Not only long-legged beauties become famous, as you will see now.
I present photographs of celebrities whose height does not exceed 160 centimeters.
Kylie Minogue
Height is 155 cm, regularly takes first place in the ratings of “Celebrity with the most beautiful legs»

Dolly Parton
She is 152 cm tall and is an American country singer and film actress who has written more than 600 songs and reached the top position of Billboard magazine's country charts twenty-five times.

Eva Longoria
Height is 157 cm. Those who saw Eva live deny this fact. They say that her height is hardly 153 cm, and maybe even less.

Salma Hayek
Height is 157 cm. Salma Hayek is the most successful Mexican actress in America, she is married to a French millionaire, and at the age of 42 she gave birth to a daughter.

Vanessa Hudgens
Height is 158 cm. From the age of 8, Vanessa began participating in theatrical and musical productions. Vanessa is both an actress and a singer. This young actress's style is extremely popular among her many fans.

Hilary Duff
Height is 155 cm. In 1988, Hilary played her first leading role. It was a movie about a kindly drawn ghost, Casper Meets Wendy.

Megan Fox
Height 162 cm. Ideal figure Megan is from nature... The beauty has genes of the French, Irish and even Indians in her blood.

Danica Patrick
Height 150 cm. Best known as the female driver who finished fourth in the Indian 500 mile championship in 2005. Danica's finishing fourth in the Indianapolis 500 made her one of the famous women throughout the history of racing.

Alyssa Milano
Height is 157 cm. In 1985, Alice starred in the action film “Commando”, where she played the role of the daughter of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. After this, success no longer leaves her.

Good day, dear guests and subscribers of my blog! I already wrote in one of the articles. And I believe that short actresses deserve special attention.

Looking at the stars, you realize that short stature not a hindrance to being successful and stylish. Let's take a look at their outfits and how they dress for the red carpet.

Stylish life hacks from Hollywood actresses

There are many petite beauties in Hollywood, both from the 20th century and modern beautiful and stylish actresses who managed to win the hearts of many fans and fashionistas.

After all, it’s no secret that most girls follow the example of their idols. Let's look at the list, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised that these women are really short!

Reese Witherspoon

At the famous Hollywood actress Height is 156 cm and weight is 50 kg. Reese's success came after she starred in the film Legally Blonde. Reese already has several prestigious awards and a star on the Walk of Fame. And in 2007 she became the most highly paid actress in the world.

On the red carpet, Reese prefers to wear dresses that have a small train.

Note to the graduate and bride: a small train makes you visually taller!

If the event is not so formal, then Reese chooses more restrained outfits without unnecessary details. She prefers to complement dresses with sandals or classic pumps.

IN Everyday life Reese dresses with sophistication and taste. On the streets she can be seen talking on the phone or walking with her husband. Reese's favorite combination: skirt, blouse and pumps. In the photo below you will see this more clearly.

Hayden Panettiere

This baby is 155 cm tall and weighs 50 kg. In everyday life, the actress prefers to dress modestly: tops, jeans, sweatshirts, leggings, shorts and tunics. The only thing Hayden doesn't change is his high-heeled shoes.

For special occasions Hayden chooses floor-length dresses that highlight her figure. Please note that she prefers models with a slightly high waist. Even though Hayden is plump, looking at her, it's hard to think about it. And all thanks to the correctly selected cut and visual correction of the figure.

Eva Longoria

Eva's height is 157 cm and she weighs 47 kg. Eva prefers to wear tight dresses with a deep V-neck. And she wears high-heeled shoes on her feet. And mind you, she always looks brilliant!

Anna Kedrick

Anna's height and weight are the same as Eva's. Anna became famous after starring in the film Twilight.

When the actress wears dresses for special occasions, she chooses models that focus on the waist or slightly above her natural line, and also chooses dresses with slits. This way she visually lengthens her height.

Zoe Kravitz

With a height of 157 cm and a weight of 51 kg, she looks amazing. Lenny Kravitz's daughter is an actress and singer, and has starred in a number of famous Hollywood films. In order to visually lengthen her height, she prefers to wear clothes in the same color scheme, choosing dresses with a deep V-shaped neckline, slits, and trains.

In everyday life, Zoe prefers comfortable things that make her feel comfortable.

Kristin Chenoweth

There is no exact information about her height, and according to various sources, her height ranges from 148 to 150 cm. Christine is one of the smallest stars. The actress does not have any complexes about her height, and she has made herself a dizzying career actress and singer, she has her own star on the Walk of Fame.

IN ordinary life, she wears tight jeans and heels. She wears dresses and skirts just above the knee, and tries to choose V-shaped necklines

And on the red carpet you can see her in beautiful glamorous floor-length dresses that do not hide her height at all! Notice that Christine wears her hair in an updo that creates extra volume at the crown area. This adds a couple more visual centimeters to her height.

Salma Hayek

Who doesn't know Salma Hayek? Personally, I just adore her! The hot Mexican has already been able to work as a producer, actress and director. In every role, she gives her all, thanks to which she has become a sought-after and popular actress. Her height is 158 cm and her weight is 46 kg.

In everyday life, Salma prefers feminine style, but at the same time values ​​​​comfort.

But on the red carpet, she successfully demonstrates her taste, while wisely placing accents with the help of accessories.

Sarah Jessica Parker

With a height of 160 cm, her weight is 48 kg. The actress became famous for her role as Carrie Bradshaw in the TV series Sex and the City. Despite the fact that Sarah is not considered a beauty, she is one of the most stylish stars!

In everyday life, Sarah prefers to wear comfortable clothes: T-shirts, jackets, jeans and sneakers. Let's look at the photo on how to choose the right outfit for a short person in the Street Style style.

On the red carpet, Sarah mostly wears sparkly or fluffy dresses. Please note that Sarah often wears her hair up, thus making her height visually taller.

It's not just Hollywood that has little beauties!

And in Russia there are actresses who can boast of being short!

Anna Khilkevich

Let's look at the outfits of Anna Khilkevich?

With a height of 159 Anna weighs 49 kg. She became famous thanks to her role in the TV series “Univer”. Personally, I don't really like Anna's style, but nevertheless she is attractive and talented girl Doesn't look low in photos. A well-groomed and neat appearance and good posture are much more important than short stature.

Certainly, Russian stars There are fewer people of short stature than in the West, but nevertheless they are not afraid to be in the spotlight and consider their diminutiveness to be a huge advantage.

Audrey Tautou

The cute French actress has no tall- 160 cm. Audrey became famous thanks to the film “Amelie”. And in 2009, she played Coco Chanel in the biography film!

Audrey deserves attention fashion critics who speak positively about her. Despite the fact that she has the appearance of a child, she knows how to present herself with style. Check out how she dresses for the red carpet.

Audrey is not afraid of the midi, and we must give her credit, such a dangerous length for petite girls does not spoil her or make her look shorter. Pay attention to the shoes - these are always shoes that do not contrast with the color of the feet: silver, gold or nude.

Audrey knows how to feel style, and she dresses in her own unique way. In the photo on the left, the bold V-neck shirt and black trousers look stylish and edgy. To make the image more interesting, Audrey complemented it with beads.

General style secrets from actresses

In order to truly dress with taste and chic not only in everyday life, but also on special occasions, you should learn several rules.

  • Never rush!

Most girls prefer to get dressed before going out, giving preference to what they think is fashionable or comfortable. In fact, they are making a mistake. In order to carefully think through the image, you should create successful combinations in advance.

  • Why is it useful to take photos?

If you have not yet formed own style, then ask someone close to you to photograph you every time you create an image. Looking at yourself in the mirror, it is difficult to criticize yourself. But in the photo it’s easy to highlight the advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, analyze each image and discard unsuccessful options for bows. This way, sooner or later you will be able to create perfect sets.

  • Form your own taste.

In order to form your own taste, you need to decide which style suits you, as well as “your” colors. This way, you will begin to understand what suits you specifically. See as much as possible more photos stars, bloggers, movie heroines, flip through fashion magazines and highlight what you like. And then figure it out for your image: will this color, style, style suit you or not. Try and experiment, try on as many clothes as possible in stores and photograph successful images.

With this, I say goodbye to you! Don't forget to comment, subscribe to the blog and share my articles with your friends on social networks!

They often cannot boast of being tall enough to match their on-screen status. It’s even more unusual to see actors together who looked about the same in the movies, but in life they differ like David and Goliath. Why does this happen?

According to historians, the growth of the average American man in the 19th century it was a couple of inches smaller than today; the women's height was still about an inch shorter. Theater decorations, seats, costumes - everything was made to this standard, and the cinema that appeared in the 20th century naturally inherited it. Changing views on proper nutrition, the influx of genes from abroad and many other factors gradually changed the face of the nation, but cinema held on to its position: although there were ebbs and flows here, the general demand for not short actors remained dominant.

The dictates of a particular moment invariably resulted in a return to the “norm.” Thus, the demand for tall artists who could jump into the saddle without the help of a catapult was noted in the era of Westerns in the middle of the last century (remember John Wayne with his 193 cm) - but along with the cowboys it disappeared. The surge in fashion for mountains of molded muscle, associated with the action films of the 80s, also came to naught, turning out to be a temporary phenomenon. Despite the fact that the infrastructure “tailored” for “ classic size”, has loosened and slowly changed over the decades, it is still easier for a short actor today to find work in Hollywood than for a tall artist. And he has a much better chance of becoming a class A star. Why does cinema stick to the “middle peasants” so much, you ask? There are a number of objective reasons for this.

Peter Dinklage and the actors of the movie "Pixels"

Firstly, the standard cast of any film has a standard average height. For filmmakers, purely technically, it’s more convenient to work with those who don’t try to hit their heads upper limit frame, especially in group scenes where actors act in an ensemble and everyone needs to fit into one picture. If a short artist who needs to be made “taller” can also be placed on an apple box or filmed at a “winning” angle, then it will be much more difficult to “shorten” a giant.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the psychology of the actors themselves: short stars often feel awkward surrounded by those who are taller, so they try whenever possible to take advantage of their influence and surround themselves with shorter colleagues, against whom they would look more advantageous. It’s the same and vice versa: in a cast where all the participants are approximately the same height, the “kalancha” will look like a disharmonious element and, most likely, will not pass the casting.

The third factor due to which tall people do not get into films very often is the system American education, encouraging success in sports. Those who have the appropriate physical characteristics often choose the sports field rather than the drama club, and for many this becomes a decisive factor in further career development.

As for women, their height is traditionally “adjusted” to a man’s: you must agree, it would be ridiculous if the star’s on-screen partner was a girl, next to whom the heartthrob would look even shorter than he is. When short actress becomes a star, then they try to select partners to suit her - simply because partners who are too tall bring sheer inconvenience. For example, in “Four Christmases”, due to Vince Vaughn’s “long” height, miniature Reese Witherspoon had to stand on a box for half of the filming.

Still from the film "Four Christmases"

To avoid such difficulties, they try to minimize the difference - and chain reaction doesn't keep you waiting: first low star a la Elizabeth Taylor (157 cm) they select appropriate partners, and then, having become famous, they demand shorter girls as partners. And with each new turn, the famous joke about mice becomes more and more relevant. We can only be glad that Danny DeVito chose a comedic rather than a romantic role - after all, this certainly would not have remained without consequences.

There is also a very banal reason why big guys often don’t pass the selection sieve: since the Hollywood machine is built on stereotypes generously drawn from the collective unconscious, they try to select actors for “deep” roles in accordance with their “texture”. For example, Vitaly Klitschko or Nikolai Valuev, with all their “promotion”, are unlikely to be entrusted with the role of a sensitive person - simply because with their height and build they will look unconvincing in such a role. Thick neck, heavy jaw? Sorry, there are no vacancies for you. Wait until you need a club bouncer or a goofy villain for some action movie.

On the evolution of the “dream factory” in different times influenced by both fashion and activity social movements- for example, the “subversive” work of feminism, which turned metrosexuality into a trend. As a result, actors who look like ordinary guys from the crowd have now become regulars even in porn (and have great success there), and in regular cinema they crowd out jocks and bruisers even more strongly.

It is not surprising that most of the sought-after artists, who never end up with offers, do not reach the average height mark (today it is 5.9 feet for men and 5.4 for women, that is, 180 and 165 cm, respectively). The new generation of stars, such as Daniel Radcliffe (165 cm) or Martin Freeman (170 cm), illustrates this trend quite clearly. This is how Hollywood selection works. Most often, “short” screen heroes prefer to hide their true height from the public, as “not very courageous,” but in their work it becomes a great help. As long as platform shoes exist, being a short artist is not a problem, but impressive physical height can become a hindrance in work and limit creative growth. So it turns out that short people in general, they have more influence on the film process than tall ones, and nothing prevents them from constantly increasing this influence.

Daniel Radcliffe and the team of the film "Swiss Army Man"

Of course, there is no conspiracy here, and there are exceptions to any rule: for example, the well-known Clint Eastwood, Liam Neeson, Vince Vaughn, Tim Robbins,

Fans who approach stars for autographs often return home embarrassed. “Everything was cool, but this actor... he’s so tiny,” they tell their friends. “I’ll probably never be able to watch him in action movies with the same feeling.” To prevent this from happening, we can only advise calling on Google help and find out the height of your idol before you see him in person. Maybe that autograph is not worth destroying youthful dreams? As people who have seen the world say, sometimes it’s better not to know what sausage, politics and Hollywood cinema are made of.

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Some try to hide it, others try to highlight it, but either way, these babes always attract attention. From Snooki to Hilary Duff - these petite celebrities always look sexy, despite their short stature, which once again proves that more is not always better. Maybe they can't brag model growth under two meters, but we like them the way they are.

Snooki. This actress, who became famous after starring in the series Jersey Shore, is the shortest girl on our list. Nicole Polizzi, nicknamed “Snooki,” actively exploits the image of her heroine, demonstrating to everyone her explosive character, which compensates for her small stature. This year they took part in the television show “Wrestlermania” - something like our “King of the Ring” - and won. So Snooki once again proved that little ones shouldn’t be offended.

Natalie Portman. Whether she's bald or obsessed with playing a black swan, Natalie Portman always looks sexy. And the fact that she copes with such complex roles with a height of only 159 cm, it proves that Portman is not in the least bit complex.

Kylie Minogue. Tiny but sultry Kylie Minogue shows off all her petite charms in very revealing outfits on stage. The Australian beauty is only 154 cm tall, and at 42 years old she still looks sexy, looking good year after year. And although Kylie did not achieve as much success in America as abroad, 13 of her singles occupied leading positions in the British charts. And we never tire of admiring the sexy, petite singer.

Kristen Bell. She solved crimes in Veronica Mars, sang in the Broadway musical Marijuana Madness, and made us all fall in love with her as Sarah Marshall in Flying In. Oh yeah, she looks great in a bikini. At about 155 cm tall, Kristen is very petite, but this does not stop her from conquering Hollywood and our hearts.

Rachel Bilson. We would happily watch The O.C. just to watch Rachel Bilson over and over again. The heroine of actress Summer is now on the lips of all housewives. With her height of 157 cm, Rachel was the shortest girl in the cast, but this did not stop her from looking as sexy as the other actresses.

Scarlett Johansson. Well, what's not to like about Scarlett Johansson? She is about 160 cm tall, but she is sexy like no other. In 2006, she posed nude for the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, and in 2010 she received the title of “Babe of the Year” according to GQ magazine. And that's it.

Eva Longoria. She married NBA star Tony Parker and even changed her last name. But then she got divorced and took her maiden wife again. But what remains constant about the Texas beauty is her cuteness. With her height of 155 cm, she makes you admire her without taking your eyes off her. Maybe the Desperate Housewives series owes its popularity to her?

Elisha Cuthbert. She played the role of a sexy stripper in the movie “The Girl Next Door.” Of all the Canadian petite actresses, Elisha is a clear favorite. Even despite his meter 62 cm.

Kim Kardashian. You can't tell from the photos, but Kim Kardashian is only 160 cm tall and despite her height, she is dating NBA player Kris Humphries, who is 206 cm tall. Look at her, how can you not like her?

Hayden Penneter. And among the American cheerleaders there are their own miniature beauties. Who else but Hayden Penneter, who is barely 155 cm tall, is living proof of this? She is beautiful, slim and has an amazing tendency to choose guys much taller than her. For example, she is now dating Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko. But who is to judge this?

Hilary Duff. Oh, Hilary, how quickly you have grown! This actress from Disney films has become a real beauty. And this, with her height of 155 cm. With such a height, she is unlikely to be allowed to ride on most roller coasters, but this does not prevent her from carving out her niche in Hollywood.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Two are better than one. They have earned millions, look amazing, and all this, despite their height of less than 155 cm. In terms of conversion, this is a lot of achievements for one square meter. So what if we still associate them mainly with children's films? The babies have long grown up and turned into real beauties.

Shakira. Shakira's hips are what we need, but her height has let us down. Don't believe it if Shakira says she's 155 cm tall. The Colombian pop star is only 150 cm tall. But despite this, she can be called one of the most sexy women world, and you would never say that she is so short.

Kourtney Kardashian. Of course, she is not as famous as her sister Kim, but she looks no worse. Her height barely reaches 153 cm. In terms of age, she eldest daughter in the family, which further inspires us to admire her looks.

Tila Tequila. As Joe Nichols sings in one of his hits, “Tequila takes her clothes off.” Tila Tequila, who is only five feet tall, doesn't really like clothes at all. This petite girl knows she's sexy and doesn't try to hide it.

Salma Hayek. There is hardly anyone who doesn't like Samma Hayek. The curves of his body make men drool, and this despite her height of 158 cm. And today she is as good as ten years ago. We will never get tired of rewatching the scene from the movie From Dusk Till Dawn in which Salma dances with a snake.

Nicole Richie. Although Nicole is a full 6 inches shorter than Paris Hilton, she quickly made a name for herself while starring in Easy Life. Despite her height of 155 cm and a very hectic lifestyle, she still looks great.

External data is extremely important in the profession of an actor. However, sometimes the most non-standard appearance does not interfere with resounding success. Today's selection features Top 5 most short actors Hollywood.

Of course, hundreds of short actors work at the “dream factory,” but our list includes those who have achieved world fame and universal recognition, despite their small stature.

5. Daniel Radcliffe (height – 170 cm)

The British actor's film career began with the film David Copperfield. However, David gained worldwide fame the main role in the Harry Potter film series. Radcliffe was even listed 4 years ago in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor of the decade.

4. Tom Cruise (height - 170 cm)

The short Cruise most often plays the role of handsome superheroes, performing even the most impossible missions. Naturally, they try to choose not the tallest actresses for Cruise’s film partners.

3. Elijah Wood (height - 168 cm)

This world-famous short actor I bought it after filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The role of Froddo Baggins was not the first and last success for Wood - the actor remains in demand among many famous directors.

2. Dustin Hoffman (height - 166 cm)

Hoffman is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. He has 5 nominations and 2 Oscar awards, 7 nominations and 6 Golden Globe awards, 3 BAFTA awards. For achievements in the field of cinema, the actor was awarded an honorary Cesar Award, a special award American Institute cinema art and the honorary “Golden Bear” of the Berlin Film Festival.