There are many poisonous substances. Some of them affect the human body for a long time, others - kill instantly. High-speed poisons are found a lot, they are natural and chemical.

Such connections deprive their victim to survive almost immediately. What is the fastest poison for a person most famous and dangerous?

Top strong poisons in everyday life

In domestic conditions, a person faces poisons constantly. Many of them have a rapid effect on the body, so it is recommended to know their action and ways to first aid to the affected person.



Specific bacteria cause serious disease. There are several forms of the disease, the most simple is the damage to the skin. The pulmonary form of the disease is considered the most dangerous, even when the assistance rendered to survive only five percent of victims.


Poisonous substance in the form of gas. It was created to destroy insects, but found its use in the military sphere. The connection kills quickly, but death is painful. Production is prohibited worldwide, its reserves are often applied for military purposes or terrorists.


Similar poisons have a protein structure and are contained in hazardous mushrooms of the Amanite family. The danger is that the first signs are manifested ten hours after entering the toxin to the body, during this period the possibility of saving a person approaches zero. Even with a successful attempt to salvation, the victims suffered for life remains disabled and suffer from problems with the internal bodies.


Get a tropical plant from nuts. In the minimum quantity is used as a drug. Strichnin refers to the most high-speed poisons, exceeds potassium cyanide. But the lethal exodus does not occur immediately, but after half an hour after poisoning.


Ricin - poison of plant origin. Higher than cyano potassium six times. It is a particular danger in getting into blood, in a similar case, the fatal outcome occurs very quickly. Inhalation through the lungs is less dangerous, but also leads to serious poisoning.


The compound is a poison of combat action, has a neuro-paralytic effect. Changes in the body occur after a minute after inhalation, and death is marked after fifteen minutes. The dangerous poison in the world is prohibited.


Botulism is poisoning, provoked by botuluscins. This is the strongest poison in nature, used to be used as biological weapons. Bacteria are used in cosmetology, but in the minimum dosage. With an increase in the amount of toxin, death occurs from a violation of the respiratory process.

Top strong poisons in a pharmacy

Drugs are dangerous for a person if it is wrong to use them. They are also poisons and overdose lead to poisoning.

The deadly outcome is not excluded with repeatedly exceeding the permissible amount of the drug. Many medicines are freely available at the pharmacy.


  • Means aimed at the treatment of cardiovascular system.
  • Neuroleptics and tranquilizers.
  • Anesthetics.
  • Antibiotics and antibacterial agents.

Dangerous to human health can be drugs for weight loss, funds aimed at treatment of impotence, even eye drops. It is necessary to remember that in the minimum quantity the medicine will help, and in the increased dosage will lead to poisoning and fatal outcome.

Dangerous poisons for animals

No less often people suffer from animal poisoning. What poices are dangerous for dogs and for cats?


  1. Human medicines. Even a small number of some drugs provokes serious poisoning or a fatal outcome. Example -, medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis - applied by doghanthers.
  2. Facilities to get rid of fleas and ticks. Animals die from overdose such means.
  3. Food. It is impossible to give pets food from the table, simple grapes leads to renal failure, xylitol provokes a sharp drop in the sugar level and disruption of the liver.
  4. Rat poison Pillow for rats often becomes the cause of death of home animals. The embankment for rodents has a pleasant smell, so attracts other animals. In the absence of help, the pet dies very quickly.
  5. Antichesis for animals. Medical preparations intended for treatment, in the wrong dosage are able to cause death.
  6. Home plants. Cats and dogs love to bite some plants, many of them contain poisonous juice, dangerous to health.
  7. Chemicals, household chemicals. Located in the available places, such products often attract the attention of animals. Poisoning develops quickly as death.
  8. Fertilizers and pesticides. Such connections are suitable for plants, but dangerous for animals.

Thus, dangers and poisons for animals are no less than for a person. It is recommended to closely follow the behavior of the animal in order to give him first aid on time.

Irritation, the feeling of sand in the eyes, redness - only small inconvenience in disturbed vision. Scientists have proven: a decrease in vision in 92% of cases ends with blindness.

Crystal Eyes is the best means to restore vision at any age.


Avoiding serious intoxication is possible subject to safety. When working with poisons, you need to wear special protective clothing, on the hands of the gloves. It is recommended to use safety glasses and respirators.

In no case, during operation, it is not allowed to eat, touch your face or open areas of the skin. After graduating from all manipulations, the hands are carefully wash, if necessary, take a shower, and clothing are sent to washing.

Before applying unknown connections, you need to read the instructions and carefully observe it. It is not recommended to eat in the food of unknown products.

What to do if they poisoned

If poisoning occurred, you need to immediately call a doctor. Until his arrival, the victim is provided by the first help.


  • rinse the stomach, if allowed;
  • give a person;
  • use laxatives or cleansing enemas;
  • introduce antidots if possible;
  • provide fresh air, rest;
  • quickly deliver to the medical institution.

Fighting poisons are present next to the person, but when complying with the safety technician, it is possible to avoid poisoning. With the appearance of signs of intoxication, the first assistance is quickly assisted and cause doctors.

Video: Fast poisons for man

Average deadly dose, DL50 (Lat. Dosis Letalis) causes half of experimental animals (DL100 - dose, minimally sufficient to kill everyone who received it). DL is measured in milligrams of a substance per 1 kg of body weight of the animal (mg / kg), in our rating indicated in brackets after the name of the substance. So, the top 10 of the most toxic poisons with DL50 is for mice with intramuscular administration.

Neurotoxin II (0.085 mg / kg)

Source: Component poison Cobra Central Asian (Naja Oxiana).

The poison of this snake is extremely strong. When bite, it has a neurotoxic effect. After the bite, the victim becomes sluggish, but soon the body begins to shake cramps, breathing becomes superficial. The lethal exodus occurs after a while due to the paralysis of the respiratory tract. Local manifestations (hematomas, tumors) in the bite of the Central Asian Cobra does not occur.

Central Asian Cobra, the length of which reaches 1.5-1.6 m, is distributed in North-West India, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Northeast Iran. In Central Asia, this snake is found in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The northern border of the range - the ridge of Nura-Tau and the Mountains of Bel-Tau-Ata, Western - the spurs of the Turkestan Range.

Alpha Latrotoxin (0.045 mg / kg)

Source: Contained in Phase 31 types of Latrodectus species (Karakirts).

At the time of the bite, instant burning pain is most often felt (in some sources - a bite is painless), after 15-30 minutes, spreading throughout the body. Typically, patients complain about unbearable pain in the abdomen, lower back, chest. Characteristically sharp tension of the muscles of the abdominal press. Dyspnea, heartbeat, pulse, dizziness, headache, tremor, vomiting, pallor or hyperemia face, sweating, feeling of gravity in thoracic and post mills, exophthalm and expansion of pupils. The face acquires a blue shade.

Known deaths in humans and farm animals. After 3-5 days, the skin is covered with a rash, and the condition of the victim is somewhat improved. Recovery begins in 2-3 weeks, but a long time man feels a common weakness.

Karakirts ("black widows") inhabit in tropical, subtropical and even moderate latitudes on all continents, except Antarctica. Danger for humans represent only females (the size of the body is up to 2 cm). The males are much smaller (0.5 cm) and are not able to contact the skin of a person. The toxicity of poison has a pronounced seasonal dependence: September is more powerful than ten times.

Antidote: anti-scratch serum.

Alpha Conotoxin (0.012 mg / kg)

Source: Component of the CONUS GEGRAPHUS CONUS CONUS CONUS (Geographical Cone).

The cones are very active when they are touched in their habitat. Their toxic apparatus consists of a poisonous gland located at the wide end of the shell, with sharp spikes that replace the mollusk teeth. If you take the sink in your hands, the mollusk instantly puts forward randul and stuck into the body of the spikes. The injection is accompanied by an acute, bringing to the loss of consciousness pain, numbness of fingers, strong heartbeat, shortness of breath, sometimes with paralysis. On the islands of the Pacific Ocean, the deaths of the deaths of shells from the injection of cones are registered.

Cones' sinks have a length of 15-20 cm. Habitat area - East and North Coast of Australia, East Coast of Southeast Asia and China and Central Pacific.

Antidote: Antidote does not exist. The only measure is abundant bloodletting from the place of deposition.

Chiriktotoxin (0.01 mg / kg)

Source: produced by the skin of the toad Atelopus Chiriquiensis.

It causes violations of coordination of movements, convulsions, incomplete paralysis of the limbs.

Small (males - about 3 cm, females - 3.5-5 cm) toads with the beautiful name of Chirikita are found on the cage between North and South America - in Panama and Costa Rica. The form is under threat of disappearance. Toxin produces chirikit leather, and poisonousness, we recall, was evaluated when intimidated by intramuscularly.

Tithexin (0.009 mg / kg)

Source: one of the components of the poison of yellow thickened scorpion (Androctonus Australis).

The poison of yellow thick scorpion is produced in two enlarged glands, located immediately behind the sting, externally resembling a spiny at the end of the tail. They are like a scorpion appearance "fat men." It differs from other scorpions also the color of the sting - from dark brown to black. The chipping poison of the scorpion is so toxic that even an adult can kill. It feeds mainly small insects, such as locusts or beetles, but with ease frames with a shallow lizard or mouse.

With this type of scorpions, up to 80% of all serious poisoning and up to 95% of deaths from scorpion shots are associated. Androctonus Australis is a medium size of scorpions up to 10 cm long. Australia Relationships do not have: Australis in Latin - "Southern", and Androctonus in Greek - "Man Bike". There are found in the Middle East, in the north and south-east of Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Iraq, Iran, etc.).

Antidote: Anti-disstineous serum "Antiscorpion". As a slightly less effective replacement, the serum "Anticarakurt" can be used.

Tetrodotoxin (0.008 mg / kg)

Source: produced and accumulated in the tissues of the Tetraodontidae family, Babyionia Japonica mollusk and close relatives of Chirikit - Toha Atelopus Varius.

Some types of Tetraodontidae family (four-row, they are scalp, dog fish and needle) reach a length of the half meters. And these fish, and the dish of them in Japan is called "Fugu." The poison is contained in the liver, milk, caviar, intestines and skin, so that only specially trained chefs are allowed to prepare a fugus, which remove poisonous organs in a separate method for each species. If the meat of needles is prepared by non-outstanding amateurs, then in 60 cases of 100 testing of such a dish leads to death. And so far such cases are not uncommon. According to the Japanese proverb, "the one who eats a fugus is a fool, but also the one who does not eat, is also a fool."

The habitat of fish Fugu - from the northern coast of Australia to the northern coast of Japan and from the southern coast of China to the eastern Islands of Oceania.

Tetraodontidae (Fugu fish):

Babylonia Japonica mollusk has a very beautiful sink of a classic spiral form with a length of 40-85 mm. The habitat is the coast of the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan and Japan:

The toads Atelopus Varius (Atelope Pierce) - small, 2.5-4 cm, and stumble upon them, if "lucky", you can only in the jungle of Panama and Costa Rica:

This is a dangerous poison that, by hitting the digestive tract, causes strongest pain, convulsions and usually leads to death.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote, deoxication and symptomatic therapy.

Poison is a toxin that is able to cause strong poisoning or even death. The impact on a person depends on the number of poison, as well as its type. It can get into the organism through the mouth, breathing organs and skin. Symptoms of poisoning may appear immediately after contact or a few hours later. It is necessary to provide first aid after the emergence of signs of intoxication.


The following types of poisons are distinguished:

  • Poons of local action, which include substances that act only in direct contact. It is mercury, arsenic, alkali and acid.
  • Poys of system action. After entering the body, they are guided by all organs with blood. This is potassium cyanide, strikhnin, sleeping pills.
  • Chemical poisons that are classified as acids, alkalis, salts, gases. These are various organic and inorganic connections.

The poisons are and domestic, that is, there are in the immediate environment of a person. These are paints, herbicides, insecticides, rat poisons and other substances. Therefore, using such funds, care measures must be observed - to wear a mask on the face and rubber gloves on hand.

The most dangerous poisons

There is a list of the most dangerous poisons in the world. Moreover, their danger lies in different reasons:

  • Methyl alcohol. Such a substance after entering the human body causes intoxication. And if you have it in large quantities, irreversible blindness or even death is possible. Therefore, at the very first symptoms of poisoning, the patient must be assisted and take it to the hospital. The danger of such a poison is that its appearance, taste and smell are fully identical with ethyl alcohol, so they can be easily confused.
  • Mercury. It is contained in mercury degrees. And if you split 2 thermometers in the room, then all the people in it will receive serious poisoning. This substance is contained in fluorescent lamps. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when handling similar objects.

Dancers of mercury pairs, but it starts to evaporate at room temperature. Therefore, if you split a thermometer or lamp in the winter on the street, it is not scary - mercury balls can be collected and throw away.

  • Snake poison. Approximately 250 stem species are poisonous. However, antidote for each species of reptile must be separate. In this, there is a danger - after entering the poison to the blood, the antidote needs to be introduced as soon as possible, otherwise after 20 minutes - 4 hours (depending on the type of snake) will have a fatal outcome.
  • Potassium cyanide is the fastest poison in the world. Moreover, they can be poisoned by both when they are touched and inhaling or when it gets inside through the mouth. Under its influence in blood cells, iron is associated, as a result of which the flow of oxygen to vital organs ceases. Death comes in a few minutes. The substance has the smell of bitter almond. It is neutralized with glucose, so ineffective in a sweet medium.

Affordable poisons

One of the most affordable poisons are mushrooms. In the summer, when their season begins, many have poisoning. Moreover, after eating some species of mushrooms, not only intoxication is possible, but also death. Therefore, not knowing the name of the mushroom, it is better not to risk. You can collect only those species that are accurately safe. Only one poisonous mushroom from the whole basket - and poisoning is provided. These include false whale, mumor, pale and others. For example, there are several varieties of pale toadstools, and some of them practically do not differ from edible mushrooms.

Amaniars can also be edible, if you cook them correctly. They need to boil over during the day, as often melt water. But it is better not to risk and eating myself, cheerful, butter and other edible mushrooms.

In potatoes may also contain dangerous poisons for the human body. If the potatoes are incorrectly stored (when sunlight hit on the root), it is formed in it. This substance causes severe intoxication in humans. To identify poor-quality potatoes is easy - as a rule, their peel acquires a greenish tint.

Prepare bread only from flour purchased from proven sources. It is not recommended to purchase it on the market. If the flour is infected with ardor, baked bread will be poisonous, since bacterium does not die during heat treatment. Of course, this poison will not lead to death, but he will cause irreparable harm to health.

At home can also be easily poisoned by chemical fertilizers. For example, potassium chloride is very dangerous, because after entering the blood flow, the substance blocks the activity of the heart. Death comes in just a few minutes.

Deadly poisons in nature

Scientists compiled a list of poisons, after hitting the body of which the likelihood of death is high:

  1. Neurotoxin contained in the poison of some snakes. Immediately after the bite, the victim becomes inactive and drowy. But after a while there are muscle cramps, breathing is expensive. Death occurs within 20-30 minutes due to the paralysis of the respiratory tract. Moreover, hematoma or tumors appear at the bite place. However, such a snake bites very rarely. Immediately it is necessary to introduce a patient with antidote "anti-brew". If serious respiratory disorders are observed, lung ventilation is carried out.
  2. Alpha Latrotoxin, which is contained in the spray poison of the genus Karakurt. At the time of the bite there is a burning sensation, and after 20-30 minutes, the pain spreads throughout the victim's body. The improvement in the patient's well-being occurs in a few days, and after 2-3 weeks it comes its complete recovery.
  3. Alpha Conotoxin, discovered in the poison of some types of mollusks (for example, a geographical cone). If you take a shell with a mollusk in hand, he immediately pierces her spikes. At the same time, the victim feels unbearable pain, as a result of which he loses consciousness. After a few minutes, heartbeat, fingers, shortness, dyspnea and paralysis of the limbs appear. Discarded deaths after an injection of a geographical cone. Moreover, the antidote does not exist. You can save the patient only with abundant bloodletting from the place of the injection.
  4. Tithexin, which is produced by a yellow thick scorpion. The poison is so toxic that he kills even an adult. It is with the bite of this scorpion that 95% of cases of all deaths from this poison are connected. They meet in Africa and the Middle East. Immediately it is necessary to introduce the serum "antiscorpion", which will help save the life of the victim.
  5. And finally the most deadly poison in the world - diamppotoxin. This is the most powerful poison on our planet. It contains in the blood of the larvae of the beetle-leaf beetle, common in the territory of South Africa. The insect belongs to the same family as the colorad beetle. The poison is intended only for protection against predators - after eating the beetle, it dies from painful pain. After entering the body of the victim, the poison reduces the hemoglobin content of about 75%, since the erythrocytes are intensified. To get into the human body poison can only through the mouth. Antidote does not exist.

All poisons are very dangerous, deadly, so if you need to contact them, it is necessary to do it as carefully. When symptoms of poisoning toxic substances are found, it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance. In some cases, even minutes decide the outcome of the situation. Therefore, if the poison is very dangerous, you need to take antidote as soon as possible. Otherwise, the likelihood of death is high.

The world-famous medieval physician and Alchemist Paracels may have once changed: "Everything is poison, everything is a medicine; The other determines the dose. " Even water in excessive amounts can lead to death. However, some substances will need a meager amount - it will be enough to provoke death. Sometimes only one drop is enough, which will fall into hand unprotected with gloves - it is these substances that are classified as very poisonous. Among the deadly substances there are organic substances of plant nature, and heavy metals, and gases synthesized by man. We have prepared for you a list of the most dangerous of them - the 25 most deadly toxic substances.

The most poisonous substance for a person in the world - cyanide

The most common forms of cyanide are colorless gas or crystals, but regardless of the form, this substance is a deadly danger. For some people, cyanide has the smell of bitter almond.

Cyanide poisoning is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: headache, nausea, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, as well as a sense of general ailment. Without timely medical intervention, cyanide will die the body, provoking oxygen starvation of cells. Bubble with cyanid

Cyanide is contained in apple seeds, but do not rush to rinse the stomach, eating several seeds - the concentration of the hazardous substance in them is extremely insignificant. You will have to eat more than ten apple nickeys, before you feel the effect of cyanide poisoning. But do this, of course, is not worth it.

Plastic acid or fluoride acid is a chemical reagent necessary for the production of polytetrafluoroethylene, more well-known as Teflon. And this is extremely toxic poison.
Capacity with hydrofluoric acid

If a liquid containing even a minor amount of plastic acid falls on the skin - the likelihood is that the poison, through the capillaries, will fall into the circulatory system. Entering the reaction with calcium, it will begin to destroy your bones.

Fortunately, the ingress of this substance on the skin is painless, and the penetration process through the skin is not instantaneous, so you will have enough time to wash off this dangerous substance.

Arsenic is known since ancient times. It occurs in nature in its pure form and in the form of sulphides. In shape, it is a crystalline semimetal. The synthesis of arsenic was engaged in medieval alchemists, including those mentioned already Paracelles.
Glass bubble from arsenia

This substance, up to the end of the XIX century, was the most common poison used to commit killings. The victim, poisoned by arsenic, dies from several hours to several days. This practice dates back to the period of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. The characteristic symptoms of arsenic poisoning is a strong vomiting and diarrhea, - at that time they were easily confused with the symptoms of cholera or dysentery.


This plant was also known since ancient times, and used it both in Europe and in Russia. All parts of Belladonna are very toxic, especially the roots. The least poisonous are berries, and still two berries will be enough to kill a one-year-old child.
Berries, Flowers and Leaves Bendonna

In the medieval Italy, the juice of this plant was injected into the eyes of local fashionists - thanks to the content in it, atropine pupils were expanded, and the look acquired the shine. At the same time, the alkaloids of atropine and lead to poisoning - they actively affect the nervous system, first provoking an excited state, and after bringing to rabies and stop the heart. Not for nothing one of the names of this plant is a mad berry.

Carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide - a quiet killer. The physical form of this substance is gas without taste, color and smell. This gas is distinguished during coal combustion, for example, it is precisely he causes many deaths during fires.
Cutting from the old magazine warning of carbon monoxide

This substance disrupts the process of oxygen transfer, which is why oxygen fasting occurs in cells. Symptoms of poisoning - general physical weakness, dizziness and headache, nausea, drowsiness. Fortunately, carbon monoxide poisoning is reversible - timely resuscitation activities are able to "return to the life" of a person who mowed carbon monoxide.

The fruits of the mancinellic tree, also called Manzinell, are like green apples, but do not rush to try their taste. It is better to stay away from this tree away - it is one of the most poisonous plants on Earth and certainly the most poisonous in North America.

Manzinell grows in Florida, and it is necessary to fear the juice of this tree. Even the wind blowing on you on the side of this terrible plant can lead to a strong itch, and the hitting of the Milky Juice on the skin will provoke the occurrence of painful blisters, dermatitis and strong burns. Smoke from combustion of branches of this tree can lead to blindness when entering the eye. Well, about the fruits and speak.
Hazard warning mancinell

An interesting fact: Local Indians, during the times of Spanish submissions of these lands, used the hood from the root of Manzinell as one of the components of the terrible poison, which the arrow tips were lubricated. From one such arrow in his leg, a well-known Spanish conquistor Juan Ponce de Leon died for a long time and painfully.

This substance is the most active non-metal, interacting literally with anything. If you get into the skin, such gas will cause the strongest chemical burner. It can also contribute to the occurrence of eye damage, up to blindness. If you are interested in organic chemistry - remember, with fluorine jokes are bad.

This compound is found both as part of industrial pesticides and in the juice of some plants of Australia and South Africa (DICHAPETALUM CYMOSUM). The use of the latter leads to a case of about 8% of cattle lined in the territories of its growth. What is characteristic - no antidote from this substance does not exist. For a person, the fatal dose is 5 mg per 1 kg.
Warning of the danger of fluoroacetic acid

The most dangerous poison created by man is called dioxin - for an adult, only 50 micrograms are required. This is the third toxicity of the poison, well-known science - it is 60 times toxic than cyanide!

This substance, and more precisely, a whole group of substances denoted for the simplicity of perception with a single term belongs to the group of xenobiotics, that is, substances, alien to the natural biotic substances of the Earth. This is a consequence of the chemical industry and garbage processing. Also dioxins are a cumulative poison, that is, gradually accumulate both in the environment and in the organisms of living beings, leading to terrible changes.


This colorless liquid is the strongest neurotoxin. Even thick latex gloves will not save from its impact. This fact is confirmed by the tragic death of an inorgean chemist Karen Wettekhan in 1996. A few drops of a substance that fell on the glove of the scientist - after 4 months, the symptoms of poisoning began to appear, and after six months, the woman died.

Athonite, known as a wrestler, is a whole plant of plants, many of whom are valued for beautiful flowers. However, they are all extremely toxic, however, this concerns only juice. The most poisonous parts of plants - tubers, the active substance is the alkaloid aconitant.
Athonite plant containing aconitant

According to the legend, these plants sprouted from the saliva Cherberry, whom Hercules brought out of the underground kingdom of Aida. What does this legend indicate? The fact that the plant was widely known in ancient Greece.

Some modern "healers" promote the idea of \u200b\u200btreating cancer and many other diseases of the acronite. The clinically effectiveness of such treatment is not proven and is associated with risk for your health.

The substances of this group are contained in poisonous mushrooms, except for others - in pale leaf. The impact of this poison on the body is extremely destructive - the work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and hearts is paralyzed. There is necrosis of the liver tissue.
Pale gravel containing amatexin

In case of poisoning, the first symptoms appear very sharply after 5 hours or more - depending on the degree of poisoning, its phase can begin even after a day. The state worsens rapidly - bloody diarrhea, terrible pain in the abdominal cavity, the strongest vomiting. Amatsin mushroom poisoning in most cases are severe and require immediate medical intervention.

Three of the four people who picked up this bacterium are dying, even with their hospitalization and treatment. You can get infected from livestock used in agriculture. However, the disease occurs very acute, so foci of infection, if it occurs, it is possible to identify and destroy and destroy together with carriers.
Fencing of the quarantine zone from behind the outbreak of Siberian ulcers


You can know this plant called Boligol, or Omeog. It is a long-scale relative celery and is the carrier of one of the strongest poisons among the plant kingdom. According to the legend, the ancient Greek thinker Socrates was poisoned.

This plant is popular as an instrument of murder. Most often, he is being added to the food victim under the guise of salad. Poisoning leads to strongest convulsions, pains and death. Even if the reassigning survivors, the consequences in the form of amnesia, strong tremor and cloudy reason can pursue it all the remaining life.
Boligol plant containing chamlock

At the beginning of the XIX century, chemlock-based drugs were used as an anesthetic.

This is the main ingredient of the rat poison, the most powerful pesticide. It was synthesized from the seeds of the chilibuch tropical tree, known just like a vomit. For a person, Streamnin will have no less effective impact than in pests - death from a dose of 50 mg may occur for an adult man after half an hour after poisoning.
Strichnina bubble

You can choose Strichnin inhaling His evaporation, applying it to the skin or accepted orally by negligence. Symptoms occur almost immediately - vomiting and painful convulsions.

Strichnin is one of the most popular poisons, often appearing in literary works, cinema and even comics.

The most powerful paralytic poison produced by dinofite algae. The most powerful non-discharge toxin, which has the most complex cell structure for a non-leisure compound produced by a living organism.
Dinoflagellates - Plankton, producing Maitotoxin

In addition, it is the most terrible "marine" poison. His source is essentially plankton. Fortunately, for poisoning, it will require an extremely large concentration of these microorganisms, so the risk to them accidentally poison is actually zero.

Previously, mercury was actively used in thermometers and medical thermometers. At the same time, mercury is the only beaten metal, the poisoning of which can lead to a fatal outcome. Mercury is able to provoke necrosis of tissues, blindness, renal failure, amnesia and paralysis of the central nervous system.
This is what it looks like mercury in liquid state.

An interesting fact: after analyzing the remains of King, Ivan the Terrible scientists came to the conclusion that the last representative of the genus Rurikovich was traveled to mercury for a long time, from which he eventually died.

Another deadly metal, but this time - radioactive. In the past 50 years, there is a popular instrumental murder tool. Alexander Litvinenko, Yaer Arafat, Alexander Goldfarb and others died from poisoning.
Polonium in their natural condition

Polonium-210 250 thousand times more poisonous than syntic acid. For the death of an adult, a man will be enough to get into its body of 10 μg of this isotope. So, for the murder of ten million people will need approximately grams of polonium. As is characteristic, alpha particles of this substance are not able to penetrate the skin, so that for poisoning, it is necessary to get inside the organism, for example, through the respiratory tract or the oral cavity.

This poison is contained in all parts of Cerber trees, named after the Guard of the Gate of the Kingdom of Aida. Even the smoke of this tree can cause serious poisoning. The effect of poison leads to a heart stop.
The fruits of the tree of Cherberry

At Madagascar, until 1861, the reception in the food of the fruits was used in the trials and was a peculiar analogue of the "witch bathing" of medieval Europe. If the accused survived after the reception - was considered innocent, but if he did not survive - it is obvious that the blame can be considered proven.


The most powerful organic poison, neurotoxin. For an adult, a fatal dose will be approximately 0.05 μg. Hitting into the body leads to paralysis and further death.
In such a form, the Budoxin is used in aesthetic medicine

Botox, used in aesthetic medicine - this is Bumpotoxin, except somewhat modified.

Bacteria Clostridium Botulinum, producing butillexin, prefer an airless medium. That is why, penetrating disputes in canned spins, they activate the processes of life, highlighting a deadly poison.


This is a well-known poison of fish fugthor, which is found in Japan Delicates. Finding into the body, Tetrodotoxin leads to a stop of breathing. Antidote does not exist, but the poisoning can be saved, supporting the work of the respiratory organs in an artificial way for some time. Nevertheless, every year several people die in Japan, having poisoned by meat fish fugu. A few more dozen people manage to save.
Fight fish meat contains fatal tetrodotoxin

Fuga fish does not produce Tetrodotoxin, but only accumulates it from the placton consumed by it, the toxicity of some species of which we have already considered before.

Chemical weapons, combat neuro-paralytic gas. It was created in the mid-30s, applied on the battlefield fields of World War II and in the wars of the latest history and large terrorist promotions. It was recognized as weapons of mass lesion.
The demonstration warhead of the American rocket HONEST JOHN, visible containers M139 with zarin (photo of about the 1960s)

This gas has no color, taste and smell. Death from poisoning zarinsky is terrible and very fast. Antidotes exist, however, the complex treatment of poisoned zarin on the battlefield is actually impossible. Zaror is one of the substances prohibited by production and accumulation according to the Convention on the Chemical Weapons adopted in 1997.

This poison produces a small yellow frog, in the tropical forests in the southwest of Colombia, is terrible leisure. The poison highlighted by the skin glands of the frog and serving it by protection from predators is one of the strongest organic non-peculous poisons.
Horrible rapolaz producing batrahotoxin

The effect of poison paralyzes the operation of the respiratory system, muscles and hearts, leading to its stop. Local Indians use this poison, conducting a dart for the brass tube on the back of the frog. After the injury to such a dart, a person dies less than in 10 minutes. Effective antidote does not exist, but scientists today removed the synthetic analogs of batranshhotoxin, twice the more toxic.

One of the strongest phytotoxins. Of particular danger is in the form of an aerosol. In nature, it is contained in castor beans, ticklaith fruits. You probably know another derivative of this plant - castor oil.
Castor beans containing ricin

The toxicity of ricin is 6 times higher than the similar indicator of potassium cyanide. Of course, this substance is used as a weapon. The most resonant case of its application is the murder of the Bulgarian dissident Georgy Markov.

Vi Gaz

A combat poisoning substance VX is the most powerful man-made poison from ever synthesized by man. Weapons based on this gas still consists in arms of the US Army and Russia, although according to official data in 2017, the Army of the Russian Federation completely destroyed its chemical weapons stocks, including VX and its analogues.
This is how the repository of the most terrible chemical weapons looks like on earth

It was this poison in 2017 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, a sum of Kim Jong Yana, the leader of North Korea, was killed.

As you can see, there are quite dangerous substances of organic origin in the world. But the strongest poisons are created by a person. Today there are several international agreements prohibiting the production and condemning the use of chemical weapons. But its reserves are still more important and cases of its use continue to be fixed. How not to become a victim of poisoning by the substances described in this article? Show vigilance when working with various chemical reagents, do not use Fugu fish meat, do not stroke the toad and hope that the "the strong world of this" is enough prudence to never apply any of the arsenal weapons of mass destruction, which is available at their disposal.

October 7th, 2009

If you want to be healthy - do not touch this rubbish, but it is better to go around the other ...
The most deadly pieces of our planet.

Death cap - Destroying Angel. The first physical signs of poisoning are usually nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. After a sense of little discomfort, there is a sharp painful pain, strong vomiting, intense thirst, and the lifestylicity of the limbs, as well as the yellowness of the eyes and the skin as a liver damage. The patient remains conscious to almost the end, with brief intervals of loss of consciousness, then coma and death.

Fish-dog (Pufferfish). The Tetraodontoxin poison is located in the ovaries of this fish and does not destroy during thermal processing. In poisoning, it is difficult to spend, and the respiratory system is rapidly developing, accompanied by a paralysis of the central nervous system. The cause of death is most often cramping or stopping the respiration, which occur within one to two hours after entering the body into the body.

Kleschevin - Castor Beans. Signs of poisoning - bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, cramps, drowsiness, cyanosis, stupor, disruption of microcirculation, blood in the urine, as a result of coma, and death; A poison agent even at low concentrations causes dissolution of red blood cells, hemorrhage develops in serious cases throughout the body. Klecers can also lead to premature births in pregnant women. Opening the corpse of patients who died from ticklaith poisoning, show that vomiting and stools contain blood.

Belladonna. All parts of the plants are deadly poisonous, especially its roots, leaves, and berries. The poison paralyzes the parasympathetic nervous system, blocking the nerve endings.

Poison Gadyuki.. The snake poison affects the blood and the nervous system, less poisons when entering the mouth than in the blood ... The victim of the bite of viper was bleeding from the wound, the temperature rises and chills occurs. Poisoning is accompanied by swelling or hemorrhages above the elbows or knees. These signs usually appear within two hours after the bite. Then fainting, bleeding from the nose and mouth, loss of vision, with the subsequent loss of consciousness. Death caused by cardiorespiratory disorders is inevitable if it does not enter antidote on time.

Barbados Nut or Physical Walnut. The threat is lighted in a deceptive pleasant taste of seeds. However, it should not be seduced - each seed contains at least 55 percent of the active substance "Hell Oil", which blocks protein synthesis in the intestinal wall and can lead to death.

Boligols.. Signs of poisoning are a gradual loss of coordination, accompanied by a rapid and weakened pulse, painful muscles, as they are atrophy and ultimately die away. Although the mind remains clear, vision often worsens until the victim dies as a result of paralysis of the lungs. It is believed that the juice is precisely this plant, and not the cicuts, as previously thought, Socrates was poisoned.

Poison cobra It has mainly neurotoxic effect. His power is enough to cause the death of a person after the first complete bite. In such cases, the frequency of death may exceed 75 percent. However, taking into account all the features of the behavior of the Royal Cobra, as a whole, only 10 percent of bites are becoming fatal for humans.

Dome. All parts of the plant contain poisonous alkaloids. If you hit the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system is striking, causing heart activity disorder and paralysis.

Lily of the valley. Contains a rather high concentration of the heart glycoside, in small doses, it stimulates the work of a weakened heart muscle, but under the overdose leads to arrhythmias and blockade of the electrical conductivity of the heart, which is necessary for its normal abbreviations. All parts of the plant of poisonous are manifolded by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, strong head pain and pain in the opposite area. In severe cases, the rhythm and the heart rate are disturbed, while the pulse, as a rule, becomes rare. Sometimes the nervous system is affected. This is evidenced by the initiation, disorder of vision, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Aconite It has a neurotoxic and cardiotoxic effect. The poisoning is nausea, vomiting, numbness of the tongue, lips, cheeks, fingertips of the fingers and legs, the feeling of crawling goosebumps, the feeling of heat and cold in the limbs. For intoxication, the acromitis is characterized by the transient vision disorder - the sick sees items in green. Also marked salivament, replacing the dry oral cavity, thirst appear, headache, anxiety, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs, loss of consciousness. Breathing rapid, superficial, sudden stop it is possible.

Rhododendron. Contain substances of glucoside character - Andromedotoxin, Ericolin. Andromedotoxin has a local annoying and general narcotic action, first exciting, after the angry central nervous system; Hearts greatly upsets, peculiar, like Veratrina, is striking the muscle. Poisoning develops very quickly. Often, after a few hours after eating leaves and Rhododendron branches, death comes.

Tubokuran-chloride. White crystalline powder, in traumatology sometimes use D-tubocurarian to relax muscles during the reposition of fragments, to refuel complex dislocation ... Side effects from the use of tubocuarine are observed only when it is overdose; In this case, the patient may develop respiratory failure due to the paralysis of the respiratory muscles and as a result of death.

Rhubarb. Jewish can only be in early spring until the air temperature rose above 15-17 ° C. Applic acid prevails early in the rhuber, then its content increases, and oxalic acid is accumulated in hot weather in hot weather: she accumulates Forms poorly derived salts and removes calcium contained in the blood. The consumption of oxalic acid immediately in the amount of 3-4 g is dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. In case of poisoning, vomiting and convulsions may appear, renal failure. In the first two days, death may occur from asphyxia, shock, cardiovascular failure. In the next 2 weeks after poisoning, such severe complications may be observed as acute renal failure, repeated collaps, profuse bleeding, hemorrhagic pneumonia, sprinkling the stomach, which can lead patient to death.

Gila Monster. - Large reptile, with a very beautiful black and orange pattern throughout the body. Latin name of this beautiful lizard - Heloderma Suspectum or Yadozub. On the upper and lower jaw there are grooves, which are suitable channels of highly developed poisonous glands. When teeth bite deeply go into the body of the victim. The bites of the yadeozub are very painful and practically act as well as snake bites. Poison - neurotoxic, that is, when the bite is paralyzing his sacrifice. For small animals, the poison lizards are mortal, in humans, it usually causes very strong swelling, but sometimes it can lead to death.

Croton oil - Liquid derived from CROTON TIGLIUM plant seeds. It has a strong laxative action, irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Even in small quantities (over 20 drops) is dangerous for life. Crotonal is toxic and mutagenic. When inhaling his vapor, the mucous membrane, pharyngitis, cough, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, the occurrence of a shock or unconscious state occurs. Contact directly with liquid leads to severe skin redness, irritation, pain and burn. If poison appears inside, the poisoning of the entire body, damage to the central nervous system, the formation of tumors. In the case of tactile contact, the scarring of the skin is formed.

Digitalis. In our time, the magenta is used for the production of drugs that stimulate the work of the cardiovascular system. Active biological substances from a dimensioner have the property of accumulating in the body and can be harmful or even fatal for a person with a healthy heart. The grass and rhizomes of vyptystyanka are naked toxin digitaline. The poisoning is accompanied by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the pulse becomes rapid and arrhythmical, there is a general weakness and shortness of breath. It is possible to develop seizures before death.

Codeine - Almost transparent, odorless substance with a rather bitter taste, which is available or in powder or in liquid form. When using high doses, like other opiates can cause euphoria. Often, when receiving a large number of tablets of some code-containing drugs, serious poisoning is possible. Due to the fact that under the regular use of Codein there is a phenomenon of addiction (similar to the addicts to the heroine and other drugs of the opiate group), it is released with the same limitations as other narcotic analgesics. In case of severe poisoning, breathing disorders are possible, up to paralysis with a preserved consciousness, as well as a significant drop in blood pressure.

Poisonous octopusBlue Ringed Octopus). Its poison belonging to the group of neurotoxins is so powerful that it is capable of killing an adult, especially if the octopus bites into the neck or to the area close to the spine. Vaccines from his poison simply no

Dimethyl sulfat. It is used in the manufacture of paints, drugs, spirits and pesticides, most of the poisoning from dimethyl sulfate occurs due to fluid leakage or vapor. Signs of poisoning will be stronger than express if alcohol is present. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, headache is present. It is possible to increase the temperature, excitability, pain in the limbs, impairment of vision and hearing, mental disorders. In severe cases, tremor, ataxia, loss of consciousness, parlor-like clonic-tonic convulsions resembling epileptic seizures, coma. In a pathologist study, pronounced vascular disorders and degenerative changes in parenchymal organs, brain and adrenal glands are detected.

Nicotine.It is estimated that the deadly dose of nicotine for a person is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. About 50 - 70 mg for a teenager. Consequently, death may occur if the teenager will simultaneously digivate cigarettes, for in a whole pack, one is one deadly dose of nicotine.

Warthomy. Fish, on the back of which is a series of spikes that produce poisonous toxin. This is the most dangerous of famous poisonous fish and its poison causes strong pain with possible shock, paralysis and fission, depending on the depth of penetration. With the slightest irritation, the wart raises the barbs of the dorsal fin; Sharp and durable, they easily skew the shoes of a person who accidentally occurred on the fish, and penetrate deeply in the leg. With deep penetration, the injection may become fatal for a person if he will not be provided for medical care within a few hours. If the spiny fell into a large blood vessel, death can come after 2-3 hours. Survivors sometimes sick for months. The mixture of proteins, including hemolytic moanstoxin, neurotoxin and cardioactive cardioleptine. Usually, surviving sacrifices suffer from local nerve damage, sometimes leading to atrophy of the attached muscular tissues. The pain can be so strong that injured injuries want to cut off the damaged limb.

Hydrogen sulfide - Colorless poisonous gas heavier than air with an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs. It may be allocated in the process of rotting, accumulates in lowlands. Very toxic. At high concentration, one-time inhalation may cause instant death. At low concentrations, adaptation to the unpleasant smell of "rotten eggs" appears quite quickly, and it ceases to be felt. A sweet metal flavor occurs in the mouth. The first symptom of acute poisoning is the loss of smell. In the future, headaches, dizziness and nausea appear. Sometimes a sudden fainting occurs after a while.

Oleander- A large evergreen shrub. All parts of the plant is poisonous, moreover, it is poisoned by the smoke from the growing plant and the water in which flowers stood. The plant contains a number of cardiac glycosides (oleandrine, cornerein, etc.). The oleander juice used inside causes strong colic in humans and animals, vomiting and diarrhea ... It affects the nervous system (up to coma). Cardiac glycosides cause heart stop.

Fencyclidin(Phencyclidine, PCP) - widely used in veterinary medicine for short-term immunity of large animals. It is noted that it causes dissociated anesthesia. Fencyclicildin is easy to synthesize. Fencyclidine persons are primarily young people and polynarkomans. The true prevalence of Fenziklidine addiction is unknown, however, according to national data, its cases in the United States have become more frequent. Fencyclidine is either taken inward, or smoke, or introduced in / c. It is also used as an additive to the illegally sold deltathetrahydrocannabinol, LSD and cocaine. The most common handicraft preparation of fencycline is called "angel dust." Low doses of Fencycline (5 mg) cause anxiety, excitement, disruption of coordination, dysarthria and anesthesia. Horizontal and vertical nystagm, tides, profuse sweat, hyperactus are possible. Mental disorders include a violation of the body scheme, incoherence of thinking, meryalization and depersonalization. Higher doses (5-10 mg) cause elevated salivation, vomiting, myoclonies, hyperthermia, sopor and to whom. In doses of 10 mg and more phencyclidine causes epileptic seizures, opistotonus and decertainment rigidity, followed by a long coma. Acute psychosis caused by phencyclidine should be considered as an emergency psychiatric state with a high risk of suicide or violent crimes.

Pararty (Parathion) - phosphorodorganic connection - pesticide; When breathing, getting into the gastrointestinal tract or suction across the skin is poisoning. Like some other phosphorodorganic compounds, parathion affects the cholinesterase enzyme, leading to excessive stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. The symptoms of poisoning are headaches, abundant sweat - and salivation, tearing, vomiting, diarrhea and muscles spasms.

TEPP cholinesterase inhibitor - Used mainly as insecticides and can cause poisoning. Symptoms - headache, loss of perception of depth, cramps, sweating, chest pain, swollen, vomiting, total paralysis, involuntary urination and defecation, pressure drop, death.

Thick tree. All parts of the plant poisonous, except for red fruits. Wood, bark and tis leaves contain alkaloid taxin and therefore poisonous for humans and many other animals, although, for example, hares and deer, eat Tis eagerly and without harm to themselves. The older of the needles of Tisa, theover she is poison.

Four chloride carbon (Carbon Tetrachloride) - caustic volatile fluid used in the form of a dry cleaner. When inhalation of its vapor or swallowing leads to a strong damage to the heart, liver and kidney (for example, the patient can develop cirrhosis of the liver or nephrosis), affects the visual nerve and on some other nerves in the human body.

Strychnine - Alkaloid contained in the seeds of tropical plants of the genus Strichnos. It has an exciting effect on the central nervous system, in toxic doses causes typical tetanic cramps ...

Klostridium botulinum (Clostridium Botulinum) is the gram-positive bacterium of the kind of clostridium, the pathogen of botulus - heavy food intoxication caused by botulinum toxin and characterized by the damage to the nervous system. Botulo-oxin accumulates in food products infected by S. Botulunum disputes, if they are germination, if anaerobic conditions are created (for example, when preserving). For a person, botulinum - the most powerful bacterial poison, which is deepening in a dose of 10-8 mg / kg. Disputes C. Botulinum withstand boiling for 6 hours, sterilization at high pressure destroys them after 20 minutes, 10% hydrochloric acid - after 1 hour, 50% formalin after 24 hours. Botulic toxin type A (B) is completely destroyed by boiling for 25 minutes. The billing period during botulism ranges from several hours to 2-5 days (rare up to 10 days). In the first day there is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Next is dominated by neurosimptoms associated with the damage to the nerve centers: disruption of accommodation, bias in the eyes, difficulty swallowing, Aphony. With heavy forms of botulism, death comes from the palee of breathing, sometimes from a sudden stop of the heart.

Calassium cyanide - potassium salt of sinyl acid, chemical formula KCN. Strong inorganic poison. If you get through the digestive tract, the deadly dose for a person is 1.7 mg / kg. Sometimes large doses are transferred, slowing the action is possible when filling the stomach of food. Potassium cyanide is a powerful inhibitor. If you get into the body, it blocks the cell enzyme cytochrome C-oxidase, as a result of which the cells lose the ability to absorb oxygen from the blood and the body dies from Intranate hypoxia.