Based on the famous DC Comics universe, dedicated to a team of superheroes


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Aaron Helzinger

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One of the psychopaths of Arkham Hospital, on whom Jack Gruber successfully conducted an experiment.

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A DVO agent who regularly provides J'onn, Alex and Kara with information about alien attacks or other incidents.

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Cat Grant's eldest son, whom she once gave up for adoption, and Carter's half-brother. Along with James and Winn, Kara's potential love interest.

Ivy Pepper

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The daughter of the murdered Mario Pepper, who was put in the case of the Wayne murders. After the death of her husband, her mother committed suicide, and Ivy was left an orphan. Selina's friend.

Iris Allen

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According to the character's main comic book history: she only wife the second Flash (pre-Flashpoint), Barry Allen, the aunt of the third Flash, Wally West, and the grandmother of the fourth, Bart Allen.

In the television series "The Flash" - the daughter of Detective West and best friend Barry Allen, later wife.

Alexandra Danvers

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Her friends call her Alex. Daughter of Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers, half-sister of Kara Danvers. Lead agent and bioengineer of the D.E.O. She dated Maggie Sawyer and was even engaged to her.

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Biological mother of Kara, twin sister of Astra. Based on her memories, a Kryptonian artificial intelligence was created, to which Kara turns for advice. It later turns out that she was a judge on Krypton and sent almost all the prisoners of Fort Ross to the Phantom Zone, for which they seek revenge.

Aldus Boardman

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Doctor of Science, Professor of Classical Culture at the University of Saint Roch. Has extensive knowledge regarding the biographies of Chai-Ara/Kendra and Prince Khufu/Carter. He is the son of Edith and Joe Boardman, previous incarnations of Kendra and Carter.

Alfred Pennyworth

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The butler at the Wayne house. After the death of Martha and Thomas Wayne, he becomes the guardian of young Bruce Wayne. He is also a friend of James Gordon. Former UK Special Air Service.

Amadeus Arkham

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A very peaceful person, of fragile health and physique. Doctor, founded a mental hospital in Gotham, later named in his honor. Found in All-Star Western v3.

Amaya Jiwe (Vixen)

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An African woman who is the keeper of a sacred necklace known as the Tantu Totem, which gives its owner the properties of various animals. Grandmother of Marie McCabe.

The character Vixen (Vixen) is based on the comic book superheroine of the same name. Amaya Jeevi's character was created especially for the series.

Amanda Waller

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Government employee, creator of Suicide Squad. Despite the outward harmlessness, he is one of the toughest and merciless leaders.

Arnold Flass

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Narcotics cop. He is closely connected with the drug business, as he has many “friends from above.”

Arthur Curry (Aquaman)

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Superhero, one of the members of the first Justice League.

Aquaman can breathe underwater, communicate telepathically and control all forms sea ​​life and also swim on high speeds. He also possesses superhuman strength, speed, endurance and longevity - all the result of his body adapting to being protected under the enormous pressure of the ocean depths.

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Kara's aunt, Alura's twin sister. She claimed that she was sent to Fort Ross undeservedly, simply because she wanted to save Krypton and the Earth.

Granny Goodness

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Initially, she was not a high-ranking citizen of Apokolips; she came from a family of peasants. She was taken from her parents and raised as one of Darkseid's Hounds. Masterfully combining psychological techniques and torture, she trains Darkseid to have such loyal soldiers that they are ready to die in the name of their master.

Buddy Baker (Animal Man)

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Animal Man is a hero capable of adopting specific traits characteristic of individual animals (heightened senses, reaction, strength, instinct, etc.) thanks to his subconscious connection with nature and the animal world. This connection opened our hero's eyes to his destiny: protecting the environment and fighting for animal rights. Now, Buddy's awkward superhero career, while enjoyable, is at odds with his new priorities. Buddy Baker - stuntman, activist, actor and overall family man a common person. This is the kind of life he dreams of main character, but is the former superhero given a chance to abandon his past and enjoy all the delights ordinary life. Criminals and madmen continue to disturb the peace in the city, but now the hero's family is under threat.

Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)

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The first Batgirl. Niece and soon adopted daughter of James Gordon. After saving Bruce Wayne at a masquerade ball from the petty criminal Mothman, she became the second Batgirl. She was paralyzed from the waist down by the Joker, but even then she did not give up fighting crime, using her mental abilities and hacker skills under the name Oracle. She organized and became the leader of the Birds of Prey team. After the New 52 relaunch, she returned to the role of Batgirl.

Barbara Kean

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Is ex-fiancée James Gordon. She also had a romantic relationship with Rene Montoya. Grew up in rich family and lives in a luxurious apartment bought by her parents. At the same time, she tries to work and be independent, she owns an art gallery in the art district of Gotham

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Nazi officer, purchased from Reverse Flash a special serum that he intended to use to win the Second World War.

Burry Allen (The Flash)

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The main character, an assistant police forensic scientist in Central City, who was struck by lightning after the explosion of a particle accelerator in the STAR laboratory, as a result of which he received superpowers - the ability to move (run), think and react at exorbitant speeds. He was originally called “Stripe”, but later, with the help of Iris’s blog, another pseudonym was popularized - Flash.

White Fawn

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An Apache girl whom Hex wanted to marry. Did not work out.

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Former nuclear physicist and one of Superman's enemies. He wants to take revenge on the Man of Steel for not saving his wife. Having learned that Supergirl and Superman are related, he decided to kill the superheroine.

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Exists exclusively in film adaptation.

Turnbull's tattooed henchman, good marksman and demolitionist. He also has an ear for music. Burke's first or last name is unknown.


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A clone double of Superman, but his abilities are mirrored, that is, opposite to Superman.

In the TV series "Supergirl" - an artificially created copy of Supergirl. Maxwell Lord used superheroine DNA to turn an unknown girl into a Kryptonian

Bill Anderson (Bloody Bill)

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Full name: William T. Anderson

Historical figure. Shooter, horse thief, fearless and ruthless killer. One of Quantrill's "captains". He took scalps from the northerners.

A character from the historical comic book The Kents, about the ancestors of Superman's adoptive parents. Fate is no different from reality.

Bill Wintergreen

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Former agent of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and close friend of Slade Wilson. After Bill arrived on the island, he began working for Edward Fayers.

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Thea Quinn's school friend.

Autumn Brothers

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Half-worms, they look disgusting, smell even worse, and are preoccupied with their sexual reproduction. They confuse women with pigs. Also cattle thieves. The number is twenty people.


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An extraterrestrial android (in most cases), Brainiac is one of Superman's main enemies, responsible for shrinking and stealing Kandor, the capital of Krypton, Superman's home planet. With complex storylines involving time travel, cloning, and the reinvention of the DC Universe, there have been multiple versions of Brainiac. Most versions of Brainiac appear as a green-skinned humanoid.

Bridget Pike

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An orphan who was taken in by the Pike Brothers gang of arsonists.

Bruce Wayne (Batman)

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IN original version biographies Batman is the secret alter ego of billionaire Bruce Wayne, a successful industrialist, philanthropist and favorite of women. As a child, after witnessing the murder of his parents, Bruce vowed to dedicate his life to eradicating crime and fighting for justice. Having prepared himself physically and mentally, he puts on a stylized suit bat and goes out onto the city streets to confront criminals.

Butch Gilzean

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Fish Mooney's right hand, then Penguin's.

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One of Batman's most dangerous opponents. Extremely strong, cunning and unpredictable. Known for having managed to escape from Pena Duro prison (in some canons - “The Pit”), and also defeat Batman by breaking his back.

Bat Lash, Bartholomew Aloysius Lash

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A gambler by calling, an adventurer by nature, and a criminal by tragic mistake. He is a pacifist, so he does not carry weapons. But he is friends with Hex. Educated, fashionable, wears a flower in the band of his hat.

Valentina Vostok

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An eccentric and active Soviet physicist. Played a significant role in the events Cold War. In the series "White Knights" and "Failsafe", she tried to create a Soviet version of Firestorm by teaming up with Professor Stein. However, after Jax reached Stein inside her, the latter's will became so strong that the resulting Firestorm simply exploded.

Vandal Savage

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A 4,000-year-old immortal ancient Egyptian priest who, throughout human history, manipulated kings and tyrants to gain power over the world.

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Alien criminal ex-prisoner Fort Ross. Entered into a fight with Supergirl after he revealed his powers. He initially managed to defeat her, but she later defeated him by destroying his weapon (a red-hot axe). Not wanting to go to prison again, he committed suicide.

The Great Worm

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A representative of a race of ancient monsters, she lives underground. Queen of their clan, her sons can copulate with mortal women, giving birth to half-worms. She devours all living things that pass over her caves or her sons bring her food. A huge green creature with many eyes and breasts. And tentacles.

Glorious Godfrey

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Godfrey is an outstanding speaker with incredible powers of persuasion. Godfrey has a sister named Amazing Grace, who is also a member of Darkseid's Elite and had the ability to manipulate. One day, Darkseid sends Godfrey to Earth to turn the inhabitants of the planet against the heroes and recruit people for the army, as well as prepare the way for the coming of Darkseid.

Son of Silas Stone and Eleanor Stone, laboratory scientists"S.T.A.R.", which performed an experiment on him to increase his intelligence.

Victor Fries (Mr. Freeze)

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As a child, Victor Fries was fond of freezing animals, which horrified those around him. In college, he met a woman named Nora, whom he later married. But soon Nora is struck rare disease. To stop the development of the disease before a cure is found, Freeze decides to subject her to cryogenic freezing, but due to the intervention of his boss, Ferris Boyle, who tried to remove Victor from work, an accident occurred: Ferris accidentally shot into a tank with cryochemicals, which quickly filled the entire room. He managed to escape, but Fries remained in a closed laboratory. Cryochemicals changed his physiology, from that moment on he could only survive at temperatures below zero, so he designs a freezing gun and a suit that maintains the cold he needs and takes the name Frieze. He prefers to work alone and not ally with other criminals in Gotham.

Woodson Hex

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Jonah Hex's father. A bandit, moonshiner and gambler from Missouri with a very bad character, lost the documents for the land, taught his son to shoot with two hands, drink, smoke, swear, and advised him not to follow his example. But even though he sold his son to the Apaches, he is still proud of him, because he grew up to be a tough guy, tougher than himself.

Garfield Lynns (Firefly)

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Special effects expert. By faking a fire in a movie theater, Lynns tried to rob wealthy moviegoers. He hid from Batman in the forest, where the avenger took a false trail, mistaking a firefly in the dark for the flash of a criminal’s cigarette. Inspired by this circumstance, Garfield called himself Firefly, chose light as the theme for his crimes and armed himself with the appropriate devices. He later fought not only Batman and Robin, but also the Creeper; During the duel with the latter, Lynns fell from the lighthouse into the sea and apparently died.

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Nathan Haywood's grandfather and member of the Justice Society of America. Like other members of the OSA, he received the task of guarding a fragment of the Spear of Destiny. Heywood Sr. hid his part inside a flag planted on the Moon. Died, sacrificing himself to save the Legends and the Apollo 13 crew.

The year 1934 was marked by the emergence of the most famous publishing house - DC Comics, whose characters are widely known to this day. This company is one of the most popular and productive, producing thousands of printed pages every year. In addition to new heroes, which are being developed by industry experts, DC does not forget about the “old-timers” who have made it famous throughout the world.

DC history

Initially this famous publishing house bore the name "Detective Comics", that is, "detective comics". It gave the company its current abbreviation. Moreover, at the beginning of its history, this organization was the National Union of Publicists, whose members saw their goal as not only publishing comics. Behind for a long time Since its existence, its owners and development vector have changed more than once. An interesting milestone in history was the so-called silver Age comics, which became the heyday of DC Comics, whose characters teamed up. The famous Justice League appears. The team, thanks to the popularity of each individual hero, is known and loved throughout America.

In the 50s, the comic book industry was in decline. The solution was to create new heroes that would attract the next generation of readers to comics. The company began promoting its new character - Flash. The next stage in the history of the publishing house begins, more serious and thoughtful stories are created that can significantly expand the age range of readers. In response to the undying popularity of the team of DC hero-protagonists, the Marvel company, which is their direct competitor, is creating its own analogue - Fantastic Four. Despite this, DC Comics characters still remain at the top of their popularity. Characters such as Superman or Batman continue their victorious march in the world of comics. Moreover, they perfectly adapt to a changing world.

DC Entertainment - a new milestone in the company's development

DC Entertainment is a film company engaged in the production and promotion of films based on the stories of DC Comics, the characters of which are perfectly suited for large-scale blockbusters. This company, in turn, is part of Warner Bros. Entertainment. It owns the rights to create films based on such famous comic series as “Superman”, “Batman”, “Flash” and others. The purpose of this division was to promote comics in other areas - cinema, television, etc. modern world they also added computer and browser projects, as well as games in in social networks. The most important component is also maintaining proper interest in the characters in the Internet environment.

DC Comics: Legendary Characters

For any comic book fan, the mention of this publishing house will evoke associations with the following heroes: Superman, Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and others. Many of them have already received their numerous incarnations in feature films and animated series. Seeing the popularity of The Avengers, breaking all box office records, we can say with confidence that sooner or later the film adaptation of Justice League will see the light of day. The first attempt to unite the iconic heroes will take place in the film "Batman v Superman", which also has a place in the plot for Wonder Woman. All of them are the most popular personalities created by DC Comics. The characters, pictures of which can be found on any thematic Internet resource, are breaking all popularity records.

Superman is the most famous hero of the publishing house

This character has become not only a cult figure in the world of comics, but also a true icon of American culture. Its author is Jerry Siegel, who came up with a story about this alien for whom the Earth becomes a real home. Having discovered his supernatural abilities, the young man decides to use them for the benefit of people. The image of this hero had a tremendous impact on US culture.

Batman - Bruce Wayne Appears

Batman is one of the most popular comic book heroes. It was created by Bob Kane, a talented artist. Before him, DC Comics characters were not distinguished by the presence of a “dark” side of their personality, which manifests itself more than once in Bruce Wayne. Even at an early age, this billionaire, accustomed to luxury and the company of beautiful ladies, knew a lot of grief. The hero's parents are killed right in front of his eyes, and Wayne vows to make every effort to eradicate evil in his hometown.

Wonder Woman

In the world of comics, attempts have been made more than once to create a popular character who would be in no way inferior to male protagonists. The authors of this publishing house did not abandon this idea, submitting more and more new heroines for consideration to the management of DC Comics. The characters, with Wonder Woman at the top of the list, received sketches from talented artists, and in the end she was chosen. The heroine is distinguished by her strength, agility, and sexy image, which quickly made her famous among comic book fans. This Amazon has been one of the main female characters in the publishing house for 70 years.

DC Comics is a company probably known to everyone. Over more than half a century of its existence, its heroes have gained worldwide fame, and their story is still very far from completion.

The DC Universe is so huge that creators and fans add the prefix “multi-” to it. Arising as a result big bang, it contained many parallel worlds and realities. The main events of most comics take place in the main world called Earth 1. Next to it fit Earth-2, Earth-3, etc.

Today the DC Universe has more than 20 thousand characters. Among them you can find gods, archangels, heroes, villains, antiheroes and civilians. At the same time, the publishing house makes great efforts to ensure that the list of residents increases every year, and the creatures from different worlds met on the pages of the same issue.

DC Multiverse imprints

It was DC that invented drawing comics about superheroes. The very first character endowed with superhuman strength was Superman in 1938. Its authors were Joe Shuster and Jerome Siegel. He was followed by Batman in 1938 and Wonder Woman in 1941. Over more than half a century of history, the images, biographies and surroundings of the main characters have repeatedly changed and transformed. To justify the violation of canonical images, DC editors created the Multiverse. Here, in parallel realities, the editors placed all the protagonists.

Over time, Gotham, Star City, Metropolis, Smallville and Central City began to appear on the world map. According to DC Comics canon, none of these cities should be destroyed as a result of the confrontation between good and evil. While fighting crime in the fictional world, DC superheroes have made invaluable contributions to the fight against evil in real story. For example, wartime issues were full of anti-fascist propaganda. The heroes destroyed one after another Nazi troops and raised the morale of the American army.

Superman of that time was the standard protagonist. Many publishers (Fox Comics, Fawcett Comics) have gotten burned trying to copy Joe Shuster's signature style. His Superman turned out to be such a successful idea that he still occupies first place in the ranking of the most popular characters DC. Behind him were Batman, Green Lantern and Flash. Among women best places Wonder Woman and Barbara Gordon received this category.

Supervillains from DC Comics

Having mentioned the heroes, it is worth talking about their antagonists. Despite the fact that during the Great Depression, comics were published for the amusement of the public, the first villains actively promoted the cult of violence. For example, when he first appeared in 1940, the Joker mercilessly kills other characters.

But further experiments in this direction came to naught. The culprit was the infamous Comics Code, a government document that prohibited the depiction of scenes of drug use, violence and murder. The conservative masses considered comics to be child's play. From the mid-50s to the end of the 80s, DC villains could not compete with superheroes and the confrontation between the parties was reduced to comical skirmishes.

In the 1990s, the code was repealed, and ratings for stories about corrupt government and moral turmoil skyrocketed. Some villains became so popular that DC's editorial team barely had time to write new issues about their adventures. This happened with Harley Quinn, Joker and many others. Today, IGN's list of supervillains is headed by Magneto, Joker and Doom. The top five also included Lex Luthor and Galactus.

Aquaman's lover and later queen of Atlantis is a trained assassin and powerful telekineticist. She sacrificed her former life to start a new one on land with Arthur Curry, but she still had to get involved in the political squabbles of her native kingdom. A native of the underwater kingdom of Xebel, an ancient colony of rebellious Atlanteans, she was taught to be brutal killer and hate Atlantis. Despite this, she...

Tigress is a pseudonym used by several supervillains from the DC Comics Universe. The character debuted in June 1938 (Action Comics #1). The first Tigress was a nameless thief - an opponent of the magician Zatara. Having put together a gang of thugs, she traded in robbery and blackmail. According to conflicting reports, Tigress was the mother of Paula Brooks and the grandmother of Armetics Croc. Total…

Sandy Hawkins began his career during World War II, becoming a partner Sandman Wesley Dodds. A deft acrobat and fighter, Hawkins learned all the secrets of the detective's craft from his brilliant partner-mentor, but then an accident occurred. During a laboratory experiment designed to improve their crime-fighting arsenal, Sandy was accidentally transformed into a huge, furious sand monster...

Manhunter is a character in the DC Comics Multiverse, under whose mask there were several characters. Among them were heroes, anti-heroes, and an army of androids - the predecessors of the Green Lantern Corps. The rise of the Manhunter began when Dan Richards' brother was accused by denunciation of a crime he did not commit. Vowing to find...

James Corrigan is the last person to become the bearer of the Spectre, the magical embodiment of God's wrath. Torn between his thirst for vengeance and his destiny as a defender of justice, Corrigan battles the evils of the world around him and his own human instincts. Gotham cop Jim Corrigan, with the help of the Phantom Stranger, found his kidnapped bride. In fact, the Stranger - without knowing it...

June Moon is the bearer of a magical essence named Enchanters, which gives the girl amazing magical abilities, but has a detrimental effect on her sanity. As the Enchantress, June sometimes turns into a villain and sometimes into a heroine trying to atone for her crimes. When Zantanna separated Moon and the Enchantress, the former became insane, and the Enchantress unleashed deadly magic to...

When brothers Hank and Don Hall learned that criminals were going to kill their father, Don wished they had the power to save him. The Gods of War and Peace responded to the prayer. Furious and aggressive, Hank transformed into Hawk, the embodiment of War. And the quiet and reasonable Don is a Dove, the embodiment of Peace. They…

Triumph was a superhero who controlled the electromagnetic spectrum. He joined the LSA to fight the alien Plasma, which caused damage to the space-time continuum, and Triumph disappeared, changing history irrevocably. He appeared a decade later and sold his soul to the demon Nero to regain lost time. Then he fell under the influence of the evil Thunderbolt named Lkz and died in battle...

The mercenary Bolt was a special effects master turned hitman. Fighting heroes such as Blue Devil, Captain Atom and Starman, Bolt began to demand everything more money, despite numerous failed orders. At some point, he joined a group of assassins, including Deadshot and Merlin, called the Assassin Elite. Then he was a member of the Squad for some time...

Lightning Lad is one of the founders of the Legion of Super-Heroes. A passionate and stubborn hero often acts first and thinks later, but his electrical superpowers still often bring victory to the team. His twin sister, Lightning Girl, who was also part of the Legion, has the same powers, as well as their older brother Mekt, who entered under the name of the Lord of Lightning...

When Ted Carson, the ex-boyfriend of movie star Cindy Cooke, was found dead in a burned-out building, everyone thought he was a murder victim. At the same time, a certain arsonist began to destroy everything connected with Cindy in Gotham. The villain turned out to be Firefly - a man in a burning metal suit. When Nightwing and Barbara Gordon decided to investigate...

Allen was one of the fastest, roughest and most obnoxious motorcycle couriers in Metropolis, and often pocketed the items he was supposed to deliver to customers. But Joshua's life changed forever after he encountered a protoplasmic monster on the street. Enraged, he attacked the green bubble, was electrocuted by a downed power line... and lost consciousness. Boy…

Alix Harrower's husband Lance was working on the Smart Skin project, which turns soft skin into a metal material stronger than steel. Wanting to preserve youth not only for himself, but also for his 27-year-old wife, Lance personally tried the invention, but suffocated. Dying, he touched Alix, giving her the Smart Skin. She went through the bonding process and then learned that Lance was possessed by a superheroine from...

The past of Karen Beecher-Duncan and her superhero alter ego Bumblebee is shrouded in mystery due to memory loss. The wife of Malcolm Duncan, an award-winning film composer, seemed to have completely forgotten her superhero adventures and involvement with the Teen Titans. Karen believed that she first met her husband when he was writing music for the film Crash Site...

Frankenstein is an M.R.A.K. agent who sometimes collaborates with the Justice League Dark. The creature created by Victor Frankenstein acquired its own consciousness and turned against its creator. Having freed the prisoners who were supposed to be victims of Victor's experiments, the creature set off to explore the world. During his travels he had to come to terms with his nature. He took the name Frankenstein and, having met the head of "M.R.A.K." Father...

At the tender age of five, Christopher Schmidt witnessed the death of his father, an Austrian Nazi, who committed suicide to avoid trial. Christopher's mother took him to America and changed his last name to Smith. The boy grew up and joined the US Army, and there he became the commander of a detachment that massacred an entire Vietnamese village. He was accused of a crime, but was offered early release...

This is the world's greatest hero. He tirelessly protects the innocent and restores justice not only within the city of Metropolis, but also in other parts of the planet that shelters him, and even throughout the entire universe. With his ever-growing arsenal of powers and abilities resulting from exposing the cells of an alien organism to the energy of Earth's yellow sun, Superman is a powerful...

A robotic being from the future, Brainiac 8 (a descendant of the original Brainiac), has gone back in time to impersonate a heroine named Indigo. By "accidentally" releasing a broken Superman robot, Indigo caused the death of Donna Troy. She then joined the Outsiders, but later, when it was revealed that Indigo was the one who killed Donna, the Outsiders and the Teen Titans defeated her.

When Tatsu was a child, her best friends were the brothers Takeo and Maseo. Growing up, both fell in love with her, but in the end she chose Maseo and married him. The brothers were members of the Sword Clan, one of the Outsider gangs, a secret organization created to maintain harmony and destroy evil. When Tatsu saw Takeo and Maseo arguing...

The world is cruel, and especially the world in which evil of completely different scales and possibilities exists and flourishes. And if you are trying to resist him, then you should have enough skills and capabilities in your arsenal, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. As you already understand, this article will talk about representatives of the fair sex, who can not only take care of home, but also to attack anyone no worse than male superheroes. I would like to emphasize that this is not the top, since they are all from different “worlds” of the DC multiverse and the origin of their abilities is different.

And I would like to start with a young, let’s say, “hybrid” person. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to your attention Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez according to her passport). The young girl from San Diego was completely unremarkable and ordinary until she hometown didn't go underwater. A certain Geist was to blame for everything, who, using Arthur's DNA, allowed people to breathe under water. After some “adventures” in Sub-Diego (as the flooded part of the city became known), Lorena became Aquaman’s assistant and the new Aquagirl. Thanks to the hybrid DNA of a human and an Atlantean, Marquez acquired some of the body characteristics and abilities of underwater inhabitants, such as a thickened and hardened skin covering, allowing you to withstand ocean pressure, the ability to breathe underwater, as well as some kind of superpower. “Some” in this case means that it physical form exceeds 2 times the strength of the average person of her age and weight. Thus, she is a weak representative of the female superhero pantheon, but quite a promising heroine this list and the world of superheroes in general.

Let's move into space, or rather to the planet Debstam IV. Mongal lives there, the daughter of one of the most famous conquerors and the tyrants of space Mongul I. Following in the footsteps of her father, she did a lot of things regarding the Earth and its defenders. For example, she and her brother involved Superman in one of the most destructive battles in the history of Metropolis. Unfortunately, this character is not very well developed in the comic universe, but she has often appeared in DC animated projects. One of the brightest examples- Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Let's move on to abilities. The body structure is alien, which allows it to survive in an aggressive atmosphere. The result is superhuman durability and strength. If we compare her with the strongest, she is in no way inferior in strength to her brother Mongul Ml. and is at a level slightly below that of Sups. By the way, she is considered almost the standard of attractiveness in her world (perhaps due to the fact that it costs her nothing to tear off the head of the opponent of this opinion).

Let's go to Apokolips! No, not for the purpose of revenge or capture, but to gawk at another warrior. Approximately 250 years ago (there are no exact data - they vary depending on the source) was born little creature named Barda. Even in infancy, the child was taken away from her legal parents and given to the shelter of the Good Granny, whose main principle of upbringing was the motto “Die for Darkseid!” Barda grew up as a fierce and brave warrior, which quickly earned her special favor from Granny. Soon Barda went through a brutal selection into the most powerful detachment of Darkseid’s army, which was also the personal guard of the ruler called “Female Furies”. In addition to her inherited New God physiology (the inhabitants of the fourth world, of which Genesis and Apokolips are a part), Barda was further modified by Darkseid. Thus, the level of strength of the two-meter beauty (height - 213 cm) is equal to the strength of Wonder Woman, Powergirl and Mary Marvel. Ultimately, this translates into the ability to lift weights of more than 100 tons.

Let's not deviate from the theme of space, but still return to the promised one. Contrary to popular belief that Supergirl and Powergirl are different characters, they are not (partially) true. The bottom line is that they both go by the name Kara Zor-L or Karen Star (an earthly name), they are both cousins ​​of Superman, but the only difference is that Supergirl is a resident of Earth-1, and Powergirl is a resident of Earth-2. Her story begins in the same place as Clark's story, on Krypton. Powergirl's pod was launched at the same time as Clark's, but it took longer to reach the ground. Its history is quite complicated, in fact, like the entire multiverse. Since she is a Kryptonian, her abilities are identical to those of Supes, but only adjusted for gender and weight category. But thanks to living on Earth-2, she has one medium-fat plus: she is not affected by Earth-1 kryptonite.

And I would like to end quite logically and predictably - Wonder Woman. Ruler of Themyscira, Amazon, beauty and all that. The warrior, seasoned in bloody battles, draws her strength from the Earth. She is connected to her and this connection was given to her by Demeter. The consequence is that she is as strong as the Earth itself. It costs her nothing to drag the island (yes, she is not as weak as they make her out to be). Actually, there is nothing to discuss here - Wonder Woman is the strongest superheroine.

In general, these are not all representatives of the fair sex of the DC universe, who are physically not inferior to the male population. But, in the humble opinion of the author of this material, they are the most interesting characters.

Attractive and at the same time powerful justice to everyone!

Conversations about which superhero can be considered the strongest will never stop. Everyone has their favorite characters. Some people prefer the Marvel universe, others prefer DC. Because of this, it is difficult to objectively assess this issue.

Geeks took it upon themselves to compile a list of the strongest and most powerful superheroes of all universes and times. Many may not agree with the names below. This cannot be avoided. If your opinion does not coincide with ours, share it in the comments.

10 Hulk

Dr. Bruce Banner is one of the most powerful superheroes. When he's Dr. Banner, he's one of the most prominent scientists on the planet. Specializes in gamma rays, biology, chemistry, engineering, physiology and nuclear physics.

But when he gets really angry, he turns into the Incredible Hulk. A creature that has incredible strength, endurance, speed and the ability to regenerate. The most interesting thing about him is that the angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger he becomes.


When the Hulk is not the Hulk, but Bruce Banner, he is in danger. Although the film “The Avengers” showed that the danger can come from Bruce himself. The fact is that the doctor is subject to severe depression, because of which he even tried to commit suicide, but the Hulk did not let him do it.

9 Flash

Finding this superhero in 9th place may come as a surprise to some, but there are reasons for this. There are several people who have donned the Flash costume, but we're talking about about Wally West.


To find out, you first need to catch him, and this is an impossible feat.

8 Superman

Superman has stood the test of time as one of the most powerful superheroes of all time. His powers and abilities are limited only by his mind. Superman has invulnerability, super strength, super endurance, super speed, the ability to fly, super intelligence, super breathing, super hearing and super vision.

Weak sides

First, what makes him weak is his strong moral compass. Secondly, in the presence of kryptonite, the Man of Steel becomes incredibly vulnerable.


Mrs. Gray has god-like powers and is one of the most feared beings to ever live and also one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.

As a human, she has potentially limitless psychic powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and energy manipulation. Her level of telekinesis allows her to grasp objects in Earth's orbit and manipulate hundreds of components in the air in complex patterns.

Like the Phoenix, Jean's powers increase to immeasurable levels: allowing her to rearrange matter at the subatomic level, fly in space, survive in any atmosphere, resurrect the dead, and that's just a small part of her capabilities.

Weak sides

As a person, she tends to be compassionate, which can sometimes backfire on her. However, when she transforms into the Phoenix, she is virtually invincible.

6 Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange is not only a powerful wizard, but also a skilled martial artist, which has helped him in battles more than once. Thanks to his magical skills, he can do anything he wants, such as making himself invulnerable, raising the dead, flying, stopping and reversing time, and teleporting. His abilities are limited only by his imagination.

Weak sides

Like all people, Doctor Strange is subject to emotions. What can be used by enemies to their advantage. But apart from this, no other weaknesses were noticed in him.

5 Nova

Richard Reader, or Nova, is the leader of the intergalactic police and the master of the Nova Force - a huge source of energy that gives him a number of superpowers, including superhuman strength, speed, endurance, agility, invulnerability, regeneration. He also has access to the united mind of all the inhabitants of Xandar, which contains all the knowledge they have accumulated over the entire history of their existence.

Weak sides

His main weakness is his predictability. As a servant of the law, he has limits on what he can do and his enemies know it.

4 Thor

The Norse God of Thunder is an incredible force to be reckoned with. He is the most powerful of the Avengers team and one of the most powerful superheroes. After all, he is God after all.

Thor is invulnerable, has incredible stamina, the ability to summon lightning, can fly, and he also has increased endurance to magical attacks, telepathic attacks and illusions. And with Mjolnir, Thor’s list of abilities becomes even longer, so he can heal and resurrect, teleport, absorb and redirect energy, create an impenetrable shield and many other things useful in battles. I don't think the movies did him justice or showed his true strength.

Weak sides

It is difficult to determine his weaknesses, but he is still vulnerable to high levels of magic.

3 Martian Manhunter

J'onn J'onzz is the most powerful member of the Justice League. Martian Manhunter may be from Mars, but he is one of Earth's most loyal allies. The people of the DC Universe are very lucky to have him on their side.

He can become invisible, fly, take the form of any living creature and change the density of his body, which allows him to become intangible and pass through any obstacles. Also has telepathy, telekinesis, x-ray vision, superhuman strength, speed and endurance. J'onn J'onzz has also demonstrated the ability to generate and control heat or energy beams, waves and explosions, as well as absorb additional mass from the ground to greatly increase his size.

Nothing is impossible for him. With the ability to adapt to any situation, Martian Manhunter is a tough opponent for anyone.

Weak sides

His known weakness is fire. The source of fire reduces the Martian's stamina significantly.

2 Doctor Manhattan

Dr. Jonathan Osterman disintegrated in the laboratory into tiny particles and reappeared as Doctor Manhattan. The most powerful member of the Guardians has demonstrated his strength in the movies, but this is only a small part of his true abilities. He is not only one of the most powerful superheroes, but also one of the smartest.

Jonathan manipulates matter at the quantum level. He can change the size or density of his body. Also has the ability of levitation, teleportation, telekinesis and precognition. He is so omnipotent that he can destroy entire worlds if he wishes.

Weak sides

It was known to be weakened by tachyons, particles moving faster than the speed of light. This may weaken his abilities, but nothing more. Second weak side, if you can call it that, apathy. He is indifferent to everything and cares little about anything.

1 silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer began as Norrin Radd, an astronomer from the planet Zenn-La. He became the Surfer after he agreed to be Galactus' herald. Galactus imbued him with cosmic powers, transforming his body into an indestructible metallic substance. He uses a silver board to move around the universe. A conversation with Alicia Masters helped him turn against Galactus, becoming his most hated opponent.

His abilities allow him to absorb and manipulate the energy of the universe, travel through space at hyperspeed, pass through matter, detect any object or energy from light-years away, and see through time. He also has super strength, endurance and telekinesis.

Weak sides

The only thing that can weaken him is damage to the board, but he is able to quickly repair it. So I don't think he has any weak points.

If there are any disagreements or comments, write in the comments. I would be happy to hear your views on this issue.