In city parks and gardens, you can often find Norway maple - a powerful tree with openwork leaves and a spreading crown. Maple trees look unusually beautiful in autumn, when the leaves are painted in bright shades of yellow, orange and crimson colors. Caring for maple is not difficult, the tree is successfully used not only in landscape design, but also in folk medicine.

Description of the tree

The description of the Norway maple in botanical reference books begins with the Latin name. Norway maple sounds like Acer platanoides in Latin. In accordance with the translation of the scientific name, it is called plane-like or platan-leaved, another synonym is ordinary maple.

The tree belongs to the Sapindaceae family, the distribution area of ​​the maple is Europe and Southwest Asia. Maples grow in steppes, deciduous forests, singly or in thickets. In Russia, it is cultivated for decorative purposes - it is used to decorate city parks and squares, and is planted along roads. Maple has a lifespan of 200-300 years.

Maple is a deciduous tree, which can reach a height of 28-30 m. The leaves form a dense spherical crown. The main characteristics of the maple leaf are:

  • The form is simple, palm-like.
  • The location on the branches is opposite.
  • The edge is coarsely toothed, with lobes; the edge is pointed at the ends of the lobes.
  • Size - up to 18 cm in length and 20-22 cm in width.
  • Coloring - dark green, in autumn - orange-yellow, red of various shades.
  • The petioles are long, up to 15 cm; when broken, they release milky juice.

Depending on the climate, maple blooms from March to May, the flowers of the tree are small, yellow-green in color, with a pleasant smell. Flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, flowering occurs before the leaves bloom or simultaneously with it. Female and male flowers in maples bloom on different trees, pollination occurs with the help of insects.

Fruits ripen in September or October. The structure of the maple fruit is unique and cannot be confused with other fruits. These are double lionfish with flattened seeds in each wing. On the forums, you can find a question from gardeners about the name of maple seeds. They are called so - lionfish. Thanks to flat wings up to 7 cm long, ripe seeds fly away at the slightest breeze over long distances. Maple begins to bear fruit at the age of over 17, annually forming a large number of easily germinating seeds, so in nature the tree can multiply in unlimited quantities.

The bark of a tree changes depending on age.: in young maples, it is smooth, gray-brown in color, over time, the trunk becomes covered with longitudinal cracks, acquires a rough texture, darkens almost to black. The root system is located shallow, so the maple takes all the nutrients from the surface layers of the soil, does not allow other trees and shrubs to feed and germinate.

Planting maple trees

Maples can be propagated in several ways: using seeds, seedlings and layering. Well-lit areas are distinguished for planting, since maple trees form a denser crown in the light. With a lack of light, the leaves become small, lose color saturation.

Features of tree propagation in various ways:

When planting between trees, you need to maintain a distance of 2-4 m so that adult trees do not interfere with each other.

Care features

Caring for maples does not require special skills and knowledge, so even beginners can properly care for trees. Trees are able to withstand temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius and can easily withstand drought. Care for young trees consists in frequent and abundant watering, loosening the soil. In the summer, they water it once a week, at least two buckets of water should fall on one tree. In autumn and spring, when the natural moisture of the soil remains, it is enough to water the maple seedlings once a month.

The first years after planting, young trees for the winter are covered with spruce branches or dry leaves; for protection, you need to cover the root collar of the trees. When the maples grow up and get stronger, the winter shelter is not carried out.

Every spring, they do sanitary pruning of trees, removing dried branches, and during pruning, they form the crown of the trees. After pruning, the branches begin to grow and branch more intensively, the tree becomes much more beautiful.

Transplanting maple trees can be carried out up to 15 years of age, later the trees are not able to tolerate replanting. In addition, in adulthood, it is physically difficult to move a tree to another place due to the growth of the root system and crown.

Pest control

Maple trees are rarely affected by pests and diseases, but coral spotting appears on the bark at high humidity. A sign of the disease is pink or reddish spots on the branches. To combat the disease, pruning of diseased branches is carried out 15 cm below the infected areas. The cut branches are destroyed, the garden tools are disinfected, the cut sites are treated with garden varnish.

To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat trees with fungicide solutions before bud break.

Maples can be attacked by harmful insects: weevils, maple whiteflies, mealybugs. For pest control, spraying with Nitrafen is carried out.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Maple has not found application in official medicine, but folk healers use various parts of the plant to prepare medicinal compositions. Leaves, bark, buds, flowers, maple sap are used as medicinal raw materials.

For each type of raw material, there are certain procurement rules:

It is possible to accelerate the drying of raw materials using electric dryers, in which the temperature is set at 50-60 degrees. Dried maple parts are poured into paper bags, stored in dry, ventilated rooms for no more than two years.

Application in traditional medicine

Maple has medicinal properties due to the content of alkaloids, tannins, carbohydrates, sugars, flavonoids and vitamins. Medicines made from maple have choleretic and diuretic effects, reduce pain and inflammation, and accelerate wound healing. Infusions and decoctions from the bark and leaves are used to fight various infections, to raise immunity, improve the condition of the skin and hair. A large amount of antioxidants in maple helps fight poisoning and aging of the body, accelerates recovery from colds.

The antibacterial properties of the plant are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, bronchitis, inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys.

Rules for the preparation of products from maple raw materials:

The uniqueness of the common maple lies in the fact that this tree is widespread in Russia and is not considered an unusual plant, but its medicinal properties make one think about the benefits and importance of maple plantations.

Family: maple (Aceráceae).


Maple (Acer) grows in the temperate zone of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The plant is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America. The genus has about 150 species.

The form: deciduous tree or shrub.


Maple is a deciduous tree or shrub from 5 to 40 m tall with simple, less often complex, opposite petiolate, usually palmate, beautifully shaped leaves, very decorative in autumn with their varied colors. Evergreen maples are also found (they grow mainly in Central and South Asia and in the Mediterranean). Maple flowers are small, green, yellow, orange or red, numerous, collected in inflorescences (raceme, scutellum or umbrella). The maple plant blooms in late winter or early spring, before or after the leaves appear. Maple fruit is a lionfish. Almost all maple species are good honey plants. Maples usually grow quite quickly.

Norway maple, or plane maple (A. platanoides). A large, fast-growing tree from 20 to 30 m in height and from 8 to 15 m in width with a dense rounded crown. The bark of young Norway maple trees is smooth, reddish-gray; later the bark of this type of maple darkens, sometimes it becomes almost black; has deep cracks. The leaves of the Norway maple are five-lobed, rich green; in autumn they are orange-yellow, sometimes red. The flowers of the plant are lemon-yellow, fragrant, bloom before and during the opening of the leaves. The root system of the Norway maple is shallow or deep. Plants tolerate transplanting well. Plants are found in nature throughout Europe.

Ash-leaved maple, or American maple (A. negundo). An asymmetric or broadly rounded, fast-growing tree of medium size 10 to 15 m in height and 5 to 10 m in width, often with several trunks. Ash-leaved maple leaves are odd-pinnate, light green, yellowish-green in autumn. Shoots of American maple are green, with a bluish waxy bloom. The root system of ash-leaved maple is superficial, relatively sensitive. In nature, the plant is found in the central part of North America.

Fan maple, or palm-shaped maple (A. palmatum). Slow-growing shrub or small tree from 4 to 6 m in height and 2 to 5 m in width with a rounded or umbrella-shaped crown; with age, the fan maple grows in width. Young shoots of plants are green or purple. The leaves of the fan maple are graceful, palmate-lobed, bright red in spring, green in summer, purple in autumn. The flowers of the palm-shaped maple are purple, collected in drooping inflorescences, bloom in June. The fruits of the plant are initially reddish, very decorative. The root system of the fan maple is superficial, relatively sensitive. The palm maple can suffer from dry air, strong winds and late frosts. Palm maple is not sheared. In nature, the plant is found in Japan, Korea, East and Central China.

Manchurian maple (A. mandshuricum). Slender tree up to 20 m tall with a high-lying, rounded, openwork crown. The bark of the Manchurian maple is light gray with small cracks. The leaves of plants are graceful, complex, trifoliate; reddish-orange in spring, dark green above and lighter below in summer, bright purple-red in autumn. The flowers of the Manchurian maple are large enough, lemon yellow. The root system is shallow, the plants tolerate transplantation well. Manchurian maple is hygrophilous. Plants are not pruned. In nature, the Manchurian maple is found in the Primorsky Territory, Korea, Northeastern China.

Green maple (A. tegmentosum). Large shrub or tree up to 15 m tall with a wide spherical crown. Green-barked maple has a very decorative bark - smooth, green, with white stripes in young plants, gray bark in old ones. Maple buds are green-horned pink. Plant leaves are wide, large, three-lobed; autumn golden yellow. The flowers of the green-horned maple are large, lemon-yellow. Greenbark maple grows relatively quickly; quite picky about moisture and soil fertility. In nature, it grows in mixed forests on fertile, moist soils in the Primorsky Territory, Northeastern China and Korea.

Bearded maple (A. barbinerve). Large shrub or small tree 4 to 10 m tall with a spreading crown and smooth, dark gray bark. Young shoots of bearded maple are green, yellowish or reddish. The leaves of plants are three or five-lobed, up to 10 cm long, thin, slightly pubescent on top; serrate at the edges; yellow-orange in autumn. The flowers of the bearded maple are small, yellowish, and bloom simultaneously with the opening of the leaves. In nature, the plant is found in the Primorsky Territory, Northeast China, North Korea.

Ginnal's Maple, or riverine maple (A. Ginnala). Large shrub from 5 to 8 m in height with a wide hipped crown from 4 to 10 m in diameter and smooth, gray bark. Shoots of Ginnal maple are reddish or brown; leaves are three-lobed, pubescent below, up to 8 cm in length. The flowers are fragrant, yellowish, collected in dense inflorescences, bloom after the leaves bloom; fiery red in autumn. Ginnal's maple grows rapidly. The fruits of the Ginnal maple are red when ripe, later brown. In nature, riverine maple is found along the banks of the Amur tributaries, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and in northeastern China.

(A. rubrum). The tree is from 10 to 20 m in height and from 4 to 7 m in width with a large compact conical crown and dark gray, flaky bark. The leaves of the red maple are three- or five-lobed, when they bloom, they are bronze in color, in summer they are green, shiny, below they are gray or whitish, in autumn the leaves are very decorative: the upper side is orange or red-purple, the lower side is pinkish-silvery. The flowers are usually red, fragrant, and bloom before the leaves. The red maple grows rapidly. Red maple is one of the few maple species that tolerate excessive moisture or even stagnant water. In nature, red maple is found in swampy areas in eastern North America.

Pseudosibold maple (A. pseudosieboldianum). A small slender tree up to 8 m tall with a dense tent-shaped asymmetric crown and light gray bark. The leaves of the pseudo-bold maple are very decorative - rounded, finger-like or dissected to half of the leaf blade, nine-lobed, red-pink or lilac-red in autumn. Flowers of Pseudo-Siboldova maple are large enough, yellowish-white with very large purple sepals; bloom after the leaves bloom. In nature, it is distributed in Primorye, Northeast China and Korea.

False-plane maple, or sycamore white (A. pseudoplatanus). Slender tree up to 40 m in height and up to 12 m in width with a dense, beautiful, tent-like crown. The bark of the pseudoplatanus maple is light gray, flaking, with cracks. Leaves are three- or five-lobed, coarsely toothed, glaucous or whitish below. False-plane maple grows quite quickly, it can freeze up strongly in the conditions of Central Russia. In nature, the pseudoplatanus maple grows in the Caucasus, the Carpathians, in the central, southern and southeastern parts of Western Europe and on the northern coast of Asia Minor.

Small-leaved maple (A. mono). A tree up to 15 m tall with a dense, broadly spreading crown and gray bark. Leaves of small-leaved maple, five- or seven-lobed, dense, smooth, dull above and pubescent below; in autumn they are bright yellow or red. Flowers of plants are small, yellowish, with a slight odor. Small-leaved maple tolerates transplantation, winter-hardy, wind-resistant, shade-tolerant. It occurs naturally in the Far East, China and Korea.

Sugar maple, or sugar maple (A. saccharum). A large, slender tree from 20 to 25 m in height and up to 15 m in width with a rounded or ovoid crown and gray bark. The leaves of the sugar maple are five-lobed, pointed, sparsely toothed, bronze-green when blooming, light green in summer, whitish below, pale yellow in autumn. The plant blooms before leafing with lemon-yellow flowers. Sugar maple, or sugar maple, is durable, frost-hardy, very shade-tolerant. Plants are found naturally in North America, in the lowlands.

Maple silver (A. saccharinum). A tree up to 40 m tall with a very decorative, openwork, wide crown and slightly drooping branches. The bark of the silver maple is light gray, the young shoots are bright red. The leaves are five-lobed, deeply dissected, gray or whitish below, light yellow in autumn. The flowers of the maple are silvery lemon-yellow, bloom before leafing. Silver maple is durable, frost-resistant, moisture-loving and photophilous. In nature, it grows in the southeast of North America.

Tatar maple, or blackened (A. tataricum). Large shrub or small tree up to 9 m tall with a broadly oval crown. The bark of the Tartar or black maple is smooth, dark gray or almost black; shoots are red or brown. The leaves of the plant are ovoid or oblong, serrate or toothed-lobed along the edges; yellow or reddish in autumn. The flowers of the Tatar maple or black maple are white, fragrant; flowering is long. The fruits of the Tatar maple are decorative, initially dark red, later brown. The growth rate of the species is average. Tatar maple is frost-hardy and drought-resistant. It lends itself well to a haircut. In nature, the Tatar maple or black maple is found in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the southeastern part of Western Europe, in the Balkans, in Iran and Turkey.

(A. campestre). A large shrub or tree of medium size from 3 to 15 m tall with a broad-conical or ovoid crown. Field maple leaves are usually five-lobed, bright yellow or orange in autumn. Flowers and fruits of the plant are invisible. The field maple root system is deep, dense, insensitive. Plants are wind-resistant, easily adaptable. Plants cut well and are suitable for creating living walls. In nature, the field maple is found in the deciduous forests of the European part of Russia, in Western Europe and Asia Minor.

Maple yellow (A. ukurunduense). Tall shrub or small tree up to 15 m tall with an ovoid crown and yellowish-gray, flaky bark. The leaves of the yellow maple are five-lobed, ovate, yellowish-green above, glabrous, pubescent below. Flowers of plants are small, yellow, collected in dense inflorescences. The yellow maple blooms after the leaves open. Plants are undemanding to soil conditions, hygrophilous. In nature, yellow maple is found in the mixed forests of Primorye, Sakhalin, Northeastern China, and Japan.

Maple black (A. nigrum). Tree up to 40 m tall. In nature, black maple is found in eastern North America, in the lowlands or along the banks of streams.

You can also note the thermophilic maple species, which are not used in landscaping in Central Russia, but which are suitable for the south of the country: hornbeam maple(A. carpinifolium), maple of david(A. davidii), paperbark maple, or maple gray(A. griseum), Hyrcanic maple(A. hyrcanum), maple georgian(A. ibericum), maple japanese(A. japonicum), light maple(A. laetum), Montpellian maple(A. monspessulanum), viburnum maple(A. opalus), pubescent maple(A. pubescens), Stephen's maple(A. stevenii), maple four-dimensional(A. tetramerum), Troutwetter's maple(A. trautvetteri), maple velvety dull-leaved(A. velutinum).

Growing conditions

Maples are generally shade-tolerant, but thrive better in lighted areas. Usually maples are undemanding to soil conditions, they do not tolerate compacted and heavy soils. The type of soil and the degree of fertility differ depending on the type of plant. Most maples are demanding on soil and air moisture. Maple is a frost-resistant tree and, as a rule, wind-resistant.

For the Norway maple, any garden soil is suitable, except for poor, sandy soils.

The American maple is best planted in sheltered areas, as old plants can be damaged by strong winds.

Ash-leaved maple is undemanding to soils, grows on any relatively fertile substrates, tolerates temporary waterlogging.

The fan maple prefers slightly acidic, loamy, sandy, humus-rich soils.

Bearded maple is undemanding to soil conditions, frost-resistant and wind-resistant.

Red maple is undemanding to soil conditions, prefers moist soils.

The Ginnala maple prefers sunny areas, tolerates transplanting well, can be pruned, grows on any, not, fresh soils.

False-planan maple does not tolerate salinity, too dry or humid soils, it is thermophilic.

Tatar maple is less whimsical and tolerates soil salinization.

Sugar maple, or sugar maple, is undemanding to soil conditions (but sensitive to the presence of lime in the soil).

Field maple does not tolerate waterlogging, too acidic substrates or clay soils, they prefer illuminated areas.


Maple is one of the most beautiful deciduous trees. Plants will always look spectacular in their summer cottage. The maple tree is used in both group and care

Maple is a moisture-loving tree, so it needs to be watered. In a hot, dry summer, the watering rate is 15 liters for each plant once a week (with a precipitation rate, plants are watered once a month). During planting, maple is fertilized; after planting the plant with peat or soil. Plants are loosened infrequently, during weeding or after watering, to avoid soil compaction, which most maples cannot tolerate. Maples are not pruned (the exception is field maple); in plants, only diseased or dry branches are removed. Sometimes on variegated maple varieties, side branches with green leaves develop, such branches must be removed to the base. Maple does not need shelter in winter (species recommended for the middle lane); some maples are not resistant to wind, so they are planted in sheltered places. The root collar of young maple seedlings in harsh winters should be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves; the crown of plants is restored.

Diseases and pests

Possible diseases of maple - coral spot, brown rot of trunks, powdery mildew. Of the pests, the maple whitefly, maple mealybug, and maple leaf weevil are possible.

Popular varieties

Norway maple varieties

Ginnal maple varieties

  • ‘Albovariegatum’ has white leaf segments.
  • 'Durand Dwarf'- dwarf form with small leaves. Plant height up to 60 cm. Strongly branched.

    'Pulverulentum'- variety with white dots on the leaves.

Maple varieties of red

    ‘Red Sunset’. A conical tree from 10 to 15 m tall with an ovoid or almost round crown

    ‘Armstrong’. Columnar tree 10 to 15 m high and 2 to 4 m wide.

    ‘October Glory’. A conical or rounded tree from 7 to 15 m tall with an openwork crown; growth slows down with age.

    ‘Scanlon’. A compact conical tree from 10 to 15 m tall.

This tree has become a real decoration of parks. It has large, patterned leaves that have five sharp ends. He beautiful at any time of the year, but especially noticeable in autumn. Maple leaves are colored in a wide variety of colors, from the traditional yellow to crimson. It is impossible to take your eyes off the tree, it becomes so elegant. It is from maple leaves that people most often collect beautiful autumn bouquets in the fall.

My post will tell you more about this plant.


This tree grows up to 40 meters high.

Maple has many virtues. His the cold is not terrible. And this is very important for the tree. In our northern regions, this property helps him to survive the most severe frosts.

Maple and is resistant to drought. Many trees dry out without water. These are both poplar and willow. And maple can live long without water.

It also grows very quickly. In one year, its shoots grow by almost a meter. Maple grows very well next to oak and ash. We can say that they are friendly with each other.

Its wood is white with shades of red-brown or yellow.

In the spring, trees are among the first to awaken. With the melted snow, water from the ground rises to the branches. When you want to taste sweet maple juice, just make a cut in the wood and substitute any utensils.


Maple refers to honey plants. It begins to bloom by the end of April. It is even strange that such small yellowish-green flowers emit such a strong attractive smell. It is because of him that bees rush to the maple to collect sweet nectar and pollinate the plant. It turns out that maples are very important for bees. Therefore, they are planted next to the apiaries.

Maple pollen is liked not only by bees and other insects, but also by squirrels.


Maple fruits resemble propellers, only small. They are called lionfish. At the time of falling leaves winged seeds hang on a tree for a very long time.

From the wind they scatter around the neighborhood and fall to the ground. In the spring, some of them will sprout. And a new tree will grow, powerful and beautiful. This is how this plant multiplies.

Where it grows

Maple grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. About 20 plant species are known in Russia, the most common of which are:

  • Norway maple;
  • Tatar;
  • field;
  • White.

Maple Japanese is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In the southern hemisphere of the Earth, only one species grows - laurel.


The beautiful maple is very often planted in parks.

Decorative furniture is made of wood, since ancient times make musical instruments: bowed, strings and others. You will often find maple violins and guitars made today. Maybe your skis are also made from this wood.

Baseball bats and bowling pins are made from maple wood.

Maple sap

Man gets from maple delicious syrup. And when it is thickened according to a certain technology to the consistency of butter, delicious and healthy sweetness is obtained.

But man is not alone in his desire to feast on. This juice has long been appreciated by birds and animals. To get to the sweet, the woodpecker makes a hole in the bark with its beak, and the squirrel simply bites through it. This does not harm the tree at all. These wounds are small and heal quickly.

Popular rumor about maple

This is an extraordinary tree. About him among the Russian people there are many signs of beliefs, songs are composed.

They say that a man and a maple growing in front of his house are connected. The tree is alive as long as a person lives. When the owner dies, the tree also dries up.

And if someone unhappy and offended touches a green tree, it will dry out.

They say that the maple "cries" before the rain. And if in the spring it secretes juice, it will soon get warmer.

Symbol of Canada

The maple leaf is featured on the national flag of Canada. But he did not appear there immediately. There is a legend about this. In 1860, the Canadian city of Toronto was about to host the Prince of Wales. Residents of the city with national symbols in their hands were preparing to meet the guest. The English emigrants held roses in their hands. The Scots prepared the thistle branches. The beaver was then the symbol of Canada. People could not carry these animals in their hands. Then the Canadians were asked to carry maple leaves to this meeting. The leaf then adorned the country's flag and became a symbol of a united nation.

If this message is useful to you, it's good to see you.

Maple rightfully belongs to the most beautiful trees. Among the species are deciduous trees and shrubs. They differ in color and shape of leaves, crown. Decorative varieties attract with the beauty of foliage, therefore they are widely used in landscape design. Due to the variety of species, they create beautiful woody compositions that are selected taking into account the seasonal colors, sizes and decorative appearance.

What makes maple trees different

There are many different types of maple (there are about 150), which grow on almost all continents of the Earth. Most often it can be seen in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere:

  • Asia;
  • Europe;
  • North America.

However, in the southern region there is a special variety - laurel, which grows in the tropical zone. It belongs to the Sapinid family. Representatives of this species grow up to 35 m, but there are also much less - about 10 m. This small tree has a large number of shoots growing from the base. Most of the maples are deciduous, but there are also evergreens, whose homeland is in the subtropics.

The description of maples can start with the leaves, they are a distinctive feature. There are: simple, finger-like, large or lobed, growing on long petioles, with unusual patterns. The green mass forms a large crown that delights people. But not all representatives have such a cover. For example, gray, Maksimovich and Manchurian have trifoliate and complex-palmate leaf plates.

Maples produce lionfish fruits, which are colloquially called "helicopters". Thanks to a special device, from above, they can stay in the air for a long time, which allows them to fly a long distance from the mother plant for reproduction.

An interesting fact is that this type of trees are hermits - they grow either in small groups or singly. Therefore, you will not find a forest or thickets consisting of them. In the southern regions, maple crops are more common in the mountains, growing in places at an altitude of about 3 km, for example, the Himalayan ones.

Maples are used for landscaping parks, small gardens, streets, for creating alleys, single plantings, for the background in the form of handicraft compositions.

They look spectacular at a viewing distance of 30-50 m. With tall and medium specimens, conifers, ash, birch, oak, hornbeam and others look harmoniously. Shrub and dwarf varieties are planted together with coniferous and deciduous shrubs: dogwood, snowberry, cinquefoil, etc.

Majestic giants

Maples boast very large representatives, one of which is velvety . In the wild, it grows in the mountains of northern Iran and the Caucasus. It reaches a height of 50 m, a trunk diameter of 1.2 m. It looks like a real giant. It is especially beautiful during the fruiting period. At this time, large panicles with lionfish, of which there are up to 60 pieces, hang from the tree.

Another large maple specimen has a smaller size - pseudo-plane or sycamore. A striking representative of the mountain forests of the Caucasus and southwestern Ukraine. It grows up to 40 m in height with a trunk diameter of up to 2 m. Covered with dark gray bark, after peeling off which a light young crust is found. Has a dense crown in the form of a ball, looks beautiful in a single arrangement.

Leaves are two-colored: dark green above, purple on the back. Young foliage has yellow-pink spots on the surface, in adults it is variegated with cream and light green markings. For example, in the Brilliantissimum variety, in the spring season, the leaf blade acquires a delicate pink-peach color, and later changes color to yellow-turquoise. In landscape design, different forms of false-plane maple are used. Cultivars such as Simon Louis Freres and Leopoldii are low in height and variegated, making them suitable for a small garden.

The giant is also pulled by the North American silver maple, which grows 40 m in height, reaching a diameter of 1.5 m. The species is distinguished by five-lobed deeply dissected leaves located on long petioles. The top side is light green, the bottom is silvery white, which explains the plant's name. In autumn, the crown acquires a light yellow color. Looks beautiful on alleys, in group plantings, on the banks of reservoirs. Fragile branches cannot withstand the weight of adhered snow, they often break off.

European beauties

About 20 varieties grow in Russia, some of which grow in the European part: holly, white and Tatar.

Holly is one of the most popular species. The shape of the leaves is similar to the plane tree, which explains its name. But the attractiveness of the tree is not limited only to the beauty of the leaf plate. Its trunk is flat and straight with a dense green mass, which provides a chic crown.

On the basis of this species, breeders have obtained various variations in leaf color: golden with lilac and even with a white border. In addition to the color of the foliage, we managed to change the tree outwardly: to bring out a maple tree with a crown in the form of a ball. Its advantage is that there is no need to adjust the shape, since it is constantly maintained in its original state.

Chernoklen (Tatar) got its name because of its black wood, which is especially noticeable in winter, when there is snow around and maple is clearly visible. It is a short tree or shrub that grows up to 9 meters high. During the ripening of the seed, it becomes strewn with pink lionfish, collected in a brush. The appearance of the plant during this period resembles Japanese sakura, as the crown turns purple. The culture is resistant to frost, can grow on almost any soil. In household plots, it is used as a hedge.

Far Eastern varieties

On the territory of the Far East, maples are widespread in the form of trees and shrubs, which have adapted to the climate of the area. Most of the following varieties are found: small-leaved, riverine, yellow, pseudosibold, Japanese, green-bordered, bearded and others.

Green-barked maple is a large shrub or small tree, reaching 15 m in height. It attracts attention with its unusual barrel: green striped. Young trees have a marble color, which becomes more gray with age. A lush crown with a dark cherry color of branches and large pinkish buds on them is striking.

The leaves are three-lobed, large (about 15 cm long) with thin leaf blades. In the summer season, the color is dark green, in the autumn it changes to yellow-golden. Maple is especially beautiful when it blooms. Yellowish-green flowers are collected in loose and graceful bunches about 8 cm long. In autumn, the appearance is complemented by ripening lionfish of brown and pink shades. This variety is unpretentious to the environment and temperature - it will grow quickly in any conditions.

The Japanese species will take root only in the southern territory of Russia. It grows either as a small tree or as a shrub. Its splendor is revealed in the fall, when the foliage is painted in burgundy, red, purple colors with various shades. Much attention is paid to him in Chinese culture.

In Japan, maples are considered special and revered with the same awe as chrysanthemums or sakura. There are a lot of them, so in the spring the Japanese enjoy the sakura bloom, and in the fall - the maple beauty.

Silver or sugar maple is a fast growing crop. Grows with one or more trunks with light gray bark and a dense crown that requires regular pruning. You can plant anywhere on the site, regardless of lighting and soil composition. In autumn, the foliage becomes pink and yellow.

The tree has gained particular popularity in Canada, where syrup is made from it - a national symbol. The sugar maple grows in the southeast of the country. In early spring, the trees begin to sap, which is very sweet and adored by Canadians.

Lozhnosiboldov is an ornamental tent tree that grows up to 8 m in height. It is planted in areas with a good drainage system. Used for landscaping settlements, cities. Grows in both shaded and sunny places. Resistant to frost, unpretentious in maintenance, not picky about the level of moisture in the soil and air.

American representatives

Ash-leaved maples have compound-pinnate leaves, consisting of several smaller ones. Therefore, the crown of the tree is fuzzy and has a shaggy appearance. This variety is more common in cities. Sometimes you have to struggle with their population. This is due to the fact that the plant reproduces and grows very actively on its own. It can even be classified as a weed. Homeland - North America, in Eurasia, it is most widespread.

There is a variety of ash-leaved species with lionfish. It is more resistant to low temperatures among its fellows. For trees, very fast growth is considered characteristic - up to one and a half meters per season. Although outwardly the plant does not look decorative, its leaves have unusual colors: silver and gold, and in combination with pubescence, maple takes on a fabulous look. The Flamingo variety in the early period of growth has white-pink leaves and this gives it an uniqueness and charm.

Swamp can tolerate excess or stagnant water, since its birthplace is the swamps of North America. The second name - red, arose from the color of the leaves in autumn: the lower part has a silvery-orange color, and the top - in a red-orange. There are varieties with a pronounced red color and a rounded crown. They are used to decorate gardens.

The Ginnal maple grows up to 7 m in height, has a lush crown, reaching a span of about 8 m. It grows up to 150 cm per year, the trunk is up to 30-35 cm in diameter. The branches are very fragile and thin. The bark is thin, so the tree is often attacked by insects. Blooms in late spring. The leaves turn yellow, towards autumn they turn red, lionfish of a brown hue appear. There is a pleasant smell during the fall.

The Manchu species is a favorite of gardeners. It has an unusual lacy crown, complex trifoliate leaves. Reaches a height of 20 m. In autumn, they have a bright yellow-purple color, which, together with red petioles, gives them an incredible look. The plant loves free space.

Maple attracts with its appearance, especially in the autumn. If the site is small and you want to decorate it, then a maple tree is perfect for this. Many songs, legends, and even beliefs are composed about him. One of these is that maple is a talisman of love and peace in the family. This is due to the fact that the leaf is similar to the palm of a person or 5 of his senses.

They can live up to 130-150 years. This majestic tree has a different name - sugar maple (sugary).

Habitat of silver maple

The natural habitat of this tree is the eastern lands of North America and the bordering expanses of Canada. The silver maple tree prefers to grow in humid lowlands, along river and lake shores with rich soils. Occasionally, individual specimens are found on the hills. Trees climb to a height of 30-600 meters. In arid corners, they grow only near water.

Sugar Maple Height

Sugar maple grows fast. The height of the tree ranges from 27-40 meters. Every year, each tree is able to add about fifty centimeters in height and about forty in width.

Biological description of the tree

Cylindrical or rounded in shape and a wide and thin crown formed by drooping branches. The branches at the beginning of the development of trees rush down, and then, heading up, bend beautifully in an arched shape.

The branches are equipped with V-shaped leaf scars (the same is true, however, in the silver maple, the branches are more durable, often colored dark brown, and when broken, they emit an unpleasant odor. In young trees, the branches are bright red, and in mature specimens - silvery gray.

The length of the opposite five-lobed leaves, deeply dissected from above, green, from below, bluish-silver leaves is 8-16 cm, and the width is 6-12 cm. In autumn, the foliage blazes with yellow-golden and orange colors.

Young specimens are covered with a smoky gray smooth bark. As it grows, it gets dark, it is covered with long narrow flaky scales. Silver maple has a taproot system. The lateral roots branch out to form a superficial fibrous system.

Silver Maple Trunk

Maple decorativeness

The silver maple has several varieties. It is variegated, tripartite and pyramidal. In addition, there is the weeping form and the Viera variety. Trees differ in the form of leaves and branches.

The pyramidal maple has a height not exceeding 20 meters. Vertical branches form a wide columnar crown. Autumn foliage burns in dark red. The Vieri maple has a spreading crown covered with greenish-silvery leaves. Its fragile branches have increased fragility. The Borns Graciosa variety is endowed with a light crown, studded with huge rugged leaves. The height of the trees does not exceed 15 meters.

Using Silver Maple

Silver maple is often used to form original compositions on the streets, in garden and park complexes. It is good as a tapeworm and in group plantings. It is planted in estates, gardens and parks near water bodies and on hills, receiving spectacular arrangements.

Used in the manufacture of furniture. Syrup and beer are obtained from the plant.