Grasshopper - arthropod insect, belongs to the superorder New-winged insects, the order Orthoptera, the suborder Long-whiskered Orthoptera, the superfamily grasshoppers (lat. Tettigonioidea).

The Russian word “grasshopper” is considered a diminutive of the word “smith”. But, most likely, it has nothing to do with the forge, but comes from the Old Russian “izok”, meaning “June”. Almost 7 thousand known species grasshoppers live on all continents except Antarctica. Due to such diversity, even an experienced entomologist cannot always determine the species identity of a particular individual.

The complex hearing apparatus, that is, the grasshopper's ears, is located on the shins of the insect's front legs. Thus, we can say that the grasshopper hears with its feet. The oval membranes that are located on both sides of the lower leg act as eardrums. In some species of grasshoppers, the membranes are open, in others they are closed with special caps. The structure of the hearing aid consists of nerve endings, muscles, and sensory cells. The structure also includes 2 branches of the trachea, which approach the eardrums.

Grasshoppers have noticeable sexual dimorphism: females are much larger than males and have a sickle-shaped or straight, arrow-like ovipositor. The lifespan of a grasshopper, including the egg stage, is only one season.

and chestnuts), and some of them are noted as serious agricultural pests. Unlike the same related locusts, which eat farmers' crops, grasshoppers are more beneficial. For example, they help get rid of fields that have taken a fancy to them.

In conditions of autonomous maintenance and lack of nutrients, grasshoppers have even been observed in cannibalism, that is, eating their own kind. A simple experiment showed that if you put several of these insects in a closed jar and leave them without food for a couple of days, the group will eventually suffer losses among their relatives.

It may seem surprising, but if the grasshopper does not receive its “dose” of protein and salts from ordinary food, then it does not disdain to feed on feces and carrion, and also eats its weaker relatives with appetite.

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As everyone knows, LiveJournal hosts various kinds of flash mobs, of which I recognize only those that provide food for the mind and serve the noble cause of knowledge. :-) That's why I took part in a flash mob about photographs from enotikova And oumnique , whose rules are as follows:
1. You leave a comment on this post.
2. I choose any photograph or picture in your LiveJournal and ask you to tell me something interesting and informative about it.
3. You post a story with a photo in the comments and/or your LiveJournal with the publication of the game conditions so that your friends can also play.

Today is a story about the photo I chose enotikova :

I must say that I am a complete layman in entomology, so I wanted to give my husband a beating, who loves to photograph all sorts of boogers and thereby leads me to the monastery. :-)))

It should also be noted that a year ago I confused grasshoppers with other creatures - fillies:

Now about the grasshoppers themselves. :-) First, a little information about them:

GREEN GRASSHOPPER (Tettigonia viridissima) is distributed almost throughout Russia, it can be found in all landscape zones, it does not go only to the north. In the forest zone, starting from the end of July and up to late autumn, the green grasshopper is often found along the edges of meadows in the grass, and on the edges of forests and in gardens - on bushes and trees, skillfully camouflaging itself in green foliage. In deserts he gravitates towards river valleys and to the edges of tugai forests; V Central Asia penetrates high into the mountains, adhering to gorges with lush grassy vegetation. It feeds on small insects - various dipterans, small butterflies, their caterpillars, etc.

The chirping of the green grasshopper can be heard during the day, in the afternoon and in the evening; it does not stop in the dark until 2-3 am. In the morning hours, the green grasshopper takes a “sunbath”. He lies on his side, exposing his body to fall on top of him sun rays and from time to time turning over to the other side.

Mating in a green grasshopper lasts about 45 minutes. After 15 minutes, the male begins to chirp again. Eating the spermatophore by the female can last 15 hours. She lays eggs in the ground one at a time, placing them so closely that they are glued together in groups of 2, 3 or 4. The process of laying eggs is apparently quite difficult, as can be judged by the fact that the female impetuously breathes, and the number of eggs it lays reaches 70-100. The eggs lie in the soil until spring, when the larvae begin to hatch. They are also green in color with a brown or blackish stripe on the dorsal side.

The heavy breathing of the female impressed me so much that I looked for something else on this topic and here are a couple more quotes.

Reproductive system. The reproductive system of insects consists of testes in males and ovaries in females, tracts connecting these organs with the genital opening near the anus, as well as accessory glands and structures that ensure fertilization. The external genitalia are very diverse in structure, but in most insects the female's ovipositor is a simple tube. In males, the copulatory organ (penis) and the genital opening are usually complex and are surrounded by claw-like grips that hold the partners’ bodies together during mating. In many orders of insects, the features of the external genitalia, especially the male, are important classification characteristics.

This is a female grasshopper, with a long ovipositor:

When mating, the male attaches a spermatophore to the end of the female's abdomen. The spermatophore consists of a vial (main part) and a spermatophylax (additional part). The bottle is coated, has a narrow neck and two reinforcing blades. The internal cavity of the bottle, which contains sperm, is divided into two parts by a septum. Spermatophylax is a sticky mass.

The male inserts the neck of the bottle into the female's genital opening, while the bottle itself and the spermatophylax remain outside. After mating, the female usually eats the spermatophylax slowly, with the sperm gradually flowing from the vial into the oviduct, after which the female eats the vial. A spermatophore suspended from the female's abdomen with spermatophylax weighing it down hinders the female's movement and interferes with the laying of eggs and repeated mating. In this case, eating should be slow, otherwise the sperm will not have time to flow from the vial into the oviduct.

If in warm weather go out into the field, you can almost always hear chirping grasshoppers, even before you see them. This is an amazing and unusual insect. Jumpers belong to the order Orthoptera. There are more than 7 thousand in the world different types these insects.

Singing grasshoppers

When they sing, it sounds like someone is banging hammers. This is probably why its name – grasshopper – is connected. It has two pairs of wings, front and rear. The front wings are narrow and dense, while the hind wings are membranous and wide. The grasshopper makes sounds by moving its wings; it rubs them against each other, as if playing with a bow on strings. But only males can chirp.

The structure of grasshoppers

The body of these insects is elongated, and the cone-shaped head has long antennae. Females have a thin and long process at the end of the body, strong and sharp, similar to a saber. It can be more than a centimeter in length. Their eyes are semicircular. If you look closely at the grasshopper, you can see long slits on the front legs - these are its ears. It has colossally acute hearing and very strongly developed hind legs, thanks to which these insects jump well. In case of danger, if the jumper is caught by a predator, he can sacrifice his limb in order to escape and hide.

Where do grasshoppers live and what do they eat?

Most of all, grasshoppers love bushes and grassy thickets. They live on wheat fields, as well as those sown with rye, on the outskirts of the forest, where there are few trees, in meadows surrounded by ponds and in mixed-grass steppes. In autumn, females lay eggs in the ground, from which in spring larvae emerge, similar to adult individuals, only they are small and without wings. It is not possible to list all the types of colors of grasshoppers; they are usually similar to the color of the leaves of the plants on which they live. Some of them are only green, some are gray, with a yellow or red belly. Thanks to the ability to expand their elytra, these insects are able to camouflage themselves, becoming like leaves. Many predators, such as amphibians, reptiles and birds, love to feast on these jumpers; to escape from them, they may not move for a very long time, holding on to a stalk or leaf of grass with their paws so as not to give themselves away to the enemy. They feed on small insects, small butterflies and caterpillars. If there are no insects, they take up herbaceous food, eat grape leaves, pieces of twigs, flowers and buds of bushes and trees, leaves and stems of wild grass. Typically, grasshoppers are completely harmless. They can only harm fields if there are too many of them.

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Insects are among the most ancient inhabitants of our planet. Scientists suggest that this type organisms appeared 435 million years ago. Despite the diversity of insect species, our knowledge about them is, unfortunately, very scarce, although Orthoptera species was always in front of people. This order includes locusts, mole crickets, crickets and grasshoppers. Orthoptera - interesting facts about the structure of the body, habitats, diet.

Features of body structure

Orthoptera are a separate order of the class of insects that have straight fore wings. All Orthoptera are divided into two types: long-whiskered and short-whiskered.

The body of orthoptera insects is oblong, 1.5 to 150 mm long, and consists of three sections: head, thorax and abdomen. The top of the body is covered with a chitinous cover. On the head there are organs of touch - antennae, two pairs of compound eyes with a facet structure and three simple eyes. The mouthparts are of the gnawing type with powerful jaws.

The wings are located on the chest and represent two pairs, the front ones are long and narrow and the rear ones are wide and membranous, which fold under the front ones. There are three pairs of legs located below the chest, with the front legs used for movement, and with the help hind limbs insects can jump quite far. Fun fact is that many grasshoppers have hearing organs on their front legs.

The chirping of grasshoppers is formed due to the vibration of the elytra, and on its left side there is a “bow”, and on the right there is a resonator membrane. Each species has its own unique “melody”. “Musical abilities” are endowed mainly by males; wingless insects and females do not have this opportunity. The exception is the female Ephippigera.

Habitats and diet

Orthoptera - interesting facts about habitats and diet.

Orthoptera insects can be found over a fairly wide area, from hot deserts to alpine green meadows. They are distributed across all continents except Antarctica. At the same time, grasshoppers and locusts prefer to live on plants, and mole crickets prefer to live closer to the soil.

The main part of orthoptera insects feed plant foods. It is for this reason that locusts, mole crickets, and Siberian grasshoppers are pests of agricultural crops. When migrating, locusts destroy everything in their path and this disaster is of enormous proportions. Another representative of this order, the mole cricket, lives in the soil and feeds on root crops.

Most species of grasshoppers are predators that willingly eat both plant and animal foods: beetles, butterflies, and caterpillars.

Grasshoppers themselves serve as food for various rodents, birds and amphibians, so to survive they use mimicry methods, masquerading as environmental objects.

Basically, the breeding season for grasshoppers begins in last month spring, but species living in the tropics reproduce all year round. The larva completely replicates the body structure of an adult grasshopper in appearance and undergoes up to 6 molts during development. The larva can get to the surface only by applying great effort, so only one tenth of the larvae reach their goal and survive.

These insects are considered pests and eat crop plants. In Africa and China they are part of the diet.