It was always and everywhere believed that unequal marriages do not exist for a long time, do not have strength, are concluded without love and according to calculation. Many condemn such partners, not believing that you can live a wonderful life, quite happily, and enjoy your young husband or wife next to you, and on the other hand, respect the wisdom and maturity of your chosen one.

World history knows many similar cases, for example, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who left his first wife for the sake of the young stenographer Anna Snitkina, or Alexander Vertinsky, captivated by the incredible charm and beauty of the young 19-year-old Lydia Tsirgvava. The world of show business can also boast of such couples: the Hollywood union of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, as well as the marriage of a prima donna Russian stage Alla Borisovna Pugacheva with Maxim Galkin.

Today we would like to tell the reader about Anna Romantseva, whose family union can also be called unequal. However, we will talk not only about her romantic relationships, but also about facts from the life of a young girl and some famous moments of her biography.

In the shadow of a talented husband

Of course, biographical information about the girl about whom we're talking about in the material, very little. What is known is that Anna Romantseva - Russian actress, born in 1985. On this moment she is 33. At the beginning of the 2000s, she was lucky enough to work in the well-known series “Soldiers” as a voice-over coordinator. By the way, it was on the set of the next season of a film project about a soldier’s life that Romantseva met her future husband Alexei Maklakov, who played one of the main roles in the same series - an ensign named Shmatko.

The actor was sympathetic to young Anna Romantseva from the very beginning, so this interest did not go unnoticed. Maklakov, having considered the timid glances of sympathy for himself on the part of young Anna, decided to take the situation into his own hands, and after some time it became clear to the entire film crew that a warm, reverent relationship had developed between the actor and the dubbing coordinator.

Once a girl admitted in one of her interviews: “The entire film crew was afraid of the actor, including me. But he’s amazing.” talented person with enormous charisma, it is difficult to ignore him. My first thought was that his wife was very lucky. Then I didn’t yet know that he was single and would soon be lucky for me.”

Happy children of loving parents

In February 2009, Anna Romantseva gave birth to actor Maklakov’s wonderful daughter Irina. Then came the busiest time of filming the above-mentioned series, and happy parents were forced to take their eleven-month-old daughter with them to work. Sometimes plane travel married couple lasted 6-7 hours, and little Irina was constantly with them.

However, the newly formed family was engaged not only in making money, but also in spending it. Thus, Alexey Maklakov and Anna Romantseva often went on vacation to Europe and traveled a lot. By the way, after a lot of time spent in marriage, the couple did not forget about romantic travel and have a pleasant holiday abroad. We can say that this is the favorite pastime of young Anna and her husband.

Life before meeting the present

Irina is not Alexey Maklakov’s first child. The man was lucky enough to be a father twice before her birth. From joint marriage with Olga Belokobylskaya he has a son, Ilya, and a daughter named Nicole was born to the actor from his second family union with Maria Karkhotkina.

In 2012, Maklakov and Anna Romantseva became parents again. Their family was replenished with another daughter, Sofia. During her second pregnancy, Anna and her and Alexey’s first daughter, Ira, lived at a resort in Costa Blanca, which is located in Spain, occasionally coming to Moscow to visit her husband. By the way, as for children, the couple is not going to stop there. The famous and beloved artist wants his young wife to give him a son as well.

Personal life under the gaze of millions of fans

The press and the Internet are actively discussing the personal life of Anna Romantseva, whose biography we are discussing today in the context of the article. Of course, this situation is largely due to the popularity of her chosen one, Alexei Maklakov, and also to the fact that the age difference between the married couple is about 23 years.

Maklakov’s marriage to Romantseva came as a surprise to many, because no one took the actor’s hobby seriously, considering their relationship a fleeting affair of a famous womanizer and conqueror of ladies’ hearts. But nevertheless, the Romantsev/Maklakov family union is still valid. As the actor himself said: “In Moscow there is a place for any marriage.”

According to Alexey, in modern world everything has its place. Anna Romantseva, whose photo is presented in the material, helps the beloved actor to look at everything around him in a completely different way and from the other side: it is easier to relate to things, be cheerful, change and eradicate old prejudices, throw them out.

Discussions on family values

According to Maklakov, every woman at absolutely any age needs a strong, reliable and strong shoulder, which can only be provided by a mature and experienced man who has lived in the world and seen a lot in this world. He, in turn, during this period lacks warmth, sincerity, and the ability to rejoice like a child, which is what a young energetic girl can give.

Pledge successful relationship, according to the couple, this is mutual understanding and respect for each other. In their family, everyone tries to listen to the opinion of the other, but most importantly, the last word always remains with the man.

I came, I saw, I conquered

Maklakov cannot be called a fan of long-term courtship. One fine day, he simply took Romantseva with him to a creative meeting in Kyiv. By the way, from that very time their union can be considered successful. It was in Kyiv that actress Anna Romantseva became pregnant with her first child. Between filming and flights from city to city, the couple got married: the ceremony lasted less than 5 minutes, but no one is upset, because Maklakov plans to organize a chic celebration where he will finally see his wife in a chic white dress.

Together for life

Anna Romantseva is a muse for her husband, good companion and the main adviser in choosing roles. After giving birth, the newlyweds had an agreement: within 3 years, Anna would regain her strength and only then begin to build her own career. Ultimately, her plans were not destined to come true. The woman became her husband's personal assistant both at home and at work. She manages all his affairs: arranges meetings, interviews, visits various events and other things.

Spouses always try to consult difficult situations, for example, they discuss the material side of issues together. But, of course, the last word still remains with “Ensign Shmatko,” who can rightfully be considered the head of their family.

Criticism and misunderstanding

Many say that Maklakov is fit to be Romantseva’s father. In general, the couple was surrounded by misunderstanding and criticism from different sides. In the case of a well-known artist who is always under the gaze of the public, marrying a young girl was a rather risky step.

What arguments did the public give when discussing the act? public person. He was even accused of child molestation. However, all this did not stop the artist. He did as his sixth sense told him. The couple is not upset or frightened by all these squabbles; they managed to build and maintain strong relationships And happy family against the backdrop of criticism, gossip and gossip.

For about 10 years, namely since 2008, Maklakov and Anna Romantseva have been proving to fans that unequal marriages have a right to exist. Moreover, they can be happy and strong.

What does family happiness depend on? Every family strives to find its own answer to this question. Actor Alexey Maklakov with his wife Anna and daughters seem to have already found their truth.

HAPPY PARENTSAnna, when you met Alexey, didn’t the age difference scare you?

ANNA MAKLAKOVA Not at all, I didn’t even ask myself this question. Although, one might say, from childhood I liked men older than me, and I was sure that my husband would be like that. As for Alexey’s experience and wisdom, of course, I learn a lot from him. But he’s probably learning something from me, too.

S.R. Alexey, what are you older than Anna and, accordingly, wiser, more experienced, helps in marriage?

ALEXEY MAKLAKOV Don't know. But it is absolutely certain that Anya is quite a wise man. When we met and already realized that this meeting was probably our destiny, I won’t say that it was difficult for me because of the age difference. I found understanding on almost all the issues that worried me.

S.R. Anna, did you meet Alexey on the series “Soldiers”?

ANNA Yes, I worked there as a voice-over coordinator, although I was a theater director by training. For now I’m staying at home with the children, but hopefully, when we send Sonechka to kindergarten, I’ll think about further work.

S.R. Was your feeling for Alexey love at first sight?

ANNA You know, when we first met, I was even a little afraid of Alexei. He was always so serious, so immersed in his work, and I was worried that, God forbid, I would do something wrong. But when we started talking, I saw how sweet, kind and sympathetic he was. At first we had a friendship, which later grew into something more. We have been together for 10 years and, in my opinion, we have not lost the main thing that should be in a marriage, in a family - mutual understanding.

S.R. Alexey, what do you think is the most important thing for maintaining happiness in the family?

ALEXEY Harmony. But it did not come immediately, but gradually, this is the result of certain efforts in understanding each other. And the important thing is that we both strived for this understanding. Anna did a lot for this. But even one schedule of my life was not easy to accept. Moreover, to constantly keep the tone of our relationship in a normal state, while understanding that sometimes I simply physically do not have enough time for my family. Some psychologists call marriage a similarity civil war, and if we operate with this concept, then I can happily admit: Anna deservedly won in it! Although in fact the concept of “war” never connected with our family. For me, years in the family are the best years.

Advice from a star

“Since we have an atmosphere of goodwill in our family, just a little severity is enough. In addition, we have boundaries: what can be done and what cannot be done. Girls can do a lot, but they know that what is not allowed is definitely not allowed. And they follow the rules."

S.R. Alexey, you have two fully grown children: son Ilya and daughter Nicole. Can we talk about that experience of fatherhood as full-fledged?

ALEXEY I think not. Basically, I didn't live with them while they were growing up. But now my children are showing interest in me, we communicate and talk. Of course, I'm pleased. Perhaps they are getting answers to questions that were not answered in their current families.

S.R. You weren't at Anna's birth?

ALEXEY I haven’t been and I don’t think it’s worth doing. If you already love your wife, respect, appreciate and consider her the meaning of life, presence at childbirth is not needed just as further proof of this. It seems to me that what you do to keep your family together is much more important. normal conditions. In my opinion, the presence of fathers at childbirth is a bit of a demonstration, and I am not a supporter of demonstrations of feelings. And Anya herself does not suffer from this. I am amazed at this girl who is not like her peers! She is not similar in her wisdom, rationalism, understanding of male psychology.

S.R. So wisdom is not a synonym for experience?

ALEXEY No. This is the desire to understand another. And from the first time realize that a specific problem is being solved in a certain way, and not return to it again.

S.R. Do you think it’s Anya herself who is like this or does she act this way because she loves you?

ALEXEY It seems to me that everything that happens to Anya in relation to me is connected with love. If this feeling did not exist, there would hardly be such a level of understanding.

S.R.When your and Anya’s first daughter, Irina, was born, you said that you would spoil her until she was three years old. And then educate. Is that how it happened?

ALEXEY Unfortunately, I did not fulfill my promise. I still continue to indulge. Recently there was a family happy moment: Ira lost a tooth, and for this she received an iPad. And I think that I will always spoil both of my daughters: Ira and Sofia-Anna, because they are women, and I am a man. And this is natural. We have Anya - a necessary part of me, and this is enough for a full upbringing.

S.R. So you yourself never say “no” to your children?

ALEXEY I speak, but I’m missing for a long time. Sometimes, of course, they take advantage of this, but Anya knows how to return them to a sober assessment of what is happening. Of course, they are spoiled here, but they do not cross the line that would alarm me. Anya brings a very important deterrent. And, I think, largely thanks to her family. She was very well brought up and I admire and am proud of my mother-in-law and father-in-law.

S.R. How do you find the golden mean between pampering and the necessary severity? Who does it belong to?

ANNA Yes, probably on me. Although, if I can’t cope with something, Alexey gets involved. I ask him to confirm, so to speak, my words to the girls. And as soon as he tells them what we are unhappy with, the problem is solved.

S.R. Tell us the secret why the youngest has a double name?

ALEXEY She was born in Spain, where they give their middle name after their mother. And I like this tradition, it emphasizes respect for mom. Nice! Especially for our family, where the most important thing is Anya.

S.R. Why did you suddenly decide to give birth in Spain?

ANNA We have a house in this country where we relax every summer. That's why Sofia was born there, that's why Ira Spanish teaches.

S.R. Anna, since you gave birth to one daughter in Russia and another in Spain, tell us what are the main differences between this process here and there?

ANNA Both in Spain and in Russia I gave birth in paid maternity hospitals, and, by and large, there are no significant differences. Although... In Spain it is more pleasant, or more comfortable, to give birth. If during the first birth I was both painful and unpleasant, then during the second it was neither painful nor unpleasant. In Spain the approach is more individual, that’s probably the point. The smallest nuances possible are taken into account in everything. Without belittling our doctors in any way, I think it just happened that way.

S.R. Tell me about the girls. How are they similar? What is the difference?

ANNA Irina, it seems to me, is a more creative person, such an all-air girl. He loves to draw. I was dancing, figure skating. Currently studying Spanish. And Sonya is more serious and purposeful. She knows exactly what she specifically needs and goes towards her goal.

ALEXEY My daughters and I are Capricorns according to the horoscope, and Anya is Cancer. Accordingly, the three of us are very stubborn and touchy. In general, we almost completely coincide with the description of the sign. But everyone in the family has a good sense of humor that diffuses the situation. Sonya probably reminds me more. With his restlessness, his tendency to display his character in a boyish way. And Irochka – she is truly a more feminine and refined person. Ira is an artist, and Sonya is a girl who has probably found a middle ground between romance and boyishness. But they are both so incredibly charming that it’s even difficult for me to talk about any difference between them... Well, Sonya is more active, and Ira is calmer. Both love to draw, Ira studies in art studio, and Sonya is her student. He takes pencils from his sister and pretends that he is also drawing.

S.R. They are friends?

ALEXEY I would call these relations friendly. There is jealousy towards mom and dad, this is natural, but at the same time they protect each other when someone has done something wrong. Everyone tries to take the blame on themselves, and this is very nice. It is difficult to talk about clear leadership of any one person. Sometimes little Sonya can lead Irka. There are, of course, some holy things. This is chocolate that brings them together and prevents them from fighting until the end. Cartoons that immerse them in a single fairy-tale world.

ANNA As for jealousy, Ira was four years old when Sonya appeared, and it so happened that immediately after her birth Alexey flew off on tour. For two weeks in Spain I was completely alone with them. Frankly, it was not easy. Sonya begins to cry, I take her in my arms, Ira bursts into tears - why don’t they feel sorry for her? This went on for quite a long time... Yes, by and large, it continues to this day. And, no matter how we try to pay more attention to Ira, there is still jealousy on her part. And, in my opinion, there is no way to knock it out. I don’t know, maybe we’re not trying hard and doing something wrong.

S.R. What do you focus on in your upbringing: help from psychologists, literature, intuition?

ANNA On myself, probably to a greater extent. I remember how my mother raised me, where she was stricter with me, where she was softer. I analyze in what situation a similar approach is applicable to my girls. In addition, the experience with the first child makes life with the second much easier. Although, I think it was difficult for me with Ira because the first pregnancy was difficult, I had hypertonicity. Ira slept very poorly for the first year, waking up literally every hour. With Sonya it’s the other way around: the pregnancy was easy, the birth, and after birth she slept a lot and didn’t cause any problems.

S.R. What do you like to do with your family?

ALEXEY We love to walk around Moscow (we have our own Moscow, with our own routes) or other cities where we go. When we are in Germany, we love to go to the Berlin Zoo, look at the animals and eat the famous ice cream with chewing gum inside. In Moscow we like to sit in some Japanese restaurant. We try to go to church every weekend - I think this is important, because the girls were born in an Orthodox country (even regardless of where Sonya was born), in an Orthodox family. And the whole family also goes to football when my favorite team “Spartak” plays. We cheer together and shout – the girls especially like this.

S.R. What do you think is the most important thing a dad should teach his daughters?

ALEXEY Know your worth. This is the most important thing.

S.R. What did the girls teach you?

ALEXEY Restraint.

S.R. Would you like girls to become actresses?

ANNA On the one hand, I would like Ira to become an actress or simply be associated with creativity. On the other hand, this is a very thankless profession, very difficult. It's difficult to get into the pool of popular actors. Because of this, many of them suffer.

ALEXEY It’s unlikely that I would want them to become actresses. This is too competitive a profession, too dramatic. A lottery, where I will still be obliged to help them survive, to survive. They are Capricorns - people prone to independence, so it seems to me that they need a slightly different profession. A profession for strong personalities. I don't know, maybe doctors.

S.R. Doesn't acting as a woman imply a strong personality?

ALEXEY Implies a selfish person, forcedly selfish. Selfishness is a form of loneliness that is necessary for any actor or actress. Necessary in order to understand the image and tune in to the role. A kind of asceticism is needed. But in my opinion, it is contraindicated for women, because they were born to love.

S.R. What about the man?

ALEXEY It’s easier for a man. For example, I view this profession as a business that allows me to support my family and save something for tomorrow. I have a more rational attitude towards her. I have great respect for the actresses because I understand what kind of bread they chose. But I wouldn't want my daughters to eat this bread. They should feel guaranteed comfortable, because they are future mothers, the continuation of my family depends on them. They deserve a good life because they are women. By the way, I also wanted to be a doctor, I really wanted to, but, unfortunately, this dream did not come true. I have hope: what if one of them becomes seriously ill with this profession? In this case, I will be the happiest person.

Photo: Tatyana Remneva
Style: Marina Orlova

Alexey Maklakov in 1980, after graduating from school No. 42 (now gymnasium No. 1), he entered the acting department of the Novosibirsk Theater School, which became the Novosibirsk State Theater Institute in the fall of 2003. Then he worked at radio “Uniton” and at the Tomsk Youth Theater. He played in the Novosibirsk Red Torch Theater.

In 1996 Maklakov moved to Moscow, where he was enrolled in the group of the Theater. V. Mayakovsky.

Maklakov received his first film role in 2001, starring in the film “ Hi baby!" Afterwards there was a role in “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov, the TV series “ Soldiers" and others.

“My mother died during the Watch. It was only person in the world that was closest to me. I don’t associate this with mysticism, but it is quite possible that there is something in it. And then our producer, Lesha Krupitsky’s father died. I still hope that it’s like a force of nature, stories from human life and biology, but there is something in it,” says Alexey Maklakov.

Alexey Maklakov He also starred in several advertising campaigns: “Weightlifting” (Beeline) and “Tex” paints.

Alexey Maklakov: roles in the theater

"Love Synthesizer" - Mervyn.

"Enter free man» - Brown.

"Fruits of Enlightenment" - Doctor.

"Children of Vanyushin" - Krasavin.

“A plague on both your houses!” - Signor Capulet.

"As You Love It" - Le Beau.

“The Master and Margarita” - Berlioz, Behemoth.

“He is my sister” - Roy.

Alexey Maklakov's film career

The actor became especially famous for his colorful role as Warrant Officer Shmatko in the TV series “Soldiers,” which was originally planned as a comedy. Despite the fact that Maklakov served in the army for only 6 months, he perfectly got used to this role.

Six months later he became a popular favorite. They started stopping him on the streets to talk about the army. Behind " Soldiers" came out " Soldiers-2», « Soldiers-3", etc. Despite the change of characters, Ensign Shmatko remained unchanged.

This was followed by roles in the series “Yesenin”, the film “Day Watch”, “Step by Step”, “Dark World: Balance”, etc.

Personal life of Alexey Maklakov

Alexey Maklakov married for the third time. First first marriage with Olga Belokobylskaya he has a son Ilya, who was born on July 8, 1987.

Alexey's second wife was Maria Karkhotkina. In 1999, their marriage gave birth to a daughter. Nicole.

Alexei's third wife was Anna Romantseva, whom Alexey met on the set of the series “ Soldiers" In February 2009, their daughter was born Irina, in 2012 - daughter Sofia.

Filmography of Alexey Maklakov

Construction (TV series 2014)

#Students (TV series, 2014 - ...)

Family 3D (TV series, 2014 - …)

Runaways (2014)

Dark World: Balance (2013)

How the style was tempered (TV series, 2013 - ...)

Soldiers 17: Back in Service (TV series 2013)

Once upon a time in Baben-Baben (TV, 2010)

Supermanager, or the Hoe of Destiny (2010)

Like Cossacks... (TV, 2010)

Yoke of Love (TV series 2009)

Soldiers 16: Demobilization is inevitable (TV series 2009)

Merciful (2009)

Soldiers. Demobilization album (TV series 2008)

Soldiers 15: New Call (TV series 2008)

Verdict (2008)

Step by step (TV series 2008)

After Life (2008)

Spartakiad. Local Warming (2007)

Soldiers 12 (TV series 2007)

Soldiers 11 (TV series 2007)

Ensign Shmatko, or Yo-moyo (TV series, 2007)

Traffic cops (TV series 2007 - 2010)

Everything is fair (2007)

Dumb Fat Bunny (2007)

Old Friend (2006)

Soldiers 9 (TV series 2006)

Soldiers 8 (TV series 2006)

Soldiers 7 (TV series 2006)

Soldiers 6 (TV series 2006)

Soldiers 10 (TV series 2006)

Queen's First Rule (mini) - TV series, 2006)

Dead. Alive. Dangerous (mini - TV series, 2006)

Women's work at risk to their lives (2006)

Gromovs (TV series 2006)

We'll be there for you (TV, 2006)

Thank God you came! (TV series 2006 - 2010)

Officers (mini-series, 2006)

Old Friend (TV, 2006)

Soldiers 5 (TV series 2005)

Soldiers 4 (TV series 2005)

Soldiers 3 (TV series 2005)

Bankers (TV series 2005)

Yesenin (TV series 2005)

Don't Forget (mini) - TV series, 2005)

Time to Collect Stones (2005)

Day Watch (2005)

Soldiers. Hello, company, New Year! (TV, 2004)

Soldiers. Defender of the Fatherland Day (TV, 2004)

Soldiers 2 (TV series 2004)

Boys of Steel (TV series 2004)

Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Paul (2004)

Viola Tarakanova (TV series 2004 - 2007)

Soldiers (TV series 2004)

Night Watch (2004)

Two Fates (TV series 2002)

GAS. Russian cars: A road 70 years long (2002)

Azazel (TV, 2002)

Hi baby! (2001)

Maroseyka, 12: Farewell, policeman (TV, 2001)

Cobra (TV series 2001)

Citizen Chief (TV series 2001)

Maroseyka, 12: Wet Business (TV, 2000)

Kamenskaya: Death for the sake of death (TV, 2000)

Detective Dubrovsky's file (TV series, 1999)

The actor met Anya on the set of the series “Soldiers,” where he has been playing one of the main roles for the 12th season. Alexey noticed that the young voice-over coordinator treated him with special trepidation: she would pour him some tea, ask him about his business, about his health. And “Warrant Officer Shmatko”, without hesitation, went to board.

“I didn’t have time for courtship.” I just took Anna with me to Kyiv for one of the creative meetings. She's been around ever since. And at the same time we made a child - I’m fast in this regard. With me, a woman has no time to get lost and think. Anya trusted me - that’s all. And at home everything is simple: if you say it will be like this, then it will be like this. It won't work any other way.

– So you don’t make concessions at all?

“There are women’s whims that I don’t pay attention to—let her do what she wants!” And there are decisive situations in which only the man makes the decision. So far there have been no complaints from Anna Gennadievna.

– Are there really no conflicts?

– They always happen, because it’s terrible to live without conflicts!

– Anya wants me to live longer, and I want her to be happy. She is 25 years old, but looks 17, fragile, weighs 50 kilograms. I can’t feed her until she’s at least 55! I believe that marriages in Russia should be of different ages. By my age (Alexey is 48. - Note), a man gains life experience. And women are a difficult people; they can survive all hardships only if they have a reliable man’s shoulder. Anya has it now.

- How was the wedding?

– The wedding lasted 3 minutes. We checked in between filming. But a magnificent wedding, when Anna is all in white and I am in black, will happen whenever we want. I think in about a year.

– Are you a demanding husband?

- Maybe. For example, I forbade Anya from doing anything for three years. Let him recover from childbirth and gain strength. And then – education and career.

– Has your life changed with the birth of your daughter Ira?

– I am an experienced father, and there were no surprises for me (from previous marriages the actor has a son Ilya and a daughter Nicole. – Note). I can only say that raising a girl is more interesting than raising a boy. Irishka is now 11 months old, and she makes me happy by eating well and tearing up magazines. Her nickname is Package. We have a large apartment, and since birth we have not left our daughter alone in the crib - she has always been lying where we were at the moment. I once joked: “She’s like a package to us.” So it stuck. Ira has already traveled with us, been on set, vacationed in Europe, and flown for 6-7 hours. The seasoned child is growing.

- You strict dad!

– I am demanding and tough, but this does not apply to girls. Towards Ira it is softer and careful attitude. Now she receives even more affection from me than from Anna. I can only speak in delightful terms about my child!

– Are there any plans for more children in the Maklakov family?

– The Spartak team is waiting for me to give birth to a son! (Maklakov is an ardent Spartak fan. - Note.) Of course, I want a son - for a full-fledged family.

Alexey Konstantinovich Maklakov is one of the brightest artists of our time, who is equally known for his roles in films and on the big stage. theater stage. Long years he played exclusively in the theater and was not known as a film actor. He received all-Russian fame and the love of the audience after the release of the series “Soldiers”.

Childhood and family of Alexei Maklakov

Alexey was born in Moscow. When he was very young, he and his mother moved to northern Novosibirsk, where he spent his entire childhood and youth. Almost nothing is known about this stage in the actor’s life. Questions remain open: why did the boy and his mother have to leave Moscow? What family did he come from? What happened to Alexei's father?

The mother of the future movie star worked as a librarian and supported herself and only son. Thanks to his mother’s intellectual profession, Maklakov and early age became addicted to reading books and at the age of sixteen had a significant amount of knowledge acquired in the library. Already at this age he experienced a great craving for acting, participating in performances of the school club.

The first roles of Alexey Maklakov

After school, the young man entered the Novosibirsk State Theater School, after which he was enrolled in the local Red Torch theater. Alexey also worked for some time at Uniton radio.

Serious artistic work began in 1996, when he got a job at the V. Mayakovsky Theater, where he was immediately enrolled in the main troupe. It was there that the aspiring artist played in such popular performances as “Love Synthesizer”, “Vanyushin’s Children”, “A Plague on Both Your Houses”, “As You Love It” and some others.

Filmography of Alexey Maklakov

It is likely that Maklakov would have remained an actor in one of the less famous theaters, playing the same characters, and would occasionally broadcast on a radio station, if not for a happy accident. He only needed one small cameo role in the film “Hello, Baby!”, released in 2001. This was enough for Alexey to be noticed by such a large-scale director as Timur Bekmambetov, who was just recruiting the cast for his new film “Night Watch,” which promised to become super popular. He offered the actor the role of the magical driver Semyon.

Maklakov later said that when he read the script, he was very confused and embarrassed. He didn't have the slightest idea how to perform this complex role. At that moment, his colleague from Uniton radio Boris Komarov helped him a lot, who explained how to play the driver and pushed him to make the decision to agree to participate in the film.

Alexey Maklakov (Shmatko) Sang and very well

All working group“Night Watch” noted Alexey’s undoubted professionalism, hard work and desire to achieve ideals in his work. He recalls with a smile some of the most memorable episodes of the film. For example, how he and an experienced stuntman had to make a 360-degree turn while sitting in the cabin of a car mounted on a rotating centrifuge. To obtain successful shots, eight takes were shot, which was difficult for the actor, who has a weak vestibular system.

Alexey Maklakov in the TV series Soldiers

Simultaneously with filming in “Dozor,” Maklakov had already begun work on another large-scale project, the TV series “Soldiers.” According to the creators, the series was supposed to show viewers army life in all its glory. A lot of jokes were used, but the writers tried to avoid sarcasm, thanks to which each episode is filled with good humor and sincere sympathy for the military personnel. This, according to film critics, was the key to the success of the series among the most different layers the population, and, importantly, those who served in the Armed Forces.

Alexey Maklakov Broken branch

The central figure of the series “Soldiers” is rightfully recognized as Warrant Officer Shmatko. The whole country watched the cunning, but always charming and cheerful ensign, recognizing in him the features of their acquaintances and colleagues. This role became a good school for Maklakov acting, because his character was not clearly negative or positive. In him, as probably in any person, both good and bad traits. Shmatko became so popular that the actor who played this role even had to acquire a personal security guard.

Later, “Soldiers-2” and “Soldiers-3” were filmed, the cast of which changed significantly, only Warrant Officer Shmatko remained unchanged. The phenomenon of his success with the audience is not completely clear to Maklakov himself, because he served in the army for only six months without experiencing harsh realities services. In this project, the actor worked together with such colleagues as Boris Shcherbakov, Oscar Kuchera, Roman Madyanov, Ivan Mokhovikov and others.

In addition to the most famous roles of driver Semyon and warrant officer Shmatko, Alexey Maklakov played many other roles in diverse films. Some of them were popular, for example, “After Life”, “Gromovs”, “Time to Collect Stones” and others. Other films are not so well known among a wide range of viewers, but received highly appreciated critics (“Platinum”, “Step by Step”, “Merciful”).

Personal life of Warrant Officer Shmatko

The 52-year-old artist is married for the third time. In his first marriage, Alexey was with Olga Belokobylskaya, who in 1987 gave birth to his son Ilya. The second time Maklakov married Maria Karkhotkina. In 1999, the couple had a daughter, Nicole. On the set of the series “Soldiers,” Alexey met Anna Romantseva, who became his third wife. They are raising two daughters together - Irina (born in 2009) and Sofia (born in 2012).