It would be a mistake to count on an easy and pleasant year, to wait for a smooth course of events. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid shocks and problems, especially in the business sphere, where everything turns out to be not as simple and unambiguous as it was previously seen.

Let's highlight a few important points characterizing this year:

Old problems make themselves felt again

Here we're talking about not only about unresolved issues and unovercome difficulties of 2016, but also about what happened much earlier and was already almost forgotten. Information that for a long time was hiding, may become publicly available, this will interfere with the implementation of new plans. We will have to pay old bills, fulfill old promises - in a word, return to the past, which we would really like to leave behind.

Experience doesn't come easy

There will be a lot of unpleasant lessons in 2017. Someone, of course, will try to avoid them, but later regret it. Try to take your mistakes and failures calmly; as long as you study, they are inevitable.

Many expectations and hopes are in vain

2017 is the year of saying goodbye to illusions. It will be especially difficult for those who previously had everything easy. The events of this year may cause a serious blow to self-esteem or simply show that not all events can be kept under control. It will be painful to say goodbye to old dreams that will not survive the collision with reality. The sooner you gather your strength and take real action, the better.

Business activity will be uneven throughout the year.

It is interesting that those who take on solving professional problems already in January 2017 and will not procrastinate for long New Year holidays, will receive a certain advantage over winter recreation lovers and by the end of February will have created a reliable base for future well-being. Until mid-April, you can rely on old connections, but then you will need to make an effort to acquire new ones. Not everyone will have it easy; Even people who are used to finding allies quickly and easily may encounter difficulties.

Autumn is associated with the emergence of fundamentally new tasks. The winners here will be those who are able to quickly adapt to circumstances, find a new approach to business, and to people. Flexibility is essential for success. Those who are accustomed to sticking to their line at any cost will have to pick up a lot of bruises and bumps.

By the beginning of winter, it is advisable if everything is not resolved financial questions and pay off your debts, then at least draw up an action plan that you will stick to until the end of the year. Rash expenses and spontaneous purchases should be kept to a minimum.

From the point of view of personal relationships, the year is passing more calmly.

One of the reasons for this is that you have to devote a lot of energy to work, study, and self-realization. In addition, many people this year will behave more maturely and calmly than usual. This is what will allow, if not completely avoid conflicts, then reduce them to a minimum. Scandalous and passionate novels are not excluded, but they await only those who are fundamentally different hypersensitivity and easily lose their heads.

Possible family problems, serious disagreements between representatives of different generations. Parents should keep in mind that in the summer they will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain a good relationship with children, and here you can neither mess around nor expect that problems will be solved on their own.

We will approach the end of the year with new goals and objectives. December is the time to figure out which plans should be implemented first, and which ones it’s better not to take on for now. Make plans seriously and thoughtfully, listen to your intuition, and New Year's Eve you will not only make wishes, but also know exactly what to do to make them come true.

Aries: You will have to learn to make plans and think through every step - this will turn out to be more effective than the spontaneous actions usual for representatives of the sign. New large-scale plans and important tasks may emerge. Try to use your energy wisely and don’t forget to rest.

The coming year of the Fire Rooster in Chinese mythology it is considered a symbol of creativity, spiritual strength, masculine energy and new beginnings. The Cockerel behaves with dignity and protects people, provides new chances to stand out and gives strength for new achievements. The rooster is a proud bird, with a fighting spirit, purposeful, but at the same time homely and practical. For many this year will be a period of significant change. Someone will have to make an effort. It is only important to understand what exactly you need. Then Fire Rooster will bring positive changes into your life.

But the Rooster will come into its own on January 28. A astrological year will begin on January 1, so it would be appropriate to consider the year not only from the point of view Chinese horoscope, but also the Western school of astrology.

Here the year will be marked by several important astrological phenomena.

When you shouldn't get married and buy gadgets

In 2017 we are waiting for two solar and two lunar eclipses. Solar - February 26 and August 21. Lunar - February 11 and 7 August. Eclipses carry a lot of concentrated strong energy, so February and August will be the most cosmically charged months. I remind you that three before and three days after the eclipse you cannot start new things, conduct elective surgeries, start disputes and conflicts. You should be extremely careful, as the statistics of accidents and injuries are increasing. Eclipses increase any vibrations of the day twice as much!

As you can see, the sign of Leo will have as many as two eclipses in August, which suggests that Leo may experience significant changes in life.

At the end of February - beginning of March there will be a not entirely favorable aspect in the sky, which can lead to all sorts of unrest and a breakdown of traditional foundations. The whole month of March will be marked negative impact Uranus, so no purchases of gadgets and equipment. The Internet will not work well, interruptions, breakdowns, etc. may occur. It is also recommended to be more careful while driving.

From March 4 to April 15 Venus will be retrograde, so it’s better to postpone dating and acquaintances, as well as weddings. Also, women are not recommended to make any drastic changes in appearance. Retro-Venus slows down processes and puts a spoke in the wheels in everything that concerns love and beauty.

On October 10, Jupiter will move into the sign of Scorpio, which will increase our desire to get to the bottom of things and increase interest in all kinds of secrets and riddles. For Scorpios, as well as Cancers and Pisces, the time will begin for the emergence of new connections, strengthening cash flows. But Scorpios will be especially lucky.

The luckiest in 2017 will be Aries, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. However, this does not mean that those born under other signs will not be lucky at all. It’s just that the energy and archetypes of these signs are most similar to the general energy of the year.

Who will experience global changes in 2017?

We all want happiness, love, wealth. We especially look forward to a miracle from the New Year, which will solve all our problems and give us many happy minutes and hours.

In 2017, big changes will begin for people born on certain dates.

If your date of birth matches the one listed or is close to within +/- 2 days (not more!) , for you this symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life, lasting approximately four years.

New projects, new friends, new job, new love, marriage, new trips and adventures - each person will have their own set of events. But the main thing is a year of beginnings and new turns in life. Year will, without exaggeration, be fateful, especially for dates that are highlighted in bold.

Who will wait for the long-awaited results in 2017

If your birthday falls on these dates +/- 2 days (no more!), then you are just completing a 4-year cycle, and this year you will get results.

What are the results? Wedding or divorce, the birth of a child, buying a car, promotion at work, dismissal, profit, moving - there are many options, each individually, but main meaning - completion and summing up. If your date of birth is in bold, then the stars are saying: something will end finally and irrevocably, or the results you get are maximum, what could be squeezed out of your situation.

Finally I'll get lucky! And you?

I don’t really believe in all these horoscopes, but I really liked the prediction here - I really want it to come true! God willing! Petya-Cockerel, bring me happiness!

The coming year will pass under the auspices of the Fire Rooster. This bird is distinguished by its cocky disposition, impulsiveness and inconstancy. And therefore, radical changes will occur in the personal lives of many people in 2017. Read our article about what our loving patron has prepared for us over the next 12 months.

According to Chinese astrology, the year of the Fire Rooster will be filled with meetings, trips and sparkling events. And the fate of each of us will be greatly influenced by meeting new people.


The fiery nature of Aries will reach complete harmony and mutual understanding with the owner of next year. Their personal life will be very successful. The next period is perfect time for tying Serious relationships or entering into a marriage. But against the background of new romantic acquaintances, Aries will have to pay increased attention to their appearance and health.


But the personal life of people of this sign will pass quite smoothly and dispassionately in 2017. They will have intriguing meetings and promising dates, but all of them will turn out to be only fleeting moments. Taurus can consider the year of the Fire Rooster as a kind of respite before conquering new heights on the love front. It is better for them to postpone sudden movements in this area for the future.


Turbulence in Gemini's personal life will upset them at first. The Year of the Fire Rooster will begin for them with partings and losses. But in the end, the changes that have occurred will only benefit them. Many Geminis will meet their loved ones in 2017. Willingness to change and openness to new things will be extremely important for them.


At the beginning of the year aquatic nature Cancer will enter into a tough confrontation with the fiery nature of the Rooster. And they will have to spend the next year in a defensive position, since many love unions these people will tend to disintegrate. And therefore, it will be important for Cancers to maintain existing relationships. But by autumn everything will calm down and the stormy river of personal life will return to its usual course.

a lion

Majestic Leos will condescendingly refuse new dates and gifts annoying fans. The Year of the Fire Rooster will be a period of their complete dominance on the love front. Every intended victim will be tough on them. But in pursuit of new ones romantic adventures, maintaining already occupied positions in their personal lives will be very important for Lviv.

Fate loves to prepare surprises for us. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes not so pleasant. We wish to have information about all upcoming changes. And the stars can help with this.

Fortune this year will patronize optimistic people. She also favors those who do not go ahead, but adapt to circumstances and draw conclusions.

How to catch luck by the tail? Pull her towards you and settle her for a long time happy life nearby?

Good luck will accompany these zodiac signs every day! Find out what the stars have in store for you for 2017!


Aries will smile in 2017 great luck in the form of pure and sincere love. Each of them will find a soul mate, and those who have already managed to do this are destined for complete understanding with their beloved person. In order for good luck to accompany you all year - share this article!


For Taurus, 2017 will bring financial prosperity and stability. All their old projects will come to a logical conclusion and begin to bring maximum dividends. So that luck accompanies you in all your endeavors - share this article!

Gemini in 2017 will feel the peak of their social activities. Political success and access to new level influence in society. In order not to lose the chance to grab luck by the tail, share this article.

I would also like to note that 2017, in any case, is a turning point for Capricorns, a milestone period, in some context dividing your life into before and after. Definitely 2017 will be a memorable year for you, dear Capricorns! However, this also implies that this year you yourself will change, going through a series of internal and external transformations. One should not be afraid of this or worry too much, but one way or another at a certain moment in 2017, Capricorns may feel empty and alienated. This moment in the fate of Capricorn can be described as the end old life, but at the same time, when the new has not yet appeared. In reality, this just means that you are beginning to change, your ship of destiny has lifted anchor and set sail on the open sea to new uncharted places.

2017 will be a mixed year for all Earth signs. In this sense, Capricorn is perhaps the most prominent representative of your element. And here it is important to understand one point: the less influence certain astrological trends have on a person’s life, the more independent his decisions are. This is an elementary question from the sphere of responsibility, because if you follow the instructions of your manager and the instructions are erroneous, then the responsibility does not fall on you at all. Also here: 2017 will be a difficult time for Capricorn, because you will have to think twice as much before making a decision, and calculate the situation twice as well. In general, here it is the intellectual aspect that will come to the fore, that is, in relation to the zodiac sign Capricorn in the coming year, greater emphasis will need to be placed on reflection, analysis, planning, and systematization. Someone will naturally be surprised, because the Rooster, and even the Red (Fire) Rooster, clearly gravitates towards activity, in particular physical activity. This is true, but here you need to understand that Capricorn is the sign of the Earth, the element that has, perhaps, the most indirect relation to Fire. Of course, you will have to work your muscles, no one argues with that, but still, there is no need to get into trouble without appropriate preparation. Here, adaptability is not so important as the analysis of the situation itself, as unbiased and independent as possible. That is why Capricorn, who traditionally has no problems with planning, will be in his element in 2017. At the same time, the total load will be distributed equally between the work area and the sphere of personal relationships, which to a certain extent is a significant advantage, without taking into account any third-party factors, which, of course, are individual and have their own characteristics in each situation.

The first half of 2017, approximately until the second or third decade of June, will be the brightest and most active for representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. In the first months of this annual cycle, you will find that new contacts bring new opportunities, which, as they say, would be a sin not to take advantage of. But don’t rush to make decisions, even if everything indicates that time is working against you. Moreover, be wary of all sorts of adventures where there is at least a minimal amount of risk. Now your guideline is obligations. The more obligations your partners take on, the more profitable this or that project will be for you personally. And this is not a standard situation at all; those who run their own business know this very well. Of course, there are always pitfalls, however, now it will be necessary to focus on the obvious points. In the sphere of personal relationships, during this period of 2017, very significant changes are likely. Many Capricorns are likely to experience a breakup, but it won't necessarily be between lovers. It can equally be a friendship or a long-standing partnership. You shouldn’t worry too much about this; you can, of course, endlessly regret missed opportunities, but it’s unlikely that anyone will return these opportunities to you. Only if you try yourself. And this is exactly what we have to do. Many Capricorns will have to try to realize their potential within the framework of some new directions and concepts. In general, be prepared for the fact that you have to experience a lot of new emotions, and here a considerable part of the events will relate to the love front, which is not exactly a priority, but, as we know, the Rooster is a very emotional creature, which means He will most likely focus on this direction.

With the beginning of August, the second stage of 2017 will begin, which for Capricorn will turn out to be a little less bright, a little less dynamic and yet not at all passive. There will be enough dynamics here, and the priorities will remain the same, that is, Capricorns’ attention will be equally distributed to all areas of their life. The horoscope for 2017 advises Capricorns to decide on their hobby, if they don’t have one. Especially in autumn period In 2017, competent relaxation, temporary removal from pressing problems for the purpose of emotional relaxation will become very important factor, which can significantly affect success. In other words, workaholics will be the losers. You, dear Capricorns, will definitely encounter a situation that will require you to exert exceptional strain on all your life reserves, and it will be a great shame if you do not have enough strength and resources. That is, there will be both time and opportunity, but your objective parameters will be undermined. You can lament and worry about this for a long time, but you still cannot return the lost opportunity. So it’s better to solve problems as they arise and at least to some extent listen to the advice given by astrological forecast for 2017 for Capricorn, especially since in this situation the instructions are quite specific. Towards the end of 2017, the intensity of tense situations will drop significantly, and priority will begin to shift towards the sphere of personal relationships. In the work area, you will probably be able to find the most effective strategy that automates all processes to a certain extent. So, it will be natural if by the beginning of 2018 you get a new position or open your own business. The Year of the Fire Rooster will end in mid-February 2018 and by this time Capricorn will be in a stable situation, ready for new achievements and exploits.

At the end of the horoscope, I would like to wish all Capricorns happiness and success in 2017! Be yourself, dear Capricorns, but don’t stop dreaming and most importantly, don’t be afraid to follow your dreams!