05/15/2017 at 08:13

Hello, dear friends!

For a person, the snake has always been considered a zone of increased danger and close attention. Perhaps this is associated with human, the roots of which can go to the previous, or its composure. But many earthlings are panicly afraid of reptiles!

But one thing, a living being, and completely different - the symbol of the tail, which is able to work wonders! The snake is also a halter-shui symbol with an amazing and extremely versatile meaning.

Snakes have long symbolized the presence of wisdom, knowledge, but besides that, they always compared with long-life, eternal youth and ability to resurrev.

What secrets keep a totem sign in yourself? What story hides in the guise of a wonderful creation? And moreover, as the image of the snake includes the peoples of the world? About this and not only in today's article!

Where most often you can meetsymbol of snake ? The most popular image of the "cold-blooded" symbolism is the figurines, talismans and paintings, transmitting the entire supply of the energy potential of the sign.

They can be made of various materials: wood, metal, stone, glass and even with polymer clay! It is worth noting that it can be a handmade pillow or a children's toy, harmoniously inscribed in the interior space of your home.

What is the symbol of a mysterious snake? Before you answer this question, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the meaning of the sign and understand the nature of its influence on the space.

The value of different characters

There are different forms of characters, for examplesnake swallowing your tail. The fact is that snake indicates the eternal cycle. He has his owne an ancient name - Uroboros, snake rolled into the ringand biting yourself for the tail. His destination is to show the person that being has certain cycles of its development and that everything is infinitely repeated.

The end, as such - no! Cold proceeds to destruction, life - replaced by death. But death on the physical plane is the birth of a thin plan (as well as birth in physical - probably like death on thin ...). With accuracy of course not to say ...

But Kundalini is the most powerful vital energy that rises along the spine and is depicted in the form of two intertwy snakes. These two snakes symbolize energy channels that are crossed. And where they crossed out - there are chakras (7 main and a huge number of smaller).

This energy is in each of us, but only in a dormant form. But in order to awaken the avalanche of the flow, you need to work on my beginning and physical shell, practicing the classes of sacred yoga, the cleansing of the body from slags and methods for cleaning consciousness from unnecessary, I would say false beliefs.

Snake is a multifunctional symbol (like all characters in general!)! He manages to combine both male and female, and androgen beginnings. Also applies to the number of men's totem signs expressing force. It is often counted for phallic symbols, calling "husband of all representatives of the beautiful floor."

If we consider a cold-blooded creature, as a car for killing, then it can be attributed to the messenger of death and extermination, but if you think about it, as a creature changing the skin, then you can find the subtext in the form of a transformation of living, resurrection and life.

When a person correctly uses symbolism, understanding its initial duality, he can count on the purchase of certain benefits and strongest protection. The snake can be for you as a symbol of universal good and a sign of global evil. Choosing for you, but I still advise you to choose a positive!

In medieval Christian art, a symbol of a snake brought tocross . This frightening image is not so cruel as it seems. A sign of a certain promise in itself, which enters into itself the key importance - the resurrection and superiority of the spirit over primitive flesh.


Caduceus is a symbol of total mediation and agreement in consent. It can be found as an image, trade emblems. But if you look into the past, I was an integral attribute of a messenger whoordered them for me ensuring complete security to the owner.

If we consider the symbol from the dive point in atmabout sphere of antique traditionsthen there the caduceus was transformed intowand Hermes , Iznosta gods themselves! He could give people the prophetic dreams and act as unifying the world of the symbol.

At first it looked like an olive branch, with two shoots from above, which was abundantly decorated with garlands. But in the future, the sign appeared in the form2 intertwined Snakes who wrap their body rod on both sides. Over time, it was decorated with wings, to give Hermes the speed of movement with the mark "Communion to Heaven." Caduceus Hermes also symbolizes the energy of Kunadalini and spiritual awakening.

It is worth noting that Kaduchu has not one interpretation. There is a staff of the Eskulap, the Greek god of his healing, which is also crowned with a comprehensive representative of the Coldbowl. . He received universal fame, because to date is a symbol of a doctor and medicine.

Symbol of snake among the nations of the earth

For example, in Africa, the snakes form the emblem of power, also symbolize the chariot of immortality and the embodiment of the departed. In the American Indians, this creature was considered a mythical, gifted force of creation. She was called the ladies of the lightning, the ruin of the rain, the spear of the very god of war.

Australia's aborigines The presence of a snake is generally counted to the sign of more than the upcoming pregnancy. But Aztec managed to combine the serpent and rexy. For them, this is a symbol of the sun, harmony, wind movement, water and enveloping the earth of space.

The famous Sansary Wheel, decorated inside the circle of the snake. It personifies angrily, although sometimes it can be associated with the very Buddha, the appealnaga (snakes). And when sores, hunger and destroy will come to this world, it is the serpent healed earthly people.

In China, the reptiles refers to five poisonous beings. It is for this reason that it rarely differs from the habitual Dragon. And if it happened, the only thing that it can symbolize is a negative, evil and fairly false phenomenon.

Christianity attributed a sign to ambivalent symbols. That you mean, it is Christ, ascended on the tree of life for the atonement of human sins, while combining wisdom and virtue, as well as the personification of the devil!

The image of the snake can be found in Egypt. Most often they were applied to the sarcophagus. Snake Apol, belonging to the forces of darkness and darkness, drank water from the fertile Nile, in the hopeconfuse God u. Ra, who came out of the battle every night.

The sign of the sacred snake urea is sacral, an Egyptian symbol, considered to the embodiment of the Harp of Atuma.He was applied to the headdiers of Pharaoh and was a symbol of their power.

But the character of the snake arose in civilizations not enough! Already in the ancient times, the snakes were in great reverence. And those who saved the Atlanta catastrophe, 12.5 thousand years ago, distributed this symbol and others among almost all the nations of the Earth!

On this I will put a point!

Before meeting on the blog, while so far!

Copper serpent. Karl Bruni, 1841. *

Canvas, oil 565 x 852 cm

State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

"Zmey is the subject of disgust and worship, and people feed on it or merciless hatred, or bowed to his wisdom. Lie calls to him; Caution declares rights to him; The envy wears him in the heart, and eloquence - on his rod. In hell, it turns into the Beach of Fury; In heaven - eternity makes it with his symbol. "

Francois Shatubin.

1. The variety of snake symbols and dragon.
2. Snakes - a symbol of wisdom.
3. Snakes - a symbol of wisdom teachers.
4. Snakes - a symbol of the universe.
5. Snakes - a symbol of the lowest mind.
6. Snake in Kaducea.
7. Symalism of the dragon.

The legends of all peoples and tribes, civilized or wild, talk about the general belief in the Great Wisdom and the cunning of snakes. They are "Wizards." They hypnotize the bird with their gaze, and even a person often cannot withstand them with charming influence. Snakes - one of the oldest characters, because Reptiles preceded birds, and birds are mammals.

1. Change symbols manifold.

The gallery of sacred signs contains all sorts of options for the image of the snake. For example, two snakes or two dragons see in the symbol of two opposite forces, lights and darkness, good and evil, Jan-yin, life and death.

Snakes in Yin, Yan

Snakes in the Claws of the Eagle tells us that the lower nature is defeated, the highest released. Snake, who pays the cross is a revival and salvation.

Firemen snake researchers are associated with its sunny nature. The winged snakes and the dragon are solar symbols, this is a deity, air, the power of ascent, rain, wind, thunder and zipper, the breath of life, knowledge, the flight of thoughts and time.

In the alchemical tradition, the winged dragon symbolized the "bat", and loony - "fixed". In Chinese alchemy, he indicated blood, mercury, seed.

Snake, as the owner of the water element, worshiped many nations. They prayed him about the rain. From fear before drought or a flood, they brought a snake of the victim. Human sacrifices were common. He usually be brought before sowing, the taste of a snake so that he showed his creative energy (Kundalini - L. K.) and the Earth would bring fruit. When the serpent resets the old skin, it symbolizes the process of reincarnation of a person, leaving it into new leather clothes, gaining the ego of a new physical body.

2. Snakes - a symbol of wisdom.

In the houses of the sorcerers of the Middle Ages in the set haughtily lived bats, cats, monkeys and snakes, which they surrounded themselves intentionally, because Possed the ability to "pull out" from these creatures the strength of astral light and use it for their own purposes.

For the same reason, in Egypt and some cities of Greece, in the temples, the snakes were the necessary affiliation of the Delphic Oracle (primeher). The auric body of the snake is one of the most amazing spectacles, which is only able to observe a clairvoyant, and the secrets hidden in her aura explain why the snake is almost all nations serves as a symbol of wisdom. In addition, the sishkovoid gland of a person is called the head of the dragon of wisdom. With the rise of higher energies in the brain, from a certain moment, the sishovenic gland rises vertically as the head of the cobra, and increases in the volume, as the cobra is inflated.

Snakes in all nations of antiquity, regardless of faith, was a very respected symbol, the greatest secret, which personified not only the human mind, but the mind performed by Divine Wisdom. Only one people excluded themselves from the non-plane list of peoples who worshiped the symbol in the form of a snake (or dragon).

... There is such an exception to Christians who decided to forget the "Copper Zmia" Moses, and even recognition by Jesus himself the full meaning of the Great Wisdom and Caution "Zmia": "Be wise as Zmiah, and Croes, like pigeons."

Zmiy wisdom [Zmiy Ancient]. 1924. A series of banners of the East. **
(In 1924, Naz. The birth of secrets) (compiled in 1924-1925). MCR.

E.I. River: "Why was the image of Zmia who was elected a symbol of wisdom? One of the many explanations of this emblem is that the serpent always keeps his head straight and moves along the direct direction, and only the body takes twisted in accordance with the obstacles on the way. So we will be wise as Zmey. Pursuing your goal, we will choose the best and good path. " E.P.B: In Indian philosophy, spirits or Dragon spirits, as well as the inhabitants of Pathala, Hell, are called Nagami. In India, in China and Tibet "Dragons" are considered as deities - the patrus of the world. This term indicates their huge knowledge and wisdom. This is also said in the ancient sutra ((ICR.) - A part of the sacred writings intended for Buddhists-Mijan) and Buddha's blessings.

Always Nag is a sage, gifted by exceptional magical forces, - to the south. and center. America, India, as well as in ancient Egypt. The Chinese consider Naga in spirits or custodian gods of the five spheres, or the 4ths of the World and the Center. (Guardians of five lakes and four oceans (ETER)). Esoterically translated this means: 5 continents with their five indigenous races were always protected by wise adepts.

In the ancient legends it is said that Nagi washed by the Buddha at birth, protected him and protected the remains of his body after death. This once again confirms that Nagi is wise men, arghats, and no monsters or dragons.

"We have a lot of snakes. In wisdom - serpent spiral. Evil - sophisticated ". [In P-1. 490]

In Egypt, the symbol of wisdom was the urea - this is a fire-hazing cobra. (Urea - with Greek. Literally snakes). Egyptians wrapped the snake forehead, because They knew that reptiles had cishemoid gland reached a large development. The image of Ureya served as a symbol of Pharaoh's power and strengthened him on his forehead.

Occultism explains that the urea is a symbol of dedication, as well as intimate wisdom than the serpent was always. Subsequently, the trees were used in Greco-Egyptian magic, and then in the symbolism of various Masonic lodges. ZMIA-Dragons are symbols of wisdom teachers.

In the oldest Christian Gnostics "Zmeim" - "Semilax Zmiem" - was called Christ himself.

The great teachers of the wisdom, which were embodied in the races of mankind to help him, were called sniped.

The secret doctrine, Article 7-49: "... Zmey, who again descended and installed the world with fifth, who were taught and instructed her ..."

E.P. Blavatskaya writes about the allegoric snake: "This mysterious being there is a mythical dragon, i.e. The symbol of historical and real Adepta, Master and Teachers of Occult Sciences of Ancientness ... The Great Magages of 4 5 races were usually called "sniped" and "dragons" ... they all belonged to the hierarchy of the so-called "fiery dragons of wisdom", Dhyani Koganov (Agnisvattov, Pitr ) "... [Secret Doctrine 1-1]

3. Snakes - a symbol of the universe.

Snake, possessing an elastic, plastic body, can easily turn into a spiral, like a private spring, as well as in a circle. In addition, the snake performs all the modifications of the circle: when it moves - it is a sinusoid, when resting - it may be in the mathematical symbol of infinity in the form of a turned eight.

You might think that the snake teaches a person the language of the symbols, on which all the secrets of the universe are recorded. Maybe therefore the snake has become in the east with a symbol of wisdom.

Thanks to the plastic of the serpentine body, the cosmogony of all the ancient peoples began with a circle, in the form of a snake carved into the ring, in the mouth of which his tail enters. We see this symbol on the emblem of the World-based, based in 1875. E.P. Blavatskaya, and on the title sheets of its works.

This is one of the most ancient and omnid symbols of human knowledge. It means, above all, eternal movement - a great life, an infinitely developing spiral. Each round of spiral, like a snake, has the beginning (head) and the end (tail), which belong to one snake. This is a symbol of a recurring time.

The emblem of the theosophical society.

"The manvantarian snake bit his tail when the manvantarian evolution cycle ends." [Etc. 1-2, 425]

Another name of the snake form. Umboros - cooler snakes. Snakes so curled down that the head (emptiness, attractive, passive female began) tries to constantly absorb the tail (full, repulsive, active, male start).

The circle of the typoros concludes everything. He symbolizes the time that is devouring himself; Truth and knowledge of truth in one person. He kills himself and generates, which is displayed in the cyclicity of cosmic processes. It is self-sufficiency and initial unity, beginning and end. / P\u003e

UR - primordial light, logo. It symbolizes:

in the world of the Divine - the actions of the Father on the Son, in the world of abstract - freedom for necessity, in physical - the action of force on resistance.

Snakes - a symbol of Fohat.

Fiery snakes is both Fohat, at the beginning of Manvantara begins a vortex and snake-shaped movement, gives an impulse to the atoms of matter, encourages them to action. Those or other forms in the universe are formed. He materializes worlds, generating new and new downward spirals. This is a creative cosmic force.

The wise men of the East say that "the Universe originated from Mahakundalini, which alone coarse the rings of a snake, as in man."

Fohat "collects primary dust in the shape of the balls." [So 1-1, 252] Sleeping snake in a dense ring - a symbol of the lower center of energy in a person - Kundalini. The center is located in the root part of the sushumna (energy channel inside the bone marrow of the spine), the center of Molandhara or Kundalini - SCR. - "Cooked in the ring", because The potential creative energy of a large fiery force as if coarse snakes in the ring, and when the center is disclosed, the energy of Kundalini rises up the spiral, again - as a snake.

Mount to someone who is prematurely trying to raise the Fire Kundalini. "The bite of the fire snake is usually mortal ... It burns the path in the brain and destroys the thinking abilities of the mind. This spiritual appearsing force not only causes enlightenment, but, like a snake that has become a symbol, is also able to highlight the deadly poison. "

5. ZMY as a symbol of the lowest mind.

The symbol of the lowest nature of the human mind was depicted the smallest (i.e. smart) creature. What is the basis of a hostile relationship of a person to crawling creatures, to worms, to innocuous, sometimes useful, snake, accidentally affected human body? Other creatures can cause fear in humans - tigers, bears; indifference to other animals, but there is no such disgust from touch, as from the crawling creation. This antipathy arose when a person became a conscious creature.

Before the awakening of the mind, the inner world of a man-animal was unconscious bliss. But when the mind was awakened (the 4th principle), the paradise bliss disappeared. Man began to reflect. This lowest reasonable principle was pushing a person in temptations, he began to tear off the contradictions. Low, small passions, desires, as snakes, Jalii and drank in the essence of a person. These passions, low desires were justified by rational fabrications, his contradictions were spawned: well - bad, mine is not mine. This lowest mind acts as a Snake-a temptist who persuades, justifies all seats and fabrications of non-resident actions.

And at the physical level, he had a disgust for the crawling, slippery, thickened creatures, as the personification of his vices.

In times, when the Jewish prophet and the legislator, dedicated to Moses, led the Jewish tribe through the desert, the Israelis began to raise both Moses, and against God. Immediately, the Israelites were attacked by hundreds of little snakes. Then, at the destruction of God, Moses made a copper serpent, whom he watered to the Tau's cross in the desert so that those who looked at him did not die from the bites of copper snakes.

Tau cross

Esoterically copper Serpent Moses personifies Kundalini's kiteoidal energy; And those who in spiritual growth raised the fiery energy of Kundalini, the energy of a large snake on Sushumn - Cross Tau, - he defeated his lower feelings - smaller snakes, and they, their bites, are not terrible.

Everyone knows the medical emblem: the snake wures a thin leg of the bowl, and the head hangs over the bowl. Most often explain this image as: "Snake gives a poison that is treated." This is an exoteric explanation. But as an ancient symbol, he had nothing to do with the treatment of man. Its esoteric value was deeper.

If the horizontal line of the Cross Tau is personifies the bowl - the center of the spiritual heart of a person, then this symbol speaks about the fiery baptism of man, when the fiery energy of Kundalini rises to the center of the bowl, activating all other centers (chakras).

Zmiy - the most advanced symbol of two poles of life:

1) Silence, wisdom, loneliness, the ability to change the skin (i.e. transformed) is characteristic of both dedicated and zmia.

2) On the other hand, its poisonousness, cunning, treachery symbolize the tendencies inherent in the Black Magu. Therefore, the serpent is the most suitable symbol for both poles of life life.

6. Zmiy in Kaducea.

Caduceus is the development of Tau Cross. Caduceus (lat.) - Early by two snakes Magic Rod Hermes (Egyptian God) - Mercury (Roman God). Greek poets and myth-making idea about Kaducea Mercury took the Egyptians. Caduceus can be found on the Egyptian monuments built before Osiris (the greatest God of Egypt).

This is a cosmic, astronomical, as well as a spiritual and even physiological symbol. Its value is changing along with the application.

Hermesa rod is a harmonious, beautiful design and is the sculptural embodiment of ancient esoteric symbolism.

Caduceus is an ancient symbol of Mysteries of India, then an ancient Egypt. Later he was significantly changed by the Greeks.

In the initial symbol, Zmiy had a triple head: two heads grew from the third, which was between two wings of the swan. (Hans or Hamsa (SanskR) - a mystical bird in the occultism, "Bird outside space and time", ( from which or through which the manifestation begins-L.K.)

Two Zmia: One Eternal and Overhead (Spirit), his second illusion (matter). Two tails are connected on Earth (manifested by the Universe). E.P. Blavatskaya: "This rod, blamed by two sms, remains the best illustration of the Tree of Life, which grows and descends with every new manvantar."

Ezoterically, Caduceus depicts a drop in primary and initial matter into gross earth matter. Astronomically head and tail represent the points of ecliptic, in which the planets, and the sun, and the moon are found in close embrace. Physiologically is a symbol of equilibrium recovery, lost equilibrium between the life of a single and life of a person (chakras are visible).

Caduceus has the ability to sleep and awakened people. In medieval Europe, Caduceus became a symbol of "hermetic art" (alchemy). Caduceus also served as a symbol of medicine, but later gave way to the modern emblem, on which the rod was replaced by a bowl and one snake instead of two. The meaning of such a replacement: 1) the transformation of medicine from the channel of divine power into the Vessel of the Earth's Tools; 2) Elimination of malicious effects, symbolically denoted second snakes. The motto of modern medicine: "Do not harm."

Mercury's magic rod soak two snakes, two poles of one entity on the way from the Spirit to matter, two choices, two ways - right and left, light and dark. Dragon - twisted, its main characteristic is duality; He is kind and angry, courageous and feminine.

Caduceus in relation to the structure of a person.

Kundalini awakens two energies to the lifting - I go (w) and the pingal (m.). Kundalini moves along Sushumna - central rod. Two snakes - Ida and Pingala. Snake's head on top of the rod - Sakhasrara, wings - Ajna, 2-leisted lotus, chakra.

7. Symbolism of the dragon.

With Greek. "Dragon" - Drakon - snakes. The fabulous monster is the winged fire-haired snake. The secret is shrouded in its true name. Therefore, he has hundreds of names. His face is terrible and is inexpressible attractive. Ancient wisdom of his incomprehensible. His mighty breathing is a raging flame. The mysterious creature, born at the beginning of the time, consecrated by the sacrament of the creation of the world.

It is difficult for a person to find it difficult to agree that it happens the beast, which is either a fish, nor a bird, nor a snake, but all this together. He flies, swims, wriggling, sparkles the scales, depresses the flame. How did the myths about this camp of the fire-haired snake?

When black heavy clouds were raised over the horizon, the fiery spoors rose across the sky, the terrible grudges were shaken, trees were escaped with the root, snake lightning dug into houses and trees, the primitive horror covered people who personified the unexplained elements with the appearance and attack of the fire dragon.

Dragons are the fantasy of the mind of a primitive person, but the oldest animals and modern lizards, and snakes serve as the protrases. Now he is considered a "mythical" monster, immortalized in the West only in seals, as the coat of arms - the devil, amazed by St. George. In fact, the extinct doppoplary animal, the flying dragons were once on Earth. E.P. Blavatskaya, which received information from the most authoritative sources, reports that the winged Dragon-like animal flew in the sky of Lemuria.

Herophants of Egypt (higher adepts) and Babylon called themselves "sons of Zmia-God" and "Dragon Sons", because Zmey and Dragon were the symbols of wisdom, immortality and revival.

In etc. And the theognise of the dragon of wisdom is called Christ.

Mc 3-7: "He shines like the sun, he is a flaming, divine dragon of wisdom."

Article 4-9: "The dragon of wisdom is Christ, the universal intention of all manifestations, emanation, emanating from the Divine Creator."

"Many dragons will fly to prevent each promotion. These monsters are multicolored! Among the most disgusting will be the gray dragon of everyday life. He is trying even from the highest interview to make an empty, gray cobweb ... few know how to defeat the dragon everyday life ...

I will not give a gray dragon to join, he is not at all strong and disgusting him only in disgraceful of everybody. Where dirt and disgrace removed, there can no longer exist there.

So borrowing everyday life is honing the highest world. " [AUM, 319].

Dragons are especially many of the Chinese. Their dragons are not fiction, but, like snakes, allegory. Mysterious creatures, the ZMI Dragons had supernatural power, were able to control the forces of nature. Under the masks of the Dragons hid the face of the great wise teachers of the world. The Chinese are one of the most ancient peoples of our 5 races that were mixed with the Atlanta. They made from the image of the Zmia-Dragon in the emblem of their emperors. The emperors were as if successors of those true "dragons" and "zmiev", which were great dedicated to, and who were ruled by early sub-races of 5 indigenous races.

Chinese manuscripts talk about the dragon: "his wisdom and virtue is immeasurable." Chinese emperors from the times of two and a half thousand years BC. With pride, they delayed their pedigree from the dragon and decorated themselves with their images. Behind the Great Wall, so far, many parents add the hieroglyph "Lun" (dragon) in the name of the Son so that it is strong, smart, energetic.

In Dr.-ind. Epos "Mahabharata" Nice Arjuna met on the battlefield with a huge snake ashwasene.

The expression "Dragons of Laws" - by the name of the Athenian Legislator of the Dragon (or Dragon) - in 7V. BC. - Extremely cruel laws.

On the icon, the head of the Heavenly Age of Light Archangel Mikhail, sitting on a horse in military armor, pierces the dragon. Here the dragon symbolizes the power of evil - Satan. This allegory means the complete victory of the light of light above the darkness forces at the end of the cycle. This is the victorious completion of Armageddon.


* The picture "Copper Zmiy" is based on - one of the episodes of the 40-year-old disgrace of the people of Israel. After the Jews doubted the ability of Moses to bring them out of the desert, God sent rain from poisonous snakes on them. Many sons of Israel died from bites, and then the Lord ordered Moses to put on the banner of the copper Zmia. Each, who looked at him with faith, remained to live.

** Finishing on the list of works of the series "Znamed East" Roerich put the picture "Zmiy Ancient". In it mysteriously conceded two storylines - the dragon among the chaos of world waters and the birth of Aphrodite. E.P. Mastecin.

1. Agni Yoga, in 3 tons. Aum, Samara, RC, 1992.
2. Agni Yoga, High Way, Part 1, M.: Sphere, 2001.
3. Roerich E.I. Letters.
4. Blavatskaya E.P.. Secret Doctrine, Tom 1-1, 1-2, 2-1. Leningrad, 1991.
5. Blavatskaya E.P. Theosophical Dictionary, M.: Eksmo, 2003.
6. Blavatskaya E.P.Exposed Isis, T.1-1. M.: Golden Age, 1994.
7. Dmitrieva L.. Secret doctrine in some concepts and symbols, Part 2, Part 3. Magnitogorsk, Amrita, 1992.
8. Theognise. M.: Delphis, 2002.
9. Temple's teachings, T.1-1.
10. Menli Hall. Occult anatomy. M.: Sphere, 2002.
11. Menli Hall. Encyclopedic statement of Masonic, hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosencray Symbolic philosophy. M.: Eksmo, SPb, 2003.
12. Encyclopedia of mystical terms. M.: Lockid, Myth, 2000.
13. Magazines "Delphis" 1997 - 2/10, 1998 -1, 1999 - 4.
14. Esoteric dictionary in 2 m. M.: Russian Spiritual Center, 1993.

Return to Animal List \u003e\u003e\u003e .
Snake, Snake, represented almost in all mythologies, a symbol associated with fertility, earth, female producing force, water, rain, on the one hand, and a homely hearth, fire (especially heavenly), as well as a male fertilizing start - on the other. Images related to the end of the Upper Paleolithic, and the reflection of the kite's cult in the religions of the peoples of Africa, Asia, America, Australia allow the composition "" The idea of \u200b\u200bthe early stages of the development of the image of 3mei. Initially, mythological 3mi in appearance was close enough to ordinary snakes, differing from them significantly large sizes. In the future, the image of 3mei acquires some characteristic features of animals opposing it in ancient mythological plots. So, known in the art of the Upper Paleolitis, the opposition of snakes and birds, who received a continuation in the early and regional arts (birds and snakes as animals of the Upper and Lower Worlds,) and reflected in the later mythological plots (a bird of Garuda's Birds with Snakes-Nagi in Hindu mythology, etc.) , is replaced by a flying, winged or "feathery" (as in ancient Mexico) of the Dragon Snake, connecting signs of snakes and birds; Characteristic of some upper-paralyolithic images, the comparison of the symbols of 3mei and the horse later leads to the creation of a mythological image of 3mei - dragon with a horse head and a snake body. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreatures with the serpentine torso and human head is developed in Hindu (Nagi), Elam and some other mythologies. For the Japanese and a number of Indian traditions, the image of horned 3mey is characterized. In the archaic cosmogonic myths, Eurasia and America 3Ma performs separation and the connection of the sky and the earth. According to the myths of the Indians of Eastern Bolivia, the sky once fell to Earth, but 3mi, who was granted around them, reopening them again and continues to keep disconnected. A similar motive in Aztec mythology is associated with Cetzalcathle and Teskatliply, which turned into two 3meev in order to break a voracious earthly monster into two parts (an ancient analogue of Mesopotamian Tiamat), swimming in the original ocean. From one part of the monsters they made the Earth, from the other - the sky. Ketzalcoatl floated on the water on the raft made of snakes. In ancient Egypt, the image of the snake was attached to the forehead of Pharaoh as a sign of his reign in the sky and on earth.
The earliest cosmic manner of the Heavenly 3Mae is a symbol of the Rainbow Snake, binding to Australia with fertility, ancestor-earth and rain (and often opposed fire and sun). The symbol of the Rainbow Snake - the owner of the rain drinking heavenly water (and sometimes causing innumerable disasters), is widely distributed as in the mythologies of the peoples of Southeast, Eastern and South Asia (Snake Rainbow, who stopped, on the mythology of the Munda, Fire Rain , sent by the Creator to Earth for the extermination of people, etc.) and in Indian mythologies (3May, left by the mother, rising to heaven and turned into a rainbow; 3May Batuus, the day being in the form of a rainbow, at night in the form of a black hole Among the Milky Way, on the Myths of the Amazon Basin Indians; two twin snakes in the myths of the Indians of Brazil and others). In the myths of the peoples of Africa, the Rainbow Snake, most often acts as a moral waters, which sometimes struggles with the son of the Sun. The Egyptian Myth on Apop, the Egyptian MiF on Apop, is likely to be erected to this common-rice-rican mythological motive, and the Underground Nile Drinking All Water, amazing the Sun RA. The same storyline, which contrasting the 3ME as the scarlet, the Element of Water and Fire, underlies the Old Testament Symbol of 3May, and also reflects in the story of "Mahabharata" about the struggle of God the fire of Agni with the snake. Takshakia (Agni seven times the forest of Khandava Forest, where the bare dwells and other snakes naga).
For Africa (including and for ancient Egypt), South Asia (in particular, India), Central Asia, including southern Turkmenistan; For Australia, Oceania, Central and South America and a number of other regions, there is also a mythological motive of 3mey - guard of sources and reservoirs. According to the beliefs of some African tribes (the region of Lake Victoria), the level of water in them (cf. the corresponding presentation in the Kashmir medieval chronicle of Rajatrangini, etc.) depends on the sacred 3MEs living in rivers.
The presentations of the connection of 3 mey with the rain are reflected in the rites of reverending 3mes or sacrifices of snakes during the rain (or rain waiting during drought) in many nations of the world. These rites correspond to the myths about the victory of the Smeaker (in the Indo-European mythology of often Gomovnik's God) over 3MEM or Dragon, following which the thunderstorm, rain or a flood begins (for example, in the ancient-Frung myth about 3mee, killed by three sons of the first man and exposed water, floating the whole world).
The cult value of 3Ma as a symbol of fertility is one of the most characteristic features of the early mythological symbolism of the oldest land cultures of Southeastern Europe of the 6-4th thousand to n. e. The cultant vessels and painted ceramics with images of snakes (often two) are also characteristic of the cultures of Asia Minor (Hadzhilar) and Syria (Tel Ramad) of the 6-5th thousand to n. e.
A possible continuation of the ancient-Balkan cult of snakes (in connection with the goddess of fertility) is the early Cypriot and Cretan images of women ("priestess") with 3mey. (most often two) in the hands associated with other traces of a widespread coal of snakes as an attribute of chtonic fertility deities (as well as the goddesses of death) in the Aegean world. In the form of a cobra or a cobolois woman, an Egyptian goddess fertility and grain crop reenatet was depicted. The snake was one of the attributes of the Greek goddess of the wisdom of Athens (Wed. Also an idea of \u200b\u200b3mee as a symbol of wisdom in other nations), a number of features of which dates back to the critical -castian goddess with snakes.
According to the ancient authors and archaeological data, in the Scythian-Iranian tradition, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe goddess with snakes and two snakes growing from shoulders is known. Tiestically partly similar are the Aztec names of the goddesses of Coatlyku (in the language of Nakhuatl "dressed in a snake dress", the chtonic deity of fertility), which went on the mythical "Hill of snakes", and Chichotoamatl (in Nakhuatl's Nine Snake).
Ancient Indian world 3May (Shash) appeared as a land holding on himself. The similar space function of the World 3Mame is known in Skan-Dernavskaya (3May Midgard - Ermungand, living in the ocean and the all-terrain) and the Egyptian (3May meh - the land surrounding) mythologies.
In many traditions, the Khthonic nature of the 3Ma is reflected in his name formed (as in the glory. Languages) from the name of the Earth (Ethiopian, Arwe Medr "Beast of the Earth", Egypt. Sata "Son of the Earth" or "Earth's Life" as descriptive designations 3May and t. n.). In Egypt, the God of Earth Geb sometimes was depicted with the head of 3mei. With the phonic nature of 3Ma, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wealth or treasures, which he protects in Earth or under Earth and can bring to the house (in Africa, India, Slavyan, etc.). The chtonic features of the Earth-Healers are clearly traced in the image of the Greek god of healing Asclepia, which appeared in the form of a snake (the snake was also an attribute of asclepia). At the same time, the chtonic deity - 3Mayu binds to the underground housing of the dead (Snake Goddess Merits Stepher, "Loving Silence", in the FVAN necropolis in Egypt).
If in the archaic mythologies, the role of the 3ME that connects the sky and the land is most often dual (it is at the same time and benefactor, and dangerous), then in developed mythological systems (where 3Dee often carries the drawing of a dragon, externally different from the ordinary snake) is often found primarily for its negative the role of incarnation of the lower (water, underground or other) world; Communication 3May with the female start then most often comprehends in the spirit of the motive of the attachment of a woman (girls) in tribute to 3me. In developed vertical three-membered models of the world (such as the Sumerian, Indo-European and Historically-related ancient-German, Indo-Iranian, Slavic), the cosmic 3May is timed to the bottom in opposition of top and bottom: Sumerian 3May at the roots of world wood, ancient-Indian " Snakes depths ", identical on the origin and title Greek Python and Slavic Badnyak. The ancient image of the 3Ma of the tree (most often at its roots, as in the Mythology "Rigveda" and "EDDDA", in the Slavic-Skom Folklore, etc.) receives a negative value (sometimes due to phallic symbolics 3May).
3MI, associated with the lower (water) world and hostile person of elements (forest) is often associated with other beings, which were considered hostile. So, the twins, presented in the early stages of the development of the photographic myths as creatures dangerous to humans, can be identified with 3 mey: in the NGBADi language (Central Africa) NGO - Snake, twin; Dan (West Africa), twins bind to the Black Snake; At the Bamilek (Cameroon) at the birth of twins bring the sacrifice to the toad and snake.
In the German Mythology 3May ("worm") of the Middle World as the main embodiment of the cosmic evil plays a major role in the upcoming death of the world. Similarly, in the Egyptian eschatology, the Pramacy of Atum at the end of the world should return in the form of an evil snake of urea in chaos, from which it happened. In these eschatic logical motifs, it is possible to see the rethinking of the archaic cosmogonic symbol 3Ma in the spirit of understanding 3Ma as the incarnation of a negative principle (Wed. The role of 3mey in the Old Testament story about the "Freshness").
To the later stages of the evolution of the 3Mame symbol, there is a negative rethinking of the image of 3Ma in Greek mythological ideas about the Lerneysian hydraulic ridge with nine snake heads and snakes on the head of the Greek Gorgon of Jellyfish (and the corresponding Etruscan Deity), etc., as well as the establishment of a connection 3Ma (like a dragon) with king as a symbol of "water management"; cf. The ancient Khmer legend about the busty connection of the king of Cambodia with Nagya (Snake) - the ancestor, which depends on the well-being of the country, similar to the ancient Chinese ideas, the name of the first God - the king of Aksuma - Arwe ("Snake"), etc.
The use of a symbol 3Ma as social classification (by
the origin of the tamemic) sign of the distinguished sacred king is characteristic of the ancient Egypt (the sign of the sacred snake of the urea as a symbol of Pharaoh), the countries of the Indian range (headdress in the form of a twisted snake at members of the royal kind of Chkhot Nagpur), the kingdom of the Inca (image of snakes on the coat of arms of the High Ink .
In most such cases, archaic chapecological representations connecting with 3MEM. The king as a symbol of fertility, rethink in the spirit of the ideology of the later "irrigation" societies, the farm of which is based on artificial irrigation. In these cultures, the images of the sacred 3MI are often put in artificial reservoirs.
Caltic custom to have a sacred snake in the house, tsarist palace or
the temple remained for a long time in the countries of the Mediterranean (including in Greece and Rome). But in some cases (eg in the ancienthetyte tradition), the symbol of the 3Mae coming to the palace or in the city is interpreted in a negative spirit of the rethinking of archaic ideas is the story of the Brazilian Indian tribe of their Cariaan about Anaconde, which held in a cage in the water and fed a woman a day, When the patrone is not brought. Meat, snake ate her. The Indians killed anaconand, after which he began heavy rain ("At the same time, the rain was shed, the wind-winner, the winner of the big snake-anaconda," the mythological ideas about the snake as a dangerous beginning find rites in the rituals of the treatment of snake bites (in Central India, the relevant Rituals are committed in front of the altar of Khanuman's monkey altar). Conspiracies from snakes and their bites, rising to the ancient shamanic traditions, have been preserved by many nations (including the Eastern Slavs); the most archaic texts of this type of conspiracy (in particular, the ancient Egyptian) contain Direct links to the myth of the struggle of the Smeaker with 3 mey.

Snake ¬ One of the most important ancient symbols, which amazingly combining the orpomhoe number of privilessing values. Many primitive peoples, blamed in front of this extraordinary mysterious being, absolutely not similar to either a good-friendly earthly animal, and who have honored the snake as CBoero the ancient of the progenitor, made it a normal symbol of life and magical power, certificate and prunes, land and fertility, patronage and protection, Healing and updates. Druity of the peoples of the disinterest, who experienced panic fear of slippery hissing poisonous Radies, saw in them the frightening embodiment of the danger and the threat, the personification of Darkness, Chaos and Death. The most non-evaluative assessment of the snake received in Christianity.
Atocating reptiles did terriblely attracted their close attention of a person, excited Eroh feverish imagination, caused interest and curiosity mixed with fear. About snakes
thousands were folded. Mithms and Lerange, and this is not surprising: whatever feelings do not have the admiration and worship or disgust and chloride, but no one would have to stay to them. Nobody.
In the mytholiraia of the ancient snakes were broken in incredible quantities: fantastic world snakes are also observed here, and fasteners in the serpentine, and snakes, and snake totems, and all sorts of snakes monsters, like the Lerneysky Ridges, Szillla, Zmeyow-haired
gorgon, etc. RIRANT WORLD Snake, compressing the whole world in the rings
associates to the Myifachs of the Layout of the Universe. The dual reputation of snakes is brightly refined in this case: some of them act as assistants of demiurres, and the other in the role of their route opponents. In Hindu myths, the Kite Vasuki will assist in a stratania of the world Ocean, the Ananta Snake serves as a support of the Demiurrus Vishnu, but the Inra Rhodes are forced to fight the sun with the Snake Vriter, who personifies the original chaos. The theme of the Smeaking is characteristic not only for Indian Mytholi: Slavic Romovik Perun is defeated by the serpent of the Volos Snake; ERIPET SOLLY FRIENDS Each night comes into martial arts with a snake apop and, defeated BPARA, forces the water from the bottom of the Nile to be drunk; And the Scandinavian RPOVER TOR in the battle in front of the end of the world kills the snake Yermunland, but it will be free from the poison itself from irregularly. Great Basins themselves do not mind to get into the snake skin, entirely, or only naapolin: in the image of the snake in the ERIPET mytholirai, the "Lady of fertility", the "Governor of the Blood" penetrate and boral time, guarding the entrance to the underground kingdom, and in the myths of developers ¬ more ¬Teurr Ketzalcoatle "Pernate Snake"). Half retains the human appearance of the serpent kecrop, the patron saint of attic, and the Scythian Burry of the Earth API, which also replace snakes. However, the Chinese "Appears Snake" Wayshe, Vladyka Ropbi Juishan "Ropa Nine Doubt", is most oriorly. This is how it describes this miracle yudo "Knock Rop and Sea": "There is a deity, the face of Hero is human, the body of the snake. Eroo's torso is split like oral, on the right and left of the ¬ rollers. It is purple clothing and red caps. "
In mytholography, the snake may appear in the form of a symbol of protection and protection. In many myths and tales of the snake, more often BCERO Cobra, guard the caves with reasonable treasures. This plot is associated with some ancient beliefs. One of them rusted that the rolling of the snake is born a dramatic stone, allowing her to live about a thousand years. If you are able to give Drule Lelend, the drapracent caches ¬ is nothing more than a drop of frozen snake saliva. Indian Har, Cobra, stereating sparkling gems, symbolizes the safety of spiritual trains. Hindus and the Chinese believed that the serpento kills only RPExorovni LRA Findors, and the people of virtuously she generously larches for the purity of the soul and selflessness.
Snake's ability to drop the old skin made it with a symbol of rejuvenation and longevity, but the therapeutic properties of the sninko poison of the ¬ modern emblem of MEDICIN. The prototype of the latter was the serpent, who paid the rod of Asclepia, the rostero of healing. Two snakes are wrapped with a kadya ¬ MARICAL RAN MOST OF THE MOSTMENT REPMECA. In the Old Testament, the healing symbol was a copper snake made by Moses at the direction of the boom of Yahweh after the exodus of the Jews from the ERIPT: a miraculously copper snakes heal the people who were keen by the poisonous sinks of the Sinai Desert.
In the religion of many peoples of Asia, Africa and America, the snake acts as a totten animal. Zulusov believed that they were embodied by their long-term ancestors in the snakes. Special reverence of non-irregular
the Tian tribes of South and West Africa surrounded Ryant Pythons. The murder of Python was believed to be a terrible crime, for which a terrible punishment was appointed: they were accused of composed in this sacrifices along with the Dam.
The ancestor and queen of all snakes North American Indians recognized a roped snake. The Indians worshiped dangerous reptiles in full perseverance that she could send a passing wind or tame a storm.
The cult of snake totems received the most widespread in the ancient. Scythians, for example, deified already mentioned API, serpenting the ancereta of the Cavoero people; The Chinese worshiped the snipes of Nyiva and Fusi deities; Koreans blamed in front of a large snake with a totem Kuronia, etc.
In ancient times, sacred reptiles lived next to a person ¬ It was believed that this ensures the home of the Math and Blast. In addition to Toro, snakes brought and practical benefit, hunting mice. Mothers allowed their children to keep with homemade snakes, and in a strong heat, women used them as living air conditioners and left home with a snake on her neck. Of course, all this refers to the unwashed species of snakes. Even in some countries of Europe, such as Austria and Switzerland, people kept in homes, because they were convinced that the snake reliably guarded the house from BPAROV and evil spirits.
Divine snakes ancient devoted many magnificent temples: Racks worshiped them in the temple of Asclepia; Indians read the ropes of snakes in the temple of the Sun; Prussians contain sacred snakes in the Sanctuary of Purmps, river and sources. Druids even the walls of the temples lined up in honor of the dying and resurrecting foams were wriggled like snakes. Still of the temples, the delicious reliefs, are genuine masterpieces of architecture and sculpture. Thus, the reliefs of the ancientity of the sanctuary in the village of Sachats depict the many foam of snakes, respectively bowed to the five-stamped serpentine deity. These people give Raja or Priest, whose brown journal is decorated with a five-stamped snake.
But rather gloriousness addressed to Divine snakes. Not all the nations sang the diffilams to them. In the brevonia, poisonous reptiles perceived as an embodiment of evil and death; In the Iranian Mazdiists, the snake was associated with a gloomy ariman, and her appearance was regarded as the most bad omen. In the Tibetan Buddhism "Green Snake" personifies one of the most unscrewing animals inherent in man, hatred. In Christianity, the snake is the symbol of evil, sin, temptation and the devilish cunning, and even Satan himself is referred to in the Bible "Snake Ancient". In the western folklore, a split snake language is interpreted as an personification of monstrous slander, hypocrisy and lies. In Russian folklore, the serial symbolism of the snake manifests itself even more clearly. "Podkodnaya Snake" Personification Dangerous Enemy Danger; Snake, which is done on Rpydi, a bright symbol of the black ungratefulness itself; "Green Zmiy" ¬ The embodiment of a drunkenness demon, masterfully man and poisonously eroo poisoned alcool.
In the Hindu and Buddhist iconraphy, the sacred cobras of the ¬ of the Protection. Usually they protect the peace of resting boards: Vishnu is depicted with the Holy Cobra Race, and the Buddha sits in the shadow of a fantastic cobra, who discontinued seven of their hoods over him.
Snake in the hands of Cretan Mother's Burney personifies the earth. Aztec War of War of War of Witzillochli, squeezing on the Orrome Bowl in front of a tripod, will be a snake as a symbol of Ma2Ix forces, runting above life and death.
In the Christian iconraphy, the snake appears, of course, in the most gloomy. In the scene of the fall, the serpentor identified with the devil himself is the embodiment of the universal evil, sin and deception. Snake at the foot of the Kpesti ¬ symbol of the original sin, reptile Christ on the cross. The snake trample a deer or an elephant, she keeps her in krats or in the beak of Eagle, Virgo Maria tramples her nors ¬ All these are Christian emblems of disgrace over evil. Poisonous snake ¬ attribute of several Christian saints. A black snake crawling out of the bowl of John John and from the loaf of Bachelor's bread. Benedict, is an allest of poison, with the help of which they tried in vain. Other business ¬ snakes Patrick. The church tradition tells how this holy preaching the Word of God in Ireland turned through all the poisonous reptiles in the stones. Since then, no snake has seen on the island. In connection with this lend, Endrew Burda (1490¬ 1549) will be able to give Nelishnya (1490¬ 1549), the detailed description of the medieval Ireland is left: "In Ireland, amazing things happen .... There is no echidna, no snake, nor toad, nor lizards and snakes Nothing like it. And I saw the stones that had the appearance and shape of the snake and the other druids of poisonous raidob. The people in those places will ravit that these stones have previously been with Rady, and that they were turned into stones by the will of God and the prayers of Saintoro Patrick. "
In the visual art of the symbolism of the snake to the extremes of contradictory, as the artists endowed snakes and negative and positive allegoric characters. The first includes the personals of two mortal RPEXOB: envy and laziness. The envy is placed by the snake as a Cavoero roulano attribute, because it feeds on snake meat and exudes poison, like a snake, and the false is depicted in the form of a snake with a female Rolovaya, who has fallen a false split tongue. However, as a symbol of wisdom Snake is an attribute of blast. This tradition relies on the authority of the Matthew's Matthew's authority, writing outwards: "Be wise as Zmia."
As a creature, Nicoda does not break away from the Earth, the snake is an attribute of the Allery FMGURE Earth and the Renal Burney of the Earth and the fertility of Demetra (Roman ceres). Satires (favings) were also depicted with snakes. The sinister shadow of the snake flashes in the scenes of death of certain and historical characters: Eurydiki, Cleopatra, Ole and others.
In the history of the ancient opinion, a special place belongs to the urea of \u200b\u200bthe sacred snake of Pharaoh, the transitional symbol of Ero nomocaled power over life and death. Moray made of gold and
enamel, decorated the Rabdian register of Pharaoh, and in some cases and Ero beard.
Koreans depicted riding fantastic snakes with four wings on sides on combat signals. Snakes on the flares symbolized the magical forces giving the warriors victory.
Scythians decorated with the images of the Sternoi API their quiver, shields and armor. Antique historian Arrian opiped curious military Scythians emblems, which were stuffed by orpal snakes, stitched from colored flaps and planned for long six. KOGDA Skifskaya Connection rapidly accomplished BPAGA, these snakes bloated by the wind argued like alive and published a sharp whistle, acting on the psyche and frightening the enemy.
In the ancient emblems of the snake belongs to one of the most prominent places. The bique emblem of Divine Crawls depicted a snake, sprinkling the vocoder-free example, or Cobru with Rola Lion. Snakes on the rods of the ancient Movies, Asclepia and Repmeca, served as the prototypes of two modern emblems: the first of them depicting the snake, sprinkling the Wokyr bowl, is the emblem of medicine, the second, the caduce of the trading e-mail.
The medieval emblem of Victory over the evil in the form of God's desires, stretching from the cloud and the destroying sword snake, was used by Opranes of the Cotton Military Council Counterintection "Death" to Spies), however, in a somewhat modified version: Lady Drain for quite understandable reasons from She was removed, only the punishing sword remained, disperse a snake.
The rundic emblem of the Umoboros ¬ Snake, driving in the ring and biting himself for the tail, a symbol of eternity and divine perfection acquired the most important value in the Middle Ages. In medieval alchemy, the spiral-like spiral emblem has been used, which urveysly spawn up, the ¬ symbol of the danger represented by the withdrawing pairs of arsenic. In the newest time, there were still many important "snakes" emblems. Cpedi Snake, worst spoken, ¬ emblem of plant protection service, as well as a snake on a bowl with a green sprig growing from it against the background of a nuclear rice of an environmental emblem of protecting the environment from nuclear explosions.
In the medieval European expelligence, the emblem of God's Drain, PacCeaking Snake received the widespread distribution. She found a reflection in the Poc Russian Rerends. In the Russian Rugged Rerends, the snake was used only as a "Ronal" emblem (for example, in the rumbal rory of Zmiev, Rade depicts a golden crowned snake).
In the generic rumbers of the Russian nobility of the snake emblem, the phenomenon is extremely rare, almost exceptional (Rerb Cherkasy, for example, decorate the two taking snakes).

Tattoo Snake Value

Snakes have a very controversial image in different cultures. On the one hand, it is a reptile that sews and poisoning both the soul and the body. On the other hand, the snake is a symbol of eternal wisdom, medicine and rebirths. Immediately answer the question, has a tattoo of a snake value positive or negative almost impossible, as it is necessary to disassemble the origins.

History of the symbol in culture and mastery of tattoo

Let's start with ancient Greece: there were two colorful characters with whom the snakes are connected. The first on the list goes Hermes - one of the wisers, tricky and fast gods. He carried a huge list of "skills" and distinguished himself with exquisite diplomacy. It is considered the creator of alphabet and measures. His famous attribute is a staff with two spoken snakes.

The second, no less famous character of the ancient Greek mythology of Asclepius is the father of medicine. Options for the legends associated with it and snakes, quite a lot, so it's just worth reminding you of his attribute - a bowl with a snake bent over it. Such a sign you could see at ambulances or in modern genesis.

In Egypt, there was a very interesting legend about the giant snake, eating his tail and living, therefore, forever. Interestingly, in the future in world culture, it was more than once an image of the eternal snake arose, for example, the Celts are world kite of Yurmungand. However, the closer to us, the more mysterious its appearance in art and literature.

Hindus - the people are very strange, because snakes who annually kill thousands of people in their country, enjoy great respect. Some classes in India consider the snake - the initial being, which created the universe. Among Buddhists, the snake is also considered a creature calm and fair, which if necessary, can help. So Cobra, according to legends, covered under his hooded Sleeping Buddha from the scorching rays of the sun.

Japan is like a lot in this word. It is not surprising that the saying of the "snake" to the woman there will be no offense there, but a pleasant shyness. In Japan, from a long time, the snake is a symbol of sexuality and all the best female qualities. It looks graceful, strong, dodgy and calculating. In addition, the snake is ready to wait the right moment, to remain unnoticed up to the last and quietly, if the smell is fried.

In the religion of Christians and Jews, snakes consider the devil's minions. Based on the Bible, the snakes seduced Eve, touching her trust, and persuaded to touch the forbidden fetus.


Obviously, that means a snake tattoo all of the above. However, the contour of these characteristics is too blurred, so I will highlight the main definitions:

  • Revival or rebirth;
  • Protection (as a talisman);
  • Mystery of nature, hidden motifs and motives;
  • Attractiveness, carnal desires and fertility;
  • Friendly attitude towards ecology and earth;
  • Patient waiting for a suitable moment, the ability to experience difficult moments of life;
  • The abundance of various material benefits (most likely, this is a reference to the legends of dragons);
  • The ability to "shift" to others, interfere with them and shoot down from the right track.

In principle, the tattoo of the snake value you can come up with yourself. After all, these reptiles themselves in themselves, so why to artificially limit this image? The art tattoo is not amenable to tough rules, like any other creativity. In the end, you can and not determine what the snake tattoo means for you, because it's all very abstract concepts. Although deciding that your tattoo carries, it will be easier for you to answer a number of annoying issues.

Tattoos for girls Snake Value can vary from terribly seductive and to nightmare droalling / poisonous. And, despite the fact that in many cultures of the snake designate purely female properties, men choose such an image of an order more often than a weak floor representative.

Location of Figure

It is difficult to say that the tattoo of the snake on his hand the value changes greatly. It is not particularly important where the drawing is executed. Rather, you have to worry the question as it is depicted. The tattoo value of the snake on hand may vary depending on how the snake interacts with your body. If she is wrapped around the limb, then you can become an involuntary captive of this creation and its character properties. Everyone knows that the snake is very strong. It is much better to portray snakes calm and measured. Then the chance of internal collisions of character will be an order of magnitude lower. But much depends on your goals. Tattoo snake on foot The value does not change in principle. The only thing that can be supplemented is the possibility of a carrier to attack from the unexpected side.

Tattoo snake value at zone

Snake doubles in everything, and even in prison this rule acts unchanged. And as always in the thyough world, the whole value lies in the composition. The symbol of wisdom in the most successful and respected thieves in the law is the skull, which serves the snake from the orphans. Also in the composition there may be a dagger who catches the snake. This tattoo can be seen on the chest from the senior representatives of the hierarchy. The value of the tattoos of the prison serpent can be a much more aggressive context: a snake in the crown, located on someone's residues holding an apple in the mouth, very specificly deciphered. The snake in the crown personifies the greatness of wisdom of thorough laws, and the apple is the temptation, which he succumbed to that the snake is located on whose bones. Under the temptation, cooperation with the law enforcement authorities is usually implied.

Being Breeding is the topic of philosophical, however, it did not bypassed the conclusion zone. Sends this difficult topic as complex in meaning of the composition: a bare girl holding a torch, she has a snake, an ax, cross, abandoned crown and other values, like coins, and the rear background decorates the grille. Snake - the symbol of revenge. Revenge to the prosecutor: Skeleton in Savan holds a criminal code in his hands, pushed by the dagger, and somewhere with the edge there were shackles through which the reptile slides.

Can a tattoo of a snake value in the zone have a very specific: for example, a beautiful woman around which the snake goes. From the part it may seem that there is nothing in the composition. However, in thoughts, this tattoo will attach you as a "rooster" or a passive homosexual.

The snake is also a symbol of "Baklan" - a hooligan with a special cruelty and experience. In this case, the snake does not bear a particular promise, but rather warns the law enforcement representatives about the danger of this frame. Large problems may arise with post-Soviet tattoos, where the snake is decorated with slogans "Peace! Work! May!" and similar.

Once on the goya beach, I saw a girl with a tattoo in the form of a snake on the whole back. Tattoo was performed in color and volume. The tail of the ancient reptile lying on the naked shoulder of the girl, the body of the snake by wriggling the turns on his back, emphasizing all the bends of the body of a young girl, and the head with a split tongue and yellow eyes rested on her colester. Awesome spectacle is intriguing and sexy.

What does the snake tattoo mean

Snake - an ancient symbol, personifying and life, and death. Snake, swallowing his tail, is a ring - zero sign or infinity of being. She is a treacherous killer and an unsurpassed healer. The snake "dies" in the cold, falling asleep from lowering the body temperature, and comes to life warm. It is updated, throwing off their skin in a time defined time. It breeds eggs, and the egg is a symbol of integrity and self-sufficiency.

Tattoos with snake are always ambiguous, and their symbolism is always twofold. They symbolize both male and feminine. Snake is a divine wisdom and a low-alley passion, a murderous poison and close healing, the keeper of the secret and destroyer explicit, spiritual revival and fertilizing force. The snake is also a phallic symbol, personifying his "husband of all women" - a snake-temptist.

In women's tattoos, the snake carries wisdom and deceit, mystery and mystery required from women. As well as its natural intuitiveness and unpredictability, because the snake appears and always disappears unexpectedly. The snake symbolizes natural instincts, both the lowest and the highest - sex and motherhood.

In male tattoos, the snake is a symbol of power, fertilizing male strength, cyclicity of being, invincible and courage. And at the same time, the serpent on the body of a man personifies the killer and temptation, strength and treachery, fertility and death.

What does the tattoo snake on the body in the criminal world

Snake is a symbol of wisdom, power and eternity - in the criminal environment called "Calusing Gad". Tattoos with snakes are applied both on the bodies of thieves in law and on the bodies of the lower criminals - "Petukhov". The entire difference in the plot of the pallows, on which you can define the Casta to which the alarm belongs.

On the body of the thief in the law, the serpent shook the crown, and in his mouth holds an apple. Such a doll reports that everything is shaded. In this context of the Crown - the symbol of power of the strongest, snake - the wisdom of thieves, and the apple is the temptation of the weak spirit. The plot may also be a skull with empty eye sockets, and daggers, served by snakes, and other prison romance.

On the body "Rooster" the plot with the snake is always the same - the figure of a naked woman is wrapped in a snake. The meaning of such a pall is also one single - in front of you is a passive homosexual. Without romance. After liberation, the inscription is often clogged from the places of imprisonment under such a pallium: "Two friends". And the former zek explains his tattoo with the fact that he betrayed and threw a woman when he was in prison. Or that he killed her and lover, for which he was in prison. In general, thus tries to blame his past prison and romantic fairy tales.

As can be seen, tattoos with snakes should be chosen very carefully, so as not to be in a very ridiculous situation, ending on the beach at least Kolyma, at least Peter, at least Sochi. And put a tattoo with snakes on their body is intelligently. The masters of Tatu Salons warn that the carrier of such a native masterpiece can only be a very strong spirit formed personality. Otherwise, the snake can influence its owner negatively, bringing all the most dark sides of its essence into his life.