Word " stomatitis"in translation means inflammation of the oral mucosa. Most often children suffer from stomatitis, but people at any age can get it. Inflammation of the mucous membrane can be caused by viruses, bacteria or a fungal infection. Depending on the reason inflammation, stomatitis will proceed in different ways.

Herpetic stomatitis in a child is caused by the herpes virus and is an infectious disease. Symptoms of herpes simplex disease depend on the severity of the disease. At the beginning of the disease, the child becomes capricious, he has no appetite, he often cries for an unknown reason. If you examine his mouth, you will notice that the child's gums have become red, and there are small white bubbles on the mucous membrane. These blisters then become sores that hurt the baby.

The magnitude ulcer sometimes it can reach a size of 1-3 mm, and if there is an infection in the mouth, the ulcers can reach much larger sizes. In difficult cases with herpetic stomatitis in children, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes increase. This condition of the child requires special treatment with antibiotics, therefore, in case of complicated forms of stomatitis, it is necessary to call the doctor home. In the absence of a temperature, the infection should be fought by regularly rinsing the child's mouth with a disinfectant solution. For example, a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate or boric acid.

Good mouthwash helps decoctions of chamomile, sage, string, plantain, aloe juice solution and other herbs that have anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to fight the infection to boost the protective functions of the oral mucosa. For example, interferon or imudon. During the entire course of treatment, it is necessary to give the child a complex of vitamins in order to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of complications of the disease.

To avoid irritation of inflamed areas the oral mucosa, the child's nutrition should consist of cold, soft and pureed food. Very often, on the advice of grandmothers, many parents smear sores with brilliant green or honey, and some treat them with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. All these methods should not be tried on children, as they can cause burns to the mucous membrane and complications of the disease. Today, pharmacies sell a variety of ointments and gels that are specifically designed to treat stomatitis.

For pain relief inflamed areas you can use "Lidochlor gel", which is a 3-5% emulsion for anesthesia. You can treat the mucous membrane with ointments "Acyclovir", "Oxolin", "Bonafton", "Tebrofen", "Vinilin" and others. When using medications, one must not forget that stomatitis is a serious infectious disease that carries the risk of a decrease in the child's immunity. Very often the disease recurs, therefore, its treatment should take place under the obligatory supervision of a pediatrician. With proper treatment under the supervision of a doctor, herpetic stomatitis goes away in a week, and if it turns into an acute form, then it is very difficult and lasts 1-1.5 months.

In young children, babies are most often observed fungal or candidal stomatitis(thrush). Candidal stomatitis is caused by a fungus and occurs most often in immunocompromised children. With fungal stomatitis, the oral mucosa becomes inflamed, and a white curdled coating appears on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks. The child refuses to suckle, cries from pain in the mouth. Treatment of candidal stomatitis should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of a pediatrician. In this case, it is necessary to treat the child's mouth up to six times with a solution of soda, pimafucin, and also smear the mucous membrane with 5% nystatin ointment or 1% clotrimazole. Also, the doctor may prescribe Imudon tablets to boost immunity. In complicated forms, it is impossible to cure fungal stomatitis in a child without taking antifungal drugs orally or by injecting them. If thrush becomes chronic, then it is necessary for all family members to be examined by a dermatologist.

Of course, everyone parent more worried about the question, why does stomatitis appear in a child and how to avoid its recurrence? The herpes virus, which causes herpetic stomatitis, is transmitted by contact or airborne droplets. The source of the disease is a person infected with the herpes virus. The fact is that once it has entered the body, the herpes virus remains in it all its life. Therefore, parents themselves can infect a child with herpetic stomatitis, if at least once in their life they themselves have had herpes. Candidal stomatitis can be transmitted from a sick mother during the passage through the birth canal, with non-observance of sanitary and hygienic standards in maternity hospitals and at home. Therefore, in order to avoid infection with stomatitis in children, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and try to exclude any infection from entering the child's mouth.

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