And a businessman Leonid Dobrovsky.

Biography of Ulyana Litvinova

Ulyana - only child Renata Litvinova. She was born shortly after her parents’ marriage was registered. The marriage lasted six years; after the divorce, Ulyana remained with her mother, but visited her father.

Renata taught Ulyana to poetry, world drama, and visiting museums and theaters. Until the age of ten, the girl lived in Russia. Then Renata, dissatisfied Russian organization education, transferred her daughter to an educational institution at the French Embassy. When Ulyana became a little more comfortable with the language, she moved to the bilingual boarding school Ecole des Roches in Normandy. Studying there allows you to qualify for further prestigious education. Ulyana quickly adapted, became captain of the school rugby team, and made many friends.

Already at a tender age, Ulyana knew Brodsky’s poems by heart. The mother insisted on this. At the age of fifteen, Ulyana played a girl in love with Brodsky’s poems in her mother’s film novel.

In 2015, Renata Litvinova bought an apartment in Paris in order to see her daughter more often. Ulyana came for the weekend from school, located a hundred kilometers from Paris.

The training brought the results I expected famous mother: Ulyana is fluent in French and English, not forgetting Russian, she started learning Spanish in 2016, and planned to learn Flemish in 2017. After graduating from a French school, Ulyana entered the acting department at one of the most prestigious schools in the UK, Hurtwood House. The next goal is a university in Belgium.

Renata pays more than three million rubles a year for Ulyana’s education at an English college.

In 2016, Ulyana Litvinova made her official appearance: she became a debutante at the Tatler Ball. The girl’s image at this ball was noted as one of the best. She imagined an outfit from Dior and shoes from Louboutin. Ulyana has been on the catwalk since she was thirteen and works as a model.

Ulyana's fans were amazed that the girl celebrated her 15th birthday in the company of her mother and her friends. At this holiday there was not a single one of her age.

The creative path of Ulyana Litvinova

Ulyana began acting at the age of eight. First role - Nyusha in the comedy directed by Felix Mikhailov " Merry fellows"about the fate of travesty actors. In addition to her mother, Ville Haapasalo, Danila Kozlovsky, Ivan Nikolaev, Alexey Klimushkin worked with the little actress in this film.

In 2015, Renata Litvinova featured her daughter in her film “The Case of Mrs. K. in Madrid.” Ulyana played a girl in love with Jewelry brand Carrera y Carrera. One of the main roles in this film was played by Russian stylist and DJ Alexandra Fedorova.

Renata Litvinova's 17-year-old daughter from businessman Leonid Dobrovsky Ulyana is acting in a movie with early childhood. At the age of 8, the girl and her mother starred in the film “Veselchaki” directed by Felix Mikhailov. Later, Renata Litvinova starred her daughter in her films “The Case of Mrs. K. in Madrid” and “Petersburg. Only for love".

Renata is proud of her daughter’s successes and sometimes spoils her fans with photographs of her on her profile. The signature is always laconic - “Ulya”.

On last photo Ulyana amazed fans with her resemblance to her mother and how much she had matured. The seasoned look was emphasized by nude makeup with light smoky eyes and a beige turtleneck sweater.

However, external data is not all that Renata and Ulyana are similar to. In the project “Mothers and Daughters” for the release of Cosmopolitan Beauty, Litvinova said: “Outwardly, we are similar in profile. We are united by a sense of humor and endless irony. And being eternally in love with someone who doesn’t know about your love is so Litvinov-esque!”

And her daughter emphasized that she is not trying to change herself and accepts everything as it is. “I no longer want to create an “ideal” for myself, rather I have my favorite people. Before, I looked at my mother and also wanted to be tall, but now I like my 165 cm. I don’t want to change anything and accept myself as I am,” Ulyana noted.

This year, the girl gave preference to a career - for glossy publications, and devotes a lot of time to studying in England. Renata Ulyanova pays more than 3 million rubles a year for her daughter’s education in the acting department at one of the best institutions in the UK - Hurtwood House.

We met at the Dior Beauty Institute in GUM to look at the new Maison fragrances together Christian Dior. And in the end we talked for two hours.

Chapter first. Renata

Marie Claire: Does a mother-daughter relationship need distance? What do you think of it?

Renata: You know, we even went to the women’s doctor together yesterday. And this female doctor, a woman, said: “Wow, what a relationship you have!”


Trusted. The doctor said that, in fact, this is rare and should be taken care of.

Did you somehow specially build the relationship or did it just come?

I don't know. It probably happened somehow spontaneously. I am a supporter of the rule that if you want a child to meet some of your requirements, try to meet these requirements yourself.

The daughter is very courageous, her character has been strengthened. Now try to beat it!

Do you have a lot of requirements?

Oh, well, of course, starting with the fact that you should play sports and watch your diet. But I can be furiously engaged in some kind of sport, and then fall into nightly vigils, as I am now. I sit at night, work, type out the script, and I say to Ulyana: “Please go to sleep, you need to edit your schedule.” And she sits next to me and draws, because she is studying and has a lot of drawing work to do during the holidays. That is, in a sense, I contradict my own theory. And your child mirrors you. I am not sleeping, and this one is also sitting, not sleeping. But the relationship is trusting.

Do you trust your daughter with everything?

There is some limit, the child should not be hurt. It's very clean. He may put on makeup and look older, but he's still a child. On the other hand, independence is in her blood. From the age of eleven I began a serious independent life. I threw her out of the nest, as they say. And she continued to fight on her own.

The daughter is very courageous, her character has been strengthened. Now try to beat it! At school she took a subject called “debate,” which also strengthened her linguistically. In the sense that she can answer, she knows how to defend herself. Unfortunately or fortunately - I don’t know - but it turns out that I have to take the blow.

Character is important.

I was always afraid that she was too intelligent. It's good that the person is educated. Or at least creates an illusion.

It doesn't look like it's an illusion.

In a sense, this is at the same time an illusion: you are trying to hide your will under manners. But no one canceled the heart either. I am very much about fostering empathy.

How do you bring it up?

Well, using the example of grandmothers. I say: “You understand that for them there comes a moment when all their happiness is concentrated in you, Ulya.” Can you imagine how depressed the fact that your child or beloved granddaughter, the only one, does not call you can drive you into depression? I say: “If you forget about them, then you’re just killing them. You stick the knife in and twist. You will also be old, you will sit alone and wait for the call like a fool.” Now she finally heard me. Every day he goes to see his grandmother (our grandmother lives in the next building). They are like two girlfriends. And my mother is so happy about this, she immediately gets better.

If you bribe your children with money, the children begin to mirror and “buy” friends for themselves.

You once said: “ Difficult life cannot alienate people from each other.” What, exactly, can alienate loved ones?

Intrigue and envy within the family. Unforgiveness... Money, inheritance. Unfortunately, there are some freaks in the family. Sometimes I see absolutely monstrous inattention to children. Or the other extreme is when they cultivate a sense of competition with one of their relatives. They teach you to viciously follow, envy, cross the road and hate. This is terribly, categorically stupid. And all this is so punishable...

Does the material plane also move away?

Moves away.

Is financial independence important for a girl? How to raise your daughter correctly in terms of money?

You can't pamper. If you bribe your children with money, the children begin to mirror and “buy” friends for themselves. I see some children who pay for friendship. Their parents ignore them so much that they are ready to pay any money. Can you imagine?! And then, if you have everything for money, you no longer want anything. In fact, where do these drugs come from? When children have extra money, when there is no spiritual development, there is no understanding that they can switch to something creative. And they start using drugs. Then go and recover from this, this is an almost incorrigible grief. And even if you are cured, health problems will inevitably arise. A friend of mine has a friend whose child was a drug addict. The girl used heroin and recovered. But her immunity was so weakened that a few years later she died from pneumonia. She died when she was twenty-eight years old.

How do you and Ulyana talk about money?


I only give for education. Maybe travel. But not for these rags, empty pocket expenses. Everything is taken into account. When she films with me, she gets paid. Money provokes. She gave dad something, some part of her savings, and is worried that he hasn’t returned it to her for a long time.

Well done for saving.

Do not speak. It happens: relatives who have never earned a penny. They don't even know how to make money, but they throw money around. And money is someone’s blood, in the literal sense of the word. Try and earn them.

What are the most valuable qualities you, mom, see in Ulyana?

Good. This is the most valuable thing. Knows how to empathize. She has a heart, some kind of decency.

How do you think your daughter sees you?

Me? Well, as if from a play, I say: “We love each other.” In general, there is no bottom to love. This is a completely selfless feeling. It is as wide as this air. I can’t tell you the boundaries of my feelings for her, they don’t exist, they are limitless.

In a sense, yes. The main thing is that I am always determined to listen to her. Because I'm so messed up. Well, she, of course, has friends who are ready to listen to her. Oh, they talk there for hours.

Does Ulyana let you into this circle?

He lets me in, of course. I know my best friends. We have almost family relationships. They even come to visit Moscow from France and spend the night with us. Moreover, she has a completely strange international circle. The most best friend– half Chinese, half Polish. The second is half Colombian, half Swedish. And the third is an Englishwoman from New Zealand.

Has studying abroad changed your daughter a lot?

Very independent. It seems to me that if you throw it away, as I say, at Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya, they will bring it by car. She'll figure it out. Yes, but she also likes to be late. It's like me. I tell everyone: “I’m late everywhere and always on time.”

What do you want in global terms for your daughter?

By the way, she also recently asked me what I would like for her. I, in turn, said: “If you were my mother, tell me, would you be happy for me? How would you say I’m happy?” She replied: “I have to think. Give me a break." And then she continued: “If there was a house by the sea, dogs, children - no, you wouldn’t be happy. Although, if you wanted it, you could have it. But you want to make movies." That is, she would approve of me as a mother. I say: “I want exactly the same for you.”

Chapter two. Ulyana

Ulyana: Tell me what mom said about me? About our relationship? I'm interested.

Mom said good and very good things about you. She says that it seems to her that how trusting relationships between family people can be in general - they are like that with you. And for her this is of great value.

What qualities do you find most valuable in your mother? If you highlight the main thing, what is she like?

It's hard to say because this is my mother. I never thought about best qualities. I have to think about it. A lot of them. Mom is very kind. Trying to make everyone happy. So that everyone feels good, even if she doesn’t feel good... She worries about me very much. Always calls, ready to help. When I feel bad, the first people I call are my best friend and my mom.

Which valuable advice did your mother give it to you?

All her advice is valuable. But, to be honest, I don't listen to anyone's advice. Or I listen and do it my way. But then I always regret it and understand that I should have listened.

Don’t you think, after a while, that mom was right after all?

Oh, of course yes. Throughout my childhood my mother took me to art school, to a music school, to the gym, to study figure skating. I kicked away, I was lazy, I thought that I didn’t need it. How I regret now that I didn’t put my whole soul into my classes! Because now I would run better, I could play the piano and draw much better than I do. Now I pay more attention to her advice - that you need to work, study, that you need to spend every minute wisely.

I asked your mother what quality she considers most important in you. What do you think she answered?

I think my mother said I was kind.

And so it was!

You, too, the first thing you said about your mother was “kind.” Tell me, what should you go to your mother with, and what would you not put on your parents’ shoulders?

To be honest, I never have problems that serious. And there is nothing that I cannot or would not tell my mother. Well, except that when I’m sick, I try to say “I’m a little sick” instead of “Mom, I’m dying.”

How do you and your mom spend time together? What exists only for you two?

At home we draw together and watch movies. I most likely want to become a designer, I’m putting together a portfolio for university admission. I paint with acrylic, oil, watercolor, charcoal, pencils - everything. And my mother mostly uses paints – acrylics and oils. I draw more and more in sketchbooks for the university. When I get admitted, maybe I’ll give mom and dad some of the drawings. Or grandma. By the way, my grandmother became really close to me relatively recently. She lives in the next entrance, I started visiting her - to talk, I wanted to get to know her better. And I liked it. Grandma always makes very tasty tea. Mixes a lot of herbs, adds mint from the garden - so cool. Bakes pies with cabbage, my favorite. True, I’m losing weight now, I’m trying not to lean too much.

What do you and your mother give each other for birthdays, for example?

To be honest, this has always been a terrible problem. Mom, of course, will be happy about everything. And I really wanted her to say with pride: “Ulya gave this to me.” After all, this is the best praise - your mother is proud of you.

For many years I tried to buy the perfect gift. And so at the beginning of this year I decided that I had found the best one - I bought a beautiful Balmain hair set. Mom loves silver combs. This was exactly what I had in my set. I also bought a couple of candles and the latest iPhone, which had just come out (my mother complained about her phone). I spent all the money I had saved, and for me it was such happiness - what else would it make sense to spend it on, really?

The best praise is that your mother is proud of you.

Mom said: “Ulya gave this to me”?

Yes! Mom was happy. It was great, although for a long time we could not understand how everything worked on the phone.

How is your mom recorded on your phone? "Mother"?

In fact, the records change over the years. In addition, my mother has two numbers - Russian and French, and I have Russian, English and French. And the numbers themselves changed frequently. Therefore, the entries in the phone differed. At first I put all sorts of things like “mommy”, “mom” with a bunch of emoticons and a photo - I was little. Now I just have “mom”.

Do you often call each other?

I call my mom every day, and my mom calls me at least as often. We won’t talk for a day – we really miss you. When I'm at school, I get up, go to breakfast, then to classes, and before the first lesson I always call my mother. She's just waking up. Sometimes we text during lessons. But I don't like correspondence. It’s more important for me to talk, to hear my mother’s voice. I often send photos: drawings I made today, my room, just school everyday life. Mom always asks me to send myself, but I don’t really like being photographed, so I don’t send.

What kind of future do you want for yourself? Where to live, what to do, what to be like?

It’s easier to say what I would like for my mother. Of course, to make her happy. Probably to work less, because she gets very tired. Creativity makes every artist happy, so I want my mother to create. IN in a broad sense words. To write and draw. By the way, for her birthday I also gave her a very beautiful red velvet notebook with the words “Never Stop Writing” written on it. Just like that... As for me, I don’t know, I haven’t decided on a profession. I am a complete humanitarian, I would be interested in maybe becoming an actress. I think I’ll go to university and choose a path there. Maybe I’ll even go into politics.

Into politics?!

Yes, be public figure, develop charity, talk about all this. Globally, we cannot influence anything. But it is wrong to remain silent; it is important to express your opinion. For me, history is very interesting, and the opportunity to do it is something special.

Did studying in France change you a lot?

When I lived in Russia, I didn’t do much, I wasn’t particularly interested in anything. Of course, I read a lot and watched films, but I had no ambitions. After moving, I grew up. I have changed both globally and in detail - for example, I now like to go shopping.

But Renata says that she doesn’t spoil her daughter.

She meant pampering with expensive brands. But I also like the process of shopping. Besides, my mother buys clothes for herself. But I still come to see her sometimes. That’s why my mother’s purchases are slowly flowing into my wardrobe. Of course, mom scolds, but what can I do?..

Renata about fragrances

I love heavy, deep, warm scents. For me they are like an anchor in life, protecting personal space. People often tell me that I’m “overspirited,” but in my case that’s what I need. You walk, enveloped in the aroma, and realize that you are in your own territory.
It would be nice to bring back the gesture that women used to apply perfume: open the crystal stopper, apply the scent to your fingers, then to the places where your pulse beats. But I'm afraid this plastic surgery is gone forever. It's a pity.

I have a lot of scents and I love mixing them to create a unique composition. Believe me: sometimes real masterpieces come out. I have a closet full of perfume bottles. I'm in eternal search. Of course, I really love buying vintage perfumes, those that were still made from natural ingredients. My grandmother also had a whole battery of perfumes.

From the Maison Christian Dior collection she chose gourmand Fève Délicieuse and Ambre Nuit, where the velvety of Turkish rose meets the animalic nature of thick amber.

Renata - about beauty rituals

Sometimes we go jogging together, get a manicure together in France. And the most important beauty ritual is to have breakfast. Ulyana loves to have breakfast with us. Loves scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Or buckwheat porridge, so Russian. And now she also loves rice. I'm joining too. Except I don't hit the scrambled eggs. Over my 50 years, I’m already tired of it. She flies before my eyes. But I still don’t have enough variety, these, you know, blenders. We have friends who do everything through a blender. And they also run around in the morning like they’ve been blown up. It already infuriates me when they show how they are pumping something for themselves. These thin bodies, with makeup, are always accompanied by photographers. I think it's just that way. It’s such a low genre to demonstrate how you pump something into yourself in your underpants. This is a wildly intimate affair. Why show this? I don't understand.

Ulyana about fragrances

I like light floral yet sweet scents. I used one scent for a long time, but then all my friends switched to it. And it seemed strange to me that we smell the same. So I tried and tried new things. Sometimes my mother recommends fragrances to me, and if I like them, I stick with them. In most cases, I like my mother's choice. This is quite strange, because my mother loves heavy scents. I even have a pattern: all heavy smells are associated exclusively with my mother. In the Maison Christian Dior collection, two different scents caught my attention - the oriental viscous and deep Oud Ispahan and the juicy joyful Belle de Jour with notes of pear.

Among the fragrances, I now have three main players: some perfumes live in Paris, others in London and others in Moscow. But sometimes I take something with me on a trip, and then the agony of choice begins. As a rule, I listen to my mood.

Fans of the writer and director claim that Ulyana is a copy of her mother in her youth, and photos of the girl from the covers of popular publications only confirm this.


Ulyana Dobrovskaya was born on July 26, 2001 in Moscow. Her father is businessman Leonid Dobrovsky. Mom Renata Litvinova is famous in Russia and abroad as a talented film director, actress and TV presenter. The family lasted 6 full years, after which the parents divorced. The girl stayed to live with her mother, while Ulyana visited her father.

Renata is passionate about raising her daughter; she takes Ulyana to museums and theaters from an early age. Litvinova, already in childhood, began to introduce her daughter to high poetry, memorizing poetry with her child, as well as lines from works of world drama.

Ulyana received her education in France, in the city of Lille. She attended the international bilingual school École des Roches. According to Renata, she sent her daughter to study in Europe because she considers the French education system much better than the Russian one. This approach has yielded results. Now Ulyana speaks and writes fluently in French, English and Russian. This allows the girl to qualify for a prestigious award in the future. higher education, besides, it helps to easily communicate on the Internet with peers from different countries.

For school year Ulyana lived abroad and came to Moscow for the holidays. Every time she and Renata Litvinova choose a place to go on vacation. The girl has already visited Italy, England and others European countries. Ulyana fell in love with London, especially the ancient traditions of tea drinking. IN "Instagram", in the personal account of Renata Litvinova’s daughter, you can see many photos of the girl with her mother, as well as photographs from tourist trips which Ulyana makes together with her friends.

For a long time, Renata Litvinova did not advertise her personal life, but more and more often she can be seen with her daughter at social events. Each appearance of two beauties in the world makes an impression on those present, first of all, by the family resemblance between relatives, as well as by the chaste beauty of the girl.

In July 2016, a solemn celebration of the 15th anniversary of Ulyana Dobrovskaya took place. This is not the first time that the girl, in addition to her close relatives, has been congratulated by her mother’s friend, a singer.

The ceremonial appearance of Litvinova’s daughter took place at the “Débutante Ball” of Tatler magazine, which took place in November 2016. The girl behaved at ease in it and even made a couple in several dances.

Dobrovskaya wore an elegant outfit from Dior Haute Couture and shoes from. The girl was able to attend rehearsals only a week before important event: I couldn’t let go of my studies. But at the ball, Ulyana behaved confidently and did not make a single mistake in the dance. On gala event In addition to daughter Renata Litvinova, Sofia Meladze, Anna Maksakova, Alexandra Tolstaya, Nadezhda Kamenkovich shone. The guests of the evening were Snezhana Georgieva and others.


Ulyana Dobrovskaya has already begun her cinematic biography. Her first work was the comedy “Veselchaki” directed by Felix Mikhailov, in which she appeared at the age of 8. The cast of the film included Renata Litvinova,. The film is about representatives of the stage genre of travesties, whose fate is sometimes difficult.

A few years later, when her daughter grew up (in 2017 her height is about 160 cm), Litvinova took her to leading role his film “The Case of Mrs. K. in Madrid.” In the film, Ulyana already looks like a real beauty, who inherited her aristocratic profile and deep gaze from her mother. This original film about love was highly appreciated by the director's fans.

In 2016, the film “Petersburg. Only for love”, in which Renata again chose her daughter for the main role. The episode of the film almanac was called “Joseph’s Dreams.” Among the performers of the main roles in the ironic comedy, in addition to the author Renata Litvinova and Ulyana Dobrovskaya, were listed. The film is about the dreams of film studio employees that come true in an unusual way.

The year turned out to be a fruitful one for the young actress in her roles. After the rated film almanac, work in two short films followed. Ulyana Dobrovskaya appeared with her mother in the drama “The Day of My Death.” This was followed by filming in the short film “Well, Sorry!”, in which he became Ulyana Dobrovskaya’s partner on the work site. In an interview, Ulyana mentioned that she was shy in front of the screen star, whom she saw for the first time in her life. Before this, the girl watched the actor play only in new year holidays when I watched the film “” and its spin-off with the participation of Khabensky.

Personal life

According to Ulyana Dobrovskaya, it is too early for her to think about her personal life. The girl maintains only friendly relations with her peers, enjoying communication in the company of friends.

The girl understands vintage fashion, but is not averse to “mixing” an interesting item from a second-hand store. Her favorite clothing brands are Balenciaga, Acne Studios, Vetements.

Ulyana Dobrovskaya now

After passing the intermediate exams, Ulyana became a student educational institution London, where she began studying the A-level program, which includes four subjects: Art, Textiles, Media Studies, French. Now the girl is preparing to enter a Belgian university, her plans are to master the Flemish language. In April 2018, Ulyana Dobrovskaya became a guest of the Tatler Teen publication, for the cover of which she starred together with Grigory Vernik.

Ulyana Dobrovskaya continues to amaze fans of Renata Litvinova non-standard appearance. Fans were especially struck by the photograph of a young blonde from the cover of Russian Vogue magazine. For the publication, mother and daughter starred in a photo shoot organized in honor of the fifth anniversary of the jewelry brand Dzhanelly Jewelery.


  • 2009 – “Merry Men”
  • 2015 – “The Case in Madrid with Mrs. K”
  • 2016 – “Petersburg. Only for love"
  • 2016 - “Well, sorry!”
  • 2016 – “The Day of My Death”

IN last years interests even those who have never been fans of her talent. The media persistently attribute the extravagant actress and director to an affair with singer Zemfira, but there has still been no official confirmation of this information. But it was precisely because of these rumors that Litvinova’s marriage to businessman Leonid Dobrovsky broke up in 2007.

Movie Star Husbands

In the past, Renata had 2 official marriages. In 1996, she married film producer Alexander Antipov. with this person lasted about a year and ended in divorce.

Litvinova’s second husband was a prominent Moscow businessman, Leonid Dobrovsky. Married to him, Renata gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. But family life and this time it did not bring happiness to the woman. Having lived with Dobrovsky from 2001 to 2007, Renata left him. A high-profile divorce process began, accompanied by the division of property and real war for a young daughter.

A businessman meets Litvinova

Who is Leonid Dobrovsky? Litvinova's husband was born in 1965. By the time he met the movie star, he was the owner of several profitable factories in Russia and had nothing to do with show business. The first meeting of the future spouses took place in the late 90s. They were introduced by mutual friends. Previously, Leonid had only seen Renata from the TV screen and was fascinated by her beauty and sophistication. Finding himself next to his beloved actress, Dobrovsky began to actively court her. It is not known how the short and unattractive Leonid was able to win the heart of the cinema queen, but after some time he proposed to her and received the long-awaited consent.

The first years after marriage

The wedding of the film star and entrepreneur took place on January 10, 2001 in Moscow. After the celebration, happy Leonid moved his wife to his house on Rublyovka and presented her with a gift in the form of a luxurious black Mercedes car. He is in Renata and never tired of showering her with expensive gifts. In July 2001, married couple daughter Ulyana was born.

Dobrovsky Leonid Yulievich accompanied his soulmate to many celebrity parties, but always modestly kept in her shadow. Being a non-public person, the husband asked Renata not to be too frank about him with journalists. Litvinova did just that, and when asked by reporters about her husband’s activities, she modestly answered that he was an engineer. And the modest hard worker at that time was one of the largest businessmen in the capital. It was rumored that the house on Rublyovka, in which he lived with Litvinova, was located next to the mansion of Putin himself.

Crisis in family relationships

From the outside it seemed that Leonid Dobrovsky and Renata Litvinova Perfect marriage. But a few years after the wedding, problems began in the couple’s relationship. Dobrovsky turned out to have a quick temper. He found fault with Litvinova over any trifle, could raise his voice at her and even swear in front of her. Leonid loved to drink, and when intoxicated, he completely lost control of himself.

The situation worsened after Renata met. The friendship between the women seemed suspicious to journalists, and they saw something more in her. Leonid Dobrovsky could not stand this. The businessman became furious at the thought of his wife’s infidelity and began to give up. It got to the point that one day, in a fit of aggression, he began to strangle Litvinova, while waving a knife. The servants barely managed to pull the enraged Dobrovsky away from the frightened woman. After this incident, the actress packed her things and, together with her daughter, left the businessman for her friend Zemfira. That's it living together with the entrepreneur is over.

Divorce proceedings

Dobrovsky could not calm down after Renata left. He hired the best Moscow lawyers and began to prepare for divorce proceedings. Accusing Litvinova of immoral behavior, he planned to deprive her of maternal rights to her daughter. But the actress was ahead of Leonid and filed for divorce first. IN statement of claim she asked the court to dissolve her marriage with Dobrovsky and leave Ulyana with her. She demanded from her husband payment of alimony for the maintenance of her daughter in the amount of 120 thousand rubles monthly and the division of property acquired during the marriage.

A series of court hearings followed, at which the parties did not skimp on mutual accusations. Leonid considered Litvinova a bad mother who could not be trusted with raising a child. In retaliation for such statements, Renata accused her husband of hiding from the state real income. It was possible to put an end to the protracted divorce proceedings only after the conclusion between the ex-spouses. In accordance with it, Ulyana remained to live after her parents’ divorce from her mother, but on certain days her father could take her to his place. Renata managed to sue Dobrovsky for alimony in the amount specified in the lawsuit.

Relationships between ex-spouses after divorce

It was finalized in 2007. After that, Leonid Dobrovsky disappeared from the media. Renata Litvinova’s husband never got used to publicity and after the divorce devoted himself to work and communicating with his daughter.

Despite the fact that the couple parted as enemies, they soon managed to restore normal relations and even spend time together in a civilized manner. What was unexpected was that in 2009 Litvinova celebrated her birthday in the company of her daughter, mother, Zemfira and... Leonid Dobrovsky. The ex-husband not only came to the celebration taking place in the restaurant, but also paid for it in full. Such a change in the relations of people who had recently hated each other caused amazement among the people serving the event. It is quite possible that the conflict can be resolved ex-spouses decided for the sake of their growing daughter, but still their behavior is worthy of praise.