A person is such a strange creature, which is very hard for the fact that it is always impossible to live. Moreover, it should be noted that for many immortality is indisputable fact. Most recently, scientists were represented by scientific evidence that would satisfy those who are interested in whether there is life after death.

About life after death

Studies were conducted, which brought together religion and science: death is not the end of existence. Since only a person has the opportunity to discover a new form of life. It turns out that death is not the ultimate feature and somewhere there, abroad, there is a different life.

Is there life after death?

The first one who managed to explain the existence of life after death was Tsiolkovsky. The scientist argued that the existence of a person on Earth does not stop while the universe is alive. And the souls that left the "dead" bodies are indivisible atoms that wander through the universe. Such was the first scientific theory concerning the immortality of the soul.

But in the modern world there is not enough one faith in the existence of the immortality of the soul. Humanity to this day does not believe that death can not be overcome, and continues to look for a weapon against her.

American anesthesiologist, Stewart Hameroff argues that life after death is real. When he performed in the program "Through the tunnel in space", it was told about the immortality of the human soul, about what it was made of the fabric of the universe.

The professor is convinced that consciousness exists from the time of the Big Bang. It turns out that when a person dies, his soul continues to exist in space, acquiring a view of some quantum information that continues "distribution and the course of the universe."

It is such a hypothesis that the doctor explains the phenomenon when the patient is experiencing clinical death and sees the "white light at the end of the tunnel." Professor and Mathematics Roger Penrose developed the theory of consciousness: inside neurons there are protein microtubules, accumulating and processing information, thereby continuing their existence.

Scientific substantiated, one hundred percent facts that there is no life after death is not yet, but science moves in this direction, conducting various experiments.

If the soul was materially, there would be an opportunity to have an action on it and make the wish what she does not want, in the same way as you can get a man's hand to make a familiar movement.

If everything was financially in humans, then all people would feel almost the same, since their bodily similarity would take the top. Seeing the picture, listening to music or learning about the death of a loved one, the feelings of pleasure or delight, or sadness in humans would be the same, just like when the pain is causing different sensations. And after all, it is known that at the sight of the same spectacle one remains cold, and the other is worried and crying.

If the matter had the opportunity to think, then every particle should be able to think, and people would realize that they were so many creatures who know how to think, how many in the human body of the particles of matter.

In 1907, Dr. Duncan McDuggall and several his assistants conducted an experiment. They decided to weigh people dying from tuberculosis at moments before and after death. Special ultra-precision industrial scales were placed beds with dying. It was noted that after death, each of them lost weight. It was possible to scientifically explain this phenomenon, but the version was put forward that this little difference is the weight of the human soul.

Is there any life after death, and what it can be reasoned infinite. But still, if you think about the facts provided, you can find a specific logic in this.

Beautiful fields and forests, rivers and lakes filled with beautiful fish, gardens with wonderful fruits, there are no problems, only happiness and beauty - one of the ideas about life that continues after death on earth. Many believers are just like this to describe the paradise, in which a person falls without making a big evil during his earthly life. Is there only life after death on our planet? Is there proof of life after death? This is quite interesting and deep for philosophical reasoning questions.

Scientific concepts

As in the case of other mystical and religious phenomena, scientists were able to explain to this issue. Also, many researchers consider scientific evidence of life after death, but they do not have the material foundations. Only this later.

Life after death (also often meets the concept of "afterlife") - representations of people from a religious and philosophical point of view of life occurring after the real existence of a person on Earth. Almost all of these ideas are associated with which is in the human body during his life.

Possible options for the afterlife:

  • Life next to God. This is one of the forms of human soul. Many believers believe that God will resurrect the soul.
  • Hell or paradise. The most common concept. This presentation exists in many religions of the world and most people. After the death of a man's soul falls into hell or paradise. The first place is intended for people who sinned during the earthly life.

  • New image in a new body. Reincarnation is a scientific definition of a person's life in new embodiments on the planet. Bird, animal, plant and other forms in which a man's soul can accommodate after the death of a material body. Also, some religions provide life in the human body.

Some religions are evidence of the existence of life after death in its other forms, but above the most common.

MODER Life in ancient Egypt

The highest graceful pyramids were built more than a dozen years. The ancient Egyptians used technologies that were still not fully understood. There are a large number of assumptions about the construction technologies of the Egyptian pyramids, but, unfortunately, no scientific point of view has full evidence.

The ancient Egyptians did not have evidence of the existence of a soul and life after death. They only believed in this opportunity. Therefore, people built the pyramids and provided Pharaoh an excellent existence in another world. By the way, the Egyptians believed that the diploma reality is almost identical to the real world.

It should also be paid to the fact that, according to Egyptians, a person in another world can not fall or climb on the social staircase. For example, Pharaoh cannot become a simple person, and a simple worker will not become king in the kingdom of the dead.

Residents of Egypt mummified the body of the departed, and Pharaohs, as mentioned earlier, were placed in huge pyramids. In a special premises, the subjects and relatives of the ruler of the ruler have placed items that will be necessary for life and the Board in

Life after death in christianity

Ancient Egypt and the creation of pyramids belong to long-standing times, so the proof of life after the death of the ancient people only applies to Egyptian hieroglyphs, which were found on ancient buildings and pyramids, among other things. Only Christian ideas about this concept existed earlier and exist to this day.

A terrible court is the court when a man's soul appears in court before God. It was the Lord who can determine the fate of the soul of the deceased - he will experience terrible flour and punishment on her deathly apparent or go close to God in a beautiful paradise.

What factors affect the decision of God?

Throughout the earthly life, each person commits any actions - bad and good. It is worth saying right away that this is an opinion with religious and philosophical points of view. It is on these earthly actions a judge looks during a terrible court. Also, you can not forget about the life of a person in God and by virtue of the prayers and church.

As can be seen, in Christianity there is also life after death. The proof of such a fact exists in the Bible, Church and the opinion of many people who devoted their lives to the ministry of the Church and, of course, God.

Death in Islam

Islam is no exception to the adherence to postulate on the existence of the afterlife. As in other religions, a person throughout his life makes certain actions, and they will depend on them, as he will die, what life will be expected.

If a person during the existence on Earth committed bad actions, then, of course, he is waiting for a certain sentence. The beginning of the punishment for sins is becoming a painful death. Muslims believe that a sinful person will die in flour. Although a person with a clean and bright soul will leave this world with ease and without any problems.

The main proof of life after death is located in the Quran (Holy Book of Muslims) and in the teachings of religious people. It is worth paying attention to how to pay attention that Allah (God in Islam) teaches not to be afraid of death, because the believer who makes righteous actions will be awarded in eternal life.

If the Lord himself is present in the Christian religion in the terrible court, then in Islam, two angels are accepted in Islam - Nakir and Munkar. They produce interrogated from earthly life. If a person did not believe and committed sins, who did not redeemed during the earthly existence, then he was sentenced. The believer is provided by paradise. If there are non-refined sins behind the believer, then he is waiting for punishment, after which he can get into the wonderful places called Paradise. Atheists are waiting for terrible flour.

Presentations of Buddhists and Hindus about death

In Hinduism, there is no creator who created life on Earth and which must be prayed and branded. Vedas - Sacred texts that replace God. Translated into Russian "Veda" - "Wisdom" and "Knowledge".

Vedas can also be considered as the fact that there is proof of life after death. In this case, a person (to be more accurate, then the soul) will die and put into a new flesh. Spiritual lessons who have to master a person are the cause of constant reincarnation.

In Buddhism, the paradise exists, but he has no one level, as in other religions, and several. At each stage, if you can say so, the soul gets the necessary knowledge, wisdom and other positive parties and goes on.

In these both religions, he also has blood pressure, but compared to other religious ideas, he is not an eternal punishment for the human soul. There are a large number of myths about how from hell of the soul of the dead went to heaven and started their way at certain levels.

View of other world religions

In fact, every religion has its own ideas about the afterlife. At the moment, it is simply impossible to name the exact number of religions, so only the largest and most basic, but also in them you can find interesting evidence of life after death.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in almost all religions there are common features of death and life in Paradise and hell.

Nothing disappears without a trace

Death, death, disappearance is not an end. This, if these words be appropriate, rather, the beginning of something, but not the end. As an example, you can take a bone of plum, which spat a person who buried the immediate fruit (plum).

This bone falls, and it seems that it has come to her end. Only in fact it can grow, and a beautiful bush will appear on the world, a beautiful plant that will bear the fruits and please the surrounding with its beauty and its existence. When this bush perbs, for example, he will simply go out of one state to another.

What is this example? To the fact that the death of man is also not his immediate end. This example can also be considered as evidence of life after death. Waiting and reality, however, may differ greatly.

Is there a soul?

Throughout the time, we are talking about the existence of a man's soul after death, but there was no question about the existence of the soul itself. Maybe it does not exist? Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this concept.

In this case, it is worth moving from religious reasoning to the whole world - land, water, trees, cosmos and everything else - consists of atoms, molecules. Not only one of the elements has the opportunity to feel, arguing and develop. If we talk about whether there is a life after death, the evidence can be taken on the basis of this reasoning.

Of course, we can say that there are organs in the body of a person who are causes of all feelings. It is also impossible to forget about the human brain, because he is responsible for the mind and mind. In this case, you can make a comparison of a person with a computer. The latter is much smarter, but it is programmed to certain processes. To date, robots have actively become created, but they have no feelings, although they are made on human likeness. Based on the reasoning, we can talk about the existence of a human soul.

It is also possible as another evidence of the above words to bring the birth of thought. This part of human life has no scientific start. You can, for years, decades and centuries, study all sorts of sciences and "sculpt" the thought of all material resources, but nothing will come. Thought has no material foundation.

Scientists have proven that life after death exists

Speaking about the afterlife of man, you should not pay attention only to reasoning in religion and philosophy, because, in addition, there are scientific research and, of course, the necessary results. Many scientists broke and break their heads to find out what happens to a man after his death.

Above the Vedas were mentioned. These sacred scriptures speak of one body to another. That question was asked Jan Stevenson - a famous psychiatrist. It is worth saying that his research in the field of reincarnation has made a great contribution to the scientific view of life after death.

Scientist began to consider life after death, the real evidence of which he was able to find on the entire planet. The psychiatrist was able to consider more than 2,000 cases of reincarnation, after which certain conclusions were made. When a person is reborn in a different way, all physical defects are also saved. If the deceased had certain scars, then in the new body they will also be present. This fact has the necessary evidence.

During research, the scientist used hypnosis. And during one session, the boy remembers his death - he was killed by an ax. Such a feature was able to reflect in a new body - a boy who was investigated by scientists, there was a coarse thief on the back of the head. After receiving the necessary information, the psychiatrist starts finding a family where it may have been the murder of a person with an ax. And the result did not make him waitly wait. Janu managed to find people, in the family of whom, in the nearby past, they gave a man with an ax. The nature of the wound was similar to the growth of the child.

This is not one example that can say that evidence of life has been found after death. Therefore, it is worth considering a few more cases during studies of a psychiatrist.

Another child had a defect on the fingers, as if he was chosen. Of course, the scientist became interested in such a fact, and not in vain. The boy was able to tell Stevenson that he lost his fingers during field work. After a conversation with the child, the search for eyewitnesses began, which may explain such a phenomenon. Through some time, people who told about the death of a man during field work were found. This man died as a result of blood loss. The fingers were chopped with a thumb.

Considering these circumstances, you can talk about that after death. Evidence was able to bring Yang Stevenson. After published scientists, many people began to think about the real existence of the afterlife, which was described by a psychiatrist.

Clinical and real death

Everyone knows that with the strongest injuries, clinical death can happen. In this case, a person stops the heart, all life processes are stopped, but the oxygen starvation of organs does not cause irreversible consequences. During this process, the body is in the transitional stage between life and death. Clinical death lasts no more than 3-4 minutes (very rarely 5-6 minutes).

People who were able to survive such minutes tell about the "tunnel", about the "white light." Based on these facts, scientists were able to discover new evidence of life after death. Scientists who studied this phenomenon made the necessary report. In their opinion, consciousness always existed in the universe, the death of the material body is not the end for the soul (consciousness).


Under this word is understood to freeze the body of a person or an animal in order to be able to revive the deceased in the future. In some cases, not the whole body is exposed to the state of deep cooling, but only the head or brain.

An interesting fact: experiments on the freezing of animals were held in the XVII century. Only about 300 years, humanity more seriously thought about this method of obtaining immortality.

It is possible that this process will be the answer to the question: "Life after death exists?" The evidence may be presented in the future, because science does not stand still. But at the moment the cryonics remains a mystery hopefully.

Life after death: the latest evidence

One of the latest evidence in the question under consideration was the study of American scientist Physics-theorist Robert Lance. Why is one of the last? Because this discovery was made in the fall of 2013. What conclusion did the scientist made?

It is worth noting how to pay attention to that the scientist is a physicist, so these evidence is based on quantum physics.

From the very beginning, the scientist drew attention to the color perception. As an example, he brought the blue sky. We are all used to seeing the sky in this color, but in fact everything else. Why does a man sees red red, green - green and so on? According to Lanz, the whole thing in the brain receptors, which are responsible for the color perception. If you influence these receptors, the sky may unexpectedly become red or green.

Each person is used to, as the researcher says, see a mixture of molecules and carbonates. The reason for such perception is our consciousness, but reality may differ from the general understanding.

Robert Luntz believes that there are parallel universes, where all events are synchronous, but at the same time different. Based on this, the death of a person is only a transition from one world to another. As a proof, the researcher conducted an experiment in Jung. For scientists, this method is proof that light is nothing more than a wave that can be measured.

The essence of the experiment: Lantz missed the light through two holes. When the beam passed through the obstacle, he was divided into two parts, but it was worth it to be outside the holes, he again merged and became even lighter. In those places where the waves of light did not connect to one beam, they became dim.

As a result, Robert Lantz came to the conclusion that the universe creates life, but quite the opposite. If life ends on Earth, then, as in the case of light, it continues its existence in any other place.


Probably, it is impossible to deny that life after death is. Facts and evidence, of course, are not one hundred percent, but they exist. As can be seen from the above information, the afterlife is not only in religion and philosophy, but also in scientific circles.

Living this time, every person can only assume and think about what happens to him after death, after the disappearance of his body on this planet. There are a large number of questions about this, a lot of doubts, but no one who lives at the moment will not be able to find the answer you need. Now we can only enjoy what we have, because life is the happiness of every person, every animal, you need to live beautifully.

It is best not to think about the afterlife, because the matter is the meaning of life much more interesting and more useful. Almost every person can answer him, but this is a completely different topic.

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death. They found that consciousness could continue after death.
Although this topic belongs to large skepticism, there are evidence of people who survived this experience that will make you think about it.
And although these conclusions cannot be called final, perhaps you will begin to doubt that death, in fact, is the end of everything.

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Burning - a professor who studied the experience of clinical death and cardiovascular resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive the death of the brain, when blood does not come to the brain, and there is no electrical activity.
Starting in 2008, he collected a lot of evidence of the turn-free experiences, which occurred when the human brain was not more active than loafing bread.
Judging by the visions, the conscious understanding was preserved up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain is usually turned off within 20-30 seconds after the heart stopped.

2. Experience outside the body

Perhaps you heard from people about the feeling of separation from our own body, and they seemed to you in fiction. The American singer Pam Reynolds told about his outstanding experience during the operation on the brain, which she survived at the age of 35.
She was placed in the state of artificial coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and the brain was practically deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed, and headphones who drowned the sounds were inserted into the ears.
Steamed over her body, she was able to observe his own operation. The description was very visual. She heard someone said: "Her arteries are too small," on the background played the song "Hotel California" of The Eagles.
Doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pham told about their experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-minded experience is a meeting with dead relatives on the other side.
Bruce Greyson explorer believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death are not just bright hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study that indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives, much exceeded the number of those who met living people. Moreover, there were several cases when people met a dead relative on the other side, not knowing about that this man died.

4. Border reality

The worldwide recognized Belgian neuropathologist Steven Laureys does not believe after death. He believes that all near-merchant experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.
Lores and his team were expected that the near-minded experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and eventually become erected from memory.
However, he discovered that the memories of clinical death remain fresh and bright, regardless of the past time and sometimes even overshadow the memories of real events.

During one study, scientists asked 344 patients who survived the stop of the heart, describe their experience within a week after resuscitation.
Of all the surveyed people, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12% led the classic example of near-merchant experiences. This means that from 28 to 41 people who are not connected with each other, almost the same experience recalled from different hospitals.

6. Personal changes

Pim Van Lommel's Dutch researcher (Pim Van Lommel) studied the memories of people who survived clinical death.
According to the results, many people lost their death fear, they became happier, positive and sociable. Almost everyone spoke about clinical death, as a positive experience, which even more influenced their lives over time.

7. Memories of first-hand

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his opinion on the near-merchant experiences. He stated that he had seen what was difficult to believe.
He said that he saw the light and emanating from there a melody, he observed something similar to the portal in a magnificent reality, filled with indescribable flower waterfalls and millions of butterflies flying along this scene. However, his brain was turned off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have any glimpses of consciousness.
Many have doubted the words of Dr. Ebena, but if he tells the truth, perhaps his experiences and experience of other people do not need to ignore.

8. Vision of blind

The authors of Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper described that people who were born blind can return their eyesight during clinical death.
They interviewed 31 blind people who survived the clinical death or endless experiences. At the same time, 14 of them were blind from birth.
However, they all described visual images during their experiences, whether it is a tunnel of light, deceased relatives or observation of their body from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to Professor Robert Lanza (Robert Lanza) all the possibilities in the Universe happen simultaneously. But when the "observer" decides to see, all these opportunities are reduced to one, which happens in our world. Also: is there any life after death? Quantum theory proves that "yes"
Thus, time, space, matter and everything else exists only thanks to our perception.
If so, then things like "death" cease to be an irrefutable fact and become only part of perception. In fact, although it may seem that we are dying in this universe, according to the theory of Lanz, our life becomes an "eternal flower, which again flourishes in the multi-dense."

10. Children can remember their last life

Dr. Yan Stevenson explored and recorded more than 3,000 cases of children under the age of 5, which could remember their last life.
In one of the cases, a girl from Sri Lanka remembered the name of the city in which she was, described his family and house in detail. Later, 27 out of 30 of her statements were confirmed. However, none of her family and acquaintances were in no way connected with this city.
Stevenson documented the cases of children who had phobias associated with the last life, children who had congenital defects, reflecting how they died, and even children who fell into rage, having learned their "murderers."

Thanks to the progress of medicine, the resuscitation of the dead has become an almost standard procedure in many modern hospitals. Previously, it was almost no applied.

In this article, we will not give real cases from the practice of renexcators and stories of those who have had clinical death itself, since a mass of such descriptions can be found in such books as:

  • "Closer to the light" (
  • Life after life (
  • "Memories of death" (
  • "Life at death" (
  • "For the threshold of death" (

The purpose of this material is the classification of the fact that people have seen in the afterlime world and the presentation of them in a clear form as evidence of the existence of life after death.

What happens after the death of man

"He dies" - it is often the first thing that the person hears at the time of clinical death. What happens after the death of man? At first, the patient feels that he comes out of the body and a second later, he looks at him from top to bottom under the ceiling.

At this moment, a person first sees himself from the side and is experiencing a huge shock. In the panic tries to attract attention, scream, touch the doctor, move the items, but as the rules all his attempts are vain. No one sees him and does not hear.

After some time, a person realizes that all his feelings remained functional, despite the fact that his physical body is dead. Moreover, the patient experiences indescribable lightness that he has never experienced before. This feeling is so beautiful that the dying no longer wants to return back to the body.

Some after the above are returned to the body, and on this, their excursion ends in the afterlife, to someone on the contrary, it is possible to get into a certain tunnel, at the end of which the light is visible. Passing a kind of gate, they see the world of great beauty.

Someone meet relatives and friends, some are encountered with a bright being, from which the great love and understanding can. Someone is confident that this is Jesus Christ, someone claims that this is the Guardian angel. But everyone agrees that he is full of good and compassion.

Of course, not everyone can admire the beauty and enjoy bliss afterlife. Separate people tell that they fell into dark places and, returning, describe the disgusting and cruel creatures seen by them.


Returning from the "Le Light" often say that at some point they saw all their lives like on the palm. Each of their act, it would seem randomly abandoned phrase and even thoughts swept in front of them as revealed. At that moment, a person revised his whole life.

At that moment there were no such concepts as social status, hypocrisy, pride. All the masks of the Broken World were reset and the man appeared to court as naked. He could not hide nothing. Everyone his bad act was displayed in the smallest detail and was shown, as he worked on the surrounding and those whom such behavior was caused by pain and suffering.

At this time, all the benefits achieved in life are social and economic situation, diplomas, titles, etc. - lose their meaning. The only thing that is subject to evaluation is the moral side of the actions. At this moment, a person realizes that nothing is erased and does not pass without a trace, but everything, even every thought, has consequences.

For evil and cruel people, it will truly be the beginning of unbearable internal torments, so called, from which it is impossible to go anywhere. The consciousness of the evil made, crippled by his and someone else's soul, becomes like such people like the "fire is restless" of which there is no exit. It is such a trial of actions in the Christian religion as Naitaria.


Going for the hell, despite the fact that all organs of the senses remain the same, quite a new one begins to feel everything around. Its feeling as if they start working for a hundred percent. The gamma of feelings and experiences are so great that those who returned simply cannot explain all the things that they have come to feel there.

Of the more terrestrial and usual perception, this time and distance, which, according to those who visited the afterlime world, flows absolutely differently there.

People who survived clinical death often make it difficult to answer how much their posthumous state lasted. A few minutes, or several thousand years, for them it did not make any difference.

As the distance concerned, it was also absent. The man could move at any point, at any distance only only thinking about it, that is, the power of thought!

The amazing moment is that not all of the reanimated describes places similar to heaven and hell. Descriptions of individual individuals simply amazing imaging. They are confident that they were on other planets or in other measurements and it looks like the truth.

Judge the Wordforms themselves like hilly meadows; Bright greens of this color, which on earth does not happen; Fields filled with wonderful golden light; cities indescribable words; Animals of any more will not meet anywhere - all this is not to relate to the descriptions of hell and paradise. People who visited there did not find the necessary words to intelligently convey their impressions.

What the soul looks like

What appearance appear before others and what do they look in their eyes? Such a question interests many and fortunately those who visited the edge gave us the answer.

Those who realized their exit from the body tell that at first they were not easy for them to find out. First of all, the field imprint disappears: children see themselves as adults, and old men are young.

The body is also transformed. If a person in life had any damage or injury, then after death they disappear. Amputed limbs appear, rumor and vision returns, if it was absent earlier in the physical body.

Meetings after death

Those who visited the top of the "curtains" often say that they met there with their dead relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most often, people see those with whom they were close in life or were related.

Such visions cannot be considered a rule, rather this exceptions that occur not very often. Usually, such meetings act as editing those who are still early to die, and who should return to Earth and change their lives.

Sometimes people see what expected to see. Christians see Angels, Mary Maria, Jesus Christ, Saints. People non-religious see some temples, figures in white or young men, and sometimes they do not see anything, but feel "presence."

Communication souls

Many reanimated people claim that there communicated with them something or someone. When they are asked to tell, what was the conversation about, they find it difficult to answer. This is happening because of the language unknown by him, or rather, inseparable speech.

For a long time, doctors could not explain why people do not remember or can not pass the heard and thought it was just hallucinations, but over time, some who returned still were able to explain the mechanism of communication.

It turned out that there are people talking mentally! Consequently, if all the thoughts are "heard" in that world, then we need to learn how to control your thoughts here so that we are not ashamed of the fact that we involuntarily thought.

Go back

Almost everyone who experienced afterlife And remembers her, tells about a certain barrier that divides the world of living and the dead. Going on the other side, a person will never be able to return to life and every soul knows that even nobody reported it.

This border is yours. Some seize the fence or grille on the edge of the field, the other shore of the lake or the sea, and the third as the gate, stream or cloud. The difference in the descriptions follows, again, from the subjective perception of each.

After reading all the above, only a shortfold skeptic and materialist can say that afterlife This is fiction. Many doctors and scientists have denied not only the existence of Hell and Paradise for a long time, but also excluded the possibility of the existence of an afterlife.

Just testimony of eyewitnesses who have experienced this states on themselves drove all scientific theories who have denied life after death. Of course today there are a number of scientists who still consider all the testimony by reanimated hallucinations, but no evidence will help such a person until he himself will start a journey into eternity.

The answer to the question: "Is there life after death?" - Give or try to give all the main world religions. And if our ancestors, far and not very, life after death, appeared as a metaphor of something beautiful or, on the contrary, is terrible, then a modern person to believe in the paradise described by religious texts or hell is quite difficult. People became too educated, but not to say that smart when it comes to the last feature in front of an unknown.

In March 2015, the kid Gardel Martin fell into an ice stream and was dead over one and a half hours. Through incomplete four days, he left the hospital alive and healthy. His history is one of those that encourage scientists to revise the meaning of the concept of "death."

At first it seemed to her that she simply got her head - but as he had never been sick.

The 22-year-old Karl Perez waited for the second child - she was the sixth month of pregnancy. At first she was not too frightened and decided to lie down, hoping that the head would pass. But the pain was just intensified, and when Peres rode, she asked his brother to call the service 911.

Unbearable pain twist Karl Peres on February 8, 2015, closer to midnight. The ambulance delivered Carlo from her house in Waterloo, Nebraska, to the Methodist Women's Hospital in Omaha. There, a woman began to lose consciousness, breathing stopped, and the doctors inserted her throat to her throat so that oxygen continued to flow to the fetus. Computer tomography showed: extensive hemorrhage into the brain created a huge pressure in the skull.

Perez suffered a stroke, but the fetus, surprisingly, was not injured, his heart continued to beat confidently and even, as if nothing had happened. For about two o'clock in the morning, repeated tomography showed: intracranial pressure irreversibly deformed the brain barrel.

"Seeing this," says Tifani Somer-Sheli, a doctor who watched Perez and first, and in the second pregnancy, "everyone understood that nothing to wait for nothing."

Charles turned out to be on the bridge of the face between life and death: her brain stopped functioning without a chance of restoration - in other words, it was died, but the life of the body could be maintained artificially, in this case - to enable the 22-week fetus to develop until the stage when he will be able to exist independently.

People who, like Karl Perez are in a border state, is becoming more and more, as scientists understand more clearly that the "switch" of our existence is not two points on / off, and much more, And between white and black there is a place for a variety of shades. In the "gray zone" everything is not irrevocable, sometimes it is difficult to determine what life is, and some people crosses the last line, but they return - and sometimes they talk about seen on the other side.

"Death is a process, not a moment," writes Resuscitative Sam Guinea in the book "Washing Death": the heart stops fighting, but the organs do not die at the same moment. In fact, the doctor writes, they can remain intact for quite a long time, which means that for a long time "death is completely reversible."

What way, whose name is synonymous with merciless, can be reversible? What is the nature of the transition through this "gray zone"? What happens to our consciousness?

In Seattle, the biologist Mark Rot puts experiments, immersing animals into artificial anabiosis using chemical compounds that slow down heartbeat and metabolism to levels similar to those observed during hibernation. His goal is to make people who collided with a heart attack, "a little immortal" until they overcome the consequences of the crisis that put them on the line of life and death.

In Baltimore and Pittsburgh, the team of traumatologists under the leadership of Surgego Sam Tisherman conduct clinical trials, during which patients with firearms and knife wounds lower the body temperature to slow down the bleeding for the period necessary to impose seams. These doctors use the cold with the same goal that the mouth is chemical compounds: it allows you to "kill" patients to "kill" in order to endorse their life.

In Arizon, cryoconservation specialists keep the body more than 130 of their customers in a frozen state - this is also a kind of "border zone". They hope that someday in a remote future may be, in a few centuries, these people can be deforn and revive, and medicine will be able to cure the diseases from which they died.

In India, the neurobiologist Richard Davidson studies the Buddhist monks who fell into a state, known as a tukdam, in which the biological signs of life disappear, but the body seems to be exposed to decomposition a week or longer. Davidson is trying to fix in the brain of these monks some activity, hoping to find out what happens after the blood circulation stops.

And in New York Sam, the guys with an inspiration tells about the possibilities of "delayed resuscitation". According to him, the cardiovary-pulmonary resuscitation acts better than it is considered, and under certain conditions - when the body temperature is lowered, the indirect heart massage is properly adjustable in depth and rhythm, and oxygen is sent slowly to avoid damage to the tissues - some patients can be returned To life, even after they had no heart for several hours, and often - without long-term negative consequences. Now the doctor explores one of the most mysterious aspects of returning from the dead: why so many people who have undergone clinical death describe how their consciousness separated from the body? What these sensations can tell us about the nature of the "border zone" and about death?

According to the Rota Mark from the Center for the study of cancer named after Fred Hutchinson in Seattle, the role of oxygen on the border between life and death is very ambiguous. "Already in the 1770s, as soon as oxygen was opened, scientists understood that it was necessary for life," Roth says. - Yes, if you strongly reduce the concentration of oxygen in the air, you can kill the animal. But, if neither paradoxically, if you continue to reduce the concentration to a certain threshold, the animal will live, spanking an anabiosis. "

Mark showed how this mechanism works, on the example of round worms inhabitants - nematodes, which can live at oxygen concentration of only 0.5 percent, but die when it is reduced to 0.1 percent. However, if you quickly go through this threshold and continue to reduce oxygen concentration - up to 0.001 percent or even less - worms flow into the anabiosis state. In this way, they save when harsh times are coming for them - than they resemble animals flowing into hibernation for the winter. Explosive oxygen who fell into anabiosis creatures seem dead, but it is not so: the light of life is still growing in them.

The mouth is trying to control this condition, injected by an experimental animal "Elementary reducing agent" - for example, an iodide salt - which significantly reduces their need for oxygen. Soon he tests this method and in humans to minimize the damage that patients may be treated after a heart attack. The idea is that if the iodide salt will slow down oxygen exchange, it can help avoid ischemic-reperfusion damage to myocardium. This kind of damage due to the excessive flow of oxygen-enriched blood to where its deficiency was previously experienced, there is a consequence of such treatment methods such as balloon angioplasty vessels. In the state of the anabea, the damaged heart can slowly feed on oxygen coming from the fixed vessel, and not chopping them.

In the student years, Ashley Barnett fell into a serious car accident on the highway in Texas, in the distance from major cities. She was fragmented by the bones of the pelvis, the spleen was broken, she expired blood. At these minutes, Barnett recalls, her consciousness slid between the two worlds: in one rescuers removed it from the swollen machine using a hydraulic instrument, chaos and pain reigned there; In another, the white light shone and there was no pain or fear. A few years later, Ashley discovered cancer, but thanks to his near-merchant experience, a young woman was confident: she will live. Today Ashley is a mother of three children, she advises people survived after accidents.

The question of life and death, by the company is a question of movement: from the point of view of biology, the less movement - the usually life longer. Seeds and disputes can live hundreds and thousands of years - in other words, they are almost immortal. The mouth dreams about that day when with the help of a reducing agent like an iodide salt (the first clinical trials will soon begin in Australia) it will be possible to make a person an immortal "for a moment" - at the very moment, when it most of all he needs when his heart is in trouble.

However, this method would not help Carle Perez, whose heart did not stop fighting for a second. The day after the terrifying results of computed tomography were received, the doctor Somer-Sheli tried to explain to shocked parents, Modesto and Berta Himenes, that their beautiful daughter, a young woman who adored a three-year-old daughter, surrounded by many friends and loved to dance, was death brain.

It was necessary to overcome the language barrier. Himensov's native language is Spanish, and everything that the doctor said, had to translate. But there was another barrier, more complicated language - the very concept of death of the brain. This term was in the late 1960s, when two achievements coincided in time: Equipment has emerged to maintain life, which blurred the border between life and death, and successes were achieved in organ transplantation, which caused the need to make this border as much as possible . Death could not be determined in old, only as stopping breathing and heartbeat, since artificial respiration devices could support both indefinitely for a long time. Alive or dead man connected to such a device? If you turn off, when will it be correct from a moral point of view to remove its organs to transplant them to someone else? And if the transplanted heart rises again in another breast, then it is possible that the donor was really dead when it was cut out his heart?

To discuss these delicate and difficult questions in 1968, at Harvard collected a commission that formulated two definitions of death: traditional, cardiovascular, and new, based on the criteria of neurology. Among these criteria, which today are used to establish the fact of death of the brain, there are three most important: coma, or full and sustainable lack of consciousness, apnea, or inability to breathe without an artificial respiratory device, and the absence of brain stem reflexes, which is determined by simple tests: can be riding The patient's ears with cold water and check if the eyes are moving, or squeeze the nail phalanges with a solid object and see if the muscles of the face do not react, or affect the throat and bronchi, trying to call the cough reflex.

All this is quite simple and still contradicts common sense. "The patients who have come brain death do not look dead," wrote in 2014 in the American Journal of Bioethics scientific journal James Bernat, a neurologist from the Dartmouth Medical College. "This contradicts our life experience - to call a dead patient who continues to beat the heart, flows through blood vessels and internal organs function." Article, the purpose of which is to clarify and reinforce the concept of death of the brain, appeared just when the medical stories of two patients were widely discussed in the American press. The first, Jaha Macmat, a teenager from California, tested acute oxygen starvation during the removal of almonds, and her parents refused to accept the diagnosis of brain death. Another, Marlis Munos, a pregnant woman, whose case was fundamentally different from the case of Karla Perez. Relatives did not want their life in her body to be artificially supported, but the hospital administration did not listen to their demand, because it believed that the law of the state of Texas obliges doctors to preserve the life of the fetus. (Later, the court ruled in favor of relatives.)

... Two days after the stroke of Karla Perez, her parents, together with the father of the future, came to the Methodist hospital. There, in the conference room, they were waiting for 26 employees of the clinic - neurologists, specialists in palliative therapy and ethics, nurses, priests, social workers. Parents were hardly listened to the word translator, who explained them that the tests showed: the brain of their daughter stopped functioning. They learned that the hospital proposes to maintain the life of the organism of the Perez, while its fetus will be fulfilled at least 24 weeks - that is, until the chances for his survival beyond the maternal womb will be at least 50. If you are lucky, doctors said, then It will be possible to maintain vital activity even longer, with each week increasing the likelihood that the baby will appear.

Perhaps at that moment Modesto Jimenez remembered the conversation with Tifani Somer-Sheli - the only thing in the whole hospital who knew Karl a lively, laughing loving woman. On the eve of the evening, Modesto took Typhan to the side and quietly asked only one question.

"No," answered Dr. Somer-Sheli. "Most likely, your daughter will never wake up." It was perhaps the most difficult words in her life. "As a medic, I understood that the death of the brain is death," she says. - From a medical point of view, Charles was already dead at that moment. " But looking at the patient lying in the intensive care unit, Tifani felt that she was almost the same as difficult to believe in this indisputable fact, as the parents of the dead. Perez looked as if he had just successfully transferred the operation: her skin was warm, the chest climbed and lowered, and in her abdomen she moved the fruit - apparently, completely healthy. Then, in a crowded conference room, Karla's parents said to doctors: yes They understand that the brain of their daughter is dead, and she will never wake up. But they added that they would pray on Un Milagro - miracle. Just in case.

During a family picnic on the shore of Lake Slip-Hollow (Sleeping Hollow) in the north of New York Tony Kikaria, Surgeon-orthopedist, tried to call the mother. A thunderstorm began, and lightning, hitting the phone, passed through the head of Tony. He had a heart stopped. Kikaria remembers that he felt like his own body leaves and moves through the walls to a bluish-white light to connect with God. Returning to life, he unexpectedly felt the attraction to the game on the piano and began to record the melodies, which seemed to be "downloaded" in his brain. In the end, Tony came to the conviction that his life was preserved for him to be able to broadcast "music from heaven."

Returning a person from the dead - what is it, if not a miracle? And, I must say, such miracles in medicine sometimes happen.

Spouse Martin knows it not to be bleak. Last spring, their younger son Gardel visited the kingdom of the dead, falling into an ice stream. Martinov's large family - husband, wife and seven children - lives in Pennsylvania, in the countryside, where the family owns a large plot of land. Children love to explore the territory. The warm March day of 2015, two elder boys went for a walk and took Gardel with them, who was not two years old. The kid slipped and fell into the stream flowing in a hundred meters from the house. Noticing the disappearance of the brother, the frightened boys tried to find it for some time. As time went…

By the time the brigade of rescuers got to Gardel (a neighbor was pulled out of the water), the heart of the baby did not beat at least thirty five minutes. Rescuers began to make an outer heart massage and did not stop him for a minute for all 16 kilometers who separated them from the nearest hospital of the community of evangelists. The boy's heart failed to run, the body temperature dropped to 25 ° C. Doctors prepared Gardell to transport the helicopter to the Heizinger Medical Center, located 29 kilometers, in the city of Danville. The heart still did not beat.

"He did not give signs of life," recalls Richard Lambert, a pediatrician responsible for the use of painkillers in this medical center, a member of the resuscitation brigade, which was waiting for the plane. "He looked as if ... well, in general, the skin was darkened, the lips of blue ...". Lambert's voice subsides when he recalls this terrible moment. He knew that the children drowned in ice water sometimes return to life, but never heard that this happened to the kids who did not give signs of life for so long. More worse, the level of blood pH of the boy was critical - the correct sign of the close occurrence of the functional failure of the organs.

... A duty resuscitator turned to Lambert and his colleague Frank Muffei, director of the resuscitation department of a children's hospital center of Heizinger: Maybe it's time to leave attempts to revive the boy? But neither Lambert nor the Muffa want to give up. The circumstances in general were suitable for a successful return from the dead. The water was cold, the child was small, attempts to reanimate the boy began in a few minutes after he drowned, and since then they did not stop. "Let's continue, a little bit," they said to colleagues.

And continued. Another 10 minutes, another 20 minutes, then 25 more. By this time, Gardel did not breathe, and his heart did not beat more than one and a half hours. "Cool, cold body without signs of life," Lambert recalls. However, the resuscitation brigade continued to work and follow the condition of the boy. Doctors who made the outer massage of the heart changed every two minutes - this is a very difficult procedure, if it is performed correctly, even when a patient has such a tiny chest. In the meantime, other resuscitations inserted catheters into the femoral and jugular veins, the stomach and the bladder Gardella, pouring warm liquids into them to gradually increase the body temperature. But the sense of it seems to be.

Instead of completely stop resuscitation, Lambert and Muffa decided to transfer Gardell to the surgical department to connect it to the artificial blood circulation apparatus. This most radical way of warming the body was the last desperate attempt to make the heart of the child start beat again. Having finished hands before surgery, doctors again checked the pulse.

Incredible: he appeared! He felt the heartbeat, first weak, but even, without characteristic rhythm disturbances, which sometimes appear after a long stop of the heart. Just three and a half of the day, Gardel left the hospital with his relatives, asking the prayers to heaven. His bare legs did not listen, but the rest of the boy felt fine.

After the frontal collision of the two cars, Student Tricha Baker was in the hospital in Austin, Texas, with a broken spine and the strongest blood loss. When the operation began, Trisha felt that he hung under the ceiling. She clearly saw a straight line on the monitor - the heart stopped fighting. Then Baker turned out to be in the hospital corridor, where her murmured stepfather bought a chocolate bar in the machine; It was this detail who subsequently convinced the girl that her movements were not hallucination. Today, Trisha teaches writing skills and is sure that the spirits accompanying her on the other side of death, send it in life.

Gardell is too small to tell me that he experienced when for 101 minutes was dead. But sometimes people saved thanks to a stubborn and high-quality resuscitation, returning to life, tell about what they saw, and their history are quite specific - and frighteningly similar to one another. These stories have repeatedly served as a subject of scientific study, for the last time - in the framework of the Aware project, which was headed by Sam Guinea, the head of reanimation research at the University of Stone Brooke. Since 2008, the guys and his colleagues reviewed 2060 cases of stopping the hearts that occurred in 15 American, British and Australian hospitals. In 330 cases, patients survived, and 140 survivors were interviewed. In turn, 45 of them reported that during resuscitation procedures were in a certain form of consciousness.

Although most could not remember what they were felt, the stories of others were similar to those that you can read in bestsellers like "Heavens Real": time is dimmed or slowed down (27 people), they experienced a peace (22), a branch of consciousness from the body (13), joy (9), saw a bright light or a golden flash (7). Some (the exact amount is not given) reported on the unpleasant sensations: they were scared, it seemed that they were drowning or that they were deeply underwater under water, and one person saw "people in coffins that were buried in the ground vertically."

The guys and his co-authors wrote in the medical journal Resuscitation ("Resuscitation") that their research makes it possible to advance in understanding that diverse mental experience, which is probably accompanied by death after stopping blood circulation. According to the authors, the next step should be the study of whether - and if yes, as - this experience, which most researchers call for near-minded experiences (the guys prefers the wording of "experiences after death"), on surviving patients after recovery, does not cause He is cognitive problems or post-traumatic stress. What did not explore the Aware team, so this is a typical effect of a near-minded experience - the increasing feeling that your life makes sense and meaning.

Thinking about this feeling is often told by the surviving clinical death - and some even write whole books. Mary Nile, Surgeon-orthopedist from Wyoming, mentioned this effect, speaking in 2013 to a large audience at the Symposium "Rethinking Death" in the New York Academy of Sciences. Neil, the author of the book "To Heaven and back," said about how 14 years ago during the alloy on the kayak on the mountain river in Chile, she went to the bottom. At that moment, Mary felt the soul separated from the body and takes off over the river. Mary recalls: "I walked on an amazingly beautiful road leading to a majestic building with a dome, from where, I knew exactly, I will not be a refund," and I could not get to him quickly. "

Mary at that time was capable of analyzing how strange all her feelings were, she recalls how much time he stayed under water (at least 30 minutes, as she found out later), and comforted himself that her husband and children would be Good and without it. Then the woman felt her body pull out of the kayak, felt that both of her knee joint were broken, and saw her artificial respiration. She heard one of the rescuers call her: "Return, come back!". Neil recalled that, having heard this voice, felt "strongest irritation."

Kevin Nelson, a neurologist from the University of Kentucky, who participated in the discussion, was skeptical - not to the memories of the Nile, which recognized bright and authentic, but to their interpretation. "This is not a sense of a deceased person," said Nelson during the discussion, objection also against the point of view of the guinea. "When a person is experiencing such sensations, his brain is quite alive and very active." According to Nelson, what Nile felt, could be explained by the so-called "invasion of fast sleep", when the same activity of the brain, which is characteristic of him during dreams, for some reason, begins to manifest themselves in any other not related circumstances - For example, during sudden oxygen starvation. Nelson believes that the okolosmerty experiences and the feeling of separation of the soul from the body are caused by non-dying, but hypoxy (oxygen deficiency) - that is, the loss of consciousness, but not life itself.

There are other psychological explanations of the near-charming experiences. At Michigan University, a group of researchers under the leadership of Gimo Bordzhigin measured the waves of electromagnetic radiation of the brain after stopping the heart from nine rats. In all cases, high-frequency gamma waves (those that scientists associate with mental activities) became stronger - and even clearer and ordered than during normal wakefulness. Maybe the researchers write, this is the near-the-speed experience - the increased activity of consciousness that occurs during the transition period before the final death?

Even more questions arise in the study of the already mentioned Tukdam - a state when the Buddhist monk dies, but another week, and then his body does not show signs of decomposition. Does it be in consciousness? Is it dead or alive? Richard Davis from the University of Wisconsin for many years is studied by neurological aspects of meditation. Its all these questions have been occupied by a long time - especially after he had a chance to see a monk in Tukdam in the Buddhist monastery of Deer Park in Wisconsin.

"If I accidentally went into that room, I would think that he just sits, immersed in deep meditation," says Davidson, and in his voice in a handset heard notes of reverence. - His skin looked absolutely normal, the slightest signs of decomposition. " The feeling caused by the immediate proximity of this dead person contributed to the fact that Davidson began to explore the phenomenon of Tukdam. He brought the necessary medical equipment (electroencephalographers, stethoscopes, etc.) into two field research points in India and trained the team of 12 Tibetan doctors to conduct monks surveys (began to start when they were undoubtedly alive) to find out whether they continue in their Brain some kind of activity after death.

"Probably, many monks are included in the state of meditation, before dying, and after death it is somehow preserved," Richard Davidson is divided into reflections. - But as it happens and how it can be explained, eludes our ordinary understanding. "

The study of Davidson, based on the principles of European science, aim to achieve a different, more subtle, understanding of the problem, understanding that could shed light not only what is happening with monks in Tukdam, but also with any person crossing the border between life and Death.

Usually decomposition begins almost immediately after death. When the brain ceases to function, it loses the ability to maintain the balance of all other organism systems. Therefore, in order for Karla Peres to continue to enter the child after her brain stopped working, a team of one hundred and more doctors, nurses and other hospital staff had to act as a kind of conductors. They have tracked the readings of the instruments that have measured blood pressure, the kidney function and the balance of electrolytes, and constantly made changes to the composition of the liquids administered to the patient through catheters.

But, even performing the functions of the deceased brain Perez, doctors could not perceive her as a dead. Without exception, it was as if she was in a deep coma, and, entering the ward, greet, calling a patient by name, and leaving - they said goodbye.

In part, they behaved in this way, respecting the feelings of native Perez, - did not want to create the impression that they belong to her as a "baby container". But sometimes their behavior went beyond ordinary courtesy, and it became clear that people who care for Peres actually relate to her as a living.

Todd Lovegren, one of the leaders of this team of doctors, knows what to lose a child is his daughter who died in early childhood, the eldest of his five children, could turn twelve years. "I would not respect myself if I didn't treat Carlem as a living person," he said to me. "I saw a young woman with a varnish on the nails, my mother broke her hair, she had warm hands and fingers on her legs ... I had a brain or not, I don't think she stopped being a man."

Rather, as a father, and not as a doctor, Lovegren admits: it seemed to him that something was still present on the hospital bed - even despite the fact that after the control computed tomography he knew: the brain of a woman is not just not functioning ; Significant plots began to die and disintegrate (nevertheless, the doctor did not test the last sign of the death of the brain, apnea, as it was afraid that, disabling Perez from the apparatus of artificial respiration, even a few minutes, he could harm the fetus).

February 18, ten days after the stroke of Perez, it was found that her blood stopped normally. It became clear: the dying brain tissues penetrate into the bloodstream system - another evidence in favor of what she will not recover. By that time, the fruit was 24 weeks, so the doctors decided to translate Perez from the main campus back to the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Methodist hospital. They managed to cope with the problem of blood coagulation, however, they were ready to make a cesarean section at any time - as soon as it becomes clear that it is impossible to slow, as soon as even the visibility of the life that they managed to support, will begin to disappear.

According to Sam Guynia, death is in principle reversible. Cells inside the human body, he says, usually do not die at once with him: some cells and organs can remain viable for several hours and maybe even days. The question of when you can declare a person dead, sometimes solved in accordance with the personal point of view of the doctor. During his years of study, the guys says, the heart massage was stopped to do in five to ten minutes, believing that, after this time, the brain would still suffer from the same time.

However, resuscitation scientists have found ways to prevent the death of the brain and other bodies even after stopping the heart. They know that this is facilitated by the decrease in body temperature: Gardel Martina helped ice water, and in some resuscitation compartments each time before the start of the patient's heart massage is cooled specifically. Scientists are also known how important persistence and perseverance are.

Sam Guinea compares resuscitation with aeronautics. Throughout the history of mankind, it seemed that people would never fly, and nevertheless in 1903 brothers Wright rose into the sky at their airplane. Amazingly, the guys notes that from that first flight, which lasted 12 seconds, only 66 years passed before the landing on the moon. He believes that such successes can be achieved in resuscitation. As for the resurrection from the dead, the scientist thinks, then here we are still at the stage of the first airplane of the Right brothers.

Nevertheless, doctors are already able to dismantle life from death with amazing, giving hope in ways. One such miracle happened in the state of Nebraska on the eve of Easter, closer to noon on April 4, 2015, when a boy who received the name of Angel Perez was born with the help of Cesarean sections in the Methodist Women's Hospital. Angel was born because the doctors were able to maintain the livelihood of his mother's body, whose brain was dead, for 54 days - a sufficient period so that the fetus could develop in a small, but quite normal - amazing in its normativity - a newborn weight of 1300 grams. This child turned out to be the miracle, about whom his grandparently prayed.