Real laser swords from Star Wars. The laser sword is a weapon of the warriors from the Star Wars saga. As Obi Wan said in the very first film: “A weapon more elegant than any blaster.”

Name laser sword does not quite correctly reveal the essence of this amazing design. It would be more correct to call it a “plasma sword”. Each Jedi always made his own laser sword, which served him faithfully throughout his Jedi life.

As a rule, it took a Jedi about a month to “forge” a laser sword. The creation of a laser sword consisted of two main parts: mechanically assembling the metal parts of the sword together using hands and tools. The second part is undoubtedly the most important and very labor-intensive; it is meditation in the process of increasing the concentration of power in the crystals. And yet, when the situation required it, it could take only two days to “forge” a laser sword.

Electronic sword, electric sword

The Jedi were taught to use the Force as a link between warrior and sword. Due to this connection, the weapon became a part of the fighter and a continuation of his essence. While wielding an electric sword, this harmony served as a source of super-fast, inhuman reaction and dexterity.

Buy a laser sword in our store and we promise a complete atmosphere Star Wars. You will be able to feel like a real warrior and a full-fledged part of that world.

Remember, right? That luminous miracle from " Star Wars"George Lucas? Dance! A lightsaber that crushes and destroys everything in its path is practically created. Oddly enough, he distinguished himself as a lover of epic cinema. At least one American film fan managed to make such a thing (a lightsaber), close to the film original. Having seen enough, the American decided to act decisively.

This master even shot a video and posted it on the world-famous website YouTube, so as not to be unfounded. The video clearly shows the progress of testing this miracle and how it shamelessly sets fire to household belongings with an all-incinerating laser beam. The handle of the sword is equipped with some kind of flashlight; by clicking on a button on the handle, that very “death ray” appears, which easily ignites small objects. And this is just the beginning.

The Daily Mail tells us that the creator of such a “weapon” prefers to remain anonymous and claims that his sword is an absolutely legal type of weapon, or even non-weapon, in the United States. In the video, the creator calls himself the “Do-It-Yourself Laser Guy.”

Video copy of a lightsaber, laser sword:

The video, shot by an amateur, is accompanied by subtitles that provide basic information: the power of the laser beam is about 3000 mW, its thickness is 9 mm. Works laser device from two 18650 LI lon batteries. Skeptics claim that the invention is definitely cool, but its power and strength really need to be tested by fighting the dark lord of the Sith.

Experts report that the device basically has little in common with the Jedi weapons from Star Wars, except for its superficial similarity. The main and most important difference is high technology, technicality and elegance laser weapons at the same time, which generates a powerful energy flow that is closed in a peripheral arc. That is, in essence, it is a portable projector directed to a point by a force field of the highest power. The strength of each blade and its wonderful properties depend on the focusing crystals located in its design. In fact, there is nothing overly special or complicated in the invention, everything is simple, like everything ingenious. There was no need to reinvent the wheel here, that's for sure.

Remember, even in the early versions of the star epic, these swords were not the special super-powerful weapons of the Jedi and Sith. They were used by ordinary rebels and stormtroopers, and later director George Lucas limited the possibility of use, narrowing the circle of users only to Jedi knights for the originality and uniqueness of the Order, a certain mysticism and mystery, which, in principle, as a director’s move, worked well. In the original trilogy, the sword-blades easily broke during the battle, since they were made from ordinary carbon electrodes.

For the first time, Russian viewers saw a laser sword in the Soviet cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” in 1994. In that episode when the hare robot fought with the wolf robot. That's when they fought with laser swords (so says Wikipedia).

Watch the cartoon and remember your childhood:

ESSENCE OF THE PROJECT: The essence of the project is to assemble an original working model of a lightsaber, in size and function as close as possible to the swords shown in the film. This development (subject to safety precautions) should become an indispensable item for children of a fair age to play with. The peculiarity of my sword is that today there is nothing similar, even approximately analogous. There are only emitting models, but not a single operating one. I want to create a special product that will incorporate all the best that exists today. The thing will be no less technologically advanced than the iPhone. It's about about the greatness and passions that the owner of a laser sword will experience. Everything we saw in the movies will become reality.

INFORMATION ABOUT NABU S2 1200: The case is made of stainless steel with titanium shells. The voltage of the central battery is 196 volts, with a current of 60 A. Titanium core - containing, wt.%: aluminum 6.0-7.5, zirconium 3.0-5.0, tungsten 6.0-7.5, hafnium 2.5-4.0, niobium 2.5-4.0, titanium - the rest. The technical result consists in improving the weight characteristics of products in which the inventive alloy is used, in ensuring reliable operation of products at temperatures up to 800°C for a long time. Laser modules with maximum energy density, wave frequency 510-560 nanometers. Using insulated silver wire as a superconductor. Equipped with an on-board microcomputer and LCD display to display battery status, temperature, and other components. Rubberized handle. Core type: telescopic with pneumatic drive. Blade length 800 mm. A voice module will be built into the sword; the module’s task is to inform the owner of the sword in a male voice about the state of the system, about overheating, or about low battery charge, etc.

PLANS: I plan to make laser swords. Laser swords with power from 10 Watt to 2000 Watt. As a result, there is a demand that creates a supply, namely a demand for cutting lightsabers that are able to cut metal and that glow quite impressively. In the end, I want to give the STAR WARS connoisseur what he wants and what he admires, namely the Lightsaber. I plan to create a company to produce energy swords for connoisseurs, and will constantly work to make the sword more accessible and of higher quality. The main goal, of course, is the production of swords using mono-electrode arc cutting technology with grounding.

WHAT'S AVAILABLE: On this moment I have a technology, a business plan, a working prototype, and drawings of a future 1200 watt prototype that I will build if you help me financially. The technology is there, the prototype is there, it just needs to be developed!!!

NEEDS: Funds are needed to purchase components, as well as custom-made parts made from metals such as titanium. I need to purchase carbon fibers, radio electronics, super conductors, electrolytic capacitors, transistors and more. We also need 3D printers and various equipment for production. You need a melting furnace, a metal lathe, preferably a 3D CNC machine. By and large, I need the most necessary equipment for melting and processing metals, electronic components, and composites and tools for working with them.

The main difference between the swords of the second G series is their battery. Swords of the second version will have enormous power, with smaller handle sizes. The sword battery will work on a different principle, it will work by extracting energy from charged electrons, which in turn accumulate like a gas. The electrons are extracted from an ordinary electron vacuum tube, with a special chamber, and then we extract the accumulated energy back from the particles. To finalize the device, you need a def. amount, that's why I need your support. According to the laws of physics, energy can only be transferred from one state to another, but cannot be destroyed. Using the example of an electronic battery, we also extract energy in the form of electrons, and then use it in the operation of laser swords. The main advantage is the high concentration of energy per unit volume. Energy density of an electronic battery compared to chemical element hundreds of times more.

Universal battery Sarah Systems, UNIVERBATSS: Laser swords need energy; it is for these purposes that there is a universal energy source, created on the basis of 18-650 type batteries. After modernization, the size of the element is reduced by 20%, then 6 elements are placed in a mini block and connected in series according to a 2 by 3 circuit, at the output we get 12 volts and about 60 Amperes. Each battery is then upgraded with a supercapacitor to briefly increase current as the blade cuts material. The battery undergoes a crimping procedure and is placed in a cubic-shaped case printed on a 3D printer. In the end we get a miniature one, and enough powerful source energy, which is able to give us the required amount of kilowatts, albeit for a short time. The batteries are painted black and connected in series to absorb voltage.

Universal laser module 550-05m-2.0w: The NABU S2 version of the sword will be equipped with high energy density laser modules in a copper housing with a diameter of 5 mm, and a wave frequency of about 550 nanometers. The total laser power will be from 10 watts. High concentration The beam will not only ensure the effectiveness of the blade after switching on, but will also make it possible to cut some materials only with the power of laser radiation, without the use of a core and grounding.

TECH PASSPORT: All the swords that I intend to produce will be exclusively autonomous, they will not have wires. Each set, sword and cloak, is a stand-alone module that does not require an outlet. A laser sword is a laser sword, this device was and will be without wires and sockets.

APPLICATION AND ADVANTAGES: The beam will be quite concentrated,which meansYou can use swords even during the day. The energy source will be sufficient evenfor cutting iron sheets in one stroke. It is possible to create a sword with a red beamcolors. Cutting metal and plastic, fencing, demonstration of worklaser, all in titanium cases for STAR WARS connoisseurs.

DISCLAIMER: All energy elements that will be obtained and that are in the arsenal of Sara Systems will be protected by copyright, and will be used exclusively in the creation of laser swords. By order of the author, “no battery will become an item for other commerce.” This means that we do not intend to create any competition in terms of energy for any other company.


The temperature in some places on the blade reaches 1800 degrees, which is why it is important to use titanium with the addition of tungsten carbide. The laser sword blade uses the optical loop technique along with powerful lasers type 550-05m-2.0w.

Tesla microtransformer in a sword body for STAR WARS connoisseurs


Our team----------

Our mission is to make you happy. Once upon a time the telephone was a fantasy, but sooner or later everything fantastic becomes commonplace. I believe that any fan Star Wars will be happy to know that finally a laser sword can now be seen not only in movies.

We have also developed a number of rewards for project sponsors, mostly material rewards. We are ready to send you unique and very nice things by mail.

And may the force be with us, and together we are strong, for we are one with strength. And remember MAN CANNOT IMAGINE WHAT CANNOT BE...

How to make a Jedi sword with your own hands aslan wrote in January 6th, 2018

In this post I will tell you how to make a lightsaber completely with your own hands:

First, we need this diagram with drawings of the original handle.

I used a plastic PVC pipe as a basis. gray with thin walls with a diameter of 40 mm. I don’t remember the exact name, but in a hardware store you can easily find it in the plumbing department.

We mark the length of the future handle on it.

Print it out and put it on the pipe:

Let's cut it off. It turns out like this:

Drilling holes in the ears:

We attach it to the handle according to the diagram, mark the position and make a cut for the power buttons.

And glue it

Now that the glue has hardened, we smooth everything thoroughly with fine sandpaper and go over the entire surface of the handle. After this, using a solvent, degrease the entire surface of the handle, prime and paint.

After the first layer has dried (in about a day), add plastic decorative elements according to the diagram and paint again.

This is the paint I used

She's the best fit. Before this I used cheaper paint from FOX, it turned out to be terrible, it turns dark when touched, and after varnishing it turns completely dark gray.

According to the diagram, we make a ring and paint it in the same way, maybe in one layer.

After the paint has completely dried (after 24 hours), coat the handle with glossy varnish.

We cut out the last design elements from plastic according to the diagram, glue them with the letter T, paint them matte black and glue them to the handle.

This turns out to be such a great handle.

Now about the filling.

All the filling is assembled according to this scheme:

A 12-volt battery can be purchased at an RU toy store or an airsoft equipment store. The 12 - 5 volt converter is a regular car USB charger for the cigarette lighter.

Sound cards may be different. I usually take from HASBRO swords, but now they sell cheap swords at Fix Price, they have an identical copy of the HASBRO sound card installed, apparently someone was not too lazy to copy it. The sound quality is excellent.

You also need a speaker, it is best to take it from a portable acoustic system. 4 watt 4 amp speakers are best, they are bassy and vibrate well.

For all this electronics you will need a chassis so that you can easily disassemble the sword at any time for repairs or upgrades. We cut it from the same pipe, I got something like this:

We insert it into the handle, mark the hole for the button and fill it:

The next in line is the battery, the positive wire is immediately connected to the button.

And then according to the diagram, all the rest of the electronics. It is very important that the 5 - 12 volt converter be connected after the button and not before it.

Now all this stuff can be attached to the handle

We add a button cut from a SEGI cartridge, and put plastic on the bottom so that the buttons can be pressed and that’s it.

This is the beauty we got

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Created as much for elegant combat as for ceremonies, the lightsaber was a special weapon, the very image of which was inextricably linked with the world of the Jedi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: “This is the weapon of the Jedi. Not as crude and cluttered as a blaster, but an elegant weapon for a more civilized era."

It was a blade of pure energy (or more accurately, plasma) emitted from the hilt, most often created by the owner of the weapon himself based on his own needs, requirements and style. Due to the unique balance of the sword - the concentration of all its weight in the hilt - it was extremely difficult to handle without special training. In the hands of masters of the Force, such as the Jedi or their dark brethren, the lightsaber inspired great respect and even fear. Mastering a lightsaber meant having incredible skill and focus, masterful dexterity, and generally being in tune with the Force.

Over millennia of use, the lightsaber has become an iconic attribute of the Jedi and their quest to maintain peace and bring justice to the entire galaxy. This perception persisted despite many early conflicts with the Dark Jedi, who also wielded this weapon, often popularly called a laser sword. In particular, this is what Anakin Skywalker called the lightsaber when he first saw it with Qui-Gon Jinn.

Tionna Solusar: "As stated in the holocrons, the most early swords were crude devices that used experimental "frozen blaster" technology to create a focused beam of energy of a specific length."

The power sword created by the Rakata was the predecessor to the modern lightsaber. In this device the energy dark side The forces, passing through a laboratory-grown crystal, were transformed into a glowing energy blade. The technology of power swords was the basis for the creation of lightsabers. Perhaps the very first functional lightsaber was the First Blade, created on Tython by an unknown weapon master. Even then, the ancient Je'daii Order, whose members used ordinary forged swords, “froze” the blade of the future lightsaber, learning to combine the advanced technologies of other planets with their forging ritual. With the transformation into the Jedi Order after the Force Wars, the Jedi knights continued to use edged weapons , which remained a tradition for thousands of years, lightsabers were not established for widespread use due to their general ineffectiveness and many disadvantages.

By 15,500 BBY, their research was successful. The Jedi developed a method for producing a focused beam of energy, which led to the creation of the first lightsabers. They were still unstable and ineffective: they spent great amount energy, so they only worked for a short period of time. As a result of these shortcomings, the first lightsabers were little more than objects of worship. They were rarely worn, much less used.

Early mentions

Tionna Solusar: "...these archaic lightsabers were portable, so their use required a flexible cable that connected on one side to the lightsaber's handle, and on the other to the power supply on the Jedi's belt."

The extreme weapon instability that the Jedi encountered in early designs faded over time. Also, cumbersome and rarely used weapons gave way to elegant and much more often used proto-swords. However, although these archaic lightsabers were much more durable than their predecessors, they still suffered from power consumption problems, requiring the same power pack on the belt. The powerful cable constrained the owner's movements and did not allow him to use the Sword Throw. However, despite the shortcomings, the high stability of the blade provided a clear advantage in the fight against heavily armored enemies.

Developments and designs of sieves

Komok-Da: “Although swords are excellent weapons, there is still nothing as satisfying as the feeling of the warm splash of blood when someone is cut down with a real sword.”

It was the Dark Lords of the Sith Empire who improved lightsabers by placing the power supply and energy cell in the hilt. A superconductor was introduced into the design, which transformed the cyclically returning energy from the negatively charged emitter back into the internal battery. With this modification, the battery only drained energy when the energy loop was broken, such as when cutting something with a lightsaber. Thus, the food problem was solved. Using the Tedrin Holocron, the Sith also created the blueprint for the first light staff. Karness Muur was also one of the owners of modern lightsabers. The Dark Jedi initially wielded an archaic lightsaber, but later switched to a modern one with a curved hilt.

Adoption of lightsabers by the Jedi

During Naga Sadow's invasion of the Republic in 5000 BBY and the subsequent outbreak of the Great Hyperspace War, the technological innovations of the Sith Empire reached the Jedi. However, while the Sith army used lightsabers, the Jedi continued to fight with proto-sabers, as they did not have time to fully learn the new technology. With the defeat of the Sith, modern lightsabers were fully adopted by the Jedi Order. By 4800 BBY, lightsabers became an integral part of any Jedi.

During Great War The Sith renegade Jedi who flocked to Exar Kun continued to use their Jedi lightsabers, ignoring the traditions adopted by the Sith Empire. Other innovations entered the ranks of the newly minted Sith. So, Exar Kun created a light staff for himself using circuits from the Sith holocron. By the time Exar Kun's rebellion was ultimately defeated, the idea of ​​a light staff had been adopted by the Jedi. Found this type of lightsaber wide application in the early years Civil War Jedi.

Mechanism and technical characteristics

Luke Skywalker: “Ideally, a Jedi needs many months to create perfect weapon, which he will keep and apply until the end of his days. Once created by you, the lightsaber will become your constant companion, your tool and ready means of defense."

The ritual of creating one's own lightsaber was an integral part of the Jedi's training, its completion, and included a test not only of technical skills, but also of harmony with the Force. During the days of the Old Republic, the ice caves of Ilum were used as a ceremonial site where Padawans would come to craft their first lightsaber. Here and in places like this, such as the caves near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, the Jedi selected the most appropriate focusing crystals through meditation and connection with the Force and then completed the assembly of the sword.

Traditionally, creating a lightsaber took about a month. It involved assembling the pieces both by hand and with the Force, as well as meditation to saturate the crystals. The assembly itself also required constant connection and harmony with the Force, since in order to achieve best result, excluding accidental breakdowns and malfunctions during future use, the utmost precision of movements and the closest fit of parts were necessary. However, when extreme need the creation of the sword could be greatly accelerated. Corran Horne's first lightsaber, a dual-phase lightsaber created during his undercover work as an Invid ("Disturber") pirate, was made using this technique.


At the base of the sword's hilt was a metal cylinder, usually 25-30 centimeters in length; however, the design and dimensions of the handle varied greatly depending on the preferences and physiological characteristics of each creator. The hilt shell contained complex components that created the blade and gave it its unique shape. A high-power energy flow, passing through a system of positively charged focusing lenses and activators, formed an energy flow that was drawn out from the base for about a meter, and then, forming a peripheral arc, returned to the negatively charged ring-shaped depression surrounding the emitter; in this case, a complex configuration of energy fields and an arc-shaped plasma cord was formed, taking the shape of a blade.

The superconductor completed the energy loop, feeding the converted energy back to the internal battery, where the cycle began again. With the addition of one to three focusing crystals with different properties The length of the blade and the power output could be changed using control mechanisms built into the handle. The two crystals created a branching pulse of cyclic ignition, which, combined with hermetically sealed insulation, allowed the sword to be used underwater.

All lightsabers contained some basic components:

Activation button/panel;
Emitter matrix;
Lens system;
Power unit;
Energy source;
Charging connector;
One to three focusing crystals.

Many lightsabers, such as the one carried by Zane Carrick in 3964 BBY, had a pressure sensor in the hilt that deactivated the blade when released. It is worth noting that Darth Maul's double-bladed sword was not equipped with such a mechanism. Other swords were made either without a pressure sensor or, alternatively, with a locking mechanism that caused the blade to remain activated if the sword was thrown or dropped.

Traditionally, the crystal was the last component added. It represented the very essence of the weapon and gave it both color and strength. A lot of effort and time went into choosing this most important component of the lightsaber.

Much knowledge about the design of lightsabers was lost during the destruction of the Jedi, but Luke Skywalker discovered the records and materials needed to create his first sword in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine.

Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber cut

Cutting ability

Exar Kun: “Incredible! I thought a lightsaber could cut anything. There is only a scratch on the wall. The only thing, which can resist a lightsaber is... Mandalorian Iron!"

The lightsaber blade did not emit any heat or energy until it came into contact with something. The power of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything, although the speed of the blade through the material was highly dependent on its density. Cutting through flesh, for example, occurred completely unhindered, while breaking through an explosion-proof door could take quite a long time. It is important to note that lightsaber wounds never bled, even when a limb was severed. The energy blade, inflicting a wound, immediately cauterized it, as a result of which, even with severe wounds, there was practically no bleeding.

Qui-Gon Jinn breaks through a blast door

Types of lightsabers

It should be noted separately:

Lightsaber with curved hilt

A standard design during the heyday of the second form of lightsaber fencing. The curved handle made it possible to do more precise movements and gave more freedom in lightsaber versus lightsaber combat.

Guards shoto

A tonfa sword with a handle perpendicular to the axis of the sword was used by bodyguard Shinya from Black Sun during her fight with Darth Maul. The Guard Shoto was also used by Maris Brood, a student of Jedi Master Shaak Ti.

Blade types

Dual-phase lightsaber. This rare type of sword used a specific combination of focusing crystals to form a blade capable of becoming twice as long as a normal one. This lightsaber was carried by Gantoris, Corran Horn and Darth Vader.

Large lightsaber or light mace. Special focusing crystals and energy systems allowed this rare species lightsabers generate a blade up to 3 meters in length. These large swords were only used by creatures of enormous stature. Gork, a mutated Gamorrean Dark Jedi, used such a weapon.

Short lightsaber. Shorter than in ordinary swords, the blade was handy in combat for smaller Jedi such as Jedi Master Yoda, Yaddle, and Tsui Choi. In addition, the short lightsaber was sometimes used in the Niman (Jar'Kai) style of fencing, which was used, for example, by the ancient Jedi Master Kavar.

Training lightsabers. Used by younglings to practice the art of lightsaber swordsmanship. Although not life-threatening, contact with their blade could leave a bruise or even a slight burn.

Light saber. A rare type of lightsaber. It created a powerful, slightly curved blade of black and gold color. Used by some noble Mandalorians as a means of personal protection. The wounds from the saber could not be cured even by the Force.

Lightsaber colors

Oli Starstone: “...Jedi, as a rule, do not use scarlet blades. And largely because this color is associated with the Sith."

The color of a lightsaber blade was determined by the type of focusing crystal used to create it. Jedi mined crystals various types and shades in natural deposits, while the Sith used artificially produced synthetic crystals that emitted shades of red.

Before the final battle of Ruusan, the ancient Jedi wielded swords of all colors and shades, the most common colors being orange, yellow, light blue, indigo, green, purple, silver and gold. Some Jedi of the time, such as Silvar, even used red-colored blades, despite the Order generally avoiding colors that might associate them with the Sith.

During the Jedi Civil War, the color of a Jedi's blade usually symbolized his path and the responsibilities he took on while in the Order. The green blade was the sign of the Jedi consulars - scientists, diplomats and orators. Blue color The sword was associated with Jedi Defenders - physically strong and determined defenders of the galaxy. The third color, yellow, was reserved for the Jedi Guardians - Jedi whose skills were balanced between physical strength and learning the ways of the Force. Regarding the strength of the swords, these crystals were exactly the same - the color was the only difference.

Lightsaber combat

The lightsaber is a highly versatile weapon, possessing a unique lightness and the ability to cut in any direction. It can easily be wielded with one hand, but Jedi have always been trained to wield the sword with both hands and with each hand separately, in order to be prepared for any situation. On early years In the history of this weapon, when the Sith were numerous, the art of lightsaber dueling flourished. In more later periods It was extremely rare for the Jedi to encounter an enemy who possessed a weapon capable of deflecting a lightsaber strike. Self-defense against blasters and other energy weapons was taught to them early in their training. While a skilled Jedi could use his sword to deflect a blaster shot back at his opponent, non-energy projectiles (bullets, for example) were simply completely disintegrated by the blade.

Jedi were trained to use the Force as a link between a fighter and his weapon. Thanks to this connection with the Force, the blade became an extension of their nature; he moved instinctively, as if he were part of their body. The Jedi's harmony with the Force was the reason for his almost superhuman agility and reaction, manifested in the use of a lightsaber.

Since the invention of the lightsaber, the Jedi have developed a variety of styles, or forms of lightsaber combat, to suit unique features the sword and its connection with its owner.

Since the only way to disarm a Jedi and keep him alive is to cut the blade or sever a limb, the most common injury was to the hand or forearm. It was common to see Jedi or Sith with cybernetic limbs.