It's finished! Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov are finally having a grand wedding.

Let us recall that on June 5 the couple got married in the Church of the Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome in Moscow. Only family and friends were present at the wedding, but about 500 people were invited to the celebration itself, including many stars.

On the morning of June 5, the wedding of Galina Yudashkina and Peter Maksakov took place in the capital’s church of the Holy Martyr Clement, Pope of Rome.

24 year old daughter famous fashion designer Valentina Yudashkina and the 24-year-old grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova registered their relationship back in September last year, but the couple decided to witness their union before God only now.

On such an important day for the lovers, all their family and friends were with them. During the church sacrament, Dmitry Medvedev's wife Svetlana and deputy Vladimir Kozhin and his wife Olesya Boslovyak were present.

According to eyewitnesses, the bride was one of the last to arrive at the scene. Galina was tender White dress with a huge train and long veil.

Yudashkina already showed off her wedding outfit in a recent shoot for Tatler. Of course, the author of the wedding attire was the girl’s father, designer Valentin Yudashkin.

The designer's daughter will have two more dresses that no one has seen yet. Galina will demonstrate them a little later, at a big celebration that will take place in Gostiny Dvor. In one of her interviews, Yudashkina said that about 500 people were invited to the holiday, including many stars.

We look forward to photos from the wedding and congratulate Galina Yudashkina and Peter Maksakov on their wedding!

Maksakov family. Peter Maksakov biography

So, as we learned from Light’s post, Galina Yudashkina has a new boyfriend - MGIMO graduate Petr Maksakov.

No one doubts that Galina cannot choose a simple guy. Gala needs a rich man with connections who can provide the daughter of a famous couturier with a comfortable existence.

Let's look at the family ties of Pyotr Maksakov.

Peter's grandmother is the famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova. Her first husband was Lev Zbarsky (Zbarsky’s father embalmed Lenin). In this marriage, a son, Maxim, was born, who at first bore the surname Zbarsky, but after his father left for the USA, the family decided to return to the surname Maksakov.

Maxim, Peter's father, was convicted of fraud.

Under the suspicion of the Main Directorate economic security and anti-corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the winners of competitions held by the Ministry of Sports for the development of budget funds within the framework of the federal target program "Development physical culture and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015." Every year, the ministry allocates about 80 million rubles to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle on television and in print media.

Since 2009, the winners of the relevant competitions have been companies affiliated with entrepreneur Maxim Maksakov. To win the auctions, the alleged scammers acted in a very primitive way. In particular, to participate in the auction they nominated three or four companies registered in the name of their friends, acquaintances or relatives, one of which became the winner.

As it became known, most of the allocated funds ended up directly with Maxim Maksakov, for which he was brought to trial and sent under house arrest.

Why wasn’t Maksakov punished for fraud? There is a version that the case was suspended due to Lyudmila Maksakova’s personal connections with the Mutko family.

Now most Maxim Maksakov lives in Italy with his new wife and two daughters.

Daughter of Lyudmila Maksakova from her second marriage to Peter Igenbergs - Maria - Opera singer, as well as Deputy State Duma from the United Russia party.

Maria Maksakova is married to Vladimir Tyurin (nickname - Tyurik). Although she officially denies this.

While Maria sang at the Mariinsky Theater and served as a deputy in the Duma, Tyurin was put on the international wanted list by Interpol.

... Tyurin V.A. through companies and intermediaries - individuals, by implementing commercial activities for the purchase and sale of property, invested in the territory of Spain funds obtained by criminal means, mainly in the territory of Georgia and Russia. Thus, Tyurin V.A. committed crimes under Art. 515.1, 517, 301.1, 302.1 (participation in criminal community, legalization and laundering Money) Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Spain.

According to the “primaries” of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Tyurin is allegedly among the top ten famous kings Russian criminal world along with Ded Khasan, Zakhar Kalashov and Tariel Oniani.

Tyurin's criminal record:

- On November 1, 1974, convicted by the Irkutsk Regional Court for complicity in gang rape;
- On June 11, 1980, he was convicted by the Bratsk City Court for complicity in burglary and malicious hooliganism;
- On October 28, 1985, he was convicted by the Bratsk City Court of engaging in prohibited fishing and involving minors in criminal activities.

Here in such a beautiful and friendly family Galin's new groom is growing up - Petya Maksakov.

Before Galina, Petya met with Tata Mamiashvili for some time.

The life of the offspring of famous and famous people was always under close attention public. Today, the trend is to observe those who regularly attend social events and public “parties”. This category undoubtedly includes “star” children - Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov. Imagine everyone’s surprise when the grandson of a famous actress and the daughter of a popular fashion designer announced their desire to get involved marriage ties. Journalists literally “knocked off their feet” in the hope of finding out the details of the love story of Yudashkina and Maksakov. Meanwhile, if the sources write about Galina’s biography in more or less detail, then not so much about the life of her husband. So who is he - Maksakov Peter, and what is known about his personal life? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

A man with a rich pedigree

Maksakov Peter is a native of the Russian capital. He was born on January 5, 1990. The young man is a grandson famous actress USSR - Lyudmila Maksakova.

However, Peter's relatives are entirely public people: There are diplomats, politicians, and artists. For example, an aunt (Maria Maksakova - Igenbergs) sings professionally on the opera stage and, at the same time, is engaged in lawmaking in the State Duma.

Who are the parents of Pyotr Maksakov? His father is in the advertising business. However, not everything is smooth in his biography. The fact is that the son of a famous actress was accused of fraud and, as punishment, was placed in a pre-trial detention center for some time. Nothing is known about the sphere of activity of Peter Maksakov’s mother.

Years of childhood and youth

The future chosen one of Galina Yudashkina spent his early youth in Bryusov Lane. He often went for a walk with his nanny, and their promenade usually took place in the vicinity of the Church of the Ascension. Surprisingly, Galina also walked in these places as a child and even played with Peter in the same sandbox. It turns out she lived nearby. But for some reason, real friendship did not happen at that moment...

Maksakov Peter studied at an elite school, and quite well. However, after some time, the parents, prophesying to their offspring brilliant career, sent him to “gnaw the granite of science” at a prestigious school located in the English city of Andl.

Professional psychologist and diplomat

Then Maksakov Peter decided to study as a psychologist at the English University of Durham. Having received the coveted diploma, the young man wished for the second higher education, but already in his homeland. Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography is little known to the general public, submits documents to MGIMO and becomes a student at this university.

Successful businessman

After his successful completion, the young man tried his hand at entrepreneurship.

And it should be admitted that Peter Maksakov succeeded in some of his projects. What does the grandson of a famous actress do? Several directions. For example, in Valentin Yudashkin’s company he is a business consultant. A young man with his friends within the framework of the created legal entity"SM&T" promotes startups. With his business partner Ilan Shor, Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography is partially discussed above, came up with the now famous brand “Kremlevskaya Vodka”.


Galina Yudashkina can also boast of some significant achievements in life. The girl is a graduate of the history department of Moscow State University. She happens to be professional expert in the field of art criticism. She worked for some time in her father's company as an art director. But after Galina realized that she was in a situation, she changed her priorities in life, putting her career on the back burner.

Dating history

Their relationship developed rapidly. Peter, having received a prestigious education abroad, was already mentally ready for marriage, especially with such a beauty as Galina Yudashkina. And they met not somewhere on the street, but in the virtual world. Moreover, the daughter of a famous fashion designer was the first to write to Maksakov on the social network Facebook and add him as a friend. But, as it turned out, the girl was simply ahead young man, who himself wanted to initiate an acquaintance with Galina. Peter liked her for a long time.

Reproaching himself a little for his indecision, the young man decided to invite Galina on a date. Peter called her to a cafe, where they enjoyed each other's company for seven hours. Some time later, they had another bright romantic date, visiting the Van Gogh exhibition. And in the spring of 2014, the couple announced their engagement. Moreover, the fashion designer’s daughter informed the capital’s elite about this: a photo with her lover appeared on her page on the social network. Galina signed the photo with one single word in English: Engaged! (“Engaged!”).

Potential admirers of the fashion designer's daughter

It should be noted that in the past, Yudashkina did not lack male attention. Even as a child, she was friends with Nikita Presnyakov, who, either jokingly or seriously, said that they should definitely get married. And in 2010, information appeared on the pages of the capital’s press that the daughter of couturier Yudashkin was getting married.

And not for anyone, but for the handsome millionaire Ruslan Fakhriev! But in reality all this was mere fiction. Until recently, the sharks of the pen did not stop fantasizing on the topic “The wedding of Galina Yudashkina is the No. 1 event in social life.”

It's finished...

Despite all the fables that the press tirelessly presented, the daughter of a famous fashion designer could not marry, as they now like to say, “of convenience.” She herself is not from the poor, but the girls in her circle want big and pure love. Galina hoped that a miracle would also happen in her life. Since childhood, she has witnessed the reverent feelings her parents have for each other, who have now long years happy in family life. And one day she met Pyotr Maksakov. The wedding turned out to be pompous and enchanting. The groom proposed to the bride at the end of May 2014. And at the beginning of September, at the Griboyedovsky registry office, the newlyweds had their passports stamped. But they prepared carefully and in advance for the wedding celebration.

The bride did not forget to pay tribute to tradition and organized a bachelorette party for her friends, and not just anywhere, but in France. But her chosen one refused to gather friends for the bachelor party, considering this event unnecessary.

The wedding ceremony was scheduled for June 5, 2015, which took place in the Church of the Hieromartyr Clement the Pope. Two days later, numerous guests came to the capital's Gostiny Dvor to congratulate the couple in love. The role of toastmaster was played by singer Nikolai Baskov. Everyone present was amazed wedding dress bride, who weighed about 7 kilograms. The thing is that 44 meters of elite silk were used on the dress. The outfit was manually decorated with 293,370 beads and 34,100 pearls. The veil was decorated with pearls and diamonds. Wedding Dress We ordered in advance from the Italian supplier of all the royal courts. The bride and her father went to New York for the fitting. The rings were ordered from the famous jeweler Alex Sushkin. However, Peter Maksakov’s parents also contributed to the organization of the event, taking care of the wedding menu in advance.

Guests at the holiday were served delicious dishes. The wedding cake amazed me with its unusual dimensions: 2 meters high and weighing 300 kilograms. The groom's aunt entertained the secular elite with opera singing. The newlyweds began to dance in a wedding dance, which everyone present really enjoyed. It turned out to be not quite ordinary - a kind of symbiosis of Charleston and boogie-woogie.

Pyotr Maksakov, whose personal life developed the best way, after all the toasts and congratulations, he and his young wife went on their honeymoon. The lovers had a romantic time in Los Angeles, America.


In April 2016, a son, Anatoly, was born into the Maksakov family, who had already visited Valentin Yudashkin’s fashion show with his mother in Paris. The couple is not against having a second child, but only after 2-3 years. Their family is a complete idyll, since Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov try to give in to each other in controversial situations achieving complete mutual understanding among themselves.

Lyudmila Maksakova - People's Artist of Russia. The actress is well known to theater lovers. And TV viewers could enjoy Lyudmila’s performance in the films “Tatiana’s Day,” “Ten Little Indians,” “Anna Karenina” and others.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova began in Moscow on September 26, 1940 under the zodiac sign of Libra. People's Artist became the girl's mother Soviet Union, opera singer Maria Maksakova. The father of the future famous actress also belonged to the country's creative elite: he was a singer at the Bolshoi Theater. However, the daughter did not see her father, and the man did not take any part in Lyudmila’s fate. He renounced fatherhood and moved abroad soon after the war.

Lyudmila studied at the Central Music School. Since many children of famous musicians studied there, she felt comfortable there, without feeling the burden of an illustrious family name on her shoulders. The girl chose the cello as her main instrument. She graduated from music school, but did not see herself as a singer.

The family was only glad that Luda did not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Maria Petrovna predicted a career as a translator for her daughter and insisted that she enter the Institute. Thorez. Perhaps this would have happened if chance had not intervened in the girl’s fate. She saw an excerpt from a French play and was so amazed by the skillful acting of the actors that she became passionate about the idea of ​​becoming an actress.

To realize her idea, Lyudmila Maksakova chose one of the most prestigious educational institutions theater plan - the famous Theater School named after Shchukin. As always at this school, the competition was huge, but Lyuda managed to impress the admissions committee. Subsequently, the actress said that, despite her young age, she felt confident and did not encounter serious difficulties in the entrance exams.

Studying at the theater school became for Maksakova a chance to devote herself to acting and liberation from the numerous rules and restrictions that her mother had constantly imposed on her. Therefore, in the first years of study, Lyuda fully enjoyed the long-awaited freedom. She dyed her hair, started wearing bright makeup and attended all sorts of student parties. At one such meeting she met, with whom she maintained friendly relations for many years.

Maria Maksakova and Vladimir Vysotsky in the film "Bad" good man"

A wild lifestyle played against the girl, and by the third year Lyudmila Maksakova was significantly behind her classmates in academic performance. She was unable to transform into other characters, and the girl began to be tormented by strong doubts about becoming an actress. The situation worsened at the moment when they did not agree to accept Lyuda (the only student from the group) for theater practice.

However, classes with a tutor began on time acting and the support of her mother, who advised Lyuda to make the most of her willpower, did the job. As a result, Maksakova successfully graduated from college and received the coveted diploma.


After completing her studies, Lyudmila Vasilievna worked at the Theater named after, where she played key roles and where she works to this day. The most important work actress in the theater during the formation of her creative career was her reincarnation as the Tatar princess Adelma in the famous play “Princess Turandot”. This production was restored by Ruben Simonov in 1963.

“Princess Turandot” is quite rightly considered one of the most difficult performances for artists. And for Lyudmila Maksakova, who graduated from college just a couple of years ago. Shchukin, this work became a test. But her innate beauty, height (173 cm), a wonderful sense of style and perfect plasticity, a strong and confident voice, and undoubted acting talent allowed her to perform the role as no one could. Incredible transitions from irony to tragic pathos were embodied by her with brilliance, and after this work the acting elite of the USSR started talking about Lyudmila Vasilievna.

Lyudmila Maksakova in the play "Summer in Nohant"

Subsequently, Maksakova skillfully performed diverse roles in best productions Theater named after Vakhtangov. And as the actress grows up and the heroine’s skills improve, the girls become more and more deep, wise, dramatic, and sensual.

In 1976, the actress got a role in the production of “Summer in Nohant.” The play is dedicated to that period of the writer’s life when she broke up with and had many difficulties in communicating with children. The embodiment of a character based on a real person is always hard labour and great responsibility, and Lyudmila Vasilyevna perfectly managed to show the self-control, excellent intellect, and sense of self-esteem of a brilliant writer in an organic combination with the tenderness and helplessness of a woman who is capable of truly loving.


The gifted actress made her film debut in 1964, playing in the film “Once Upon a Time There Were an Old Man and an Old Woman.” During the filming process, it turned out that the camera loves Lyudmila. She looked great on screen and harmoniously transformed into the character. Soon after this, famous Soviet directors began to invite the actress to films.

The artist’s filmography was replenished with the film “Tatiana’s Day,” where Maksakova played the role of Tatyana Ogneva. To this day, Lyudmila Vasilievna calls this role her favorite. Her masterful performances also graced the films “A Bad Good Man,” “Not Under Judgment,” and others.

Maksakova’s career in cinema took off in the 1980s. Then she played in the film “Father Sergius” and the operetta film “ Bat" Rosalind's role in Die Fledermaus was washed up popular love spectators of the USSR.

The actress continues to act in films to this day. So, from 2012 to 2016, she played in the popular TV series “”.

Lyudmila Maksakova in the TV series "Kitchen"

In the project, the woman appeared as the despotic mother of sous-chef Leva, who controls her adult son and does not give him freedom. But in the end the parent makes a choice young man and allows him to leave with his beloved.

Another prominent role was played by Lyudmila in the mini-series “Doctor Death”. The character of Maksakova was the mother of the main character performed by. According to the plot, Yegor Tyulpanov is a heart surgeon from God, but due to accusations of medical error the man was forced to leave the hospital in veterinary clinic. Yegor’s wife also leaves him, and his brother is trying to pin a gambling debt on Tyulpanov. To forget himself, a young man gets drunk and meets former policeman Koshuba, who is obsessed with revenge: bandits killed his family. And after some time, life brings Yegor together with the gangster authority Khvat, who is behind the death of Koshuba’s relatives.

Lyudmila Maksakova and Yuri Chursin in the series "Doctor Death"

In addition to Lyudmila Maksakova and Yuri Chursin, others starred in the film.

Today, Lyudmila Vasilievna is the owner of a number of prestigious titles and awards: in 1971 she received the status of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, in 1980 - People's Artist of the RSFSR. In addition, in 1996, the actress was awarded the Order of the fourth degree “For Services to the Fatherland.” Maksakova has the status of professor at the Shchukin Theater Institute.

Personal life

In her youth, Lyudmila Maksakova was extremely spectacular girl, therefore she was popular with representatives of the opposite sex. The first husband, an artist, even left his fashion model wife to be with Maksakova.

Outwardly they looked very beautiful couple, but within this family peace alternated with conflicts. Leo turned out to be a jealous husband, and although a son, Maxim Maksakov, was born in this marriage, the family fell apart. Zbarsky began a relationship with, and then immigrated to America. In March 2016, the man died of lung cancer.

There was a love story between an actress and a composer, whose romance ended unpleasantly. One day Lyudmila and Mikael were driving together in a car when a drunk man suddenly ran under their wheels. The composer stated that he was driving and served two years in jail. They claim that he took Lyudmila’s blame upon himself.

Maksakova’s second husband, with whom she lives to this day, is German Peter Andreas Igenbergs. Peter is a businessman and a physicist by training. He became an excellent husband to Lyudmila Vasilyevna and got along well with his wife’s son from his first marriage. This family also had its own children: daughter Maria, who bears the double surname of her father and mother. The actress also had grandchildren: three (two girls and one boy) children of Maxim and three (two grandchildren and one granddaughter) children of Maria.

On the eve of 2017, the deputy and the girl’s husband, former MP State Duma, left Russia for Ukraine, where Igor received Ukrainian citizenship. Lyudmila Vasilievna did not like to talk about her daughter’s escape.

Today Maksakova continues creative career and often appears on television. In 2015, she conducted a scandalous broadcast of the program “Alone with Everyone” with the sharp-tongued actress. It is interesting that Lyudmila was rude to the presenter a lot, because during the interview she tried to persuade the actress to talk about personal topics, and Maksakova wanted to talk only about high art. The People's Artist was sure that this episode would not be aired, but in the end the program's ratings turned out to be off the charts.

Lyudmila Maksakova on the project “Alone with Everyone”

Netizens drew attention to Lyudmila Vasilievna’s difficult character and reacted negatively to Maksakova’s boorish manner of communication. But the actor supported his colleague, which he wrote about on the LiveJournal blog.

The actress was also invited to the “Evening Urgant” program. There, Lyudmila also did not give in to the presenter and argued with him during the entire conversation.

Lyudmila Vasilyevna still looks impressive for her age, and some are sure that plastic surgery helped her with this.

The famous artist does not have a page on Instagram, but on the popular social network you can periodically find photos and quotes from the artist, in posts with the hashtag #lyudmilamaxakova.

In March 2017, Lyudmila’s son-in-law in the center of Kyiv. Maksakova spoke about the murder of Voronenkov as follows:

“Well, thank you God. What else can you do with it? Thank you God that in the end the person who was so mean... He is a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago.”

The woman believes that it was Denis who dragged Lyudmila’s daughter into criminal and political affairs, although Maria was predicted to have a great future. But in the current situation, the artist only feels sorry for her grandchildren.

Lyudmila Maksakova now

The premiere started in January 2017 science fiction film director "". The main roles in the film were played by. According to the plot, Chertanovo descends on the Moscow region undefined object. A special commission is trying to enter into negotiations with extraterrestrial intelligence. The girl Yulia and her friend Artem find themselves at the epicenter of events.

Lyudmila Maksakova played the role of Yulia's grandmother in the film.

Maria Maksakova with her husband at the premiere of the film "Attraction"

The film grossed 1 billion rubles at the box office and received good feedback spectators and press.

Then the biographical film “VMayakovsky” was released. The creators of the biopic introduced viewers to the world, introduced fans to the friends and beloved women of the famous writer. He played the role of Mayakovsky and appeared in character. And Lyudmila Maksakova reincarnated as Lilya in old age.

In July 2018, the artist visited Jurmala at the closing of the festival. The sea air has a good effect on the actress’s health: she looked refreshed and rejuvenated.


  • 1967 - “Tatiana’s Day”
  • 1970 - “Train to Tomorrow”
  • 1973 - “Bad Good Man”
  • 1979 - “The Bat”
  • 1985 - “Rides in an Old Car”
  • 1987 - “Ten Little Indians”
  • 1998 - “Mu-mu”
  • 2007 - “Anna Karenina”
  • 2011 - “Diamond Hunters”
  • 2012-2016 - “Kitchen”
  • 2014 - “Doctor Death”
  • 2014 - “Legacy”
  • 2017 - “Attraction”
  • 2017 - “VMayakovsky”
Oleg Rubnikovich

As Kommersant learned, it is flaring up loud scandal related to the theft of budget funds allocated for the popularization of sports and promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the media. At its center was the partner of the Russian Ministry of Sports, PR+Sport LLC. According to law enforcement agencies, this company annually received tens of millions of rubles for allegedly organizing stories on television and publications in newspapers. At the same time, the journalists themselves had no idea that businessmen were earning millions from their work.

So far, the winners of competitions held by the Ministry of Sports for the development of budget funds within the framework of the federal target program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015” have come under the suspicion of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Every year, the ministry allocates about 80 million rubles to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle on television and in print media.

According to law enforcement agencies, since 2009, the winners of the relevant competitions have been companies affiliated with entrepreneur Maxim Maksakov, the son of the famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova [and brother of a State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova- approx.]. To win the auctions, the alleged scammers acted in a very primitive way. In particular, to participate in the auction they nominated three or four companies registered in the name of their friends, acquaintances or relatives, one of which became the winner.

The last company to win a competition organized by the Ministry of Sports in 2012 was the company PR+Sport LLC, whose general director is Maxim Maksakov. According to operatives, he was also its only employee (not counting the founder of the company, Vasily Kolodny and his sister Ekaterina). As police representatives say, the company did not even have an office, and all the company’s accounting documentation was stored in country house friend of Mr. Kolodny.

According to the contract concluded with the Ministry of Sports, the company headed by Mr. Maksakov, using money allocated from the budget, was supposed to prepare materials for the media promoting sports and healthy image life. However, according to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main activity of PR+Sport LLC, except for the press conferences they hold with the participation of the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, came down to monitoring print media and TV channels "Russia" and "Russia 2". From there, suitable publications and stories were taken, which were filed with reports on the work done that were sent to the Ministry of Sports. At the same time, the journalists themselves did not even suspect that businessmen were making millions from their work. By the way, last year PR+Sport LLC used an article from Kommersant to report on its activities. She became one of the episodes excited in September of this year by the Main investigative department Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). To establish what publications the suspects used as cover, law enforcement agencies I had to send requests to almost a dozen newspapers. In the meantime, Mr. Maksakov, who, at the request of the investigation, was placed under house arrest by the Tverskoy Court of Moscow, is accused of several episodes using materials from the VGTRK broadcasting company. According to Kommersant, the case involves about 50 videos, for which about 13 million rubles were written off. However, according to law enforcement agencies, we will most likely be talking about the annual theft of at least 60 million rubles. The investigation believes that Mr. Maksakov’s company spent another 20 million rubles on salaries and organizational expenses. Moreover, payments to hired workers were delayed for several months - this is evidenced by numerous entries on the website.

The Ministry of Sports yesterday made it clear to Kommersant that they are familiar with the problems that have arisen at PR+Sport LLC, but at the same time stated that they are not yet ready to comment on the current situation. In turn, co-owner of the LLC Ekaterina Kolodnaya told Kommersant that she would be able to comment only in a few days, when she coordinates her position with her lawyer.

Law enforcement agencies have yet to sort out the relationship between officials and businessmen, so they have no complaints against the employees of the Ministry of Sports yet.

["Izvestia", 10/02/2013, "Partner of the Ministry of Sports spent 50 million on promoting physical education": The company "PR+Sport", whose office is located in 1st Derbenevsky Lane, found itself in the center of attention of operatives of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption ( GUEBiPK) Ministry of Internal Affairs. The organization positioned itself as an expert in advertising and PR in the field of sporting events, as well as “one of the most successful participants in state tenders for marketing and PR” (quote from the company’s profile on the Internet).
"PR+Sport" for last years- from 2009 to 2013 - won at least eight state competitions for total amount over 370 million rubles. Almost all orders are from the Ministry of Sports. One of the last large orders - for more than 90 million rubles - provided for “work on the development and implementation of activities for information and propaganda support of the federal target program “Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006–2015.”
“PR+Sport” also worked for other government departments. So, in 2012, the company won a competition for 30 million rubles, which was held by Rostourism. According to the order documents, the company was to promote “Russian tourism products on domestic and foreign markets” through exhibitions, presentations and conferences. [...]
Maxim Maksakov - son from the first marriage of the famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova and grandson of the famous Soviet biochemist Boris Zbarsky - former director laboratory at the Lenin Mausoleum.
Maksakov himself was unavailable for comments to Izvestia, but the editors spoke with some former employees"PR+Sport". One of the heads of the company’s division, asking not to mention his name, said that literally until the end of summer, a team of more than 60 people worked at the PR+ Sport company. However, at the beginning of 2013, employees stopped being paid, and about a month ago the office was completely locked. According to him, management owed employees salaries, vacation pay and compensation totaling 30 million rubles. [...]
PR+Sport employees also said that Maxim Maksakov was closely acquainted with the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, because his mother Lyudmila was friends with the official’s wife Tatyana. Maksakov’s colleagues believe that his troubles are related to some disagreements with the minister’s family.
“Something went wrong, at the next personal meeting they quarreled, after which Mutko asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check Maksakov’s activities,” said Izvestia’s interlocutor. - Insert]

["Seven Days", 06/13/2013, "Lyudmila Maksakova: "They treated my marriage differently": Maxim married a second time. True, his wife and three-year-old daughter Vasilisa live in Rome - Maxim used to have a business there, but now his son works in Moscow. So he has to travel between the Russian and Italian capitals - Inset]

["Interlocutor", 10/08/2012, "The famous singer was given alms": Lyudmila Maksakova - People's Artist of Russia, actress of the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov. She has played dozens of star roles in films - “The Bat”, “Not Under Judgment”, “Tatiana’s Day”, “Ten Little Indians”, “Mu-Mu”, etc. The eldest son of the actress is Maxim, a businessman, owner of a PR agency. His father is the artist Lev Zbarsky. Maxim has three children: Peter, Anna and Vasilisa. Maksakova’s second husband is Peter Igenbergs, a businessman, a physicist by education. They have been together for almost 40 years. Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs- opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, since 2011 soloist of the opera troupe Mariinsky Theater. - Insert]