Gwyneth Paltrow leads a squad of celebrities who are detested by both their colleagues and the public. In 2013, Star magazine named the actress "The Most Hated Star in Hollywood." It all started in 1999, when young Gwyneth won an Oscar for Best Actress in Shakespeare in Love. After such a triumph, Paltrow's importance in her own eyes increased to the skies.

“I am who I am. I can’t pretend that I earn 25 thousand dollars a year,” Gwyneth once said, looking down coquettishly. The actress is often reproached for obsessively promoting a healthy but expensive lifestyle, for which only she and other multimillionaires have the means

Meanwhile, the actress-turned-entrepreneur and lifestyle expert is notorious big amount dubious statements. For example, in 2014, Paltrow decided that life was harder for her than for mothers in other professions. Like, ordinary women It’s easier to work and at the same time cope with caring for children than for actresses who are faced with unbearable difficulties during filming - and then multimillion-dollar fees

“I think Kanye West will mean to fashion and culture what he means Steve Jobs for the Internet,” this rapper-philosopher once said about himself without undue modesty. What about Steve Jobs! Once in an interview, Kanye called himself a “messenger of God.” By the way, the main pain in a musician’s life is the fact that he will never be able to see his own concert live... Sadness

Western publications devote detailed articles to West’s peculiar attitude towards his colleagues. So, in 2009, the rapper jumped on stage and interrupted Taylor Swift, who won the Best Female Video category at the MTV Video Music Awards, giving her acceptance speech. Kanye needed to tell Taylor and the world that Beyoncé should have taken the statuette

And if you think that West’s relationship did not work out only with Taylor, you are very mistaken. But what about the fact that the rapper, in just a few days of working on the film “Anchorman: Hello Again,” managed to bore all his colleagues? According to Will Ferrell, West listened to the music so loudly that he interfered with the filming, and when the scenes with Kanye were filmed, he refused to leave the set, continuing to play his tracks at full volume. The rapper’s categorical refusal to come on air with super-popular TV presenter Conan O’Brien, because he urgently needed to take a shower, there is no need to comment

“In this world, I call the shots and I know what’s best,” Mariah Carey once said, aptly described by Nicki Minaj as “a moody nightmare.” The demands of the main Hollywood diva amaze not only concert organizers and her assistants, but also fans. For example, Carey insists that four people lace her shoes and asks assistants to hold a glass of water to her lips during meetings with fans. Apparently, Mariah herself considers these processes humiliating

The singer does not bother herself with unnecessary movements at all. So, Mariah can calmly leave the stage if a technical problem occurs, without even trying to find out what the problem is. It's no surprise that after Jennifer Lopez performed on American Idol in 2013, Carey didn't even lift a finger while the entire audience applauded. ex-wife Mark Anthony standing. By the way, when Mariah is asked what she thinks about Lopez’s work, she, as usual, asks: “Who is this?..”. Nice, right?

Carey once angered even the controversial British journalist Philip Scholfide when she arrived at the taping of This Morning an hour late because she didn’t know what to wear. A dubious reason for a man whose stylists have their own stylists. Shalfid was lucky: Keri once canceled a morning radio interview because she suddenly realized that she was not an “early bird”

In her memoirs, actress and dancer Jennifer Esposito described one ex-lover as a “brazen and arrogant manipulator.” And although the actress did not name the man, journalists are sure that he was talking about her ex-husband Bradley Cooper, who was also described as “dirty and slippery man»

Cooper's arrogance and unfriendliness were also spoken about, for example, by Brazilian journalists, whom the actor did not deign to give a single detailed answer in the interview. By the way, the actor also ignored local fans during breaks in the filming of the film “Bachelor Party: Part III»

Catherine Zeta-Jones occasionally allowed herself to boast about her position and the fact that she collects not magnets or porcelain figurines, like some people, but mansions. Sometimes Katherine complained that she always had to buy shoes in two or even five copies. After all, not every house may have the shoes she needs! In 2003, the actress even stated that “a million dollars is actually a modest amount for people like her.”

In June of this year, Zeta-Jones admitted that she was tired of remaining silent and would no longer allow the public to shame her for her life. “Sorry that I’m rich, sorry that I’m married to a movie star, sorry that I look great,” Catherine poured out her soul to The Mirror.

The arrogance of the “selfish” Will Smith is talked about without hesitation in interviews by his colleagues, who describe the star in words that would be embarrassing to repeat. Janet Hubert, the actress who starred with Will in the TV series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” said that she would agree to continue the project only when Smith stops acting like a child and apologizes for all his actions. “But he doesn’t even know the word ‘sorry,’” Janet continues, making it clear that the moment of reunion will never happen

However, Smith himself does not hide the fact that the Earth revolves around him, and not around the Sun. "Your father is the most great actor in the world, so you suffer, being in my shadow, trying to achieve even a drop of the same success,” Will once told his son Jaden

Jennifer Lopez is no longer that simple girl from the Bronx. She doesn't lag behind Mariah Carey. The actress refuses to talk to waiters and flight attendants and demands that her assistants broadcast her requests to them. Even if the same flight attendant contacts Lopez directly, she will have to wait for an answer from a person from the singer’s retinue

J.Lo also doesn’t like to communicate with sales consultants. So, one day the artist walked into a boutique and, in response to an employee’s question about how she could help her, grabbed a pair of swimsuits from the rack, threw them in the girl’s face and went into the fitting room. According to the consultant, she was so amazed that she did not immediately follow Lopez, who got angry because of this and left the store without buying anything.

A few years ago, Lopez contributed to the dismissal of a maid in a German hotel because the girl wanted to ask for her autograph. It is noteworthy that the poor thing didn’t even meet the singer herself: the star’s assistants turned her around at the door

However, Lopez has always been arrogant. In the late 1990s, Jennifer could calmly say in an interview that Gwyneth Paltrow is better known for her romance with Brad Pitt than for her roles

“My presence is already charity,” Jay-Z once said, who created his own personalized Blue colour, which is no different from the usual one. “There is nothing about me that I don’t like,” the rapper made another confession. Will everyone agree with this - the big question

In 2012, Robert De Niro agreed with Jay-Z to working together: The rapper was supposed to write a track for the Tribeca Film Festival, which was founded by the legendary actor. Except Jay-Z never did it. Moreover, he ignored (!) six calls from De Niro, who was furious at such a dismissive attitude. He still believes that a person, regardless of his social status obliged to at least call back to refuse if you once gave your word

Jay-Z's wife Beyoncé, like her husband, also considers herself the center of the universe. “I have God’s talent, which will always separate me from other people,” the singer once noted. But the artist had a low opinion of the vocal abilities of her ex-colleagues in the Destiny’s Child group. In 2000, the celebrity said that now “finally all of them can sing.” By the way, in 2013, during a musical break in the finals of the Super Bowl sports competition, Beyoncé reunited on stage with Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. The ex-members of the girl band performed two of their famous songs. True, then the girls had to act as backup dancers while Jay-Z’s wife continued to sing solo

It's no secret that a celebrity is arrogant and harsh towards those who work with her or do her favors. So, in 2013 former minister Egypt's Antiquities Commissioner Zahi Hawass refused to give Beyoncé a tour of the Pyramids of Giza because the singer arrived at her destination several hours late and didn't even think to apologize

Miles Teller became famous just a few years ago and is still at the beginning of his journey. However, the guy’s conceit is already confusing journalists. In 2015, during an interview with Esquire magazine, the actor said that a tall, cylindrical highball glass was designed according to the shape and parameters - sorry, you can’t remove the words from a song - his manhood. Teller is generally confident that he looks much more attractive than “people think”

Miles also has a fairly high opinion of his talent. According to rumors, when Damien Chazelle rejected Teller’s candidacy for the leading male role in the film “La La Land,” the actor wrote a message to the director with the most laconic content: “What the f***, brother?” Miles clearly puts himself above others, as when he told The New York Times in 2014 that “other actors of his generation are not very good.”

More than one Divergent film, which Teller publicly criticized more than once, helped him become famous. In 2017, an inebriated Miles was arrested for inappropriate behavior in public after a fun night out in San Diego. Teller accused the bar staff of continuing to serve him when he should no longer drink.

James Cameron is famous for his temper and difficult character. The director, of course, is not obliged to sign autographs, but even his services to the film industry do not allow him to yell at fans, demanding to “leave his personal space.” Cameron is rude to the actors too. For example, Josh Brolin told Esquire magazine that James threatened to ruin his career when he refused to star in Avatar due to being busy with another project.

Cameron is no stranger to the desire to exalt himself. And if the public is ready to understand the phrase “I am the king of the world,” said by James when he received an Oscar for the film “Titanic” in 1998, then his statement that he will save this world so that his own children will inherit it , even the fans can’t accept it

Having become famous throughout the world, Justin Bieber became an arrogant guy from a young age. He has long lost the habit of controlling his behavior. Singer for a long time was sure that he could spit at fans from a hotel balcony, relieve himself in the kitchen of a New York restaurant, wipe the stage of a club in Buenos Aires with an Argentine flag, throw eggs at a neighbor who complained about the noise of the party... the list goes on. In 2017, Chinese authorities even banned Bieber from performing in their country due to his behavior

Apparently, Justin behaved this way because he believed that his vocal abilities and the number of world hits justified any action. And his statement about himself is further proof of this: “Don’t say that I’m untalented. If you haven't noticed, I'm the chosen one. No, of course, I might not have been at the pinnacle of success - but only if I didn’t want it myself!”

Katherine Heigl earned herself a bad reputation in 2008 when she missed out on an Emmy nomination for her role as Izzie Stevens in Grey's Anatomy (the actress had won the Emmy award the previous year for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series). An offended Heigl could have remained silent, but instead said that the “talentless writers” simply didn’t give her enough good stuff in the new season so that she can prove herself

It's no secret that Katherine is difficult to work with. The diva's rudeness and manners made one of the most highly paid actresses an outsider in Hollywood. Knowledgeable people they said that during the filming of “Grey’s Anatomy,” Katherine found something to complain about every day: either about her heroine’s wardrobe, or about the script, which was rewritten within several hours. It also happened that Heigl basically refused to leave her trailer for hours while the whole team waited patiently for her

Hollywood stars, like any other stars for that matter, are not always pleasant personalities; many of them like to make scandals, and sometimes even fight. They are capricious and argue with directors, are rude to their colleagues and demand exorbitant fees for a 5-minute scene in a film. In general, they behave simply disgustingly! If suddenly you become Hollywood celebrity and want to star in the same film with Christian Bale or Jennifer Lopez, then our advice to you is to leave this idea!

Lindsey Lohan

Hollywood stylists' worst nightmare. The actress more than once stole things and jewelry from film sets and simply disrupted filming with her reluctance to work.

Charlie Sheen

Lohan's fellow sufferer and senior mentor too horrible dream producers. Due to drunkenness and absenteeism, the actor was kicked out of the series “Two and a Half Men,” and Sheen was then considered the highest paid actor on television. But, as practice shows, it is not enough just to play well; you also need to do it according to the shooting schedule, without disrupting the process. Having learned firsthand what it means to be persona non grata, Sheen decided to support LiLo when he learned about her problems with filming. Sheen invited the girl to be his partner in the comedy Scary Movie 5, but Lohan did not appreciate the broad gesture and continued to treat her work irresponsibly. And now Charlie has no time to help others. It recently became known that the actor has HIV, and Shin pays all his attention to his own health.

Jennifer Lopez

JLo is often called the most capricious star, requiring high fees and special conditions for oneself. For example, often during large concerts she demands a completely white dressing room: with white walls, candles, furniture and white roses or lilies. On set, Jen doesn't lower her standards. During breaks between takes, she does not want to communicate with anyone from the team, so as not to go out of character, and all communications with the artist are possible only through a personal assistant.

Julia Roberts

The beauty caused her first wave of popularity in Hollywood not with her acting talent, but with her intractable character and scandals on the set. Julia did not see the coast and showed her character to both assistants and directors, and amazing rumors circulated around film studios about “that young actress.”

Edward Norton

Norton is one of those people who always knows what is best. During the filming of a film, this concerns not only the acting, but also the details of the direction and the script, episodes of which Norton can easily rewrite (this was the case on the set of “ American history X"). The actor’s perfectionism prevents him from simply doing his job well: he strives to control the entire filming process even after the “Cut” command! So, after filming The Incredible Hulk, Norton became a performer leading role I wanted to be present during the installation. The refusal surprised and offended him.

Mike Myers

Agent Austin Powers and Edward Norton would make a harmonious duo called Control Freaks. The comedian keeps everything under control: both the fulfillment of personal requirements and the processes on the site, putting forward more and more new demands.

Katherine Heigl

Firstly, they don’t want to work with Katherine purely for economic reasons: the beauty doesn’t pay for itself! She has repeatedly been included in Forbes magazine's annual ranking of Hollywood's most overrated actors. And secondly, even if Katherine were financially profitable, working with her tires even the most persistent. The scandalous Hollywood star is capricious, locks herself in the dressing room, behaves arrogantly, asks, no, demands to redo her makeup and hairstyle and update her character’s wardrobe. And endure all this for the sake of failure at the box office? No, Catherine, another time.

Russell Crowe

10 years ago, Crowe scratched the face of a hotel employee in New York because of junk there. international communications, and in November 2002 he got into a fight with producer Eric Watson in a London restaurant. And in the same year he attacked the producer of the BAFTA awards for cutting his acceptance speech short.

The creators of South Park even dedicated an episode of the cartoon to the actor, in which Crowe becomes the host of the program “Fights Around the World.”

Debauches and scandals with producers and directors almost cost Russell his entire career. Now the actor is gradually getting into shape and restoring his reputation.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress is very scrupulous and fastidious, and because of this, her demands are sometimes very strange. For example, the shower stall must be perfectly dry before Gwyneth arrives: the actress does not want to see a drop of water from previous visitors to the locker room. Even A-listers who have worked with Paltrow think she's arrogant.

Christian Bale

The team of the film “Terminator: Let the Savior Come” (the fourth part of the franchise) still remembers Bale’s prank, who scolded the cameraman. During the filming of one episode, he confused the actor with an extra movement and prevented him from finishing the scene, which literally enraged Bale.

We are accustomed to seeing our idols exclusively in a light favorable to them - they take part in charity, smile sweetly and tell how much they value their colleagues. But sometimes human vices still make themselves felt, and fans’ confidence in the superiority of their idols can be greatly shaken.

1. Katherine Heigl

The famous actress Katherine Heigl is very Difficult person, and on the set he is always capricious and demands incredible helpfulness from the staff. Many producers and directors do not even want to contact her, because working with Heigl is fraught with delays in the filming schedule and loss of time. In addition, the actress always takes her mother with her, who makes scandals, achieving maximum comfortable conditions for her Hollywood daughter.

2. Paris Hilton

This TV star loses huge sums at poker, throws tantrums at parties, drives drunk, and once even went to jail. Her demands for one day of filming fill three sheets of paper, which includes everything from hot lobster to a certain brand of vodka.

3. Mariah Carey

The soul singer's requests are striking in their scope. Her dog needs his own car with a driver, and Carey herself needs a personal assistant to serve drinks: she won’t open bottles herself. The star wants to sign autographs only at an antique table worth 70 thousand dollars. Apparently, the furniture should correspond to its status. Of course, everyone will forgive Mariah for her marvelous voice, but such royal manners look immodest.

4. Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera is so amazed" star fever", which manages to start scandals even in Disneyland. In December 2014, the singer had a fight there... with Mickey Mouse, who refused to be photographed with her because he was going to lunch. “Do you even know who I am?” Christina shouted. To the police officers had to take the hapless Mickey to a safe area, away from the angry diva. In addition to quarreling with him. cartoon characters, Christina harassed the film crew of the Western show “The Voice”, forcing them to re-shoot all the shots in which she “looked fat.” And since the singer’s form at that time was not particularly graceful, she had to do a lot of takes.

5. Jennifer Lopez

She is often called the most capricious star, who demands the highest fees and special conditions. For example, in her room and dressing room, everything, from the walls to the candles, should be white. It seems that, having escaped poverty, the girl decided to live like a king. We must give her credit - she provides the same life for her loved ones and colleagues. Therefore, tour organizers, among other things, have to pay for a private jet and luxury hotel rooms not only for J. Lo, but also for her retinue. And this is about 75 people: lighting technicians, make-up artists, hairdressers and even a personal eyebrow correction specialist.

6. Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is as spoiled as he is rude. The actor believes that those around him are obliged to provide him with complete privacy. At the 2011 premiere of Friendly Sex, he famously threw people out of the elevator so he could ride it alone. Justin threw another scandal when they brought him champagne without bubbles. In addition, Timberlake wants to use only black towels, and mirrors should hang above his bed in the bedroom, apparently so that even in intimate moments he can indulge in narcissism.

7. Lindsay Lohan

The true queen of scandal. Lindsay Lohan's reputation has already served her badly - the actress is being offered fewer and fewer roles, and she has almost stopped appearing in any notable films. But this did not cure Lindsay of her addiction to luxury. Even lying in rehabilitation center, where the star tried to cope with alcohol and drug addiction, she spent $5 thousand a day on online shopping. The irritated administration of the institution was forced to demand an end to the endless purchases. In the end, shopaholism is also an addiction. Among other things, the actress more than once stole things and jewelry from film sets, and simply disrupted filming without any explanation.

8. Kanye West

Kanye West does his best to maintain the image of a brutal rapper. Kim Kardashian's husband is rude not only to the paparazzi and his team, but even to his work colleagues. So, in 2009, at the MTV Video Music Awards, he jumped on stage in front of a confused Taylor Swift and said that, in his opinion, Beyoncé deserved the award for best female video of the year. On tour, Kanye suddenly turns out to be pampered like a woman: he demands a $400 Versace towel in the bathroom, a scrub and lip balm in the dressing room, and the driver who takes the star to the concert and back must be dressed exclusively in cotton fabrics.

9. Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj is a newcomer among the capricious stars, but she has already managed to show her claws. According to Paper magazine editorial director Mickey Boardman, the singer turned photographing for their publication into a real nightmare. She did not talk to anyone from the film crew, she demanded that the completely created image be washed off and remade. After the photographer took several pictures, Minaj just looked at the result and silently left the site.

10. Madonna

Pop queen Madonna is not so whimsical in her whims. However, the star takes such care of his hygiene that he won’t set foot in his hotel room or dressing room unless they replace it. toilet seats and will not get rid of traces of nicotine smoke. And the singer takes her own washing machines with her to concerts. Their vocal cords Madonna values ​​above all else. The performer demands to turn off the air conditioners in any room where she is for at least a few seconds. One day, fans waiting for the concert began to faint from the stuffiness - the temperature in the hall rose to 32 degrees. But even this did not motivate the star to turn on the air conditioning. She has one more whim - Madonna does not like the sun, so there is always a person next to her who holds an umbrella. Even on vacation, the star hides from direct sun rays, which means the umbrella man should always be nearby.

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Many celebrities on the set behave far from angelic and sometimes drive the assistants around them to white heat. World cinema stars are capricious, rude to their colleagues on the set, and demand huge fees for even the shortest 5-minute scene in the film. In general, they are simply unbearable! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 most obnoxious Hollywood stars.

1. Jennifer Lopez

She is often called the most capricious star, demanding high fees and special conditions for herself. For example, often during large concerts she demands a completely white dressing room: with white walls, candles, furniture and white roses or lilies. On set, Jen doesn't lower her standards. During breaks between takes, she does not want to communicate with anyone from the team, so as not to go out of character, and all communications with the artist are possible only through a personal assistant.

2. Lindsay Lohan

Hollywood stylists' worst nightmare. The actress more than once stole things and jewelry from film sets and simply disrupted filming with her reluctance to work.

3. Charlie Sheen

Lohan's fellow sufferer and senior mentor is also a nightmare for the producers. Due to drunkenness and absenteeism, the actor was kicked out of the series “Two and a Half Men,” and Sheen was then considered the highest paid actor on television. But, as practice shows, it is not enough just to play well; you also need to do it according to the shooting schedule, without disrupting the process. Having learned firsthand what it means to be persona non grata, Sheen decided to support LiLo when he learned about her problems with filming. Sheen invited the girl to be his partner in the comedy Scary Movie 5, but Lohan did not appreciate the broad gesture and continued to treat her work irresponsibly. And now Charlie has no time to help others. It recently became known that the actor has HIV, and Shin pays all his attention to his own health.

4. Julia Roberts

The beauty caused her first wave of popularity in Hollywood not with her acting talent, but with her intractable character and scandals on the set. Julia did not see the coast and showed her character to both assistants and directors, and amazing rumors circulated around film studios about “that young actress.”

5. Edward Norton

Norton is one of those people who always knows what is best. During the filming of a film, this concerns not only the acting, but also the details of the direction and the script, episodes of which Norton can easily rewrite (this was the case on the set of “American History X”). The actor’s perfectionism prevents him from simply doing his job well: he strives to control the entire filming process even after the “Cut” command! So, after filming The Incredible Hulk, Norton, as the leading actor, wanted to be present during the editing. The refusal surprised and offended him .

Agent Austin Powers and Edward Norton would make a harmonious duo called Control Freaks. The comedian keeps everything under control: both the fulfillment of personal requirements and the processes on the site, putting forward more and more new demands.

7. Katherine Heigl

Firstly, they don’t want to work with Katherine purely for economic reasons: the beauty doesn’t pay for itself! She has repeatedly been included in Forbes magazine's annual ranking of Hollywood's most overrated actors. And secondly, even if Katherine were financially profitable, working with her tires even the most persistent. The scandalous Hollywood star is capricious, locks herself in the dressing room, behaves arrogantly, asks, no, demands to redo her makeup and hairstyle and update her character’s wardrobe. And endure all this for the sake of failure at the box office? No, Catherine, another time.

8. Russell Crowe

10 years ago, Crowe scratched the face of a hotel employee in New York due to the fact that international communications were malfunctioning there, and in November 2002 he got into a fight with producer Eric Watson in a London restaurant. And in the same year he attacked the producer of the BAFTA awards for cutting his acceptance speech short. The creators of South Park even dedicated an episode of the cartoon to the actor, in which Crowe becomes the host of the program “Fights Around the World.” Debauches and scandals with producers and directors almost cost Russell his entire career. Now the actor is gradually getting into shape and restoring his reputation.

9. Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress is very scrupulous and fastidious, and because of this, her demands are sometimes very strange. For example, the shower stall must be perfectly dry before Gwyneth arrives: the actress does not want to see a drop of water from previous visitors to the locker room. Even A-listers who have worked with Paltrow think she's arrogant.

10. Christian Bale

The team of the film “Terminator: Let the Savior Come” (the fourth part of the franchise) still remembers Bale’s prank, who scolded the cameraman. During the filming of one episode, he confused the actor with an extra movement and prevented him from finishing the scene, which literally enraged Bale.

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10 Hollywood stars with the most vile character

Faktrum presents to your attention a whole dozen stars that few people want to deal with.

1. Christian Bale

Bale scandalized quietly, without airing his dirty laundry in public, but you can’t hide a pain in the ass. As a result, the actor became famous throughout Hollywood after an audio recording leaked online, where Bale inspiredly scolds the chief cameraman of the film “Terminator: Let the Savior Come” for the fact that he, the stinker, dared to interrupt the take.

2. Val Kilmer

Horrible tales about Kilmer's behavior began to spread a long time ago, during the filming of The Island of Doctor Moreau (1996). His showdowns and attacks led to the fact that three days later the film’s director was changed; Kilmer himself did not hide the fact that he sought just such a decision from his superiors. Co-director John Frankenheimer, however, was also not happy with Kilmer, and soon said the following: “There are two things I will never do in my life. I won't reach the top of Everest. And I will never work with Kilmer again."

Moreover, over the years, Kilmer’s book of complaints was replenished with new entries. Among those who infuriated Kilmer were a lot of world-famous filmmakers - for example, Joel Schumacher and even Oliver Stone!

3. Lindsay Lohan

Here you can do without unnecessary details, because the behavior of the hysterical squirrel Lindsey has already entered folklore, and she herself has been for many years main character drug-addicted jokes about Hollywood.

This is how her colleagues characterize her work: “From the moment Lohan appeared on the set, the only thing she did was stop the work. She could sit for a long time in a trailer or in a dressing room, and then suddenly take off and rush off to her boyfriend’s concert. Everyone else was, in essence, her hostages.”

4. Jennifer Lopez

J. Lo's quarrelsome character has been stewing in front of the tabloid press for many years. Her antisocial behavior reached its apogee during the filming of the film “What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Baby.” Jennifer categorically refused to communicate with anyone, which prevented the film from being made as a human being.

5. Bruce Willis

The hero of all movie geeks, Kevin Smith, bluntly announced that Bruce Willis simply trampled on his soul on the set of the film “Double KOPets”. Bruce even refused to appear in front of the film poster and talk to the press during the advertising campaign. The participants in the filming supported the director, who said the following in their hearts: “I want to thank everyone who worked on this picture, with the exception of Bruce Willis, because he is a fucking asshole.”

6. Julia Roberts

She was only 23, and she was already having a row and quarreling with Steven Spielberg himself on the set of Captain Hook. Spielberg later stated that all of her breakdowns occurred due to drugs and personal troubles. Rumor has it that many stars - including Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson and Michelle Pfeiffer - specially came to the set to make sure that everything they were saying about the extravagant young actress was true.

Bitchiness and lousy nerves have not, however, stopped Julia from amassing a fortune of $250 million to date.

7. Edward Norton

If you've seen the wonderful "Birdman", you can imagine Norton on the set: much of this film is not embellished and is based on his real behavior. The actor simply loves to control everything and everyone, interfering in the writing of the script, the filming process and - which is considered especially indecent in film circles - personally being present and downloading the rights during editing. When he was not allowed to edit the final cut of “Hulk” himself, Norton was not childishly offended and refused to participate in the promotion of the film, which seriously crippled the launch of the film. It's no surprise that someone completely different is now in charge of the Hulk in The Avengers.

8. Steven Seagal

Behind the great dramatic actor, who knows only one facial expression, there is a trail of rumors and gossip that he supposedly has a nasty character. Seagal does not consider those who act with him to be people; he is even capable of kicking one of the stuntmen so that they do not relax. John Leguizamo, who played in the film “Ordered to Destroy,” said that Seagal almost beat him because the pathetic actor dared to sneer at rehearsals.

9. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow reportedly did everything she could to make Scarlett Johansson feel welcome on set. Iron Man 2" is uncomfortable. A source said: “Gwyneth doesn't make friends with everyone and tends to make people feel awkward and awkward around her. She wasn't directly rude to Scarlett, she just never spoke to her. Gwyneth avoided Scarlett and avoided her in every possible way.”

10. Wesley Snipes

And here comes the hero of numerous scandals and oddities, old Blade. Actor Patton Oswalt was with him on the set of the film “Blade 3: Trinity” and brought back not the most radiant memories. Wesley hung out in his trailer all day long and smoked hashish. Moreover, he did this demonstratively, protesting against the fact that the director and producers allegedly underestimated him, underpaid him and did not allow him to manage the creative process. It’s not hard to imagine what a stoned, extravagant Hollywood star, who also managed to serve three years in prison for tax evasion, could accomplish. Although about taxes - that’s more late history. We'll also see if prison increased his acting talents.