A participant in the last season of the Battle of Psychics, who won this popular show, Alexander Lytvyn made a forecast for 2016 concerning the lives of most Russians. In a global sense, the prediction speaks of a multifaceted crisis that has affected not only the economic side of Russia's life, will force many to treat each other better, sacrifice their own interests and unite for the sake of achieving common goals. Only such behavior will allow you to successfully overcome any hardships in life and achieve success and prosperity.

In 2016, you need to be kinder to people

Alexander notes that the success of Russia as a state primarily depends on the individual actions of each citizen. All Russians who are not indifferent to the fate of their homeland and who want to make society better should work hard to achieve these goals, as a result of which everyone will benefit. The key message of this message is a simple truth: to be happy, help others.

The psychic adheres to the concept that the positive and negative energy that a person produces by doing good or bad deeds will certainly return and affect his life. Lytvyn's prediction for 2016 says that this rule of being will be especially pronounced in the coming year.

You shouldn't count on a measured life in 2016. The whole world is going through a difficult stage in its history, which will undoubtedly affect Russia as well. Perhaps the consequences of a turbulent year will not be as strong as in the United States, which is experiencing a systemic crisis, in old Europe, or in small countries exposed to strong external influences, but there will be problems in any case.

But you shouldn't take Alexander Lytvin's forecast for 2016 too pessimistic. Despite temporary difficulties, next year a significant contribution can be made to the unification of the Slavic peoples. This process is unlikely to be completed in the coming years, but everyone will see tangible results in the near future.

The key to success in life in 2016 is the personal active position of everyone

Alexander Litvin, in his forecast for 2016, notes that various processes and actions of people in the coming year will be prone to chaos and inconsistency. This trend will manifest itself extremely clearly in business. Businessmen from provinces and small towns, who will be especially sensitive to the current needs of their state and its citizens, will achieve significant success.

In 2016, balanced and logical people will recede into the background, and the main role in all spheres of life will be played by those people who clearly see their goals and are capable of decisive actions to achieve them.

Business owners will have to work hard to keep their business going. Few will be able to stay where I am or even improve my own positions, and first of all they will be those who are ready to take risks and actively move forward in all possible areas. The main quality of a modern successful person will be intuition, which makes it possible to quickly make decisions in conditions of a lack of information.

Video Alexander Lytvin forecast for 2017

Time rushes faster, faster and faster

We live in our own time, or rather, in history, which we understand as a movement in time that has some kind of goal, consisting of many of our personal goal-setting. And times, as we remember, do not choose, they live in, and while we are alive, we move with the planet Earth among the other 100 billion stars in our Galaxy, crossing spaces.

Sometimes here, on our territory, years fall out, unremarkable, gray and ordinary - a real stagnation - and they are replaced by an era of change, years of fireworks come: bright, sparkling, teeming with events. So here comes the coming 2016 year puts us on a jet at supersonic speeds. The time in such a year seems in the given sensory perception to us, as if compressed into an energy clot, the situation changes every second, and we must try to keep up with the given rhythm of life, to coincide with it in order to achieve what each of us is supposed to do without leaving the distance prematurely.

The energy of the year will provoke movement at speed - be careful! We haven’t skated at such speeds down steep hills for a long time: it’s not so scary, believe me, and it certainly won’t be boring!

Do you know this expression: "to be in the right place at the right time"? So here is mine - your opportunity to plan both in advance. You can order the calendar on my official website.

The color of the future

If we depict the upcoming period of space-time coordinates 2016 by means of painting, then I see bright and orange-red. And I would start painting a picture of the future with blue, gradually adding shades of green, then a little ocher and green again, and only then the color I need appears. This is an orange-red Cloud without a shadow: such a colorful, hot and amazing time awaits us ...

Energy 2016

Energy of the next year effective from February: until this time, the inertia of the outgoing year is in effect. So see off 2015 calmly and with dignity. Now, in the remaining days of December, make plans for the future, moreover, strategic ones (at least 3 years ahead) and, I keep repeating, do not devote anyone to them: this is your purely personal space. And in January, put everything on the shelves, think in detail about the ways and all available means of implementing the planned: fortunately, the time of the second winter month will allow you, besides, it is active and is intended just for this - not for lethargic sleep and overeating, believe me and not miss your chances!

And finally, in February, comes the year of the stage, brightly lit with powerful spotlights aimed directly at it. The main characters of the play will be, respectively, great and not so scheming, big and different politicians - actors and deceivers, this is their year, which, however, will also test many with copper pipes, test for greed and talent for playing.

Deception is hidden in the very energy of the year, so people with intuition and at the same time with an inner sense of justice will have a hard time. And for those who are less sensitive in perception, it will be difficult to understand the true meaning of what is happening, to trace the cause-and-effect relationships that are hidden behind the scenes and are not visible in the direct blinding beam of a searchlight aimed at the scene of life. But I have good news for all of you: there is an antidote or antidote that weakening the effect of destructive selfless lies - this is distrust! Think about seven times measure, think a hundred times, weigh all the pros and cons ...

2016 motto- DO NOT BELIEVE, but the key word "NO", which, by the way, for those who do not know how, one must learn to speak to others and to oneself, curbing spontaneous desires that distract from the main affairs and events.

Family as a unit

On the eve of the new year, I don't want to talk about politics at all, I can only say that public initiatives, designated exclusively by good intentions in May, August, December, will actually have especially selfish interests. However, in society as a whole and in the small cells of which it consists - families, in fact, similar processes always take place. Therefore, the picture I painted for you is relevant regardless of the scale - the Game will be, and the play of life will be played by the capital, provincial and amateur family groups.

Hope, in families the situation will be a little easier, because I believe that many are still based on true feeling and mutual respect, trust, which means they will be able to slip through this difficult year. But, I warn you, marriages based on a mercantile calculation are guaranteed to crack and many will fall apart. Yes, unfortunately, the number of divorces will grow exponentially - the courts will overwhelm the cases of divorce proceedings, and one should not expect a civilized approach to property claims. I sincerely advise all of you not to rely on chance - just not this year! What can be done to prevent the family boat from crashing into everyday life and the sharp pitfalls of lies? For example, on a contractual basis, insure mutual voluntary control: call more often, meet each other, do not deceive even in the most insignificant trifles ...

And very special attention children... This year, you can never educate on trust - this can involuntarily provoke a lie. Moreover, your direct parental concern for safety is complicated at times - it is better to exercise unrelenting, literally total, control over all contacts of the child. Try to discuss all the reservations in the family in advance, listen and try to hear and understand the children in order to reveal any possible deceptions and protect them from mistakes. The busiest months in this regard are May, August, December.

Job: the rhythm accompanies the dream

We are on the verge of a media age: show, theater, radio, advertising, film and television. All means of communication based on an electronic signal will receive a powerful charge of energy. However, people who create in these spheres of activity will have more than just creative work. This, taking into account the rhythms that the coming year promises - not only a real test, but also an opportunity to reach professional heights according to your daring dreams. I warn you that guarantees for lighting and other electronic equipment will not work, devices will fail, for example, lighting, including ordinary incandescent lamps. Computers will burn out more often, because the voltage in the network in 2016 will jump. Therefore, check the electronic systems of your vehicles more carefully, especially before long journeys. But due to various technical problems - such a year! - I predict an increase in the income of manufacturers and sellers of various equipment! And, I think, it is not superfluous to remind again: the real estate market is not an area of ​​activity that can bring dividends in the foreseeable future, so the recommendations for workers in it remain last year's - change career guidance.

Health: don't fall to the finish line

In the coming year, we will all become more energetic and stronger, but the main thing is to correctly calculate the strength, not succumbing to the euphoria of the increased opportunities, so that while making the finishing spurt to achieve a lofty goal, not to leave the race prematurely. The cardiovascular system of our body will be under attack in 2016, unfortunately, this means an increase in heart attacks, strokes, hypertensive crises ...

Pay special attention to the health of loved ones born in 1950, especially since they do not tolerate deception or play and are used to not complaining about ailments.

Parents, be more attentive to the children of 2010-2011: you need to protect them from direct sunlight. And remember: external tanning agents do not protect them! Also, be careful about vaccinations - the immune status of these children will generally be reduced, especially in the summer.

Who was born in ...

The energy of each month is individual, which inevitably leaves a common imprint on those born in a given period of any year.

January: you are just getting out of last year's crisis, so give yourself time to adapt. Indulge in strategic planning, but take your time - do not take active action before May. And most importantly - do not embark on any adventures, so as not to fall for the bait of the scammers who have emerged from the shadows. In addition, you do not understand the hints very well, and this is a year of play and metaphors, so try to get guidance and recommendations from partners and clearly formulated tasks when it comes to work.

February: will be really difficult, because you are intuitive people and you will understand a lot, tracing the motives of the game. So that no one uses you for their own purposes, try not to conflict and, in order to stay on the bridgehead conquered last year, do not leave the fortress again.

March: this dynamic year is generally successful for you - you can move forward, even take a little reasonable risk, just hold back the pace that is too high around. As I have already said, the very energy of the year provokes us to prohibitive speeds, but we must be able to stop in time, maybe even wait it out. And try to keep your desires under control too.

April: the year is energetically suitable for you. Therefore, set goals high and you can take risks when you achieve them. This does not negate strategic planning and following your own intuition, of course.

May: a special time is coming for you, because you, with all your external photogenicity, do not really like and do not tolerate the show very much - it is too noisy and there are a lot of people. Perhaps you should close so as not to get tired: this will help you achieve your goals.

June and July: you, born in the summer months and using the generous explosive energy of the sun, sometimes overestimate your own strengths and capabilities. This year, you should be more careful not to promise in vain what you cannot master. Be careful not to break the woods from the feeling that the sea is knee-deep.

August: you are in balance with the energy of the coming year, so you can be quite successful in a variety of areas, do not hesitate. The only thing - do not rush to follow the occasion of momentary tactical desires, be the strategist of your life.

September: you, who were born this month, are characterized by criticality, and often in a sharp, like a blade, sarcastic form. What to do if you see the imperfections of this world. But this year, your blade will be glowing as well. Be attentive and careful, you have discovered flaws - do not be silent, but take at least a thirty-minute pause: think it over, and then bring the comments to your partner.

October: you are quite conservative in the energy of your birth - this is not the worst quality. However, 2016 will spur, forcing you to move faster, contrary to your natural restraint. You shouldn't make hasty decisions to avoid possible mistakes. Remember to measure seven times - cut once.

November: success awaits you, a dynamic year will neutralize the depression and uncertainty that is sometimes characteristic of you. So leave your traditional doubts and act: the energy of the year will help you at the right moment.

December: you, people with a naturally sharp enough sensory perception, need to listen to yourself - intuition will not let you down. Just try not to develop prohibitive speeds this year and not make dubious acquaintances.

To find out what awaits in the near future - no matter whether it is a country or an individual person - many people really want to. Today in Russia there is such a situation when official experts no longer risk guessing and are afraid to make their predictions. And the future still beckons with its uncertainty. And even when you want to understand and find out at what point all these cataclysms will end. And in such situations, they begin to turn to seers and astrologers. So, for example, today the network is extremely popular prophecy of Alexander Lytvyn about the fate of the country in the near future.

Who is this clairvoyant

Alexander Litvin is a participant in one of the most popular projects on Russian television, Battle of Psychics. This program brings together all lovers of the occult, black and white magic, witches, etc.
Alexander became the winner of one of the seasons of this television project, proving that he is the strongest by right. In all tests, he showed quite serious results. For which he received wide enough popularity - yes, such that many people now listen to his words. By the way, he is also quite respected among colleagues in the shop. His opinion is valuable enough for other magicians and diviners. Therefore, it is worth listening to his predictions.
Naturally, he, like many other citizens of Russia, could not ignore what is happening now. And as a result, the citizens received Lytvyn's forecast for Russia for the near future.

What Alexander says about the future of the country

Despite all the optimism of the authorities, who say that the crisis has literally subsided, it is still too early to rejoice. So, for example, the seer Lytvyn claims that he does not see the end of the crisis situation and the improvement of the economic situation. If there was a temporary improvement, it was just temporary. And literally in the near future, the crisis will once again make itself felt.
Moreover, as the clairvoyant claims, this crisis will bring significant benefits to the Russians. After all, they will think about measures to overcome such a cataclysm and understand that the whole power lies in uniting and strengthening ties - only together can one get out of a difficult situation as winners.

Lytvyn's prediction for 2016 for Russia is based on the fact that every person should contribute to the common cause. As a result of common interaction, it will be possible to build a society that will become a guarantor for everyone and will have an excellent social structure.

Here, if you wish, you can draw an analogy with the prediction of a very popular healer and clairvoyant - Mother Matrona. The woman also argued that all the troubles of the Russian people from their disunity and loss of spirituality. And only the unification of people with each other is able to save humanity.

In addition, the psychic claims that it is necessary for everyone to remember that evil and good will necessarily return to those who give them. And often in multiples. Therefore, you should be very careful in your actions and actions. And you will have to restrain yourself often, because a quiet life in Russia will not begin soon.

If you carefully study A. Lytvin's forecast for 2016, you can understand that this period will be quite unstable, but very interesting. So, for example, people from the provinces will have a chance to prove themselves. But only on condition that they are very active. At the top there will be those who know how to keep their nose to the wind and very clearly follow modern trends.

What is the forecast for the authorities does the psychic

Naturally, the clairvoyant could not bypass the authorities of the country in any way. So, he promised them serious changes, which will be reflected in the castling within the Government of Russia. He connects this with the fact that now requires responsibility and consistency in decision-making. And not all of the modern officials correspond to these data. Therefore, within the framework of the general trend, changes will be made, and the apparatus of officials, at last, will turn out to be very qualitatively selected and really caring for the affairs of the state.

In what form did Alexander make a prediction

Today, on the Internet, you can find different versions of the prediction of a famous clairvoyant. So, for example, they are presented in writing. For lovers of visual information on the network, the psychic Lytvyn's video forecast for 2016 is widespread. In essence, all of his predictions are not particularly different from each other. Therefore, it is up to you to choose the form in which you will study this forecast.

This will have a positive effect on the entire system of the country. However, many may regard such a statement rather skeptically, because the way in which the governing apparatus is provided in the country is not a secret for anyone.

And what about Ukraine - what predictions does Lytvyn give in this regard?

Naturally, it is impossible to ignore Lytvyn's forecast for 2016 for Ukraine. Today this country is one of the most unstable and hot spots on the world map. But, unfortunately, the visionaries of different countries have so far made the Ukrainian people happy. It is believed that no radical changes and improvement of the situation are expected in the near future.

And this means that it is worthwhile to tune in to the continuation of the confrontation, local small battles and the ongoing redistribution of property. One power will be replaced by another, but in essence, no fundamental changes will happen from this.

One clairvoyant knows for sure: success will come in the unification of the Slavs. And this is one of the worst offers for Ukrainians today. Although there is a lot of logic and common sense in such a prediction. For years, the existing pattern, when the Ukrainian people lived in close assimilation with the Russian and has the same roots, was fully justified. Compared to Russia, small Ukraine could always count on help. Moreover, the help was of any nature - financial, grocery, etc.

Today these ties have been disrupted, and it is immediately noticeable how seriously the situation has deteriorated. By itself, Ukraine cannot support itself qualitatively. If she again unites with her strong Slavic brother, with whom she has the same values ​​and mentality, she will be able to exist quite dignified.

The winner of the 6th season of the "Battle of the Psychics" does not consider himself a magician and fortuneteller. He admits that he learns to solve by explaining that everyone has abilities, but not everyone is given to develop them. One of the most popular participants in the show warns that he just has good intuition, passed on to him from relatives. Much has been written about him in the press, and the finalist of the mystical TV show himself publishes books about superpowers. It's time to get to know him better!

A gift from above

Psychic Alexander Litvin, born in 1960, already at the age of 7 realized that he was different from other children. In a family where women were engaged in healing, he did not try to specifically develop his gift, saying that it turned out completely spontaneously. Feeling the world around him very clearly, he understood the relationship between the phenomena that took place.

With age, the boy accumulated this invaluable experience, which was useful to him more than once. He recalls how, in his student days, he predicted grades for his friends in sessions, and as a military doctor, the young man took pain for patients.

Unique abilities

Psychic Alexander Litvin, who has a special flair, used unconventional methods of treatment, but did not tell anyone about it. To advertise the ongoing corrections of the energetic causes of various diseases in Soviet times was fraught with danger. At the age of 34 (after leaving military service to customs), Alexander used his extraordinary abilities to catch criminals. He says that for any personnel decisions he relied on his own method of determining the type of personality.

Lytvyn took into account all possible factors in order to gather people who were energetically suitable for each other into a single team. And if the team is well-coordinated, then everyone goes to work with pleasure, and the return on work is much higher.

Considering that he had done everything he wanted, Alexander quit the customs service, and a new stage in his life begins - work with people and direct assistance to those in need. For those who cannot come and communicate in person, he created a website where everyone will receive help.

Project winner

In 2008, when Lytvyn was still working at customs, he tried his hand at the "Battle of Psychics" project, the first releases of which he watched with interest with his wife Natasha, who convinced him to come to the TV show. A person with unique abilities successfully passed the casting and passed the first test. The self-confident psychic Alexander Litvin recalls how he simulated the situation of awarding him the main prize and achieved it.

He says that he knew nothing in advance about the trials he would undergo. Cell phones were taken away, and one by one the psychics went to the shooting, and no one came back, that is, there was no information about the next test of superpowers. Lytvyn, who often works with his eyes closed, was very tired of the bright spotlights, but there was no escape from this.

He shared that it was difficult to get away from human grief and suffering, so after all the hardships of testing, he introduced himself into a state of trance. Having shown himself not only as a good connoisseur of human souls, but also having proved in practice that he is worthy of victory, the main prize is taken by Alexander Litvin. The "battle of psychics" becomes for him the very new stage in which he helps people thanks to his exceptional abilities. I must say that the winner himself after the project radically changed his life: he not only quit his job, but also settled in a huge house, got married and became a father with many children.

Personal drama

Until a certain moment, no one knew that in the midst of filming the program, the wife of the future owner of the figurine in the form of a crystal hand died, with whom he raised two children. The biography of Alexander Litvin (psychic) ​​contains this difficult episode, after which he did not know whether he would return to the project or not. Having buried his spouse, the depressed Lytvyn returns to the shooting with a heavy heart, but for him this was the only decision, since he was afraid of being alone. His adult sons supported his father in his desire to continue participating in the struggle.

After the victory, the psychic plunges headlong into other people's problems in order to distract himself from his own. At the end of 2008, he received a message from an unknown girl asking for help from a sick mother. Lytvyn recalls that he was very moved by this letter, and he gives advice that allows a woman to save her life. A few months later, the man meets with a pretty stranger and proposes to her. Now the happy couple, Alexander and Alena, are growing up two little heirs, to whom their father pays a lot of attention.

Psychic Alexander Litvin: predictions

Alexander's colleagues speak respectfully of him, and many of his prophecies have come true. On the threshold of 2015, he accurately predicted a terrible tragedy - a plane crash near Donetsk. All experts claim that they take Lytvyn's words very seriously, he has clairvoyance, and his predictions often come true.

Unfortunately, the psychic's prediction for 2016 is radically different from what we hear in the media. Alexander believes that the crisis, which is spoken of as a passing phenomenon, will return with renewed vigor. He argues that the time has come for major changes in politics, society needs responsible people who put the interests of the country above their own.

He gives advice to everyone who is going to start a business this year - not to be afraid of success. Taking non-standard steps to develop your business can achieve great heights. For everyone who wants to get acquainted with the predictions, psychic Alexander Litvin uploads a video on his website.

Each has its own purpose

The clairvoyant calls himself a "passport officer", explaining that everyone who comes into this world has his own destiny. He tells everything about a person only by date of birth and gives the necessary advice. Alexander is often approached with the problems of loneliness, and he believes that there are so many people who are unsettled in their personal plan because of feelings clouded with calculation.

Many people today have a head full of success, because it is he who determines the consistency in society, but the truth is that society does not care whether this person who has achieved everything is happy or not. And many do not have time to find "their" life partner, although there are actually not so many single people.

A question that will never be answered

The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin can predict how long the client who turns to him will live, but he never will. “This question is asked through one. Some live long, while others leave early. What does a person live for? To correct all the mistakes of the past, and to the question about the problems that have piled up, I answer that you need not to sour, but to improve the situation in your family. All our roots are from the past, and if you break away from them, you will perish, ”says the former customs officer.

Psychic Alexander Litvin: reviews

The hugely popular show winner receives people in person and via Skype. On his website you can make an appointment, where Lytvyn will answer all your questions. This is a good business, because the cost of visiting a psychic significantly hits the wallet of an ordinary person. I must say that the reviews are very contradictory. He really helps many, explaining the hidden essence of the problem, but he has the right to refuse the admission if he understands that he cannot solve a difficult problem.

He is recognized as a good expert in the field of human relations, giving many general recommendations. Someone considers his help illusory and leaves the psychic very disappointed, but many of his advice really helps. Everyone who made an appointment with him speaks of Lytvyn's special flair, who tunes in to the client like an antenna. Many are respectful of him, cherishing his advice on doing business and building relationships. Alexander enables the person himself to choose the path that he will follow, without giving an unambiguous answer and suggesting how to get out of a difficult situation with the least loss.

Litvin Alexander is a psychic who believes that a person creates his own destiny, and a developed intuition given to him from above saves his life. He recognizes that each generation is responsible both for itself and for the descendants who pay for their sins. And if humanity lives without evil, doing good, then no one will have to correct any mistakes.

Saying goodbye to the outgoing year, I certainly want to know what the coming year will be like. And our permanent expert has something to say about this! The famous analyst of the probability of events Alexander Lytvyn gave a detailed forecast, in which he told about everything that awaits us in the next twelve months in various areas: in work, love and family life. Now we know where is the best place to go on vacation, what purchases to make, what you should definitely do, and what to fear.

Alexander Litvin is a participant in one of the most popular projects on Russian television, Battle of Psychics. This program brings together all lovers of the occult, black and white magic, witches, etc.

Alexander became the winner of one of the seasons of this television project, proving that he is the strongest by right. In all tests, he showed quite serious results. For which he received wide enough popularity - yes, such that many people now listen to his words. By the way, he is also quite respected among colleagues in the shop. His opinion is valuable enough for other magicians and diviners. Therefore, it is worth listening to his predictions.