Scientists constantly think about the question of. And why some are motivated for training, and others are not? What errors interfere with becoming polyglotes?

Recent studies have shown that, for example, only 18% of Americans can communicate freely in two or more languages. And the rest, what, it is not necessary? Or are there other reasons for ignorance of foreign languages?

One of the reasons is that the need for knowledge of one language or another appears in adulthood, while learning at school occurs in childhood. At first we did not understand why these languages \u200b\u200bare needed at all, and then, when they understood, we begin to regret the opportunities missed at school age and think that now it's too late to teach something.

Yes, language learning is not a walk in the park, but in the presence of a certain motivation and perfection, it is quite possible to achieve good results. First of all, you need to understand that all people are different, and their ability to study this or that object is also different. This situation is quite normal. It may simply be necessary to take a little more time for learning than another. This should not cause pessimistic sentiment. Well, if you need an additional motivation, then you have several conclusions to which scientists come, and the list:

1) studying a foreign language, you will increase the level of ownership of the native language

Only starting to learn a foreign language, we think about many interesting phenomena of the native language; We begin to understand his roots. And all because non-aware of the language in childhood unconsciously, we do not delve into the questions of grammar, word formation and etymology. Comparing the native and foreign language during the study, we practically reveal the grammar of their own speech.

2) knowledge of a foreign language increases the ability to concentrate attention

This was proven by a group of scientists and published in the magazine "Brain and Language". The subjects who own foreign languages, they coped much faster and high quality with all the proposed tasks (on determining the degree of concentration of attention) compared with their "uniastone" partners.

3) the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200btraining the mind and prevents the development of mental diseases

So, for example, with the help of foreign languages, one can delay the "arrival" of Alzheimer's disease for 4-5 years, while the limit possibilities of drugs - 6-12 months.

4) You will learn the language - improve your mathematical abilities

5) Foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill help easier to memorize other information.

6) People who speak foreign languages \u200b\u200bare more sociable and better perceived by others.

Nothing amazing - the larger number of languages \u200b\u200byou own, the wider the circle of potential interlocutors. In addition, studying the language, we learn and culture, and national peculiarities of native speakers, and, therefore, become more interesting for other people. Is it not the advantage of a foreign language in your knowledge baggage?

7) knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bdoubles creative abilities

8) Possession of foreign languages \u200b\u200bsignificantly increases self-confidence

Remember how you usually feel when it is possible to achieve the goal or learn something that used to be inaccessible before? Shoulders straightened, the wings grow behind the back ... True? A foreign language will give you this feeling of the pain constantly: here you were able to support a 30-second dialogue with a native speaker, and now the next success - the meaning of the favorite song was understood; Further - more - you are already looking at the film not in your native language and understand almost everything! How many reasons are proud of yourself!

We hope that something of the listed list of advantages of knowledge of a foreign language will chances you for living and will push it difficult, but a fascinating lesson - the study of foreign languages!

Based on materials:

7 amazing facts

Learning language is a difficult job. No matter what methods you use, what experiences learning experience already have, this work requires commitment. You would not have done this without having strong motivation.

Of course, we know that the benefits of foreign languages \u200b\u200b- the ability to read books, watch movies and communicate with media, but in addition, learning languages \u200b\u200bopens up new cultures, exacerbates the mind and generally makes everything around you amazing.

You may not yet know that in the last couple of decades, inquisitive researchers, trying to figure out which consequences on the brain gives studying languages, discovered several unexpected effects.

It turns out that learning languages \u200b\u200bchanges you so much that it is difficult to imagine, but you should not worry - these changes for the better.

1. Bilingual people are more stress resistant and peace-loving.

Maybe you have not noticed yet, but your arrival has become more fun, the smile became more radiant and mysterious since you started gnawing the granite of science, comprehending a foreign language. And this is not just new shoes and toothpaste.

It turns out that bilinguals are more relaxed, it is easier to find a common language with them. Bilingual children are less concerned, have a higher self-esteem, they are less suffering from loneliness and depression, less fighting and less often angry. In a word, they are less susceptible to stressful states than their single-speaking comrades.

It is not yet clear why the second language contributes such changes, but scientists researchers believe that the ability to understand and interact with several cultures can give children a wider emotional perspective that helps them remain happy and more balanced. The same applies to adult students. So, if you want smaller disputes with your children - write them down in some linguistic group.

2. Learning language changes the way of your vision of other people.

If the duck is brought up in a flock of dogs, will she blink or bark?

This question and similar to him (for example, will the English child raised in the Spanish family, speak English or in Spanish) asked a group of 5-6 year old children in the hope of understanding the child's idea of \u200b\u200bhuman nature. Those children who viewed the nature of people as congenital and unchanged, more often said that the duck will crack, and those who believed that the nature of people changes in response to the environmental change, as a rule, was responsible that the duck would bark.

Interestingly, it is the knowledge of the second language that determines the look of children on the adaptability of people to the environmental conditions. Similar children say that the duck will crack, bilingual - bark.

True, of course, somewhere in the middle. Duck, of course, will never bark (and dogs, most likely, just eat this duck for lunch), but the English children adopted in Spanish family will speak Spanish freely. But the fact that bilingual children can completely perceive human nature completely, in itself is important.

3. The second language expands the boundaries of your awareness

According to research, the ability to talk in two languages \u200b\u200bcauses something like a split personality, but in good sense. It turned out that bilinguals can be slightly (and sometimes essentially) different people, depending on which language they say.

For example, women who speak Spanish and English, as a rule, consider themselves more energetic, extroverts when they speak Spanish than when in English.

One possible explanation for these personal changes is that people have to interact with various cultural associations related to languages. Each culture has its own set of expectations of how people will act and express themselves in different situations. Therefore, women who speak Spanish feel more energetic, it is the norm in Spanish-speaking culture.

4. Knowing two languages \u200b\u200bmakes you better in non-verbal communications.

The ability to speak in several languages \u200b\u200ballows you to communicate with a large number of people. But it turns out that learning languages \u200b\u200bmakes you the best communicator as a whole, including in the field of non-verbal communication.

In one study, the ability of children to communicate effectively, taking into account the desires of other people, and found that bilingual children, as well as the rank-speaking children who had a significant impact on them of other languages \u200b\u200bwere the best communicators and faster understood the intentions of other people.

The fact that bilingual children - more efficient communicators are consistent with the fact that researchers already know about communicative skills, namely, bilinguals are more relying on non-verbal communications in their second language and therefore developing non-verbal communication skills in general. But another surprising study revealed that these same patterns play a role in online communication of bilinguals.

In particular, bilinguals tend to use more emoticons when communicating on the Internet in their second language than the same-speaking, communicating in the same language. Meanwhile, emoticons - computer equivalent of non-verbal communication!

Most likely, the billingva add more emoticons for the same reason, according to which they rely more on non-verbal communication in a real conversation - non-verbal communications help to fill the gaps in the language on which they are not so comfortable express themselves. As learning the language, we can find a consolation that, although we sometimes feel that we are heavy struggle, trying to express our thoughts on someone else's language, this struggle ultimately makes us better in verbal and non-verbal communication.

5. Bilinguality changes the perception of the world

Tell me: what color sky?
If we speak English and sunny day, the answer will be blue. But everything changes slightly if we switch to another language.
In Japanese, for example, light blue and dark blue are more different colors than variations of the same color.

The Japanese make a larger difference between the two shades of blue than the British, and the English-Japanese bilinguals are somewhere in the middle depending on how often they use each of these languages.

And people from crops in which there are no words for blue, have difficulty trying to see the difference between blue and green. On the other hand, they can easily distinguish fine shades of green that for most the British is rather difficult.

When you learn the language, you literally master the new way of vision of the world. This applies not only to the color differences that are specific and relatively easily studied. The languages \u200b\u200byou are talking to affect your thoughts and presentations in many other ways. Thus, to the list of reasons to learn a foreign language can add what you want "Learn to think and perceive reality in a new way".

6. Thinking in a non-standard language is more rational

Learning language is not cool. Do you know what is cool? Billion dollars.
And you know what the best way to get a billion dollars? Language learning. Something like this.

It turns out that people think more rationally and make the best financial solutions when they use non-rigid language. Compared to people using the native language, people working in the second language are not so emotional, have less biased thinking and are able to find the best long-term strategic decisions.

It is not known why, but the use of less comfortable language makes you think more rationally. It is possible that the study of the language by adults is less automatically, operates with a more rational part of the brain. Thus, this part of the brain turns on whenever the language acquired later is used ("later" means at any age after 12 years).

So in your list of motivation to learn language can add - become a second Mark Zuchenberg.

7. The study of new words gives natural satisfaction.

Sex, drugs, chocolate. All these things the brain is very, very loved.

And scientists who know how to enjoy everything can connect you to the brain scanner while you are busy with one of these things, and see that a certain part of your brain, known as a pleasure center, is glowing like nothing else.

There are other actions that also force your brain to be activated. The brain loves gambling, which many people are planted contrary to common sense.

And for our purposes, it is important that brain loves to learn new words. Learning new words is comparable to eating a chocolate cake impregnated with syrup.

And since the study of new words is a pleasure, then in general, language learning can be viewed that the whole chocolate factory of Mr. Wonka is at your disposal. In other words, it can be a better motivation for learning the language will be the fact that it really satisfies.

Of course, no one is going to encourage the use of prohibited substances and gambling, but since the brain is so arranged - let him pleasure - learn new languages!

We learn foreign languages \u200b\u200bto succeed in a career, go to another country or simply because we like this language and culture of his carriers. Meanwhile, the study of languages \u200b\u200bbears in itself a great favor for our psyche and for the development of the brain. It is curious that from this point of view it is better to own several languages \u200b\u200bnot perfectly than to learn one foreign thoroughly.

1. Learning languages \u200b\u200bmakes the brain increase in volume

If you learn foreign languages, your brain is growing, and in the literal sense of the word. More precisely, its individual areas are growing - hippocampus and some sections of the bark of large hemispheres.

Researchers who published the results of the study of the brain in professional translators, noted the increase in the volume of the gray substance in those who were engaged in an in-depth study of the language for at least three months. Moreover, the more efforts made a specific participant in the study, the more significant was the increase in the volume of the gray matter.

2. Foreign languages \u200b\u200bsave from Alzheimer's syndrome

Bilingwam (natives of two or more languages) is on average five-year delay from dementia caused by Alzheimer's syndrome. A team of neuropsychists came to such an amazing result, which compared the course of the disease in people who mastered foreign languages \u200b\u200band, on the contrary, who do not own them.

Of the 211 participants of the study of 102 patients owned at least two languages, and the remaining 109 did not bother to learn any language except the native. Having studied the course of the disease from representatives of these two categories, scientists came to the conclusion that in the first category the first signs of the syndrome were diagnosed on average by 4.3 years later, and the state of dementia, to which its development led, is 5.1 years later than in the second category.

Those who own multiple languages \u200b\u200bare faster and easier to adapt to unexpected changes in circumstances.

Previously, doctors expressed the opinion that the reinforced brain development slows down the development of Alzheimer's syndrome. This is not necessarily about learning languages, it is also suitable for mathematics, regular solutions of complex puzzles, logical games. The mentioned study was one of the first confirmations of this hypothesis. It should be noted that the preventive effect that has a study of languages \u200b\u200bis much stronger than any medicinal methods of therapy of this ailment.

3. The bilinguals have better ability to music.

Studying a foreign language makes the brain discover the abundance of sounds that he had never worked to allocate and distinguish between. The European, who studies Chinese, is surprised to find that what seemed to him with the sound of "C", actually turns out to be three completely different sounds. Chinese, mastering Russian, discovers that in the wealth of changes in intonation inside the proposals, this language can give a headline for a tonal variety of a Chinese syllable.

A person who mastering a foreign language is learning much better to recognize sounds - and in the future makes more visible success in mastering musical instruments. However, it should not be thanked for improving the ability to music their ears - the main work on the recognition of sounds is performed by the brain, and not the organs of hearing.

4. Language experts are characterized by multitasking abilities.

Those who own several languages \u200b\u200bare able to easier to switch between tasks and in parallel to solve several different problems in the mind. In addition, they are faster and easier adapt to unexpected changes in circumstances.

The authors of the study that have established this fact conducted two experiments. In the first bilinguals and people who know only their native language, a series of tests was proposed, following which it turned out that billingves are better coping with the simultaneous execution of several tasks and the transition from the tasks of the same type to the tasks of a completely different, new.

The second experiment was more difficult: it were proposed by the tests and bilinguals of different age groups. The result was quite expected that the youth had better solved logical tasks than people of 45-50 years and older. However, the bilinguals have a difference between young, mature and elderly was not so pronounced: as it turned out, billingva with age is better to save the ability to simultaneously solve complex tasks. True, to achieve such abilities, languages \u200b\u200bare preferably learning from childhood, researchers note.

5. Languages \u200b\u200bimprove memory

Children who have grown in multilingual surroundings are distinguished by much better memory than those who have heard only their native speech since childhood. Moreover, as the researchers installed, it usually means that they are better considered in the mind, differ in the best ability to read and other similar skills.

Bilingva grab on the summer the essence of interaction between people in the new team in which they just got

Bilingual children also remember the sequence of any items and events - which allows them, for example, it is much more confidentient to navigate the unfamiliar area, and also tightly hold the list of cases that need to be done. The difference has been manifested already in 5-7 years, and remains, apparently, for life.

6. The bilinguals have better ability to concentrate

The society often represents experts of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith some scattered "nerds", but this stereotype seems to be far from truth. On the contrary, it was the billingwood that is more powerful attention as the main essence of any important phenomenon and its details. For example, they grab on the fly the essence of interaction between people in the new team, which they just got.

Another stereotype is people who are learning several languages \u200b\u200bworse they know their native - partly fairly: it turns out that the dictionary of the native language they are on average really narrower than those who do not know the other speech other than their own. At least, if we are talking about people without higher education who have learned someone else's language simply by virtue of the multicultural environment. However, bilinguals in any case have a more developed understanding of the logic of the native language - in particular, grammar and methods of word formation.

Studying a foreign language contributes to the growth of the brain, the prevention of dementia, the development of memory, improve attention and much more.

"Know another language, it means to find the second soul" - Karl Great.

Some people think that knowledge of a foreign language will create confusion in the head or some more troubles. It is abspert about this and mentioning enough, not to perceive seriously. Of course, certain studies were conducted, during which scientists allegedly found out that people who knew several languages, there are problems with the vocabulary, and they are slower growing.

But these myths and minor shortcomings cover a huge wave of benefit from the psychological side. And this benefit consists not only to learn how to ask the way or order coffee in the restaurant.

1. Brain development

Language centers of the brain are really growing as a result of a successful study of a foreign language. The better a person learns, the more these vital brain departments grow.

2. Warning Lyostoemia

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bhelps to prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease in people who are prone to it for a period of five years. It seems incredible, but the research results continue to confirm this hypothesis. Let's just say this: the study of a foreign language is more efficient effect with a delay of the disease than any medicine.

3. A person better hears language

Due to the fact that the brain has to listen to the sounds of the language unknown to him, it begins to work more efficiently and improves audience skills.

4. It becomes easier to perceive other languages.

Children who grow in bilingual families can define languages, never hearing them. In childhood, for example, Spanish and Catalan languages, the child can easily distinguish between English and French.

5. Improved memory

Children who have grown in a bilingual medium have a stronger memory than their peers from the same-speaking environment. This means that children are better considered in the mind, read and perform other mental operations well.

6. Helps easier to switch between operations

People are easier switching and reacting faster in unpredictable situations.

7. Attention is increasing

Bilingual people have a greater concentration of attention and react less to interference.

8. New look at things

Studying a new language can literally change how a person looks at the world. For example, if the Englishman studies Japanese, who has separate words for blue and blue (in English there is only light and dark blue), can change its perception of colors.

9. Improved native language

Since the study of a foreign language draws human attention to the abstract rules and structure of the language, you can easily learn these rules and improve your native language. As Jeffrey Villas Kamel: "You will never understand your native language, while at least do not master two more."

10. Comprehension of other cultures

Cultural enrichment plays not a last role in learning a foreign language. It helps not only comprehend a new culture, but also look at your culture at a different angle.

Summing up all of the above, it is easy to agree that a person, studying a new language, is still becoming a kind of "second soul". And with it there is also a set of useful skills.

Good assessments and the ability to read your favorite books in the original insufficiently motivate to learn a foreign language? Then read our article! We will tell why learn foreign languages, as well as how to learn English quickly and without problems.

People communicate with each other and convey their thoughts, emotions, mood, and all do it with the help of words. Everyone wants others to understand him. When you know a foreign language, there are many opportunities in communication. You can learn a lot about various traditions and cultures, you can get acquainted with different people - now it is very easy, the Internet gives unlimited opportunities for dating.

This is especially interesting to young people: guys and girls from different countries want to communicate, tell each other about their lives. Let's imagine the situation: you receive a message in the social network from a pretty guy, he writes to you: "Kedvellek". And you have no idea what he told you, and what to do next, but suddenly he called you ugly or admitted to you ?! ... and translated from Hungarian this means "I like you."

Why learn foreign languages

Nowadays globalization know a foreign language vital.The situation described above is only one of the examples where this knowledge can be useful. Let's consider examples where you still need to know a foreign language:

Salary depends on those knowledge and skills that you offer to the employer. Even if your work is not directly related to communication with foreign customers, then, indicating in a summary of knowledge of English, you add yourself a chance of hiring.

How to quickly learn English

What needs to learn English is no doubt, he so firmly entered our life that his knowledge will use you one hundred percentage probability.

English is a language of international communication, which holds all conferences, lectures, congresses, congresses and seminars. It is in English that duplicate all signs at stations at the airport and stations. It says about 1.5 billion people and you have time to replenish their number.

But, alas, the principle "It is worth learning once, and you will not forget it already" works only with a ride on a bike and similar skills. To speak English well, a permanent practice is needed. As soon as you stop using them, the language will immediately begin to forget. Therefore, it is better not limited to English lessons at school, but continue your studies yourself:

  • Do regularly. Ideally, you need to do every day at least 30 minutes. But if such a schedule does not suit you, do a day after the hour.
  • Find a friend according to the online correspondence - Any foreigner will be glad to explain to you or tell you how some phrase sounds correctly. And you would explain the foreigner, which means "the hands did not reach something." Live communication is very well contributed to the study of the language!
  • Do not try to argue immense. It is very important to learn the language in stages, without trying to work on several materials at the same time. You do not look at the textbook on the highest mathematics, without passing simple themes? In the language in the same way: you need to start with a simple.
  • Every day learn new words. How best to do it is.
  • Apply the knowledge gained in practice. Lit new time or new words? Immediately rapped the knowledge gained in practice. Read some exercises, make text and read it out loud.
  • Listen to the native speakers more more. Lit, but still afraid to make mistakes? Make yourself a crib of the first words of each line - they will remind you of what else.
  • Repeat the material passed. Each lesson start with the repetition of the material passed. It never existed.

Other useful methods, how to learn a foreign language yourself ,.

What other languages \u200b\u200bpay attention

So, about learning English, we agreed. But maybe you want to teach the second or even the third foreign language? How to choose it?

But, in addition, in this matter you can guide the following principles:

  • Sympathy. If English we need to learn independently of your preferences, then the second foreign language can be chosen exclusively for love.
  • Future work. If you have already decided on a future specialty, think about which foreign language can be useful to you. For example, if you want to understand well in Opera, you will definitely help the knowledge of Italian.
  • Will of the case. For example, if your aunt is a French teacher, it would be hurt not to take advantage of such an excellent opportunity.

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill open up a new world before you, and the horizons will significantly expand. For example, did you know that in each language there are words that cannot be translated into another language with one equivalent word?