Known to many (including me) as Kuzya or Irka Komarovskaya, the daughter of one academician and the granddaughter of another academician, a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, a seasoned hippie, an author and much more, Bashlachev’s girlfriend, a “witch” from the “Chronicles of Russian Sannyasa” "Vlada Lebedko, cut and not cut by Fyodor Chistyakov - I saw the scar on her throat when we Sivitsky And Anna During our sentimental journey, we dropped in at Irka’s dacha in Komarovo.

I stole the photo from some stranger

In the photo is the same dacha where I saw her for the first time, and now it’s completely clear that in last time, and it was one of the most powerful psychedelic experiences of my life - just looking at her, talking to her.

At the same dacha, Irka grew hemp, which is why it was even shown on TV.

It’s a pity that I didn’t blow with her then. Why did I refuse? I don't understand.

Goodbye, Irka. Tomorrow you will be burned in the crematorium. I am sure that even in a coffin you will lie beautiful. This is the type of body you and I have.

Today in Komarovo, the apocryphal woman of the Leningrad underground, Lyalya Linnik, died. She is Irina Levshakova. A woman who had a studio in her dacha. Where Grebenshchikov recorded his music. Fedya Chistyakov and many others... Lyalya was a strange lady. But this was a man of the era.

The last time I saw her was this fall. I recognized her from the back - a thin, plastic figure, like a circus actress, she walked through a small forest to the station. I thought it was good that she didn’t see me, otherwise she would call me to drink vodka or do something else that I didn’t want and couldn’t do. God be with her. I didn't know that I wouldn't see her again.

What a beauty she was as a child! My beloved was friends with her cousin. But I was little and clearly understood that Lyalya was much more talented, beautiful and cooler than my cousin. And of course, all Lyala’s peers are jealous.

She had thin ankles and wrists, huge green eyes, black curly hair. Some kind of medieval appearance. She was a hippie. At that time this word was something terribly mysterious and abusive in the Soviet Union. Lyalya went to long skirt, in flip flops. She spoke hoarsely, smoked, and suddenly could use a harsh obscene word. She was unusual, different, cool.

At some point, adults began to say - Lyalya reformed, she got married, gave birth to lovely twins and began to study at the university; One day we were traveling on a train and Lyalya showed me the skeleton of a small fossil lizard...

Then she began to live in Komarovo permanently. Her dacha became a refuge for rock and roll people throughout the country and Leningrad. The twins grew up on their own and one day they almost burned down the house. Lyalya, in a long skirt and a cloud of marijuana, received guests. Then a recording studio in this dacha. All our greats - Grebenshchikov, Bashlachev, and others, were all at this dacha. We recorded our music...Her close friend Fedya Chistyakov hits her in the chest with a knife... They ate cap mushrooms, which grew in abundance in upper Komarovo.

One tragedy after another. They call her everything. And an apocryphal woman of the Leningrad underground, and a witch. Don't know. She was an important, indispensable figure in our village. I'm very sorry that she left. And that in our cemetery there will now be another grave of a man whom I remember as young, handsome and talented.

On February 17, 1988, Alexander Bashlachev died. From the eighth floor window he stepped into eternity, leaving his fans with songs that stand out like a tectonic fault among the plain of Russian rock music.

Gift of Language

Bashlachev himself did not understand how gifted he was. What amazed those around him was completely natural for him. He had a rare flair for language, which manifested itself already in childhood. Sasha learned to read very early, although no one specifically taught him this, without knowing English, he translated English texts and read Polish well. His natural linguistic instinct rarely let him down; by the roots of words, he easily guessed their meaning and fluently translated the texts of foreign groups.
It was precisely because of his good sense of language that Bashlachev successfully worked in the magazine “with the poetic name “Communist.” He wrote texts full of metaphors on production topics.

Ear for music

Bashlachev had a unique ear for music. Alexander Izmailov, with whom SashBash studied at the institute, recalled that Bashlachev, who had never played the piano before, simply sat down and began to select chords by ear; he felt the music with some kind of inner instinct. The musician’s mother recalled that as a child, Sasha told her that he most sympathized with those children who were forcibly taken to music school, so she did not take him to study music. Amazingly, Bashlachev knew how to extract music even from a simple cigarette, which he played like a harmonica, and also skillfully played a two-handed saw.


In the studio of Yan Rozov, hello! Sergei Starovoitov, lawyer...


Good afternoon


And Alexander Linnikov, lawyer.




The topic of the broadcast is the reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service. As far as I understand, this reform was launched back in 2009. And it should end - sort of, we should take stock - in 2022.


We'll let you down in 2022. Now let's try to sum up the intermediate results.


Nevertheless, significant progress has already been achieved. It’s somehow not customary for us to speak well about the activities of the state and officials, but in reality, great improvements are noticeable in the penitentiary sphere. Today, the Federal Penitentiary Service largely provides itself with everything it needs: food...


Can we say that it is already self-sufficient?


Well, we can’t say that it’s self-sufficiency, but it’s close to it. Moreover, active measures are being taken to ensure that the FSIN system provides for itself and is less dependent on the market - in such a way as to minimize the corruption component and exist, if possible, at its own expense.


That is, this was the task of the reform?


This was the task of the reform, this is the task of the team of Gennady Aleksandrovich Kornienko, who now heads the Federal Penitentiary Service. And I repeat: this team has now achieved great success. For example, the Federal Penitentiary Service has launched food production. There are enterprises - canning plants, fish processing plants, and factories for the production of semi-finished products. FSIN produces special equipment. The FSIN supplies almost our entire army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with clothing and footwear. And in addition, the Federal Penitentiary Service is also reducing the costs of maintaining prisoners and food supplies. Suffice it to say that over the past few years, savings on food alone have amounted to at least 6 billion rubles. And this - I draw your attention - while maintaining the level of food quality, this is against the background of the market, against the background of rising prices, against the background of inflation, against the background of the crisis. Quality is maintained, volumes are maintained, and less money is spent. Moreover: over the last 2 or 3 years, significant work has been done to reduce the number of market contracts. For example, the only supplier medicines and medical equipment for the needs of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the state corporation Rostec was appointed. A government resolution has been adopted: Rostec provides the Federal Penitentiary Service. Market trading excluded, excluded corruption schemes for the supply of medicines and medical equipment.

Significant work has also been carried out, and since 2017, the Federal Penitentiary Service has been purchasing sugar from Rosrezerv directly at a fixed price. Rosrezerv's reserves, as you know, are being updated. And when the deadline for the release of food products from Rosrezerv approaches, the FSIN takes them away at a favorable price.

Also, over the past 2-3 years, Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov has been trying to ensure that the only suppliers for certain federal districts fuel and fuels and lubricants the largest were appointed oil companies. But, unfortunately, this could not be achieved, because the trading conditions were simply unfavorable. Companies do not apply for gasoline supplies to the Federal Penitentiary Service because the logistics are very complex: 3,250 fuel supply points, if I’m not mistaken. And that's why even those large companies, like Rosneft, Gazpromneft and Bashneft, are not able to cover this entire volume. But, nevertheless, such work was carried out. The FSIN involved the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Meetings were held to find out why large oil companies did not want to go to auction.

It was Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov who put a lot of effort into this, who sought to reduce commercial contracts in the market so that the state could provide for itself at the minimum price, at the most favorable conditions. And for me this is a big mystery: why one of the organizers of the FSIN reform, one of the people who did a lot to reduce government spending, get rid of unnecessary intermediaries, is now under arrest?


He is not only under arrest, but as I understand it, he is in prison in Lefortovo.


He is being held in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. This is, of course, an overly cruel, unjustified preventive measure - especially compared to other people who were arrested on charges of crimes of comparable gravity. Suffice it to recall ex-minister Ulyukaev or director Serebrennikov. They are under house arrest, Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov for some reason is sitting in Lefortovo. Why? Is it because someone needs to isolate him? What do you think, Sergey?


No, I think that everything here is explained quite simply - both regarding the people of interest in the possible events of all these events, and, of course, regarding why Korshunov is in the pre-trial detention center.

The fact is that our small investigation of the events related to the initiation of the case against Korshunov and the events related to the clarification of the circumstances for which he was brought in as an accused shows that, by and large, very a large number of people who, among other things, were associated with various commercial operations - precisely those that, in general, Korshunov partly suppressed in his activities, introducing a system for receiving products, products and various goods under government orders - found themselves completely thrown out of this business, others significantly reduced their "profits" in quotation marks, which went beyond what was stipulated in the contracts. And of course, as I understand it, they partly directly, partly indirectly, through some of their capabilities, tried to convey, including to law enforcement agencies, negative information that all financial and economic power was partly concentrated - on government contracts, in particular , on the management of state unitary enterprises - from Korshunov. They didn’t add fuel to the fire, but distorted the situation with the development of this relationship, of course, as in the famous cartoon about Mowgli, they conveyed information in the vein that “he called you yellow earthworms.”


You used a wonderful word, very appropriate: distortion. In general, this whole matter, as we believe, consists of a large number of distortions, manipulations and manipulations of facts.


Maybe you can remind me what position he held and what case he was charged with?


Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov is an active state councilor of the 2nd class. Served as Deputy Director Federal service execution of punishments. His responsibilities included overseeing the financial and production activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service, which he did successfully. I have already talked about his achievements.

And now, paradoxically, Korshunov is accused of embezzlement of public funds along with his alleged accomplices. The choice of accomplices, in our opinion, is also paradoxical for Korshunov. Because he was accused of embezzlement along with ordinary employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and middle managers, with whom he, by and large, was not familiar, and with an entrepreneur with whom his relations were far from friendly, comradely and friendly. This, in our opinion, indicates an almost complete failure of the operational work preceding the arrest of Korshunov, because those people who prepared this accusation did not bother to study the true nature of the relationship between the people they planned to arrest.

And if we talk about the accusation of embezzlement, then it, too, in our opinion, is absolutely far-fetched and absurd, because no one bothered to study the real circumstances of the preparation for the conclusion of these contracts. Korshunov is accused of inflating the purchase price of sugar. Well, let's start with the fact that it is simply impossible either independently or together with alleged accomplices to organize the conclusion of a contract for known conditions- this is absurd. Very complex procedure multi-stage checks precede the conclusion of each contract. This is the first thing. And secondly, pricing when concluding a contract is influenced by many factors. For example, sugar, as you probably know, is a commodity commodity and its price is volatile and subject to fluctuations. Secondly, the Federal Penitentiary Service, as well as many others federal authorities, does not pay advances, but pays for the goods delivered at the end of the financial year. Thirdly, FSIN institutions are scattered throughout our vast country and are sometimes located in very inaccessible places. This means that delivering goods to the colonies is very difficult and expensive.

And finally, the last circumstance that simply hammers the nail into the coffin of the prosecution is that (a very curious circumstance) the Federal Penitentiary Service borrowed the procedure for financing contracts from the Federal Security Service. As FSIN employees told us at one of the meetings, they learned to do exactly this: not pay advances, but pay at the end. And all these circumstances lead to an increase in the price of supplied sugar. And if you don’t pay in advance, but pay at the end of the year, then the price still increases by the cost bank loan, which is necessary for the company to receive working capital for the purchase of this product in order to supply it to everyone.


Well, I would like to add a few phrases by way of comment, in particular on the sugar episode. This is just a classic example of what has been discussed many times in the media on various other issues. government agencies where such contracts are concluded. The bottom line is that theft is the difference between the cost at which the goods were purchased by the supplier and the cost at which it was purchased by the customer. Law enforcement agencies simply arithmetically subtract this difference and say that this difference is the amount of theft. At the same time, of course, for some reason - either out of ignorance, or lack of education - they forget to take away from this amount at least the obvious money, which consists of the supplier’s costs, taxes and other issues related to the fact that the execution of the contract requires actually pay some money for a whole year, and then only, after that, receive a refund for the goods delivered.

On the situation with sugar and on the episode with Korshunov law enforcement agencies They went even simpler: they actually took the cost of sugar at the time of purchase, the minimum, and declared it the market price. And the price at which this sugar was purchased was declared finite and inflated. Not counting absolutely none of the parameters I talked about. But main question lies not even in this, but in the approach itself - how the investigation approached this episode.


Yes, the approach is very important. The case file contains a document called “Examination of the circumstances of the supply of fuel to the Federal Penitentiary Service.” According to authoritative experts, this document is not an examination at all, since it does not meet the requirements of the criminal procedural law - but oh well, let’s leave that out of the picture. The investigation's approach is interesting. The investigation confronts the forensic institution's own experts with Investigative Committee a question that contains an answer in advance: how much was the overestimation of the initial, minimum contract price?

It means that? That the investigation did not set itself the task of figuring out whether there was an overstatement or not? The investigator is sure, as we can see, that this was an overstatement, and only wants to figure out what kind of overstatement it could be. That is, he had already formed his belief in advance, without thinking about those market factors that really influence price formation.


That is, the task was most likely assigned to him, to the investigator?


We assume that the investigation has been given a specific task in relation to a certain person. A person who, for many businessmen who previously supplied goods to the Federal Penitentiary Service, for those who were involved, for example, in organizing trade in pre-trial detention centers, is evil personified.


That is, Korshunov interfered with the businessmen, right?


The one who represents the loss of business, the loss of money.


Well, there's one more thing to note here. important point: about the fact that in fact the general public became aware only after the arrest of Korshunov, about the events associated with him - that is, in September 2017. But in fact, at a minimum, attempts to find some kind of crime or compromising evidence against Korshunov began at the beginning of 2016. And they also happened in a very peculiar way. This image consisted in the fact that representatives of the operational structures of the “M” division of the FSB of Russia were actually checking certain facts of Korshunov’s abuses in this way: they invited businessmen, and the conversation was structured according to the simple mechanism “Tell us about what bribes you offered or gave to Korshunov.” It turned out that if people did not know Korshunov, then the businessmen were released.


As far as I know, the question was even posed differently: “Tell me anything about any leaders of the FSIN.” Apparently, the work there was not initially aimed specifically at Korshunov, himself vulnerable person on the team, but on the service itself. For the entire team that brought order to the FSIN contracting system.


But then the question immediately arises: why, when talking about reform, do we consider the Korshunov case in such detail?


Because in fact this, in my opinion, is the most shining example how those people who are trying to carry out these reforms, very difficultly and complexly bringing some of their individual elements to completion, while continuing to promote some, find themselves primarily under attack from precisely those very services that, let’s say, guard law and they are seen as one of the enemies who allegedly do not carry out these reforms and interfere with the implementation of reforms.

I just mentioned a few words, but I would like to drive the point home. After all, in fact, the first case concerning Korshunov appeared in the spring of 2016 - and exactly according to the same scheme. One of the directors of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Federal Penitentiary Service, a certain Belikov, was detained precisely under the condition that he must testify against the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Moreover, the uniqueness of this situation lies in the fact that he was actually kept for two days in a hotel at his own expense - in the city of Saratov, and for two days his operational employees convinced him to tell the truth about the bribes.

When he finally gave the explanations that they wanted to hear from him - and this all happened, of course, without the participation of a lawyer - he was arrested. And the case for which he was arrested - the theft he allegedly committed at a federal state unitary enterprise - ended 10 months later with the termination of this criminal case for lack of corpus delicti. But since it was necessary to explain what he was doing there for 10 months, two more episodes of theft were found that he was charged with. Therefore, he remained in custody, and currently the case against him has been sent to court, according to the information we have.


Another curious circumstance: the material regarding Belikov’s alleged, fictitious bribes to Korshunov was allocated for a separate audit. And for about 10 months - Sergey, if I’m not mistaken - there was supposedly an inspection, during which Korshunov was not even questioned.


Yes, more than 15 months.


And you know that this check ended with a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case for giving a bribe to Korshunov. And the decision to refuse to initiate the case was issued at 22:00 on September 14, 2017 - the day of Korshunov’s arrest, immediately after the court hearing on the selection of a preventive measure. It turns out that we have played one card, and we throw the other one out of the deck as unnecessary.


Unfortunately, we only have a minute and a half left.


I would like to mention a few more words, which in my opinion are some of the most important. They consist in the fact that Oleg Korshunov, having analyzed all the events related to his arrest and his criminal case, prepared with our participation a written statement, which he sent to the Prosecutor General of Russia, the chairman of the Investigative Committee, the director of the FSB and his former immediate superior - Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, where he outlined his thoughts on the reason for his criminal case, and on how he believes that the charge brought against him, at a minimum, does not correspond to both reality and factual circumstances.

And we hope that in soon These documents will be reviewed by the indicated departments. And we want to hope that what he indicated will be confirmed. Because, in our opinion, many of these facts have already been verified earlier and were confirmed during inspections by both the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee.


That is, he has not resigned himself and the struggle continues.


Of course, definitely.


And it is quite possible that the reform will continue.


I want to believe it.


Thank you! Lawyers Sergei Starovoitov and Alexander Linnikov were in the Echo studio.


In the summer of 1967, when I was moving from 8th to 9th grade, my mother was given a trip to a camping trip by the cultural department. We went by boat from Lake Nakhimovskoye to Priozersk. About 10 boats, each with 4 people rowing in pairs. There I met Misha Boyarsky, son famous actor Sergei Boyarsky - he rowed with his friend Zhora Shirokov, the son of the conductor Mariinsky Theater. We lived near Zelenogorsk, and from there along the rivers 220 km upstream, it was quite difficult. Five days of transition. While we were in Zelenogorsk, I liked a boy a year older than me. At the dance, he took a guitar, an ordinary one, for 9 rubles, and, in an absolutely vile, creaky voice, nasally sang “Can’t buy me love.” I was absolutely delighted with the performance! At that time, I only picked up a guitar a couple of times from a friend, and I didn’t even know how to play chords. I approached Misha, got to know each other, asked him to show me the chords and teach me how to play this song. He kindly agreed. Our interests in music turned out to be quite similar, so we became friends while we were sailing through this transition together. On the passes near the fire he continued to play and sing wildly famous songs on English language. Thank God, he didn’t sing anything from his future repertoire to us, otherwise we would never have become friends with him. During one of the nights we sat like this, fried potatoes in the fire, then we went to accompany Misha and Zhora to their tent and I asked Misha what he wanted to become.

Mikhail Boyarsky

“Now I’ll show you who I will be,” Mikhail answered and invited us into the tent. Inside we closed ourselves off from the light because of the white nights in June. And then Mikhail sang a song from “The Bremen Town Musicians”“They say we are byaki-buki“, jumping in the flashlight beam and banging aluminum spoons on empty tin cans from under the stew. Of course, it was very cool, we liked it.

“You know, Misha,” I told him, “ Looks like you won't become a pianist, you'll be an actor like your dad.

I also knew my dad, Sergei Alexandrovich, since he was friends with Filippov, my grandmother’s husband. Having completed the sports transition, we found ourselves at the sports base in Priozersk. Romance, night, Mikhail met beautiful girl, the daughter of some famous film director, shared with me under the moon:

Do you know what kind of person this is? You can't even imagine what kind of person this is!

I had color film and a camera, I was fascinated by the complex process of color printing and took several photographs of Misha, then gave them to him - they are there somewhere. When we arrived in the city, we kept in touch. I visited his house on the Moika. His dad had good flat, where Misha had his own room with equipment and a carpet over the bed. Misha showed his first songs like Green-Eyed Taxi and said that he was putting together a group. Showed some texts, if you can call them that. It was always absolute rubbish - what he brought out of himself in singing was just rubbish. I have never sung a single normal text in my entire life. My sister’s husband was a foreigner, my sister often went to see him and brought records, so there were a lot of fashion artifacts in the family. Misha came to see us, we talked about music and he borrowed records from us to rewrite. One day we gave him a whole pack: Procol Harum – Shine On Brightly, II and III Led Zeppelin, forty-five The Animals – Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood and a few more. He asked to listen and just disappeared.

Boyarsky met with Paul McCartney when he came here for the opening of the Menshikov Foundation, which was organized by Anthea Eno, Brian's wife. I had a music school“Cantorum” in Peterhof for especially gifted children, on which hung a memorial plaque stating that the school was founded by philanthropist Andrei Tropillo. Then the school became municipal, the board was removed and placed somewhere under the stairs. But during my lifetime I managed to catch it hanging right on the facade.

Paul McCartney was supposed to come there to meet with gifted children, but in the end everything happened at the Conservatory. Valentina Matvienko and Roldugin presented him with an honorary diploma as a professor at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The event was also attended by Leningrad pop artists Marina Kapuro and Misha Boyarsky in their usual wide-brimmed black hat. Nobody invited them there, the security didn’t let them in. Pushing the guards aside, he shouted:

I am Boyarsky, let me in, let me in, I must be there!

Marina Kapuro resolved the issue in a purely feminine way. She began to cry, mascara was running down her face, and the guards let them through, deciding not to get involved just in case. Boyarsky spoke to Sir McCartney without taking off his headdress. And they even agreed on something with him.

In fact, Misha is a pleasant person, of course, quite cunning and cunning, but quite harmless. Not much of a dramatic actor, but even worse as a singer.“ The voice of every pop singer is disgusting in its own way, but there is nothing more disgusting than the voice of Mikhail Boyarsky.”, So I would paraphrase the famous message of Veniamin Erofeev from“Moscow-Petushki” about Ivan Kozlovsky. His passion for the Beatles did not have the slightest influence on Misha's musical taste. He attended school at the Conservatory and graduated from it. He did not pass the exams and his grades on the certificate were based on the average. But when he entered the theater institute, he played Bach on the piano so that the teachers were delighted:

Mikhail Boyarsky

Let's take it immediately!

Still, he was quite a gifted guy.

Recently I was standing in line to pay for MTS, I saw a familiar silhouette ahead of me vertically challenged, all in black as always.

Turns around:

Bah, Andryushka, hello!

I topped up my account and flew out of the salon like a bullet. I was talking on the phone at that moment and didn’t have time to remind him about the records. Forty years have passed, he could have forgotten! Therefore, taking this opportunity mass media, I turn to him:

Misha, come to our concert ZOOpark! And take the records with you if they are still alive. And if not, come so! We will be very glad to see you!


In 2003, Seva Gakkel and Anthea Eno (wife of Bayan Eno) decided to bring Paul McCartney and his young one-legged wife Heather here. One-legged, because she didn't have a heel, but this it was not noticeable - Heather needs to be undressed to see that she has no heel.

Anthea Ino and Paul climb Soviet stairs to meet Russian children

Anthea Ino was studying charitable foundation “The Menshikov Foundation”, he and Seva went to the then rector of the St. Petersburg Conservatory Sergei Roldugin to ask to accept the co-founder of their foundation, Paul McCartney, and also to allow the foundation to build a new studio in Cadet Corps for registering especially gifted children. Roldugin calls Valentina Matvienko (then the mayor) with a question like:Some children of Lieutenant Schmidt came to me here and said they could bring us McCartney, what should we do?” . Valentina Ivanovna thought and said:Punch them, you never know, maybe it’s true, and then we’ll decide.”. They knocked the bell and began to prepare the reception.

We decided to give Sir Paul a recorder from the Cantorum school, made by caring children's hands. Formally, in addition to learning to play instruments, children learned to make recorders. In fact, of course, the flute was made not by children, but by a great master, an Uzbek who covered the flute with an amazing carved pattern. We gave this miracle flute to our Paul McCartney.

- Veri gud flute...

He took it in his hands, turned it over, oked it, tried to play something, after which he put it next to his chair, and, leaving the valuable instrument lying unattended, having oked it, he went somewhere. A flute was stolen by a freak from a St. Petersburg theater, let's call this freak Mitya Sidorov. Mitya is a kleptomaniac, “collects” everything that the hands of the great have touched - he has suffered from this illness since childhood. As it turned out later, they even stopped letting him into the Hermitage a long time ago, because they were tired of catching him every time with his pockets full of royal utensils. He always made excuses and said that he had “Winter syndrome.” Winter in this case is not Jewish surname, and the name of the palace - his great-grandfather took Zimny ​​and also pulled out all sorts of royal candelabra from there, and this disease was passed on to our Sidorov just from his great-grandfather.

“...Drink together! Right now! Over me..." On the balcony of the Meshikov Palace

Meanwhile, Sir Paul returned to the chair, looked under it, looked here and there, in general,“Kemsk volost”, flute bye bye. I asked McCartney not to worry, that the flute had probably rolled somewhere, and we would definitely find it. Floor Once again OK, but the flute was never found. Our subject of Her Majesty sped away, surrounded by friendly Russian-British guards, in a limousine without a flute.

Then we found out who stole it: this moment was accidentally captured on a reportage camera! In the evening of the same day we are sad We looked at the news on the box about how the golden legs of the legendary Liverpudlian were trampling the Neva soil, and then our sad look changed to one of amazement when we saw on the blue screen Sidorov with a flute, rubbing behind McCartney.

Paul plays the pipe

Let's go to Sidorov's house, he let's lament that they say, “Yes, that’s it.” , they say, he took the instrument because he was afraid that valuable thing disappeared, he brought it to his home for safekeeping, carefully placed it on a shelf, and then that flute was suddenly stolen from him, and he still doesn’t know who” . In general, I had to order a second flute exactly the same, only this time I asked for it to be made for a left-hander. The flute was made, Anthea Ino flew with it to the city of London and presented it to Sir Paul. Then he released a record on which he wrote that the recording used a flute given to him by children from St. Petersburg.

- Friends, who is the flute pierre? - We didn’t fight!

When Valentina Matvienko opened the meeting with the great coupletist, she solemnly said:

Today, our dear residents of St. Petersburg, we, the municipality of St. Petersburg, have decided to give you a big and interesting gift: they brought live Sir Paul McCartney!

And everyone applauded joyfully.


But the north wind is my friend, He guards everything that is hidden. He will make sure that the sky becomes free from clouds, Where the star Adelaide rises. Photo by Irina Kuznetsova (Linnik), 1980s

She believed that I was Saint Peter and that I had the keys to heaven. She told everyone that I was the man of her dreams. But Linnik took cupids with a lot of people, in her youth she was a real beauty, and two days before her death she was beaten by a young lover, twenty-six years old. Ira was born in 59.


(2016-01-31 ) (56 years old)

Irina Yurievna Kuznetsova(married Levshakova; May 6, Leningrad - January 31) - geologist-paleontologist, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences [ ] . She was widely known among the Leningrad bohemia - hippies, artists, rock musicians of the 1980-1990s, and provided her dacha in the village of Komarovo for rehearsals and underground concerts - “apartment parties”.

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    Family Ministry

    “The light of truth, in the darkness of suspicion” Matt. 2:1-12 - Sermon



Irina Kuznetsova was born in Leningrad, into a family of art historians, employees of the Hermitage, department of Western European visual arts. Father - Yuri Ivanovich Kuznetsov (1920-1982), head of the drawing sector, specialist in Dutch art. Mother, Irina Vladimirovna Linnik (1922-2009), is a doctor of art history, a specialist in Dutch art, the author of several attributions of paintings by Hals and Rembrandt. Maternal grandfather - academician V.P. Linnik; uncle - academician Yu. V. Linnik.

She studied at Leningrad school No. 24 (I. A. Krylov’s gymnasium).

From 1993 to 1997, she was married to Georgy (Egor) Dmitrievich Orbeli (1969 - March 5, 1997), grandson of the director of the State Hermitage, academician I. A. Orbeli and A. I. Izergina, great-great-grandson of Prince M. Z. Argutinsky-Dolgorukov .

Komarovo and Leningrad rock

In the 1980-1990s, Irina (Lalya) Levshakova played an important role in the life and work of many Leningrad rock musicians.

After the death of her grandfather, academician V.P. Linnik, in 1984, she lived for a long time at his dacha in Komarov, on Kurortnaya Street, building 25. Despite the fact that Irina Levshakova never bore the surname Linnik, this surname is still erroneously attached to her as the owner of the “Komarov dacha Linnik”. “The dacha of Academician V.P. Linnik”, associated in the 1980-1990s with the history of Leningrad rock, is included in excursion routes around Komarovo, along with the “dacha of Academician L.S. Berg”, where the poet stayed in the 1960s I. A. Brodsky, and other memorable places. For musicians, the Linnik Dacha was a studio and concert venue.

Irina Levshakova gathered musicians and poets around her, and her house went down in the history of Leningrad rock. Many musicians visited Irina Levshakova, including Boris Grebenshchikov, Vsevolod Gakkel, Svyatoslav Zaderiy, Konstantin Kinchev, Alexander Bashlachev, Fyodor Chistyakov and others. According to the recollections of contemporaries, Irina in those years was “a beauty, with some kind of medieval appearance " Numerous memoirists also note her intelligence, education, charm, and wit. Irina Levshakova provided musicians with a place for rehearsals and concerts, as well as a well-equipped home recording studio. Later, Irina made this house a guest house, and it was in it that A. Bashlachev lived. Irina's parents provided her with complete freedom. Her sons from her first marriage lived with their father.

She wrote lyrics, sang, and participated in some recordings. She was engaged in drawing and painting. She repeatedly exhibited her works at “apartment” exhibitions in Leningrad. Under the pseudonym “Irina Komarovskaya” she painted some covers for discs released by Andrei Tropillo’s studio (in particular, she is the author of the cover of the album “I Can’t Finish” by the group “Vykhod”). In the booklet attached to the CD “Red Album” (2002) of the group “Vykhod”, among the people to whom the leader of the group Sergei Selyunin (“Strength”) expresses gratitude is mentioned Irina Levshakova. A drawing by Irina Levshakova, made by her for the cover of the album “I Can’t Finish,” served as the basis for the logo of the music publishing house “Otdelenie VYKHOD”.

She designed the cover for EXIT's "Can't Cum" vinyl record. After some time, the notorious “EXIT Department” arose. And I decided that the little men from this cover are very suitable for the logo. So I put tracing paper on the picture and outlined the silhouettes of the “men” with a felt-tip pen. Then I scanned what I got and reduced it many times. When drawing the cover, Ira meant that this is a man and his “mushroom parish.”

Friendship with Alexander Bashlachev

In the last two years of his life, Alexander Bashlachev was a close friend of Irina. From October 1986 to January 1987, he lived permanently at the Linnik dacha. After leaving Komarov he lived in different places, changing places of residence. On February 17, 1988, he committed suicide by jumping out of the window of his partner’s apartment. I. Yu. Levshakova later wrote memoirs about A. Bashlachev.

Irina Levshakova recalled Bashlachev:

I can't call it suicide. Sasha took this step not in order to leave here, but in order to come there. He sincerely believed that someone was waiting for him there. He didn't fall out of the window, he didn't throw himself out, he flew out. His body was found 12 meters from the wall of a new block house... and there was a trace left in the shape of a large strawberry. There is a trace in the snow, as he wrote “strawberries in the window”... Sasha was in his right mind. It was extremely cheerful open man, and he was happy with life. And he just wanted to go there, he believed that death is liberation, that the mortal body is armor. He wanted to free himself, he believed that someone was waiting for him. He wanted to take off this armor.

...Sasha was a very cheerful, open, honest person in life, and he wanted to shake us all up with his songs, he wanted us all to live in full height... Sasha sincerely believed that everything he sang was given to him from above, someone up there gives him all this.

In April 1986, Irina was present at the recording of Bashlachev’s album “Eternal Fast” at Alexander Lipnitsky’s dacha on Nikolina Gora (she was brought there by her friend Vyacheslav Egorov, who was the sound engineer on the recording of the album).

“Eternal Lent” is not just one of the records of Alexander Nikolaevich Bashlachev. For me, it is doubly dear, since it was recorded in April 1986 by Alexander together with his assistant partner Vyacheslav Egorov at my dacha in the “Sounds of Mu” studio, we then called it “Studio Mu”, in the dacha village of Nikolina Gora ... their friend Irina Levshakova, nicknamed “Komarovskaya,” was specially discharged from Leningrad, as they said then. This famous, iconic girl came from a highly intellectual family of Hermitage workers, but, of course, later had a very difficult fate. And, in fact, one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg underground spent a considerable time in a psychiatric hospital because, unable to bear communicating with Irina, he tried to kill her. In short, after Irina’s arrival, the style of work changed dramatically, it lost its rhythm, the guys began to get up much later and play music mainly at night... This is the influence of Irina Levshakova. She didn't come with empty handed to my studio...

On February 25, 1989, she was again a guest on Seva Novgorodtsev’s broadcast (the topic of the program was “Greenpeace”).

In 2005 she took part in the filming documentary film about Alexander Bashlachev “Deadly Flight” (dir. Larisa Kulagina).

The case of Fyodor Chistyakov

In 1990-1992 she was the girlfriend of musician Fyodor Chistyakov, leader of the group “Zero”.

At Komarov’s dacha, Chistyakov wrote a number of songs, which in 1991 made up the album “Song about Unrequited Love for the Motherland.” With the participation of Irina Levshakova, in 1991, at her dacha, director Maxim Katushkin shot a video for the song by Fedor Chistyakov and the group “Zero” - “Song about a real Indian”.

For two years, F. Chistyakov lived with Irina Levshakova, mainly in Komarovo, moving there his sick mother, Antonina Chistyakova, who was moving to wheelchair, and with a disability diagnosed as schizophrenia.

The biggest scandal in the history of Leningrad rock occurred on October 8, 1992. Fyodor Chistyakov, under the influence of drugs, attempted to kill Irina Levshakova by cutting her throat. Neighbors came to Irina’s aid and called her ambulance; At the hospital, Irina received stitches and remained alive. Fyodor Chistyakov was arrested and charged with attempted murder; about a year while they were held forensic medical examinations, he spent in custody in the Kresty detention center. Chistyakov’s lawyer, as he admitted, wanting to ease the situation of his client, did not bring to the attention of the court the effect of hallucinogenic substances on the defendant (in this case, “mushrooms”). He was convicted under Articles 15 and 103 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At the trial he was declared insane. With a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, he was sent for treatment to City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 named after I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, where he spent about a year.

A preliminary investigation established: Fedor Valentinovich Chistyakov, being insane due to schizophrenia, on October 8, 1992, at about 20 o'clock after drinking alcoholic beverages at his friend Levshakova I. Yu. at the address of the village. Komarovo, st. Kurortnaya, 25, near this house he attacked Irina, threw her onto the asphalt and with a previously prepared knife inflicted less serious bodily injuries on her in the form of an incised wound to the left earlobe, two incised wounds to the left side surface of the neck, one incised wound to the front left surface of the neck; five cut wounds of the fingers of the left hand and one cut wound of the right hand... The indicated actions of Chistyakov immediately during their commission were stopped by Levshakova’s neighbors, who pulled Chistyakov away from her... Considering the nature of the injuries caused to Levshakova, their localization in the neck area, as well as the weapon - a knife, which was used during the attack by Chistyakov, his actions fall into the signs of an act provided for in Art. 15, 103 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Senior investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sestroretsk district of St. Petersburg, lawyer 1st class Bezrodny S.P. (extract from the court case).

While in the Kresty detention center, Fyodor Chistyakov dedicated an untitled poem to Irina Levshakova.

Criminal case of 2010

On September 14, 2010, at the dacha of Irina Levshakova in Komarovo, employees of the State Drug Control Service discovered and eliminated the largest last years hemp plantation - 1247 bushes, as well as 600 grams of already dried “product” and a large amount of hemp that was still drying. A criminal case was opened against Irina Levshakova under Art. 228 part 2 and art. 231 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - storage and cultivation of drug-containing plants; the case was subsequently closed.


  1. Naumov L. Alexander Bashlachev: a singing man. - St. Petersburg. : Amphora, 2010. - pp. 246-248. - 440 s. - ( - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-367-01398-6.
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  4. Paintings by Frans Hals “Evangelist Luke” and “Evangelist Matthew”
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  6. Alexander Baluev. Academicians without academicians // Petersburg on Nevsky: magazine. - 2008. - No. 08 (091).
  7. Mikhail Levshakov. Tales of the old table. / House of Academicians. History and fate. - St. Petersburg. : Preserved culture, 2016. - P. 329.
  8. Mavliev Alexey. The muse of the Leningrad rock club died in St. Petersburg // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2016. - February 8.