The appearance of a child in every family is, first of all, new round in its development, formation and formation. A couple in love is looking forward to a new addition, and long-awaited baby appears in the house to make all the dreams and aspirations of the parents come true.

But what to do if the baby was born with poor health, if many expectations were in vain? – Of course, give him your love, attention and tenderness, thereby proving that the world is friendly and ready to accept a new little person.

This is exactly what the singer Danko did. Moreover, he opens a rehabilitation center for children with special needs. He was prompted to this idea by a personal tragedy that happened last spring.

In the last stages of pregnancy, Danko’s wife Natalya began bleeding; in an hour the woman lost about four liters of blood. As a result, baby Agatha was born with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Now Danko wants to do everything to ensure that children with special needs receive the care, love and attention of specialists so that they have a chance for a happy life.

Which other stars give love to their special children?

Lolita and daughter Eva

Singer Lolita Milyavskaya challenges fate almost every day. Up to a certain point, she favored the talented woman and gave her the opportunity to skillfully and successfully return unexpected serves. In 1999, a year before separating from her husband, producer and showman Alexander Tsekalo, with whom Lolita was in the Cabaret-Duet Academy, the singer had a daughter, Eva.

A girl was born ahead of schedule; Immediately after birth, doctors diagnosed the baby terrible diagnosis- Down syndrome, and only after a while it was changed to autism. Even leading luminaries assured Lolita that for her own good she should abandon the “unlucky child.” These tips drove Milyavskaya to despair. She locked herself at home for several months and stopped touring.

But in the end, Lolita found the strength to fight for her daughter. She was helped in many ways by professor, member of the Royal Medical Society of Great Britain, pediatric neurologist Andrei Petrukhin, who was the first to believe in Eva, calling her a full-fledged child.
At the insistence of her mother, Eva Tsekalo entered ordinary secondary school in Kyiv. At first it was difficult for her to adapt among her peers, the girl was far behind in the program, but in the end she began to speak English fluently, swim and recite poetry.

Lolita claims that her daughter has many gentlemen and admirers. At the beginning of this summer, Eva, together with her mother and stepfather, tennis player and seventh racket of Russia Dmitry Ivanov, took part in the show of designers Yana and Anastasia Shevchenko.

Evelina Bledans and son Semyon

Three years ago, 43-year-old actress and presenter Evelina Bledans became a mother for the second time. Soon after the birth of their son Semyon, the family, led by businessman Alexander Semin, moved out of town, explaining the move by caring for the child.

Evelina joyfully shared her successes in gardening and housekeeping in numerous interviews. It would seem that nothing could disturb the pastoral idyll of the Bledans-Semin family, if not for the doctors’ diagnosis made to the baby after birth - Down syndrome.

Evelina says that the pathology was identified during pregnancy; after an ultrasound examination, doctors suggested that the actress have an abortion to avoid consequences, but both parents, Evelina and Alexander, refused.

Bledans and Semin are happy raising little Sema, who not only has the best doctors to help the child develop fully, but also his own Instagram, and it is read by several hundred thousand readers.

Today, doctors note: there is a real chance that little Semyon will grow up to be a full-fledged member of society, able to read, write, drive a car independently and work in an office.

Sylvester Stallone and son Sergio

41 years ago, the famous Rocky - Sylvester Stallone - married actress Sasha Zak, in this marriage they had sons Sage and Sergio. Both children were diagnosed with Down syndrome, although it later turned out that the doctors were mistaken: Sage turned out to be healthy, and Sergio was diagnosed with autism.

At first, Sylvester was in prostration, he sincerely wondered how this could be: he has money, but it cannot help his boy, who is constantly withdrawn into himself. Nevertheless, not for a minute did the parents have any thoughts of abandoning the child.

Sergio is still under the care of his father, who does not allow his beloved son to see the media or other strangers who could harm his son’s psyche.

John Travolta and son Jett

The eldest son of Pulp Fiction star John Travolta, Jett, was born with a disability. circulatory system– Kawasaki syndrome. Nevertheless, the baby grew up in love and mutual understanding. But at the age of 16 he died from an epileptic seizure caused by a congenital disease.

The death of the first-born was a serious blow for the star couple. Younger son, born a year after the tragic incident, became a real consolation for John and Kelly.

Since the tragedy, Travolta has paid a lot of attention to charity: he took an active part in helping victims of the earthquake in Haiti, and then donated $10,000 to the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund during a charity trip to South Africa.

Irina Khakamada and daughter Masha

Maria / Instagram Irina Khakamada

Famous politician, designer and just an active woman life position Irina Khakamada has always amazed fans and ill-wishers with her determination and will to win. Few people know what her life force is based on.

A serious test in Irina’s life was the birth of her daughter Maria at the age of 42. Immediately after giving birth, doctors gave the girl a disappointing diagnosis - Down syndrome. Irina’s first desire was to give up her career and devote her life to raising her long-awaited daughter.

Fortunately, the girl’s father, businessman Vladimir Sirotinsky, helped with doctors and, together with specialists Irina Khakamada, developed an individual treatment plan for the baby. But that wasn't the end of the story.

At the age of six, Masha was given another terrible diagnosis - leukemia. It must be said that years of illness and constant struggle made an iron lady not only from Khakamada, but also from her tiny daughter. She stoically withstood IVs and anesthesia, never crying.

Probably, because of the strength of spirit and long-suffering, the mother’s prayers and aspirations were heard, and two years later, medical luminaries unanimously declared that the danger had passed and the child was healthy.

Young Maria never ceases to please her parents: she draws, sings and dances well. And Irina Khakamada opened and headed the social solidarity fund, which is aimed at lobbying disabled people of any age. “The main thing is not to give up and believe in success,” says Khakamada.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and daughter Varvara

Every member of this famous family- talent and nugget. But only recently, the wife of actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk, Svetlana, lifted the veil of secrecy that was still hanging over their 16-year-old daughter Varvara, who most spends his life overseas.

The young girl was born special and from an early age needed special conditions in order to fully grow and develop. That is why her parents hid her from prying eyes and assigned her to a foreign rehabilitation center, where Varvara spends most of her time.

Varvara and Tata Bondarchuk / Photo: Tata Bondarchuk’s Instagram

Svetlana says that her daughter receives everything a young girl needs abroad: education, full communication with peers, interesting leisure. Fedor and Svetlana call their daughter “ sunny child", which in a matter of minutes can find mutual language with any person.

Sergei Belogolovtsev and son Zhenya

Actor, comedian, director and showman Sergei Belogolovtsev is an incredibly bright and positive person. He stoically experiences all the failures and blows of fate, one of which was a family test: the birth of a son with cerebral palsy.

Sergei admits that before the birth of his special child, he was afraid of people with individual development, but after Zhenya appeared in the family, I realized that these were exceptionally talented, deep and wise people.

After the first days of panic and grief, Sergei and his wife decided that they would not give up on their son and would do everything so that the boy could have a full life. Zhenya began swimming with fins and constantly worked with a psychologist. As a result, he began to walk independently and concentrate his eyes correctly. His siblings stand behind Zhenya and believe that he is absolutely normal.

Sergei, in one of his interviews, expressed the opinion that children with developmental disabilities who are able to move independently, take care of themselves and find contact with peers should study in a regular school and not be isolated from society. Perhaps you should trust a person who knows first-hand special children?

Colin Farrell and son James

Colin Farrell's Twitter

The almost 12-year-old son of Irish actor Colin Farrell, James, suffers from a rare neurogenetic disorder - Angelman syndrome, which causes mental development disorders such as sleep disorders, unreasonable laughter and smiles, seizures and chaotic movements.

Despite the difficulties in the child’s development, the star father is not overjoyed at the baby and calls him a real gift of fate. Colin is confident that his son can be cured, since his developmental disabilities were noticed at an early stage - even when James was less than a year old.

Constant psychological support from a specialist and regular classes allow the child to move forward and not withdraw into himself, despite the fact that he is significantly behind his peers in development (the child began to walk only at four years old).

Colin says he can't imagine any circumstances that would cause him to abandon his son or stop believing in his success. The actor is sure that his boy is not sick, he is just special and needs to be given more time.

Danko and his wife Natalya broadcast the entire trip to the Chinese medicine center and the procedure itself on social networks. “We are going for acupuncture. To prick this baby. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a little bit of a mosquito biting and flying away,” Natalia said on the way to the doctor.


At the same time, the woman tenderly held her daughter Agatha in a backpack attached to her. Danko helped his wife in everything: he put shoe covers on her feet and calmed the excited baby. During the procedure, the girl, surrounded by the care of her parents, remained very calm. Immediately after acupuncture, the baby fell asleep.

“This is the best remedy in the world today. We are telling you this as people who have studied a thousand doctors over three years. By the way, the needles are stuck all the way to the brain,” StarHit quotes Danko.

According to Natalya, after several procedures, positive changes are visible. Agatha began to smile. In turn, the doctor promised to do everything to ensure that the baby starts developing normally for her age.

The singer's fans were shocked by the courage of the girl who never cried. "Agatha is beautiful and smart!! 😍😍😍 And how much strength and patience she has! 😘😘😘 Everything will be fine with you!!! Happiness to your family, and to Agatha a speedy recovery!!! You are wonderful parents!!! Agatha is a beauty and a smart girl!! 😍😍😍 And how much strength and patience she has! 😘😘😘 Everything will be fine with you!!! Happiness to your family, and a speedy recovery for Agatha!!! You are wonderful parents,” wrote one of Danko’s subscribers (here and further the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved – editor’s note).

Let us recall that three years ago Alexander Fadeev, performing under the pseudonym Danko, had a second daughter. Doctors immediately diagnosed cerebral palsy and reported that the girl would not be able to live a full life. "Agatha needs constant care, she cannot walk, talk, she has no sucking reflex. Neither me, nor Natasha, nor Sonya ( eldest daughter artist. – Approx. ed.) does not recognize - Agatha has been blind since birth. She is like a flower in a pot. Living body, but without a soul, without emotions,” the singer said sadly. However, the loving parents did not give up.

Danko with his wife Natalya, daughters Sofia and Agata and family friend Andrei Kovalev. Photo: Facebook.

On April 19, the family of musician Danko will celebrate his second birthday youngest daughter Agates. For the family, this day is both joyful and sad, because the child has many health problems. Two years ago, the singer’s wife Natalya went into labor at home, started bleeding and lost a lot of blood. The woman was saved, and the family learned about the diagnosis of the newborn child after an MRI - “total multicystic transformation of the cerebral hemispheres.” “I have a blood disorder that only appears during pregnancy; it is associated with blood clots... Doctors knew in advance about the high risk of placental abruption. They drove me through traffic jams to the maternity hospital for a very long time, and the child simply choked and stopped breathing...” says Natalya. “The daughter’s asphyxia occurred due to the detached placenta, the child began to breathe inside the womb, and the areas of the brain that were not supplied with oxygen turned into cysts,” explains Danko. Then he supported his wife as best he could, but while she was not looking, he himself could not hold back his tears. Now, for two years now, Danko has no time to give vent to his feelings - he needs to save his daughter.

“The doctors gave Agatha a terrible sentence: the girl will not be able to breathe, swallow, or move. What has changed in two years?

— You can watch videos in the group “Agatha is not to blame!” on Facebook. In January, the child was able to smile for the first time in his life, about once a week we experience joy and Agatha herself holds her head just a little.

“Daughter is cooing, has she said her first words?”

- No, he doesn’t say anything.

Does she feel pain?

— I think so, because the child has constant tension in his muscles, they are always tight, because the brain does not give the command to them to work correctly. My daughter has damage to both the cortex and subcortex of her brain. But we are constantly working. She learned to breathe through her nose, eat on her own, and knows how to move her arms forward as needed. Successes that parents of healthy children do not pay attention to are a father's joy for me. Agatha lives in her own world. But she lives! We don’t have a cold that can be cured in a week. Any change, even the slightest, is a victory. Successes are measured in microns.

- How do you achieve them?

“We have a year and a half of rehabilitation behind us, which we are going through at home. A specialist in vojta therapy came to us - this is a physiotherapeutic method that helps restore a child’s motor skills. To avoid twisted arms and legs, you need to constantly stretch the muscles. The doctor charged 5 thousand rubles for one visit, we paid her almost a million. A family friend, a businessman, helped pay for it. Now this help has ended and the doctor no longer comes to us. Like this! She has no responsibility or worries for the child. But we don’t have any free money now, because we are collecting for treatment. One place became available in the Czech rehabilitation sanatorium “Vesna” (there was a huge queue) and we managed to book it. There are good specialized specialists there, but in our country we do not have such a level of treatment and rehabilitation. Now through the group “Agatha is not to blame!” please help pay for treatment. We are collecting money for an osteopath, for a verticalizer (a device for adapting a child to an upright position), which costs 170 thousand rubles... Yes, a lot is needed!

Agatha will turn 2 years old on April 19. Recently, the girl herself was able to smile for the first time in her life. Photo: Facebook.

— How does your family live?

- I am the only breadwinner. Natasha doesn’t work, she only cares about Agatha. We had a nurse from Ukraine who helped my wife, but now there is no money, so they refused her services. When I have time, I take on part of the care of Agatha. I now devote a lot of time to our eldest daughter, 12-year-old Sophia: I drop her off and pick her up from school and extracurricular activities. I spent all the savings that I had accumulated over these two years, but the four of us somehow need to exist. Considering that there is a crisis now, I have a maximum of one concert a month. It’s difficult to break through: I go to the radio and offer to take a new song - they ask for money, but I don’t have it... One of these days I’m flying to Cyprus. Thanks to the people who donated 200 thousand rubles for Agatha’s rehabilitation, and for this I am giving a concert. But such offers don’t happen often.

Danko with eldest daughter Sofia. Photo: Instagram.

— Recently, your whole family took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. A checking account to help Agatha was shown on air. Did you get a lot of money?

— We collected about 100 thousand rubles. We are very grateful to everyone. But our grandmothers are mostly merciful. Apparently there are no rich people. My fee for participating in the program was higher.

— What allowance do you receive for Agatha?

— Disability pension in the amount of 11 thousand rubles per month. Now we have been recommended a good clinic in Israel. Doctors need to send an MRI, but we cannot do it for free. There is an option - to go to the hospital, but for this you need to undergo a bunch of tests, and this is also a lot of money. All charities we were sent away... I don’t have money, but I have to give the child a chance, that’s why I’m asking for help. Natasha is now trying to develop a group on Facebook. Maybe rich people will know our story and help. But there is a slippery moment here too. Social networks are overflowing with requests for help; more than half of these communities are created by scammers. Therefore, people are afraid to transfer money.

— During these two years, have you often given up?

“When they took my disabled child out of the maternity hospital, I thought I’d come and shoot them all.” But life goes on. Neither doctors nor I can make predictions about the future of my child. But we will fight for Agatha!

Natalya with her daughter Agata. Photo: Facebook.

Sberbank of Russia: card number: 4276 3800 2197 2216
Recipient: Natalya Ustyumenko (mother of the girl)
Yandex.Money: 4100 1277 9351 957

Private bussiness
Alexander FADEEV (singer Danko) was born on March 20, 1969 in Moscow. He graduated from the choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater and in 1988 was invited to join the Bolshoi Theater troupe. Participated in major repertoire performances. In 2005 he graduated from the production department Russian Academy theatrical arts. He played in the musical "Mata Hari". Released 5 studio albums. The most famous songs: “Moscow Night”, “Baby”. Lives in civil marriage With former model Natalya Ustinenko. The couple has two daughters - Sophia and Agatha.