Veronika Izotova, the daughter of the charming Ivanushka - Eduard Izotov and his first wife Inga Budkevich, told why the actor suddenly stopped acting.

It turns out that the reason for this was the arrest. The actor spent three years in Sailor's Silence. And he could not survive this blow of fate.

Veronica in the program “The Fate of a Man” shared with the presenter: “From the scrip and from prison, as they say. It was a disaster. Dad was a crystal clear person, just like his father. He was law-abiding. What happened? He and his wife wanted to change money, currency transactions.”

Izotov and his second wife Irina Ladyzhenskaya were detained in the capital’s Lira cafe during a currency exchange operation. They needed money to build a summer house. According to the Criminal Code of the USSR, such actions were considered currency fraud and were punishable by imprisonment for at least three years. Veronica said: “They were taken from the cafe. There was a trial, and my mother collected signatures in his defense, ran around in the theater, and asked her colleagues to support him. By that time, she had already divorced her dad and got married for the second time. Even mom's new spouse helped her draft a petition. They helped as best they could." Ex-wife Izotova asked to sign a petition for pardon famous actors, among whom were Kryuchkov and Andreev. “Oleg Strizhenov performed excellently in court! Everyone was crying! Still, it helped my father; he was facing a long sentence,” recalls Veronica.

Izotov’s daughter blames her father’s second wife, Irina, for everything that happened: “When I arrived, I didn’t recognize him. Another person was sitting in front of me. It killed, strangled. If you delve into this crime and take something out, it will become clear: it was not his fault that he got caught like this. Out of stupidity, out of naivety, his wife set him up. And this only became clear at trial.”

According to Veronica, Irina, her ex-husband and Izotov came to the cafe. Further events developed rapidly. “We were following Irina and her ex-husband. And when they wanted to change it, they put the money in my father’s boot! Neither myself nor ex-husband, and to my father. Therefore, I believe that this is a setup,” said Veronika Izotova.

After his release, Edward suffered several strokes and his daughter claims that his second wife is also to blame for the artist’s death. She did not want to take responsibility for a man who was severely depressed.

“There was a series of strokes, he couldn’t act, but he worked in dubbing. Soon he lost his speech. Then Irina put him in the hospital, where he died. It was terrible. Why did she do this? This is a question for his wife, she put it there. I don’t know why, she said that she was afraid to be near him,” Veronica said.

“Dad asked to take him away, he said: “You don’t understand what’s happening here. This is terrible, take me away from here." But Ira decided everything,” said Izotova. The actor’s daughter decided to tell about what happened because Irina recently died.

I met a guy, he asked me to marry him on the 3rd day. After he started pestering me, I wanted to leave, but he threatened to cut his wrists. We got married, a beautiful daughter was born. via year - divorce And maiden name. For 15 years I tried to arrange my personal life and here it is - happiness, snoring in two cribs - the same. And my daughter, staying with her grandmother, found herself bad friends - drug addicts, did not contact me, denied involvement in drugs. But no matter how much the rope twists... the investigator called, “I was glad”, they chose a preventive measure, my child is sitting and crying, on a bunk government bed, I am crying at home, holding the babies in my arms. Sometimes I think that this is my place in prison, since I couldn’t raise my daughter, and about suicide too. I’m writing and crying. Why is this? I have never been lazy, I studied and worked, I tried, I had both a horse and a bull, and now I always wait for the night when the children are put to bed and asleep, and I can finally close my eyes and fall into oblivion until the morning.
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Alexandra, age: 38 / 09/13/2016


Hello, Alexandra. There is no one to blame. This happened and this is not the worst thing, at least your daughter is alive, alas, drug addiction can end much more tragically. Pray for your child, God willing, he will come to his senses, the punishment will not do any harm. And don’t blame the girl, but support her, say that you love her more than anyone in the world, how dear she is to you, you need her, only attention, warmth, affection can melt the heart of even the most difficult teenager.

Irina, age: 28 / 09.14.2016

Dear Alexandra, pray for the children, because your prayer is the most effective. Everything is possible with the Lord, and it will be easier for you. Take your children to communion, confess yourself, and receive communion. It’s a shame that everything turned out this way with my daughter, but, God willing, everything will change, and her worldview may change. Bring her books and support her. God bless you!

Zzzzz, age: 20 / 09/14/2016

If you want to cry, then you should definitely cry. Are you to blame? You're not thinking about that...
Pray that your daughter will get out and be able to continue on the right path. Anything can happen to us all, don’t think that it definitely wouldn’t happen to me, help your daughter.

Josephine, age: 99 / 09/14/2016

Pathological craving for illegal drugs and an antisocial lifestyle can be a consequence of masked depression, banal spoilage, jealousy and the fight for mother’s mother, or all of the above. IMHO, you need to involve your daughter in household chores, do homework with her, enroll her in sports section and get a part-time job for teenagers during the holidays. It is better to avoid scandals; it is advisable not to say mutual accusations out loud, but to write them down in a letter and stick them with a magnet on the refrigerator, as psychologists advise. Don’t worry about your personal life, start going to church and visiting temple together with your daughter, lead healthy image life and play sports, then God will give you happiness for centuries! The soul also needs to be dealt with, although in the era of the dominance of the atheistic worldview they taught differently, but craving for drugs can also be a consequence spiritual search, desires for internal transformation and esoteric knowledge or feelings of one’s own ontological uncertainty. In other words, a person tries to replace the divine in himself with materialistic addictions. creativity and high ideals. You can find out more in the Orthodox magazine for rationalists and skeptics “Thomas”...

Incognito, age: 30 / 09/15/2016

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It seems that materials about those convicted under narcotic Article 328 on our website can be placed in a separate section. But the cases are all different, many - like this one - are very non-trivial. girl with a huge amount serious illness, she helped a friend buy drugs from an online store, but she was convicted “for intent to sell” and given 8 years in prison, despite numerous diagnoses. We do not deny the very fact of committing an action that is prohibited by law. The heroine’s mother and I explain why this is an unfair sentence that did not take into account the girl’s condition.

Let’s clarify right away: the illegal sale of drugs is their sale to another person for a fee or free of charge. Drugs can be sold, donated, exchanged for something, given as debt, or given as a loan - all this will be considered sales under Belarusian law. Implementation can be direct (“from hand to hand”) or by transmitting information about the place where the bookmark is located.

video: Bastian Morgur

The heroine of this material, Irina Antonyuk, is 20 years old. Two years ago she was sentenced to eight years in prison under Article 328 Part 3 of the Criminal Code of Belarus. A guy I know asked Ira to buy a smoking mixture for him from an online store. Having redirected an SMS message with information about where the mixture was located, the girl became suspected of intent to sell drugs. By the time of her imprisonment, the girl had suffered a number of complex operations and is seriously ill - Ira is missing one lung, full list her mother lists the diseases below. Irina’s health condition in the colony is expectedly deteriorating. Ira’s mother, Natalya, has already sold her apartment in order to pay for a lawyer and save her daughter. She writes letters to the president, communicates with prison staff and the Ministry of Health to convey that her daughter may not survive in such conditions. No one denies the fact that Irina helped a friend buy drugs. We are publishing this material to show how the story of a one-time mediation in purchasing “for oneself” in court turned into a verdict “for intent to sell.” Next is Natalya’s word:

“My daughter, Irina, is 20 years old. She was convicted under Article 328, Part 3, Clause 16.6. I can't understand why my daughter got eight years. Ira is serving a sentence for helping, in her naivety, to send a message from her phone about purchasing a smoking mixture for her friend.

At the moment when Irina sent a message about purchasing a smoking mixture, she was in the hospital. By sending the message, the daughter acted as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. The friend himself, whom Irina helped, did not go to Minsk for the smoking mixture, but sent a friend - he was received at the station. Irina was called to testify, she said a lot during interrogation. She was immediately taken to Minsk, I found out about this only a day later. The investigator wanted to include the fourth part of Article 328 on his daughter – this is about an organized group of persons. The guys from the online store where she ordered the smoking mixture were present at the trial. I sat with them at every meeting. Of the pile of volumes about Ira, there were only two volumes about her case and one meeting. Even the judge was surprised: they say, what is this girl doing here and why is everyone silent about her, but she just sits and listens.

“I still can’t understand why I was convicted under such an article.” What Irina herself wrote

In the complaint, Ira writes: “I was found guilty of acquiring for the purpose of selling a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance. I pleaded guilty to helping A.N. Lishik. In purchasing the smoking mixture, I had no sales goal. Lishik A.N. - my acquaintance. At his request, on October 3, 2015, I helped him purchase a smoking mixture: I contacted the Linkl online store, from which I received information about the possibility of purchasing a smoking mixture with a price list. I sent the price list and e-wallet number to Lishik A.N., and he sent me photos of payment documents for 2,000,000 non-denominated rubles, which I sent to the online store. I forwarded the message about where the smoking mixture was located to Lishika A.N.

About this theme: “Young guys in a cage looking at their aged parents. Nobody listens to the lawyer." Lawyer about how Belarusians are tried under Article 328

I didn’t know that Lishik A.N. has ever sold drugs or has the intent to sell a smoking mixture - on the contrary, I was sure that he was purchasing the smoking mixture for himself. I knew that Lishik A.N. uses drugs and he knew the same about me. Lishik A.N. He told me that he wanted to buy a smoking mixture for himself in Minsk, but was unable to, since the stores to which he had access only sold the reagent, which he did not need. Lishik A.N. I helped because I felt sorry for him when I talked to him, I realized that he was depressed, he felt bad. There is no benefit from providing assistance to A.N. Lishik. I did not have. I had no intention of complicity in the illegal acquisition of a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance for the purpose of sale, I still cannot understand why I was convicted under such an article, the conclusions of the courts are based on assumptions that are not related to what actually happened in fact.

All the witnesses confirmed that I helped A.N. Lishik. to purchase a smoking mixture, no one showed that I had a sales goal. Lishik A.N. testified that he did not tell me that he was purchasing the smoking mixture for the purpose of sale, he testified that he purchased the smoking mixture for himself. In the criminal case against Lishik A.N. he also claimed that he purchased the smoking mixture for himself. By the verdict of the court of the Moskovsky district of Minsk Lishik A.N. was convicted under Part 3 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the court found him guilty of acquiring a psychotropic substance for the purpose of sale (Vol. 28, pp. 50-56).”

What is the girl's illness and why did no one pay attention to it?

About this theme: “The lawyer on duty was deprived of his license, the investigator was imprisoned, the judge was fired.” My son was sentenced to 14 years under Article 328, but they did it illegally

All the evidence about her was circumstantial - not a single direct piece of evidence. No money, no cards, no bank accounts, much less drugs. Irina was accused of allegedly being associated with an online store where drugs were sold. But Irina was connected with the store only because she purchased a snorting mixture there a couple of times. Ira has health problems - she survived two serious operations, and it was difficult for her to come to terms with this. She found out that bronchiectasis is incurable - the lungs are constantly rotting, and she also found out that I myself have cancer. The daughter fell into depressive state and decided that the snorting mixture would help her distract herself. And the fact that the daughter purchased it for herself a couple of times became evidence in order to attract her to the intent to sell it. The daughter cannot serve her sentence due to illness: imprisonment is dangerous for her life. The court did not take this into account when sentencing, although there were every reason to assign her a non-custodial sentence.

Even when the court was considering the case, Irina had serious illnesses, and the court had information about her state of health. My daughter has bronchiectasis, characterized by a chronic suppurative process in irreversibly altered and functionally defective bronchi after right lower lobe lobectomy. The disease is accompanied by obstruction respiratory tract: she is tormented by a strong cough, it never stops, and her daughter is constantly suffocating, she has emphysema (the disease leads to disability). These diseases are incurable.

In the video, Natalya talks in more detail about how her daughter was detained, how she looked for Irina in different prisons, and in what conditions the girl lives in the colony now.

My daughter also suffers from chronic pancreatitis (a disease of the pancreas - if not treated properly it leads to diabetes mellitus), bilateral adnexitis, frequent ventricular extrasystole (heart rhythm disturbance), nasopharyngotracheitis, chronic bronchitis with constant exacerbations, lymphadenopathy abdominal cavity, chronic sinusitis with constant exacerbations, functional dyspepsia, erythematic gastropathy, focal erythematic duodenopathy. The illnesses appear because the daughter does not have immunity; treatment does not improve her condition; constant use of antibiotics causes additional illnesses and worsens her health.
Irina is unable to carry out work, is constantly in a painful state, suffers from pain and from suffocating. She is assigned cruel punishment, incompatible with life.

About this theme: “How poor is the state that it began to target such prisoners.” My son was convicted under Article 328

The court cited in its verdict the protocol for examining the items of the DVD-RW disk, indicating that, according to the information contained on it, obtained during the operational investigation “control in telecommunication networks”, they were intercepted telephone conversations With different people, indicating Irina’s involvement in illegal trafficking of substances. But nowhere is it stated what exactly indicates that the daughter has a sales goal. This indicates that the verdict was unfounded. No one provided objective information that the daughter had ever been involved in the sale of psychoactive substances.

The court stated in its verdict that the volume of a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance significantly exceeds the reasonable needs of one person. However, these circumstances were not the subject of investigation at the trial court hearing, and the court’s conclusion was not supported by evidence. Also, the verdict does not indicate what period of time was taken by the court as a basis when determining the “reasonable needs of the consumer.” The daughter did not use the smoking mixture and could not know how much smoking mixture was needed for consumption. She generally believed that the entire smoking mixture was tobacco, and, therefore, it could be smoked quickly, like regular cigarettes.

The amount of a psychotropic substance in the smoking mixture has not been established; the court’s indication of the amount of a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance is in no way based on the evidence in the case. The court did not take into account the evidence that exonerated my daughter.

“I have already written a letter to the president”

We appealed to the Ministry of Health, we appealed to the colony. They listen, try to help, promise. They put my daughter in the hospital and treat her. But this treatment fails, and the daughter gets worse and worse. I see this myself when I go on a date with her. I even wrote a letter to the president. I'm afraid my daughter will die in prison. It’s good that she is no longer forced to work in the factory there. Now she makes washcloths there - she received 63 kopecks in a month. There are girls who support her in the colony, although her cough can prevent them from sleeping at night.

Ira and I have always had a warm and trusting relationship. When I myself survived the operation, my daughter fed me, washed me, and looked after me. She took care of her younger brother. It was a great shock for him when he learned that his sister had been sentenced to such a long term. In the colony, even a psychiatrist pointed out that her daughter was depressed, but this remains just a conclusion on a piece of paper. I'm ready to do anything for my daughter. If necessary, I will starve alone (referring to the hunger strike of the “Mothers 328” association, which they unsuccessfully staged for access to the Presidential Administration - Note KYKY), as long as justice prevails. I spent a lot of money on lawyers and this whole process. I sold my apartment to save my daughter. And still my child sits for eight years. Eight years for an SMS message is cruel. My daughter is my support and my friend. Now they want to take my child away. The daughter complains of systematic pain and is constantly sick. Her health has deteriorated and I am afraid that my child will not be born.”

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The meeting the family had been waiting for for seven for long years. Today, the wife and daughter of Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, convicted in the United States, arrived in New York. All these years they sought visits in prison, but the authorities did not give permission. Now, as our diplomats say, such an opportunity has arisen, and the relatives hope to see each other this week.

Victoria Yaroshenko has not seen her husband for seven years - since the sentencing. For a long time Konstantin was not given permission to visit, he was in a punishment cell, then he was transferred from one prison to another. During this time, his mother died.

Friends raised money for a trip to America. Victoria had to wait almost a year for a visa. She and her daughter Katya will stay in New York for about a month. Four dates a week is all that is allowed.

“Konstantin and I talked. He said that there is some kind of point system: if you come on Saturday, you get two points, on Sunday you get one. And on weekdays there are four points. I don’t know how many points for a month. But he said that he seemed to be talking with the prison administration and they didn’t seem to mind that we didn’t have this point system, since we came for the first time in eight years, and we would be allowed to meet with him more,” says Victoria Yaroshenko.

Yaroshenko's daughter Katya seems to be the most worried about meeting her father.

“Dad saw me in last time A 14-year-old girl, and now I’m already 21, and he still has in his head that I’m still a child,” says Katya Yaroshenko.

Konstantin Yaroshenko was detained by American intelligence services in African Liberia in 2010. The pilot was accused of smuggling a large amount of cocaine. This was the first time that the Americans captured a Russian citizen on the territory of a third country in order to secretly take him to the United States.

In September 2011, a New York court sentenced Yaroshenko to 20 years in prison. All appeals filed by lawyers were rejected, the last one in September 2014 was not accepted for consideration at all.

There are many violations in the Yaroshenko case. Russian diplomats He was allowed to see him only on the third attempt. The Consulate General took custody of the pilot's relatives during their stay in the United States.

“In this difficult situation, the Consulate General is providing maximum help and assistance. In particular, we have already requested 12 meetings. The fact is that the prison allows meetings from Friday to Monday. And taking into account the length of Victoria Yaroshenko’s stay here, they will be able to meet here 12 times,” said Vice Consul Alexey Topolsky.

There are no gifts from home in the suitcase. Transfers during visits in prison are prohibited. Even letters from friends and family cannot be given in person. They will have to be sent by mail from New York. Yaroshenko was recently transferred to another prison, where the rules are stricter and the conditions are even worse.

“In this prison for a thousand people there are six toilets and two sinks,” says Victoria Yaroshenko.

The Yaroshenko family now considers the most important task to be medical care. The pilot's health has been compromised. He has been waiting for an appointment with a specialist for several months. And so far to no avail.


...And then I asked to leave my daughter in prison

Monologue of a desperate mother

How can you believe that your own child is ready to betray you at any moment? That his promises are not worth a penny? That he now has completely different morals? But this is exactly what you will have to live with if your child is a drug addict.

You probably won't understand me. I don't understand myself. I call the lawyer, beg him to get my daughter out of prison, and five minutes later I dial his number again and say: let him leave everything as it is. First conviction. If I had asked, she would have been given a suspended sentence. But I didn't ask.
Why did this bandit meet on her way? This bastard who put her on a needle. And she? How could she fall in love with him? Dirty, uneducated, rude. He beat me once, twice. But she still runs after him faithfully, like a little dog. And this is our Anka! Proud little princess, as they once called her. Where did it all go?
“You spoiled her,” the husband once reproached.
But he also spoiled her. Only child. Cheerful, sincere, kind. And I studied well. Why was she punished? Shouldn't you have bought fancy rags? But why? We had such an opportunity. Anya was never greedy; she gave away her blouses to her classmates. I really didn’t like her friends. Too simple. Against their background, Anya was a bright star. Only their destinies turned out quite well, but our Anya is going downhill. Or rather, it has already flown away.
When Boris appeared in their company, they mistook his rudeness for strength, and otherworldly nonsense for intelligence. Lord, if I could imagine how it would all end! It never would have occurred to me that she would choose someone like that.
Then we moved to Moscow. Anechka then moved to the tenth, and I thought that the new capital environment would overshadow her St. Petersburg beau. But he began to visit us every week. In winter, she suddenly began to complain of headaches, and sometimes looked simply terrible in the mornings. The teacher called us to school and said: the girl is capable and good, but she gets sick often, she missed a lot of classes, you should take care of her health. The doctors didn’t find anything special and advised her to feed her with vitamins. Vitamins and nutritional supplements we bought in batches. Perhaps that’s why she didn’t have withdrawal symptoms then...
Immediately after school they started talking about marriage. My father and I were, of course, against it, but we knew that we couldn’t argue with Anyuta, and registry offices register marriages without parental consent. The young people didn’t want to live with us and decided to return to St. Petersburg to his mother. The explanation seemed quite acceptable: Boris does not want to be Primak. At first they came to us every week, then less and less. One day we went to visit them ourselves. Boris's mother and his aunt met us. “Where are the young people sleeping?” - the husband made a noise. “Yes, they...” the women hesitated. Everything that was said later seemed nonsense.
The car we gave as a wedding gift was sold, Anya came to work on a strong high and was fired, Boris didn’t work at all. All our transfers were spent on heroin, and the three of them lived on the pitiful salary of Boris’s mother. When Borya met our Anyuta, his mother thought that a self-confident girl from a good, as she put it, family would get her son out of drug captivity. But she too was captured. Even when I was in school. I didn’t believe it, I rushed into the room...
What happened next? Four years of endless nightmare. There was no point in treating her alone. They put them both down. They came out as if they were different people. They made plans for the future and reasoned so sensibly that we believed. The daughter got a job, Boris opened his own business. Soon he had money. He assured that he was trading. We thought, jackets or cigarettes. It turned out to be drugs. And Anya was drawn in.
They were caught when they, having dosed themselves, tried to sell this poison to someone. The husband shouted: don’t interfere, let them go to jail! But I couldn't. I connected all the connections and the case was closed. While my husband lectured them about dirty business, I ransacked their house looking for drugs. I had no idea what they looked like, so I threw away all the suspicious bags and tablets. But as soon as they returned, everything went well. One consolation is that they no longer sold drugs. Either the father managed to scare them, or the police.

They were put in “Detox” for ten days, so that, as drug addicts say, their blood was cleaned. My son-in-law, calling me aside, asked: I will hold on, but Anya needs long-term treatment, she will break down.
They placed her in the center with Marshak. There, new arrivals are kept locked in a room alone for three days while they “get over their food.” When Anya was released on the fourth day, she was in such a state that, contrary to the rules, she was allowed to call. She begged me to take her away, but I couldn’t resist. They paid four and a half thousand dollars for the entire course, but returned it to us, despite the fact that she stayed there for three days, only two. What was to be done? They added more and took the daughter to “Medinar”.
After “Medinar” it lasted for a month, and I began to have hope. But then, as luck would have it, Boris overdosed. The ambulance took him to the hospital, and she... In general, it was “Detox” again. I come to pick her up, and she’s crying her eyes out. When Anya was being given an IV, her roommate pulled the tube out of the needle and injected heroin into it. The nurse, seeing Anya, immediately understood everything. Both were put out in disgrace. My hands gave up:
- Why didn’t you resist?
– I wanted this myself. You do not understand! I can’t give up the drug when it’s here in front of me!
Anya made excuses and was angry. And I was no longer angry, I was completely glazed over. They soldered me off with something. A psychiatrist was called. He persuaded her to “move” her daughter away from him, gave her the coordinates of the Narcotics Anonymous Society, and advised her to go to lectures for parents. And the nurse whispered: “Put her in an ordinary hospital, otherwise she will ruin you.”
Only after becoming closely acquainted with the same mothers and fathers did I understand that drug addicts should never be trusted. Their promises are worthless, and ideal behavior in the past has nothing to do with the present. Now they have a different morality. And it was with the awareness of all this that I had to live.
Very painful. It's very difficult to come to terms with the fact that everything moral values evaporated like smoke, which is the most close person, your little blood, is ready to betray you at any moment.
They stopped giving money. But it turned out to be useless. I begged for a dose on loan. Then they started calling her and threatening her. She cried, begged us to pay, and vowed never to approach the merchants again. And we're in Once again fell for the trick. They paid so that she wouldn’t be maimed, and a few days later she borrowed again...
One day I was returning from work and saw an ambulance at the entrance. Well, I think, come to us. And exactly. No daughter, doctors near my husband - micro-infarction. By that time, my daughter had already taken everything she could from her apartment. I sold the clothes. Boris was in prison for robbery. She had to resign herself and live with us. We took turns on duty and did not take our eyes off her for a minute. The night before, she had tucked an electric kettle into her bosom and tried to slip out the door, but her father wouldn’t let her, and she rushed at him with a knife.
When I left in the morning, she was still sleeping. When she woke up, she began to demand money from her father. Naturally, he refused. She cried and threatened to jump out of the window. My father felt bad, she seemed to come to her senses and gave him medicine. While he was drinking it, she grabbed his jacket and wallet and... He ran after her and fell.
In the evening she cried, asked for forgiveness, and I knew that now she was completely sincere, and I also knew that everything would happen again. Again, for the umpteenth time, she was admitted to the hospital. Began to search rehabilitation center. Perhaps we should have sent her to where she already was. But I wanted a miracle.
The notebook no longer contained phone numbers and addresses of dispensaries and centers. I started a barn book. Here it is, in front of me, all written and scratched. Life has forced us to pay attention to the cost of treatment. My business began to bring only losses. The chair under my husband also swayed.
I came across the phone number of a woman who allegedly received successful treatment in Ukraine. I don't remember who gave it to me. They said that there, near Odessa, some kind of magician or psychic works miracles. The woman was happy about my call and volunteered to take her daughter there even tomorrow. For two months they had to pay two thousand dollars, and also pay for their travel. We no longer had that kind of money, so we had to borrow. I was confused by the lack of a contract, but the woman insisted that she simply didn’t have the form at the moment and would definitely bring it. To be honest, in most centers all these agreements are fake. Either the fee is in the form of a charitable contribution, or the rehabilitation center, according to documents, turns out to be a travel company, or the range of services is very different from what is specified in the contract and promised in the advertisement. In general, I took the adult at his word. Yes, at that moment I probably would have believed the devil.
Two months have passed. Suddenly the doorbell rang. On the threshold is a girl of about seventeen:
– I brought you news from Anya. She wants to stay there for another two months. I'll take the money.
I didn’t give her any money, I threatened her with the police, and the girl disappeared. She showed up a day later: if you want to see your daughter, at least give her some money for the road.