What implies the concept of "normal Internet speed", what it should be for optimal work and leisure affiliate computer. The same connection will seem quite sufficient to someone, and someone - the inability to work effectively. What is fine for an Internet cafe, for the University of Moscow State University, for example, "will be not enough."

The use of computers at home puts reasonable questions before users: what the speed of the Internet is considered normal for home and how to choose a suitable tariff plan.

If the finance of the PC owner is limited, when choosing a tariff for the home Internet, it will be faced with a number of offers providers that prevent the right decision. In order to avoid mistakes, some parameters should be known that determine the quality of the Internet at home.

To determine what is the norm of the speed of the Internet, you must first get acquainted with the basic concepts.

Bits, kilobits, megabits

Data speed is made to measure in bits / sec. But since the bit is a very small amount, kilobits or megabits are used:

  • Kilobit \u003d 1024 bits.
  • Megabit \u003d 1024 kilobit.

With the advent of optical internet speed cables increased dramatically. If earlier than normal, the indicator 128 kbit / s was considered, the parameter is measured by megabits today and is 100 megabits per second (Mbps).

Therefore, megabit per second is a standard unit of measuring the speed of the modern Internet. The conditional classification of internet communication, it looks like this:

  • slow - 512 kbps;
  • low - 2 Mbps;
  • average - 10 Mbps;
  • high - 50 Mbps;
  • very high - 100 Mbps.

It should be understood that the lower the speed, the lower the tariff.

Byte is not a bit

Internet users are interested in working with files, their size is accepted in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes, equal:

  • Byte - 8 bits.
  • Kilobyte \u003d 1024 bytes.
  • Megabyte \u003d 1024 kilobytes.
  • Gigabyte \u003d 1024 megabytes.

Inexperienced users are confused byte with a bit. And get instead of megabytes megabits (Mbit). This leads to a serious error, for example, when calculating the time of downloading files.

To determine the file downloading period is unrealistic because:

  • Providers indicate the maximum connection speed. The average (working) will be lower.
  • Speed \u200b\u200breduce interference, especially if a remote router is used.
  • Remote FTP server limits the possibility of downloading, and so much that everything else becomes insignificant.

But approximate time, nevertheless, it is possible. Calculations will be easier if rounded:

  • byte \u003d 10 bits;
  • kilobyte \u003d 1 thousand bytes.

But it is better to just start downloading and determine the download time using the program than to calculate the time theoretically.

What tasks affect the choice of speed

The lower the Internet connection speed, the smaller the circle of affordable tasks, but the tariff is cheaper. The right choice allows you to feel comfortable without wasting money.

Delaimer the circle of interest

The Internet is used to solve various tasks:

  • Surfing on social networks, listening to music.
  • Online games.
  • Streaming Broadcasting Organization (Stream).
  • Video calls.
  • View video online.
  • Download music, movies, other files.
  • Download files to cloud storage.

Select connection

When the circle of interest is defined, we set ourselves the tasks and choose the appropriate rate.

Providers offer various types of connectivity, for example, 300 rubles per month for Internet access at 15 Mbps.

In the descriptions of the tariff there are two numbers:

  • second - transfer (UPLOAD).
  • If the second number is absent, it means that speeds are equal. If necessary, this must be clarified by the Internet connection service provider.

    What speed of the Internet is enough

    To determine this indicator, the user helps a number of tasks needed to work with PC:

    For social networks and music

    For surfing on social networks and listening to music, high speed is not needed. The user will quite comfortably feel, having 2 Mbps. Even the speed of 512 kbps will suit, but the pages of the sites will open more slowly.

    To view the video online

    The following are the following speed indicators for viewing video in online mode, depending on the quality of the rollers and films:

    • SD video (360 p, 480 p) - 2 Mbps.
    • HD video (720 p) - 5 Mbps.
    • Full-HD (1080 p) - 8 Mbps.
    • Ultra-HD (2160 p) - 30 Mbps.

    100 Mbps - this speed is more than enough to view online video in any capacity. Since buffering happens when viewing, small speed failures do not affect view.

    For Strov

    For the organization of streaming broadcasting requires a stable Internet. For high-quality striming, the speed should not fall below the critical level. For video stream:

    • 480 p - 5 Mbps.
    • 720 p - 10 Mbps.
    • 1080 P - 20 Mbps.

    But these are risky values. The most critical transfer, as the broadcast is loading data on the Internet, so focusing on it.

    No matter how stable the Internet, the jumps are still possible. The tariff is chosen so that they are leveled.

    The optimal speed for the Internet is calculated, multiplying the speed of high-quality striming by 2.5. For example, we calculate the speed for 480 p: 5 x 2.5 \u003d 12.5 Mbps.

    Taking into account the fact that the boundary values \u200b\u200bare risky, select upload not lower than 15 Mbps.

    Online Games

    Games are undemanding to high-speed parameters. For most popular games enough 512 kbps. This value is suitable for:

    • "Dota 2".
    • "GTA".

    But downloading the game and download updates at 512 kbps will be performed very slowly, as tens of gigabytes will have to download. In order not to wait for hours, it is better to provide speed up to 70 Mbps.

    For games, the defining factor is the quality of the communication channel characterized by the Ping parameter (Ping). Ping is the time for which the signal (query) comes to the server and returns back (answer). Ping is measured in milliseconds (MS).

    The ping affects:

    • The reliability of the Internet provider, which consists in the ability to maintain the stated communication quality.
    • Distance from the client to the server. For example, the player is located in Sevastopol, and the game server "World of Warcraft" - in London.

    Acceptable ping values:

    The constant ping value above 300 ms on any servers is considered as a symptom of major network connection problems. The reaction time is extremely low.

    For smartphones and tablets

    If the device is connected to the Wi-Fi router, it will work as well as a computer. The difference is that advanced sites offer for pages gadgets with convenient placement of information on a small screen.

    But smartphones and tablets are "sharpened" under the mobile Internet. Cellular operators for working with the Internet offer:

    • 3G standard - up to 4 Mbps;
    • 4G standard - up to 80 Mbps.

    On the operator's website there is a coating map with marked zones 3G and 4G. The relief of concrete terrain makes adjustments, then instead of 4G will be 3G, and instead of 3G it turns out 2G - the standard is too slow for the Internet.

    Communication 4G provides only devices equipped with modern radio modulus.

    On the mobile Internet, the client pays for traffic, and not for speed. The question of choosing the normal velocity of the Internet for the device is not worth it. The user chooses a suitable number of traffic megabytes.

    For video calls

    • voice calls - 100 kbps;
    • video call - 300 kbps;
    • video calls (HD standard) - 5 Mbps;
    • voice Video Service (Five Participants) - 4 Mbps (reception) 512 kbps (transmission).

    In practice, these values \u200b\u200bare multiplied by 2.5 to level jumps.

    Factors affecting the connection speed

    The following factors affect the quality of the compound:

    • Wi-Fi standard supported by devices.
    • The frequency on which the data is transmitted.
    • Walls and partitions on the signal path.
    • Computer and browser settings.
    • VPN and proxy.
    • Outdated drivers.
    • Interference from the impact of other networks.
    • Viruses and malicious programs.

    Find out the current connection speed (check better at night) using the SpeedTest service. If it is very different from the stated provider, it is necessary to find a cause.

    When the connection speed is selected, the number of users connected to Wi-Fi, the speed characteristics of the tasks used in parallel mode and taken into account when choosing a suitable tariff.


    You can use the Internet in different ways. All tasks are difficult to list. But among those discussed, it is necessary to find a similar and decide on the connection.

    Today, the Internet is needed in every house no less than water or light. And each city has a lot of companies or small firms that can provide people with access to the Internet.

    The user can choose any package to use the Internet from the maximum 100 Mbps to a small speed for example 512 KB / s. How to choose a suitable speed and proper Internet provider?

    Of course, the speed of the Internet needs to be chosen on the basis of what you do online and how much you are ready to give a month for Internet access. From my own experience I want to say that the speed of 15 Mbit / s is quite satisfied with me as a person who works on the network. Working on the Internet, I have 2 browser enabled, and in each open 20-30 tabs, and problems arise more from the computer (to work with a large number of tabs you need a lot of RAM and a powerful processor) rather than on the part of the Internet speed. The only moment when you have to wait a bit - this is the moment of the first launch of the browser when all tabs are loaded at the same time, but usually takes no more than a minute.

    1. What denotes the velocity of the Internet

    Many users confuse the velocity of the Internet thinking that 15mb / s is 15 megabytes per second. In fact, 15MB / s is 15 megabits per second, and it is 8 times less than megabytes and at the output we will get about 2 megabytes the speed of downloading files and pages. If you usually download movies to view 1500 MB, then with a speed of 15 Mbps, the film will be loaded 12-13 minutes.

    We look a lot or little of your Internet speed

    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 512 kbps 512/8 \u003d 64 Kb / s(this speed is not enough to view online video);
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 4 Mbps 4/8 \u003d 0.5 MB / s or 512 Kb / s(this speed is enough to view online video in quality up to 480r);
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 6 Mbps 6/8 \u003d 0.75 MB / s(this speed is enough to view online video in quality up to 720p);
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 16 Mbps 16/8 \u003d 2 MB / s(this speed is enough to view online video in quality up to 2k);
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 30 Mbps 30/8 \u003d 3.75 MB / s(this speed is enough to view online video in quality up to 4k);
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 60 Mbps 60/8 \u003d 7.5 MB / s
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 70 Mbps 60/8 \u003d 8.75 MB / s(this speed is enough to view online video in any capacity);
    • Speed \u200b\u200bis 100 Mbps 100/8 \u003d 12.5 MB / s(This speed is enough to view online video in any capacity).

    Many connecting the Internet are experiencing about the possibility of viewing online video, let's see what time you need movies with different quality.

    2. Internet speed required for viewing online video

    And here you will learn a lot or little of your speed to view online video with different quality formats.

    Type of broadcast Bitrate video Bitrate audio (stereo) Traffic MB / C (Megabyte per second)
    Ultra HD 4K. 25-40 Mbps 384 kbps from 2.6
    1440p (2k) 10 Mbps 384 kbps 1,2935
    1080p 8000 kbps 384 kbps 1,0435
    720p 5000 kbps 384 kbps 0,6685
    480p. 2500 kbps 128 kbps / s 0,3285
    360p 1000 kbps 128 kbps / s 0,141

    We see that all the most popular formats without problems are reproduced by the speed of the Internet at 15 Mb / s. But to view the video in 2160p (4k) format (4k), no less than 50-60 Mbps needed. But there is one but. I do not think that many servers will be able to distribute video of this quality supporting such speed, so connecting the Internet at 100 Mbps it is possible not to watch online video in 4k.

    3. Internet speed for online games

    Connecting home Internet, every gamer wants to be 100% sure that his Internet speeds will be enough to play your favorite game. But as it turns out, online games are not at all demanding to the speed of the Internet. Consider what speed requires popular online games:

    1. Dota 2 - 512 kbps.
    2. World of Warcraft - 512 kbps.
    3. GTA Online - 512 kbps.
    4. World of Tanks (WOT) - 256-512 kbps.
    5. Panzar - 512 kbps.
    6. Counter Strike - 256-512 kbps.

    Important! On the quality of your game online, it does not depend on the speed of the Internet, but the quality of the channel itself. For example, if you (or your provider) receive the Internet through a satellite, then how would the package you do not use ping in the game will be much more than the conductive channel at a lower speed.

    4. What is the Internet for more than 30 Mbps.

    In exceptional cases, I could recommend using a faster connection of 50 Mbps and more. Not many providers in Kiev will be able to provide such speed in full, Kyivstar is not the first year in this market and completely instills confidence, the more important is the stability of the connection, and I want to believe that they are on top. The high speed of the Internet connection may be necessary when working with large amounts of data (loading and unloading them from the network). Perhaps you are a lover viewing movies in wonderful quality, or you download large over the volume of the game every day, or load large volumes in the online video or working files. To check the communication speed, you can use various online services, and to optimize work you need to perform.

    By the way, the speed of 3 Mbps / s and below, usually makes it possible to work a little unpleasant, not all sites from online video work well, and the download of files does not please at all.

    Whatever it was today on the Internet services market there are from what to choose. Sometimes, except for global providers, the Internet offers place firms, and often the level of their service is also at the height. I am serving in such a small company. The cost of services in such firms is certainly much lower than in large companies, but as a rule, the coverage of such firms is completely insignificant, usually within the region or two.

    What speed of the Internet to choose?

    Statistics argue that 71% of the population of the country aged 12 to 64 years are actively used by the Internet. Over the past year, this figure rose by 2% and continues to increase in geometric progression. Not far from the mountain that day, when almost all residents of Russia will be involved in the World Wide Web. In this situation, it is interesting that does users relate correctly to the selection of the Internet connection speed? And the statistics tell us that tens of thousands of rubles go to nowhere. This material is designed to dispel myths and help decide.

    Mbit and MB. Or why the speed is lower than expected?

    When concluding an agreement with the provider, it is stipulated quite specific connection speed. For example, 5 Mbps. It is important to understand the essence of this figure. She does not mean that 1 GB of her beloved movie is downloaded in a few minutes.

    Computer "Thinks in a binary system", That is, the concept of the bit is used. - minimal particle measurement of information. This number indicates the provider in speed characteristics and the download speed of the file is measured in MB. And Mbit significantly less MB, to be more accurate, 8 times, that is, 8 Mbps are 1 MB. Because of this, users are confused.

    The stated Internet speed Maximum speed jump Racing time (1 GB)
    5 Mbps 0.64 MB / s 26 minutes
    15 Mbps 1,912 MB / s 9 minutes
    30 Mbps 3.84 MB / s 4.5 minutes
    50 Mbps 6.4 MB / s 2.5 minutes
    100 Mbps 12.8 MB / s 1.3 minutes
    200 Mbps 25.6 MB / s 40 seconds

    Measure the actual speed of the current connection is very simple - for this there are dozens of services. For example, Yandex.

    Wi-Fi "cuts" speed

    Wi-Fi technology is popular due to convenience. But few know that it is the router that causes a reduction in speed. If you are connected to the Internet not on the cable, then be prepared to reduce maximum indicators. Speed \u200b\u200bdepends on:

    • wi-Fi router models;
    • software;
    • big loading range 2,4GHz;
    • network power;
    • the number of connected devices;
    • router firmware;
    • weak Wi-Fi module in the final device;
    • distances from the router to the end device.
    As can be seen, there are a lot of variables. To minimize speed loss, we recommend the following:
    • competent selection of the Internet provider (preferably supported standard 802.11ac);
    • good router (in particular, the possibility of working at a frequency of 5 GHz);
    • modern connection devices (if used outdated standards, do not achieve success).

    Dependence on needs

    After accounting for all variables, you can identify the recommended connection speed.

    The most demanding users are kinomans. If you like to watch movies online, and in the maximum possible quality, then it will take a really high-speed Internet - Minimum 30 Mbps.
    Also in the table intentionally missed gamers. Online games occupy a substantial part of the traffic, but the specific connection speed depends on the game itself.

    That is, if you are interested in online games, then any tariff more than 512 kbps will be an excellent choice. Developers are trying to optimize their projects to involve the maximum number of users, so the required connection speed is so low. It is important to understand that the specified speed is the minimum indicator for the game itself. In fact, it is necessary to take into account the set of variables: ping (data transfer time from user to server and back), direct connection, computer configuration, lack of downloads, number of users in the network, etc.

    Why do you need speed above 100 Mbps?

    In Russia, very good and, not less important, affordable home Internet. Seriously! In the villages and a completely deep province of business, of course, worse, but take any, even a small town in the European part of the country and see the rates. For 300-400 rubles per month, the Internet can be held in an apartment at a speed of 25-50 megabits per second, and for some promotion and all 100 megabits.

    For comparison: in "Civilized" countries, the quick Internet (and home and mobile) costs much more expensive. And still there still lives the concept of "monthly data limit". We only have such a cellular operators.

    However, cheapness is not a reason to pay for what you do not use. Even hundreds of saved rubles warms the wallet, and therefore the tariff for the home Internet should be chosen based on the actual needs in speed. Let's figure out how much megabit is required per second in various situations, and begin with basic concepts.

    Megabits, Megabytes and Real Speeds

    Data size is made to measure in bytes. For example, the HD film weighs from 700 megabytes (Megov) to 1.4 gigabytes (giga), and Full HD is from 4 to 14 gigabytes.

    The data transfer rate is received in the bits (not bytes!) Per second, and sometimes it causes misunderstanding.

    Byte ≠ bit.

    1 byte \u003d 8 bits.

    1 megabyte \u003d 8 megabits.

    1 megabyte per second \u003d 8 megabits per second.

    If the user does not distinguish bytes and bits, it can easily be confused or adopted for the same thing. In this case, it will calculate the approximate time of downloading the HD film via torrent something like this:

    1. The film weighs 1,400 "Megov".
    2. Internet speed 30 "Megov" per second.
    3. The film is downloaded for 1,400 / 30 \u003d 46..6 seconds.

    In fact, the speed of the Internet is 30 megabits per second \u003d 3.75 megabytes per second. Accordingly, 1,400 megabytes should be divided by 30, but by 3.75. In this case, the download time will be 1 400 / 3.75 \u003d 373 seconds.

    In practice, the speed will be even lower, because Internet providers indicate the speed "to", that is, the maximum possible, and not working. In addition, there is interference, especially when transmitted by Wi-Fi, network load, as well as limitations and features of user equipment and service provider equipment. You can check your speed with help, and increase it - with.

    Often the neck becomes the resource from which you swing something. For example, the speed of your Internet is 100 megabits per second, and the site gives data at a speed of 10 megabits per second. In this case, the download will occur at a speed of no more than 10 megabits per second, and nothing to do with it.

    What speed of the Internet is really needed

    Obviously, the table given above requires clarification.

    Questions and answers

    What if the Internet is used immediately on two or more devices?

    Suppose you are watching Full HD streaming video on a smart TV, my wife behind a laptop with HD-screen surf by YouTube, and a child looks from a smartphone or tablet, too in HD quality. Does this mean that the numbers from the table need to sum up?

    Yes, quite right. In this case, you will need about 20 megabits per second.

    Why do different sites provide different speed requirements to view the video of the same permission?

    There is such a concept as a bit rate - the amount of information that the image is encoded per unit of time, and, accordingly, the conditional indicator of the quality of the picture and sound is encoded. The higher the bit rate, the usually better image. That is why on torrents you can find versions of the same film with the same resolution, but of different sizes.

    In addition, there are superfluous video with a frequency of 60 frames per second. They weigh more and require a more high-speed Internet.

    Is it true that online games are so undemanding to the speed of the Internet?

    Yes, most toys like CS, DOTA 2, WOT, WOW and even GTA 5 more than just just one megabita per second for a multiplayer, but in this case the ping becomes the time for which the signal comes from you to the game server and back. The smaller the ping, the less the delay in the game.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to know in advance even the approximate ping in a particular game through a specific provider, as its value is inconvenient and depends on many factors.

    Why during video calls a picture and sound from interlocutors to me is normal, and from me to them - no?

    In this case, it becomes important not only incoming, but also the outgoing Internet speed. Often, providers do not indicate outgoing speed in the tariff, but you can check it yourself using the same SpeedTest.net.

    To broadcast through a webcam, there is enough outgoing velocity 1 megabit per second. In the case of HD cameras (and even more, Full HD), the requirements for outgoing speed increase.

    Why does Internet providers in tariffs begin from 20-30 and more megabits per second?

    Because the higher the speed, the more money you can take with you. Providers could preserve tariffs "from the past" at a speed of 2-10 megabits per second and reduce their cost up to 50-100 rubles, but why? It is much more profitable to increase the minimum speeds and prices.

    More and more people are covered by a worldwide network. And each of us uses the Internet for some of its goals, and from a wide variety of devices, not what was before. To perform various tasks, various Internet speed is needed. Requirements depend on the programs used, from the downloaded content, on which video we look, and other parameters. Let's try to figure out what the Internet speed is considered good for specific purposes.

    Comfortable speed for working on PC

    A person running on a computer can be different tasks. If the user basically works with text documents, only the news sites, it rarely downloads software updates, does not look and does not upload online video, then it will be enough to have a bandwidth channel only 1 Mbps for comfortable surfing over the network. In the event that the user watches high resolution video, loads it into the network, shakes large amounts of information or works with specific software, it will need more bandwidth. For such a person, the answer to the question of which the speed of the Internet is considered good, will be the following: from 5-7 Mbps, the benefit of many providers, especially in large cities, can connect 20, and 50, and 100 Mbps, and even more.

    What does the Internet speed depend on and how to measure it?

    It is important to know that the actual, the real speed of accessing the network depends on a variety of factors: first of all, from the channel of your provider, its throughput, as well as from the load and quality of the connection. Even influences

    the time of day and the location of the sites that you come. When determining how the speed of the Internet is considered good, you need to know how it can be measured. Experts recommend using online services specially created for a similar purpose. The speed measurement process itself is very simple. It lies in the fact that data from your computer is transmitted to a specific server, after which the average value of information transmission rate is calculated for the required unit of time.

    How to choose the internet for mobile phone

    If you use to access the network by mobile phone, then with this option everything is a little different. Mobile operators offer various tariff plans for this, as well as without problems allow them to change them to more appropriate. After all, at the moment, data transfer through mobile networks is something that develops is particularly quickly primarily for ordinary consumers.

    Answer the question of which Internet is better for the phone, difficult. Since all operators lead a fierce struggle for customers, their successes are almost the same - that Bilayna is that MTS is that at MegaFon. However, it is true, however, on the unlimited tariffs of the latter, for the last achievements of Yota and the young promising LTE technology. The needs of consumers are growing, and they will soon need only unlimited for the minimum cost.

    Internet for tablets

    For these devices, cellular operators provide a separate service - Internet for tablets. In search of a response to the question of which Internet is better for the tablet, remember that there are three main options. The first - with the help of ordinary SIM cards, the second - using 3G modems and the third - wireless network access. The first two options are not the best, as they require additional equipment and settings. Not all tablets have the necessary USB port, there may be problems with a signal. Wi-Fi connection is the best, since nothing does not require anything, and the speed in the access area is often very high. And the question does not arise about what the Internet speed is considered good. It almost always happens enough.