Day social worker celebrated annually on June 8th. This holiday appeared in Russia quite recently. On October 27, 2000, the President issued a Decree “On Social Worker’s Day,” which set the date for the celebration. Why did this Decree appear? Where did this name “social worker” even come from? Is such work important for the state? We will try to answer these questions.

From the history of the profession and holiday

The date June 8 in the presidential decree did not appear by chance. On this day in 1701, Peter the Great issued his Decree that in almshouses (a kind of hospitals, shelters, nursing homes) for every ten sick people there would be one healthy person, so that he would look after them and receive a reward for this.

This has been the case since then in Russia, and this assistance to the poor, sick and people offended by fate continued until the revolution of 1917. Of course, not everyone who needed help could be provided by the state, but the fact that such services existed cannot be disputed.

In 1917, when tsarist power passed to folk hands, the responsibilities of a person helping people spread across different services: orderlies, nurses, doctors in hospitals, teachers in orphanages, officials in the service social assistance to the population, various mutual assistance committees at enterprises, people's squads, “Timurovites” at school (children helping the elderly and military families). Society itself was designed so that people helped each other and the need for a special person simply disappeared.

Revival of the social worker profession in Russia

In the 90s of the 20th century, when the old society collapsed and people became more selfish, each fixated on himself, it suddenly became clear that there were too few people left capable of helping another person, and even helping without remuneration means ruining yourself and your family. Thus, the need for “one healthy person for every ten sick people” arose again in society; the profession of a social worker appeared, or rather returned to people. Since 1992, this profession has been taught in universities in the specialties “social educator”, “social psychologist”, “social worker”.

The essence of the profession and prospects

The profession of a social worker is one of the most important and in demand in a society that takes care of its weakest and most vulnerable citizens. This is exactly what happens in a developed country.

We need to help old, sick and lonely people; solve many complex issues in educational institutions, occupy free time children, teenagers, creating interest clubs; help those returning from prison adapt to society; advise less-informed people about their rights and benefits.

To do this kind of work you need to have a big heart, patience, responsiveness and compassion. Only highly moral people are capable of such work. But in this profession it is necessary to combine a lot: the knowledge of a nurse and a lawyer, the skills of psychological and pedagogical assistance. You need to have a sense of humor, creativity, the ability to communicate with people, listen to them, find the right words for support.

Kindness and mercy are the main components of the profession of a social worker. And in Russia, in a country where most people in last years hardened, indifferent to the world and others, this profession is becoming increasingly important as a bridge of trust, kindness and understanding between people.

Social Worker Day helps these caring people, to merciful people meet, get together, discuss their problems and just relax, because tomorrow they will once again take care of those who really need help.

Similar holidays are celebrated in Kazakhstan in October and in Ukraine in November, on the days when state Decrees on social services were issued.

One of the tasks of the functioning of the state is to provide support to its residents, implement various programs to protect the poor and disabled segments of the population, and ensure their rights and freedoms. The country maintains a staff of workers who are assigned such responsibilities. Dedicated to specialists in this field professional holiday.

When is it celebrated?

Social Worker Day in Russia is celebrated annually on June 8. The date is not a holiday. In 2019, it is celebrated at the official level for the 19th time. The event was established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated October 27, 2000 No. 1796 “On Social Worker Day.” The document was signed by V. Putin.

Who's celebrating

All employees providing social assistance, regardless of their position and length of service, are involved in the celebrations. Among them are workers rehabilitation centers, shelters, nursing homes, social services, as well as doctors, psychologists, and lawyers. Their acquaintances, friends, relatives and close people also take part in the events. Teachers, students of educational institutions, research fellows, whose profile is the social sphere.

History and traditions of the holiday

The history of honoring social workers began with the issuance of a corresponding decree by the President in 2000. The document prescribed on June 8 to hold events dedicated to social assistance specialists.

The date has symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to creating a prototype of modern institutions that provide assistance to those in need. In 1701, Peter the Great ordered the formation of almshouses (charitable institutions for sick and incapable people). These institutions cared for the sick and elderly and provided shelter and food for the poor.

Social Worker Day 2019 is marked by celebrations in the professional circle. Colleagues gather at festive tables. They exchange news, share plans, discuss prospects. Congratulations, wishes for health and success are heard, toasts end with the clink of glasses. Top officials of the Russian Federation make speeches and statements. They mention the achievements and difficulties of the industry and its importance for the development of society.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to workers social sphere, stories are told about their lives and workdays. The best employees are awarded medals, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, and diplomas for outstanding achievements.

Russia is not the only country where such holidays have been established. International Social Worker's Day is a worldwide event. It has become international and is celebrated on March 20th.

About the profession

Specialists are engaged in providing assistance to various segments of the population. Through their efforts and efforts, difficulties in the lives of many people who have physical limitations are overcome, serious illnesses, live below the poverty line.

The path to the profession begins with obtaining an education at a specialized higher or secondary specialized educational institution. It covers basic and specialized subjects. Students take theoretical and practical courses. Graduates receive a specialty and can begin work in the relevant public institution or conduct research activities.

The range of tasks of social workers is varied. This may include providing legal, psychological, medical care, care and educational mission.

On June 8, Russians celebrate Social Worker Day. Social workers in Russia celebrate their holiday on June 8. In 1701, on this day, Peter I issued a decree “On the designation of almshouses of the Holy Patriarchate for the poor, the sick and the elderly.”

The profession of social worker began to take shape in the 90s. It was then that the collapse of the USSR occurred, and this entailed social problems in society and the crisis in the economy. After the emergence of such problems, social institutions began to form in the state, and with them the new kind professions. The government of the Russian Federation began to develop various measures, social and economic programs that were aimed at leading the country out of the crisis.

In 1991, new specialties appeared, such as worker social service, social educator, specialist in the field of social work.

State social insurance was introduced in 1993. Main directions in social policy were approved by the government in 1994, and in the same year the holiday of Social Worker Day became professional, thanks to the Resolution of the Association of Social Services. The Federal Law of December 10, 1995 “On the fundamentals of social services for the population of the Russian Federation” regulates the provision of social services.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a social service worker “provides assistance to someone who finds himself in difficult life situation, in accordance with the list of services of the Center for Social Services."

Ministry social protection(and now it is the Ministry of Health and Social Development) since the 90s, has been implementing all government measures in the area for the social protection of people.

Presidential Decree of October 27, 2000 “On Social Worker Day” established a professional holiday for social workers.

Social protection of the population is a system that includes departments, administrations in municipalities and authorities executive power, social service institutions. Social institutions can be non-stationary (centers for the homeless, comprehensive centers, etc.) and stationary (boarding schools for children, homes for the elderly, people with disabilities).

Profession social worker

In municipalities and centers social services There are employees who provide care for people at home. Social workers deliver food and medicine, provide psychological support to families with difficult children, and provide rehabilitation services for the elderly. The job of a social worker is to help people deal with their problems. Workers of social institutions provide people with pedagogical, economic, medical, household, legal and psychological assistance.

Social workers in last decades have become very popular. Now in our country there are about 6,000 social institutions and they employ about 500,000 employees. For good service, social workers receive the title “Honored Worker of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation.”

More than 16,000 services provide home visiting services to more than 5 million citizens.

The profession of a social worker has become very popular these days. 120 universities in the country train social workers. RGSU produces personnel for the social sphere. In addition to this university, medical universities also train social workers.

In every civilized society, the protection and support of the population plays one of the critical roles V public policy. Implementation of programs to protect and provide necessary assistance All segments of the population, including the poor and disabled, are treated by social protection employees. The annual professional holiday is celebrated by all those involved in this noble and necessary duty in many countries of Europe and the world. In Russia, Social Worker Day in 2019 will be celebrated on June 8. International holiday, which is celebrated simultaneously in many countries around the world - March 20.

The system of social assistance and protection includes many professions, including workers in rehabilitation and treatment centers, psychologists, doctors, as well as all employees of organizations that provide any assistance to all segments of the population in need. state level. Currently professional specialists prepared in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

History and traditions

The development of the social sphere in Russia was based on the system of state charity, formed at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. One of the main reasons for the creation of this system was a significant increase in the number of beggars in Imperial Russia. Initially, it was supported by public organizations, churches, peasant communities and local governments.

On June 8, 1701, Peter the Great issued a decree on the organization of a system of charity, which included almshouses and nursing homes. Since then, the protection of needy and disadvantaged citizens has received state support. This date has acquired historical significance and, not by chance, it was chosen for the professional holiday of social security workers in modern Russia. In the Russian Federation, the holiday was re-established in 2000.

According to tradition, all workers of social protection services celebrate it for festive table, discussing future prospects with colleagues. On this day best employees receive valuable gifts and certificates of honor for success in their work, take part in holiday concerts and other events. Congratulations are accompanied by funds mass media and government organizations.

Who celebrates

This day is a holiday for all specialists who are involved in providing assistance to the population in various fields of activity. These include not only government, but also public organizations. On this day workers are honored social security, doctors, lawyers, psychologists and many others. June 8 is a holiday for employees of rehabilitation centers, shelters and nursing homes, as well as researchers.

The state's social policy applies to various segments of the population. Providing assistance can be either short-term or regular. Help is provided to people with disabilities not only in material terms, but also in physical capabilities. Social include one-time or permanent cash payments, pensions and insurance, compensation, household and medical services. Thus, the social sphere can include many different areas in which several million people work.

This day is celebrated not only by employees, but also by people whose activities are related to providing assistance to all those in need: large families and disabled people, pensioners and elderly people. Social Worker's Day in Russia is considered a holiday by more than 630 thousand specialists from social protection and public service institutions. It is celebrated by all caring people who help their neighbors in solving pressing problems.

The tradition of celebrating the day of helping the population exists in other countries. Social Worker Day has been celebrated in Belarus since 1998. Every year on January 5, all social security employees celebrate it together with their colleagues and surrounded by loved ones.

In Armenia, the solemn day in honor of this noble profession is celebrated on November 4. In Kazakhstan, the holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. On September 27, the social worker is honored in Lithuania, and in Latvia he is celebrated on November 9. The international holiday, which is celebrated by all countries of the world, has its own date - March 20.

People of one of the noblest professions, who are not afraid to shoulder the difficult problems of others, celebrate their professional holiday on June 8th. According to the dry and laconic text of the presidential decree, Social Worker Day has been celebrated since its signing, namely June 8, 2001.

History of origin

We return to the times of Peter the Great, namely to 1701. On this day the king created one of the first social institutions, designed to protect the poorest segments of the population. The sick, homeless and beggars who needed daily care ended up here. The text of Peter the Great of the 18th century was no less laconic than Putin’s of the 21st, except that it had more specifics. According to the decree, for every ten needy people, one absolute healthy man whose responsibilities would include caring for the sick. This rule applied equally to all almshouses. Thus, when social worker’s day was not yet celebrated, there were already people of this profession in the service of the state.

Numerous royal almshouses and other social institutions continued to exist in the Soviet Union. New service received the name of the Commissariat for Social Security, and immediately after the war the institution completely turned into a separate ministry. The need for a large and serious institution was especially felt after the war, which led to the creation of the ministry.

Russian social sphere

After the collapse of the USSR, Russia received a sad legacy in the form of a poorly functioning social protection mechanism. The newly formed ministry existed until 1996, after which it came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. As a result of a series of reforms and transformations, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection was formed by 2012, working in the field to this day.

Main activity

Throughout the history of existence, the main task social structures– this is assistance to vulnerable groups of the population. Nowadays, numerous federal and local programs are being created aimed at caring for the disabled, lonely old people and the poor. Often, professionals celebrating social worker's holiday are joined by numerous volunteers. These people deserve special respect, because they are essentially engaged in charity, spending their money on strangers. personal time and money.


Social workers are one of the most scarce professions on the labor market. This is understandable; not everyone dares to shoulder the hardest problems of others. In total, about 600 thousand people work in this area, providing a wide variety of services to almost 30 million people in need, half of whom are the most vulnerable segments of the population: disabled people and pensioners.


Social Worker Day is, first of all, about raising the status of the profession and attracting new employees to its ranks. 120 Russian universities are training future personnel for the social sector. These include medical educational establishments, and the most important specialized university is RGSU. The best representatives of the profession receive the title of Honorary Social Security Worker of the Russian Federation. Employees of state and public organizations can also receive this title.

When is Social Worker Day in 2019?