This section of astrology Sinastria It is devoted to the analysis of the compatibility of partners, here are the author's articles on Sinastry. When comparing two cards, novice astrologers are asked - which is most important and important in Sinastry - aspects or at home, where to start disassemble the synastriWhat planets need to be considered primarily in the Sinastria, how to analyze synastriah, which orbises aspects to take for Sinastria, etc. I will try to answer all these questions in the articles of dedicated synastries, the analysis of Sinastry and its analysis.

Sinastria In astrology, this is a comparison of two horoscopes (natal cards). The planets of one horoscope are in another relative to the signs of the zodiac and astrological houses. In synastries, any two natal cards can participate - a man, a woman, child-child, friends, head-subordinate, etc.

Sinastria - It is probably the easiest kind of forecast in astrology. After both natal partner cards are studied in detail and it is clear that people are investing that they want to get from partners, Sinastry will very clearly show all conflict and favorable moments in a pair. But it is after studying natal cards!

When we consider the natal map, all the actions of aspects are concluded in one person, and he sometimes is sometimes poorly aware of his hidden qualities, internal conflicts, unless it is deepened by self-analysis. And in the Sinastria, the action of aspects is on the surface and not to notice their influence is impossible, because Mutaging with energy occurs between two people. Sometimes it is useful to consider synastries with the surrounding people, even in the way to better understand yourself and their own hidden qualities.

What first should be paid attention to, considering the synastri. What is the main thing in Sinastria.

The most important thing in Sinastria is primarily compatibility at the energy level, and, of course, show elements.

Although, sometimes they write that the opposites are attracted, but in reality it is not. For example, if in one horoscope is the most expressed elements of fire and water, and in the other land and air, these people can hardly find a common language. Of course, the synastric aspects between the planets also matter, but the elements are still the primary compatibility factor of two people. If the elements in Natal Maps are different, then people can exhaust each other's energy.

For the elements of air and fire badly fit the elements of the earth and waterand will also be correctly the opposite. But it is important to consider what if the planets are in one element and in different signs of the zodiac, then this is not quite ideal compatibility. For example, a woman has a sun in cancer, and the man's men in fish, and cancer and fish are element of water, but it is different. The sign of the zodiac fish is more romanticism, kindness, compassion, dreaminess, and the zodiac sign is cancer - this is a closed sign, suspicious and suspicious. And such a woman with the sun in the cancer will not be able to fully satisfy the man with the Moon in the fish in the emotional level. And from here comes:

The second rule of Sinastria is the most effective aspect in the Sinastry is a connection.

The aspect of the compound in Sinastria also refers to the most important thing that it is worth considering first of all by analyzing the compatibility of partners, because Both planets in most cases are in one zodiac sign. AND the smaller the orbis of the connection in the Sinastry, the fact that the energy of this aspect will be manifested in relations. But we'll talk about aspects in Sinastry separately.

So, come back to the elements and signs of the zodiac. From personal experience, I was noticed that if the same zodiac signs are expressed in two natal maps, then such people are easy to find a common language, these people will understand each other. And it will be characteristic, even if there are no accurate aspects between the planets. It turns out that people "live on one wave", their energies are homogeneous. It will be especially peculiar if the personal planets (sun, moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Ascendent's helper) are located in the same signs. For example, at one sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, the moon in the scales, Mars in the Venus, Venus in Capricorn, the guide of the map of Uranus in Scorpio. The other is the sun in the scales, Venus and Mars in the Virgin, the ruler of the Moon map in Capricorn, Mercury in Scorpio. The signs of the zodiac, expressed in both natal maps of almost the same, and there are excellent mutual understanding between people. Of course, for love, marriage compatibility it will be not enough, but in other cases a parent-child, friends, the boss-subordinate is the indicator of compatibility of characters. From my experience, I even noticed that reading various astrological literature, they are more understandable to those authors who have been expressed by the same signs of the zodiac in Natal maps as me. Their writing style and the way of expressing thoughts is very close to me, as if I communicate with my native man.

It is also worth considering what planets fall into one zodiac sign or are in conjunction in Sinastria. There will be great importance to the abode, exaltation, expulsion and fall of the planets.

If one planet in Sinastria is stronger in this sign, and the other is weaker, then the strong planet will be a donor for weak.

For example, Saturn in the scales (Saturn in exaltation) will maintain and give a sense of stability of the sun in the scales (the sun in the fall). It is also typical if the planet is neutral in the sign of the zodiac and in this sign falls a strong partner's planet - for example, Saturn in the scales will take care of the moon in the scales.

Being in one zodiac sign or in a compound, a weak planet in Sinastria will require more than giving something. The weak Saturn in the lion of one partner in the Sinastria will call on the responsibility of the partner with the Sun in Lev (the Sun in the monastery), but Saturn himself in Lev (Saturn in Exile) gives little sun in Lev, and on the contrary, it will exhaust his energy resources with its requirements and imaginary calls for discipline and patience. Therefore, considering a specific aspect in the Sinastry, one cannot talk about aspects in general, that the connection of the Sun and Saturn gives something and that, i.e. Give a general characteristic aspect, without taking into account the sign of the zodiac in which planets in Sinastria are located. In the description of synastric aspects, I will try to take into account various combinations for aspects and give explanations for each aspect of the Sinastry.

If the planets of the same name form a stress aspect, then the greater effect will be the strong planet. For example, the square of Mars in Sinastria causes conflicts and quarrels, and the partner will be stronger, whose Mars is stronger on the sign, and for weak Mars, this aspect will be more traumatic. And here it is not about the planet donor, because In stress aspects (quadrature and opposition), a strong planet does not give energy weak, but by contrast, depletes it. And a strong Mars in the synastric aspect of a square or opposition, will make a weak Mars is even weaker, insecure, magnificent. This rule is characteristic of other planets in stress aspects in Sinastry.

As well as in some compounds, in harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) in Sinastria, a strong planet will maintain a weak planet. For example, the Sun in Lion or the Sun in Saglot will help Moss in the scales (Sagittarius-scales and lion-scales symbolic aspect of sextil). But a partner with Mars in the scales in this synastria, little can help his partner and will need it anymore. Those. A partner with a weak planet is more dependent on the partner with a strong planet. When parting, he loses more, it will be more difficult for him to survive the gap, it is deprived of support, because He was largely relied on his strong partner.

In the environment of astrologers, such a concept is often found as synastria, synastrical astrology or partner compatibility with the help of Sinastria. What is the point laid in these words? How to understand them correctly and use them yourself? Consider these questions more ...

The concept of "Sinastria" as such

Synastry is the compatibility of partners with a combination of two natal maps of people or their horoscopes.

It is a synastric astrology that studies synastric and synastric cards. Based on the numerous factors on which a synaistric map is built, an astrologer can interpret or decipher the synstrian.

By the way, if you are interested in a compatibility horoscope you can always contact me - to consult an astrologer. Actually, thanks to the interpretation of the Sinastria, certain conclusions can be made to the questions of interest, for example:

  • What are my business relationships with this partner?
  • How compatible are we compatible with your loved one? What problems can be relevant in our relations with each other?
  • Does this teacher suit me, the master, spiritual mentor in the form of a teacher?
  • What can be our relationship with the boss and how to change the already existing?

In fact, this is not the entire list of questions on which the Sinastria answer gives.

They are much more and each of them is understandable separately, since the difference between them in astrology is very significant, but about it is slightly lower.

Sinastria, its factors and goals

All factors that are present in the Natal Map participate in Sinastria. Just in case, we recall them:

  1. Aspectation of planets.

These are the most important factors. Each of them is extremely important and consists of a variety of other subifactors.

To understand compatibility in Sinastria, you must have at least the basic knowledge of natal astrology, since the basis most factors are similar.

Depending on the purpose of the compilation of the Sinastria, attention is focused on certain factors. For understanding and simplicity, several examples.

If you are interested in compatibility of lovers, their personal relationships, it is necessary to pay special attention to 5 and 7 houses, the provision of personal planets and their aspects in the synastric card.

Another example: You are planning to conclude a very profitable contract with a business partner, but are not yet sure how to trust the professionalism of the partner, his attitude to justice, and simply, does he not harm you then?

In this case, the aspect of the planets is also greater importance, their position, but here the most attention is paid not to the planets of the septener, as in the example above, but for Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and 10 house.

This, of course, is superficially, but I hope you understand that depending on the wording of the issue, attention is paid to synastric factors in different ways.


In general, Sinastria is a great way that can help prevent difficulties and problems that could arise. Knowing the shortcomings, weaknesses we can act on the principle: "warned - armed."

With a general interpretation of Synastry, everything, and if more accurate details are interesting - welcome to the synastric section of astrology.

In contact with

I developed the following algorithm to analyze the Sinastria, which has proven its effectiveness in consideration of the compatibility of two natal maps.

Consider the relationship between men (05.06.1981, 13:39, Yekaterinburg) and women (04/08/1981, 19:38, Ekaterinburg) .

First we study every horoscope separately. It is important to assess the temperament of each and determine how it will interact with the temperament of another.

We look at the interaction of the elements. In her cosmogram, the element of fire is strongly expressed, he has fire and water. The colden mental air is well quenched the negative emotional splashes of fire, discharges the situation, translates the situation into a lighter plane. What you can not say about the interaction of fire and water. Fiery pulses adversely affect the internal deep emotionality of water elements, offend it, is injured, suppressed. As a result, the water rises against the fire and fills it to such an extent that the fire is no longer climbed. Consequently, in the elements, compatibility is low.

Now you need to understand which partner is aimed at each of them. Here the principles are valid - this attracts similar.

We make the perfect image of his woman / wife and the perfect image of her man / husband

The man's Men and Venus are in cancer. He likes girls soft, cozy, feminine, homemade, mysterious, with rounded shapes. This is an archetype of a female mother - warm, caring, rapid. It is important that the woman is a good mistress, tasty prepared. We look at the horoscope of the woman - the sun and Venus in her in the Aries, the moon in the twins. This is a brisk, active girl, loving communication, interesting and diverse life. The girl does not fall under the presentation of this man about what a woman should be, moreover, she scares him.

We look at the archetype of a man in her map: Mars in her Aries, the sun in the Aries. It is attracted by partners courageous, strong, active who know how to overcome obstacles. We look into the horoscope of a man: the sun in the twins, Mars in the twins. Male movable, active, inquisitive, sociable. Obstacles he will be overcome hardly, will try to find workarounds, but if circumstances will require, it will be able to defend those who are expensive to take responsibility - aspects of Mars speak about it. Not exactly what she needs, but in permissible limits - since Aries and Gemini are both active, male signs.

Next, we look at the relationship between the main elements of the horoscope partners. There is not even so much an orbis between the objects of horoscopes, how much is the objects to be in signs that "see" each other. These are signs with a major aspect: trin, sextile, square, opposition, connection. For example, the signs of Aries and scales see each other by opposition, lion and scales - in sextile, scales and Capricorn - in a square, Capricorn and Taurus - on Trina, and Taurus and Taurus - by connection, etc. Harmonious aspects create harmonious ties, intense aspects, respectively, are intense.

We estimate the interaction of "sexual" planets: Mars and Venus. Mars and Venus Women see Mars (in sextile) and Venus (in a square) of men - Similarly, the planets of men see the planets of a woman. Sexual attraction is strong, and intense aspects at the first stage create sharpness and piquancy in the relationship. But will the sexual attraction for spiritual interaction?

We consider the relationship of the "psychological" planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury. Sun partners are in harmonious sextile. The sun of men connects from the moon of a woman, which also creates a good psychological interaction. And the moon of men interacts with the Sun and Venus of a woman in a square - which creates psychological tension for him. Between Venus partners - a square - which means different aesthetic and ethical representations, different ways of expressing love.

Mercury Women in Aries, Mercury Men in Cancer. Merkuriyev's square is one of the most difficult aspects in Sinastria - partners cannot agree among themselves, which leads to quarrels, disputes, chronic misunderstanding.

We look at the interaction of "conflict" planets: Mars, Plutonov, Jupiters, Saturnov. Both partners Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are in the sign of the scales - that is, they interact with each other on the principle of the joint. Interaction is complex. Both partners in the maps of Pluto are affected by the shine - a tendency to dictatorship, strong splashes of emotions, the desire to achieve the desired despite anything. The connection of Jupiter and Saturn indicates that each partner has its own "established" worldview and it is difficult for him to expand. This configuration will inevitably create conflicts, especially at the first stage of the relationship. From conflict aspects, it is worth noting the presence of Saturn-Jupiter in 1 house and Mars in a woman in a woman in the 7th house. Both partners are quite conflict and in relationships is high.

And finally, we study the location of the ascendants: He has in the Virgin, she has in the scales. Ascendants, being in adjacent signs, do not see each other.

We conclude: A couple pulled to each other flirting, mutual interest at the sexual level. But conflict aspects are greater than psychological. Given the antagonism by the elements, the lack of bindings from the Ascendants, as well as the discrepancy of the partner's image with a real partner - it can be predicted that the pair is very quickly dispelled. What actually happened.

(c) Astrologer Eleanor Danilova

About the author

Eleonora Dan.

Eleanora Dan, astrologer consultant. He studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I am advice with regard to reading a natal map, relationships, careers, career guidance, life mission. I am a specialist in forecasting. I answer different questions.

At birth, each person has an individual cosmogram. This is a map of heaven at the time when the newborn made his first sigh. This card is as if imprinting the energy of signs and planets, which are at this time on the universe. Each such a cosmogram has its own, personal, special. Sinastria (compatibility) helps to determine the most suitable partner.

What is Sinastria?

Sinastry is a complex analysis, whole art. Astrologer, comparing the horoscopes of two completely different people, assesses the potential of their interaction, compatibility. It often applies to emotional relations, but the study of Sinastria plays a major role in business (interaction of partners), and in relationship between parents and children. For example, if a businessman hired a knowledgeable professional, but he is configured to a different mental frequency with him, it will not be in life. Permanent quenches, reproaches, irritations will occur. Sinastria (compatibility) will help here: it will make it possible to make objective conclusions, it is noted that it does not develop in relationship whether to continue cooperation in general. Of course, sexual, emotional compatibility plays a considerable role, but it is much more important to see if people are spiritually compliant with each other.

Sinastria. Methods

There are two groups of synastry methods. The first includes those where compatibility according to the date of birth, the synastry derivatives (progression cards). In this case, the map of one partner is taken and is combined with the other data, then synastria is analyzed, which is formed between these cards. The second method creates a certain integral card - an average arithmetic indicator. This method is considering very detailed all aspects of the Sinastry, analyzes and makes certain conclusions about relationships. Aspects that form the planet partners play a major role. Marriage aspects allow you to analyze the synastries of the moon connections from the Sun with another partner. Further, personal planets are distinguished by importance - from Mercury to Pluto.

In important are aspects of the moons, they indicate the possibility of long-term joint residence, when subconscious reactions are important. Business relationships analyzes other synastria - compatibility in the sun. Sexual, sensual components characterize aspects of Mars and Venus. Intelligent analyzes Sinastria to Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn can tell about when the partner is ready to agree with those or other arguments. It may impress that people born at one time can be perfectly approaching each other. But often, if they are equally located luminous, they can occur similar problems. For analysis (compatibility synastria), a competent astrologer will be able to make a grid. The vertically sign planets of one partner, and horizontally - the other. The intersection of the column and strings will help determine the connection of the Sinastry.

Aspects of compatibility in Sinastry

Powerful interactions are connections between fictitious points and compounds of planets in Sinastry. Strong feelings of similarities, recognition depend on the interaction of participating planets. The opposition presents the polarity and the strength of the mutually reproduction of opposites. She can reveal not only the feeling of the addition of each other, but also to identify insecurity and competition. It happens that the tendency of the "swing" or "ping-pong" appears, when on the one hand, the partner shows the energy of his planet, and the other equalizes it. The effect of confrontation, counteraction and even obstacle may be present. Trina and the stacks are current aspects, they help it easier to mix the two energies of points or planets. These often arise mutual understanding and warm interaction. These aspects, in contrast to the compound, do not necessarily cause attractions, but they are very well affected by the relationship. If Sinastria (compatibility) has such aspects as Trina, then this suggests that the energy is perfectly combined, the sextiles indicate the interaction of the energies. If they are observed in the sinastry of the square, this indicates the presence of energies over which you need to work. Grow-oriented people consider these aspects and think about further moves.

Ascendant in Sinastria

Each person has its own "bodily ego", which is expressed through individual manners. Body language is an ascendant. It also indicates how we can be managed with everyday problems, determines our behavioral reactions and the ability to start new projects. Naturally, when Sinastria indicates that the ascendant of one in a cosmogram aspects the planet of the other, the reaction becomes very well noticeable. Often, there is simply the attraction of the physical body, but reacts all the "bodily ego", and it is manifested not only in manners, but even in the gait and clothes of Ascendent.

The goddess of love Venus

Many know what role in mythology plays in astrology, it gives valuable information about how Ascendent is manifested in matters of heart. Venus is a guard of not only romantic love, in general it indicates our choice of pleasures at all. Many have come across that they are drawn to those people whom they do not understand spiritually. Why does a person fall in love? Sometimes it can be easily explained, and sometimes the attraction is simply irrational. How does compatibility in love take place? Sinastria can answer this question. Manages the imposition of Venus. Of course, other factors are also involved, but this planet is a carrier of romance, pleasure and union. In Sinastria, it is one of the most important. And if we consider aspects in durable, long-time marriages, then they will definitely be the presence of Venus. In a cosmogram of any person, finding Venus, you can decipher how it refers to love, manifests itself in relationships. Comparing the cosmograms of two people, you can identify differences and similarities. Sinastry will show whether the common fictitious points have shone aspects of one partner with another.

Venus in Sinastria

Aspects of the Sun - Venus. Such aspects are useful for any relationship. Harmony is created, there are common interests. The Sun Man in the presence of Man-Venus always becomes more beautiful and loving. The human-Sun man seems intriguing and charming. For such a combination, it is characteristic of each other.

Aspects of the Moon - Venus. Such aspects smooth some complexity in relationships. Although they are not insured against takeoffs and falls, various disagreements. In the first place here, perhaps friendship, and not sexuality. These people always feel the need to see each other, to be in the same company, to take care and tenderness in pares. The integrity of relations can undermine the problem of problems.

Aspects of Mercury - Venus. Often there are common interests from partners. Relationships are fed by the most different conversations. If there are such aspects as a kwikon, quadrature, opposition, then often violate the relationship of any misunderstanding. Sometimes partners talk too much with each other, even waiting for their turn, to quickly speak.

Aspects of Venus - Venus. Trin, sextile, the compound speaks of the compatibility of the relationship. It creates ease and comfort in the union of partners. The expression of attachment and love for everyone is quite different, but together they give harmony. Kwikon stimulates attractiveness. Quadrature and opposition indicate the attraction, although sometimes it can cause disappointment.

Aspects of Mars - Venus.Classic aspects for many relationships. But often they can cause anxiety. If you are considering compatibility by date of birth, the synastry at the same time indicates any aspects between these planets, know that a romantic attraction, and sexuality will be present here. But if it goes beyond the control frame, then the Sinastry can be destructive power.

Jupiter in Sinastria

If the Jupiter cosmograms of one partner forms at least some aspects with the other ascende, then a special relationship may arise. Jupiter man always provides a partner presumption of innocence. In the energy of the partner planets, he always sees a positive energy, looking for and finds good sides. It is not attached to the negative. Jupiter in the relationship is characteristic of the role of "Father", which sees a positive in his child and seeks to develop it. This is not the kind of "paternity" when the parent just closes his eyes to a bad and idealizes his child. Just he always wants to cheer up, help and sincerely glad to the success of the partner. In connection with Jupiter with Venus, he will constantly encourage it and even forget some misconduct. In such respects, Venus will always be free to express their romantic desires, preferences. If you are interested in Sinastry (compatibility), experienced astrologers will help you calculate it. The presence of aspects of Jupiter will indicate that relationships can be very useful. Other conflict aspects can go to the background. If even a couple breaks up, it will make it quite a friendly, in a good way.

Mars - God of war

Mars in astrology - planet of sexual self-expression. Aspects of Mars more often indicate animals desire. If Venus manages romantic relationships, then Mars - animals needs in sex, meetings of desires. It is important to notice that the presence of Mars in Sinastria does not indicate that he has the need to stay with a partner forever. If zero compatibility in Sinastria is specified, there will be no relationship in general, and do not expect from such an ascendent further connections. If there are still some love aspects, the strong Mars will show itself mainly in the bedroom. The presence in the Sinastry of Mars does not indicate sexuality as aspects of Venus, the relationship will not be so rich and delightful, but at the base level they can be considered as quite satisfactory.

Aspects of the Sun and Mars are more indicated by the presence of physical attraction in relations and some actions. If tense moments take place, the relationship is filled with conflicts. Aspects of the Moon - Mars are very sexy, but excessively conflict, there are often household quarrels here. Mercury's bond - Mars indicates exciting, passionate conversations. At the slightest voltage, they immediately develop into a quarrel. Aspects of Neptune Mars is a sexual attraction, but at stress it can carry destructive power in the relationship. Saturn Mars is the most difficult. If the partners cannot constantly work on their relationships, then disappointment, voltages and obstacles will be simply insurmountable.

Compatibility horoscope - Sinastria by date

Sinastria by date of birth analyzes partners, looking for their compatibility on aspects of the planets. "SIN" is translated as compatibility, "Astro" - stars. Two astrological maps are combined in one drawing, and this makes it possible to study various synastric aspects mentioned above. (Sinastria) with decoding is interpreted by astrologers as the most accurate prediction of relationships between pairs. Throughout life, we are confronted with hundreds, thousands of people, and only units of them can harmonize with us in spiritual or sexual relationships.

The horoscope "Sinastria by date of birth" will help to disclose the partner and learn the hidden features characteristic of this person. It is easy to find out whether partners binds only physical attraction, or there are any other aspects in relations. The analysis of the maps will show in which areas there may be cooperation, and in which it is completely not acceptable. Sinastry will give an opportunity to figure out if you are inclined in a relationship to self-deception and delusions, and in general, whether marriage is possible with a partner. The more synaistric aspects, the development of your relationship will be more promising. Aspects will tell what communication is dominated - flirting, love relationships, business partnership or the possibility of gonfrack.

Sex in Sinastria

In a synastric map, considering sexual relationships, it is necessary to allocate three levels: sex (lower), ELOS (medium), spirituality (higher).

Lower level. Traditionally, sexual compatibility in Sinastria is considered through aspects such as Venus, Mars. But it is worth noting that a couple of Moon - Pluto play a big role in this relationship. It is important when a man is Pluto, and a woman is the moon. Pluto is a pronounced aspect of our unconsciously subconscious, libido. The moon is the expression of nature, valuable feelings.

Average level. Here we owl Venus and Mars. See Sinastria: If there are no aspects, then there is no ability to have a pair to earthly love, passions.

Highest level. The sun participates here - a man and Neptune - a woman or the moon - a woman and Neptune - a man. Perfect love, its highest form. Love has no real objects, feelings are beyond, and responsible for this Neptune. In this case, the object itself is not as important as the thoughts and attitude of the in love with him.

Sinastria or Compatibility Horoscope - one of the most interesting sections of astrology, allowing to describe the relationship of two and more people (lovers, friends, parents and children, colleagues, etc.); understand the reason for sympathy or antipathy between people; Anticipate possible problems in relationships and find a way to solve them. The synaistric map shows what either there will be a relationship with concrete people on emotional, sexual, business, domestic and even unconscious levels.

How to build synastriya?

To build sinastric horoscopeYou need your data (date of birth, time, city) and your partner data. Two natal cards are built, which are superimposed on each other, by transferring the elements of a natal card of one person to the Natal horoscope of the other. In the interactions of the elements of the obtained (double) card, a conclusion is concluded about a possible scenario of relationships.

To do this, it is easier to use free astrological programs.

Another method of analyzing compatibility is based on the analysis of the so-called composites, horoscopes built according to special rules based on natal maps. An example of a composite can serve as a horoscope, the position of the elements of which is calculated by averaging the position of the corresponding elements in the source horoscopes.

There is also an average map (Davidson technique), which calculates the Midpoint between two birth dates, between two birth times, between birthday, given the latitude and longitude.

Another method - comparison of horoscopes. In this case, the astrologer assesses in any way horoscopes, for example, according to the elements prevailing in them, on the concentration of planets under the horizon or above it, according to their concentration in the western part of the horoscope or east. And then makes a conclusion as far as such horoscopes are compatible. This method is characterized by a significant subjectivity of the conclusions of the astrologer.

What you need to look in Sinastry?

It is important to understand that our attitude towards people in general, initially determines our natal map. And our attitude to a specific person is Sinastria. That is, saying: "Our relationship with him was so such and such," we set out only our vision. And here is a compatibility horoscope, just reveals how we see each other and what scenario will interact.

So, connecting two cards we look:

  1. The predominance of elements and their interaction with each other ().
  2. . This allows you to obtain valuable information on the nature of the proposed relationship.
  3. Axis.
  4. Planet partner in the signs of the zodiac. For example,
  5. Our planets in the partner's partner houses and the planet in our homes. For example, .
  6. Mutual aspects of partner planets. For example,