The Roman philosopher Seneca argued that it is possible to cultivate a feeling of hatred for life only with the help of two things: laziness and apathy. There is no person who does not experience fatigue, a painful feeling of inner emptiness, detachment and reluctance to take any action. These are symptoms of apathy, a severe mental state that for some time “knocks you out” of the usual schedule of life, makes you feel lost, lonely, causes not only physical passivity, but also indifference to any aspects of daily life, to other people.

It is important not to confuse the state of apathy with depressive state, because depression is complicated mental disorder, during which apathy can be only one of the symptoms. In most cases, apathy is an excellent indicator of intrapersonal problems and conflicts. If you do not want to one day be overtaken by constant complete apathy towards life, then the time has come for you to get to know the reasons for its occurrence, learn its symptoms, and also arm yourself with knowledge on how to overcome this negative condition.

The term “apathy” was first used in ancient times, but with a completely different meaning. Apathy was considered the highest human virtue and was a sign of a certain detachment and asceticism characteristic of a true sage.

our time is apathy different directions psychology means a negative state that brings psychological discomfort to a person’s life. Apathy towards life appears suddenly, and often a person does not understand its causes and does not know what to do.

Apathy has various causes; knowledge of them provides the basis for searching for tools to get rid of this dangerous condition. Analyze the main causes of apathy to know what to do next:

Normally, a state of apathy is a warning signal of deeper problems. She talks about the need to stop and think about qualitative changes in your lifestyle and emotional state.

How to determine that this is apathy?

Observe yourself, if you find some of the indicated symptoms in your behavior and feelings, then you may have apathy.

  • Closedness. You do not want to communicate or even see other people; any forced contacts cause a range of negative emotions, the desire to run away and hide from the whole world.
  • Passivity. You are plagued by constant fatigue and reluctance to do anything. Habitual professional and activities and household chores fade into the background, you don’t want to do anything. The daily routine changes, constant insomnia torments, which is replaced by daytime sleepiness.
  • You not only do not want to do anything, but you feel physical weakness, which causes drowsiness and does not allow you to lead your usual lifestyle. It is difficult for you to even speak expressively.
  • Emotional coldness. Manifestations of emotions and feelings become monotonous and inexpressive. The general emotional background is negative, the facial expression is gloomy, the look is sad and downcast. There is a weak reaction to the emotions of other people, they simply cease to be of interest. Moreover, you feel that there are no specific reasons for this condition.
  • Indifference. An indifferent attitude towards oneself arises appearance, you may spend the whole day in bed, feeling sleepy, ignoring food and hygiene procedures. There is a passive reaction to any requests and wishes from other people.

Take action

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, which are common causes of apathy, can disappear without a trace on their own, without the use of special methods or seeking help from specialists. Perhaps your body just wanted to rest and apathy expressed its fatigue and oversaturation. But if these symptoms do not disappear for several weeks, and other symptoms are added to them, then you should seek help from professional psychologist. But first, try to get out of this state yourself using the following actions:

  • Find reasons. Think about why you might be feeling apathetic. Since it is the surface of the problem, try to find the root that could lead to this condition. If the reason is hard work, consider changing your field of activity or taking a temporary vacation. If you are surrounded by “difficult” people, try changing your social circle. New solutions will give internal forces, and you will have more energy for further actions.
  • Try to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Change your diet, take up any sport: fitness, swimming, cycling, running or visiting gym. Take a course of therapeutic or relaxing massage. Such procedures will fill your body with new energy, balancing the physical and mental stress on the body.
  • Plan your day. Make a schedule of your daily activities for a month. If you manage to take a vacation, then fill these days with meetings with pleasant people, new activities and creativity. You can also start unusual repairs.
  • Try to compare your life with the lives of other people. Look beyond the boundaries of your own life and pay attention to how many people live in more complex life circumstances. Find out what help your local needs orphanage and provide assistance based on your capabilities.
  • Go on a trip. If you have such an opportunity, then a radical change of circumstances would be an excellent option. Go on a trip abroad or just to your dacha, where you will be surrounded by other people and things. But don’t forget, this is not an escape from problems, but giving new colors to life.

How to deal with apathy and depression, video:

Take a test for depression, Beck scale (free) >>>

And the only thing you do with pleasure is sit in front of the TV all day, hugging some high-calorie “yummy”. Extra folds appear on your stomach, but you won’t find extra clean socks in the house.

If you don’t pull yourself together in time, getting out of this state without outside help will be very difficult.

What do we have to do? Identify the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner and try to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body.

While watching the news, I came across an article from about what to do when you don’t feel like doing anything. That is, when motivation has disappeared and even in order to, you need a kick. I can’t say that I am in such a situation, but sad thoughts began to visit me more and more often. And this doesn't necessarily apply to work. This may apply to home life, sports, and a once-favorite hobby.

And if you can survive cooled feelings for your favorite hobby and this will not have any particularly unpleasant consequences, then with work and personal life things are much more serious. This is where you really need to take action.

So, there may be several reasons for loss of motivation. And solutions, accordingly, too.

Social exclusion

An experiment was conducted at one of the universities: students were asked to write on pieces of paper the names of those people from the group with whom they would like to work. And then, ignoring what was written, one part was told that they had been chosen, and the second - that no one wanted to deal with them.

As a result, the “outcasts” stopped monitoring their behavior and...

If you restrain yourself and behave according to the rules, then you should receive some kind of reward for this. Social, of course. And if you adapt to those around you, but they still don’t want to deal with you, then why take care of yourself and change your behavior?

The conclusion is obvious and logical. In addition, the hands of students who were supposedly not chosen by anyone were more likely than others to reach for the jar of sweets. Thus they tried to take a bitter pill.

Other studies have shown:

When you feel rejected by the world, you can't solve puzzles, you become difficult to work with, and your motivation level drops to zero.

All you can do is engage in self-destruction: drink, smoke or indulge in sweets. You lose control of yourself and literally lose yourself.

Ignoring physical needs

According to another study, the feeling of lack of motivation may arise due to... Typically, people who are up to their necks in work rarely eat right. Lunches at fast foods or snacks on dry sandwiches and office cookies, a hearty late dinner, and breakfast is skipped by default.

The scientists carried out their experiments in court over a period of 10 months. As a result, before lunch, judges gave suspended sentences to only 20% of the accused, while at the hearings immediately after the lunch break, the percentage of the lucky ones increased to 60%. Before lunch, the judges' blood sugar levels were low, which had an impact on their thought processes and emotional state.

That is, the problem in this case is not mental suffering, but a banal lack of sugar in the blood. Baking makes you feel better. Does mustard make you sad? ;)

The burden of responsibility for making decisions

Motivation problems can also arise due to the burden of responsibility for making decisions. Moreover, it can be as vital important decisions, and the most banal “what to buy for dinner.”

Sometimes these small everyday decisions add up a lot, and as a result, your nerves get lost and you start making irrational decisions.

For example, you start buying things without much need.

This condition is different from physical fatigue. You may experience a lack of mental energy, while your physical condition is fine. And the more decisions (important or simple) you need to make during the day, the more tired you will feel.

How to deal with this?

If you feel like you are being ignored and don't want to deal with you, the best way is to talk to that person (group of people) and find out what exactly is bothering you. There may be a misunderstanding that can be resolved in a matter of seconds. Sometimes the problem is much deeper and needs to be worked on. And sometimes you just come across people with whom you are incompatible, and there is nothing you can do about it.

The only way out is change the environment. In any case, we need to talk. Without asking a question, you will never know the answer. It is better to know that you are truly disliked than to be in the dark and constantly guess.

In the second case, the solution is trivial - just start take care of yourself and eat normally. As soon as you stop skipping breakfast, your mood will improve.

And in the third option you need to try at least once make your own “decision-making schedule for the day” and leave at least two windows in it for relaxation. When you know what you will need to decide and when, it becomes less burdensome.

In any case, you need to look for a way out of the situation. And, of course, everyone has their own.

If I find it difficult to determine whether I want to do something or whether I am satisfied with the work in the form in which it is now, I try to clear my head and at least on the weekends. Sometimes this is quite enough for a surge of energy and optimism.

Sometimes it happens that just starting to tell someone about your work, you suddenly realize that it is really interesting and you really like it. I don’t know if reverse causation works here, but you can’t talk about what’s boring with fire in your eyes. So you're just tired and all you need is just get a little rest.

And finally, the last thing. All people are selfish by nature and, accordingly, I do not know a single person who would not be flattered by praise. Of course, praising yourself isn't all that great. But if I hear sincere praise from a stranger, I understand that I am doing what I like, and at the same time helping others. Therefore, if you see that a person is trying and succeeding, don't skimp on praise. Maybe you are just saving someone from losing motivation.

The state of not wanting to do anything is not uncommon. Many people live their lives “through not wanting”, without trying to change anything. They go to unloved job, they don’t live with the person they would like, they wear clothes that they don’t like. And they are not going to fix anything. And sometimes you don’t even want to get up from the couch. In fact, there are always reasons for this.

What is the reason for apathy and unwillingness to do anything?

Conduct an analysis of the quality of your life. How do you spend your time, with whom? What do you eat? Maybe you spend your nights on computer games or useless communication in social networks? And during the day, you simply have no energy left for anything. Or maybe you are a night owl and have to get up for work at 5 am? An incorrect daily routine and a violation of the biological clock will sooner or later lead to psychological and physical problems.

Perhaps there are people around you who never tire of complaining about their lives, shifting their endless worries onto you. Who often expose you to stress with their news, accomplishments, and behavior. This could be the parents with whom you live (the most common case), or problems at school/work. To cope with stress, the body has to expend large reserves of energy. And when such people are constantly around, you reach emotional burnout.

Think about what you eat? Healthy food promotes health and increased energy levels. Harmful - slows down metabolism, causes diseases, takes away energy, disfigures the body. You ate hamburgers, washed it down with cola, lay down on the sofa and wondered - why don’t I want to do anything? Because all the body’s forces were directed to fight junk food and digest it. Therefore, when in Once again I want to eat tasty food in fast food - show willpower and come up with something else.

Or maybe the reason is that you are not doing what you want? A person is designed in such a way that he moves towards a goal rapidly, and only if he really needs the goal. It is to him, and not to the boss, parents, society, etc. Only if this goal evokes those feelings for which he is ready to move forward - joy, pride, satisfaction, etc. It happens that self-doubt, probably past failures or mistakes, prevents you from moving towards your desired goals. Such an experience puts a burden on the shoulders and the person becomes despondent and gives up.

Banal laziness is also inherent in people. For some this is a temporary feeling, for others it is a chronic condition. It is justified by a lack of stimulus, emotional fatigue, and lifestyle. And the question often arises - I don’t want to do anything at all, I rest all the time, but why do I feel tired? The fact is that at these moments you experience a lot of feelings - guilt, shame, anger that time was wasted. But they could do so many useful things. Experiencing all these thoughts and feelings takes a lot of energy, hence the fatigue. To get rid of this stream of thoughts, you can practice stopping the internal dialogue, which the famous esotericist E. Tolle describes in his books.

Absence physical activity slows down circulation chemical substances in organism. How longer person spends time in a passive state, the less energy is generated in it. Therefore, a passive lifestyle also leads to apathy. Go to workouts at least twice a week to keep yourself in shape, and after a few months you will notice not only physical, but also mental results.

What exactly should you do if you don’t feel like doing anything?

Try for a while to stop struggling with the state when you don’t want anything in life, and especially think about how to live if you have lost interest in everything that is happening. Just imagine what your body would like. Where, how or with whom you can feel pleasant emotions, something that will awaken your energy and bring pleasure. What can inspire you? Often the reason lies in emotional exhaustion. Tired of a monotonous life... Sometimes it’s enough to just relax in nature. Forest, sea, picnic on the grass in the park - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to think about anything and just enjoy the gifts of nature.

The state of not wanting anything can also be seasonal blues. In this case, meeting with friends (of course, if you have them) helps a lot. This great option how to shake yourself up. Think about who you would really like to spend time with and, most importantly, how.

Release the negativity. Stay alone with yourself and “digest” your emotions, attitude towards yourself and others. Think about why exactly this feeling arose, when did it arise? What could influence this to resolve the situation? Immersed in my true feelings, you can get rid of resentment and anger. Having cleared yourself of negative emotions, interest in life will find its way back.

Apathy that arises in a situation where a person has to do something he doesn’t like will come back again until you either change your job or understand what it really is interesting activity and I don’t want to leave him at all. This happens when you start telling your interlocutor about your activities, you realize that in fact everything is not so bad, the work is interesting, the income is good and the schedule is convenient. And disadvantages will be present in any job, this cannot be avoided.

Engage in a noble cause - this could be helping orphans or elderly people in nursing homes. When you share kindness and care, in return you receive a charge of positive emotions and energy recharge.

Banal laziness can sometimes be overcome by acting “through I don’t want to.” Gritting your teeth, using force, you “scrape” off the couch and start working. Just as appetite arises during eating, inspiration strikes during moments of activity. Plan your day, go in for sports, or at least start with exercise. I promise that you will enjoy the fact that you can overcome your laziness.

My husband doesn’t want to do anything - what’s the right thing to do?

If your husband plainly states, “I don’t want to achieve anything in life,” try to talk and find out the reason for the apathy. What could have influenced this? If a man does not need anything, only he himself or the advice of a psychologist can help himself. Still, achievements for a man are the basis of his activities.
In a family with a lack of initiative husband who does nothing for the family, all worries are automatically transferred to the woman. Think it might be worth contacting a specialist? Indeed, in such a situation, help is needed not only for him, but also for you. Perhaps a change in your behavior will affect his condition.

Teenage child wants nothing

One of the most common reasons Mothers turn to a psychologist when a child or adult son/daughter does not want to do anything. Mom suggests or even enrolls on her own initiative in clubs, sport sections, training courses– the child does not show the slightest interest.

Analyze the situation. When did this start, did your child show desires at 7 years old? What did he want at age 8? Children are not born without an interest in the world. But often they don’t want what their mother dreamed of. A child is enrolled in a music school, loaded with learning languages, and he wants to play the drums, for example. Of course, mom is horrified by the sound in the house, the topic is closed.

Often the reason why a child does not want to do anything is precisely because the mother is too proactive and involved. It happens that a 10-year-old child simply does not have enough time to want something; he is busy with things that his mother has occupied him with.

Also, the reason for lack of interest comes from permissiveness. The child wanted something, asked, and it was immediately provided to him. He doesn't have time to live this dream, this anticipation. Accordingly, getting what he wants instantly, he cannot experience vivid emotions and quickly loses interest in it. And gradually there is no need to become anything anymore.

I don't want to do anything around the house. Conversations about the eternal.

The sight of the same walls and furniture becomes boring, and you no longer want to do anything around the house. Try updating your environment. This is not something global; you don’t need to immediately tear off the wallpaper and dismantle the floors. Sometimes it’s enough just to move the sofa to another corner or hang a new shelf, change the tablecloth or curtain in the bathroom. And now, the house is already different, playing with new colors. Changing the environment in your home greatly changes your thinking. Tested by experience.

The desire to do household chores disappears due to constant stay in it. Being a homebody is a lifestyle that many people enjoy. And there's nothing wrong with that if it's fun. And if not, it’s time to get out of the den. Think, maybe it’s high time to visit friends, parents, the theater or the dentist? Plan a week of travel, and you won’t notice how much you miss your home. And the question “why don’t I want to clean the apartment” will disappear on its own.

So, summarize. Prolonged apathy turns into depression. This dangerous condition, which is a complete loss of interest in everything that is happening. Physiologically, this is manifested by intestinal upset and headache. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe adequate treatment for such a diagnosis. Inaction is dangerous with serious illnesses and suicide. Therefore, we recommend that you recapitulate your life and your habits, and if it is difficult for you to do this, contact a specialist. Nowadays, the problem of laziness is being solved quite confidently.

Who hasn't had a day when you didn't want anything? Neither getting up for work in the morning, nor meeting with friends, nor watching your favorite movie, or even your favorite dish evokes emotions... what to do if you feel apathy towards everything? Fight overwhelming laziness before it turns into depression!

Apathy: what to do if you don’t want anything?

Getting out of a situation requires effort, but what comes easy? When it is impossible to force yourself to act, you should listen to your body and really stop. Sometimes taking a break from the frantic pace of life and thinking is also very useful.

Step one

Step two

Define your life goals. Think about what you really need, and not about what others expect. Are you doing what you love? Do you have interesting hobby? If not, there is no need to be even more upset. On the contrary, this is a reason to find something you like and realize yourself! It happens that a person gets so used to being what others want to see him that he loses himself. For example, you work as an accountant, while all your life you have dreamed of becoming a dentist. The result will inevitably be a feeling of apathy. The same can be said about your personal life.

Step three

Take action. If you can’t “sort out” your problems on your own, you should seek the help of specialists. Good psychologist will help find a way out of their current situation. Under no circumstances should you hesitate! After all, a person’s moral state is closely related to his physical state. Therefore, a person who is overcome by apathy and does not know what to do if he doesn’t want to do anything may begin to be bothered by headaches or chronic sores may “climb out.” Do you need it?

Step four

Change of scenery. If global causes for an apathetic state no, but laziness overcomes more and more - yes the right way fight her. This is a trip. To relatives or friends, to another city or even country. New impressions associated with travel will not leave room for gloomy thoughts. Can't leave for some reason? Change something around you! Move the furniture in your room, hang new curtains in the kitchen, change your hairstyle or update your wardrobe. And the apathy will go away by itself!

Step five

Get started new life. Add something unusual to your routine, something you have never done before. For example, attending yoga classes or driving courses, morning jog or selfless good deeds. Meet new people, go to an exhibition or a movie.

  • Nothing. Allow yourself a day of laziness and relaxation of soul and body - no phones, email, social networks, etc. Only good films, delicious tea, favorite dishes and a warm blanket. But, only one day of such a relaxing regime. Then - back to business, but without sad thoughts.
  • Get a pet. A cat or a hamster, or maybe an exotic chameleon? Small (or not so), but funny pets have an amazing ability to give positivity and get rid of bad thoughts.
  • Do something crazy. Have you dreamed of skydiving? Today is the best day to make your wish come true! The adrenaline rush is a reboot for the whole body.
  • Relax in nature. Having gathered all your strength, force yourself to go out of town to the forest or just go to the park. It doesn’t matter the time of year - feel the healing beauty of the world around you - flowers, birds, butterflies, trees, snowflakes. It really works!

Be happy!

What is apathy? First of all, apathy is psychological problem caused by excessive fatigue nervous system. Giving a definition is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In psychology, apathy is a decline in physical and mental strength, extreme fatigue, lethargy. The origin of this term is closely related to the science of psychology. When people began to pay attention to emotional experiences, the concept of apathy arose.

A person’s emotions are constantly changing; this is a completely normal phenomenon, without which no development is possible. When you are not in the mood, it means that some external event or internal processes influenced you. A feeling of apathy sometimes occurs even in cheerful and self-confident individuals. When they discover signs of a phobia, they become frightened and confused. There is no need to immediately try to remove emotional weakness; you need to understand why this happened, and then try to overcome it. The fight against apathy must be a meaningful and thoughtful step.

The state of apathy is characterized by loss of interest in what is happening, emotional weakness, loss of strength, and indifference to everything. Getting out of the state of indifference and universal sadness is not easy, but it is possible. To do this, you need to enlist the support of loved ones and it is better to contact a specialist. Complete apathy towards life is extremely rare and rather indicates that the person is too confused and does not know what to do.


An apathetic state always attracts attention. As a rule, recognizing it is not particularly difficult. If loved one will begin to appear following signs, then they will definitely become noticeable to everyone around them. The symptoms of apathy are so vivid that it is impossible to ignore them.

Lack of aspirations

An apathetic person withdraws into himself. Apathy towards everything indicates that a person does not set himself any tasks at all. soon. Illness may be dictated by a lack of aspirations, be an indicator emotional disturbances. The meaning of the word “apathy” comes from the sense of a complete absence of all desires and aspirations. When thinking about how to deal with apathy, you must first observe its characteristic manifestations. The meaning of the disease is precisely that the person gradually loses the ability to rejoice.

Many people, being in apathy, ask what to do if they don’t want anything? You need to understand your feelings before taking active measures to eliminate them. If this is not done, the symptoms of apathy will return very soon. An apathetic mood in itself does not bring mortal danger. The disorder often occurs in adolescents. Young boys and girls often have difficulty finding their individual path. This is a time of rethinking and new conclusions.

Indifference to what is happening

Apathy is a condition characterized by severe external inhibition, loss of appetite, and general indifference to everything. From the outside it seems that a person has stopped seeing and hearing the whole world. Anyone who is trying to understand apathy and how to deal with it is often dominated by a bad mood.

To really know how to overcome apathy, you need to tune in to a long fight. Sometimes there will be breakdowns, despair and hopelessness; such a person is prone to self-doubt, endless doubts about his own strengths and capabilities. Being in apathy, a person seems to be fenced off from everyone by an invisible wall. He seems to be nearby, but at the same time, he is somewhere too far away.


The reasons for apathy are quite specific. They allow you to understand what is really happening to a person. Depending on the severity of the negative condition, adequate treatment of the disease is selected.

Lack of sleep and rest

In conditions where you have to work 12-15 hours a day, there can be no talk of any inspiration. Actions become automatic, thinking becomes dull, desires fade away. Wild fatigue will be observed even if you have to work at your favorite job. Lack of sleep and rest will constantly bother you with the question that arises every now and then: how to cope with apathy? A person will begin to feel the meaninglessness of his existence, he will not want to make great efforts for self-realization. When you have no idea how to overcome apathy, it will be very difficult.

Protracted illness

In the event of a serious illness that is treated for more than one or two months, a person’s internal strength gradually begins to deplete. They all go to fight the disease. Prolonged illness may well cause a person to feel despair and hopelessness. Hypochondriacal disorder often develops in suspicious individuals. In the future, they are frightened by the constant expectation from life of something frightening and truly terrible. It seems that life is full of constant worries and fears.

Misunderstanding in the family

Prolonged emotional stress leads to depletion of internal strength. And this is not surprising. When there is no understanding between close people, this is, of course, sad. It is then that people begin to slowly fade away, to feel lonely and unnecessary. In this case, apathy develops very quickly. There is no desire to strive for something, to make any plans, to dream of great goals. Family is people from whom you can enlist support and find solace. When this cannot be done, a person is left alone facing numerous difficulties.

Hormonal disorders

Before you think about how to get rid of apathy, you need to carefully check your health. In some cases, the reason lies precisely in hormonal disorders. Women suffer from this more often, especially during climatic periods. That's why the fair sex sometimes changes their mood so quickly. Hormonal imbalances can have serious consequences. Having established the cause of the illness, it will be easier to understand how to get out of apathy.


How to treat apathy? Like any other disease, apathy definitely needs timely diagnosis and correction. Apathetic people do not see joy in outside world and thereby destroy themselves. If nothing is done about this condition, it will soon turn into chronic form and will become a person’s constant companion. To prevent this from happening, you must work on yourself. How to get rid of apathy? Let's take a closer look.

Learn to rejoice

How to deal with apathy? Is it possible to learn this without resorting to help? special drugs? The symptoms of apathy are too severe to be ignored. First of all, you need to learn to notice the beauty that surrounds a person in life. When thinking about how to cure apathy, you need to remember that the personality fills itself with emotions. To understand how to deal with apathy, you need to observe your internal state. Treatment for the disorder should begin with understanding how to cope with your negative feelings and overcome them. You just need to want to free yourself from the disease and gradually come out of internal negativism. Overcoming weakness and completely getting rid of the habit of noticing only the bad will not happen right away. You need to pull yourself out of this state gradually, but not give up at the first failures. If a person wants to make himself strong, this means that he is willing to try to work with his own weakness.


Why do words help little in some cases? It is not easy to get out of a state of apathy. Desire alone will sometimes be clearly not enough. If appealing to reason does not help, this means that the mental disorder is quite serious and requires special treatment. How to get a person out of a mental impasse and help overcome weakness? Taking special medications will help remove fears and doubts and pull the soul out of internal confinement. They will be prescribed by your doctor; you should not purchase strong pills on your own.

Thus, in order to know how to overcome apathy, you need to regularly work on yourself, set new goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. With apathy, it is important for people to pull themselves out of the hopeless state of passive contemplation of reality and begin to truly live.