Any woman, even if she does not admit it out loud, dreams in her heart that her figure would meet the various criteria of the ideal. But is there such a thing as "Perfect legs" or is it something mythical? ...

Such a concept exists! As well as several ways to identify the owners of ideal legs.

In ancient times, people, obviously, were also very interested in this issue, then the so-called Polyclite parameters... In them, the proportions of the female figure are repelled by the volume of the neck. An ideal woman's waist should be twice as thick as the neck, the volume of the lower leg should be equal to the volume of the neck. The shin times 1.5 equals the ideal thigh. The length from waist to foot should be half the height.

The normal weight for a woman with a height of 161-165 cm is an average of 54-55 kg. In this case, the length of the leg should be 85 cm, the girth of the thigh should be 57 cm, and the lower leg should be 35 cm.

Weight 55-56 kg is ideal for a height of 166 - 170 cm. Leg length - 90 cm, thigh circumference -58, lower leg 36 cm.

60-61 kg corresponds to 171 - 175 cm in height. The leg length for these proportions is 95 cm, the circumference of the thigh and lower leg is 59 and 38 cm, respectively.

The easiest visual way to identify ideal legs is called "Four windows"... Place your feet together, heel to heel, and count the amount of gaps that form. Ideal legs should form 4 gaps. The first is between the ankle and the feet, the second is between the ankle and the lower calf, the third is from the top of the calf to the knee, and the fourth is above the knee.

But if your legs do not meet these parameters, this does not mean that they are ugly and crooked. Read about which legs are considered crooked and how to correct this curvature in.

1. Rounded knee in a relaxed state.
2. The back of the knee corresponds to the thickness of the ankle (it can be slightly thicker).
3. Thin but not skinny ankle.
4. Absence of protrusions on the sides of the maple.
5. The presence of a depression on the back of the knee.
6. Smooth calves without muscles.
7. Thin and symmetrical Achilles tendon.
8. Rounded but not bulging heel.
9. Smooth narrowing of the thigh when passing to the waist.
10. The widest part of the thigh is one third from the waist.
11. The front of the thigh is slightly convex and gradually deepens closer to the knee.
12. Equal distances from knee to upper thigh line and from knee to foot.
13. Feet - oblong, fingers close to each other.

In addition to these characteristics, there are also ideal proportions. between leg length and height... For fragile women, the optimal leg length is half the height + 6 cm, for large-boned women, half the height + 2 cm, for owners of medium build - add 4 cm to half the height.

Found a match for all parameters - congratulations! If not, then remember that in fact, after all, a person paints his legs, and not vice versa! :)

Long and thin legs. Some girls seem to dream about them in their dreams. But is it that simple? What legs can we consider really perfect?

1. Leg length

The correct leg length depends entirely on your height. This is logical, because a girl of 155 centimeters cannot have legs of 110 centimeters (it would look terrible). Everything should be in proportion.

The ideal length is half the height plus a few centimeters. A lot depends on whether your bone is wide or thin:

  • wide bone: legs are 2–4 centimeters longer than half of the height (51–53% of the height);
  • normal bone: the length of the legs is equal to half the height and another 4–6 centimeters above (52–54% of the height);
  • thin bone: legs should be half the height and another 6-9 centimeters (53-55% of the height).

Remember that the length of the legs is measured from the prominence of the femur to the floor.

2. The rule of four gaps

The legs cannot be completely straight, and this is normal. They must have a certain nice curve. To understand how your legs fit the ideal parameters, stand in front of the mirror and bring your legs together.

Regularly shaped legs form four gaps: between the feet and ankles, under the knees, between the knees and thighs, between the groin and thighs. The last window (above the knee at the bottom of the thigh) should be narrowest.

3. Hip width

Girls are most often worried about the volume of the hips. Of course, hip coverage is an important parameter for perfect legs. So, with an increase of 161-165 centimeters, the correct thigh circumference is 53-54 centimeters; with a height of 166-170, the circumference of the thigh is 55-57 centimeters; with a height of 171–175, the thigh circumference should be 57–58 centimeters (be careful: the circumference of one thigh, not the circumference of two thighs).

We would like to note that 55 centimeters in girth is not so little, which means that thin and beautiful legs are not always the same.

4. Beautiful caviar

Calves are an equally important part of the legs. Here you need to determine the golden mean for yourself: too pumped up caviar is bad, but flabby, jelly is even worse. Rounded and resilient calves do not disturb the general outline of the leg and are not conspicuous.

5. Attractive knees

The knees can be both a decoration for the legs and their main problem. Good knees are small, round, tidy, with no side protrusions. The knee should be the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, halfway between the top of the thigh and the feet.

Pay attention to the circumference of the leg under the knee: it should be equal to or slightly larger than the circumference of the ankle.

Unfortunately, the knees give away the woman's age. It is not for nothing that Hollywood stars begin to do plastic surgery on their knees in order to return them to their correct shape.

6. Graceful ankles

A beautiful ankle should be thin (but not skinny), graceful and raised. By the way, the shape of the Achilles tendon is also important (it is located where the heel passes into the lower leg): ideally, it has a small thickness and regular indentations on both sides.

7. A little more about hips

We figured out the girth of the hips, but what about their shape? It is believed that the ideal femur is similar to a spindle: slightly narrowed above and below, and slightly widened in the middle. If you mentally divide the thigh into three equal parts, then the widest part should be in the upper third.

To keep your hips firm, toned and appetizing, you need to constantly play sports and maintain their beautiful shape.

8. Smooth feet, pink heels, neat toes

The ideal foot has a concave, elongated and thin foot. The toes are not crooked by low-quality shoes and lie loosely, one next to the other. The heel is rounded and slightly protruding from the Achilles tendon.

Of course, toes and heels should be well-groomed and tidy: don't forget about pedicure, soothing baths and moisturizing cream.

9. Healthy legs

Beautiful legs are, first of all, healthy legs. Vascular asterisks, blue-violet mesh will ruin the appearance of even the most slender legs. An immobile lifestyle, sitting for seven to eight hours, high heels, lack of exercise can all lead to varicose veins. The disease is serious, often treated only with laser therapy or surgery.

Therefore, watch the health of your legs from a young age. Walk, exercise, take a contrast shower, rest your feet from heels, drink plenty of water, and see a phlebologist.

10. Smooth skin

Smooth and silky skin is another must-have for perfect legs. A couple of times a week you should exfoliate and apply a moisturizing body lotion every day.

There are several ways: the simplest and most short-lived - shaving, the most expensive and effective -, optimal in terms of price and long-term -,. Choose what you like!

Pushkin also remarked: "You can hardly find three pairs of slender female legs in Russia." Yes, perfect female legs are an extremely rare gift from nature. But are we really powerless and there are no recipes on how to make our legs perfect?

First of all, you need to determine what the proportions and parameters of ideal legs are. It's not that hard to check.

So, the proportions and parameters of ideal legs. What should be the ideal leg length?

You need to stand in front of the mirror, straighten up and close your legs. Ideally, there should be four gaps between them: in the upper thighs, then the narrowest gap is above the knees, the next is below the knees, and finally above the ankles. In practice, it is quite difficult to achieve such an ideal, moreover, the presence of a large gap between the thighs does not always look aesthetically pleasing and makes the legs less attractive.

Next, you need to measure the circumference of the hips, lower leg and ankle (ankle). If your height is 170 cm, then for the thigh circumference the figure will be 51.5 cm, for the lower leg - 34 cm, and for the ankle - 19.5 cm.If the height is 160 cm, then the dimensions are slightly reduced and amount to 50 cm for the thighs, for shin 33 cm and for ankle 19 cm.

How long are your legs

The length of the legs is another sore point. How can you tell if your legs are long? Not everyone is given to have legs like 90s supermodel Nadia Auermann, but, nevertheless, there are certain criteria by which legs are considered:

  1. Long if they are more than half your height.
  2. Medium - if approximately equal to half.
  3. Short if they are less than half the height.

I must say right away that no supermodern techniques will make short legs long from molars and slender, like those of a gazelle. Even radical surgical techniques cannot add more than a couple of centimeters of length. Moreover, any operation will have a detrimental effect on the beauty of the legs, not to mention the fact that it is very painful, expensive, and will make the girl disabled for a long time. However, there are several simple methods for visually changing the length of the legs by adjusting the proportions of the body.

How to get perfect legs

It may not be possible to reach the ideal, but you can get closer to it if you follow these recommendations.

  • Try to sleep with your legs raised. This simple action will save you fluid buildup on your ankles, making them appear much wider than they really are. In this case, the legs will look thinner, slender, which means longer.
  • Do this exercise every day: walk a few steps, first on the heels, then on the toes, and then on the outer and inner sides of the feet, and you need to start the step from the heel.
  • Remember that if you have a sedentary job, you will have more body fat on your thighs. It is preferable to sit only on the edge of a chair.
  • Do not wear synthetic socks and tights at home and do not give your slippers to anyone.
  • Try to walk at least a few stops every day (ideally 10,000 steps).

Do special exercises for your feet regularly.

  1. The best exercise for all groups of leg muscles at once is squatting without spreading the knees. At the same time, the muscles of the back of the thigh flex the leg, and the muscles of the front surface - unbend, the muscles of the lower leg help to straighten the foot, the abductor muscles of the thigh, which are on its outer surface, are actively involved, and the adductor muscles on the inner surface of the thigh are prevented from bringing the knees together.
  2. Prepare an elastic bandage 8 cm wide. Lie on your side and rest on your elbow. On the top of the foot on top, fasten the bandage with the shin extended. Performing the exercise, try to raise your leg as high as possible, while overcoming the resistance of the bandage. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg. In a month and a half of doing this simple exercise, you can achieve a decrease in the volume of the hips by about 3 cm.

But along with special exercises for the legs, you need to do the rest of the figure, so it's best to go straight to the gym or fitness club.

Long Legs - Slim Legs

It is clear that full legs with chubby knees in infant dimples will always look shorter than they actually are. So if you want to have beautiful slender legs, you can't do without effort. We'll have to lose weight and go in for sports.

Why can't you get by with just losing weight? Only very young girls with a slight "advantage" can afford it - they have dense young tissues and skin, which quickly recover and take the correct shape. The older a woman is, the worse her tissues regenerate, therefore, without sports, it will not be possible to restore the normal shape of the legs, and the whole body.

The passion for sports exercises, especially with weights, has its own pitfalls. If you overdo it with losing weight and pumping up muscles, you can irreparably spoil the shape of your legs, getting heavy and too prominent muscles, like a weightlifter. To avoid this, you need to engage in such types of fitness, which are not associated with "swaying" muscles. This is swimming, Pilates, stretching, yoga and other types of gymnastics, where muscle stretching and deep strengthening are practiced.

Fight cellulite

The scourge of our time for all women is this. With it, the so-called orange peel appears on the skin of the thighs, which does not disappear with weight loss and greatly spoils the appearance of even the most beautiful legs. They seem thicker and looser, so the presence of cellulite visually "eats" the length of the legs.

It is difficult to deal with this cosmetic defect, but it is possible. Diet, sports, massages, modern methods of influencing fat cells are used. If you try very hard, then it is quite possible to return the former harmony and beauty of the legs.

In the fight for long and beautiful legs, do not forget to care for them carefully, choose thin transparent stockings with a slight sheen (they visually lengthen the legs and make them thinner), choose the right length of clothes and do not wear flat shoes, but also do not abuse the height of heels ... With this approach, the legs will always delight with beauty and health.

Probably, fortunately, the ideal shape of the legs does not exist. And this is good. After all, there is a connoisseur for every pair. However, you should not relax, because there are no limits to perfection. And you are quite capable of making your legs more beautiful, tighten or build up muscles, remove excess fat, and put your skin in order. Moreover, some standards do exist. About them below.

Leg shape classification

Scientists have established the ideal parameters for female legs to look stunning. Moreover, their length should be from 51 to 55 percent of the growth.

More accurate parameters depend on such a concept as broad bone:

  • A woman with a wide bone - 51 to 53 percent;
  • with normal bone - from 52 to 54 percent;
  • for thin bones - from 53 to 55 percent.

It turns out that the thinner the bone, the longer the legs. Legs will be considered slender, through which you can visually draw a straight line if you take a segment from the upper thigh through the center of the knee and to the ankle.

Legs, even like sticks, will not be considered beautiful either. They must have a slight curvature, the so-called points of convergence - in the area of ​​the feet, bones, shins, knees and upper thighs, and points of divergence. Therefore, if the owner of straight legs stands in front of the mirror and tries to close her legs, she will still not be able to do this.

She should have three fusiform lumens. According to the classification of the limbs of the doctor A.A. Artemyev, which was bred relatively recently in 2001, is divided into four types according to the shape of the legs. We have already mentioned the first one.

The second type is true O-shaped curvature. It is formed when the deformation of the bones does not allow a person to close his knees, and he has a continuous gap from the hips to the ankle. They also say about such - legs with a wheel.

The third is false curvature, formed due to improper distribution of muscles and meat on the outer part of the lower leg.

And the fourth is the true X-shaped curvature of the shape of the legs, due to which, with closed hips, it is impossible to connect the ankles.

In this case, the true curvature, the so-called types O and X, can be corrected only with the use of osteoplastic operations of the joint. And with false curvature, plastic surgeons work, who remove curvatures by lipofilling or endoprosthetics of the legs.

Correction of the shape of the legs

You have probably already checked your legs in front of a mirror and made sure that you do not have any curvatures, although the length and shape of the legs is far from ideal and leaves much to be desired. The length of the legs, of course, cannot be corrected, but it is quite possible to work on the shape without contacting the bone setters and surgeons.

The shape of the legs depends on the thickness of the bones and the development of the muscular system. We can only influence the muscles. In order to keep them in good shape, you need to move as much as possible, forcing your legs to work.

This can be swimming, jogging, exercise bike, walking, climbing stairs or just a set of exercises. And if you let dancing or water aerobics into your life, then in addition to the beautiful shape of your legs, you will also get a bonus from the classes. Let's take a closer look at some of the methods.


Walking adepts urge everyone to walk more for the benefit of their own health. And they are right. Walking improves blood circulation, enriches the blood with oxygen and it has a beneficial effect on all vital systems and human organs, without exception. Therefore, just half an hour a day will be a good practice against varicose veins, which means it will save your legs from this insidious disease that disfigures the veins.


All types of dances, whatever you choose, be it ballroom or Latinos - strengthen the muscles in the legs, hone the shape of the calves and ankles.


The pressure of the water and the horizontal position of the body while swimming already leads to natural lymphatic drainage. And if we add to this the benefits of alternating relaxation and tension of a muscle group, then in addition to being in good shape, all swimmers also get rid of cellulite.

Water aerobics

A more serious sport than swimming, since performing a set of exercises in the water aimed at correcting problem areas has a pronounced effect on the forms of the whole body, making them more precise and more prominent.

A ride on the bicycle

Traveling on this type of transport, due to the alternation of the same type of movements for a long time, leads to beautiful calves and hips.

A beautiful and correct shape is also achieved with some exercises. Only when taking them, remember about the regularity. The complex, repeated once or twice, will not do any good to your legs. But constant exercise, even if not every day, but every other day, will lead to an excellent effect.

Slow squats

Everyone is familiar with squats from physical education. Our exercise differs from the school one in that you need to squat slowly until the angle between your calves and thighs reaches 90 °.

In this position, you need to linger for 10 seconds, and then also slowly come out of the squat. The complex consists of ten squats, three sets each.

You need to take a minute break between sets. After a month, the number of exercises increases, and they are performed on a grid: 4 sets of 16 squats each with a one-minute interval. And the most "advanced" level is 5 sets of 25 reps. Rest time is reduced to 45 seconds.


Starting position - standing, hands on the waist. Perform lunges with one leg forward, while bending it at a right angle, making sure that the hip moves parallel to the floor. Linger a little and return to the starting position. Repeat 9 times with the same leg. After a month, the number of lunges and approaches increases to 4 sets of 12 repetitions. And then up to 5 sets of 16 reps.


We sit on an imaginary chair with our backs against the wall. Lower yourself slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for half a minute. Then get up slowly. The complex consists of 3 approaches, half a minute each with a two-minute rest. After a month, the number of squats increases by one, and the time increases from half a minute to 45 seconds. And then 5 squats for 1 minute 15 seconds.

Rules on the way to the correct shape of the legs

There are some rules, following which you will prolong the beauty of your legs and keep them healthy.

So, you can't:

  • sit sideways, leaning on one side, placing your legs on the other, you still cannot cross and spread your legs wide;
  • keep weight on one leg for a long time;
  • sleeping on your stomach or side;
  • constantly wear too high heels;
  • carry the bag only on one shoulder;
  • sit for a long time;
  • wear tight shoes;
  • frequent the sauna and steam room.


Many, echoing the genius of Russian literature, exclaim with a slight mischief: "In Russia you will hardly find two pairs of slender female legs ...". Pushkin was lying - there are a lot of slender female legs and there are also enough beautiful ones, but their owners are not always satisfied with what they see in the mirror. After all, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Modern girls are ready for a lot to make their legs close to the ideal. What are the ideal legs? The concept of "ideality" is ambiguous and depends on the era, social environment, religion, culture, way of life, heredity, and even the territory in which we live. The striving for the beauty of humanity is eternal and unfading. People began to search for "ideal body proportions" in ancient times.



Today, the golden ratio for men is 1.68 and for women 1.62.

The closest to this value in the studies of the traumatologist - orthopedist Marker N.A. (2009) there were representatives of the Negroid race - 1.63 ± 0.023 and the Caucasian race 1.59 ± 0.006. The representatives of the Asian race, in order to visually more correspond to these "ideal" proportions, must either wear high-heeled shoes or "increase their height" in other ways.

Returning to the ideal proportions of legs, you can turn your attention to the research of Howard, who in his work described the "ideal" ratio of the length of the legs and legs based on the research of Leonardo da Vinci and the "golden ratio". The author confirmed that 1.618 was ideal for calf length and 1 was the distance between the ankle and the inferior border of the muscle and, accordingly, between the knee and mid-calf muscle.

Further, L. Slazay in his search came to the conclusion that the circumference of the legs from 33 to 36 cm looks more attractive in women of normosthenic physique, and an increase or decrease in these parameters will look less aesthetic. In this case, the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half times the circumference of the lower leg.

And yet, when modeling an ordinary person, we most likely do not take a ruler and a calculator in order to calculate the golden proportions. We just intuitively feel these forms, because the forms of a human being come across our eyes more often than anything else ...

Spanish plastic surgeon Martin M.D. in his article on complex liposuction of the lower extremities (2001) writes that beauty is based on the difference in the ratio of one area to another. An isolated assessment of a separate part of the body is not sufficient to represent the harmony of the body as a whole, and an isolated correction of one area can bring disharmony to the overall appearance.

He describes the structural features and aesthetic criteria for ideal female legs.

“The lower limb in women is widest in the region of the trochanters, then it gradually tapers towards the knee in the hip, slightly widens in the upper third of the calf and is quite thin in the ankle area. The femur in women tends to tilt more inward than in men. The profile of the thigh should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. In shape, it should resemble a spindle. The place under the knee should be as thin as the ankle, there should be no protruding parts on the side of the knee, on the back side of the knee should have a depression (fossa). "

In his article, Martin also describes the most typical fat traps in women: the region of the sacrum, flanks, breeches, front, inner surface of the upper third of the thigh and knees. The author calls all these areas "the curse of the female figure." And he mentions that you should not forget about fatty deposits, which distort the shape of the lower leg itself, spreading over the outer surface in the upper third of the legs and the area of ​​the ankles along the inner and outer surfaces.

Based on these criteria, Martin performs contour correction of the shape of the lower limb as a whole using complex liposuction.

The photo shows an example demonstrating the formation of ideal contours of the legs after complex liposuction.

In popular literature, you can find the following definition of "ideal legs": "ideal legs" put together, in certain places will touch each other and thus form four "French windows" - above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee, in the middle of the thigh , and in the proximal thigh. The last "window" should be the narrowest.

And also the following


Let's not forget that fashion has a very big influence on the idea of ​​beauty and the ideal figure, which dictates its own standards, which radically differ in different eras. The standards of female beauty have changed and continue to change over time - this can be observed in the paintings of artists of different eras. Due to the fact that they have always admired the harmony of the female body, now we have the opportunity to compare their ideals with the ideas of the beauty of our time. In the works of Rubens, Botticelli, Titian, Monet, Renoir, Kustodiev, etc.

Sandro Botticelli - "The Birth of Venus", Titian - "Venus of Urbino"

The century is changing, the standards are also changing - a galaxy of Hollywood beauties: Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Marilyn Monroe, etc. - these are the "ideals" for millions of people in the middle of the 20th century.

If in the sixties the beauty industry raised the image of femininity and natural beauty on a pedestal, no one paid attention to minor figure flaws (protruding tummy, large hips, etc.).

Today, the fashion industry has taken a dramatic step forward. Models - slender, anorexic, hair - long, shapes - of the established "sample" - 90x60x90.

Osteoplastic surgery), which will help make your legs the most beautiful - long, straight, regular shape - ideal. And, most importantly, they will certainly meet modern world beauty standards.