Where all all began

It is unlikely that it will be possible to accurately install who first guess from the ambush to one exact blow to hit the goal. Most likely, it was tens of thousands of years ago, and the weapon of the then "snipers" was a stone ax or bow. But the current meaning of the term "sniper", as well as the military specialty itself, sometimes called sniping, appeared much later, as well as sniper rifles.

Officially, the term "rifle" was first introduced in 1856 for the branch of the Baranov system adopted that adopted that year as the name, "understandable for any soldier and explaining him the main principle, on which the successful action of the cutting weapons." Before that, the rifled weapon in the Russian army was officially called farterously with a spine gun, and to Peter - spinning food.

Events that can be considered the birth of modern sniper arts occurred in the XVII century. Then the participants of the Civil War in England began to use long-term hunting rifles for military purposes. One of the most famous cases of their application was the shot of a John Dike soldier, from a distance of about 140 meters in the enemy commander. The effective range of the fire of most types of then small arms barely reached 70-80 meters. The case was widely publicized, after which the number of arrows with long-range rifles in both sides of the conflict has grown significantly. At about this time, the valid shooters begin to call the term Snipe Shooter - Bekas Hunter. The fact is that for the hunting for this small bird, it was necessary to disguise, quietly move and shoot and shoot. A few later, the name of the tagged shooters is converted into a short and usual sniper.

After the end of the Civil War, the tactics of shooting from large distances for a while forgotten. I had to remember about it again during the war for the independence of the United States, but this time the British had to work on the development of measures of opposition. Many shooters from the army of patriots, having learned the fire at relatively large distances, delivered a lot of problems with loyalists. They regularly sat down the shelling of camps, sumports and columns on the march. Due to the lesser hasty of mass infantry weapons of loyalists, the only effective countermeasure in such situations was artillery. However, the preparation of the gun under the enemy's fire is not an easy, moreover, by the time of the first shot, the sniper-patriot managed to leave from the position. English arrows, it should be noted, tried to take this tactic, but the command had such initiatives of enthusiasm. Therefore, in the army of loyalists of a large number of snipers did not appear.

Snipers and rifles of the XIX century

At the very beginning of the XIX century, sniper fire was rarely used, but, as they say, aptive - then the British and the French "exchanged" by the shooting shots in General Kolbera and Admiral Nelson. Both commander died. But the real flourishing of the sniper case refers to the middle of the same century. At this time, the leading countries moved to the rowed needle weapon, which had much more battle indicators than predecessors. In addition to this, in the British army, finally began to purposefully prepare shooters for sniper work and give them fittings with specially made sights. During the Crimean War, English snipers delivered many problems of the Russian army, because to detect and suppress the enemy arrow the case is not easy and unfortunate. And before that he will have time, at least, to hurt a few people. A little later, in the English-Board Wars, African arrows adopted the English experience, and again the troops of the misty Albion had to hide from single, but such dangerous bullets.

In the second half of the XIX century, in many armies, a sign appeared about the match: from one you can not get into the threesome. The reason for its simple and lies in the features of sniper work at night. When the first person cares, the sniper detects it on the light. When the match goes to the second soldier, the sniper gets an exemplary idea of \u200b\u200bits location and can make an order towards the third. Accordingly, when the third soldier is just starting to smoke, the sniper has already made a shot in the right direction.

The most famous rifles of the 19th century are the rifles of the 1841 rifle, the rifles minier 1849, the rifles of Enfield 1853, the Casno-charging carbine Charts of the sample of 1859 and the shopping carbine Spencer 1860.

The 1841 drone rifle was proposed in 1827 by the German gunner I. N. Drize, the first sample was introduced in the Prussian army in 1840. Prussian military highly appreciated the qualities of the new weapons and kept its data in the secret, having denoted in the documents of the misty "Light Capset Gun 1841" ("Leichtes PerkusSIONSGEWEHR-41") The official name "ZnDnadelgewehr-41" appeared only in 1855. The use of unitary paper cartridge (pegless) and a sliding shutter increased the shooting speed of 4--5 times. This has played a prominent role in the Austro-Prussian war of 1866, especially in the battle of Kenigresz, when Prussians easily beat the Austrians.

Rifle Enfield 1853 appeared in 1853. Compared to other rifles, it was easier, and with her for the first time the trunk was attached to the beds rings, and not as usual pins. Various bullets were used, but usually about 1 inches long, and about 34.344 weighing the fact that Phintov Enfield became a random cause of Indian rebellion. The fact is that the first samples were transmitted to the Indian army in 1857, and its problem was to charge, when the arrows kept the weapon and the cartridge is different. Then he teeth teeth with a paper cartridge and the gunpowded in it was poured into the trunk. Dissatisfied with the authorities used this fact and drought the rumor that the cartridge contains not only powder, but also lubricant, from a mixture of pork and cow's fat. It was unacceptable for Muslims and Hindus.

Charts of 1859 rifle - the first single-hot version was produced at the end of the 1840s, and by the mid-1850s, Christian Sharps (the creator of the rifle) became one of the main American firearms producers. By the end of the 1850s, his weapon was very popular. The accuracy and stopping effect of the bullets of the SHARPS large-caliber rifle were legend, and the deadly shot could be made to a range of up to 900 meters.

Rifle Spencer of 1860 - small arms, multi-charged rifle with a caliber of 13 mm, with a crane shutter, which was produced in America in 1860 - 1869. The rifle was equipped with a swing shutter with a lever - a trigger bracket. A feature of the rifle was the cavity in the butt where the store was inserted. The rifle was used mainly in the cavalry, and did not be able to displace Doro-charged muffins. Especially for the cavalry was developed by the Karabin Spencer, shorter and easy.

Country: USA
Designed: 1959.
Mass: 2.88-3.4 kg (depends on the modification)
Length: 986-1006mm
Caliber: 5.56 mm
Figure: 700-900 SECURITY / MIN
Bullet initial speed: 948 m / s

The rifle was developed by the American company Armalite, in 1959 the COLT company began its production, in 1961 the US military department purchased an experienced rifle party, and in 1964 she entered the US Army. Up to today, M16 remains the main weapons of American infantry. She passed the first serious combat baptism in Vietnam, and later used in all armed conflicts with US participation. This is an automatic caliber rifle 5.56 mm; It is based on the use of powder gases. To date, there are more than 20 modifications and varieties of the rifle, and it is produced not only in the United States, but also in Canada, South Korea, China, Iran, Germany.

2. The most famous machine gun: Maxim Machine

Country: United Kingdom (Modification - Russia)
Designed: 1883 (Modification - 1910)
Mass: 64.3 kg (44,23- Machine with shield)
Length: 1067 mm
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Figure: 600 SECURITY / MIN
Bullet initial speed: 740 m / s

It is difficult to say that "Maxim" is included in the list of the best small arms over the 100 years, because the Anglo-American inventor Hayram Maxim received the first patents for individual elements of the new weapons in the summer of 1883, and in October 1884, the first acting sample demonstrated. But one of the most famous varieties of Maxim appeared in 1910, which allows him to "fit out" in the century.

The principle of operation "Maxim" is simple and based on the use of the proceeding of the trunk. The powder gases from the shot discard the trunk back and operate the recharge mechanism: the cartridge is removed from the tape, the shutter shall at the same time. 450 ammunition was placed in the sail tape, and the machine gun rate reached 600 shots in the morning. True, there was no powerful weapon. First, the trunk was strongly overheated and demanded a constant changing of water in the cooling casing. Another disadvantage was the complexity of the mechanism: the machine gun was swaying because of various problems with recharge.

In Russia, the production of the machine gun began in 1904 at the Tula factory. The most famous Russian modification "Maxim" was a 7.62-mm machine machine gun of the 1910 sample (the initial caliber of the machine gun was.303 british or 7.69 mm in the metric system). In the same year, the constructor, Colonel Alexander Sokolov, designed a wheelbarrow for the machine gun - it was this machine that gave the arms a classic appearance. The machine seriously facilitated the issues of the march and move the heavy machine gun from the standpoint to the position.

But the total weight of the machine gun with the machine was still large - more than 60 kg, and this is not counting the reserve of cartridges, water for cooling, etc. Therefore, by the 1930s, the Terrible Weapons began to rapidly obstruct. The last modernization of the Soviet sample machine gun survived in 1941 and was produced in Tula and Izhevsk until the very end of World War II; It was changed by 7.62-mm Majunov Machine gun.
Maxim had many modifications: Finnish M / 32-33, English "Vickers", German MG-08, 12.7-mm (large-caliber) for British Navy, etc.

3. Most legendary weapons of BBI: 7.62 mm Pistol-machine gun

Country: USSR
Designed: 1941.
Mass is cut out: 5.3 kg with drum
shop, 4.15 kg with sector store
Length: 863 mm
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Figure: 900 SECURITY / MIN
Aiming range of shooting: 200-300 m

The predecessor of the Kalashnikov machine gun was in service with the Soviet army was a submachine gun of the Schpagin system (PPS). Degtyareva's replacement for the replacement of the gunheleva, PPS was primarily constructed in order to maximize production simplified and entered in 1941. And although as the best gun-machine gun of World War II, the design of the Sudareva of 1942 (PPP) is often considered, it was PPS who became an integral part of the image of the Soviet soldier as the only mass automatic weapon of the Soviet Army of the first year of war.

4.Same rapid weapon: Metal Storm MK5

Country: Australia
Designed: 2004.
Number of stems: 36
Caliber: 9 mm
Estimated rapidity: 1,080 000 SECURITY / MIN
Theoretical Maximum Figure: 1 620 000 SECURITY / MIN

Metal Storm Limited Ultra-Protective Weapon Weapon is unlikely to ever fall into mass production, but not to mention it cannot be. The founder of the company James Michael O'Duyer invented and patented a speed fire system, the theoretical rate of which reaches 1,000,000 duct / min. There are no mobile mechanical parts in Metal Storm machine gun, each of the trunks are simultaneously several ammunition, and the shots are made by an electronic pulse. The critical problem with which the developers faced was the impossibility of timely filing of such a number of cartridges. Therefore, the premises shown by the meaning is calculated, and the functionality of the Iron Storm is reduced to not when used in real combat. However, the company conducts development in various directions and applies Metal Storm technologies to weapons having a more real chance of entering a series.

5. Popular Pistol: Colt M1911

Country: USA
Designed: 1911.
Mass: 1,075 kg
Length: 216 mm
Caliber: 45th
Bullet initial speed: 253 m / s
Aiming range of shooting: 50 m

One of the most popular pistols in the world is M1911 developed by John Brauning under the cartridge.45 ACP (11.43 x 23 mm). This weapon was in service with the US Army from 1911 to 1990, and since 1926 the gun was not subjected to any modernizations. Despite the surname of the developer, the gun was made by COLT plants and entered the story precisely as "Colt M1911". The main advantage of it was structural simplicity and fault tolerance. The gun was in service with more than 40 countries of the world and enjoys great popularity to this day.

6. Multi-charge gas gun: Reck Miami 92 F

Country: Germany
Mass without cartridges: 1,14 kg
Length: 215 mm
Caliber: 8, 9, 15 mm
Food: Store at 11 (for 9 mm version), 18, 20, 24, 28 ammunition

RECK MIAMI 92F - a gas gun produced by the German company Umarex, which is an exact copy of the classic Beretta 92 pistol. Gas RECK guns are calibers 8 and 9 mm. The 9-mm version has a completely ordinary store with a capacity of 11 cartridges, but the 8-mm RecK Miami stores can accommodate from 18 to 28 (!) Cartridges depending on the modification. If you do not consider prototypes, curiosities and a 40-cartridge store to "Muzer", then there is no competitors in the field of multipart rate at Reck Miami 92F.

7.Same rapid serial weapon: M134 minigun

Country: USA
Designed: 1962.
Mass: 24-30 kg (body machine gun with electric motor and power mechanism)
Length: 801 mm
Caliber: 7.62 mm (0.308)
Rapidity: from 300 to 6000 SECURITY / MIN (effective
Bullet initial speed: 869 m / s

Of course, experimental samples can be much more rapid, but among the serial weapons, the aircraft guns of the M134 minigun series are considered among the record holders according to this indicator. These 7.62-mm six-solid machine guns operate according to the gatling scheme and are able to release up to 6000 ammunition. The new cartridge is served in the upper (cooled) trunk, the shot is made from below. The rotation of the trunks is provided by the electric drive. M134 combat baptism received in the Vietnamese War. By the way, contrary to the delusions, in the "predator" and "Terminator", it is not used by this machine gun, and his younger fellow XM214 Microgun, in a series not deposited.

8.In the officer's pistol: Mauser C96

Country: Germany
Designed: 1896.
Mass without cartridges: 1.13 kg
Length: 288 mm
Cartridge: 7.63 x 25 mm, 9 mm x 25 mm, etc.
Bullet initial speed: 425 m / s
Aimicious shooting range: 150-200 m without butt

Mauser C96 causes a solid association with a man in a leather jacket and an abbreviation of the CC. This model began to be produced in Germany in 1896; The gun was highlighted in excellent accuracy, highly efficient firing, "vitality"; The main disadvantages were bulky and serious mass. It is surprising that Mauser was not officially in service with a single army of the world (maximum - partial local use), while more than a million copies were made, and officers of different countries preferred him as personal weapons to all competitors.

Country: USA
Designed: 1936.
Mass: 4.31-5.3 kg (depending on the modification)
Length: 1104 mm
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Bullet initial speed: 853 m / s
Effective shooting range: 400 m

The American rifle M1 Garand is the first self-loading rifle, adopted as the main weapon of infantry. It was introduced for a long time: in 1929, Designer John Garant built the first prototype, but before the mass production of the Pupinovka to armared only by 1936; Numerous modifications did not give proper effect, and the new weapon constantly refused. Popularity has gained only generation M1, modified and fleece into the series in 1941. As sports weapons used to this day.

10.Shable common weapons: Kalashnikov machine

Country: CSSP
Designed: 1974 (AK-74 modification)
Curb weight: 3.5-5.9 kg
Length: 940 mm (without a bayonet knife)
Caliber: 5.45 mm
Cheating: About 600 SECURITY / MIN
Aiming range of shooting: 1000 m

The Kalashnikov machine gun, the most common small arms in the world, due to the reliability and ease of service, has acquired extraordinary popularity and released in the amount of more than 100 million copies. There is a few dozen modifications; In the initial version (AK-47), it had a caliber of 7.62 mm, but 5.45-mm cartridge was used in the AK-74 modification, and in the variants of the "cell" series - also 5.56 mm. In addition to the USSR, the machine was produced by Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, China, Poland, North Korea, Yugoslavia, and it was used in almost all countries of the world and almost all armed conflicts of the second half of the 20th century.










Few people remember that before the revolution of 1917, the weapon was freely sold in hunting stores. Mausers, Nagani, Browning, Smith-Vestsoni, yes, here and Parabellaums. Dame models placed in a female handbag. "Velodogs" - revolvers for cyclists, for effective protection against dogs. Without much trouble, you could even buy a machine gun "Maxim" Tula production ...

Let's open, for example, the Easter Room of the magazine "Spark", 1914. Peaceful pre-war spring. We read advertising. Along with the advertisement of "cologne of the wondrous smell of Dralla", photographic cameras "Ferrotype" and the means from hemorrhoids "Anusole" - advertising revolvers, pistols, hunting rifles. And here is our old familiar! The very browning sample is 1906:

The journal is especially advertised to Brauning. In the classic book A. Zhuka "Rifle weapons" number of this model 31-6.production: Belgium, sample of 1906, caliber 6.35 mm. The weight is only 350 grams, but has 6 cartridges. And what cartridges! Cartridges were created precisely for this model. The bullet is shell, powder smokeless (3 times more powerful smoky). Such a cartridge was more powerful than the revolving cartridge of the same caliber. Browning 1906 model was very successful. The size of the gun was only 11.4 x 5.3 cm and it could easily fit on the palm. What was still necessary for a safe trip to the market ??? Market traders before the revolution were armed. It is not surprising that the concept of "racket" in those times was generally absent ...

Wearing Browning could be secretive - he was placed even in the vest pocket and the ladies of Nessenter. Because of the low weight and weak return, women willingly bought women, and the name "Ladies Gun" was firmly glued to him. Bouring was a popular model among the wide sections of the Russian society for many years. Students, gymnasists, ridingrs, businessmen, diplomats, even officers - even here are the gardens! - I had it at hand. Thanks to a low price, it was even available to schoolchildren, and teachers celebrated among the gymnasists and students to "shoot due to unfortunate love". Malocalibe pistols also called "suicide weapons." Big Caliber pistols have headed her head as a pumpkin, and after a shot in the head of Browning, the dead man looked at the coffin well, which was to lead to repentance of repentance from the wrong adjustment ... But Browning was dangerous not only for his owner.

It was an effective weapon of self-defense. A small-caliber shell bullet pierced the muscles layer and stuck inside the body, completely giving him his energy. The level of medicine of the beginning of the twentieth century often did not allow you to save a person affected by the internal organs. Thanks to the compact size and its combat qualities, the browning of the 1906 sample was the most popular model. All of them were made more than 4 million pieces! But how did they look at the royal times on the "excess of the limits of the necessary defense"? The term "necessary defense" first appeared in the decree of Paul I (which our citizens often represent almost half-handed) and meant it at all Not what we are all accustomed to. In the 18th century in Russia there was such robbery - river piracy.

Not with such a caste in his pockets, journalists and writers were walking in the pockets, whether V. A. Gilyarovsky mentions in the book "Moscow and Muscovites"?

The piles of vagrants attacked river vessels floating on major rivers, and robbed them. Emperor Paul I accepted a decree on the strict deprivation of the nobility of all the nobles who were attacked on the rivers and did not provide armed resistance. The nobles were then, naturally, with the swords, and if they did not carry out the necessary defense, their swords were deprived of, as well as the estate, and the titles ... Thanks to such a question, in the shortest time, the robbers were interrupted or fledged and robbed robbery stopped . It is the necessary defense - it was the need for an armed person to defend.

Gun "Velodog" was very popular in the 19th century. He was developed for cyclists, on which dogs often rushed.

No "limits" did not exist. In the Soviet times, this useful concept was distorted and if it appears, only in combination "Exceeding the limits of the necessary defense". A criminal article was introduced for armed withdraws to the robbers, and the weapon itself was selected from the population. Bolsheviki was of weapons from the population. For a complete "disarmament of the bourgeoisie", the detachments of the Red Guard and the Soviet militia, conducting mass searches. However, individual unconscious "fists", as we see, did not hurry to part with Browning until the mid-30s. And I understand them, beautiful and necessary thing ...

The pistol from the subject of daily ego since then turned into the USSR into the symbol of belonging to the power structures or the highest party elite. The pistol caliber was back proportional to the position in society. (The higher the official - the smaller the caliber of his pistol.) ... This browning model was so popular that he gradually came out of circulation only with the creation of a cowper gun in 1926. Compared with browning, he has been reinforced with a cartridge and a bit elongated trunk, and the store's capacity has grown to 8 rounds. Interestingly, despite the small caliber, he enjoyed great success among the command composition of the Red Army.

And all that remained an ordinary Russian man in the street, exhausted from street crime - this is with longing to look at the pages of pre-revolutionary magazines: "" The revolver with 50 cartridges. Only 2 rubles. Useful and true weapons for self-defense, intimidation and raising anxiety. Fully replaces expensive and dangerous revolvers. I am very strikingly hurt. I need any. Permits for this revolver is not required. 50 additional cartridge cost 75 kopecks, 100 pieces - 1 r. 40 kopecks, for shipment by mail cash on delivery, 35 kopeck is sent to., Siberia is 55 kopecks. When ordering 3 pieces, one revolver is attached for free. Продатв: лодза, partnership "Glory" O. ""

The sake of fairness must be said that there were some limitations of firearms turnover: 1) High-end approved by Nikolai II Opinion of the State Council dated June 10, 1900. "On the prohibition of manufacture and attitude due to the border of firearms used in the troops" 2) the highest The decree of the emperor "On the sale and storage of firearms, as well as explosives and the device of shooting". Accordingly, customs restrictions on the importation and export of firearms of military samples have been tightened and the secret circulars of the royal government have envisaged, prescribing the local authorities at their discretion and, taking into account the established setting, withdraw the weapons in disloyal subjects.

This is what I wrote about the right of ordinary citizens to acquire, storing and using civilian weapons in the "essay of the science of police law" Professor of the Imperial Moscow University I.T. Tarasov: "Despite the undoubted danger from careless, inept and malicious use of weapons, prohibition to have a weapon can in no way be a general rule, but only an exception that has the place when:

1. Unrest, perturbations or uprisings give a solid reason to fear that weapons will take advantage of dangerous criminal purposes;
2. Special position or condition of those persons, such as young and minors, crazy, hostile or warring tribes, etc., which give rise to such fear;
3. Past facts of careless or malicious use of weapons stated by the court or in other ways, indicated the feasibility of the display of weapons in these persons. "

It is safe to say that in the state Russian, then Russian, the right to weapons was the inalienable right of every law-abiding and mentally healthy citizen; It, naturally, was subjected to some temporary and local restrictions. Over time, this right has undergone changes, responding to the needs of the era. In the XIX - early XX centuries. Providing citizens to weapons, its acquisition, storage and use can be considered as a progressive phenomenon, since at that time such right existed far from all countries. The legislation in the process of evolution developed a rather hard order of storage, wearing and acquisition by citizens of firearms. Since the XVII century, the right to carry weapons was provided only to certain categories of persons. At the beginning of the 20th century, they had persons whose weapons were part of uniforms (for example, police or gendarmes), which it was necessary for self-defense; Some weapon weapons were necessarily due to the custom, the law is not prohibited; In order to hunt or sports.

With the development of firearms, the legislation began to divide it on the types: military - non-military samples; Curving - smooth-bore; Guns - revolvers, etc. In the way, from 1649 to 1914, a slim legislative system was formed in the Russian state, avoiding the extremes of permissiveness, on the one hand, and a magnitude ban on the other.

A.S. Privov, expert III category. Arms legislation in Russia in XIX

Purchased weapon allowed to wear in shape

On the gift army weapons from the 18th century, memorable inscriptions were most often made: "For courage", "God is with us!", "Army of free Russia". Soboroba as a state of society exists until weapon is recognized in it by natural right. The Company ceases to be free when the natural right of weapon is replaced by the privilege given by the state. Since the Roman Empire, the main difference between the slave from a free citizen, along with political rights, was the right to wearing and the use of weapons - from the dagger under the tunica to the Berdanovka in the barn or pistol in the holster. It is possible, but the fact - throughout its entire history, the inhabitants of Russia were almost Morning armed (as well as residents of neighboring Europe), up to mid-20th century.

"Clement" and "Bayard", comfortable for hidden wearing:

People without weapons easily become the prey of robbers on large roads or nomads on the borders, as well as wild animals. Weapons had everything - right up to the fortress peasants. While liberal journey proceeded by bile on the "wild Asian" and "serf slaves", the ownership of "slaves" was hunting rifles and cold weapons. No licenses and permits were required for this. Weapved weapons there, where it was dictated by local customs, not prohibited by law - for example, in the Caucasus or in places where the Cossacks lived, but it concerned mostly cold clink weapons. By the way, in the Caucasus loose weapons were free not only by local "mountain eagles" - the Russians, who came to the Caucasus, had a weapon with them almost no mandatory, and not only the daggers, but also pistols.

Armory in Russia developed very peculiar. She had very significant differences in the regions, there were also differences between the city and the village. In the European part of Russia, revolvers and pistols were considered "Lord's arms" and for the rustic economy is absolutely useless. The long-risk risks were armed with "risky people" - hunters, Siberian landfall and Cossacks, these passions of that time had a rifle or carbine in each house. Another business rifle is a useful thing in all respects. Without a rifle, the yammchiki, especially in the postal service, were not put on the road. The skins kept it under the weld, with cartridges charged with a large salt. Starzhnogo, storing the master's good, used it. Pistols were armed with traveling doctors. The right to purchase, storage and wearing weapons were practically not limited.

In the 17-18th centuries, first acts began to appear, establishing categories of subjects that can own weapons, and the farther, the more these categories became. Somewhere from the 19th century in some regions of the Empire, the acquisition system formally became permissive - the Governor-General or the Gardener was issued by mentally healthy and law-abiding residents permission to acquire "non-stop" types of firearms (except hunting, his ownership was free). They, if there are "extraordinary circumstances" (excitement, riots, as well as concrete facts of careless either malicious use of weapons), could deprive a man of weapons or introduce a special order of its sale, but only for the time of these circumstances. But in practice, weapon permission received Everyone who appealed, because Then the state has not yet suspected in every student of Marxist and the Peace, and in every officer - the Decembrist. For violation of the mode, the weapon weapon is a consideration of the laws of the Russian Empire, it was liable, but the same arrangement minimized cases of its application.

In addition, in the villages and rural settlements, where most of the population lived, there were no gendarmes and officials in general, and each peasant considered his duty behind the ovens of a rogue from the robbers. Taking liberalism, by the way, gave rise to a very ambiguous practice of duel. For hot students, young poets, proud officers and other nobles have never been a problem to solve the male arms defense dispute. This practice did not like this practice, which led to the prohibition of duel and strict kara for participating in them, but never to limit the right to weapons. Famous pre-revolutionary Russian lawyers (Koni, Andreevsky, Urusov, Plevako, Alexandrov), paid attention to the fact that the subjects of the Russian Empire were quite commonly used manual firearms for self-defense, protecting the right to life, health, family and property. Is it worth saying that most of the lawyers brought up in the spirit of European freedoms rightfully supported the right of Russian people on free possession of weapons.

In the cities until 1906, the Pistols "Nagan" or "Browning" could be purchased completely free at an affordable price at 16 - 20 rubles (minimum monthly salary). More advanced "Parabelloum" and "Mauser" were already more than 40 rubles. There were cheap samples, 2-5 rubles, however, they did not differ in particular quality. After the first Russian revolution, the seizure of firearms began. Now you can only buy a gun right with a person who submitted a personal certificate (similar to a modern license) issued by the local police. Only during 1906 tens of thousands of revolvers and pistols acquired by Russians were seized before the adoption of new rules (in one Rostov, 1137 "trunks" were seized). But this campaign also touched only powerful pistols (over 150 junior energy) and military samples. The rifles and the Karabins of the military sample, in the root of Russia, were also seized, including the "Lords", except for premium and prize specimens. "Civilian public", for hunting in the European part of Russia, were considered allowed by the rifled one and double-rolled fittings or "tees". Yes, and on the "outskirts of the empire", people were still quite armed.

The exception was the officers of the Army and Fleet, the ranks of the police and gendarmerie, border guardians, as well as government bodies that had the right to acquire in personal property, for official need, any small arms. These "sores" people could and even have obliged to apply weapons for personal self-defense or maintaining public order and in the extramanent time. After resigning, these categories of civil servants retained the right to possession of weapons.

At the beginning of the century, when scientifically technical progress was gaining momentum, and residential houses and hotels in all respects were already appearing in Russia, where there were hot water, elevators, telephones and refrigeration units. Electricity was illuminated not only apartments, rooms and entrances, but also adjacent to new homes of the territory where urban trams ran in electric traction.

At the same time, a new word was told in the field of self-defense weapons - the uniform semi-automatic (self-charged) pocket pistol, combined the compactness of a small-caliber revolver, or derringer, but the safety and number of self-loading ammunition:

Uniform-free guns allowed a potential victim to take advantage of such a weapon without long preparations. The painful and confused lady could hit the attacker, without even damaging his manicure. And there was a different kind of hybrids, quite successful and in demand.

1. The uniform rifle of "Liegean Manufactory" on the ENSON system and dila. The trunks of the "Liege Manufactory" trunks tested by smokeless powder, the left chock-boron, the plank guilloche, the shutter of the triple with the bolt of the Griner, the block with the cheeks protecting the trunks from loosening, fuse on the neck of the lodge, if desired, drumors can be smoothly smoothly without hitting the piston, Tsevier Pered , small English engraving, caliber 12, 16 and 20. Price 110 rub.2. Shedding cannon-free rifle of the Liegean Manufactory on the ENSON system and dila. The trunks of the "Liege Manufactory" trunks tested by smokeless powder, both choc-boron, a slack-walled, the shutter of a quadruple "ration" with a bolt of griner, a block with cheeks protecting trunks from loosening, fuse on the neck of the lodge, if desired, drumors can be smoothly smoothly without hitting the piston , Tsevier Perde, small English engraving, caliber 12, length of the trunks of 17 vershkov, weight of about 8 pounds. The price of 125 rubles. There were a lot of cheaper and quite reliable single-barre and breath rifles available to the poor, at a price of 7-10 rubles.

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni Ober-Prosecutor of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate (Higher Prosecutor's position), a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire "On the right of the necessary defense": "It is inherent in a sense of self-preservation. It is inherent in him and as a creature morally intelligent, and as the highest creation of an animal The kingdoms. This feeling is invested by nature in humans so deeply that it does not leave him almost never; a person is committed to self-preservation on the one hand, instinctive, and on the other - aware of his right to exist. By virtue of the desire for self-preservation, a person tries to avoid danger and takes everything Measures to her disgust; - he has the right and moreover, the right to be considered as a born. Conscious of his right to existence, a person protects this right from all someone else's encroachment, from any wrong ". The most reliable pistol was still Revolver, drying of one cartridge, did not lead to the conclusion of a revolver from bo Evoi state, since the next time you press the trigger, another cartridge was served. And the drums of small-caliber revolvers type "Velodog" have accommodate up to 20 ammunition:

In addition to hunting rifles, on the purchase of which in Russia, before 1917, no one or no one required permits. There were also pistols, in fact, one and double hunting rifles, as the easiest and stylized hunting rifles, both the most simple and stylized under vintage or combat guns. This is very formidable weapon (some samples are able to completely disseminate the striker), along with hunting rifles, used In demand for those who did not want to burden themselves by going to the police station or due to the specifics of the work passed it, for example, from one guard to another or from one seller who gave a change to another:

Almost all cookher and owners of the car under the seat lay such a gun or cheaper, but no less effective domestic analogue, the abundance of which was provided by various types of artel and partnership, which did not need advertising because of their cheapness. And the State Imperial Tula Armory (ITH) in addition to the low price, provided also high quality thanks to constantly conducted research and testing. And here we are combined under the cane of the gun and guns (some models, also did not require absolutely no permits) could always be in hand and Ready to use. Calculate the worst of such weapons is very difficult even for an experienced robber:

In the pragmatic Russian peasantry, as a rule, domestic hunting rifles used the greatest demand, in addition to always necessary practical benefits, were a wonderful guarantee from any encroachments from the unborn guests. The price of the same price and quality was set by the famous state imperial Tula weapon plant outside of all competition , on the free Russian civil arms market. There are such "economy class", but the excellent quality and reliability of the gun, even expensive metropolitan weapons salons were offered:

Naturally, with the onset of 1917, the beginning of mass desertion from the front, the weakening of the government, the control over arms of citizens decreased at times. In addition, the soldiers from a hateful war often returned home with rifles and pistols, and even with than stensel. Thus, the livestock armament of the Russian times of the Civil War contributed not only to bloodshed, but also self-defense of Russian residents from numerous gangs, as well as, for example, the expulsion of the interventory and the wide partisan war against Kolchak in Siberia without any of the Red Army. Interesting moment - after the October Revolution Bolsheviks We were able to immediately consolidate only in the central provinces of Russia, the population of which was armed in less than the Caucasian and Cossack outskirts. The tough actions of the prospectors did not meet any resistance only in Central Russia, from it the most eagerly people went to the Red Army - the weapon returned the feeling of freedom.

Capturing power, the Bolsheviks tried to limit the right to possession of a weapon by introducing an appropriate ban in the Criminal Code. However, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR 1926 contained a completely funny sanction at that time - six months of correctional work or a fine to a thousand rubles with confiscation of weapons. In 1935, imprisonment was established for up to 5 years, when the situation in the world was complicated, and in the country the solid-caliber terrorists, "organs" were actually closed their eyes to violate this article. Plus, this did not concern hunting weapons. Smooth-bore rifles, Berdankes, "Melkashki" were sold and kept completely freely as fishing rods or gardening inventory. To purchase them, it was necessary to present a hunting ticket.

It is important to understand that the Bolsheviks were not forbidden, but simply transferred the possession of weapons to another plane. And the "screwing nuts" was compensated by the free turnover of hunting weapons and the common militarization of civilian life. In addition, most civilian passionars of that time are the heads of the factories, party commissars and all politically important people up to the teams of collective farms had a gun with them and could open fire for those who seemed to be a gangster or a terrorist. During the period of constant tension at the borders, the weapons were generally an inherent attribute of tens of millions of people who lived in threatened territories. And, for example, "field bears" during collectivization immediately met adequate armed reversal, which served as one of the reasons for the correction of the course and recognition of "dizziness" From success. " Operational reports of the Offices of the NKVD of that time are full of messages about how the peasants of a merciless shooting were met by particularly robust "collectivizers".

After 1953, the legislative reflection of the procedure for the turnover of weapons among the population has occurred. So citizens were granted the right to freely acquire a hunting-borne weapon in the trading organizations with hunting tickets. The first arms bill of lawyers was prepared for the Supreme Council Group of Lawyers of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. According to him, "trusty citizens" (as in the royal time, loyal regime) was supposed to be allowed to acquire firearms, including the short-barreled, personal property rights. It was assumed to sell the citizens removed from weapons of weapons (except for automatic), as well as trophy and lend-leases (restrictions on the power of used ammunition were not planned). The law was the coordination of almost all instances, except for one, the most important thing - by the end of the 50s "nut" came to its original position.

Everything has changed in the late 1960s. Free possession of even hunting weapons was prohibited and the requirements of hunting tickets were restored. Since then, no one, in addition to the police and the military, could not free weapon freely. Weapons turned into a privilege of policemen and security officers. For an ordinary citizen, even a hunting rifle meant a humiliating "Wildrence". A campaign for delivery "Okhotominimum" began, which resulted in a police permissive system. And the number of police grew five times.

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1840 - Pointed bullets.

1846 - cuttlegid firearms.

Artillery guns and small arms (rifles, guns, automata, etc.), in the channel of the barrel of which there are cuts (screw grooves) to make a projectile (bullet) of the rotational motion, raising the shooting range. In the 2nd floor. 19th century The army of many European countries began to switch to the rearness of the rifle firearms.

1850. Rockets Konstantinova.

Konstantin Ivanovich Konstantinov (1817-1871). Russian inventor in artillery, instrument making and automation. Developed original controls and automatic devices in which electricity was widely used. In 1844, a practically active electrobalistic device was carried out to determine the flight speed of an artillery projectile at any point of the trajectory. This device solved the task of measuring the very low periods of time.

The works of Konstantinova in the field of rocket technology are important. In 1847, he built a rocket ballistic pendulum, which allowed to discover the law of changing the driving force of the rocket in time. With the help of this device, Constantins found the effect of the shape and design of the rocket on its ballistic properties, having laid the scientific foundations of the calculation and design of missiles. It was created a series of structures of combat missiles and launchers to them, the main machines for the production of missiles, as well as the technological process of manufacturing missiles using automatic control and management of individual operations. Konstantinov is the author of works on various issues of artillery, manual firearms, pyrotechnics, powder, aeronautics.


The first flight on the airship built by him - a controlled balloon of 2500 m3 with a steam engine - performed the French designer Henri Zhiffhar (1825-1882). In 1878, Zhiffar built a binding balloon of 25,000 cubic meters. M to raise visitors at the exhibition in Paris. Gondola Aerostat accommodated 40 passengers. The airships were used up to gray. 20 V. For the transport of goods, as well as for scientific and military purposes.

1856 - Steel guns. Method of Besmer.

Henry Bessemer (1813-1898). English inventor. In 1854, he suggested an improved heavy artillery shell and, in this regard, he took up the finding of a rapid and cheap method of casting steel for the manufacture of gun trunks. In 1856, Bessemer took a patent for a special converter to purge cast iron by air without a fuel consumption. This method was called "Bessemer Process".

1859- Production of armor-sheet rolling.

Vasily Stepanovich Pyaty (1823-1892). Russian inventor-metallurgist. Developed new designs of the heating furnace and rolling mill. In exchange, then the forging of stifts was then offered a high-performance method of manufacturing armor plates with rolling and strengthening their surface with chemical heat treatment - cementation. On the rolling mill, the slabs were welded from separate hot iron sheets and packages.

1866, Mauzer.

Brothers Wilhelm (1834-1882) and Paul (1838-1914) Mauser. German german engineers. Described a single-charge rifle and revolver, which in 1871 were adopted by the German army.

By the end of the XIX century, American engineers were accustomed to surprise the world: the longest bridge, the most powerful press, the largest steam locomotive. The LEE-NAVY rifle of the sample of 1895 takes a worthy place in a number of these unicumes.

The story of the rifle is rooted to the contest of rifles of American inventors. Such a magnificent name was a contest conducted in 1893, during which American gunsmiths had to create a replacement for the Norwegian rifle of Krag-Jorpson, chosen by the US Army. Among the participants was James Paris Lee. None of the 16 rifles have passed the competition, and its rifle the US Army recognized completely unsuitable for military use.

Lee, however, did not fell in spirit. In the same year, the US fleet announced a competition for a new small-caliber rifle and whether it took up work. By that time it became clear that the caliber of the military rifles, hastily adopted in the late 1980s (their caliber ranged from 7.5 to 8 mm), is Velik. Without a special weakening of the power of fire, it could be reduced yet. Therefore, almost all countries re-remedied in the 90s on the rifles under the cartridges on a smokeless gunpower preferred 6.5 mm caliber.

The US fleet decided to go even further. Little caliber simplified aiming and increased wrapped with soldiers reserves of cartridges without increasing the weight of the calculation. Weighing all the steps, specialists of the Arms Bureau chose 6 mm caliber. Rifle Lee-Navy had the smallest caliber among military long-life weapons until taking into service in the mid-60s of the M16 rifle of the M16 caliber of 5.56 mm.

The production of new cartridges has established a firm Winchester. The smokeless powder was not given to North American chemists, so I had to establish its purchase in Germany.

James Paris Lee was born in Scotland in 1831. When he turned five years old, the family moved over the ocean to Canada, and in 1859, James himself, along with his family he moved to the United States and settled in Wisconsin. In 1879, whether he received a patent for a removable median store for rifles with a vertical arrangement of cartridges. He applied him in the design of his rifle, the release of which was established by Remington, called Remington-Lee M1879 for the US Fleet and foreign customers. Its development was the sample rifle of 1885, also supplied for export.

This and the previous photo taken from http://milpas.cc/rifles/zfiles/bolt%20action%20Rifles/M1885%20RIFLES-LEE%20US%20NAVY/The%20US%20MILITRY%20Remington-lee.html

However, the biggest success was waiting for his homeland long ago - in 1888 his rifle called Lee-Metrophd adopted the British army. Numerous rifle variants were produced up to the mid-50s, when it was replaced by the Belgian self-charging FN FAL.

Taken from Wikipedia

The store rifles in service in various countries did not differ much on their device. The barrel was locked with a shutter, in the front of which two protrusions were located (they were called combat), which, when turning 90 degrees, came to the supporting surfaces of the casual part of the trunk. The new rifle was arranged quite differently.

To recharge the shooter pulled the shutter handle back. Turning in a figured carbon box cut, she raised the back of the shutter. At the same time, the only combat protrusion (it was on the bottom side of the rectangular in the shutter cross section) came out due to the reference surface of the receiver. The shutter went back, throwing out the sleeve.

When moving forward, everything happened in the reverse order. The design of the shock-trigger mechanism excluded the shot with the incompletely closed gate and self-discharge of the shutter before the shot of the shot.

The shutter did not exhaust the unusual rifle design. At that time, packs or clips were used to quickly charge the store rifles. When packaged charging, the cartridges were combined with a special device, a bundle, together with which invested in the store. After resizing the last cartridge, the pack dropped through the window in the lower wall of the store (the early rifle the arrow had to remove the bundled pack from the store itself).

Putures for Austrian Roman Manliker

The disadvantages of package charge were the large weight of the pack, clogging the store through the window to falling out the packs and the full impossibility of the store's equipment on one cartridge. When shooting without packs, the rifle turned into a single charge, and the arrow had to send cartridges into the barrel.

Osmanic charging was free from these shortcomings, however, in the early 90s of the XIX century, whether it was designed his rifle, only two models of such rifles were in service: Belgian Mauser sample of 1889 and the Russian Mosine rifle.

Taken from Wikipedia

Lee went his own way and created a completely peculiar pack-clip.

As with package charging, the cartridges were invested in the store along with a bundle-rope. After cheating in the pitch of the second-third cartridge, the pack dropped out of the store. However, the store could be charged and one cartridge. He accompanied five cartridges, the sixth could be invested in the trunk. For greater safety, the arrows were recommended after charging to put a shit sleeper and lower the descent.

The rifle was adopted by the US fleet and marines in 1895. In 1896-1900, Winchester was ordered by 20 thousand rifles, but they all released less, 14658 pieces, which were a fleet at a price of 14 dollars 60 cents per each.

New rifles were missing in the guns. In 1898, the United States declared War of Spain and the maritime infantry landed in Cuba and the Philippines. In the course of the Lie Navy war, I had to replace the "land" rifles Krah-Jorgensen. Supply of troops by cartridges of three types (most of the American soldiers still armed with Springfield single-charged rifles) was too complex for the forehead.

However, the armament of Lie Navy was not shot, in particular they were armed with marines, defended in 1900 together with the detachments from other countries the Embassy Quarter in Beijing during a boxing uprising. Only after 1903, when the military rifle was adopted for all generics, Sprigfield rifle, they gradually seized from arsenals.

According to a long tradition, the rifle went for sale at a price of 32 dollars, for a thousand of the cartridges, he should have won another $ 50. Cartridges in buckle bags accounted for $ 8 more expensive.

For 17 dollar, it was possible to buy a so-called sports rifle with a somewhat shortened trunk and converted false. Li-Navy came well for Hunt for the middle game (black bear or deer caribou), but did not use popularity because of the high cost of rifles and cartridges. Winchester and Remington knocked to produce 6 mm cartridges in 1935.

Nevertheless, what kind of rifle was Lee Navy, because American historians have the opinion that she was a humane weapon. However, it is not.

The experience of the Russian-Japanese war has shown that the severity of the RAS depends only on the place and angle of bullets. Wounds from the bullets of the Japanese 6.5 mm rifles Arisaka and 8 mm Murat did not differ from each other. Of course, the soft bullets of old rifles (10-13 mm caliber, for a change of which the small-caliber rifles have come under cartridges with smokeless powder) easily frozen when entering the target. Externally, such wounds really looked much more terrible pure through wounds, so pleased with the Bussenarovsky Drompa.

However, a surprise for doctors was the phenomenon of akin to the hydraulic man, which occurred when the bullets of new rifles appear. With supersonic speed (on the range of up to several hundred meters), the concussion struck organs and bones located on the wound channel. In addition, the bullets were entered into deep wounds scraps of uniform and dirt, which inevitably led to the suppuration, deadly until the invention of antibiotics.

Li-Navy was distinguished by a high prfearbic ability - at a distance of 30 m lead bullet (there was no armorbonic, then there were 11 mm sheet of boiler gland.

Lee paid a lot of attention to "small things", improving the safety and simplicity of shooting. One of the first to stop the shutter, blocking the shutter in the open position when the store is emptying. The arrow now did not threaten the danger to stay without cartridges in a decisive moment. A special latch prevented the shutter self-discharge.

It is interesting to compare the weight of the rifle of that time with the margin of cartridges.

It can be seen that Lie Navy has the greatest stock of cartridges with the least weight of the calculation.

There were rifles and disadvantages. The most significant was the rapid wear of the trunk, which began after the first 2000 shots. It was believed that this is due to the cartridge, overly powerful for its small caliber. But the reason for this, apparently, is associated with the cuts of the barrel of the Metford Stone. British Lie Metfords were pursued by the same problem. After replacing cuts into conventional rectangular wear, immediately entered the norm.

Detailed description of the device rifle with drawings I will do in a separate post.