The family ties between the Romanovs and the Windsors were not limited to the royal cousins ​​Nicholas II and George V, who were remarkably similar to each other. Over the course of several centuries, the Russian and British royal families have become related dozens of times.

Victoria (1819-1901)

The last representative of the Hanoverian dynasty on the throne of Great Britain. She remained on the throne for 63 years - longer than any other British monarch. She gave birth to nine children, who later married into other royal dynasties, for which Victoria received the nickname “Grandmother of Europe.”

Christian IX (1818-1906)

King of Denmark since 1863. By birth he was not a direct heir to the Danish throne, but became the successor of Frederick VII, who had no children. Christian himself had six children, of whom two sons became kings (of Denmark and Greece), and two daughters became wives of European monarchs (Britain and Russia).

Edward VII (1841-1910)

Eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Consort Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Since Victoria lived to a ripe old age, Edward ascended the throne at the age of 59. However, in 2008, Prince Charles (born 1948) broke this record. Before his accession to the throne, Edward VII was better known by his first baptismal name Albert or its diminutive form Bertie.

Alexandra of Denmark (1844-1925)

The eldest daughter of King Christian IX of Denmark and his wife Louise of Hesse-Kassel. Thanks to her father, the “father-in-law of Europe,” she had family ties to many royal courts. Her elder brother Frederick became King of Denmark, her younger brother William became King of Greece, and younger sister Maria Sophia Frederica Dagmara became the Russian empress, the wife of Alexander III, receiving the name Maria Feodorovna upon converting to Orthodoxy.

Maria Fedorovna (1847-1928)

Born Maria Sophia Frederica Dagmara, daughter of King Christian IX of Denmark. She received the name Maria Feodorovna upon converting to Orthodoxy for her marriage to Emperor Alexander III of Russia. Mother of Nicholas II. Maria was originally the bride of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov, the eldest son of Emperor Alexander II, who died in 1865. After his death she married him younger brother, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, with whom they cared for the dying man.

George V (1865-1936)

Second son of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. He became heir to the British throne after the sudden death of his older brother Albert Victor, who died of influenza. It was George V who renamed the British royal house, which previously bore the surname of the founder of the dynasty, the husband of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. During the First World War, George renounced all personal and family German titles and took the surname Windsor.

George VI (1895-1952)

Second son of George V and Mary of Teck. He inherited the British throne from his older brother, the uncrowned Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1937 because he intended to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, to which the British government did not consent. The reign of George VI was marked by the collapse of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. He was the last Emperor of India (until 1950) and the last King of Ireland (until 1949). The biography of George VI formed the basis of the plot of the film The King's Speech.

Alice (1843-1878)

Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, born Alice Maude Mary. In 1862 she was married to the Hessian Prince Ludwig. The Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhine, Alice, like her mother, was a carrier of hemophilia, a genetic disease that interferes with blood clotting. Alice's son Friedrich was a hemophiliac and died in childhood from internal bleeding after falling from the window. Alice's daughter, the future Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, was also a carrier of hemophilia, passing the disease on to her son, Tsarevich Alexei.

Alexander III (1845-1894)

Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish, who received the nickname “Peacemaker” because during his reign Russia did not wage a single war. He ascended the throne after the death of his father, Alexander II, who was killed by Narodnaya Volya terrorists. Alexander Alexandrovich was youngest son emperor, but his older brother Nicholas died during his father’s lifetime. Future Alexander III married his dead brother's fiancee, Danish princess Dagmara.

Nicholas II (1868-1918)

Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, the last Emperor Russian Empire. From the British monarchs he had the rank of admiral of the British fleet and field marshal of the British army. Nicholas II was married to the granddaughter of the British Queen Victoria, Alice of Hesse, who received the name Alexandra Feodorovna upon converting to Orthodoxy. In 1917, after February Revolution in Russia, abdicated the throne, was sent into exile, and then shot along with his family.

Alexandra Fedorovna (1872-1918)

Born Princess Alice Victoria Elena Louise Beatrice Daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig of Hesse and the Rhine and Duchess Alice, granddaughter of the British Queen Victoria. She received the name Alexandra Feodorovna upon converting to Orthodoxy for her marriage to Russian Emperor Nicholas II. After the revolution of 1917, she and her husband were sent into exile and then shot. In 2000, like other members of the executed royal family, canonized.

Tsarevich Alexei and the Grand Duchesses

Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna had five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei (in order of seniority). The heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, was the youngest and sickest child in the family. Hemophilia - genetic disease, which prevents normal blood clotting - he inherited from his maternal great-grandmother, the British Queen Victoria. All five children of Nicholas II were shot along with their parents on the night of July 17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg.

Windsor dynasty

Windsors - English royal dynasty, ruling since 1901 (until 1917 it was called Saxe-Coburg-Gotha). Representatives: Edward VII (1901-1910), George V (1910-1936), Edward VIII (1936-1936), George VI (1936-1952), Elizabeth II (since 1952) .

Edward VII (1901-1910)

The first representative of this dynasty was the son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Edward (1841–1910). His parents wanted to give their son an appropriate education, but since childhood he hated books and “abstruse” conversations. He preferred a military career, but his father was able to force him to get a solid education: Edward graduated from Oxford, where he took a course in industrial chemistry. After graduating from university, the prince traveled around America and Canada, where he made many friends.

Returning, he married the Danish princess Alexandra and settled in Sandrigham. This place soon became the center of high society life in England. The era of Edward VII is remembered as a time of croquet, noisy balls and grand hunts. More than anything else, he liked dinners and women. They began to call him the loving Edward.

There are several things associated with the mention of the name Edward VII. high-profile scandals. The first occurred in 1877, when he declared the beauty Lily Lantry official mistress and began to appear with her in the world. He even introduced her to his wife and the Queen Mother at Buckingham Palace.
For 10 years, this connection shocked all of Europe. Edward's relationship with the legendary French actress Sarah Bernhardt was scandalous; there were other mistresses, for example, Alice Keppel, whom they met in Monte Carlo and with whom he dated until his death...

Having gained power, Edward VII showed that it was in vain that the queen did not involve him in the reign: he easily understood the intricacies of the political game, knew the diplomatic science of subtle hints, half-words and vague promises. He was able to fully demonstrate his abilities in 1903, preventing a war between England and France and playing a significant role in the creation of the Entente, and then in 1908, when tensions between Russia and England increased.

The reign of Edward VII was easy and relaxed. He almost did not interfere in government administration, asking domestic policy only a general tone, and thus represented an ideal constitutional monarch.

George V (1910-1936)

After the death of Edward VII, power passed to George V (1865–1936), during whose reign the dynasty from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha became the Windsor dynasty in 1917.

Georg was nothing like his father; he took after his mother in appearance and character. He was phlegmatic, balanced and religious. Having married at the insistence of his grandmother Victoria, he chose the daughter of the Duke of Teck, Maria, with whom he was in love. They were happy in their marriage, and Maria became George's closest adviser in matters of state.

By ascending the throne, George changed the life of the court. Now the luxury and cult of women and entertainment at court have been replaced by patriarchy and the silence of home comfort. And George held official receptions in a different palace than where he lived. As a monarch, he believed that the most important thing for the royal family was to be a model of order and discipline for his subjects. To achieve such order, he demanded unquestioning obedience from everyone around him. Children who were not spoiled by parental affection suffered especially greatly from this.

Edward VIII (1936-1936)

Prince Edward as a child was short, frail and stooped. His peers nicknamed him Sprat. He had no friends.

The prince loved to travel, and each trip added to his popularity; he made speeches, planted trees, and was present at the launching of new ships and at the foundation stones of buildings. But despite all this, he could not meet his love. Of course, he had both fleeting and long-term relationships, for example, with the sweetest intellectual Frieda Birkin and the dim-witted beauty Thelma Furness. However, his heart was free until he met Wallis Simpson. Ironically, the prince met future wife thanks to Lady Furness... At that time, Wallis was married, but this did not stop the prince from falling in love with a charming American woman. She's still with youth She collected newspaper clippings about the Prince of Wales and therefore knew everything he liked and didn’t like. It should be added that Wallis’s husband reacted to this novel quite calmly; he admitted to a friend: “I have the impression that I am hindering the course of historical events.”

While the romance was in full swing, King George V died, and Edward was overwhelmed by a wave of new responsibilities. Many matters interfered with the frequent meetings of lovers, and Edward VIII found a way to solve this problem: he decided to get married. However, there were so many obstacles along the way! Starting with the husband of the bride (strange phrase!) and ending with the conventions associated with a royal marriage. And it was precisely the second circumstance that was the most difficult: Parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers were against Mrs. Simpson becoming the British Queen. However, Edward was firm in his decision: if there was no wedding, there would be no coronation. As a result, Edward VIII abdicated the throne to marry Wallis Simpson. After his abdication, he was given the title of Duke of Windsor, he married his beloved and lived happily with her until his death from cancer in 1972.

His marriage was not accepted by his relatives: not one of them appeared at the wedding ceremony, and King George, despite Edward’s requests to give him the opportunity to hold any public office, refused. Only during the Second World War was Edward allowed to become governor of the Bahamas.

George VI (1936-1952)

Prince George served in the navy during the First World War and took part in. After that he trained to become a pilot naval aviation and studied at Cambridge. Prince George did not intend to be king, but after his brother Edward abdicated, he took the throne. Soon it started new war. Prime Minister W. Churchill advised the king to leave for Canada, but George VI chose to stay in Great Britain. He visited troops on all fronts, even in North Africa. Having not too good health, he traveled a lot. 1948 - doctors diagnosed him with cancer. The king died from this disease in 1952, and his daughter Elizabeth became queen.

Elizabeth II (since 1952)

Elizabeth received a good education at home. In addition to the usual school subjects, she studied the basics of economics, jurisprudence and constitutional law. There were also lessons in horse riding, music and dancing. During the war, the princess mastered the profession of a driver at a military transport training center, but she was unable to apply this knowledge in practice: after the end of the war, at the age of 18 she became a member State Council. That same year she married Philip, the son of Prince Andrew of Greece.

Their wedding ceremony was broadcast on television, and since then private life The royal family has become a constant source of media attention.

Elizabeth II enjoys the love of her subjects. She is modest, attentive, fair and democratic. She is always confident in herself, she knows what to do in any situation.

Members of the royal family often pay visits to foreign countries. This helps maintain friendly relations between England and other countries and promotes trade. The Queen is involved in many activities charitable organizations, to whom her name and patronage enable them to act more effectively.

The Queen rewards those whose activities are aimed at benefiting Great Britain. One of the highest awards is knighthood. The Queen knights the person being knighted by touching him on the shoulder with her sword. This ritual is called initiation.

The daughter of Queen Elizabeth, Princess Anne, has a knighthood and the Order of the Garter, loves horses and takes part in equestrian competitions, she was even recognized as the athlete of the year in Great Britain, and heads 222 charitable organizations.

1973 - Anna married naval officer. He didn't have a title, so their children don't belong to the royal family - they're just the princess's children. In 1992, the princess divorced and remarried.

1948 - the queen gave birth to a son, heir to the English crown, Prince Charles.

from all German titles for himself and his heirs

from all of us German titles for yourself and your heirs

German German German German German German German

In Great Britain no clear legal or formal definition Members of the royal family are generally considered to be the monarch, the monarch's spouse, the monarch's dowager spouse, the monarch's children, the monarch's male-line grandchildren, and the spouses and widowed spouses of the monarch's sons and grandsons. Members of the British royal family bear the titles Their Royal Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses.

Historically, members of the British Royal Family represented the monarch throughout the British Empire and held positions of responsibility and representation; today they carry out ceremonial and social functions both in Britain and abroad, and other than the monarch have no constitutional role in the affairs of government.


In 1917, George V, due to the war with Germany, renounced all German titles for himself and his heirs and renamed the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty the House of Windsor.

Already a lie. He did this not out of patriotism or love for the British. In 1917, Germany signed a capitulation (captivity of war) to Russia, with Germany's complete renunciation of all Russian Lands captured by Germany in all Partitions of Russia 1871-1914.

And since in Russia we had the Czartoryski-Konde, the Lords of the World, then world domination Germany, which only appeared in 1871 when the Cossacks renamed captured Russia Germany, ended in 1917. No Germany, I'm blown away.

Germany disappeared from the face of the Earth as a state and all over the planet there was again Russia, the Army of the Czartoryski-Konde Empire, the White Generals of the Angels of Karus: “Rus is coming.”

This prompted our Russian intelligentsia to organize a revolution in Russia during the War between Russia and Germany, in favor of Germany, which was at war with Russia.

And in 1917-1921. The Soviet intelligentsia fought with the Russian Army of the Czartoryski-Konde, White Generals. For the Death of Russia and the Final Division of Russia.

Evil Jewish tongues accused the Russian intelligentsia of provocations that became the cause of the most terrible massacre of peoples of the 20th century: the First World War of 1914-1918.

That is, the First World War 1914-1918. The Russian intelligentsia needed it to push Germany and Russia (Czartoryski-Konde) into a global carnage, with the goal of the Death of Russia.

The calculation was as simple as the mooing of a cow. During the war, Germany (Germans and Jews, the Red Army) and Russia (Czartoryski-Konde, Angels Karusa) will exhaust each other and by the end of the war both Armies will die. And as soon as Germany signs the surrender and Victory Day is declared throughout Russia, this is where the intelligentsia will arrange for the Czartoryski-Konde, the Government of Russia and the Command of the Russian Army, a revolution in Petrograd, a Civil War within Russia to the Death of Russia and the Final Division of Russia: The Czartoryski Inheritance -Conde, Lords of the World.

And after this, the Russians still blame the Germans in Germany and the Jews in Israel for the death of Russia, calling Russia a ship that sank right next to the harbor?

Well, yes. Samadura is guilty. Why did she go and sank right next to the harbor?

And the intelligentsia has absolutely nothing to do with it. Was there an intelligentsia in the Red (Soviet) army of workers and peasants? Or were the intelligentsia Bolsheviks? No, it’s Samadur’s fault.

And in general, revolution is wonderful, progressive and democratic, the power of the people.

The intelligentsia fought against Tsarism: the Czartoryski-Konde, the Lords of the World, for the Death of the World and the Final Division of the World.

Do you really feel sorry for Tsarism: the Czartoryski-Konde, the Lords of the World?

Over all the years french revolution, which Czartoryski-Konde: “To Tsarism”, in 1853-1921. arranged by the Russian intelligentsia, not a single worker or peasant was harmed.

Russian intelligentsia in 1853-1921. fought only with Tsarism: Czartoryski-Konde, the Corporation of General Staff Officers, for the Death of Russia and the Partitions of Russia. The intelligentsia fought for power in the General Staff of the Czartoryski-Konde, the Lords of the World.

Thanks purely political struggle Russian intelligentsia with the Czartoryski-Konde, White Generals, in 1853-1921. The General Headquarters of the Czartoryski-Konde, Lords of the World, on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, has stood empty since 1854. And there was a Control Center for the entire planet, the entire civilization.

And the entire Red (German, Soviet, Jewish) army of Elston-Sumarokov for 1853-1953 became part of the Russian intelligentsia.

This is so that the Russians do not relax with their Soviet power in Russia, captured by the Russians.

What? Russians are us: Slavs, Orthodox Christians.

So, in 1953-1921. our Russians (Slavs) were officially Germans. Our Russians (Slavs) even became Jews later. Because all world Jewry before 1917 were Germans. Like the Windsors.

The Jews of Windsor were Germans before 1917. Just as the executed impostors Romanovs (Jews of Holstein) were Germans: Germans, bandits and lowlifes, exactly the same bandits as the Bolsheviks.

We didn’t have any Jews or Slavs before 1917. All our Soviets were German before 1917, like Elston-Hohenzollern, the Romanovs, Windsors and Christian 9.

And who were the Russians then, with whom the Russian intelligentsia fought so much in 1853-1953?

And our Russians were the Czartoryski-Konde, the Lords of the World.

In 1917, in the same St. Petersburg captured by the Russians, the Czartoryski-Kondes were the English Royal Family of the World, the Lords of the World and the Dynasty according to the Lord God our Savior and Creator of the World, the Heavenly Master. Savior and Guardian of the human race.

Either our Russians are not the human race, or the Russians are tired of living as a whole human race, but in 1853-1921. The Russians killed the Czartoryski-Konde, the English Royal Family of the World, the Lords of the World, the Dynasty according to the Lord God our Savior and Creator of the World, the Savior and Preserver of the human race.

It is this crime before God the Creator of the World, the Heavenly Master, according to the Russian Orthodox Church, that lies with all Russians: Slavs, Orthodox Christians, the old red (Prussian) guard of Elston-Sumarokov. And for the murder of the Royal Family, God is punishing Russia.

And the Russians continue to anger the Lord God our Savior, the Creator of the World, the Heavenly Master, proving to him that they killed his Family because the Czartoryski-Kondes did not look after the Russians well, that is, for the cause. And “Lord have mercy, save and preserve” - for the execution of Romanov impostors (Jews of Holstein), Germans, bandits and the poor. They are exactly the same bandits as the Bolsheviks.

I hope it is now clear why the title of the Czartoryski-Konde: English Royal Family of the World, Lords of the World, Dynasty according to the Lord God our Savior and Creator of the World, Heavenly Master, Savior and Guardian of the human race, after 1921 ended up with the German barons of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha , since 1917: Windsors"?

When the Czartoryski-Kondas were alive: the English Royal Family of the World, the Lords of the World, the Dynasty according to the Lord God our Savior and Creator of the World, Heavenly Master, Savior and Guardian of the human race, it was still impossible to call oneself by their title. They would laugh.

George V, the son of the Prussian baron Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, a protege of Germany, was just as German as Wilhelm Hohenzollern in Germany and Nikolai Romanov in occupied Russia.

The war of the Czartoryski-Konde, the English Royal Family of the World, the Lords of the World, with the red army Gray slave war crimes of Elston-Sumarokov, took place in 1853-1903. It's official.

And the change of Power over the World occurred only in 1903. I think that it was then that Germany appeared (Second Reich, World, Rome, Rus', Byzantium, Novgorod Republic), the capital is Berlin.

That is, even Elston was not a ruler for the reason that the Condé War with the Cossacks had not yet ended. And the power in the Army was Conde: Corporation of Officers of the General Staff 1853-1921.
That is, Power over the World in 1352-1903. officially there were Czartoryski-Konde, Dynasty according to Michael the Archangel, Creator of the World.

And only in 1903 the German Holstein-Gottorp party appeared in Russia: “Social Democrats”, in the role of the new Rulers of the World, democratically elected.

Question: when do we have JEWS? Because all Jews before 1917 were GERMANS.

Well, you can’t be a German and a Jew in one package. Otherwise there will be no Holocaust. Because then either the Germans perpetrated the Holocaust on the Germans. Or Jews to Jews. On paper. Because in real life does not work. In 1853-1917. Germans and Jews were one people: the Red Army of Elston-Sumarokov. In all Jewish books there is the great German people of Elston-Hohenzollern-Romanov-Napoleon

and 1853-1917 Which Germany was collected throughout Russia by the Czartoryski-Konde, within the borders of 1352-1921.

And we didn’t have any “Russians: Slavs, Orthodox Christians” either, because captured Russia was officially England and Germany rolled into one.

Captured Russia, which the Soviet Slavs, Orthodox peasants, cannot show on the map, back in the 20th century was officially England captured by the Cossacks, renamed Germany by the Cossacks. And according to the maps, in all territories of Russia in the 19th century there is one continuous Germany. What is the German Republic on the Volga after the First World War between Russia and Germany? And even traces of the German occupation of Russia 1858-1917. The Soviets were unable to remove them throughout the USSR.

When Germany (Great Cossacks) in 1914-1917. defeated Czartoryski-Konde, English The Royal Family Mira, Lords of the World, Dynasty according to the Lord God our Savior and Creator of the World, the German barons of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha quickly had to renounce all their German titles and German nationality. Germany - no since September 1, 1917. And they were Germans and proteges of Germany in London, just like the Romanovs in St. Petersburg.

And the question arose about the presence of the German occupiers of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in England, liberated from German occupation. Czartoryski-Konde: The English Royal Family of the World, Power over the World, suppressed the German revolt of the Soviet Cossacks: “intelligentsia”. Simply put: junkers.

In our country, Pushkin, Tolstoy and others were all cadets.

And the Windsors, from old memory, still claim what they had under Germany: the conquests of the revolution. They are Jews according to new documents, but according to old memory they are Germans, purebred Aryans with services to the revolution and Germany, the Second Reich.

1917-1921 - this was the War of the Czartoryski-Konde, the White Kings of Angels, the Lords of the World, with the Cossacks, who again staged a rebellion for them: civil war. And we were talking about the fate of the entire planet.

And all these proteges of Germany throughout the Earth, liberated from the German occupation of the Angels, hung in limbo. For this reason, to Russia 1917-1921. and there was such an influx of intervention at the request of the Russian intelligentsia: “the common people.” The death of Russia, as a State and a people, for all those Germans of Elston was a guarantee to sit still and preserve what they had stolen in 1853-1917.

For the same reason, the German George V could not bring his cousins ​​to London: the Germans Nikki and Alice from Russia - England (Angels Land) liberated from German occupation.

When London learned that the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Germans wanted to take the Romanov Germans (Holstein Jews) proteges of Germany from Russia and give them political asylum, demonstrations began in London. London was seething and the situation of the Germans of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha themselves became critical. The German Georg no longer cared about the German cousins ​​Nikki and Alice. I had to save myself.

It escaped my attention that Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Edward VII) was GERMAN. And all these Saxe-Coburg-Gotha were Germans at Elston. The same Cossacks of Elston with their red army 1853-1921.

In fact, Edward VII, Prussian Baron Albert-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, son-in-law of Christian 9, was the first German to emerge among the people and become Governor General of London, the German occupier-commandant, protégé of Germany. The Cossacks had democracy there. So, no “kings”, “kings”, “dynasties” and other social-democratic nonsense of the Cossacks. The Cossacks have Atamans. So they were all Cossack Atamans, proteges of Germany (Great Cossacks).

And then the question arises: when did Germany appear? It turns out that not in 1871, but in 1903.

But with the Jews, all the Red (Soviet, German, Jewish) Social Democrats, Cossack deputies of the German State Duma, got into trouble.

If Jews before 1917 were Germans, then where did Jews before 1917 come from? And this suggests that books with Jewish antiquities were written retroactively, when History was rewritten after 1921.

The Slavs also flew there: the German Jewish peasants of the Elston-Hohenzollern lads. The same Cossacks of Elston, but already disguised as Slavic Jewish Christians, Orthodox peasants, the titular nation in the USSR: the kingdom of Judea, the Red Guard, the Holstein-Gottorp lads.

Is this the reason why all books and publications before 1917 disappeared in the USSR? So that no one in the USSR knows who our Slavs and Soviet peasants were until 1921 inclusive?

So when the Soviet intelligentsia composed the history of the captured Soviet army, Russia, the entire Union of Soviet Writers? After 1921? Or after 1956?

For this reason, there were so many Germans in the USSR, because the USSR was the territory of Germany (Great Cossacks) in 1903-1917. And they were captured even earlier: in 1853-1903. As you capture German army territories of the USSR in 1853-1903.

For this reason, the Cossacks rushed along with the Jews from one European army to another throughout the 20th century: the same Germans of Elston from the Red (Prussian) Guard of Elston 1853-1921.

And do not dream of escaping from the tender embrace of the German-Jewish Red Army mafia of the Slavs, Orthodox Christians of Elston-Sumarokov 1853-1953. They didn’t fight with you for 150 years with the entire Red Army, Gray Slve Thief Krimis, just to let you out of their hands alive now. And who will work for the Slavs, Orthodox Christians?

After 1921, the Windsors became the ataman of the Cossacks.

And no matter what the intelligentsia shows on TV, the German-Jewish Red Army world of the Slavs will be ruled by the Windsors: the new English Royal Family of the World, the Lords of the World, the Dynasty according to the Lord God our Savior and Creator of the World, the Heavenly Master, the Savior and Guardian of the human race. At the request of the Jewish Red Guard people, Elston-Sumarokov's lads. Democratically elected by relatives to Michael the Archangel, instead of the Czartoryski-Konde, Lords of the World, killed by the Slavs.

I have always been embarrassed by the protrusion of Jews to the forefront. We were Army, very ancient people, and it wouldn’t even occur to me to shout about my Army at every step. Why yell? Everyone already knows us; it wasn’t yesterday that the whole Army appeared: “Rus is coming.”

But what if in 1917 you had to change from being a German to a Jew, and do you remember this? Then you have to yell at every step, so as not to forget that you are now an ancient Jew, and not a German from the Great Cossacks of Elston-Sumarokov: Gray slave war crimes.

It is for this reason that the testimony of the Slavic Jewish Christians in Russia they captured does not agree with their own testimony in England and the USA they captured.

History was rewritten at a gallop, retroactively, more than once, and already in the 20th century, when all these Red Army lads squabbled to death among themselves.

As far as I know, until 1943, the German version was in effect in the USSR, a literary hoax created by the intelligentsia in 1903-1913. Then the war began and no one cared about History.

History was rewritten many times, retroactively, under different organized crime groups of army-style Social Democrats. Hence the confusion with the names and testimonies of the Slavs, when nothing matches the books.

The Slavs have more names than an Indian chief. Slavs, Cossacks, Germans, Jews, Soviet, German, Prussian, Russian, French, Polish, English, Swedish, American soldiers Christian peasants of Elston-Sumarokov, the entire payroll of the Red Army for 1853-1953.

From the Slavs there are peasants and workers, serfs, like a ballerina from the priest. Firstly, these are former Cossacks (Red Army soldiers) of Elston, and secondly, the Slavs have not come out of the organized crime group since 1853 and all the years of their Soviet power. They are not even capable of working as workers and peasants: they have not worked, are not working and will not work, the elite of the world lumpen-proletariat. They drink too much and like to go out, sexual promiscuity. Previously, the onset of sexual activity in the 19th century was only among the lower (social) strata of the population. For everyone else, this was not accepted.

But the version with the Windsors was composed after the death of Stalin, because it took into account the realities of the Windsors’ seizure of power in the first half of the 20th century, after the Death of Russia and the Final Partition of Russia in 1917-1921.

What do we care about civilization? Let the World perish, but the intelligentsia triumphs with its gains of the revolution. They framed all the Germans in Germany, all the Jews, and they themselves remained clean, with new documents and a rewritten History captured by the German intelligentsia, Russia.

Because the Soviet intelligentsia is completely absurd. Soviet is Jewish with the New Testament, in Hebrew. And the intelligentsia are Prussian Junkers, lieutenants state army Germany and in the purest German language. The Soviet intelligentsia is a Jewish officer in the service of the Gestapo.

And in this language the Soviet intelligentsia wrote everything The World History for captured Russia. As the intelligentsia themselves called it: “Literary hoaxes.”

Here it all comes down to the language in which the intelligentsia composed their literary hoaxes about the History of the civilization they captured and destroyed in 1853-1921.

“Russian” language which requires every word to be translated from the Russian language of the Russian intelligentsia into Russian. Not a tongue, but a mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros. They pulled out all the words European languages, but they cannot use them correctly. The intelligentsia's translations of their Russian words from German, English, Hebrew, and French do not coincide with the meanings they have in their native languages.

How much do we know about them, about the Windsors?

That's what a queen she is! Elizabeth Alexandra Maria:

At home they called her Lilibet.

Who knows and who doesn’t, but initially Elizabeth was not considered as a real heir: her place in line to the throne was questionable, because the girl’s father was not at all crown prince Britain, and the second son of George V - Albert Frederick Arthur Georg.

Let's show the queen's grandfather - he cousin our Nicholas II, by the way.

About dad.

Dad future queen was also not the direct heir to the throne. The prince studied at the Royal Naval College and was thinking about serving in the army.
True, his health let him down: appendicitis and a stomach ulcer did not fit well with service at sea. But, nevertheless, Prince Aotbert became a pilot on the western front. They basically sent me to fly, since I can’t swim)
Albert received the title of Duke of York - that is, potentially the second heir to the throne after the Prince of Wales - in 1920.

Since 1921, the prince begins to persistently seek the hand of a certain Lady Elizabeth Angels Margaret, daughter of Claude George Bowes-Lyon, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne.

And now about mom.

Lady Elizabeth was the tenth child in the family. She was brought up, presumably, in strict Victorian traditions - until she was 8 years old at home, in her parents' Scottish castle.

There is evidence that the girl has known her future husband since she was 5 years old. They say that at the holiday, little lady Elizabeth treated the future king to cherries in sugar... One way or another, but the first official proposal Lady Elizabeth received her hand and heart from the Duke of York in 1921.
And she refused the prince.

He, in turn, stated that he did not want to know other candidates for the role of his wife. Well, this story is very reminiscent of the love fervor of his older brother, Edward VIII, who could not imagine happiness without the American W. Simpson. But this story happened much later. for now we will return to 1921.

Love and crown.
Whether Elizabeth Buoz-Lyon loved her admirer or not is, of course, a controversial question, and today it is unlikely that anyone will give an exact answer to it. What stopped the young lady from agreeing to become a princess: feelings for another man or fear of committing herself to royal family? No joke! This is very responsible!
The formulation of the lady’s refusal is well known: I’m afraid that I will never again be able to “freely think, speak and act, not as I feel, but as I should.”
Looking ahead, let's say that all the passions of both princes, the grandchildren of Elizabeth I, responded in approximately the same way...

So, Prince Albert announced that he would marry only Lady Elizabeth Booze-Lyon... The Queen Mother went to get to know her prospective daughter-in-law better and was apparently pleased with her, because... in 1922, Albert, Duke of York proposed to the girl for the second time.
But Elizabeth again refused her crowned admirer!

This happened after the wedding of Albert's sister, Princess Mary. Probably, the man hoped that such events would set Lady Elizabeth, who was the bridesmaid, in a romantic mood. But the girl remained adamant.
However, Albert (after all, German blood gives people tenacity) was not going to give up and continued to besiege the impregnable bastions.
Finally, in January 1923, Lady Elizabeth agreed to become his wife.

Wedding of the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon took place on April 26, 1923.
Interestingly, on the way to the altar, the bride placed a bouquet on the grave of the unknown soldier. And thus she gave rise to new tradition in the British royal family. With the only exception that after all the girls, getting married in Westminster, put a bouquet on the grave after the wedding.
Lady Elizabeth became the Duchess of York and was now entitled to the title "Your Royal Highness".

The couple's life was busy: the Duke and Duchess regularly traveled on public and military affairs of the British crown.
Their first child, the future Queen of Great Britain, was born in 1926. Princess Elizabeth was called at home Lilibet)

The couple's second child was a princess. Margaret.

And everything would have gone as usual if not for King Edward’s love for a twice-divorced woman of a dubious profession, not an aristocrat and not even an Englishwoman...
Because of this love, the king abdicated the throne. So, in 1936 Prince Albert became King George VI. Why Georg? Last name men take a look :)
In May 1937, the couple were crowned.

Since 1938, the king and queen began to actively fight against fascism. It is interesting that the previously peace-loving Lady Elizabeth and the “smiling queen” earned from Adolf Hitler the nickname “the most dangerous woman Europe".

When London was bombed, the entire royal family was there. When asked to leave the city, the queen replied: “The children will not go without me. I will not leave the king. And the king will never leave the country.”
When visiting hospitals and clinics, the Queen always dressed in light-colored dresses, representing a “rainbow of hope,” trying not to appear in public in black attire.

When she was born, the little princess was only third in the line of succession to the throne after her uncle and father.
But since 1936, as eldest daughter king and queen, the girl became the first heir to the throne. Fortunately, there has been no Salic law in England for several centuries, and therefore there are no problems with male heirs. But so far no boys were born in the family and Elizabeth was the first presumptive heir of her father.
From the age of 10, little Princess Elizabeth lived in Buckingham Palace.

Upbringing and education, as you understand, a child of royal blood was given at home in those years. But it's good.
Since childhood distinctive feature The future queen had a love for horses and racing. Lilibet loved horse riding.

During World War II, Princess Elizabeth makes her first radio appearance to address her subjects.

In 1943 (she was 17 years old), Elizaveta made her first independent appearance in front of the public: it was a visit to the regiment of Guards Grenadiers.
A year later, the princess was included in the number of state advisers - that is, persons who, in the absence of the king, could perform his functions.

Since 1945, the princess joined the ranks of women's self-defense units and received the specialty "driver mechanic". Elizabeth managed to serve in the army for five months before the complete surrender of fascism.

Or does anyone else think that being born into a royal house means doing nothing?

When the princess came of age in England, she spoke on the radio with a promise to devote her entire life to the British Empire. Actually, the girl kept her word :)

Marriage to the Prince of Greece and Denmark.

It is clear that, like any representative of the royal family, the princess needed to marry an equal in order to continue the dynasty.
The husband of the future queen was the grandson of King George I of Greece, the great-nephew of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, the great-grandson of the Danish king Christian IX, the great-great-grandson Queen of England Victoria and Russian Emperor Nicholas I - Prince Philip.

The history here is also very interesting.
Let's start with the fact that the Greek crown professes Orthodoxy, and, according to the laws of the Anglican Church, the monarch and his spouse can only be Protestant (and also undivorced and without children). Therefore, in order to be able to marry Elizabeth, Philip had to renounce not only the faith of his family, but also all the titles he had: Prince of Denmark and Prince of Greece.

Let me explain: when the English allow their queen to marry European prince, then, by marriage contract, children from this marriage can inherit the crown of England, but cannot inherit the crown of the country from which the father came.

There is no Salic law, but there are their own, British ones) And Prince Philip had to comply with them.
However, I don’t think he really regretted the lost titles after he became the Duke of Edinburgh and the husband of the woman he loved.

Yes, imagine The marriage of Elizabeth and Philip took place for love.

And it was like this: when Prince Philip, as a descendant of Queen Victoria, was studying at the same Royal Naval College, he met his fourth cousins: Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. A correspondence began between Philip and Elizabeth, and in 1946 the prince already asked the king for permission to marry the heiress to the throne.
What happened next, I wrote above)

Philip and Elizabeth had four children:

  • Charles, Prince of Wales (b.1948),

  • Princess Anne (b.1950),

  • Prince Andrew, Duke of York (b.1960)

  • Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (b.1964).

The princess's father died on February 6, 1952.
Elizabeth II was crowned in Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.

Her husband refused the title of Prince Consort. The Queen's husband devoted himself entirely to the service of the family, performing numerous ceremonial and charitable duties.

Old couple:

July 17 marked exactly 100 years since the royal decree that changed the name of the British monarchy. Instead of the Saxon-Coburg-Gotts, the members of the august family became the Windsors.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Europe froze in a state of unstable equilibrium. The monarchies still held out, but the specter of change was already actively wandering through the cities and villages.

The last parade of the passing era was the funeral of the British king, Queen Victoria's son Edward VII on May 20, 1910.

End of an era

Funeral cortege of Edward VII on the streets of London

Representatives of all reigning dynasties rode in the funeral cortege. Strictly in accordance with protocol, emperors and kings rode first, followed by dukes, archdukes, electors and princes. Representatives of democracies, even those as powerful and wealthy as the United States and France, were relegated to the rear of the procession.

Nine kings gathered for the funeral of Edward VII. In the second row from left to right: King Haakon VII of Norway, King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, King Manuel II of Portugal, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, King George I of Greece and King Albert I of Belgium. In the first row from left to right: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George of Britain V and King Frederick VIII of Denmark

Those who were riding in the front rows did not yet suspect that they would soon either have to adapt to the changed realities or disappear from the horizon altogether.

For the British royal family, an important part of the adaptation was the change of name under which the ruling family acted.

German dominance

Coronation of George V

To be honest, it is not entirely clear how English patriots (I emphasize that they are English, not British) get along with this fact, but after the Tudors, relatively pure-blooded Englishmen did not sit on the English and then the British throne at all.
That is, some kind of family ties, of course, could be traced (monarchs have always been quite strict with this matter), however, starting with George I, from 1714, the Court of St. James was headed by the Germans.
And it all started with the fact that the British categorically refused to live under the scepter of Catholics.

It doesn't matter where you were born, it matters how you were baptized

Parliament offers the crown to William and Mary. Unfortunately, neither they nor their successor Anna had children.

At the Stewarts' British throne it didn't work out. Charles I had his head cut off, his son had to make significant concessions to parliament during the restoration, and James II was forced into exile. In fact, most likely, no one would have touched him if he had not converted to Catholicism, falling under the influence of his first wife.

By that time, the British had developed a persistent allergy to Catholics, and Parliament decided to invite to the throne the daughter of the deposed king, Mary, who, fortunately, was a Protestant, plus married to Duke William of Orange. Well, he (so lucky, so lucky!) was also related to the British monarchs. His mother was the eldest daughter of Charles I, the same one executed by Cromwell.

Unfortunately, the Stuarts were not very lucky with their heirs. Neither Mary and William, nor their successor Anne, had any children.

The Fertile Queen and the Cousins' War

Nicholas II and George V. Third cousin - German Chancellor Wilhelm - found himself on the other side of the front line

The First World War in Europe is called the War of Cousins, or the War of Cousins.

Fatal 1917

The death of the Lusitania provoked a powerful surge of anti-German sentiment in Europe and the United States, becoming one of the reasons for the entry of the United States into the First World War

After three years of war, no one remembered family feelings anymore.

Anti-German sentiment in Britain reached its peak.

The turning point came in 1915, when the entire British Empire, as well as the people of the United States, were horrified after the German Submarine sank the American civilian ship Lusitania. 1200 people died. For the ethnic Germans still living in the British Isles, the situation became deadly.

Cartoon from Punch magazine two weeks after the sinking of the Lusitania. Signature: “Kaiser - I propose a toast to... Death - For vengeance!”

Anti-German pogroms swept across London, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle.

In the East End of London, where many Germans ran bakeries, angry crowds smashed shop windows, ripped open sacks of flour and crushed already baked loaves under wheels.

The pogroms led to the fact that for some time bread in this part of the city practically disappeared.

Streets of broken windows

Crowds smash German shops in London's East End

In Bradford and Nottingham, naturalized Germans rushed to sign letters in which they swore allegiance to the country and the king, wished the British army victory and gave their word of honor that they were dreaming and seeing the defeat of Germany.

At the same time, it was not only the Germans who were in danger.

Here's what the Times wrote at the time:

On the streets of Poplar (an area in east London), the crowd destroyed German shops with such thoroughness that everyone whose surname did not sound very English became victims.

In Leithenstone, the crowd took one look at the name of the pub owner (he was a Scotsman named Strachan) and immediately broke all the windows.

The crowd destroyed all the shops whose owners' names did not sound in English. On a boarded-up shop window there is an inscription: “We are Russians”

It should be noted that the newspapers supported this madness. They demanded that all ethnic Germans of military age be isolated from society. At that time, there were about 60 thousand Germans, Austrians and Turks living in the British Isles, plus another eight thousand naturalized citizens of “enemy origin”.

Moreover, the same Times warned: “We see a growing belief that naturalization does not guarantee freedom from pogroms.”

Pre-emptive strike

The subjects of George V were no longer satisfied with what he did to win. He was still suspected of being a German sympathizer. In this photograph, the King inspects troops from New Zealand before being sent to the front lines.

Of course, we can’t guarantee that, but we can assume that if George V read that issue of the Times, he felt very uneasy.

Although it was possible to figure out which way the wind was blowing quite a long time ago.

Back in 1914, Austrian-born Prince Ludwig of Battenberg was forced to resign as First Lord of the Admiralty - solely because of his German roots.

By 1917, absolutely all members of the royal family began to feel pressure about their “Germanness.”

Majesty magazine editor-in-chief Joe Little once wrote that politicians simply forced the king to change the name of the dynasty: “We found ourselves in a situation where even if you had a dachshund (in English dachshund, colloquially “a dog is a German sausage”), you were already considered German. It was increasingly believed that the king was secretly supporting Germany. The politicians left him no other choice!”

With a slight movement of the pen, Saxon-Coburg-Gotta turns into...

A cartoon from Punch congratulating the king on the fact that both he and the entire royal family renounced their German name and German titles. The trash the king sweeps up says: “Made in Germany.”

And so it happened that on the night of July 16-17, 1917, the royal family went to bed as the German Saxon-Coburg-Gotts, and woke up as the purely English Windsors. Its members overnight lost their German titles of princes and dukes and became British lords.

The Battenbergs, for example, took the path of least resistance and simply transferred their surname from German to English, becoming Mountbatten.

"Windsor" turned out to be wonderful name for the dynasty, while simultaneously being the quintessence of everything English and everything royal.

This brilliant idea came to the mind of the king's personal secretary, Lord Stamfordham.

On that memorable night, Ludwig of Battenberg was visiting his son at the Royal Navy base in Scotland. In the visitors' book he wrote: "Prince Hyde has arrived, Lord Jekyll has gone."

So what nationality is the queen?

In 1947, then Princess Elizabeth of Wales married Prince Philip. He himself bore the surname Mountbatten and came from the royal family of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg.

At that time the Second World War was a very recent past, and upon marriage, Philip renounced all German titles.

On the advice of Winston Churchill, who had a long conversation with the Queen Mother, upon accession to the throne, Elizabeth did not include the surname Mountbatten in the name of the royal house and left it exclusively as Windsor.

But is there any doubt left about Elizabeth’s “Britishness”?

Here's how the Telegraph's royal columnist Dominic Selwood answers this question: “The Queen's family has lived in Britain for many centuries. Her native language is English and she speaks fluent French, but not German. She was born on Broughton Street in London's Mayfair. She grew up at number 145 Piccadilly, Richmond and Windsor Castle. She drove a truck during World War II. She is modest, incredibly diplomatic and laughs often. She rides without a crash helmet and loves pigeon racing. But most importantly: the whole world knows how much she loves dogs and horses. So it’s simply impossible to be more “British”!”

Could there be anything more English than loving dogs?

And the royal family still opens Christmas gifts on the evening before Christmas. And this is a purely German tradition!

Yana Litvinova