Antihaglobalism - Public and political movement directed against certain aspects of the globalization process in its modern form, in particular against the dominance of global transnational corporations and trade and government organizations, such as World Trade Organization (WTO).

A more accurate name of the program goals and ideology of movement, called anti-globalism - altermondialism. The year of birth of altermondialism is considered to be 1999, when the first powerful and coordinated performances of opponents of world financial order in Seattle occurred during the WTO summit. Finally, the movement took shape with the beginning of their own opposition congresses, the first of which was a social forum in Brazilian Porto Alegre [ need an opinion attribution ] [ ] .

Anti-globalists are regularly carried out in different countries of the world. Social forums, various protests.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ Divine Policy 1 - Anti-globalism - Victor Savelyev

    ✪ Video Tutorials on the History "Globalization"


Motion history

The concept of globalization entered the scientific turnover in the 90s of the XX century. There are many concepts explaining the nature of globalization, its essence and consequences. Globalization is manifested in all major spheres of human society, in particular, it affects the formation of political institutions and the flow of political processes at various levels. Consideration of the globalization process is relevant, since globalization is the context of modern social development.

Against the background of globalization changes, the end of the 90s of the 20th century and the beginning of the XXI century were marked by a surge of activity of public associations, called anti-globalistic. These organizations defend the interests of various, and, sometimes, wide segments of the population. They react to manifestations, in their opinion, social injustice in various spheres of society in conditions of globalization. They nominate their requirements for national governments and international organizations affecting the situation of citizens. Anti-globalistic movement differs from social movements of past years and in many ways represents a new type of political actor. Groups and associations that make it up, have a peculiar organization. They apply a relatively new social tactics. The movement puts forward an alternative to modern forms of social development.

For the participants of the anti-globalistic movement, the issue of developing a more or less consolidated constructive position is relevant. Combining the efforts of public organizations in the work on alternative socio-economic projects is designed to serve the practice of social forums. The central phenomenon in this area was the World Social Forum (VF).

The ideological predecessors of anti-globalists can be considered "new left" 1960s - 1970s.

The first manifestation of anti-globalism in the United States was the famous "Battle of Seattle" in December 1999. The mass protest was associated with the passage of the WTO conference in Seattle and aimed against the policy of economic globalization. This anti-globalist action caused a truly large resonance in society and provoked a demonstration in countries such as France, Germany, Canada, etc. From now on, anti-globalist movements and organizations begin to be formed.

Later in the ranks of "anti-globalists" joined: Marxists, pacifists, animal defenders, anarchists, "green", isolationists, representatives of the LGBT movement, trade union organizations, adherents of oppressable religions, representatives of youth, environmental, student and anti-war movements, fighters for human rights, Defenders of consumer rights, nationalists, opponents of abortion, unemployed, hipsted students. In 2003, there were more than 2500 anti-globalist organizations in the world.

The heterogeneity of the anti-globalistic movement causes internal disputes and conflicts.

Important dates

  • The most popular (called vulgar due to the actual similarity with the theory of conspiracy), the essence of which is that the United States with the help of international organizations of the World Bank, WTO, WTO, IMF, etc. Requests developing countries and uses their resources in their own interests. .
  • There is a concept that proceeds from the fact that globalization is an objective process, but only rich countries of the West can take advantage of its results, and the poor will bear losses.
  • The third idea is that the process of globalization is objective and all countries can take advantage of the results, but in varying degrees: rich will get more, and poor less and therefore you need to make the rich to share the results.

Antihaglobalism in Russia

In April 2002, a forum "Anti-globalism vectors" took place in Moscow. Politicians, philosophers, journalists participated in it. It was adopted by the "Declaration of Resistance to New World Procedure". Created to combine various organizations, the so-called "anti-globalistic resistance" (AGS). His initiators are the Moscow branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Party of Ros, the Union of Orthodox Citizens, the Patriotic Women's Union, the All-Russian Women's Union "Hope of Russia" and others. Contacts soon were established with anti-globalists of St. Petersburg (held the first forums in 2001) and other regions and countries. The permanent partner of AGS is the movement of Lindon Laurusha (USA).

Antihaglobalists created a specialized site. Since 2003, an officially registered newspaper "Planet AntiHlob" is published. Available collections of articles and books. "Anti-globalistic resistance" organized several All-Russian forums: in 2005, 2006 and 2008, as well as the International Forum "Live, Earth!" (December 2009), thematic conferences and round tables on adjacent topics. Mitigations and pickets were held against the US invasion of Iraq and Libya, the introduction of personal numbers, chipping people, innovations in education, etc.

In Russia in 2012, the "anti-globalistic movement of Russia" was created. In 2015 and 2016, grants from the state (2 and 3.5 million rubles) conducted the congresses of separatist movements (political scientists and deputies were represented on Russia)


Anti-globalistic movement is criticized as adherents of liberalism and opponents of capitalism from among more "traditional" anarchists and Marxists.

Supporters of liberalism proceed from the fact that globalization is an objective process, and therefore see the reaction utopism in anti-globalizm, which seeks to stop the development of civilization. In this regard, the absence of a positive program is emphasized, as well as mass violence and unrest, which are accompanied by almost all stocks of anti-globalists.

In addition, movements are accused of extremism. The basis of this, in particular, serve the appeals of Naomi Klein to capture food and distribute, independently connect to electrical networks, occupy the unrelated lands, etc.

Some scientists believe that globalism is immanently inherent in man and humanity.

Socialists and anarchists, for their part, believe that anti-globalism is vaguely vague and therefore does not allow to actually challenge the existing political and economic system. In addition, the assumptions about bribing the leaders of the anti-globalist movement are voiced, in particular due to the fact of obtaining attacks and other organizers of the European Social Forum in Paris monetary help from the French authorities.

Antiglobalism and alterglobalism

Anti-globalism is sometimes confused with alterglobalism, that is, an alternative to neoliberal globalization. Despite the fundamental differences in strategic purposes (anti-globalists stand on insulating personnel and conservative positions, alterglobalists - on the classical left platform, implying erasing national borders). Some researchers consider alterglobalism as part of the anti-globalist movement.

World Social Forum

see also

  • Anti-globalist film "Four World War"


  1. Dechenik D. Altermondialism. Encyclopedia "Alternative Culture". - Ekaterinburg: ultra. Culture, 2005
  2. Chatterjee, D. K. Anti-Globalization Movements. - ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GLOBAL JUSTICE. - NETHERLANDS: Springer, 2011. - P. 43-43. - 1 s.

A. S. Mikhailova

Alterglobalism as an ideology and practice of anti-globalism

Mikhailov Alisa Sergeevna - Postgraduate Statched Department of the Department of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation. (E-mail: [Email Protected]).

Annotation. In academic circles, problems associated with the movement of anti-globalists, with the interpretation of the very concept of "anti-globalism" is at the stage of active development. Anti-globalism appears as a system of views on the world, denied globalization as a conceptual installation that appears in theory as "Alter-Globalism". The article analyzes the problems of the relationship of these two phenomena.

Keywords: alterglobalism, anti-globalism, anti-global movement, ideology.

The movement of anti-globalists arose relatively recently, but despite this, at the present stage it has a fairly broad fame. The media is actively discussing information about the promotions organized by the movement, in political circles, the need to reckon with the existence of this movement is not questioned.

Inaccessibility of detailed information about the movement, the dynamics of its changes, emotional informational bursts in the media, political and public circles make it difficult to assess the phenomena related to the activities of anti-globalists.

Today, "anti-globalism" is a term that has been widespread in the media, a brand, within which it is developing and coexist often opposite trends and ideologies.

You can talk, on the one hand, about "anti-globalizme" as a public movement, as a system of views on the world, denying globacy

lizational as a process, and on the other, as a practical embodiment of the theory of Alterglobalism. The last hypostic of anti-globalism is interesting. Since the very designation of the movement and its ideology as "anti-globalistic" requires clarification. The participants in the movement, which are often its researchers, note that it is more correct to call the Alterglobalistic movement. The term "alterglobalism" often appears today in the names of scientific papers, as well as on the pages of the works of anti-globalists. There are more radical suggestions. Thus, the authors of the article "Anti-globalists - the" Myth in itself "Zakharov D. A. and Peskov D. N. believes that based on the varnotes of organizations, calling themselves anti-globalists," the "anti-global" language was more logical, but "Global Anti", globalantists instead of anti-globalists "1.

A variety of organizations, interests, sometimes inexplicity, are some participants in the movement of anti-globalists, or, on the contrary, can be attributed to the movement by those who do not accept formal participation in it, but according to the claimed interests and forms of participation should be counted for it The researcher has many new questions.

The movement of anti-globalists today is already a recognized realities of political and social social life. At the same time, the identification of the place of movement in the system of world politics, political and social processes of countries and regions today is ambiguous. In modern scientific knowledge, issues related to the composition and structure of the movement remain relevant, its prospects. The theoretical foundations of this movement also remain low-investigated. This is primarily due to the fact that the movement carries an already marked mythological, utopian character, as well as the fact that the movement cannot be correlated with the social movements of the past due to its uniqueness. Therefore, when analyzing the ideas and practices of the movement of anti-globalists, the reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon should be taken into account. Analysis of the formation of anti-globalism, the conceptualization of its theoretical grounds, the study of the composition, the organizational structure and the dynamics of the movement makes it possible to understand the essence of anti-globalism, to penetrate the mechanisms of transformations, to understand the motives that unite its participants to evaluate the relationship between them, taking into account how their interests and methods of work in The process of development of movement, determine its place in the world and social processes. Traditionally, when it comes to the starting point in the history of the movement of anti-globalists, in the literature on anti-globalism and

1 See: Zakharova D. A., Peskov D. N. Antiglobalists - "Myth in yourself" // Anti-globalism and Global Management: Reports, discussions, Ref. Materials. - M.: MGIMO (Y) Foreign Ministry of Russia. - 2006. - P. 90.

the movement of anti-globalists is celebrated two dates associated with large-scale events that received the name of the "birth" of the movement of anti-globalists. This is the uprising of Sapatists (or - Topistists) in Mexico after the country's accession to the North American Free Trade Zone (Nafta) in 1994, and Events in Seattle (USA) on November 30, 1999, when the actions of the protesters led to interruptions in the work of the World Summit Trade organization (WTO) 1. So, A. V. Buzgalin in his article "Alterglobalism: to the theory of phenomena" writes that both practices and the theorists of the alterglobalistic movement (K. Agiton, E. Wallerstein) noted that "and on genesis, and principles, and By scale, this movement reminds the wave of "new left" 1968 "2. According to A. V. Buzgaline, Alterglobalism became the heir to the long, "tragic and heroic struggle for social liberation" and, in nature, does not displaces, but "on the contrary, unites the various previously existing forms and directions of social liberation activities" 3. Gradually, the creation of "bottom" of other world, other economy, other social and human relations was accounted for. In Russia, alter-globalists fought for deprivatization, against turning off the electricity, against non-payment of wages; In Latin American and Africa, people fought for the right to access clean water and for maintaining their jobs; In Europe, alterglobalists fought against the "Americanization" of national cultures, for taking into account national interests economy. At the same time, the meaning of this struggle was about one.

All this allows for some researchers that alterglobalism is a kind of anti-globalism ideology as movement. That is, on the one hand, anti-globalism as a phenomenal in nature and methods of practical incarnation of a socio-political movement, and on the other - alterglobalism as the ideology of this movement itself, its theoretical justification, ideological basis. An important component of such ideology is the refusal of the West have the right to consider its exclusive prerogative to create a new global world order. According to J. Stiglitsa, "Globalization Management, which is carried out now, often leads to a deterioration in the position of the poorest groups of the population" 4. If taken into account the fact that globalization in its current form does not contribute to the strengthening of interethnic relations, and rather is a catalyst for socio-political tensions, conflicts, polarization of wealth and poor

1 See: Zakharova D. A., Peskov D. N. Decree. cit. - P. 100.

2 See: Buzgalin A. V. Alterglobalism: To the theory of phenomenon // Alterglobalism: theory and practice of "anti-globalistic" movement: [Sat. Art.] / Ed. A.V. Buzgaline. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2003. - P. 29.

3 ibid. - P. 47.

4 See: Stiglitz J. Human face of globalization. - M., 2004. - P. 46.

the struggle for the markets, for accessing the resources of the planet, information and cultural expansion of the West, is important, the desire of alter-globalists find and implement an alternative to the current globalization, to build a different type of global relationship. It is no coincidence that the main slogan of alterglobalists is "another world is possible." At the same time, anti-globalists can be divided into two camp-temperate anti-globalists - or alterglobalists in their ideological preferences, and radical anti-globalists. It is the last mass media that is most often anti-globalists.

Alterglobalists do not oppose globalization as such, moreover, they maintain it to some extent and try to strengthen its positive trends; They are more likely to oppose the liberal market fundamentalism, negative manifestations of globalization, financial and economic dictates by the United States, armed violence, often veiled under the processes of democratization of third world countries. They recognize that the world in the 21st century develops in the face of growing integration of technologies, economies, cultures. But alterglobalists fundamentally agree with the fact that the only possible economic, political and cultural form of this process of integration is the current model of the neoliberal economy. According to A. V. Buzgalina, today the world has encountered the special form of "internationalization of economic and social life, threatening sovereignty of nations, states" 1. It is the desire for the hegemony of corporate capital that leads to the emergence of "counter-hegemony" - alterglobalism. At the same time, alterglobalists, in addition to economic requirements, are in favor of writing debts from the "Third World" countries, for the nuclear-free world, for the implementation of new environmental programs. They reject violent actions and express their protest through pickets, demonstrations, mass shares, concerts. As noted, the radical wing of anti-globalists is a small number - practices more aggressive forms of combating capitalism. So, they allow hacking of global TNC online sites, for example "Coca-Cola", and beat glass in McDonalds restaurants, etc. Among them there are those who call for an armed struggle against politicians and global businessmen, that is, In fact, to the civil war in cities. But these are small groups rather an anarchist sense, although they are more noticeable, their actions cause greater public resonance in the media. Unfortunately, it was with such groups of people initially associated with the overall movement of anti-globalists. Therefore, it was the opinion that antiglobalists (we will use this term, since it is more generally recognized and has already developed as a name of a single movement.

1 Buzgalin A.V. Decree. cit. - P. 38.

against the negative effects of globalization processes) there is no single clear program. However, this requires clarification. Despite the existing differences within the movement (again between moderate alter-globalists and radical anti-globalists), there, for example, a petition adopted on an alternative conference in Geneva, in which, in particular, it states that anti-globalists require openness and democratization, radical changes. The politicians of the IMF and the World Bank, since they, according to alterglobalists, are guilty of world poverty and an increase in inequality.

All events of the initial stage of the formation of an anti-globalist movement - in Seattle, Mexico - were organized and carried out into the life of a limited circle of persons. Today, the composition of the movement of anti-globalists is much wider, and, in addition, he has its own organizational structure that combines it into one. In order to understand the essence of this movement deeper, it is necessary to refer to the study of the history of the emergence of organizations, groups that today form the actual movement of anti-globalists.

Structures that form today the composition of the participants of the anti-globalist movement occurred both before and after events that are defined as the dates of the movement of anti-globalists. So, in particular, the Organization "Friends of the Earth" was established in 1971, the movement of the landless peasantry (Brazil) was formed in 1984, the Union of Farmers appeared in France in 1987, the Alliance for the responsible trade was established in 1991, The Association "Global Action of People" originated in February 1992, the European Federation of Green Party was formed in 1993, "Global South in Focus" and the Network "Return the Street!" Since 1995, the attacion network and an alternative information network work since 1998, Indiemedia network has been launched in 1999, the World Social Forum first took place in 20001.

Interest in anti-globalist issues and rhetoric arose from individual public figures and groups long before the emergence of movement. For example, as an attack organization could arose years earlier, because Nobel Laureate Tobin offered his idea of \u200b\u200bmicronalog to financial transactions in the 1960s. However, in its modern form, with its network structure and activity capabilities, attack at that time It was not possible. It is in a qualitatively new environment of world politics, in the context of the modern level of development and availability of mass communication technologies and other results of globalization, the emergence of anti-globalist movement has become possible.

1 See: Organizations // Anti-globalism and global control ...- p. 340.

2 See: Levin I. Antiglobalists: Who are they? // World Economy and International Relations. - 2002. - № 9 - p. 23.

The question of the time of the formation of the movement is associated with the acquisition of the unity, organizational form, awareness of the availability of the association, even if they strive for similar purposes, but they have risen, forces. On the establishment of the movement of anti-globalists by 1994, the moment of the uprising of the Sapatists, it is not necessary to speak. By the time of events in Seattle In 1999, it is possible to note the activity of a sufficiently large number of groups of anti-globalists already interconnected by the information network. In full, the existence of the movement of anti-globalists can be speaking since 2000, even 2001, when the first and second worldwide social forums ended with the development of a single document took place. In 2001, the International Council was established within the framework of the World Social Forum (VF). The tasks of the Council are planning the strategy for the further development of the forum, as well as an organization, both worldwide social forums and regional and national social forums and conferences. VF is not just an "important event" in the history of movement1, but the beginning of this story. It was then that the general (and non-virtual) space appeared for fixing members of the movement, discussion by all participants in the positions and parameters of the anti-globalist movement.

When analyzing the formation of anti-globalists, as well as its meanings for international relations and world politics, it is important that the movement of anti-globalists in its activities is based on the methods that were not previously used by non-governmental organizations, mass movements, in any case, as the main. A similar methods and tactics include the organization of work using the Internet (Indimedia network, an alternative information network), in most cases the absence of a single leadership, management bodies, organizing large-scale demonstrations, protest shares with the involvement of the masses of visitors, foreigners. It should be noted that the forms of work within the framework of the movement are developed and undergoing testing in different countries in various conditions, then they can be used by any group of participants in motion. This circumstance increases the element of surprise, for example, in the street shares of movement.

It should be noted the tendency of a large part of anti-global structures to consolidate from the point of view of increasing the number of representative offices, the number of members, the range of activities. Although it is possible to identify those structures that arose and exist within one country and do not seek to enter the regional or global level. The number of participants in the movement at the present stage is steadily increasing. The dynamics of the growth of the number of participants and expansion of the general

1 See: Kozlov A. Yu. Social Forum as a form of interaction between parties and movements // Anti-globalism and global control ... P. 120-121.

the spectrum of the interests of the movement can be traced according to the participants of the World Social Forums. The increase in the number of participants in the movement is associated with its novelty and the interest of various non-governmental organizations, movements and individuals in participation in it.

In the system of modern international relations and world politics, the actual significance of the movement of anti-globalists is determined by the relationship between the activities of the movement, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the actions of the states and the wide range of other participants in world politics, such as TNCs, international intergovernmental organizations, international and national non-governmental organizations Organizations (NGOs), finally, individual individuals.

The movement of anti-globalists is a qualitatively new phenomenon that has arisen in the context of globalization and affecting world politics. It is natural, since the movement of anti-globalists on a regional and global scale seeks to implement the task and solving universal problems and values \u200b\u200bwith other means than those who possess state structures. The possibilities of movement of anti-globalists wider resources of individual non-governmental organizations whose association is essentially movement.

Today, the movement of anti-globalists can be in a broad sense to determine as a transnational mass movement, which effectively uses the current infrastructure, which combines members of various public organizations, pursuing common goals and participating in the activities of the movement to increase their socio-political influence.


1. Alterglobalism: theory and practice of "anti-globalistic" movement: [Sat. Art.] / under

ed. A.V. Buzgaline. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2003.

2. Anti-globalism and global control: reports, discussions, ref. Materials. -

M.: MGIMO (y) Foreign Ministry of Russia. - 2006.

3. Levin I. Antiglobalists: who are they? // World Economy and International Relations. - 2002. - № 9.

4. Stiglitz J. Human face of globalization. - M., 2004.

© Mikhailova A. S., 2011

Globalization is the emergence of a unified global economy, a single global market - such as previously national markets, that is, a single capital market, a single market for goods and services, a single labor market. And national borders should not interfere with this unity. This is a natural and inevitable process, it was predicted by Marx 150 years ago. It is not by chance that the IMF is boring the theoretical substantiation of "globalization", referred to the "Manifesto Communist Party" Marx and Engels.

The globalization of the economy led to the fact that the real power of politicians in parliament and executive Structures moved to Financial Institutions: IMF, World Bank (WB) and transnational Corporations (TNK). The state minimized its intervention in economic and financial processes and thereby, in fact, it became only a regulator of legal contracts and an apparatus of the suppression of dissatisfied. Thus, the economy and politics are less and less defined within the states and more and more inside the IMF, WB, WTO and TNK.

The emergence of anti-globalism is a direct consequence of economic crises that have shocked the world in the last decade. Contradictions embedded in the economy of developing countries with the submission of IMF, WTO and WB, the rapid growth of currency, credit and stock markets led to a natural result of such policies - the financial crisis of 1997 in the countries of Southeast Asia (South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Hong Kong), defaults in Russia - 1998, Brazil - 1999, Turkey - 2000, Argentina - 2001, Venezuela - 2002. Economic crises were accompanied by a number of political unrest: Indonesia of 1998, Bolivia of 2000, Argentina and Venezuela 2002 . In addition, incessant war in Africa, Arab-Israeli confrontation and revitalization of international terrorism. Plus to all Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and Yugoslavia.

For the first time about anti-globalizme In early 1994, the Indian uprising was raised in the south of Mexico, headed by subcommonded by Marcos. January 1, 1994, on the day of signing by Mexico of the trade agreement with the United States and Canada, which provided for the development of oil fishery and wood in Chiapas, people in black masks seized the state capital San Cristobal de Las Casas. The first public statements and letters of Marcos, addressed to all famous people of the planet, caused the delight of the left. He spoke about the death of TNK and argued that the fourth world war was coming (the third, in his opinion, ended with the collapse of the USSR and the destruction of the socialist). His appeals and ideas found a hot response, and five thousand delegates from a variety of public organizations arrived at the very first congress of support. Thus was created by the Sapathist army of national liberation, named after the Mexican Hero of the Civil War of 1917 of the Sapati. It was with Marcos in the mid-90s who were associated themselves those who later began to name themselves with anti-globalist.

Contrary to logic, anti-globalism originated at all in Asia, Latin America or the countries of the former USSR, on the economies of which a vapor roller drove a financial crisis 1997-1998, and in a calm and respectable France. In June 1998, several French publications, public associations and trade unions united in the Association of Citizens for taxation financial operations, or abbreviated "Attak-France." In December 1998, ATAC-FRANCE activists held an international meeting in Paris, which was invited by the delegations of the "Landless Movement" (Brazil), "Political and information Center for International Solidarity "(South Korea)," Women's Movement "(Canada)," Farmers of the Karnathaka Peasant Organization "(India)," International Forum Alternatives "(Belgium). The main requirement of newly minted anti-globalists was the introduction of Tobin's Tax, proposed by the Nobel laureate economist James Tobin back in 1972. Anti-globalists estimated that if you set out "Tobin's tax" in 0.1% all financial transactions on Earth, it is possible to receive up to 160 billion dollars annually and use them to combat poverty and raising the economy of the third world countries. The struggle for the introduction of Tobin tax, according to the founders "Attak-France", Could unite the most different public organizations and political parties. So it happened; Over time, the rows of "anti-globalists" joined: Marxists, pacifists, animal defenders, anarchists, "green", isolationists, representatives of sexual minorities, trade union organizations, adherents of oppressive religions, representatives of youth, environmental, student and anti-war movements, fighters for human rights, consumer rights defenders, nationalists, opponents, unemployed, etc. In 2003, there were more 2500 Antiglobalist organizations. Such a disconnection suggests that it is not possible to take a movement under control. No party, corporation or government will succeed. Anti-globalistic movement is too globalized, decentralized and heterogeneous.

Anti-globalist tactics - protest movements that they spent in a number of cities in the world: it all depends on what city international economic forums pass. And some of them were quite successful. In particular, at the end of November 1999, the Seattle demonstrators managed to disrupt the signing of the "Multilateral Agreement about investments ", which provided that TNCs would stand on national legislation. That is, if TNK does not want to pay the minimum wages recorded by local laws, they will not. And if you have to pay - TNK can contemplate a penalty from the state for "caused damage", lost profits, etc. What it means to easily see from the case "" Ethyl "against the Canadian Federation." The American Corporation "Ethyl", using Nafta Treaty, filed a lawsuit of Canada to $ 250 million for the fact that the government forbade the use of "MNT" gasoline produced by "ethyl". This "MNT" poisoned the environment and spoils automotive equipment for the purification of exhaust gases. "Ethyl", therefore, causes car owners to constantly buy new equipment ...

However, the tone of anti-globalism changed dramatically after the New York terrorist attacks in September 2001, when any political extremism, not only street, became easily likened to like terrorism. That is why in moderate civil associations matured a decision to fully dissociate from different "anarchist scarrage, the radicals of the left, right and any sense." The old name "Anti-globalists" is now abandoned by "kamnomettelm" and "arsonists", whose provocations allegedly "led to criminalization Dissident movements. " The main thought center - ATTAK-France offered a new term: alterglobalists - "Other Globalists". This is not only a change of name, but also a change of the program: Alterglobalists, realizing that "globalization" is due to objective reasons, do not oppose the latter, but against the scenario, according to which TNC is developing it. TNCs achieved the opening of borders for the free movement of capital (in particular, to offshore zones where you can hide stolen billions), but sharply made it difficult to enter into developed Western countries from the outside. That is: freedom for capital - and lack of freedom for ordinary citizens.

To date, the participants in the alterglobalistic movement quite clearly declare one of their main slogans - globalization, but with clearly given social parameters, under the control of civil society in each country.

Their basic minimum program looks like this:

  • debt debts of developing and former communist countries;
  • develop new rules of international loan prohibiting the conditions restricting sovereignty;
  • replace the IMF and the World Bank with a system of regional banks built on democratic basis, equally to accountable participating countries;
  • refuse to destroy civilizations alternative western;
  • establish the tax of financial speculators;
  • enhance wages in countries with dependent economies.

The program is not a novelty to the maximum, and more resembles the slogans of eighty years ago: imperialism - in the cemetery, society - without exploiters and operated.

1 Anderson W. There is nothing more global than anti-globalism // 2009.

Anti-globalism is a social movement representing a system of views on global globalization processes and denying globalization as a process.

Anti-globalism is a product of the interaction of various cultures, peoples when looking for alternative to the dominant order of development models. The struggle is mainly against global inequality, hegemony of transnational corporations, the formation of a unipolar world, environmental pollution I.D.

Anti-globalists are regularly carried out in different countries of the world. Social forums, various protests against major capital and the model of globalization of the economy, which he carries with him in his own interests.

Antiglobalism, not so many historical roots. However, any movement always exist historical roots. The anti-globalists themselves to the prehistory of anti-globalism, listed in chronological order, include:

utopic communismas faith in the possibility of building a perfect society ("to a harmonious and fair peace");

luddism as a movement against the mechanization of production and for saving jobs ("against inhuman progress");

anarchism as a movement against state power in any manifestation ("for the imperative human rights");

marxismas the ideology of the fight with man's exploitation by a person ("against market fundamentalism");

hippism (pacifism)as a movement against war and social institutions, for the freedom of creativity and self-destruction ("no war, freedom of imagination");

At different times, different historical ties can be moved in the history of anti-globalism, in one way or another in motion. So, in a philosophical sense, it can be said that anti-globalism denies the cynicism of the classical postmodern, being, in fact, a romantic idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability of an ordinary person to change the world around the world through simple actions on the street, in everyday life or on the Internet.

In an extremely simplified form, three zones can be represented in which the concept of "anti-globalists" is working as a social movement.

Visually scheme can be represented as follows:

Central zoneIt is proposed to be called in the following anti-globalists actually, and which is the core of the movement, the quintessence of the anti-globalism brand ("type 1" in the scheme) consists of organizations that simultaneously respond to two principal criteria:

1. Participation in "mirror" shares related to the largest international summits and conferences;

2. Availability in program documents and public statements of requirements aimed at combating neoliberalism.

When using such criteria, the number of organizations that can be considered anti-globalist actually narrowed to organizations actually participating in the formation of public opinion during and on solutions of international organizations. The optional criterion for the definition of the "nucleus" may be a time factor: the overwhelming part of the anti-globalistic kernel appeared after 1997, often as a result of a series of shares or campaigns in the media (ATTAC, Indymedia, Ya Basta, Direct Action Network, No Logo). All the criteria allocated by us work with respect to all the most mentioned in the press organizations. We can consider the dedicated criteria by working and adequate, especially since public opinion and struggle for its formation is a priority direction of anti-globalist activities.

The nearby circle, the nearest to the kernel, consists of organizations that may not participate in protest actions (or participate in an irregular basis), but are recognized as the core of the anti-globalistic movement ("Type 2" in the scheme). Most often we are talking about trade unions, religious organizations, organizations in third-world countries and environmental organizations.

The outer circle consists of organizations that call themselves anti-globalist, but the core of the movement is not recognized ("Type 3" in the scheme). Most often, such organizations declare their struggle with neoliberalism or its manifestations, but for one reason or another are not included in the anti-globalistic traffic information network, and do not participate in its shares. Among such organizations, the number of terrorist organizations, which often proclaim similar purposes, but act unacceptable for the nucleus of anti-globalization methods. This can also include the organization of a religious-fundamentalist, patriotic and nationalist sense, which represent the so-called. "Conservative anti-globalism."

Theoretically, the next circle of organizations that are called in the press or in the scientific literature of anti-globalist, but they do not consider themselves such. Such a allocation is based on the presentation of the existence of an objective and provable process of globalization, with respect to which you can also objectively allocate the concept of anti-globalism, and, accordingly, to identify the identity of certain organizations. Such a scheme is presented to us far-fetched and inoperable, especially since it is based on too broad assumptions.

Factors that promote the development and distribution of anti-globalism:

- anti-Americanism, Since, for the fair remark of Clinton, "Globalization is America," and expansion of the latter, bold natural opposition, is of the nature of all stimulating globalization processes;

- a conscious struggle of countries that develop, for their rights, including formally declared by international organizations and formally recognized developed countries, for the refusal of the latter from the "double standards" policies and the abuse of domination, including on the global information field, for compliance with at least equal conditions for global competition;

- Miscellaneous Left, Anarchist and Ecological Treatmentswho have turned the anti-globalist movement in the "New Left Initiative", which is a lookout from the time of Vietnam and the struggle for the world of the 70s and the first half of the 80s of the 20th century;

The spontaneous protest against the injustice of the social consequences of technological progress, transferred to the technological progress itself;

The first mass protests of anti-globalist protest fall on the 90s of the 20th century. So, in 1994 there was a rebellion of Indians of Chiapas under the leadership of the subcomandant of Marcos. Subcombandant Marcos turned to all famous people of the planet, speaking of the death of TNC and the upcoming fourth world war. The Sapathist army of national liberation was created, and in April 2001, Markos was headed by a peaceful campaign on Mexico City. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Oliver Stone, Editor "Monds Diplomati" Ignacio Ramon, a number of deputies of the European Parliament, joined this campaign.

It is believed that anti-globalism originated in France. In June 1998, several French publications, public associations and trade unions united in the association of citizens for taxation of financial transactions, "Attac-France" (ATTAC - Association For the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens). The main requirement of attack is the establishment of Tobin tax (the tax proposed in 1972 by the Nobel laureate James Tobin). Its essence is that 0.1% of all financial transactions is sent to the fight against poverty and raising the economy of the third world countries. In addition, the organization is in favor of debiting debts to developing countries. (Even at a rate of 0.05%, Tobin tax would bring $ 100 billion per year.)

In December 1998, ATAC-FRANCE activists held an international meeting in Paris, which was invited by the delegations of the "Movement of landless" (Brazil), the "Political and Information Center of International Solidarity" (South Korea), "Women's Movement" (Canada), " Farmers of the Karnathaka peasant organization "(India)," International Forum Alternatives "(Belgium).

At the end of 1999 - disruption of the Ministerial WTO Conference in Seattle (this delayed the process of liberalization of foreign trade activities and, accordingly, the rigidity of global competition, at least five years).

Later in the ranks of "anti-globalists" joined: Marxists, pacifists, animal defenders, anarchists, "green", isolationists, representatives of sexual minorities, trade union organizations, adherents of oppressed religions, representatives of youth, environmental, student and anti-war movements, fighters for human rights, defenders Consumer rights, nationalists, opponents of abortions, unemployed, hipsted students. In 2003, there were more than 2500 anti-globalist organizations in the world.

Important dates:

§ June 1999 - the first manifestation of anti-globalists took place in Cologne.

§ 2000 - an information network of IndyMedia anti-globalists is organized. (Indymedia (from "Indie", English. "INDEPENDENT" - Independent) - an information network of anti-globalists, organized in 2000 after unrest in Seattle, due to the need for the exchange of experience and forming a wide movement. Structured as a system of sites with the same software (naturally, open source) - in each country its website, sometimes own Indymedia in large cities, central (world) is edited in Seattle. Here is how the meaning and tasks of her work are formulated: "The main idea of \u200b\u200bIndimedia is to transform a simple consumer of information in its manufacturer. Indimian does not so much the editorial board as its activists. Activist We consider any person who publishes their materials on Indimian.)

§ 2001 - Genoa - 200,000 anti-globalists arrived to disrupt the meeting of the leaders of the G8. As a result of the clashes between the forces of law and order and the anti-globalists, one demonstrator was killed and one policeman, more than 300 people were injured.

§ January 2001 - World Social Forum in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. The World Social Forum gathered more than 11 thousand delegates from 122 countries in Porto Alegri.

§ End of January 2006 - World Social Forum in Caracas.


Anti-globalist graffiti: The emblem of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is killed and the words are added: "Growth is madness!"


In addition to the aforementioned organization, the attacions may be called the following:

§ "Global Action". Calls for protest activity both on the streets of megacities and in rural areas (protest movements of farmers in Europe and communal agricultural products in Latin America and Malaya Asia), to the theoretical criticism of corporations and independent analysis of the nature and consequences of their activities.

§ "Black Bloc" ("Black Bloc"). Specializes in the pogroms of expensive shops and offices, collisions with the police. It is standing on the positions of anarchism. He opposes capitalism, states and war.

§ "Third Position" ("The Third Position"). The organization arose in London. The ideological basis is a bizarre combination of extremely left and extremely right views involving the use of aggressive protest methods.

§ "Ya Basta". Italian organization, serving in support of the movement of Chiapas and against neoliberalism.

§ "hactivist". Association of activist hackers acting on political reasons.

§ Radical environmentalists (Ralph Ralph Laders and Murray Tuchin Theorist) believe that it is possible to avoid a total ecological catastrophe, which is inevitably waiting for the "society of growing consumption", can only be possible with the help of an anti-grade revolution.


The current model of globalization is formed under the auspices of world capital and leads:

An increasing income gap, the level of consumption, health, education in the "Golden Billion" and the "Third World" countries.

The 2006 World Bank report illustrates this in the following figures:

Invalid conditions for low qualifications of transnational corporations.

Example. In order to receive wages equivalent to the fact that the main executive director of the following corporations are obtained for the year, the workers of these TNCs should work out the next number of years (provided that the working week lasts 48 hours):

Dominance of mass pop culture (for example, the famous "generation of Pepsi"), suppression of free creativity, "standardization of the minds"

Consumer and predatory attitude towards nature, attempt to "bypass" environmental problems, export of dirty industries to the third world countries

The domination of the ideology of neoliberalism in order to become increasingly expansion of capital around the world, the formation of raw materials of raw materials from the non-participating countries of the "Golden Billion". developed countries, etc.

Anti-globalist movement is actively and diverse used by participants in global competition. This use, for the rarest exceptions, is deeply hidden, so the question of the place of anti-globalist movement in modern global competition is so thin and delicate that the exact answer to it should be recognized inaccessible for the usual analytical community, and which inevitably accompanies the struggle for political and economic influence.

A specific example of using anti-global movement in a competitive struggle was the defense in one of the departments of France of the whole system of national restaurants-fast food (publicly available at the price, but with national cuisine and family business). With the development of the notorious McDonalds in the region with its lower prices and poor-quality food, business began to fall apart. The local population defeated several McDonalds, but understood that it only leads to courts and fines, they launched a company to clarify the population than fed in McDonalds and what was working for their activities. As a result, the population boycotted McDonalds, which led to their bankruptcy and closure.

Today, anti-globalism took place as a social movement. The main question is whether it can become political power.

There are hundreds of public movements, therefore many are interested in who are anti-globalists and whether they can have a real impact on political or social life in different countries, for which numerous shares are held, what they want to get as a result, what methods go to the goal.

Antiglobalists - who is it?

Inhomogeneous anti-globalistic movement in the composition includes multiple organizations and initiative groups, mainly non-violent methods of impact on power. In addition to youth associations, the motion includes anarchists, environmentalists, neo-Nazis, pacifists, left radicals, communists, etc. Sometimes the objectives of anti-globalists within the organization are directly opposite, but the general direction is expressed 5 points:

  1. Liquidation, by fully debiting all debts of low-budget countries.
  2. Include in the rules of international lending points prohibiting creditors to limit the independence of the borrower country and interfere in the political and social structure of the state.
  3. Liquid and the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. At the same time, replacing them with small regional banking offices.
  4. Stop the destruction and genocide of civilizations other than the Western model.
  5. In the States dependent on certain sectors of the economy, it is forced to increase the payment of the poor in the population. This is part of what anti-globalists are opposed?

What do anti-globalists want?

The main purpose of the organization to eliminate the "world domination" of large companies, a small group of oligarchs, leading politicians and leading countries. What do anti-globalists want:

  1. Fully lighting, make the transparent all the work of the G8.
  2. To force international state organizations to draw their own opinion on the problems of states with a weak economy.
  3. Install democracy in all countries.
  4. Call for publicity on all the issues meaningful in political and public life.

Antiglobalists - "For" and "Against"

Initially, world globalization is trying to completely subjugate to the economy, and in the future with the help of it to influence politics, manage low-disabilities and financially not secured countries. What anti-globalists are fighting for, has direct opposite goals. Their opponents may indicate some of the disadvantages of theses and requirements:

  1. The redistribution of world finances will lead to a stop in the development of civilization.
  2. Currently, there are many injections in the economy of low-developed countries in the form of humanitarian aid, but it does not all equal leads to their development.
  3. It is impossible to feed all the "reducing" funds from the "rich" countries and large, global companies.
  4. Not large companies and corporations suffer from the extremist attacks of anti-globalists, but small entrepreneurs.

Who finances anti-globalists?

Any organization, as well as the movement of anti-globalists, requires great financial support. Large amounts are required for street demonstrations, pogroms and more peace-loving shares, to pay for lawyers, doctors, etc. to pay for fees. At the same time, it is not possible to identify a single source of financing. Motion leaders insist that anti-global sponsors are activists and sympathizing cash infusion in the form of donations.

Famous anti-globalists

The official place of the birth of antihlobalism is France 1998. Several organizations and trade unions united in the "Attaca-France" movement. But if you find out who was the first anti-globalist, it is believed that this is a subcomanutanant Marcos, in 1994 he raised the uprising among the Indians of the Mexican Chiapas state. Later to the movement joined:

So who are anti-globalists? They do not solve the issues of the global economy, they are trying to "shake" the states of society, and make him actively resist the accumulation of major world capital in the hands of a small group of people. Motion participants call on citizens not to stand aside, but to actively participate in political processes, in making important decisions for many states.