Now many students seek to issue an academic leave at the university. Someone tries to do it on really important reasons. For example, to earn money. And someone just wants to relax. But this kind of "break" is not so simple. Let's see what you need.


So, men's half of the students, we appeal to you. Want an academic vacation at the university? The army will help you. The fact is that quite often not yet served guys are ready to pick up to the service. So, for example, if you have tails, then you are in the risk area.

Nevertheless, it happens that you yourself want to go to the service, but afraid to lose place. Then go to the draft board, ask them for a certificate for the appearance of a medical examination and call. Scan them and present to the university. Due to the care of the army, you must provide an academic leave with the preservation of your place. If you want, you can use this method. But the academic leave of the student can be decorated for some other reasons. Get acquainted with them?


A rather significant reason for designing a break in studies is a hard disease that struck you or your close relative. True, you will have to prove your difficult position.

Now it is very often ford reference. Therefore, try to pass a medical examination in advance. Desirable independent. Then the provision of academic leave will accelerate. If there is an appropriate certificate of severe illness or a long stay in the hospital, you must give a vacation. Thus, your health is another reason why you can go to the Honored Vacation.

In addition, if your close relative is sick, and besides you to look after it is no one, then you also have the full right to apply for academic leave at the university. True, and then you will have to prove your position. Make it is very difficult, but maybe. There are several more reasons for which you can take a break during training. Now we will be studied.

Family matters

Academic leave at the university, the reasons for the provision of which are often hidden, can be given and those who have some problems in the family. The so-called family vacation.

These include any problems that you can confirm. Disease or death of a loved one, a difficult financial situation and testimony of doctors about your rest - everything that can be confirmed on paper. Provide the necessary documents and references in the deanant, depending on your problem, after which you can safely write a vacation application. True, some manages to sleep in another way.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Academic leave at the university may be given a female half of students because of pregnancy and childbirth. After all, quite often in the early or later time there are various factors that may entail planned consequences. In addition, studies also affect the body of the woman, and therefore it affects the child. So, if you are pregnant, you can qualify for academic leave at the university.

In order for it to be provided to you, you will have to undergo inspection and bring in the deanat a certificate confirming the presence of pregnancy. In addition, if you decide to learn to the last, then you will be required to issue a certificate about the approximate date of birth. For this period, the provision of academic leave is not a whim, but simply the need. So after receiving all the pieces, write a statement and apply all confirming documents issued to you.

Baby care

After the girl is born, she is unlikely to immediately find and run to the university. So after the birth of the baby, you have the full right to apply for an academic leave in connection with the birth of a child. The term cannot exceed two years.

What do you need? To begin with, get pregnant and give birth. True, this does not apply to our today's topic. In the dean, you must attribute a statement with a request to provide you from leave to care for a minor child.

Plus to all, you will require, as usual, evidence. What can be granted as an argument to provide academic leave for child care? No, not a child. You will have to bring a copy (and the original it would be nice to grab) the child's birth certificate. After you attach all documents, you can get a well-deserved rest. True, you can bring up a child yourself at home only to two years inclusive. After going to study and learn further. No one will keep the place for you for more than 2 years.

What and how?

How does the student's academic leave take place? Let's now try to express everything written in your place and we formulate a more accurate procedure with you to get the right to rest from study.

To begin with, you will have to find a significant reason why you cannot attend classes in the university. After that, go through a medical examination and get the appropriate certificate of your health status (in cases where you are planning a vacation for health status). If you have a different reason, you still have to get all the necessary paper. For example, a certificate of income or a child's birth certificate.

Now it is worth going to the dean. There ask to show a sample of filling out the appropriate statement. After that, write about the provision of academic leave in the name of the rector. Attach all the preparations prepared in advance. It remains to give an application for consideration and wait for an answer.

Academic Vacation - This is a liberation from studies and sessions provided to students of secondary and higher educational institutions in connection with:

  • deterioration of the material situation;
  • loss of parents;
  • medical testimony;
  • with a care for a baby or a seriously ill relative;
  • decret;
  • internship abroad;
  • participation in international competitions;
  • call to the army;
  • natural disasters.

The provision of academotic students is governed by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia from 13.06.2013 No. 455 "On approval of the procedure and grounds for the provision of academic leave of the student".

general information

According to the rules acting with 2013 Year, Academotpus Students:

  • budget seats can be issued only once for all the time of study,
  • paid places are allowed to issue an unlimited number of times, but a duration of no more than two years.

During academic leave with students payments for education do not charge. If the need for leave arose before the start of the semester already started, then the money can or return, or transfer the next semester.

During vacation, students are exempt from the need to study. Start classes The vacationer has the right no earlier than the deadline will end.

If the student wants to go to study earlier, he must write a statement to the head of the school with an appropriate request.

The student must offer Individual training plan So that he caught up the material missed during this time.

The education plan is provided in two copies with a mandatory signature of the student himself.

When granting vacation, the student is obliged to issue a certificate with the listing of all listened disciplines. For this reference, the student will be able to recover in a similar university of another city.

The reasons that prompted to ask for a vacation should be truly weighty to convince the head of the university.

Therefore, one statement is not enough for vacation request. It is necessary to apply paper confirming the cause of the request.

Scholarship During Academa Not calculated . The right to stay in the hostel has no student on vacation.

Academic leave can be taken from the first year.
If there are debts, then, as a rule, they are not released in Academ. But if the student is able to confirm the materiality of the cause, then in Academ, they can release with "tails".

The reasons

Consider the most popular reasons for academic leave, which are so often in the life of students.


Use Academ for calling to the army a very good option for a number of reasons, for example, if there is an offer for work after the release from the university.

To get a vacation, you need to write a statement to the recoor about the provision of holidays by attaching it to him from the Commissioner. After the demob, learning can continue.


To obtain a decree academic leave, a student must be brought by the following papers in the dean:

  • application for academotpus, indicating the reason;
  • sheet of disability.

Disability sheet can issue

  • gynecologist;
  • family doctor.

In Akadema for pregnancy and childbirth, a student is relying a benefit in the amount of scholarships. To do this, in high school, you need to write an application for the receipt of a manual with the name of the cause.


Akadem due to deterioration of well-being is provided with:

  • certificates from the attending physician;
  • certificates from the Clinical Expert Commission;
  • certificates of temporary disability (form 095 / y);
  • extract from the history of the disease (form 027 / y) or discharge from the history of the disease.

Nonresident Students can take all the necessary references in the student clinic.

Students in this case are compensation payments. To obtain them, it is necessary to write a statement about the accrual of compensation in the dean with an application of a copy of the order to resolve Academa.

Family circumstances

Family reasons are different. These include:

Conditions and rules

The main conditions for the provision of vacation are the following Positions of the Ministry of Education:

  • re-leave can be provided no earlier than a year after the release from the first one. Violation of this condition leads to the deduction from the university;
  • students-state owners during vacation get up to 50% from the minimum wage of the minimum necessary for living;
  • the payment of scholarships to the school student is reserved for consideration by the University's leadership;
  • academ of a foreigner student, studying at the expense of the RF budget, is regulated by intergovernmental agreements.

How to get a

In order to get academ, you need to write Application for the rector and collect the relevant reason the documents and pass in the dean.

It is worth remembering that the application is considered during 10 days, Therefore, his feed is worth taking care in advance.

In graduate school

In Academ in graduate school, it is allowed to go for two reasons:

  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • health status.

The application for the provision of Academa must be applied the relevant reasons for documents:

  • hynecologist certificate or birth certificate
  • help from the attending physician, extract from an outpatient map or illness history, Help KEK.

Vacation can be granted for up to two years and for the same time the study time will increase in graduate school. The scholarship at the time of vacation is saved completely in the designated size.

At the correspondence department

The provision of holidays for students of the correspondence department occurs according to the same rules as for full-time students.

So, if life makes Take Academ, you should not get lost.

The algorithm of action is simple:

  1. settle with debts;
  2. to write an application;
  3. collect confirmation documents on the list;
  4. submit the entire package in the dean;
  5. wait for solutions;
  6. give an application for cash payments (when they rely);
  7. with a calm conscience, go on vacation, which can be carried out not only with benefit, but also with pleasant.


Academic leave is provided for a period of one year. The number of exceptions includes decret academ of care for the newborn - it can reach up to three years - and maternity leave.

Duration of maternity leave and childbirth total is:

  • with ordinary pregnancy 140 day (70 days before and 70 days after childbirth);
  • during pregnancy multiple fruits 154 day (84 days before and 70 after);
  • during pregnancy with several fruits and complicated childbirth - 190 day (84 days before and 110 days after).

Required documents

The statement is written by B. two Copies with the required enumeration of the applied documents addressed to the university rector and together with the documents are submitted to the dean.

On the second instance, the secretary of the dean is obliged to put the print, the date of reception and sign. This instance remains in the hands of the student.

Decision on vacation Accepted by the University of University during 10 days .

How to make an output

To exit, you need to write a statement in the deanate in the name of the rector with a request to allow the release from vacation and allow for an educational process.

Application must be submitted for 11 days Before the start of the semester.

After consideration by the decan, it is sent to the adector for the study part, which takes the final decision.

If the student does not go to study at the specified time, then it is expelled from the university.

Academ is not a pass, but targetAfter which it will be necessary to learn again.

1. These procedures and foundations establish general requirements for the procedure for the provision of academic leave by persons studying on educational programs of secondary vocational or higher education (students (cadets), graduate students (adjuncts), alternators and agricultural assistants) (hereinafter - students), as well as The basis for the provision of specified vacations of the student.

2. Academic leave is provided with a learner due to the impossibility of mastering the educational program of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter - the educational program) in an organization engaged in educational activities (hereinafter - the organization), on medical testimony, family and other circumstances for a period of time two years.

3. Academic leave is provided with a learning unlimited number of times.

4. The basis for making a decision on the provision of a learning academic leave is the personal statement of the student (hereinafter referred to military service (to provide academic leave in case of military service), documents confirming the basis for the provision of academic leave (if available).

5. The decision on the provision of academic leave is made by the head of the Organization or by the official officer on a ten-day period from the date of receipt from the student statement and the documents attached to it (if available) and is issued by the order of the head of the Organization or an official authorized by him.

6. The studying during his stay in academic leave is exempt from the duties associated with the development of the educational program in the organization, and is not allowed to the educational process before the completion of academic leave. If the student is studying in the organization under an education agreement at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities, during academic leave, the training fee is not charged.

7. Academic leave is completed at the end of the period of time to which it was provided, or before the end of the specified period on the basis of the application of the student. The student is allowed for training at the end of academic leave on the basis of the order of the head of the Organization or the official authorized by him.

8. The student in academic discusses on medical reasons is prescribed and paid monthly compensation payments in accordance with

From September 1, 2013 to the present, the situation "On the procedure and grounds for the provision of academic leave of the student", developed in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation". It is mandatory for all educational institutions and their branches that implement educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Create excerpts from the position.

Procedure for granting academic leave

  1. Academic leave is provided on family and other circumstances, in connection with the inability to learn from medical reasons, as well as in connection with the passage of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a period, not exceeding two years.
  2. Academic leave is provided with students unlimitedthe number of times.
    NB! It should be explained that the student studying at the expense of the federal budget maintains a budget place only in the case of a single use of the vacation.
  3. Deferre to call Military service is maintained only for the time of the first academic leave.
  4. During academic leave, students are exempt from the obligation to absolve the educational program on their own, moreover, the student is not allowed to study until his academic leave is completed.
  5. Academic leave is completed after a period of time on which it was provided or before this period on the basis of a learning application. Studying will begin to study only on the basis of an orders of an authorized official.
  6. With teaching contracts with payment of the cost of training fees during academic leave not charged.
  7. If academic leave is given to the learning contract with the payment of the cost of training before the start of classes in the paid semester, the amount of money is fully refundedstudent or postponed as a payment for the semester upon completion of leave. If academic leave is provided during the semester, it is returned to him that relevant to the remaining full months of training in the semester.
  8. Training at the expense of the federal budget during academic leave scholarship is paid Based on the decision of the Scholandial Commission of the University and the order of the rector.
  9. Student in academic leave, university's hostel is not provided.
  10. The student undertakes to write a statement about the output from academic leave at the end of the period of action period, otherwise he executedfrom the University.

The grounds for the provision of academic leave

To obtain academic leave, students need to be provided: a personal statement, as well as documents providing the basis for making leave:

  1. To provide medical testimony - concluding a medical commission of a medical organization with the presence of all necessary details (institution stamp, printing, issuance date, registration number, signature);
  2. To provide a vacation in connection with the passage of military service is the agenda of the military commissariat, which contains the time and place of sending to the place of service.

The decision on the provision of academic leave is made by the University Rector either by the official officer on ten-day deadlines from the date of receipt of the application.

To speak in other words, all students of these institutions (students, graduate students, adjuncts, orders, alternate agents) can take this right if they have legal reasons for themselves for academic leave: a list of how repeatedly has been said. The reasons for such a vacation should be weighty and legal. For example, take such a vacation due to poor progress or simply because of the need to relax from studying, it is impossible. Moreover, all the outlined reasons should always have evidence, that is, must be confirmed by the authorized institutions. For academotput there may be different reasons

  • For medical reasons. This reason is perhaps the most common.

Is it possible to place an academic vacation without a reason

Academic leave is a solution to many problems.

What grounds are academic leave of students?

Is the academic vacation paid? There is no specific payment of Academa, but at the same time, no matter how academic leave is given, the accrual of compensation and benefits will continue. So, a woman who gave birth to a child will receive a one-time payment by birth, and in the future she will be accrued to care for the care of the kid to 1.5 years.

Upon receipt of Academa on health, students have a monthly monetary compensation in 50 rubles for the entire period of stay in Academa. For payment, a statement is applied to the place of study.


Payment of compensation is made with the payment of scholarships. Is it possible to take academ. with debts? Providing academic examination of students - the prerogative of the guide to the educational institution.

Therefore, the question is how to get Academ. Vacation, having academic debt, in each case it remains open.

The procedure for providing academic leave in the presence of debts


It is worth considering that if both parents, father and mother are students, then they both can claim to take JSC.

  • Care for sick relatives in a situation, if there are no other family members nearby.
  • Unforeseen financial difficulties.

It is also worth noting a delay from the army. If academic leave at the university is taken for the first time, the student has the right to get temporary removal from studying.

Documents for the registration of academic leave for family reasons. Providing academic leave to students is impossible without submitting relevant documents in which the reason is indicated. The latter should be indicated in the application, which is submitted to the decanted students for consideration by the Rector.

In this case, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the complex situation.

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Any Russian student in certain cases has the right to count on academic leave. This is a kind of support from the state, implying the availability of education to each citizen, regardless of its position.
What is an academic vacation Academic leave is some, free from study, the time interval that the student has an educational institution individually with the preservation of the place and conditions of training. To get it, you need a valid reason, documented, on the basis of which the statement will be drawn up at the place of study.

How to get academic leave at university?

For this you need to present:

  • reference 095U, confirming the temporary disability of a student within 10 calendar days;
  • help 027U or extract from the medapation, extending 095U to 30 calendar days.

According to the student provided, the medical commission will issue a medical conclusion. The document will confirm the reason for temporary liberation from study and the term that will be required for full health restoration.
This is the most objective basis of academic leave for medical reasons. Characteristic cases and diseases for academic leave are considered:

  • rehabilitation with any form of injury;
  • rehabilitation after severe disease;
  • quarantine period;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

Design is allowed due to health not only the student, but also his close relative.

For what reasons give academic leave

The grounds for the petition of administrative leave are:

  • medical testimony (including pregnancy);
  • other exceptional cases.

To recent reasons include:

  • family circumstances;
  • trip abroad with an educational purpose;
  • natural disasters (flooding, hurricanes, war and so on);
  • passage of practice, which is not provided for by the educational program of the university.

Family circumstances are family circumstances are the following situations:

  • Maternity leave (prescribed for child care, which is not more than three years old).

In this case, the management of the institution will independently decide whether the stated circumstance is respectful. The presentation for academic leave: a sample Many people, even knowing what Academka is and how to get it, do not know how to make their statement correctly, without which What kind of vacation speech to go, of course, will not. In fact, write a statement is very simple.

  1. On a standard sheet of paper on top, indicate the position, surname and initials of a person, whose name you make an application (head of the institution).
    You can also specify the name of the institution itself.
  2. Next you write your data. You need to specify the group number in which you learn, faculty, your last name and initials.
  3. Further, as usual, the word "statement" is written in the center.
  4. After putting out the essence of the request.

But in this case it will have to confirm the need for a number of documents, including medical orientation.

  • When passing military service.
  • Application for academic leave in 2018 does not have a typical form. As a rule, special forms are developing educational institutions.

    The request to the rector name is drawn up, the following information is specified:

  • surname, first name, patronymic of a student, faculty of learning, course, separation, specialty;
  • cause of vacation with the application of confirmation documents;
  • duration of Academa.

The leadership of the educational institution will not willingly provide an academic leave with debts, but in some cases it can meet the wishes of students. The guidelines of the educational institution will not willingly provide academic leave with debts. But in some cases it can meet the wishes of students.

For what reasons give academic leave and for how long

Academic leave at the correspondence department Students of the correspondence department are persons learning on higher education programs. Consequently, they equate to students-glasses and in the same rights can take a break in training.

Academic leave on the 1st year law is not provided for any restrictions on the training stages. The break can be done at any course, however, the leadership of the university first-year schools and five-year schools pays special attention and may refuse Academa with insufficiently good reasons for the break. How many times can you take an academic vacation? How many times can you take an academic vacation saying in paragraph 3 of Order No. 455 - an unlimited number of times. However, after the second time, some privileges of the student may be lost. Therefore, only the student should decide whether it is possible to take an academic leave twice or enough one.

For what reasons give academic leave at the Institute

By order of the Ministry of Education, academic leave is provided to a student on the following grounds:

  • conclusion of medical medical examination in the presence of medical testimony;
  • agenda for service in the army;
  • other supporting documents.

To obtain a student, you must be prepared to prove the offensive of exceptional circumstances that are currently continuing to continue studying. Academic leave for health care The availability of medical testimony implies a student's disability, that is, the time when you can take an academic leave.

As a result, a special medical commission is required, the direction to which can be obtained in the rectorate.

For what reason give academic leave

When studying in a higher educational institution in exceptional cases, the student may issue an academic leave (AO). His provision exists its specific rules. They are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2782 of 05.11.1998, it is given not only the definition of the very concept of JSC, but also the foundations and procedure for obtaining it. The grounds for obtaining a reason for which the student wants to receive JSC should be quite good. The decision takes the rector of the educational institution, so there must be good justifications that are designed to convince the leadership of the need for temporary removal from studying.