Our planet is able to surprise. Undoubtedly, pits and holes on the surface of the earth, whether they are man-made or created by nature, have always been unusual. TRAVELASK will tell today about the deepest pits.

Top 1: Kimberlite Tube "Peace" in Yakutia

Even from one glance at this diamond career becomes scary. Imagine that you feel when you stand on his edge. This is one of the deepest quarries in the world, its depth is 525 meters, and the diameter is 1.2 kilometers. True, the prey of diamonds were stopped here in 2001, and now underground mines are being built here, some of them have already been commissioned, since the extraction of the open way is already unprofitable. With the help of such mines, they plan to work out the remains of the reserves of diamonds under quarry.

Top-2: Kimberlite Tube "Big Hole" in South Africa

This is a huge diamond quarry, which is made by hand. It is considered the largest mine in the world, made without the use of special equipment. It is located in the city of Kimberly in (by the way, it is this city and gave names to the rest of the kimberlite tubes in the world).

Now the quarry does not work, but for almost 50 years (from 1866 to 1914), about 50 thousand miners managed to work. They dug out this mine with a shovel and molding, developing a huge amount of diamonds: 2,722 tons.

Career Square is impressive: 17 hectares. In the width, it reaches 463 meters, and in the depth - 240 meters. However, the pit was falling asleep with a blank breed, thereby reducing the depth to 215 meters. Later, the bottom of the "big hole" filled the water.

Today, the quarry attracts tourists, and for the region it creates only problems: after all, its edges can collapse, and on the roads that are laid nearby, it is dangerous to ride. Therefore, the truck has long been forbidden to pass through this territory, and passenger cars recommend choosing other paths.

By the way, it was here that the largest diamonds were found: de Birsa in 428.5 carats, known for its blizzard-white Rhoder-Rhodes in 150 carats, as well as orange-yellow Tiffany in 128.5 carats.

Top 3: Big Blue Hole in Belize

This is one of the most beautiful places on the planet and the main attraction of Belize. Tourists from all over the world come to her. Moreover, despite the fact that a large blue hole is almost 100 kilometers from Belize, diving lovers are still coming here.

Once there were limestone caves that were formed during the last glacial period. After raising the world's level, the camps of the cave simply collapsed, this is also formed this karst funnel.

A blue hole has an almost perfect round shape, surrounded by a white-green speaker on it. It goes to a depth of 120 meters, and with a diameter - 305 meters.

Top 4: Drain in the Montichell Dam

This is the largest hydrainy in the world, see which it is powerful, such a feeling that nothing will remain from the lake for several minutes.

This artificial funnel performs the function of the valve and resets excess water from the dam reservoir.

In fact, this is a gigantic pipe from a concrete depth of about 21 meters. In their form, it resembles an inverted cone with a base of 9 meters and a tip of 22 meters. The pipe displays water on the other side of the dam for about 200 meters, when the reservoir is filled with water.

Top 5: Failure in Guatemala

And this failure was formed simply one day. Just imagine on the night of February 27, 2007, the land on one of the streets of Guatemala simply collapsed. A few houses went to the pit, people died. The depth of this giant funnel was approximately 150 meters, and the diameter is 20 meters.

As showed the results of research of geologists, the causes of this failure - groundwater. And tragedy contributed to the shower, which fell into the city. By the way, some time before the failure, people began to feel strange noises and a hum that emanated from the ground. And this simply washed the soil. Under legs.

And in our top there were no two huge pits created by a person:

The recent opening of the third hole in Siberia was puzzled by many scientists, raised theoretics of the conspiracy, and ordinary people made a new way to look at the stability of the Earth under our feet. The surface of the earth is permeated with holes: Some underwater, some on earth, and some are generally similar to the door to the other world.

Holes in Siberia.

Hole in Earth Yamal Funnel Giant Hole in the Ground Yamal Russia

Most recently, three strange holes were found in Siberia. The first, 50-100 meters in the diameter, was discovered at the bottom of the lake. The second hole, a few kilometers from the first, was only 15 meters wide. The third hole, randomly found by the reindeer herders, was almost the perfect cone-shaped hole of about 4 meters wide and 60-100 meters deep.

The rubber ring and dirt around each hole indicate that massive holes were done by the forces that came from the lands of the Earth and broke out. Of course, curious theories were born and born. Some believe that the appearance of holes is related to the development of gas in this region, but the holes are so far from gas pipelines, which scientists rejected. Other theories include crazy missiles, ads of joker and, of course, extraterrestrial invasion.

The real reason may be more landed, but it is no less strange. One of the working theories about the holes concluded that they are a kind of reverse funnel. In this case, the holes were caused by underground destruction caused by melting of permafrost. Then they were filled with natural gas, and when the pressure was too large, the dirt and garbage broke into the air, instead of falling into the underground space.

According to local residents, the holes are far from new, and scientists, in principle, allow such an opportunity, looking at the vegetation around - they could have been for several years. The second discovered hole with love is called the "end of the world", and its locals allegedly watched in September 2013. Certificate testimony is different: some say that they saw something falling from the sky, others - that the explosion was on Earth.

Kolya ultrahooth well

Not all holes in the earth's crust were formed in natural or unknown reasons. Throughout the 1970-1994, Russian geologists have dug the biggest hole on Earth, which it was possible to imagine in the name of science. As a result, a Kola ultra-dust well appeared, which ultimately reached a depth of 12 kilometers.

Along the way, scientists have discovered a number of curious things. Dig a tunnel through a stone - it's like digging through the story. Scientists found the remains of life that existed on the surface two billion years ago. On an impressive depth of 6,700 meters, biologists have discovered tinnitus of plankton. Although it was expected that a variety of stone types will be discovered on the way down, it is incredible how a fragile organic man has been preserved under gigantic pressure for thousands of years.

Drilling through the untouched stone for calibration turned out to be difficult. Pull out from the field of high pressure and temperatures, the stone samples were deformed after entering out. Pressure and temperature also grew much higher than expected. By the time of reaching 10,000 meters the temperature took off to 180 degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, drilling stopped when it became impossible to fight warmth. The hole is still there, next to the city of Polar, but covered with a metal lid.

German Program of Continental Deep Drilling and Earth Pulse

What Does It Sound Like 6 Miles Under the Earth "S Surface

In 1994, drilling of the German ultra-deep well, originally conceived as one of the most geophysical ambitious projects. The goal of the project is to give scientists the opportunity to study the effects like the consequences of the pressure on rock rocks, the presence of anomalies in the earth's crust, the structure of the bark and how it has been exposed to heat and pressure. The project for 350 million dollars left Windows Windows with a hole in 9100 meters deep and temperature of 265 degrees Celsius.

Among the diverse scientific experiments was one unusual: Dutch artist Lotte Gayevin wanted to know how the planet sounds. Although scientists told her that the planet was silent, Gayevin insisted on his. She lowered the geophon into the hole to record ultrasound waves outside the auditory capabilities of the human ear. After converting data on the computer in the frequency that you can hear, Lotte heard the sounds of the earth. It looked like a thunderstorm sounds at a distance, on a frightening heartbeat.

Cars of Dead Sea Funnels

Nobody knows exactly how many holes appeared around the Dead Sea, but it is believed that about 2500 appeared since 1970, and about 1000 only over the past 15 years. Like holes in Siberia, these holes are signs of environmental changes.

The Merovoy Sea is powered by the Jordan River, and every year less and less water enters it. The sea itself is three times less than what was in the 1960s, and the drainage of the water was the reason for the emergence of funnels, along with the death of resorts and hotels, which once flourished on the shores. When the salty water of the sea is seeping through the ground, it meets fresh water. When this fresh water penetrates into the ground with an elevated salt content, most of the salt dissolves. The earth weakens and begins to collapse.

The Dead Sea has always been in a state of change. Once it was connected to the Galilee Sea, but this connection dried about 18 thousand years ago. Now the changes are more often caused by the actions of people. Water, which once flowed into the sea in a state of fragile equilibrium, is now redirected throughout Jordan and Syria, and the sea receives only 10 percent of the water required to maintain it.

At one time, this sea was a very popular destination for those who committed religious pilgrimage or wanted to heal in the mystical waters of the sea. Now you can more often meet signs warning about the dangers of spontaneously emerging funnels. But there is a bright side: if a funnel swallows you, it will be named in your honor.

Blue hole Dina

The deepest blue hole (so called the holes located under water) is a blue hole of Dean on the bugs. Being 202 meters deep, this blue hole is almost two times deeper than other blue holes, which makes it a favorite place for professional divers.

In 2010, William Tribridge installed a dive record of 101 meters in a hole without external oxygen or other equipment. Brooklyn Diver died, trying to beat this record in 2013, after he stayed under water for more than three and a half minutes, and immediately lost consciousness. Every year more than 30 divers are found in this blue hole to participate in various kinds of contests in the framework of the Vertical Blue event.

Although the hole attracts adventure lovers from all over the world, those who live near the Blue Dina hole, try to stay away from it. According to the legend, this hole was diverted by the devil, and he is still there, grabbing people who dare to dive.

Randomly appearing Mount Boldy holes

In 2013, a six-year-old boy explored the sand dunes of Mount Boldi in Indiana Dunes National Park and was swallowed by a funnel who suddenly appeared under him. The boy was saved after a three-hour test, in which it was buried under the three-meter pration of sand. Since then, other funnels appeared.

Geologists cannot explain the phenomena of Mount Boldi. Since the landscape is represented by sand, which does not create air pockets, none of the conditions necessary for the formation of the funnel is not respected. When a funnel appears, it is filled with sand throughout the day. The use of an underground radar did not reveal any evidence.

A year after the first funnel, they not only continued to appear, but also began to arise with such a frequency that the park was closed. In an attempt to stabilize the sand dunes, the experts landed herbs, hoping that their root system would stop erosion and the displacement of the Earth. Some scientists believe that the instability of sand dunes may have some relevant to their legendary history, which, among others, includes a history of the supply of a huge amount of sand to create Mason cans.

Funnel Devil

The devil funnel is a massive underground chamber located in Edwards, Texas. The opening of 15 meters wide leads to a cavity of 106 meters deep, which is now playing a unique environmental role, being a house for one of the largest famous colonies of Mexican free volatile mice. Visitors who, of course cannot get to the cave can see more than three million bats that fly out of it every night during the summer months.

The history of the funnel is enveloped by the secret. The cave was subjected to raids of treasure crawls and hunters for artifacts before it became a protected object. The tips of the arrows and darts that are found there are dating 4000-2500 BC. e. Later, this funnel served as a shelter for cowboys, who drove to the west on horseback, as well as for people of a darker kind of employment. Most of the history of the funnel was destroyed when producers of ammonia fertilizers began to collect mouse guano in the cave.


The so-called Funnel Soumill - Sawmill Sink is another blue hole on the bugs, which, however, has much more scientific importance than simply attracting extreme athletes. This blue hole was the place of archaeological excavations, which changed the scientific understanding of how the landscape was 1000 years ago.

Funnel Soumill is unique in that one day was dry, and when the water began to rise, began to fill, slowly hiding the bones that were there. The fossils found there include the remains of a giant turtle, which was not even expected to find, as well as birds, seeds and plants that kept green.

Perhaps the most intriguing find was the remains of giant crocodiles, which were believed to be destroyed by people living at that time. In this blue hole also discovered the remains of one of the oldest well-known residents of bugs, which, by different estimates, is about 1050 years.
The island itself is non-microgenic, for the most part consists of dirt, so it is impossible to reach the black hole of Andros without a helicopter and special equipment. For the first time, it was examined by the scientist and diving Steffi Schwab. It was the first crossed the curved ink layer of bacteria. Below was a layer of clean water and another purple layer, which was like jelly.

Strange water layers have a very high level of toxic hydrogen sulfide. They also contain bacteria that not only flourish between water levels, but also retain water conditions over the past 3.5 billion years.

Cave Sundond

Being a technically cave system, Schondong is available and through several large holes on the ground surface. For the first time, it was found in 2009 after one of the holes was discovered by a local farmer. The cave system was so carefully buried in the jungle, which played only a pure luck in the fact that someone found it at all. When members of the British Association of Speleologists entered the hole, they discovered something completely indescribable.

The cave was declared the largest in the world, and it was extremely difficult to explore. It appeared somewhere between two and five million years ago, carved by the underground river in limestone. In some places, erosion reached the surface so close that parts of the roof of the cave collapsed, forming even more holes. These holes missed enough sunlight so that the jungle began to grow in a cave. In addition, in the cave a 60-meter wall of calcite, underground river and waterfalls, as well as stalagmites and stalactites that have grown to 80 meters in length.

These cave jungle also became a house for an impressive recruitment of wild animals, including poisonous multi-ninexes and fish Sig. In some major chambers, whole quarters can fit with skyscrapers; There you can find bamboo forests and a giant pearls. The very fact that the whole lost world was opened only in 2009, reminds us, the residents of the Earth, that the planet is still far from being studied for a hundred percent.

Incredible facts

Imagine that you are calmly walking down the street, how suddenly the earth begins to shake and a huge hole is suddenly formed under you. This is not a horror movie scenario, but a phenomenon called karst Voronk.which can achieve incredible sizes and absorb everything that turns out to be on the surface.

The other day in the state of US Florida, a 37-year-old man absorbed a huge holethat opened right in his bedroom while he slept.

Karst Voronk approximately 6 meters wide and a depth of more than 15 meters He led to the collapse of the concrete floor in the house.

Five other people in the house heard a loud sound and cries of a man, but they were not injured. The victim of Jeff Bush (Jeff Bush) was most likely not survived, after it fell under the ground.

Karst Voronk

Carst funnel, which suddenly opened in Florida is a phenomenon that meets more often than we think. What causes them and how dangerous are they?

Most karst funnels form when acid rain water gradually dissolves limestone and other soil breeds, leaving a huge void, which leads to the collapse of what is on the surface, be something open field, road or house.

The collapse can occur suddenly, and may simply lead to gradual sedimentation of the soil or the formation of small reservoirs and salt marshes.

Holes formed from karst funnel are found everywhere, especially in the USA, China, Mexico and Papua - New Guinea.

The biggest holes in the ground

Here are some photos of huge holes, swallowing the streets, sidewalks and buildings around the world.

1. Plateau Sarisarmama, Venezuela

Sarisariñama Plateau is located in the Jaua-Sarisarinama Park in Venezuela and is one of the mysterious and beautiful natural wonders of the world. There are several failures on the plateau diameter up to 350 meters and a depth of 350 meters.

Each hole developed its own ecosystem with unique animals and plants.

2. Failure in Berezniki, Russia

The failure in Berezniki was formed in 1986 as a result of the accident at the mine, and every year the situation was only aggravated. In 2007, the sizes of the failure at the first mine were 80 to 20 meters, and depth up to 200 meters. By the end of August 2012, the fourth funnel increased to size 103 per 100 meters.

3. Hole in Guatemala

In February 2007, in Guatemala Karst Funnel 100 meters deep Missed more than a dozen houses. More than 100 people were evacuated, and three people died. The hole became the result of corrosion of the sewer system deep beneath the surface. The failure was accompanied by loud sounds, and an unbearable smell came out of the hole.

In 2010, another hole formed in Guatemala 18 meters width and 60 meters deep.

4. Bimmy, Oman

Bimmah funnel is a limestone crater, which is now a popular tourist attraction in Oman.

Other failures in the land

5. In May 1981, a giant hole was formed during the day in the winter park in Florida, the United States. The city turned this area into the city lake.

6. In 1995, Karst Funnel 18 meters depthThe size of 60 45 meters absorbed two houses in San Francisco.

7. In the city of Daisetta, Texas in the United States, a relatively small 6-meter failure has expanded to 270 meters per day.

8. In November 2003, rescuers had to pull out a bus in Lisbon, Portugal, after he fell into the hole 9 meters depthWhat was allegedly caused by pouring rains.

9. In March 2007, the road failed to the underground network of caves in the southern Italian city of Gallipoli.

10. In September 2008, the road collapsed, forming a failure 5 meters deep and 10 meters width In the province of Guanzhou, China.

11. In May 2012, in the province of Shaanxi, China was formed on the road long 15 meters, 10 meters width and 6 meters deep.

12. Another road in this province failed in December 2012, which led to the formation of a hole with a depth of 6 meters and a width of 10 meters.

The processes that occur within our planet are not yet fully studied. Therefore, sometimes the earth surprises us with phenomena, which often cause fear and horror. Especially frighten the inhabitants of the planet of the holes of incredible sizes, appearing in different parts of the world in the forests, mountains and under water. Tourists, on the contrary, seek such places to see such an impressive spectacle as a big hole, and solve the mystery of her occurrence.

The emergence of some funnels scientific world can easily explain, but others still remain a mystery to our contemporaries. In the article, we collected the most famous funnels in the earthly crust, claiming the title of "the biggest hole in the world." So, what are they - the gate in the abyss?

The most terrible legends go about this place, because annually it takes a few shower of divers who come here in order to enjoy dives without scuba. A large hole belongs to the state Belize and is located in the Caribbean within the most beautiful coral reef.

Keep in mind that the diameter of a large blue hole is three hundred and five meters, and its depth exceeds one hundred and twenty meters. Scientists argue that a funnel was formed as a result of the collapse of limestone caves, which arose in the last ice age.

If you consider the funnel from the air (and this is quite often wealthy tourists), it seems to be a huge right shape of a deep blue hole on the background of turquoise water. From this spectacle captures the spirit, because the feeling is created that you fly over the abyss, ready to instantly tighten everything alive.

By the way, divers here are really often dying. This is associated with the system of treads, during which waterways, pulling in black hole, are formed on the surface of a large blue hole, which falls into this raging stream. If you have a boat with tourists at this moment at this moment, they may not return home.

Divers big hole attracts like a magnet, because most of them are engaged in recreational dives. During this lesson, the diver delays her breath for several minutes and immersed on the highest possible depth. Divers say that such dives are accompanied by incredible emotions, but they can destroy the brave. When the breath is delayed, the heart begins to beat everything slower, and endorphins are thrown into the blood. As a result, the diver loses the orientation in space and may, without having calculated the forces, die.

Gate to hell

An incredibly terrible big hole is located in the desert Karakum. It was formed in the seventies of the last century, and the locals dubbed her "gates to hell." And it is worth recognizing that it is not for nothing.

Near the village of Darwaz in 1971, intelligence work was carried out for the presence of natural gas. The first test drilling presented a surprise - all the equipment failed to break down the cavity, and several hundred cubic meters of gas broke out outwardly. Geologists, having consisted, decided to fully burn gas. But through the planned ten days the fire did not go out and continues to burn until now!

It is not known how much more gas is in this field, but the flame is raging in this hole during the day and night. For this spectacle to Turkmenistan, hundreds of tourists come to Turkmenistan, they tell how terribly the failure looks at night, when a lot of kilometers around the hole around this sinister hole. Not every traveler who came to the desert for the gates to hell, risks approach them close. After all, a similar picture remains in memory for a long time and then often comes in nightmarish disturbing dreams.

Heavenly pit: the deepest carcass fail in the world

The heavenly pit in China may claim the title of "the deepest funnel in the world." It goes deep into the earth by more than six hundred meters. This attraction is located in the area of \u200b\u200bChongqing and has long become a favorite place for jumpers.

Interestingly, the heavenly pit formed for several hundred thousand years. It represents almost two failures, the bottom of which is narrower and winding than the top. Many tourists come here in the rainy season, then the fantastic spectacle flowing around the walls of water resembling waterfalls is opened in front of them. At this point you can forget that the times of dinosaurs have long passed. After all, the landscape is surprisingly reminding the distant Jurassic period.

Big black hole Andros

This terrible place is on the bugs. At the shores of South Andros is a failure, the supposed depth of which is one hundred meters. The diameter of the hole exceeds three hundred meters, but the color of the water inside the funnel is close to black and purple, which inspires to tourists some superstitious horror.

In fact, the color of the funnel attes bacteria that are located dense layers at different depths. Immersion to the Great Black Jamu Andros is extremely dangerous, because the bacterial layer has a jelly-like consistency and warms water to forty degrees Celsius. Until today, all cave holes have not yet been investigated, their study may bring the scientist a lot of new knowledge about our planet.

Devil Funnel: the most mysterious hole on the planet

In Texas, there is the most unusual of all holes on Earth. It is a practically smooth hole with a diameter of fifteen meters, its depth is approximately one hundred six meters. Now this hole is home to a large colony of bats. At night, the crowds of tourists arrive at the Devil's funnel at night, to see how three million bats fly out from under the ground. This is a spectacle not for people with weak nerves!

Surprisingly, the archaeologists found invaluable artifacts in the hole. For example, the arrows raised on the surface dated the fourth millennium to our era. What attracted people in this place is unknown. Now excavations in this funnel are not conducted, but scientists are confident that she is in itself a lot of secrets and mysteries.


In the sands of the foot of Mount Boldi a few years ago, killer holes appeared, which arise suddenly and literally the next day turn out to be completely filled sand. Everyone who gets into the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole turns out to be tightened into it. For the first time, an eleven-year-old boy came to such a trap, who was still able to save from the multi-meter stratum of sand.

Scientists have not yet explained the origin of the wandering holes, no geological processes in the world do not correspond to the characterization of the data of the funnel. In addition, they are so deep that they could not even be measured. To date, terrible wandering holes are a mystery of nature, which is able to take away their lives from anyone who will be within the reach of the mysterious funnel.

All the big holes, the photos of which we led in the article are magnificent creatures of nature. They affect the imagination, and sometimes look extremely frightening. But always these places symbolize how small and weak people are compared to the forces hidden in the depths of our beautiful blue planet.

In the Dervel area, located in the Karakum desert of Turkmenistan, there are huge deposits of natural gas. During test drilling in 1971, in the vicinity of Kyzylgar, an uncontrolled drop in the pressure in the deposits occurred. This caused the formation of a failure, the diameter of which reaches 70 m, and the depth is 20 m. To normalize the situation and get the opportunity to continue the work, the gas was decided to set fire to gas.

It was assumed that he would proceed for several days, but the field was huge and burning is constantly ok. 40 years. Such a unique attraction, called the "Gates to Hell", regularly leads to the thirsty adventures of tourists.

2. Morning Glory Pool, Yellowstone National Park, USA

The most famous and not only in Yellowstone Park, but also in the world. Its depth, on authoritative estimates, approx. 7 m, but the temperature is up to 70 ° C. The uniqueness of color is provided by bacteria living in local water. It is a pity, but this unique phenomenon has seriously suffered because of ignorant tourists.

They are thrown into the source of the coin that, allegedly, brings good luck. However, this leads to clogging of spring replenishing the pool with water. And as a result, its volume decreases, which affects changes in the chemical composition and violates the ecology of microorganisms.

3. Copper mining mine in Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA

Bingham Canyon Mine, is in Utah. Mine extends for as many as 1200 meters deep into the land - the deepest quarry in the world. Air flows above the shaft are so confused and dangerous that the flights on the helicopter over the mine are prohibited. In addition, it is the largest on our planet, made by man.

Continuously, since 1906, from this hole 4 km wide, the copper ore is extracted, from which, in addition to the red metal, molybdenum, silver and gold are also extracted. Since 1966, Bingham Canyon Open Pit Copper Mine (as the official name sounds) is one of about 2.5 thousand national historical monuments of the United States.

4. Diamond Mine in Peace, Russia

Located on the medium-grained elevation, the city is peaceful mysterious object. This is not only the most huge, and second in the world (in depth), quarry. The hole is OK. 1200 m in diameter and approx. 525 m depth. To get by car from the surface of the Earth to the deeper point you need to spend up to two hours !!!

In 1957, in this place, work began on diamond mining. There were years when it was mined to 2 million carats per year. The biggest gem, which was found in the mine in 1980, weighed 342.5 carats.

Interesting fact:

As in Bingham Canyon Mine, it is forbidden to use a helicopter. Aerial vortices arising in the mine are able to tighten it inside, as it happened several times.

5. Diamond Mine Diawik, Canada

Not more than 300 km from Canadian Yellowunaf is Diavik Diamond Mine. This is one of the most interesting workings in the world. Built at the beginning of the XXI century, this diamond mine is located on the island in the middle of Lake Lac de Gras, 220 km south of the Polar Circle.

The entire infrastructure occupies almost 50% of the island's surface. In winter, they get to the mine in the ice road - this is the only convenient way of exporting mined stones and transportation of the necessary supply mine. Airport with a semi-kilometer runway, which has a mine, can take aircraft with Boeing-737.

Diavik Diamond Mine began work in January 2003 and already 4 months after that, its mining exceeded a million carat. On average, during the year, about 8 million carats of the most valuable mineral were mined here. In 2012, the extraction of the open way decided to stop. From that time, diamonds are mined here only underground.

6. Funnels in Guatemala

In the city of Guatemala, the capital of the Central American state with the same name, there are already two terrible and at the same time amazing holes in the ground. The first funnel appeared in 2007. Residents felt the vibration that was interpreted as an earthquake.

In fact, due to the flow of drainage and sewer pipes under the city, the road failed, forming a decrease in 100 m deep. In the accident killed 2 people, and thousands were evacuated. The second hole appeared three years later. Its diameter was 20 m, and the depth is 30 m. 3-storey building was buried in it. A hurricane of agate, earthquake and sewerned soil led to the catastrophe.

7. Blue Hole, Belize

Located in the middle of the Lighthouse Reef atoll, about 80 km from Belize City, the world's largest natural water tank. And, in addition, one of the beautiful places of our planet at the same time. This is a catch of more than 124 m deep and diameter approx. 300 m.

The vertical walls of this cave go to the depth of about 35 meters, where the well expands to a huge cave rich in such scaling formations as stalactites. The transparency of water reaches here 60 m, which makes this place perfect for snorkeling.

8. Karst funnels on the Dead Sea coast, Israel

Not far from Ein-Gedi's Dead Sea located on the coast of the Dead Sea, however, no such impressive hole in the ground, as mentioned earlier. But, but we will find there more than 3 thousand karst funnels of different sizes scattered along the coast. Experts believe that their number may double in the near future, as some part has not yet opened.

These forming moon landscape geological forms arise due to the constant absence of a sufficient amount of groundwater, widely used by people. The increase in the number of tourists visiting this unique place due to thousands of holes, partially filled with water, contributes to a constant shortage of water, which leads to the formation of the following funnels.

9. Natural funnel Heavenly Pit, China

In the Chinese mountains Qiyao, in the province of Chongqing, there is the largest natural funnel in the world. The unique formation of Xiaozhai Tiankeng, the age of which is determined in 128 thousand years, is called Heavenly Pete - "Heavenly Bible".

This is a funnel with a depth of 342 meters. The walls of this big hole smooth, as if disheveled. Standing at her day, it seems that I got into a gigantic well. This place is popular among athletes and lovers of extremal jumps.

10. Diamond Mine in Kimberly, South Africa

Located in South Africa, The Big Hole, "Big Hole", as otherwise called the mine in Kimberly is one of the biggest holes created by human hands. In the period from 1871 to 1914, more than 50 thousand people dug it, having only Kirk and the intercessors at their disposal. With this work out, 2720 kg of diamonds were obtained for the designated period.

She herself reached a depth of 240 meters and formed a funnel with a diameter of 463 m. When this method of production has become too dangerous, the mine was closed, and its bottom of 25 meters filled with garbage. Already 100 years in this funnel is going to water, the color of which creates an amazing impression. Currently, the depth of this unique lake is about 40 meters.