"First poems"

On the work of Agnes Lvovna Barto

( Second younger group )

Subject: "First poems"

Project implementation period: short-term (two school weeks).

Project participants: Educator, children 2 younger groups, parents.

Objective of the project:

    Help children remember poems from the "Toys" cycle

Agnia Lvovna Barto.

    Bring up careful attitude to toys and books


Developing tasks:

    Svyaznoy - develop the dialogic form of speech. Involve children in the conversation during the examination of objects, paintings, illustrations; Observations for live objects. To form the need to share your impressions with educators and parents.

    Vocabulary - Based on enrichment of ideas about the nearest environment, continue to expand and intensify the vocabulary of children.

Clarify the names and purpose of objects, distinguish and call substantial parts and parts of items, quality (color and its shades, shape, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), some materials and their properties (paper is easy to break and swell, glass Items are fighting, rubber toys after compressing restore the original shape), location (outside the window is high, far away, under the cabinet).

    Formation of grammatical system of speech - Helping the names of the nouns in the form of a single and multiple number, to use nouns with pretexts (B, on, under, for, about).

    Education of sound culture speech - To form a clear pronunciation in the words of vowels (A, U, and, O, E) and some consonant sounds: P - B - T - D - K - G; F - B; T - C - Z - C.

Develop a motility of the speakerphone, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, clarify and fix the articulation of sounds.

To develop the right pace of speech, intonation expressiveness.

    Familiarization with fiction : Recall with children poems A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle: "Bear", "bull", "horse", "ball", "bunny", "truck", "elephant", "boat"; help remember one of the poems; Encourage the attempts of children when reading poems to the educator to catch up (quietly). Rise in children the ability to listen to, remember a small poem, read by heart, not in a hurry, clearly pronounced words and, especially, the endings of words;

Educational challenges:

    continue to educate careful attitude to toys and books;

    interest in fiction;

    fasten the ability to collectively play;

    assist to talk friendly with each other.

Educational tasks:

    consolidate the use of prepositions "under", "over", "on", "For";

    continue to form spatial-shaped thinking; Fasten color;

    continue to form the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the asked question, it is clear to him to answer it, speak at a normal pace without interrupting the speaker adult;

    continue to teach children to coordinate adjectives with noucent in kind, the case.

Scientific and methodical support

Poems Barto helps to educate the best moral qualities: honesty, responsiveness, hard work, politeness, love for nature and attentive attitude towards it. It is still remembered and knowing everything: children, their moms and dads, grandparents ... Poems Agniya Lvovna Barto is a classic for children who makes thinking seriously about how to behave like a person to grow, how to take care of all living things surrounding as refers to the youngest and elders. The style of poems is very easy, so children are not difficult to read and memorize them. And the clear and simple tongue of the quatrain is interesting for children of junior preschool age.

Expected results :

Stages of the project:


Selection of materials, books, illustrations.

Literature study:

Tasks of upbringing and development according to the program (study, familiarization)

"I introduce preschoolers with literature" Ushakov O.S.

"The introduction of children to the artistic literature" Herbova V.V.

"The development of speech in the second youngest group" Herbova V.V.

"Classes for the development of speech with children 3-4 years old" Herbova V.V.


2. Registration of a bookcard for the work of the poet.

3.Bested "Why you need to take the toys."

3. Accompany reading toys, pictures, and other means of visibility. (Appendix No. 3)

4. Accompany reading play actions, provide children with the opportunity to catch up with words, phrases when reading. Coloring your favorite toys. Didactic games. ("Guess who?", "Challenge Sloves") (Appendix No. 5)

5. The examination of the drawings in the books, prompted to call familiar items, show them, teach to ask questions, offer to reproduce the actions of the character.

6. Learn, carefully refer to books.

7. Visual information for parents:

    Making memos for parents "How to memorize poems by heart."

    "Teach together with us" (cycle "Toys").

    Photo exhibition "My favorite toys"


Slice of knowledge of poems.

Total comprehensive occupation.

Final comprehensive occupation

topic: "Toys"


Involve children in the conversation during the examination of objects, paintings, illustrations;

To shape the need to share your impressions with educators and parents;

- To form a clear pronunciation in the words of vowels (a, y, and, o, e) and some consonant sounds: P - B; T - D; k - r; F - B; T - C - C;

Fasten the ability to collectively play;

Help to good talk to each other;

Secure the technique of using a pencil: properly keep your fingers, with your left hand hold the sheet of paper;

Develop aesthetic taste, fine motility;

Relieve a feeling of empathy, careful attitude to toys, accuracy, interest in activity.

Preliminary work: Reading poems A. Barto "Toys",

conversation "My toys".

Travel course:

I. - Guys, in my hands - a beautiful box. And in this box - pictures with toys.

They are abandoned, offended. Do you want to see them? (Yes)

And to see them, it is necessary to guess which toy is hidden under each card.

Guess the riddle (display and disclosure of cards)

In a green card - a toy that wet in the rain (bunny)

In the yellow card - toy that goes, swinging (bull)

In a blue card - a toy on which you can go to visit (horse)

In the Red Card - the toy, which was torn off the paw (bear)

II.. "Wonderful bag" (toys - goats, sailor hat, plane, truck and cat ...)

III. Each child chooses a color card, toy and tells verse by A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle)

I.V.. Conversation.

    Guys, tell me, can you tear toys? (impossible).

    Why not? (They hurt them. They are offended too)

    Guys, can you leave toys on the street? (No. Toys will not remain.)

    Guys, how do you play a typewriter so that it does not break? (It is necessary to roll it for the rope, you can not go to the machine)

    Guys, so that our toys are always beautiful, what should I do? (Wash, calculate)

    Guys, you need to take care of toys: you need to play carefully so that they do not fall. And if you fall, what can happen? (May break, crash)

V. - So we helped toys. They rejoice.

But they are still sad: after all, each toy has its place.

After the games we all put on our places.

Let us take them to your places on the train: Separate toys in the trailers so that the color of the card coincides with the color of the trailer.

What color do you have a card? So, what is the trailer plant a toy? (answer)

(Perform a task - d / and: "Find color"))

We were dissolved toys. Let's go?

Vi. - Guys, the train does not go! What happened?

Guys, how will the locomotive go, if there is no rail?!

Do rails?

(Drawing on extended paper vertical lines (sleepers))

VII. - And so that we are more fun to go, we will make herbs.

drawing on elongated paper vertical lines (herbs)).

Guys, and put flowers? Let's do the sun?

Drawing by children individually (Dorisui, what is missing?)

VIII. Now we will go with you (fizminutka)

Chuh - Chuh - Chuh

Train rushing to the whole spirit

Let's go (sh-sch-s)

Buzzing steam locomotive (U-UU)

Couple lets (P-P-P-P)

Stopped (F-fff)

So we arrived.

Here they are - shelves for toys. Arrange your toys on the shelves.

(children put pictures, toys)

Guys, every toy has its own place. Toys must be preserved: they can not break, throw, leave.

Toys are very rejoicing: you are well done - put toys in places. They prepared you gifts - the balls so that you play them carefully, bold them. Thank you. (Distribution of balls)

Approximate abstracts of classes

Integrated occupation

(speech development, sensory development, amusement)


Purpose: check the names and purpose of objects. Continue to teach children to distinguish and call colors: red, blue, green, yellow, black, white; Perceive and distinguish shades. Fasten the ability to tell the poem, clearly pronouncing words, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value: big, small, fix the ability of children to keep a brush three fingers over the iron tip, pick up paint on the brush, making it to everyone in a jar, develop attention, independence, aesthetic taste; Relief kindness, emotional and positive attitude to the characters.

Material: Toys - horse, hare, fox, trolley, clothespins; Box, multicolored hares and sheets of paper. Paint - gouache, brushes.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems A. Barto, didactic games for distinguishing the color: "Posadi bugs on the clearing", "color circle", etc., drawing strokes.

Travel course:

The tutor listens: "Who is going to us?" Children look around. (The horse enters the rose).

Children who came to us?

Who knows the poem about the horse?

The teacher calls two children, proposes to stroke the horse and tell the verse, follows the clarity of the pronunciation of words. If the rest of the children also show a desire, they tell all the choir together.

The horse is very pleased that the children are about it so care. That's how it rejoices (horse rzhet). She brought you a great beautiful box as a gift, and there are many multicolored boxes in it. (The tutor sets them on the table).

Children take every one box. What color are they? (Asks 3-4 children).

Oh, yes here in the box there is something else (poured on the carpet of the clothespins).

Children, I accidentally scattered them, help, please collect. The horse asks you to pinch the clothespins to the box. Blue clothespins on a blue box, and Yellow on ---? (yellow).

(Children collect and pinch).

Thank you, kids. And now let's show that we can, like horses walk and jump. Under the slow knock hole we will go, high raising your knees, and under the quick knock ride. (Fizkultminutka is carried out).

Children sit down and relax. The horse really liked to play with you. But someone screames in the wagon. (Gets a bunny). Bunny also wants to play with you. Oh, yes it is all wet. Help the bunny, wash it with a towel. (Children wipe). Bunny forgot the mistress in the rain. Can I leave toys in the rain? Who wants to console a bunny, tell a poem about him? (The educator asks two children, follows the speech).

Baive so much liked the kids away, that he even called to visit his friends - little bunnies. (The tutor lay out the bunnies of different colors in front of children and offers each child to take one bunny).

Children, what color do you have bunnies? (Children call). The horse told me that somewhere closely walks the tricky fox. She wants to catch bunnies. Let us hide them on the glades. (Shows on multicolored sheets of cardboard).

Look, on what gland the fox will not notice a red bunch, on red or green? So we need to hide the bunny on the clearing of the same color as the bunny himself. (Children hide bunnies, and a tutor with a toy - foxes looking for).

Here's how well you hide bunnies that Fox did not find them. And if the bunnies run away into the forest, then the fox does not catch them at all. We, draw, how bunnies ran away and left only traces. (Children sit down at the tables and draw traces - strokes. The tutor follows the posture, the ability to keep the brush correctly. The teacher together with the toy - the fox looks at the work of children, praises them).

Children, the horse is calling us. While you painted, she brought a treat - fruit. Please, please have a chanterelle. What should I say a horse? (Children thank the horse, say goodbye).

Comprehensive occupation

(speech development, drawing)



Illustrated collection of poems from the "Toys" cycle A. Barto.

Soft toys - Bunny, cat.

Toy truck with body.

Drawing horses without mane, bangs and tail in the number of children, pencils.

Travel course:

Children, see what a beautiful book, I bought a haunch for your own. Let's look at and read it.

Who is drawn in the picture? Bull. This book has a poem about him. Listen:

There is a goby, swinging

Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board ends,

Now I fall.

(Reading is accompanied by a bellion.)

Let's slide the cat in the car. As soon as the car trudhes, the cat begins to meow, jumps off, tilting the truck. (Fits.)

In this book there is a poem about a truck. Listen to him:

No, in vain we decided

Rolling a cat in the car:

Cat rolling is not used to -

Tilted a truck.

Take a look at this picture. Who is depicted on it? Horse. And about it there is a poem in a hare book.

I love my horse,

Has her wool smoothly,

Comb Thoughtful

And riding will go to visit.

(Reading is accompanied by gaming actions: The wool "smoothly" is combed, the tail is unloved by scallop.)

Scallop is this bullshit without a handle and a little curved.

What does it mean "smoothly"? "Gladko" - is it like? (Children's responses.)

Listen to what difficult word we met - "Wool". Let's practice it to pronounce correctly. (Reading a poem 1-2 times. Children help the educator read, then reclaim on their own. To make it more interesting for them, the horse is cooked to which a child who has read poems can sit down and "ride the riding". In addition, every child gets a leaf with drawn horse.)

Children, and let's play magic with you. I am a wizard and now turn you into horses. Crimble-crab-boom! (Children "jump like horses" and zokat.) And now I turn you back in children. Crimble-crab-boom!

Children, see that I forgot to draw an artist from our horses? Mane, tail and bangs. Do you know how to draw them? Do you want to learn this? (The tutor shows the order of execution of the pattern. When the drawings are ready, you can suggest trying to draw more grass (sun) so that the horse was to eat, (it was warm and light)). Watching the work of children, the teacher encourages them to make a mane (tail, bangs) thick and even: "That the horse would be beautiful."

At the end of the classes, children with the educator give the book with a bunny and tell what they learned to occupy.

Comprehensive occupation


Topic: "Snowman"

Purpose: develop the dialogic form of speech. Involve children in the conversation during the examination of objects, paintings, illustrations; Observations for live objects. To form the need to share your impressions. Create interest in children to the image, to learn to roll off pieces of plasticine with circular movements, connect them together; Repetition of poem A. Barto "Snow", the development of small motility.

Material: Snowman toy, Shirma, Plasticine Boards, White Plasticine.

Preliminary work: Snow games, snowy lumps, snowman modeling, illustration viewing illustrations.

Travel course:

Children enter the group, stop before the tutor.

Educator: Guys, now in Winter Street. Do you like to walk on the street?

(Children: Yes!)

And what do you like to do on the street, what to play?

(Children's responses.)

You like to ride on sleds, sculpt snowballs ... And whom we looked yesterday? Yes, right, snowman. Snowman really liked our guys, and he wanted to come to our group. But the snowman is made of snow, and the snow will melt in our group. It's true?

(Children: Yes.)

But Grandfather Frost came to help the snowman. He turned a snowy snowman into the toy, and he now does not melt in our group.

(Because of the screen, a snowman toy appears.)

Children greet with a snowman. "

Educator: Guys, we know the poem about the snow. Let's tell his snowman.

Some of the children read the poem A. Barto "Snow":

Snow, snow is spinning,

White all street!

We gathered in a circle,

Split like a snowball.

Educator: Let's get bored like a snowball - (children are circling around them).

Well done boys. Snowman sees how much good you can do, and asks us to make many snowmen of plasticine for him, they will be friends for him.

Children sit down for workplaces where slats are already cooked for plasticine, plasticine white.

The educator shows a ball rolling in the palms.

Children make lumps, connect them together.

At the end of the occupation, children consider the resulting snowmen, they are placed around a large snowman.

Educator: Guys, a snowman liked his friends, he thanks you and says goodbye to you. He will wait for us today on the street.

Repetition of poem A. Barto


Objective: to develop a motility of the speakerphone, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, clarify and fix the articulation of sounds,

to catch up for an educator familiar to them poem, slowly, not straining the voices, clearly and correctly pronounce the end of words; work out a distinct pronunciation of vowel sound and in separate words and phrases; all children to learn to conduct a dialogue, use in the speech of the form of courtesy; Exercise in the expressive reading of poetic lines.

Travel course:

The educator puts a toy horse in front of the children (rocking chair), declares the poem A. Barto. He says that one who repeat the poem on their own and will not hurry at the same time, the horse will take.

Then the baby sits on the horse, "jumps." Children zokat, imitating knocking coil.

The educator pronounces sound-resizing and-and-and-and, explains that this horse thanks children for the poem. Offers repeat sound resistance. Children perform the task all together and one by one.

The teacher suggests playing the game "Reach, baby."

"Now I am your mom, and you are my little foals," says the teacher. - Here is a black foal, but white ...? - Foal, and also - redhead ...? - foal, etc. Run, jump, smooth, but do not lie and do not bite each other. If you hear that I call you, immediately the ears "Topor" and - respond! "

Children run in the group, play, portraying foals, and when they hear and-and-and-and, respond.

"The horses like to listen to how the bells are ringing," the teacher continues to occupy. - The song of the bells is a bit like a horsepower song. Listen: Liga Liii Liia. So sing, try small bells. How do they sing? Bells ragged another song: Diyain-Diyain-Diiin. How do the bells sing more? Now I will check which one of you is a small elegant bell, and who is a bigger bell, vigorous. " (Didactic exercise "What is your bell?")

The teacher is touching the child, and then gesture shows that he brought the bell in motion!. A child in his choice pronounces either Liga or Diiin-Diiin (7-8 replies).

"By the way, the horses are not afraid of water, they swim well, love when they wash and clean. And here are some people and animals ... However, listen to these verses:

Squeezing pig:

"Save! .."

Batting it in a trough ...

And in the kitchen swim ulya,

Water heated to the volatile.

But Olya shouts: "Get out!

I'm not trying to wash me! " (Z. Alexandrov. Swimming)

The educator reads the poetic lines 3-4 times, and the children reproduce the squeal of the pig and the angry oline speech.

"The kids are funny," the teacher continues to occupy. - Imagine a tangle of threads, which fell into the paws to the kitten. Presented? And what?" Do not hurry, listening to the assumptions of children. Is reading:

Rolled, spinning,

Spinning, rolled,

Rolled and fled the tangle.

But I guessed where he was gone,

And I could not guessed the cat.

(D. Pharms, N. Radlov. Stories in pictures)

The educator with the help of children 2-3 times repeats the poem. Children answer the question, where the ball goes. The occupation ends with the game. Kittens kids chase on the room of tangles with threads: touched them with their paws, hid, jump around the gloms (imaginary situations).

Reading children poem "Checklava" A. Barto


Develop the dialogic form of speech;

Involve children in a conversation during subject matter;

Based on the enrichment of ideas about the nearest environment, continue to expand and intensify the vocabulary of children;

Helping the names of the nouns in the form of a single and multiple number, to use nouns with pretexts (B, on, under, for, about);

- form a clear pronunciation in the words of vowels (A, I, and, O, E) and some consonant sounds;

Develop a motility of the speakerphone, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, clarify and fix the articulation of sounds.

Produce the right pace of speech, intonational expressiveness;

Interest in fiction;

Fasten the ability to collectively perform movements to the music;

Rail in the spirit of patriotism and love for homeland.

Travel course:

On the table of the teacher in the stands - bright red check boxes. Children consider them, note that the "Red, like lights" checkboxes (choral and individual statements).

"We go to the holiday with the checkboxes," says the teacher, "this kid holds a festive red checkbox in his hand (shows the corresponding illustration)." Reads poem:

Lights on the sun


As if I.

Fire lit.

The teacher is then asked: "How does a boy talk about his checkbox?" Talks the poem again. Children help him.

Two-three children of the older subgroup The educator asks to read the poem individually. Helps them to tell. Next, the teacher distributes the flags to the kids and suggests first to march with them, and then pay to the music of T. Vilkoreskaya to the song "We will raise your flags."

Reading children poem "Snow" A. Barto.

Didactic game "Where is the snowflake?"

Objective: Teach children to tell the poem along with the teacher, to perform the corresponding movement text (gather in the circle; "Spit, like a snowball"); use in speech prepositions; Understand the instruction of an adult.

Travel course:

Children are sitting by a semicircle. The educator reads a poem. Then he offers children to become snowflakes: it puts on white hats and white handkerchiefs. Repears a poem:

Snow, snow is spinning, (makes circular movements of hands.)

White all street!

We gathered in a circle,

Completed like a snowball. (Spinning.)

The educator repeats the poem again. When he reads the last lines, the children are circling. While they are circling, tutor hides a snowy-child. Asks: "Look where the white snowflake flies?" ("Under the table" - choral and individual answers.)

The teacher again reads the poem. And again hides the snowflake. It can "fly" for the closet, in a large box for the "builder", on the carpet, etc. The poem read 5-6 times.

Reading the children of the poems "Koznyok", "Bunny" A. Barto.

Travel course:

The tutor shows illustrations for the book of A. Barto "Toys". He reads the poem of the "goats", then the "bunny". Shows a toy hare wrapped in a shaggy towel. Explains: "This is the same bunny that" all to the turn of the wet. " I wrapped it in a shaggy towel. He warmed up and fell asleep. Buba, get up. " The teacher wakes the little animal and explains that the Buba is the name of the hare.

"Get up, Buba, get up!" - Both the hare children. (Choral and individual statements.) Buba wakes up and asks: "Children, you did not meet the goat? It is necessary to find a goat and warn that the wolf wanders not far away (the tutor shows the toy) and wants to eat it. "

The goat appears. The educator informs her that the wolf is close. It offers a goat to leave: "In-in-for - go, goat". Children together with the teacher 2-3 times repeat purely speaking. But the goat does not leave. And the wolf "sneaks" closer and closer. The teacher asks several children in turn to pronounce the cleaner. Assesses their answers. For example: "You said very quietly, and the goat did not hear. Repeately referring; Light warned the goat so loudly, that she moved over his bush ", etc.

"The goat was listened to us," the teacher continues, "went home. Due to - go home goes home. " (Choral and individual repetitions.)

Goat goes away. On the table jumps and happy bunny. Together

children can also jump with him.

Children return to their places. "APCH, APCHCH," sneezes bunny. "The Bubus was cold," the teacher explains, "because all the wipes are wet." And he got sick of his teeth. At the bunny boobs got sick teeth. " (Rhymmka is repeated by children choir and individually. The educator draws attention to the correct pronunciation of children's sound from the words: a bunny, sick, teeth.) Teacher "treats" a bunny teeth. Wars in the towel and points out, singing: "Bai-Bai-Bay - Zainka Katch." Children sink, then on tiptoe, so as not to wake up the boo, go with classes.

Reading children poems A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle.

Memorizing one of the poems

Travel course:

The educator reads for children 3-4 poems A. Barto. It is wondering if children know these verses and does anyone want to try to read the poem by heart on their own.

Finishing the lesson, reads the poem "who screams as shouting." It encourages children to sentence sound-speaking words, phrases.




Demolished in the bushes.

Drink, drink, drink!

Drink water.

Mur-Mur-Moore ...

Scare kernel

Krai Krai-Kra!

Tomorrow rain in the morning.

Mu-y, mua!

Milk som

Reading the children of poems from the "Toys" cycle A. Barto

Purpose: To form the ability to allocate from a number of poems, which especially liked.

Travel course:

The educator reads the verses of A. Barto "Bear", "bull", "elephant", "truck". Reading is accompanied by a demonstration of toys, pictures, dramatizing some poems. So, before reading the poem "Teddy", the teacher shows a bear with a bandaged paw, listening to the poems about the bull, children watch the toy bull moves along the inclined board, and so on.

For the choice of children, the teacher reads this or that poem in the second, and sometimes for the third time. Encourages their attempts to catch up with individual words and phrases.

After all the poems proposed for re-listening will be read, the teacher asks who some poem especially liked (who liked the poem). And immediately reads him. If a child can not call a poem, it is advisable to offer him to show a toy (they still stand on the table), about which he would like to listen again.

After 3-5 applications will be satisfied, the children play themselves with toys (on their own choice)

Reading poem "Ball" A. Barto

Travel course:

The educator invites children to consider the picture. They list what is depicted: girl, boy, ball, etc.

The teacher tells the children's painting. Asks: "Why is Tanya crying? ("Afraid that drowshes the ball" - choral and individual answers.) Tanya is afraid that the ball drowshes! Tell her: "Sushch, Tanya, do not cry! Does not drown in the river ball! " (Choral and individual repetitions.)

The boy (shows) helps Tanya get the ball. Show (invites children to the picture) a boy who pulls the ball. He gets his branch. And now show how the boy gives the ball with the ball, sitting on the chairs, imitate movement. And what does a girl with a doll? ("Looks like a boy pulls the ball.") She sat down (show how) and looks. "

The educator invites children to listen to the story about Tanya and her friends:

"The children played the ball and dropped him into a big puddle. "Oh!" - a girl was frightened with a doll and sat down near the puddles. "Ah-ah! - Poklakla Tanyushka, - Poor My Ball! He drowns, drowns in a puddle! " - "Do not cry, do not cry! I'll get the ball, "the boy in a striped shirt calmed the Tanechka. He took a twig and began to push the ball to the edge of the puddle. Still a little more, and the ball will be saved. Good friends in Tanya. Results! "

Teacher repeats the story.

Without removing the picture, the teacher reads the poem of A. Barto "Ball" poem.

Prospective project implementation plan



Didactic material and equipment

Registration of a book corner for the work of the poet.

1 day

Acquaintance with the writer A.L. Barto

Introduce children with the writer A. Barto


Illustrations, portrait of a writer, books from the "Toys" cycle

2 day



Objective: based on enrichment of ideas about the nearest environment. Continue to clarify the names and purpose of objects, surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough). Recompret the ability to listen to the ability to listen, remember a small poem, read by heart, not in a hurry, clearly speaking words and, especially , endings of words; Teach children clearly utter sounds; educate in children responsiveness, the need to come to the rescue to those who need it; Learn to apply strokes and spend straight lines in different directions: inclined, long, short.


Text, Illustration, Toy Horse, Rocking Horse.

3 day

Poem "Bear", "bull", "elephant", "truck".

Purpose: Recall with children poem A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle: "Bear", "bull", "horse", "ball", "bunny", "truck", "elephant", "boat"; help remember one of the poems; Encourage the attempts of children when reading poems to the educator to catch up (quietly).


4 day

Consider painting by E. Baturina "Savor Ball".

Reading poem "Ball"

Purpose: help children understand the content of the painting Tanya crying. Develop the dialogic form of speech. Involve children in conversation. To form the need to share your impressions. Assist to consume nouns with pretexts (B, on, under, for, about). Continue to bring up careful attitude to toys and books.

Consider painting


Picture, Text, Toy Ball

5 day


"Goat", "Bunny"

Purpose: help children understand the content of poems; make a desire to listen to them again; Acquire children to correctly pronounce sound-in words, phrases, distinctly and clearly pronounce words with this sound, simple phrases.


Text, illustration, toy.

6 day

Hearing familiar works.

help the children remember the poem and learn to tell him together with the educator.

Hearing, reading by heart with an adult, beating, imitation.

Illustrations, recording of poems, toys

7 day

"Why should you take the toys"


8 day

Problem Situation:

Mishk dropped to the floor torn his paw what to do?

Rise in children responsiveness, the need to come to help to those who need it.

Scene-role game


Toy, bandage, doctors bathrobe, medicine.


"Poettime Minutes"

To help children remember poems from the "Toys" cycle of Agnes Lvovna Barto and learn to tell him together with the educator.

Reading by children by heart

Without visual support

9 day


topic: "Toys"

Secure the technique of using a pencil: properly keep your fingers, with your left hand hold the sheet of paper.

Develop aesthetic taste, shallow motorcy.

Relieve a feeling of empathy, careful attitude to toys, accuracy, interest in activity.

Comprehensive occupation

Colored cards, train, toys, wonderful bag, paper, pencils.

Daily at the request of children


Develop aesthetic taste, shallow motorcy.


Color Pencils, Paper

Work with parents

To attract parents to the cooperation of kindergarten and family to upbringing in children of love for poetry to study Creativity A.L. Barto

Visual information

Memo "How to memorize poems with children"

Approximate list of poems. "To the birthday of A. Barto dedicated"

Photo exhibition.

Didactic games

"Guess the description"

toy that wet in the rain (bunny)

toy that goes, swinging (bull)

toy where you can go to visit (horse)

the toy, which was torn off the paw (bear) ....

"Boarding Sloves"

Objective: Development of auditory attention, activation of the dictionary.

"Collect the picture"

Drawing up split pictures.

Objective: Teach children with logical thinking, develop their skill from individual parts to compile a whole subject.

Larisa Melentiev
Short-term project on the development of speech in the second youngest group on the topic "Transport"

Short-term project

by development of speech in the second youngest group

by topic« Transport»

Problem: Children junior preschool age need comprehensive detergery Development, including the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, development grammatical building speech, as well as connected speech.

The relevance of the problem: Speech helps children consciously perceive the world around, and is a means of communication. Children who did not receive junior preschool age corresponding speech development, with great difficulty, catch up with the missed, and in the future this gap in detergery Development affects their further development.

purpose project: development of the speech of children of the younger preschool age in different regime moments topic« Transport»

Tasks project:

Purposefully enrich children's children; Expand the presentation of children about the types transportationas a means of movement.

Introduce children with different types transportation.

Expanding children's knowledge about the profession driver, pilot, driver, captain

develop Grammatical Stroy speech, connected speech;

Form the need for children in communicating with adults and peers;

To raise a desire to listen to the works of fiction more often;

Raise the competence of parents in question developing their children;

Work with parents:

1. Questioning "As your child says".

2. Consultations on the topic: "Speople speakers for theme of the week« Transport» , "Well, finger, for work!", "Recommendations to parents on development of child's speech» , « The development of the child's speech is 3-4 years» , « Development of the speech of children of the younger preschool age ".

3. Fastening the house of knowledge and skills received in the kindergarten project theme.

4. Replenish with the help of parents developing Wednesday with new didactic games and benefits topic« Transport»

Participants project: Educator, Pupils the second youngest group, Parents.

A type project: short. 2 weeks.

Stages of implementation project:

1. Organizational and preparatory:

Setting the purpose and objectives of joint activities;

Selection of didactic and methodical literature.

2. The main stage:

Creating mockups by topic« Transport»

Organization of thematic conversations with pupils;

Organization of interaction with parents (design of information stands, organization group consultations and others.);

Reading fiction.

3. Final stage:

Final Node .

The main stage: Implementation project



Tend to children the topic of the week, talk about the types transportationwhat transport You can see on the streets of our city. To consolidate in children knowledge about transport and street movement can be set questions: "What cars are loaded?", "What cars are there people transported?", "What light of the traffic light can go around the street?" Consider illustrations.

learning to make a small descriptive story about the car (aircraft, train) on the educator (what? (a car) What is this car? (wheels) What color wheels and so on)

Didactic game: "Domino « Transport» , target: Learn to call various types transportation

fingering gymnastics

"There are toys from me."

Articulating gymnastics

"Steamer buzzing"


N. O. D. in the cognitive development

Subject: Transport


Movable game "A train"


Scene - role-playing game: "Chauffs"



Didactic game « Memo: Transport» target: Teach children to find a couple, find out and call various types transportation

Consider with children toy - steam locomotive. purpose: Preparation of children to compile descriptive stories about toys. Teach children on issues to make a description of the toy; Combine with the help of the teacher all the answers to a short story; Activate B. speech Children adjectives, denoting properties and quality of items


Moving game "Airplanes".


Chatting on Obzh "Rules of conduct in transport» purpose: Recall the rules of behavior in transport.

Scene - role-playing game: "The trip"

purpose: Fasten the name of the species transport and profession.

Machine -.

Train -.

Consider illustration "The streets of the town" target: Learning to consider an illustration and answer questions on the content of the picture, consolidate the generalizing concept « transport» And his name.


Album viewing « Transport» .

Acquaint transportationAs ground, air, water.

Game with ball "Name and pass"

Didactic game: "Find me". purpose: Learn to learn in the image familiar views transportation. Put into speech activity « transport» , opening its meaning as a noun with a collective value

Learning poem by selecting: A. Barto "Plane", "Chauffeur"

Articulating gymnastics "Locomotive", "Steamer"

N. O. D development of Speech

Subject: Drawing up a descriptive story about the toy (machine, aircraft, steam locomotive)


Learning transport

The goal is to teach to distinguish and call the types of public transportation. Comply with the rules of the road. Discern and call the main parts of passenger cars.

Observation: To consider the car nearby nearby. Determine the color, calculate the wheels. Explain what is needed by a spare wheel. Ask why the headlights are needed. Calculate how many doors and why so much.

Didactic material

"Who will name more action" - on the suggestion of the teacher, children list the actions of the object. The goal is to expand the vocabulary selection of verbs.

"Come up with a proposal" - invent offers with the word "car". The goal is to teach the proposals.

Movable game "A train", "Taxi".


Scene - role-playing game: "A train"

purpose: Learning to select verbs

A train (what is he doing) -.

Plane (what is he doing) -.


exercises by development of Speech

Exercise "Count transport"For the approval of numerical with nouns.

The exercise "one is a lot" on the formation of the only and multiple number of nouns.

Singing song O. transport"A car", "Locomotive", "Plane"


Subject: "Machine, steamer and plane"


Scene - role-playing game: "Plane"

development logical thinking develop

(using pictures)


wonderful Games for the Expansion of the Word of Children

Exercise "Pick up a sign."

A car (What) -.

Bus (what) -.

Plane (what) -.


A train (what is he doing) -.

Plane (what is he doing) -.

N. O. D on the artistic and aesthetic development(Applique)

Subject: Steam locomotive


Games with construction materials. "Bus". purpose: Continue to learn to build a bus, independently select details, distinguish them in color and form; Use different options for creating a machine from cubes and bricks, pay attention to the receptions of a smooth compound of planes and faces of forms; form speech communication



Conversation topic« Transport» .

To acquaint children with ground transport. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with the educator; Play, asked a question, is clearly responsible for him, do not interrupt the speaking.

fingering gymnastics

"There are toys from me."

Articulating gymnastics

"Steamer buzzing"



Outdoor games: "Colored cars"

Game - the stage of the poem A. Barto "Truck".

Tasks: develop the ability to listen and hear reading, actively react to the content of the text; Turn on to play activities.

Designing theme: "Bus"

"Collect the picture".

Learn to make a picture transport from 2-4 parts, puzzles.


Verbal game "Tell about transport by picture» .

Develop The ability to draw up a descriptive story together with the educator

Solution of the problem situation "Help Link to get to the circus".


Observation by transport"Machines on our street".

Continue to acquaint children with some species transportation(People ride in the passenger transport: cars, buses; Loads are carried on freight cars. The machine is driven by the driver, he very gently leads the car).

Develop observation, speech. To form the skill to clearly utter words and short phrases.

Outdoor games: "Cars"

Reading fiction poem D. Harms "Ship", B. Sadda "Chauffeur".


Scene - role-playing game "Trip to Zoo by bus"

Exercise "PREPARE ACTION TO THE PROBLEM". purpose: Learning to select verbs

A train (what is he doing) -.

Plane (what is he doing) -.

Picture viewing "How to move the road".

purpose: Secure the presentation of children about the traffic light about his signals. Develop thinking, the ability to answer questions correctly. Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bcolor.

Solution of the problem situation "Help do not know the road". purpose: Consolidate the rules of the road; The ability to walk in pairs.


Observation of the movement of the bus.

purpose: Continue to acquaint children with passenger transport. Develop observation, Speech of children. Rail a culture of behavior.


Outdoor games: "Sparrow and car"


"Visiting Grandma - Magnify". Evening of mysteries and deposits.

purpose: Teach children to think and analyze. Enrich vocabulary.

Exercise "Who exactly controls?" purpose: Fasten the name of the species transport and profession.

The aircraft controls the pilot, the pilot.

Machine -.

Train -.


Picture viewing "Bus" (Series "We play).

Protect children to statements, answer questions about the picture. Develop speech.

N. O. D development of Speech: Final lesson on topic"Travel with Dr. Aibolit"

Target Walk "We are walking down the street".

Monitoring motion transport and pedestrians. (Pedestrians go on the sidewalk, and cars go on the road). Continue to acquaint children with transport, the behavior of people on the street.

Outdoor games: "Bus"


Exercise "Fourth Excess" on development logical thinking develop Ability to classify, distinguish generalizing words

(using pictures)

Steamer, boat, plane, hat

Car, tram, trolleybus, mug

Fingering up-toys about toys (transport) .


Outdoor games: "Varosik"

Artistic creativity.


Subject: "WATER".

Didactic game "On the ground and water". Teach children relate subjects with their idea about them, consolidate knowledge of various types transport and their functions.


Wonderful Games for the Expansion of the Word of Children

Exercise "Pick up a sign."

A car (What) -.

Bus (what) -.

Plane (what) -.


A train (what is he doing) -.

Plane (what is he doing) -.

Irina Trubnikova
"Once - the word, two - lyrics." Project for the development of speech in the second youngest group

Project Topic: "Once - Lord, two - lyrics".

Project participants: Educators, children, parents.

Implementation period: March 2014

Project Type: Medium-term.

Project type: Practically oriented.

Problem: The children of junior preschool age need the comprehensive development of speech, including the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, the development of the grammatical system of speech, as well as connected speech.

The relevance of the problem: Speech helps children consciously perceive the world around, and is a means of communication. Children who have not received in the younger preschool age appropriate speech development, with great difficulty make the missed, and in the future this gap in the development of speech affects their further development.

Objective of the project: The development of the speech of children of junior preschool age in different regime moments.

Project tasks:

Purposefully enrich children's children;

Develop the grammar system of speech, connected speech;

To form children's need for communicating with adults and peers;

To raise a desire to listen to the works of fiction more often;

Raise the competence of parents in matters of speech development of their children;

Organization of children's activities within the project


OO "Speech Development"

03.03 Subject:"Drawing up a story on the caregiver. Items, their quality, actions. ZKR - "D" "DI".

Purpose: Training to call items, their quality, actions; Compare items using adjectives, coordinate adjectives with nouns.

Develop the ability to make a story on the caregiver issues, consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds "D", "DI".

To bring up a desire to answer the questions of the teacher with common offers.

18.03 Subject:Open activity "Journey to a fairy tale."

Purpose: Secure the ability to describe a toy on the teacher's issues, retell a fairy tale using the modeling method.

24.03 Subject: "Calling the quality of items; The formation of parental case of a multiple nouns. ZKR - "N" "ny".

Purpose: Teach children to call the quality of items (magnitude, color)

Develop the ability to correctly form a genus. Pad. MN. Nouns; Secure correctly pronunciation of sounds "n" "ny"

To raise the desire to listen to the teacher, answer his questions.

OO "Artistically - aesthetic development." Reading fiction.

17.03 Subject: "Measurement of the poem E. Blaginina" arrive. "

Purpose: Teach children emotionally to tell by heart a poem, transmitting the motivating and questioning intonation

Develop a vocabulary on the topic "Birds", to improve a dialogic speech.

31.03 Subject: "Measurement of the poem by M. Clokova" Winter has passed. "

Purpose: Teach children intonationally expressly to tell by heart a poem

Develop the ability to select the definition of a given word

To raise the desire to listen and tell poems.

OO "Cognitive development". The world.

06.03 Subject: "Moms are needed."

Develop a coherent speech of children, the ability to answer questions to the proposal of 3 to 4 words; Enrich the dictionary.

13.03 Subject: "Our family album."

Purpose:To form ideas about the family, its place in it

Develop the ability to answer questions, keep a dialogue with the teacher.

20.03 Subject: "Household appliances for family."

Purpose: To form the concept of "household appliances", teach differentiate household appliances by their intended purpose.

Develop dictionary of children, connected speech.

27.03 Subject:"Where we live?".

Purpose: To form the concept of "city", to acquaint with its sights, prompted to share impressions

Develop the ability to respond to the teacher's questions, participate in conversations during the viewing of images.


Articulating and finger gymnastics.

Purpose: Develop the exact movements of the fingers of the fingers, to train the articulation apparatus.



"As I love mom," "For what language is needed," "My favorite book," "Tell me how you are wing," Spring has come, "" Grandparents Chukovsky "," My friends "," My relatives "," The day off in my family, "" I will be my mother (dad) "," My Malaya Motherland "(etc. on the calendar plan).

Purpose: Develop a coherent speech of children, to encourage the teacher's questions grammatically constructed by a proposal from several words; Enrich and intensify the children's dictionary.


Didactic games

"Say what", "Who knows how to do", "who will call more action", "where what can be done", "add the word", "name what it is, and tell me which", "explain Buratino", " What a beast, "" Who knows, let it continue, "" stand up in a circle "," Multicolored chest "," Teremok "," House for animals "(etc. on the calendar plan).

Purpose: Activate the dictionary of children, instilling the ability to use different forms of words, transforming them depending on the task of the teacher in kind, the number, the case.

On calendar plan

Desktop Theater. "Three pigs", "Teremok", "Zayushkina Hut".

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to properly control dolls on the table, pronounce small replicas from a familiar fairy tale.

On calendar plan

Theatrical games "As I love mom," who said "Meow", "Zayushkina Hut", "Who do you want to see on TV."

Purpose: Develop the associated speech of children, the ability to beat familiar works, situations.

On calendar plan

Scene - role-playing game"Hospital", Daily Scene Mini - Games "Shoofers", "Builders", "Family", etc.

Purpose: Enrich and intensify children's words, develop a dialogic speech.


Reading fiction

Folklore: "Spring, Spring Red", "Grandparents", "Tili - Bom", "knocks, branded on the street", "Bravetsy".

Fairy tales: "Zayushkina Hut", "Fox - Lapoths", "Teremok", "Lazy Brocholina", "Three Piglets".

Poems: K. Chukovsky "Stolen Sun", "Joy", "Dr. Aibolit", V. Berestov "Spring Fairy Tale", B. Skodnika "Builders", S. Mikhalkov "About Mimoz".

Stories: E. Charushin "Volchishko", L. Tolstoy "Tanya knew the letters," "Bird Skil's nest", K. Ushinsky "Lisa Patriyevna".

Purpose: To acquaint children with new works, repeat the lovely old; Enrich children's dictionary, develop a dialogic speech, prompting to answer the questions of the teacher of suggestions.


Movable and dance games With the text "Shaggy Dog", "Cat and Mice", "Bunny Site", "Scarlet Flower", "Washing", "The chicken - a hooker", "on a roving track", "check box".

Purpose: Acquire children to clearly and loudly utter the text of the game, subordinating his actions.


Observations for walks

For alive, or inanimate nature,

Closest buildings

Children's activities

Labor by people.

Purpose:Enrich and intensify the dictionary, develop the ability to respond to the teacher's questions as a proposal, harmonizing words in it in childbirth, the case.

Work with parents

1. Questioning "As your child says."

2. A series of consultations on the topic: "The development of the speech of children of primary preschool age."

3. Fastening the house of knowledge gained in the kindergarten and skills on the project.

4. Making the information booklet "Speech of the speech therapist".

5. Suggest parents to bring a family photo to the exhibition.

6. Top up with parents library of a bookcard.

Work with teachers

1. Continuation of the development of the modeling method when retelling the work.

2. Creating a visual didactic material.

3. Preparation of the project and its presentation.

4. Design of book corner and replenishment of its material.

Project products for children

1. Exhibition of drawings "I and my family".

2. Exhibition of family photos.

3. Creative tasting of children on the topic: "Family photos".

4. Modeling Rus. nar. Tales "Zayushkina Hut".

5. Qualitative change in the method of speech communication - children willingly enter into dialogue with each other and adults, they are spelled correctly grammatically built, the dictionary is expanded.

Project products for teachers

1. A summary of the OO "Speech Development" "Journey to a fairy tale."

2. Planning on the topic "Once - Lord, two - lyrics".

3. Material for book corner.

4. Photo exhibition "My family."

Project Products for Parents

1. Questioning.

2. Consultation of teachers and speech therapist.

3. Increasing the competence of parents in the understanding of the speech development of their children.

4. Photo exhibition "My family."

The project is aimed at developing speech in children of junior preschool age using small forms of folklore, their love of love for oral folk creativity. - use the works of Russian folklore to develop the speech of children of junior preschool age. Project objectives:

The main tasks of the project: teach native speech using small folklore forms; develop auditory attention, articulation and auditory apparatus, sound resistance; educate emotional responsiveness, friendly attitude towards others, openness to communication and cooperation with adults and peers; Improve the system of interaction with parents in the process of work.

Our group organized work in the following areas: considering the subjects of Russian folk art. Conversations with children. Didactic games. Desktop Theater Finger games. Surveys. Reading fiction. Listening to music.

Children increase the interest of children to interpretation of folk creativity; 2. The use of proverbs in their speech, sayings in plot games - functions; Parents: Increasing interest in the use of small forms of folklore for the speech development of children of junior preschool age at home; Project results from 1.10 by

Julia Coven.
Project "Game, as a means of development of speech" in the second youngest group


Group teachers

outlooking orientation for

children of preschool age (3-4 g)

Coven Yulia Anatolevna

Kolyada Yulia Nikolaevna

art. Stomahnskaya

Type of project: Short-term, pedagogical.

Participants: Children, group teachers, musical worker.


The game is a favorable environment for the development of speech, enrichment of the dictionary, acquaintance with the world around the images, paints, sounds that contribute to the development of mental processes, qualities and properties of the personality - imagination, independence. Game, please

available to child, an interesting way to process expressions of emotions, experiences. The more diverse the impression of children about the surrounding life, the richer imagination, feeling, ability to think.


1. Inability to correctly and competently build an offer.

2. Little vocabulary.

3. Related Dialogue: Incompons Available and competently ask a question, build a detailed or short answer if it is necessary to the place.

4. Lack of culture of speech: inability to use intonation, adjust the tempo of speech and voice volume, etc.

Project goal: Development of speech activity and communicative abilities of preschool children through gaming activities.


1. Increasing the speech activity of children.

2. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary of children.

3. Development of shallow hands using finger gymnastics.

4. Development of imagination and creative abilities.

5. Education The ability of children to work in the team.

Estimated results:

Development in children of the dialogic form of speech.

The formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the assigned question, it is clear to answer it.

Use of various attributes.

Formation of speech skills.

Development of free communication with adults and children.

Terms of project implementation: 2 months.

Preliminary work: reading literature, selection of illustrations, conversation, plot-role-playing, finger games, desktop, puppet theaters, manufacture of attributes, mobile and musical games.

Form of holding: conversations, observations, didactic, plotting, theatrical, finger and musical games, small folk folklore, fairy tales, poems.

Stage 1: Modeling the situation, identifying the problem.

Involve in the plot-gaming situation;

Enter into the game situation.

2 stage: Practical.

Task acceptance;

To solve the problem;

Planning activities;

Organization of activity;

Project work;

Search for solutions aimed at speech activity;

Intensify the initiative of children in gaming actions;

Work with parents: consultation, conversations, booklets, parental meeting;

Game form of learning;

Individual work;



October November

Type of activity Content purpose


Speech development;

"Masha doll came to visit us." Intensify the dictionary of children. Expand knowledge in children about the details and parts, of which the dress consists, clarify the knowledge that clothes are different: warm, easy.


Folklore. "Matryoshki-clay".

Develop the speech of children by means of small folklore forms. Enrich vocabulary. To form moral qualities of kids: compassion, the desire to come to the rescue.

Subject and social


"My favorite toys" teach children with a careful attitude towards their and strange toys, rules for handling toys.

Acquaintance with nature

Give elementary ideas about vegetables; color of vegetables;

Consolidate knowledge about the place of growth;

Develop a sense of collectivism;

Secure the presentation of children about the harvesting of vegetables for the winter.

"Sparrow" to develop in children an emotional responsiveness to the image of a sparrow in music.

Fasten the ability of children to transfer the image of the sparrow in singing, movement and game.

Physical education

"Merry Practices"

Develop motor activity. Teach children jumping with low items, gently landing on semished legs; continue to teach walk in a circle, keeping even construction; Relieve interest to moving games.

"Match children are not toys."

Introduce children with fire safety rules. Give ideas about the benefits and harm of fire. Introduce the properties of fire. Relieve a sense of caution and self-preservation.



"On the guests to the autumn."

Get acquainted with seasonal changes in nature. Develop observation, activate vocabulary. Educating love for nature.

"We will teach Katya's doll to wash." Enrich children's dictionary, clarify the name and purpose of items located in a washroom: a crane for which water pours; Soap - washes off dirt; Towel - wipe Hands, face; Mirror - helps to check whether your face is clean.

Learn to correctly call items, coordinate the noun and adjective in kind and number.

Educating politeness, the ability to give way to each other, help each other.

"Care for flowers."

Develop hardworking in children. Relieve careful attitude to flowers, plants.

Scene-role game

"Hospital" to form in children the ability to play on their own intention, stimulate the creative activity of children in the game; teach new game action;

Form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness;

Contribute to the establishment of emotional contact with each child, cause interest in joint activities with adults and peers.

Moving games "Sparobushki and Cat"

"List Falls".

Development in children of auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with the words;

To train memory, attention, imagination of children;

Develop speed speeds;

Develop orientation in space.

Consolidate knowledge about the color, the size of the autumn leaves; Learning to move around the site, following the instructions that are given in the game form; Specify the concept of "leaf fall".

Theatrical games

"Zyushkina Hut"

Instill interest in theatrical and game activities.

Develop the ability to play the performance on a familiar fairy tale. Learning to portray the characteristic features of the behavior of characters. Call an emotional response in children from communicating with a fairy tale, from playing with musical accompaniment and dance movements.

Relieve a feeling of mutual assistance and friendly relationship to each other.

Didactic games

"Who screams"

"Call your mother"

"Who lives in a house?" Develop child speech attention.

Fasten the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation expressiveness.

Fasten the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop the speech breathing of children.

Finger games


"My family"

"Finger-boy". Develop motility hands,

Speech activity, memory.

3 stages: Generalizing

Booklets "Play as a means of speech development";

Consultation "Games for the development of speech and thinking."

Entertainment "On Guests to Grandma and Grandfather"

Product Activity:

Presentation of the project.


The topic of the developed project is chosen taking into account the age characteristics of young children and the amount of information that may be perceived, which has positively affected the various types of their activities (intellectual, cognitive, speech);

There was a positive reaction and the emotional response of children to acquaintance with different types of toys, children showed interest and desire to play with toys;

The speech activity of children has increased, which has positively influenced the independent gaming activities of children, children are trying to carry out role-playing dialogue.