The international holiday against racism was created to regularly carry out actions to help victims of racial discrimination, as well as with the goal of completely eradicating interracial differences and conflicts. The hostile attitude between people on the planet, due to racism, is based on the display of physical and intellectual inferiority, condemnation of traditions and religions, and hostility towards foreign culture.

Lack of patience among humanity preserves peaceful life and universal progress. Discrimination hinders the economic, social and even physical development of nationalities, and this affects international cooperation and the world as a whole.


The history of the holiday has come to us since 1966. It was in this year that it was patented by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Signed introduction document international holiday united all the rules and purposes of its implementation.

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. The organization that patented the holiday relied on grandiose historical events. Namely, in 1960, a conflict occurred between the South African military forces and protesters against the mandatory passport regime for all African Americans. About 70 people were killed by police that day.

The legalized form of the holiday had a specific purpose, about complete elimination any manifestations of interracial discrimination. Thus, the UN confirmed that discrimination can be compared to the deprivation of human rights, interests and justice, which is a true crime against human dignity.


Every year on March 21, themed holidays are held around the world, and each of them has its own theme. Every year, the topic, or rather the issues that should be covered on this day, are voiced by the UN Chief Secretary at a preliminary international conference.

The following events are held on this day:

  1. Thematic exhibitions.
  2. Flash mobs.
  3. Reports on negative consequences national intolerance towards differences of race.
  4. Facilities mass media they show films and articles about the fate of caring people fighting for equality.

The holiday involves charity events and auctions, the proceeds from which are sent to help victims of xenophobia. Also on this day, opponents who have worked for the benefit of the public all these years, eradicating racism and helping victims who have suffered from it, will not go unnoticed.

Racism creates hostile relationships between people. It is based on the idea of ​​their intellectual, cultural, and physical inferiority. Intolerance hinders the progress of humanity, peaceful life and universal respect. The international holiday is called upon to help victims of racism, to encourage society and nations to reconcile and overcome differences.

When it passes

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is celebrated annually on March 21. In 2019, the date is celebrated all over the world, including in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Who celebrates

TO memorable date people who have suffered from racism are relevant. They are joined by activists from political and public institutions, government agencies, and figures from charitable foundations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event was established by the UN General Assembly in 1966 in resolution No. 2142 (XXI). The document established the basic principles and goals of the holiday. The selected date has symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the tragic events in 1960. South African police killed 69 people during a peaceful demonstration against the apartheid regime's mandatory passport laws for Africans.

The holiday has annual themes. His current issues are displayed in the Message Secretary General UN. On this day, conferences, seminars, and educational lectures are held. Reports are published on manifestations of national and racial intolerance. Measures are being put forward to improve international legislation. There are exhibitions and flash mobs. Charitable foundations organize actions in support of victims of xenophobia. People who have made significant contributions to the protection of victims are honored. The media broadcast programs and documentaries about the fate of fighters for equality.

Due to tragic events In South Africa in 1960, the country celebrates Human Rights Day on March 21.

Blackism (black racism) is an ideology that carries the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the Negroid race over the Caucasian race. Some high-ranking African officials are accused of it.

Racism involves attacks on tradition and culture. Its adherents claim the physical and mental inferiority of their opponents.

Apartheid is the official policy of racial discrimination that was carried out in the Republic of South Africa in 1948-1994. National Party. She supported the separate lives of white and dark-skinned people. Nelson Mandela was awarded for his fight against this phenomenon Nobel Prize Mira.

Bantustans were reservation sites for the indigenous black population of Africa as part of the apartheid policy. They subsequently received formal autonomy in South Africa. In 1994 they were liquidated and incorporated into South Africa.

The world celebrates the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Racial discrimination or racism is an international violation of human rights and infringement of one’s personality on the basis of belonging to a different race or nationality.

In 1966, the UN General Assembly proclaimed this date as a day against racism. The date was not chosen by chance; it was on this day in the Republic of South Africa that 69 people were killed by police during a peaceful demonstration against apartheid legislation. People were just peacefully protesting against the mandatory passporting of African Americans, but it all ended in terrible bloodshed. That is why on this day South Africa celebrates Human Rights Day, when in other countries it is celebrated on December 10. This tragedy literally blew up the public and the UN decided to fight racial discrimination, emphasizing that to a large extent everything depends on ordinary citizens.

The problem of racism has its roots from ancient times; just remember the notorious acts of the Ku Klux Klan. They swore an oath that they would never allow equality between whites and blacks. Activists of the movement first sent a warning to the victim and if he did not leave the country, he would face inevitable reprisals. The victims were predominantly black, but sometimes white Republicans also suffered.

The UN considers racial discrimination to be a major problem modern world. It hinders economic development and socialization and is a major obstacle to international cooperation and peaceful life. The General Assembly calls on all countries to participate in the elimination of all forms of racism and pledges to redouble efforts to defeat this problem together.
Indeed, activists of nationalist movements commit terrible acts and their beliefs are a direct humiliation of human dignity. A person at birth does not choose his appearance and skin color, why is one person better than another, if only he has a European type of race?

The ideas of Nazism never ended well, one has only to cite the example of the Great Patriotic War, because its initiator Adolf Hitler believed that only one Aryan race should dominate the world, and all the rest should either serve the Aryans or lose their lives. There is already so much evil in the world; we need to fight it, and not create new crimes.

The UN is careful to ensure that all people have the same rights, regardless of race. In addition to March 21, the entire week following this date is called the week of solidarity with peoples who are fighting racial discrimination.

It so happens that racism is associated with the American “lynching”, as well as with illegal actions against the black race. However, white residents of the United States also became victims of racial discrimination, strung up by lynching on the nearest tree. Also, signs of racism are widely manifested by the “oppressed” themselves against the “oppressors” - especially in those places where they are in the majority.

In 1882, the United States began keeping records of lynching victims. And it turned out that from 1882 to 1951, 4,730 people were lynched, of which 3,437 were blacks and 1,293 were white.

Lynchings stopped in a “civilized society” only in 1952.

The fact is that in 1790 the United States passed the first naturalization law, which allowed citizenship to be granted only to “free white people.” Such people meant only people of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Immigrant status from others European countries was lower than that of the Anglo-Saxons, although higher than that of the blacks.

Until the 60s of the twentieth century, Italians, Greeks, Slavs, Irish, Scandinavians, Jews and others were de facto not considered to belong to the white race. And this despite the fact that anthropologically they belonged specifically to the white race. However, this was not formalized by law, but what could prevent the snobbery of the Anglo-Saxons?

These invisible boundaries were finally erased in the 1960s, when successful fight for black civil rights. Against this background, even the most racist Angos-Saxons switched to the point of view that Europeans are closer to them than blacks.

Charles Darwin left a “rich legacy” in the form of works on racial inequality. He recognized the existence at the very top of the Divine principle, but he also composed more low levels. Thus, Jews stood lower than Americans and Western Europeans, and even lower were Gypsies and Africans. It’s not for nothing that Darwin’s works were a reference book for Hitler, Stalin, Mao...

The reformer Martin Luther, the pride of Protestants, who encouraged Jewish pogroms, was also a theologian of racism.

The Spanish Inquisition was also a racial discriminator, not only against the Jewish nation, but also against any heretics.

It's coming now chain reaction- There are more and more racists among those races and nationalities who in the past were themselves subjected to racial discrimination.

The fight against racism becomes all the more urgent - a fight in practice, not on paper, and not in loud decisions.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The only state in which racism was legalized back in the second half of the twentieth century is the Republic of South Africa (RSA).

Apartheid is a policy of restricting the rights of non-white people, carried out in South Africa until 1994.

On March 21, 1960, in Sharpeville, South Africa, 69 people were shot by police during a protest against the laws of the apartheid regime.

Six years later, in 1966, at the 21st session General Assembly The UN decided to conduct International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. A memorable date was set on March 21 - in memory of the events in South Africa. And the entire week following this date is a week of solidarity with peoples fighting against racism.

In 2010, the fiftieth anniversary of those events was celebrated.

The fight against racial discrimination

The General Assembly called international community fight to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.

In 1971, temporary rules were introduced to eliminate racial discrimination in sports - from among members international associations and sports federations began to exclude members of the Republic of South Africa - until the apartheid policy was eliminated in South Africa.

Restrictions on the sport were lifted in 1991.

On the 25th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10 December 1973), a decade of action against racial discrimination and racism began at the initiative of the General Assembly.

However, the manifestations of apartheid in South Africa, on the contrary, intensified, despite numerous appeals and Taken measures Assembly.

Apartheid was condemned by the Assembly as a crime against humanity, and on November 30, 1973, it was adopted International convention on the suppression of apartheid, which came into force only on July 18, 1976.

A year and a half later, it has already been ratified by 38 states of the world.

1987 was proclaimed the International Year against Apartheid.

In 2010, the Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was celebrated in the context of International Year rapprochement of cultures UN.

Racial discrimination in Russia

IN Lately There is a quantitative and qualitative increase in the activity of extreme groups spreading national ideas. This is a good trend for those countries that need to raise national consciousness, which has been humiliated for years. But this is good only until the moment when a person begins to be discriminated against simply based on the color of his skin.

The nature of every person is selfish - and this is the root of racism.

Blaming others only demonstrates one's own inadequacy.

Each state is built on the revival of its cultural values ​​and language. But when, instead of developing a state worldview based on its culture and the development of culture itself, a search for a scapegoat begins - this is ignorance.

For example, in Russia there is no national Russian higher educational institution in which Russian culture is studied and preserved. Traditions, languages, culture of the Russian people in state level actually not protected. None of the Orthodox educational institutions does not have “state” status and does not have support from state budget– and this in a country in which about 80 percent are called Orthodox Christians.

Now let’s ask the question: does racial discrimination exist in Russia and against whom is it directed?

Racist violence in Russia now is also one of the manifestations of the crisis in society, fueled by the impunity of individuals who assert themselves by committing racist crimes. Moreover, it is the same in relation to both colored races and to the white race.

Of course, it would be great for everyone to celebrate 21 March How international day for the elimination of racial discrimination, without fear of persecution and prejudice. But such a day has not yet come. Therefore, it is impossible to forget this date, formally treating it as just another calendar memorial date. Racial discrimination can affect anyone and everyone, which is why it is a common cause that should unite all the peoples of the world.

Lilia Yurkanis
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