“Fish – fresh, boiled, fried, steamed! Buy, fly in, buy up a useful product!” - this is approximately how the traders of Odessa markets invited buyers. And they were absolutely right about the usefulness. Everyone loves fish and eats it in any form. Fish can be varied, white and red, fatty and dry, and the sea life is prepared in different ways: boiled, stewed, fried in breadcrumbs and batter, salted, marinated, smoked. And he even eats it raw!

Fish is very beneficial for the human body. Fish contains many useful substances, vitamins D, E and A, iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and many others. But the most important useful component is protein, which is absorbed by the body correctly.

Fish and its benefits:

  • By eating fish just once a week, you saturate your body with high quality protein;
  • Regular consumption of fish reduces cholesterol in the blood;
  • rich in OMEGA-3, helps normalize blood clotting;
  • the function of the thyroid gland is improved;
  • hair becomes better, skin, teeth and nails improve;
  • sleep and general emotional state improves;
  • gets better in the body;
  • eating fish improves the cardiovascular activity of the body;
  • fish does not contribute to weight gain, therefore it is present in various diets;
  • fish contains only 20-30% fat and is easily absorbed by the body;
  • fish protein is digested much faster than beef or pork protein;
  • The calorie content of fish is higher than the calorie content of meat.

What is it like?

Fish live in large and small waters. Fish is divided into sea and river.

Nutritionists believe that the healthiest fish is sea fish. Together with MirSovetov we will take a closer look.

Fish from the sea

Contains many useful substances, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, calcium and a large amount of iodine, as well as bromine, fluorine, iron and many others. Sea fish is an excellent product for those people who constantly adhere to dietary restrictions. It has excellent taste.

Among the disadvantages is the high price of sea fish, especially if it is sold fresh. If fish is frozen several times, it partially loses its beneficial qualities.

Fish from shallow waters

Live fish can be bought at any supermarket, as there are small bodies of water in every region of the country. Fish is significantly less expensive than sea fish, so it sells out faster. It is also beneficial for the human body, it contains a sufficient amount of protein.

Among the disadvantages, we note that river fish is not as environmentally friendly as sea fish, since it lives in small bodies of water that are subject to rapid pollution.

Which fish is the healthiest?

We classify fish by family.

Salmonidae. These include fish such as trout, salmon (salmon), pink salmon and chum salmon. Each of the “red” fish (as they are popularly called) deserves special attention. The fish has a pleasant taste, it is tender, soft, and easy to prepare. Tasty and healthy in any form, boiled, fried, salted and smoked.

Fish is rich in fatty acids (Omega-3). By eating red fish, your body will be protected from the formation of blood clots, which are the causes of heart attacks.

Just 100 grams of salmon fish contains the daily requirement of vitamins B and E. If you eat the fish in canned form, it will beneficial features are not lost, but the amount of calcium, on the contrary, increases.

You need to choose fish carefully and inspect it to ensure it is fresh. Choose thicker carcasses; the color should be a delicate orange-pink. The fish should not be slippery or odorless.

It is not advisable to store fish; it is better to consume it immediately.

Codfish. There are more than a hundred species. The most common and consumed are hake, pollock, cod, burbot and navaga. Dietary meat and fish contain virtually no fat (from 1 to 4%). Contains vitamins of group B, as well as A, C. E, K, PP and D, useful micro and macro elements phosphorus, fluorine, sodium, copper, iron, magnesium and others. Very beneficial for human health.

The benefits of cod.

The liver and caviar of this fish are especially useful. Low calorie.

  1. Strengthens teeth and bones.
  2. Raises.
  3. Restores a weakened body.
  4. Improves mood.
  5. Saturates the brain with oxygen.
  6. Strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on joints and should be consumed by people suffering from arthrosis.
  8. Must be consumed in the diet of obese people.

The benefits of pollock.

It is inferior in taste to cod, but also remains a useful fish for humans. Pollock is considered a tasteless fish, so it needs to be cooked with various seasonings and sauces. Useful for elderly people and children. From 8 months you can introduce your child to fish and start with pollock!

  1. Strengthens teeth and bones.
  2. Normalizes blood sugar.
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  4. Recommended for obese people.
  5. Removes excess fluid from the body.
  6. Useful for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

The above properties are possessed by navaga and hake fish.

All cod fish are considered dietary fish and are very useful for pregnant women.

Fish is good boiled and baked. Codfish make delicious cutlets.

Perch: perch and pike perch.

Perch It can be sea or river. Perch meat is tender and there is little of it; there are few bones in the fish. Good in any form, but best fried or boiled. Diet fish. When frozen, all beneficial qualities are preserved.

  1. Good for skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Regulates blood sugar levels.
  3. Antioxidant.
  4. Contains phosphorus in large quantities.
  5. Good for the digestive system.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Zander. Pike perch meat is very tender and tasty. The fish is predatory. Lenten product.

  1. Normalizes protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
  2. Normalizes cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Contains a lot of vitamins A, E, group B, C and PP, protein.
  4. Improves brain function.
  5. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Improves vision.
  7. It has a good effect on the quality of hair and skin.
  8. Removes toxins from the body.
  9. Contains amino acids and minerals.

Carp: carp, crucian carp

Carp (carp)- artificially bred freshwater fish. Fatty fish of youth, as it contains a large amount of useful substances, as well as minerals and vitamins.

  1. Stabilizes the functioning of the body.
  2. Contains antioxidants.
  3. Skin and mucous membranes improve.
  4. Blood sugar levels are normalized.
  5. Regulates metabolism.
  6. Easily absorbed by the body.

crucian carp- The flesh of this fish is especially tasty. Fish is rich in protein. Contains almost no fat. Fried crucian carp with sour cream is very tasty.

  1. Contains vitamins A, E and PP, phosphorus and chromium.
  2. Contains beneficial amino acids.
  3. Contains Omega-3, a protein that is easily digested.
  4. Strengthens teeth, nails, bones.
  5. Has low calorie content.
  6. It has general strengthening properties, prevents cancer, and fights infections.

Pike. Natural antiseptic. Dietary fish contains less than 3% fat and up to 20% protein. Pike caviar is a delicacy. Fish is sold both fresh and frozen and chilled. It is better to bake meat with lard. It is better to fry young pike, stuff older ones or make cutlets from lean meat.

  1. Fights bacteria and viruses.
  2. Pike meat is dietary.
  3. Well absorbed.
  4. Rich in vitamins and microelements.

Herrings: sardine and herring. Well absorbed. Herring fats are the most beneficial for the body.

Sardine. It is a source of many vitamins and nutrients.

  1. Contains Omega fatty acids.
  2. Reduces the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.
  3. Strengthens the immune system.
  4. Reduces symptoms of skin diseases, including psoriasis.
  5. Improves brain function.
  6. Improves vision.
  7. Fish oil contained in sardines lowers cholesterol.
  8. When cooked, it contains antioxidant Q10.
  9. Reduces asthma attacks.
  10. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  11. Reduces the risk of developing arthritis and arthrosis.
  12. Contains large amounts of Vitamin B12 and calcium.
  13. Prepared in different ways, it contains and different quantities calories: boiled 180, in oil 200-230, fresh – 170, in tomato – 150-160.

Herring. The traditional use of herring is in salted brine. Without brine, herring quickly spoils. Choose firm fish; the carcass should be steel-colored with a pleasant aroma. Very nutritious. For the price - not expensive.

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.
  2. Protein contains up to 20%, fat up to 25%.
  3. Contains vitamin A and D, B vitamins.
  4. Contains useful microelements.

When can fish cause harm?

We found out which fish is the healthiest. Now it's up to you to decide which fish to treat yourself to. But know that in order for fish to benefit your body, you need to eat it at least once a week. And be healthy!

Fish is a product that is necessary for consumption in order to maintain the beauty and health of the body. Fish contains more protein than meat. Among great variety Its varieties are not always easy to choose the most delicious and healthy.

Choose your recipe

apricot jam apricot puree apricot confiture apricot juice apricots apricots dried avocados adjika Adyghe cheese quince ayran shark meat pineapple pineapples in syrup pineapple juice canned pineapples Antonovka Antonov apples entrecote anchovies orange orange zest orange jam orange jam orange confiture orange marmalade orange juice peanuts roasted peanuts peanut butter peanut butter watermelon watermelon rinds flavoring ascorbic acid assorted seafood baguette basil basil pesto eggplant rolls eggplant balsamic cream balsamic vinegar bananas leg of lamb minced lamb ina lamb without bones lamb tenderloin lamb loin lamb on the bone lamb ribs lamb brisket lamb leg lamb liver barberry loaf sliced ​​loaf of bread turkey thigh chicken thighs bacon boiled smoked white cabbage porcini mushrooms porcini mushrooms dried white aerated chocolate white onions white chocolate birch sap beef stroganoff bechamel sponge cake sponge cake meatballs beefsteak pancakes pancakes rice pancakes with jam pancakes with water pancakes with kefir pancakes with milk beans bell pepper Borodino bread borscht beet tops radish tops rutabaga hawthorn Brazil nuts brownies broccoli lingonberries lingonberry jam lingonberry jam feta cheese Brussels sprouts boiled pork bun with sesame broth broth beef broth from cubes fish broth broth meat broth vegetable bouillon cubes instant coffee Welsh croutons vanillin vanilla vanilla icing vanilla stick vanilla powder vanilla essence vanilla ice cream vanilla sugar dumplings with cherries dumplings with cottage cheese boiled meat boiled chicken wasabi jam waffle cake waffle sheets waffle cups waffles waffles diet waffles with yeast shortbread waffles Vienna sausages vermicelli vermicelli rice vermicelli straw vermicelli egg ham Parma ham wine marinade wine grapes seedless grapes green grapes black grape oil grape leaves grape juice grape vinegar cherry jam cherry jam cherry leaf cherry pie cherry juice pitted cherries cherries dried cherries frozen cherries candied cherries from compote cherries canned water water sparkling water hot water boiling water ice water highly carbonated seaweed Kombu seaweed nori puffed rice Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce tenderloin lamb tenderloin beef tenderloin pork anchovy extract sun-dried ham sun-dried tomatoes sun-dried tomatoes sun-dried dates mustard Hawaiian mixture biscuits biscuits cloves rolled oats extra glazed cheese glaze sodium glucamate glucose beef entrecote boneless beef in beer g boiled beef beef with bone beef minced beef tongue beef heart beef fillet beef brains beef marrow bones beef giblets beef kidneys beef tenderloin beef drumstick beef pulp beef leg hollandaise sauce pink salmon pink salmon in oil pink salmon in foil pink salmon boiled hot smoked pink salmon canned pink salmon fresh pink salmon canned peas sweet peas green peas green peas green peas mustard mustard English mustard beans mustard powder Dijon mustard strong mustard mild mustard hot mustard table mustard mustard oil mustard sauce dark chocolate hot sandwiches hot chocolate pomegranate seeds pomegranates granulated instant coffee granulated sugar scallops scallops frozen grapefruit grenadine croutons croutons garlic walnuts nuts walnuts ground buckwheat buckwheat boiled buckwheat with onions buckwheat buckwheat flour buckwheat prodel mushroom caviar mushroom soup minced mushrooms mushroom seasonings mushrooms mushrooms porcini mushrooms dry porcini mushrooms in sour cream oyster mushrooms frozen mushrooms mushrooms Forest mushrooms Muer mushrooms saffron milk mushrooms fresh mushrooms dried mushrooms champignons mushrooms champignons fresh shiitake mushrooms brisket brisket boiled smoked brisket pork belly beef breasts chicken pear pear jam pear juice conference pears durum pears guava guacamole foie gras goose meat goose fat goose jam gooseberry jam rhubarb jam jam From blueberry jam Strawberry duck duck yeast dough yeast bread yeast shock yeast yeast's liquid yeast, pressed yeast dry yeast, dry fast -free yeast bakery dungan melon gelatin in granules of gelatin gelatin gelator yolks yolks ovary yolks ovary yolks ovary yolk yolks ovarian yolks ovary yolk raw stomach Animal fat goose fat vegetable fat pork tea leaves choux pastry custard sbiten hare thickener sugar substitute greens strawberries strawberry jam strawberry tea walnut grains cumin grains cardamom grains coriander grains sesame grains almond grains natural corn grains sprouted wheat grains pink pepper grains cumin grains grains dill marshmallows marshmallows in chocolate cumin catfish needle raisins pitted raisins golden caviar mushroom caviar red caviar red flying fish caviar salmon caviar masago carp caviar herring caviar tobiko caviar tomago cod caviar trout caviar ginger cookies ginger root ginger ginger sugary ginger chopped ginger pickled ginger Ground turkey turkey boiled figs Iriska Italian seasonings Italian herbs yogurt yogurt yogurt liquid yogurt ogurt fat -free fruit yogurt fruit yogurt refueling yogurt ioogurt ioe ioy Salt of the zucchini zucchini fresh Kayensky pepa cocoa powder Kalina Kalmara Kalmara frozen squid cut into rings squid boiled squid carcasses frozen calcium flounder canapes capers capers in oil cabbage Chinese cabbage cabbage white cabbage broccoli sprouts Brussels sprouts sauerkraut sauerkraut savoy cabbage blue cabbage stewed cabbage leaves cabbage brine cabbage juice cappuccino caramelized bananas cara Melized berries caramel caramel syrup carbonara Cardamon Cardamon in powder cardamom Fresh cardamom Cardamom Cardamom black carrier carrier carpade Carpade Carpache Carpaccio Carry Potatoes Potato Potato Potato Free potatoes Free frozen potato puree potato cage potato starch potato starch chestnut brown brown brown peas puppy kvass kvassian buzza kvassian wort pine nuts kepchup quesadillas chum salmon mullet kefir kefir grain kefir marinade cashew kiwi dogwood sprat cilantro kirieshki jelly lemon acid Chinese rice noodles Chinese egg noodles Chinese salad peeled pork intestines maple syrup dumplings potato dumplings semolina potato tubers fennel tubers strawberries strawberries for frozen strawberries fresh strawberries with cream Strawberry jam strawberry ice cream strawberry puree strawberry marmalade strawberry mojito strawberry juice strawberry sauce cranberries cranberries dried cranberry juice egg white batter beer batter milk batter batter with sour cream kozinaki goat meat coconut coconut crumbs coconut flour coconut flakes coconut milk coconut cream cola sausage sausage boiled sausage boiled doctor's sausage doctor's sausage smoked sausage half-smoked salami sausage servelat sausage chorizo ​​hunting sausages compote compote without water confectionery crumbs confectionery glue horse meat canned pink salmon canned corn canned cod liver canned cod liver canned fish canned mackerel canned krill meat canned zucchini canned squid canned cucumbers canned olives canned peppers canned ki tomatoes canned truffles canned fruits canned green pea candies Ferrero Rocher candies assorted candies caramel candies Bird's milk candies Raffaello candies chocolate confiture beer wort concentrate smoked ham smoked beef smoked loin smoked red fish smoked chicken breast smoked chicken smoked fish smoked mackerel smoked trout smoked meat smoked lard smoked ribs smoked pork smoked ribs cheese loin Korean carrot valerian root ginger root parsley root celery root cake cake biscuit prepared coriander coriander beans ground coriander cinnamon cinnamon sticks cinnamon powder ground cinnamon brown rice brown sugar parsley root celery root gherkins cutlets coffee coffee Arabica coffee granules coffee beans coarse coffee grain coffee fine grind coffee freshly brewed espresso coffee head salad crab meat crab sticks crabs nettle young red canned beans red fish red lentils red meat red cabbage red grapefruit red onion red ground pepper red bell pepper red bell pepper sweet red chili red capsicum pepper starch shrimp shrimp boiled chilled shrimp king prawns frozen shrimp sea cocktail shrimp boiled shrimp peeled tiger shrimp minced shrimp cream protein cream custard buttercream buttercream curd rabbit rabbit meat rabbit bread crumbs croissant grits semolina oatmeal pearl barley croutons chicken wings xylitol bouillon cube ice cubes cucurma corn corn on the cob canned corn young corn corn grits corn flour corn grains corn sticks corn flakes corn starch wrappers sesame sesame sinuet sneen sneeled sneeler without bones Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken breasts chicken legs chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chic Twice chicken offal chicken lavash lavash Armenian lavash leaf lava leaf bay leaf lasagna lime juice limes noodles noodles buckwheat noodles homemade noodles Chinese noodles Udon ice lazy dumplings rose petals pita flatbread tortilla flatbread corn wild mushrooms wild berries lecithin lecho bream liver lemonade citric acid lemon grass lemon zest lemon juice lemon sorbet chanterelles salmon hot smoked salmon onions white onions fried onions green onions Red onion Crimean onion feathers leeks onions shallots mayonnaise mayonnaise low-calorie mayonnaise olive mayonnaise Provençal poppy poppy culinary poppy ground pasta macaroni nests macrorus raspberries raspberries frozen raspberries fresh raspberry puree raspberry syrup raspberry sorbet raspberry sauce raspberry vinegar lightly salted fish pickled cabbage pickled carrots pickled beets pickled mushrooms pickled ka tanks pickled capers pickled boletus pickled mussels pickled cucumbers pickled honey mushrooms pickled ginger pickled onions marmalade marzipan marshmallow mascarpone olives pitted olives olives with pits butter peanut oil grape seed oil coconut oil sesame oil sunflower oil vegetable oil melted butter honey buckwheat honey liquid honey natural mussels mussels in shells frozen mussels shelled almonds almonds in chocolate almonds crushed almonds ground almond crumbs almond flakes almond cookies almonds juniper capelin clams milk milk milk goat milk coconut milk skim milk pasteurized milk condensed milk powder milk sausage milk mastic milk sausages suckling pig suckling lamb Montpensier seafood carrot juice carrots carrots boiled ice cream cloudberries seaweed sea fish sea cocktail frozen sea bass mozzarella marbled beef flour wheat flour premium pancake flour maize flour almond flour chickpea flour rye nutmeg nutmeg mousse soft homemade cheese soft low-fat cottage cheese soft cheese white bread pulp coconut pulp meat fillet meat balyk minced meat bones goose meat turkey meat Kamchatka crab meat goat meat smoked meat crab meat on the bone boiled poultry meat lamb meat mint peppermint fresh mint mint marinade leg of lamb chickpeas oatmeal oatmeal oat flakes dandelion ham ham boiled smoked ham pork ham raw smoked grouper sea bass river pancakes yeast pancakes with kefir pancakes with sour milk olives canned olives with lemon olive oil olive mayonnaise o mar omelette omul honey mushrooms frozen oregano walnuts nuts walnuts chopped nuts almond sturgeon octopuses donuts breadcrumbs papaya pappardelle paprika parmesan Parma ham pasta pasta nut butter chocolate nut parsnips Easter eggs Easter cake squash molasses pate pecan Chinese cabbage pectin dumplings penne peperoni quail eggs peppers bell peppers peppercorns peppercorns hot peppercorns allspice hot pepper red ground pepper red hot pepper sweet canned pepper black pepper black peas black allspice black ground chili pepper sauce pearl barley peaches canned peaches peach jam peach juice sand sugar shortbread shortbread pastry pesto parsley chopped parsley leaf liver beef turkey liver boar liver rabbit liver liver chicken liver birds liver pork liver foie gras biscuits cracker cookies macaroons oatmeal cookies shortbread crumbly haddock pita drinking yogurt pizza food gelatin food coloring processed cheese chocolate bar ice cream roach boletus semi-hard cheese fudge tomatoes tomatoes sun-dried tomatoes green tomatoes canned tomatoes cherry pig milk buds Poshekhonsky cheese seasonings gingerbread spices powder sugar wheat wheat sprouted whole wheat bran wheat bread ravioli baking powder refined sunflower oil rhubarb turnip onions rye flour rye croutons rice rice long grain rice long grain white rice long grain brown rice long grain unparboiled long grain rice steamed curry rice rice brown rice oval rice Japanese rice noodles rice flakes rosemary rosemary dried chamomile bamboo shoots arugula knuckle fish heads saffron milk caps hazel grouse sago carp iceberg lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lard lard salami sugar granulated sugar refined sugar cane sugar powdered sugar sweetener beets pork tenderloin pork shin pork head pork loin pork leg pork knuckle pork pork boiled condensed milk stellate sturgeon saddle of lamb saddle of lamb herring salted herring celery celery celery root celery stems herring lightly salted herring fresh frozen salmon salmon chilled lightly salted salmon anise seeds white mustard seeds pomegranate seeds zee seeds rye cilantro seeds sesame seeds flax seeds poppy seeds sunflower seeds fennel seeds sunflower seeds peeled pumpkin seeds cervelat hearts chicken heart chopped sea bass syrup glucose syrup sugar syrup fruit mackerel cream whipped butter ice cream creamy toffee creamy yogurt creamy processed cheese creamy ice cream creamy sauce creamy curd cheese creamy chocolate plums pitted plums puff pastry a mixture of Italian herbs a mixture of paprikash a mixture of peppers a mixture of spices sour cream sour cream low-fat sour cream with cream sour cream dough sour cream currants red currants fresh black currants currant jam currant jelly currant puree currant jam currant leaf smoothie soda soda slaked soda drinking soda tea soy paste soy milk soy sauce soy vinegar juice pineapple juice orange juice grape juice cherry juice pomegranate juice grapefruit juice melon juice lemon juice mango juice carrot juice tomato juice apple juice salted pink salmon salted cabbage salted salmon salted trout salted anchovies salted mushrooms pickled milk mushrooms pickled cucumbers pickled pistachios salted peanuts salted salmon malt salt coarse salt iodized salt sea salt table catfish catfish smoked catfish fresh sausages sausages dairy sauce balsamic sauce barbecue sauce bashamel sauce cherry sauce mushroom marinara sauce salsa sauce soy sauce tartar sauce tkemali sauce tomato sauce unagi spaghetti asparagus mackerel steak ribeye steak sterlet ostrich meat shavings coconut chocolate green beans snap peas snap peas green peppers capsicum hot pepper capsicum pike perch soufflé crackers breadcrumbs bread crumbs salted crackers dry herbs dry seasoning dry lingonberries dried cherries dried cloves dried strawberries dried cranberries dried raspberries dried parsley dried bananas dried mushrooms dried shiitake mushrooms dried tomatoes dried herbs de Provence dried basil dried peas dried peas dried figs dried coriander dried bay leaf dried oregano dried dill dried fennel dried garlic dried sage whey cheese Buffalo Ricotta cheese Adyghe cheese Almette Brie cheese feta cheese Gouda cheese Dutch cheese Grand Padano cheese Gruyere cheese Dorblu cheese Imeretian cheese Camembert cheese goat cheese Maasdam cheese mascarpone cheese Mozzarella cheese marble cheese soft cheese sliced ​​cheese Ossetian cheese sharp parmesan cheese processed cheese semi-hard ricotta cheese Roquefort cheese Russian cheese cheese with greens blue cheese Suluguni cheese hard cheese curd cheese grated cheese Tilsiter cheese tofu cheese Feta cheese Fetaki cheese Philadelphia cheese cheddar cheese Swiss cheese Edam cheese Emental cheese Robiola processed Tabasco cheese Tagliattele tan tartlets tarragon cottage cheese cottage cheese dietary cottage cheese homemade cottage cheese grain cottage cheese fine-grained low-fat cottage cheese veal boiled veal shank veal loin calf liver dough dough without yeast dough yeast dough frozen dough with kefir dough with milk dough puff pastry puff pastry with yeast tilapia thyme tkemali cumin tomato paste tomato ketchup tomato marinade tomato sauce tomatoes cherry tomatoes tonic herbs Provençal cod rolls waffle truffle truffle paste pumpkin pumpkin with ok eel eel smoked eel sea ​​dill dill umbrellas dill fresh dill dry vinegar vinegar balsamic vinegar wine vinegar lemon vinegar essence snails snails grape apricots oysters duck meat duck breasts duck legs duck hearts duck fat duck pheasant farfelle minced minced lamb minced mushroom minced homemade minced beef minced turkey minced chicken minced salmon minced poultry minced pork minced veal minced vegetable minced fish minced prefabricated beans white beans feijoa fennel fettuccine physalis lamb fillet turkey breast fillet carp fillet chicken fillet meat sturgeon fillet poultry fillet fish fillet salmon fillet cod fillet duck fillet hake fillet pike fillet dates pistachios peeled pistachios trout trout boiled trout fresh trout fresh frozen trout lightly salted trout lightly salted meatballs frisse foie gras hazelnuts hazelnuts crushed hazelnuts fried hazelnuts ground funchose halva sunflower halva jamon hake hake in beer hake frozen bread white bread White sliced ​​bread white toast bread Borodino bread grain bread millet personal White bread wheat stale bread rye bread with bran bread fresh bread Hercules flakes oat flakes hops Suneli jellied horseradish horseradish grated persimmon cauliflower zest orange zest lemon zest citrus zest whole milk whole grain wheat flour guinea fowl chicory citrus candied fruits candied oranges candied fruits schnee candied melon zucchini chicken chicken carcass chickens thyme thyme dried chaga tea tea green tea herbal tea black chakchak wild garlic black caviar black radish black lentils blueberries fresh cuttlefish ink blueberry vinegar chokeberry prunes pitted prunes prunes with pits black currant jam black olives black olives black pepper black grapes black chocolate cherry stale bread garlic garlic salt shallots sage champignons champignons in sour cream champignons canned champignons pickled champignons fresh champignons raw saffron saffron Imeretian kebab kebab ketchup neck mulberry rosehip chocolate chocolate dark chocolate milk chocolate mint chocolate grated chocolate dark chocolate black bitter chocolate chips chocolate paste chocolate bar chocolate butter chocolate ice cream chocolate chocolate cream lard smoked lard pork spinach sprats sprats in oil sorrel pike squid tentacles octopus tentacles exotic fruits tarragon tarragon dried apples Antonovka apples aport apples baked apples green apples sweet and sour apples fresh apples sweet applesauce apple pectin apple bite lamb berry mixture berry jam berry broth berry syrup berry juice berry sauce berries berries fresh egg vermicelli egg noodles egg shell egg white egg yolk eggs boiled chicken eggs boiled egg barley malt barley

Helpful information

Nutritionists insist that every person’s diet should include fish. It contains substances that relieve joint pain due to arthritis, reduce headaches, protect against the development of diabetes, help regulate blood pressure, and help reduce the level of fats in the blood. Fish contains large quantities of Omega-3 fatty acids. They help thin the blood, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis.

Fish is a low-fat product. It is worth noting that even the fattest varieties contain only 25-30% easily digestible fat. As a rule, fish protein is digested in the human body within 1.5-2 hours. Basically, fish are divided into sea and river. It is believed that sea food is also useful. But in both cases there are pros and cons.

Sea fish

Sea fish meat contains a large number of substances useful to the human body: minerals (zinc, iron, lithium, boron, fluorine, bromine, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iodine, calcium, magnesium), vitamins (A, E, D, F), polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids (methionine, tryptophan, lysine, taurine). Thanks to this composition, fish is a favorite among dietary products.

Dishes prepared from sea fish are not only tasty, but also healthy. For example, consuming 100 g of this product daily can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The downside of sea fish is its high cost compared to river fish. This is especially true for live aquarium and chilled fish.

River fish

One of the main advantages of river fish is considered to be its availability. It can always be purchased fresh near your home. Compared to sea life, freshwater inhabitants will cost much less. River fish meat also contains a large number of useful microelements. It is an excellent source of proteins.

However, the meat of river fish is considered less pure and tasty than sea fish. This is easy to explain. River fish live in environments most susceptible to contamination by heavy metals, pesticides and radionuclides. In addition, river fish is significantly inferior sea ​​seafood in the content of beneficial amino acids, minerals and microelements.

The most delicious and healthy fish

An important culinary advantage of ice fish is its lack of a characteristic odor for such a product. It is this property that makes it a good product for people who need it, but who cannot stand the fishy aroma. Icefish meat is very dense and lean (fat content is about 2-8 per 100 grams), but high in protein (17%). There are few bones in this variety: there is only a backbone, no rib bones and small bones. In addition, the ridge itself, due to its low calcium content, is very soft and edible.

Ice fish is usually prepared either steamed or boiled, but true connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces believe that best dish based on it is aspic. The Japanese, knowing about the purity and environmental friendliness of ice fish meat, also like to eat it raw.

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Many people have learned about the benefits of fish oil since childhood. And about the benefits seafood products In general, the longevity of the Japanese is evidenced. But the question remains how to pamper your body with the maximum positive effect. Perhaps salmon will become a kind of lifesaver, a salvation for health.

What kind of fish is this and how do you eat it?

In fact, salmon fish does not exist. This is a general name for the salmon family, including salmon, chum salmon, trout, omul, etc. Each of these fish, however, is equally useful and has a similar chemical composition, supplying the body with very useful components.

Red salmon meat (the flesh of fresh fish has a pinkish tint, approaching red) is very tender, quickly salted, does not spoil for a long time, but loses some of its properties during heat treatment. Therefore, to get the full benefit, it is recommended to use it salted or smoked, as a stand-alone snack or in salads.

Benefit in every gram

Salmon contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are not produced by the body, but come only with food, so they are especially valuable. With a sufficient content of these acids in the human body, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, hematopoiesis processes are normalized, the nervous system calms down, active brain function is restored, and even. In combination with vitamin D, these acids rejuvenate the body and save you from depression.

Of course, like every fish, salmon contains phosphorus and calcium, which strengthen the musculoskeletal system, teeth and nails. Potassium and magnesium, also contained in large quantities, stimulate the heart, maintain muscle tissue tone. And all B vitamins work to maintain immune system, promote balanced hormone production and cellular rejuvenation.

Salmon is included in various diets because... Gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. It maintains skin elasticity (thanks to zinc and vitamin A), improves hair structure.

The caviar of this fish is the most important source of nutrients. It is not inferior to salmon meat in terms of the number of positive effects it has on the body. Caviar contains a lot of lecithin, iodine, vitamins E, B, D, which normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin. There are no carbohydrates in caviar, and the amount of fat is reduced as much as possible. The “good” cholesterol contained in caviar is also needed by the body.

Salmon oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects against diabetes. It, like aspirin, thins the blood, preventing strokes and heart attacks.

Women will certainly appreciate all the benefits of salmon: it speeds up metabolism, eliminating cellulite. The collagen contained in fish keeps the skin youthful. And salmon protein will be a wonderful addition to your diet during regular physical training.

It is obvious that salmon is necessary on the table in every home where health and longevity are sought.

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Related article

Without a sufficient amount of iodine entering the body, the thyroid gland ceases to function normally. Iodine enters the body through food, skin and inhaled air. It is very important to eat foods rich in this element. One such product is fish.

Haddock is a fish related to cod. The iodine content in it is 245 mg per 100 g. This is sea fish with dietary lean meat. Most of fat accumulates in the liver

Sea bass contains 145 mg of iodine per 100 g. It has fatty meat and is a source of not only iodine, but also healthy fats and proteins. Very useful for people involved in mental work. Contains a large amount of vitamin B12. Useful for the skin, nervous and digestive systems.

Mackerel contains 100 mg of iodine per 100 g of product. This is a fish of the mackerel family. Slightly larger in size than mackerel. Mackerel meat is rich in microelements and vitamins, but its composition depends on the area where the fish lives. Contains all B vitamins, and 400 g of this fish replenishes the daily need of the human body for potassium. Substances contained in mackerel prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and slow down the aging process. Eating this fish significantly improves a person’s appearance and prevents certain diseases.

Each country has its own unique “trick”, which gives the dishes a special flavor. In Greece, for example, the highest quality olive oil is actively used in cooking, and in Italy all kinds of sauces and sauces made from tomatoes with spices are used. French cuisine is unthinkable without Provençal herbs, and in Mexico the hallmark of the cuisine is chili pepper.

In restaurants in Scandinavian countries, washed by icy seas, there is always a large selection of various fish dishes: the fish itself, prepared in all possible ways, and soups, salads, sandwiches with fish. In Finland, kalekukko - fish pies - are popular, and in Norway - klipfiks (cod, headless and dried directly on the rocks). By the way, in Scandinavia it is customary to drink coffee at any time of the day.

French cuisine amazingly combines simplicity and incredible culinary delights. The menu includes fried potatoes with spices and foie gras, beef and escargot snails... Desserts are always works of art.

Italians will offer you traditional pizza and pasta, but you can try all this without leaving your home country. Pay attention to antipasto (vegetables marinated in oil), try pancetta (a competitor to Spanish jamon) and the famous Italian ice cream.

Greek cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of fresh vegetables and delicious olive oil. Be sure to try the spanakopita (feta and spinach baked in dough).

Chinese and Japanese cuisine will appeal to lovers of culinary experiments. Order whatever you want... But better not ask what the dish is made from! Traditionally-minded gourmets can recommend sweet and sour pork or tempura - deep-fried vegetables.

River fish is much easier to buy fresh, and it is much more economical in price. About the most delicious and healthy river fish First of all, it is worth mentioning the pike. It has very lean meat that bakes beautifully. Pike cutlets and meatballs are a great addition to any diet menu. The main advantage of this fish is its anti-inflammatory properties, this is due to the natural antiseptic it contains.

The owner of the world's most expensive fish for the second year in a row was the Kiyomura company, which owns a chain of sushi restaurants. The company's management claims that, despite the somewhat high cost of acquisition, in this way they provide tuna to their Japanese restaurants highest quality. It should be noted that the high cost of this commercial predatory fish, which is in great demand among fish, is due to the threat of its complete extinction.

Endangered Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin tuna, predominantly found in Mediterranean and Atlantic waters, could become extinct as a species in the coming years, according to statistics from the World Wildlife Fund. The size of its populations is significantly reduced, and catching is carried out exclusively by barbaric methods. The number of lovers of tuna salad and sushi is growing every day, while the tuna itself simply does not have time to reproduce.

If sixty-four years ago six hundred thousand tons were caught in the world bluefin tuna, then today this figure has already reached six million tons.

However, the problem is not only a lack of tuna to supply restaurants. Because tuna is predatory fish, his disappearance from marine ecosystem will upset its balance. Therefore, today many celebrities and the World Wildlife Fund are urging people to give up tuna dishes. As a result, sixteen thousand people from one hundred and forty-nine countries around the world, as well as some French, Italian, Norwegian, British and Spanish restaurants and shops, refused them. They have completely removed bluefin tuna from their menus and selection.

By refusing to prepare dishes from the most expensive fish in the world, many restaurant owners hope that the tuna population will increase and in the future lovers of the delicacies

Valuable fish species

Since tsarist times, when fish soup was also called “gravy” and “slurry,” this dish was divided into ordinary and festive varieties. The latter was also called “red ear” and “old-style fish soup”, and valuable varieties of fish were used for preparation: sturgeon, beluga and salmon. This dish had a very appetizing amber color, and an additional aroma was given to it by saffron, then imported from distant countries, and now widely available.

If you cannot afford to buy whole fish from the Sturgeon or Salmon family, there is a fairly acceptable solution - you can purchase so-called fish by-products. They are the ones needed to prepare fish soup, and the rest of the fish is only for additional “thickness” in the dish. Fatty and rich by-products include the fish head, tail and belly trimmings. But even here there are some preparation nuances. For example, you need to clean the head very carefully, since the presence of gills in it can impart excessive and completely unnecessary bitterness to the finished dish.

An excellent option is also the combination of sturgeon and salmon by-products in one dish. Such fish soup can become a real festive dish, literally worthy of a royal table. If you managed to purchase sturgeon by-products, be sure to remove the skin from the pieces of fish, as this too may impart a not very pleasant taste to the dish.

Other cooking options for fish soup

Almost all varieties of fish that can be caught in Russian rivers are suitable for this dish: ruff, whitefish, perch, pike perch, tench, burbot, catfish, ide, rudd, chub, carp, asp, bream and many others. In this case, again, it is better to combine several varieties in one dish, since each of them gives the soup its own peculiarity. For example, it is believed that ruffs and perches impart stickiness to the dish, and burbot impart sweetness.

If at least 3 varieties of fish are used in the preparation of fish soup, then it is called “combined”, and in the old days not only the one that was cooked from “noble” raw materials was revered as a tasty soup, but also a dish in the preparation of which small fish were used.

But in general, the same rules exist for almost all variations - under no circumstances should you cook whole fish; it must be gutted, washed and scaled; it is necessary to strain the broth after cooking; At the preparation stage, you need to add onions and carrots to the broth, which will give the liquid a pleasant aroma and a non-cloudy color.

Fish - white and red fish

The meat of most salmon fish has various shades of red-pink color (salmon, sockeye salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.). But there are salmon, such as whitefish and nelma, whose meat is milky white. Salmon with white meat are called white fish in Siberia and the northern European part of our country. It must be kept in mind that salmon with red meat are not called red fish. The last name has been given since ancient times to sturgeon (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, thorn, sterlet, kaluga), although their meat is white. The term “red fish” was assigned to sturgeon in the sense and meaning in which in the old days everything rare, expensive, and beautiful was called red: “red maiden,” “red sun,” “red goods.”

A book about tasty and healthy food. 8th edition, revised and expanded. - M.: Agropromizdat. L. M. Bogatova. 1987.

See what “Fish - white and red fish” is in other dictionaries:

    red fish- I Caspian region, Azov region, Krasnoyarsk region, Kazakhstan sturgeon (traditional understanding, lost in most regions) Rakitin later narrated that the dinner was prepared this time from five courses: there was fish soup with sterlet and pies... ... Languages ​​of Russian cities

    Noun, g., used. often Morphology: (no) whom? fish, anyone? fish, (see) whom? fish, by whom? fish, about whom? about fish; pl. Who? fish, (no) who? fish, anyone? fish, (see) whom? fish, by whom? fish, about whom? about fish, sea, river animal 1. A fish is called... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    white fish- I general Sturgeon. Everywhere, excluding the area of ​​distribution of the name red fish 1, where in some cases it is replaced. The villages are located on tributaries, which once, together with the Urals, had commercial importance (white fish, black caviar).... ... Languages ​​of Russian cities

    Feed the fish. Razg. Iron. Having drowned, remain buried in water. F 1, 256. White fish. Jarg. Arm. Joking. iron. Canned fish in oil. Cor., 40; Laz., 20. Mountain fish. Pechora. Joking. About mushrooms. SRGNP 1, 149. Roast fish. Volgo Casp. The fish that is caught... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    - “Little Red Riding Hood” Oranda “Little Red Riding Hood” is one of the artificially cultivated ornamental breeds of aquarium “goldfish” (lat. Carassius gibelio forma auratus (... Wikipedia

Of course, language evolves. But nowadays, even many Russians believe that the name “Red Square” comes from the color of the Kremlin walls. What can we say about the expression “red fish”. But even ordinary gray herring can be given a purple color with a special cooking method. Will this make her a red fish?

The term "red fish" was assigned sturgeon fish in the sense and meaning in which in the old days everything rare, expensive, beautiful was called red: a red maiden, a red sun, a red product.

This name has long been given to sturgeon (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, ship, kaluga), although their meat is white. Weight itself large beluga in “prehistoric” times it reached 600-800 kg, and rare specimens - up to 1 ton.
Sterlet, being yellowish in color (belly), according to fishing and culinary classification, also belongs to “red” fish (in the meaning - beautiful, high-quality).

However, now, according to the trade and tariff classification of fish cargo, red fish, in addition to sturgeon, also includes all salmon (whitefish, muksun, nelma, whitefish, trout, pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, etc.).

True, as the “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” assures, salmon with red meat are not called red fish. The meat of most salmon fish has various shades of red-pink color (salmon, sockeye salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.). But there are salmon, such as whitefish and nelma, whose meat is milky white. Salmon with white meat are called white fish in Siberia and the northern European part of our country.

“Salmon” is a generic name for several types of “red” fish. All salmon live in salty sea waters and only come to freshwater rivers to spawn - the very same ones where they themselves were once born. In fact, in fishermen’s terminology, it is a “migratory” fish, like pike perch or pelingas. Yes, just like an eel.

Recently, the number of countries involved in salmon farming has increased, from one in 1980 to ten in 2000. However, according to UN experts, maintaining the population wild salmon much more important than the construction of fish hatcheries. Only wild nature, they assure, is capable of preserving the normal gene pool of living creatures.

And as I read reviews on the forums of former Russians who now live in France, European salmon from industrial fish farms are absolutely tasteless. Abroad, fish are grown in sea cages, and they have less tasty meat than wild ones, and they differ in genotype.

And in Kamchatka, pasture salmon farming is developed, when juveniles up to 0.5-10 g are grown from eggs obtained from breeding salmon and released into rivers. The fry slide into the sea and live there, returning to spawn after 2-6 years. These salmon, unlike “commercial” fish, which are completely grown in artificial conditions, have the same color and taste as wild ones.

All six species of Pacific salmon live in Kamchatka. These are chinook salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, as well as rare salmon - masu. Kamchatka rivers are the spawning grounds for the only herds of Kamchatka salmon in Russia, listed in the Red Book. The rare salmon mykiss is also found here, as well as trout and two types of char: arctic and kunja char.

As for salmon, Soviet time the opportunity to even try it was considered comparable to belonging to the world of “celestials” or rich swindlers.

However, whether it’s expensive or cheap, you have to eat salmon, it’s supposedly the national Russian food. It is from the 12th-13th centuries. It was part of the Russian ceremonial table at first as dried and salted fish. In a number of typical national Russian dishes and products, the presence of salmon is considered absolutely necessary: ​​in botvinya, with Russian pancakes, in pies with fish, in Russian pies with buckwheat porridge, in kulebyaki with rice. Almost the real Russian taste of all these products disappears when salmon is replaced with something else.

Unlike stellate sturgeon and sturgeon, which are most delicious smoked, especially hot smoked, it is prepared only lightly salted. Salmon differs from all other fish products in its unique taste and texture. Even nelma, which is also just salted, has a different taste from salmon.

Fish soup made from salmon heads and tails is also good, especially in a broth made from perches and ruffs.

The salmon is cut into salmon balyk (or back) and salmon tesha, which is very juicy and fatty. Salmon also differs from salmon in both taste, meat texture, and color. Salmon from the Scandinavian countries has an overall lighter, pinkish-yellow color, while salmon is a dark pink color.

The peak consumption of fish products occurs during numerous fasting periods. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and sometimes Saturdays, fish of all kinds made up the main menu, and this is no coincidence. Fish is a product rich in phosphorus necessary for humans, as well as complete proteins that are easily digestible. Extractive substances contained in fish help stimulate appetite.

It is also useful to try fish for those who want to lose weight: fish contains proteins and amino acids, which have a good effect on fat metabolism in the body. Fish oil is much healthier than animal oil, as it contains fatty acids such as omega-3. Fish also contains a lot of vitamins and microelements: vitamins A, D, B, iron, iodine, potassium, fluorine. In addition, fish products contain less cholesterol.

Fish - nutritious, but often dietary product. But what types of fish are the healthiest? This article will tell you about the benefits of seven types of fish.

Fish is, without a doubt, a very healthy product. What fish is the healthiest? Which type should you prefer? Doctors strongly recommend adding fish dishes to the menu at least twice a week. It contains easily digestible protein, such food does not create a feeling of heaviness. It contains a lot of vitamins A and D, as well as fatty acids that prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Which fish is healthier: top 7 types

We have prepared a rating of the seven most beneficial types of fish for the body, the inclusion of which in the diet will improve your mood, raise your tone, and improve the condition of your skin and hair. Besides, regular consumption of fish in the absence of contraindications- This is an excellent prevention of many health problems.

1. Tuna

You can find many lists of healthy fish on the Internet. And each of them contains tuna. This is a leader in the content of vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, its calorie content does not exceed 80 kcal per 100 g. Tuna meat is pure protein. It has very little fat and contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium, selenium and vitamin D. You can try it in Sicily.

There are a few general rules to choose healthy fish:

  • It must be marine. It is sea fish that collects all the substances the body needs, and salt water is a natural disinfectant.
  • The fish should be fatty. This has a higher concentration of vitamin D and fatty acids necessary for the body.
  • The fish must be small or young. There is an opinion that fish are able to absorb toxins from water and therefore, the less the fish has been in the water, the less toxins have accumulated in it.

2. Salmonids: trout, pink salmon and salmon itself

Trout is one of the favorite types of fish

Eating fatty red fish improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of blood clots. It contains a lot of vitamins B, A and D, as well as selenium, phosphorus and folic acid. Trout has slightly less calories, but also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and fluorine. And, of course, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for the functioning of the heart and the body as a whole. In addition to their basic properties, they help the functioning of the endocrine system, promote correct formation bones and metabolism.

3. Cod

The cod is ready for steaks!

The most useful part of this fish is the liver. Cod has almost no cholesterol. Its white meat contains 19% protein and only 0.3% fat. Regular consumption of cod strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

6. Carp, crucian carp, carp

Future Christmas carp (popular)

These are relatively fatty fish species. They contain up to 11% fat and up to 17% protein, and therefore the benefits of this fish for the body cannot be overestimated. In addition, they contain a lot of calcium and sulfur. They are useful for the beauty of the skin and nervous tissue.

7. Catfish

Do not be afraid! This is a catfish :) Or just CatFish.

Catfish - although not marine, is useful. Its tender, sweetish meat contains all the necessary fats and proteins. The amino acids contained in soma are beneficial for the mucous membranes, nervous and digestive systems.

But it’s not even a matter of which fish is healthier. The main rule is that it should always be fresh. Even river fish, large and relatively dry, but fresh, will be much healthier than not very fresh tuna.