thanks to which she wins the Grand Prix.

Such success and popularity attract creative individuals to the talented artist.

Poets and composers A. Levin, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan and many others certainly want to work with Roxana Rubenovna and do so successfully.

During this period, the singer constantly tours. Her concerts attract huge audiences, applause and success everywhere.

Of course, Roxana’s talent does not go unnoticed, and in 1987 she became the bearer of the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.”

Since the 80s, the celebrity has entered into a long and fruitful collaboration with the Melodiya recording company, which has released 11 records with her work over the course of its work with the singer.

From 1988 to 1994, clips for the singer’s songs appeared on television screens. Interestingly, the first animated video clip created in Russia was filmed specifically for Roxana Babayan’s song “The East is a Delicate Matter” in 1991.

Until 2000, the artist continued to give concerts and record discs. But gradually Roxana Rubenovna comes to the decision to leave touring, which she does without unnecessary farewell parties and concerts.


In addition to her career on the domestic stage, since 1990 Roxana Rubenovna has begun filming in domestic cinema. The roles performed by the artist are mainly comedic in nature and she achieves them with extraordinary success.

Films with the participation of the artist:

— “Womanizer” (1990);
— “My Sailor Girl” (1990);
— “New Odeon” (1992);
— “Groom from Miami” (1994);
— “Impotent” (1996) and others.

In 2007, Roxana successfully debuted on the theater stage in the play “Khanuma”, which becomes a kind of example of absolute harmony. The play talks about such simple things as faith in the victory of goodness and justice, warm attitude to the people around him and, of course, love.

In addition, the actress and singer has participated in documentary films: “Mikhail Derzhavin. What a little motor" (2011) and "The Gentle Ripper. Urmas Ott" (2009).

Personal life of Roxana Babayan

For more than 20 years, Roxana Babayan has been living successfully and happily in a registered union with an actor. The couple spend a lot of time together and are absolutely happy. The couple has no children together.

With Mikhail Derzhavin

When asked how, for an unusually long time, spouses manage to maintain love, warmth for each other and protect family happiness, the singer claims that any relationship needs care, care and attention, seasoned with a healthy bit of humor.

In addition, according to Roxana Rubenovna, under no circumstances should attempts be made to change a person; it is necessary to respect and conform to each other. Only in this case is it possible to live long and happily in a strong and friendly family.

Roxana Babayan now

After leaving the stage, the singer and actress took up self-development and successfully received another higher education in addition to the two existing ones.

The celebrity's first specialty is civil engineer. Roxana Rubenovna received the second by entering the administrative and economic faculty of GITIS. Regarding the third, the singer chose the field of psychology, enrolled in a shortened course and successfully defended her PhD thesis aimed at studying the formation of personality at the time of adolescent development.

Besides possession creative talents, Roxana Rubenovna takes an active part in helping animals living on the streets, and is the head of the Russian League for the Defense of Our Little Brothers.

For several years no one saw Roxana Babayan on stage as a singer. And now, having passed the stage of small creative crisis, she returns to the stage and already in 2014 records a new hit called “Course to Oblivion.”

The track was written and performed in tandem with the lead singer of the group “NAIV” - Alexander Ivanov. It’s interesting that the artists knew each other long before the song was written and were even family friends, but none of them had previously thought about such cooperation.

Following this track, others were written, no less emotional, including “Rolling Thunder” and “Nothing Lasts Forever Under the Moon.” Soon after the successful debut of the tandem, Roxana releases a full-length album called “Formula of Happiness,” which also includes songs from previous years. In 2017, Roxana Babayan released a video for the song “What a Woman Wants.”

Today, January 10, 2018 after long illness. Fans and colleagues are grieving, but the hardest thing is now for the actor’s loved ones - his children and wife. the site suggests remembering how Roxana Babayan spoke about her husband and their unborn children in one of her interviews.

Lifelong happiness

The couple have been married for 38 years. Before Roxana, Mikhail Mikhailovich had two more wives, but these unions were not happy and long-term. Derzhavin found true family happiness only next to Babayan.

Why didn't the actress give birth to her husband's child?

Despite a fairly successful marriage, the couple never had children. In one of the interviews, journalists asked Roxana Rubenovna if she was sad that, having achieved popularity and fame, she never knew the joy of motherhood. It turned out that Babayan does not regret anything.

“My life took shape in Moscow, and my mother lived in Tashkent, worked actively, was still young and could not give up everything and come to me. And I had a lot of concerts. I traveled all over the world and on tour I saw how little children traveled with mothers on trains and planes, tired, ate dry, skipped school. I don’t blame anyone, everyone has their own choice. Of course, there are nannies, but I always believed that a mother should raise a child," Babayan opened up in an interview.

The actress admitted that she always loved children very much and enjoyed spending time with her nephews, godchildren and other small family members. Roxana never felt lonely and knew that no matter what happened, her family was next to her, her husband would never leave her in difficult times.

No miracle happened...

Now it’s very difficult for Roxana Rubenovna, suggests JoeInfoMedia journalist Marina Korneva. She lost not just her husband, but a very loved one and close friend. The woman with tears says that the doctors fought until the last for Derzhavin’s life, but age and the body, weakened by the disease, did their job - they could not save the actor.

“A miracle did not happen...” - this is how Roxana Babayan commented on the death of her husband.

Farewell to M. M. Derzhavin will take place at the Satire Theater on Monday, January 15, at 11 o’clock. The civil funeral service will begin at 12 o'clock on the same day. at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow - one of the most famous graveyards in Russia.