Spouse Anastasia Zavorotnyuk figure skater Peter Chernyshev will celebrate Catholic Christmas with his former American lover Naomi Lang. The romance between Naomi and Peter was a service affair: at first they skated together for a long time and became five-time US champions. Moreover, Naomi was the first representative of the indigenous population of the United States to participate in the Winter Olympics (her father is a purebred Indian of the Karuk tribe, the Indian name Lang sounds like Mahita Khan, and is translated as “Morning Star”). But only when Chernyshev separated from his first wife, figure skater Natalya Annenkova, did the relationship with Lang develop from a purely partnership into a personal one.

However, an official marriage between Naomi and Peter never happened. And, although they remained a couple on the ice, the personal destinies of the athletes diverged. Pyotr Chernyshev married Russian film star Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in 2008. And in 2004, Naomi gave birth to a daughter, Lily-Ashley, from an ice acrobat from Ukraine, Vladimir Besedin, with whom she broke up shortly after the birth of the child. After 4 years, Lang remarried, to former figure skater Mark Fitzgerald. In this marriage, Naomi gave birth to a son, Mason Daniel, and a daughter, Madeleine Christina.

At the same time, Chernyshev and Lang remained on wonderful friendly terms. So, Naomi and her then-husband were among those whom the couple invited to theirs.

Photo: Igor Utkin/TASS

Chernyshev and Lang periodically perform together in ice shows. And now Peter invited ex-lover and a faithful partner in his ice show “Perfume” based on the novel by Patrick Suskind, which will take place on December 24 and 25 at the Olimpiysky.

This grandiose show to the music of Igor Demarin will also feature Stéphane Lambel (he got the main role Grenouille), Olympic champions Marina Anisina, Gwendal Piezera and Ekaterina Gordeeva, as well as Bolshoi Theater legend Vladislav Piavko, star of the Mossovet Theater Valery Yaremenko, symphony orchestra, choir, ballet and circus artists - more than 200 actors in total. Moreover, the choir and orchestra will float above the ice.

By the way, over the quarter century of the existence of “Perfume”, Suskind 18 times rejected proposals for a film adaptation or production of his novel on stage, even refusing to producers from Broadway. But in 2006, the film of the same name was released. And three years later, Demarin managed to get permission for a musical version of the novel: in Demarin’s music, the writer heard “exactly what I actually wrote the novel about.”

Photo: Elena Sukhova

“I decided to find Zyuskind,” recalls Igor, “but it is almost impossible to find him. A phantom writer, one of the few who does not promote himself. Refuses all kinds of bonuses and awards. But thanks to friendships with high-ranking people, I was able to contact Patrick Suskind “directly” and show him the music. Then came the period of official business negotiations with agents and the long-awaited signing of the contract...”

In 2009, official rights to compose music were obtained. In December 2010, the rock opera “Perfume” premiered. And Chernyshev stages an ice show to this music.

Four years ago, the wedding of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with Pyotr Chernyshev shocked fans of the beautiful nanny and the entire show elite. The event turned out to be so unexpected that at first they didn’t even believe in it. However, Nastya and Peter looked quite happy couple and soon those around them ceased to doubt the sincerity of their feelings. IN Lately The skater and actress began to appear together less and less. Recently, information appeared on the website of our publishing house Sobesednik.ru that Nastya and Peter are divorced. They say Zavorotnyuk was jealous of Peter’s soloist “ VIA Gra"Nadya Granovskaya and kicked her out...

After the show they never separated again

The passions that boiled between Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and the producer of “My Fair Nanny” Sergei Zhigunov are remembered by the whole country. It seemed that each of us was “keeping our fingers crossed” that everything would work out for the lovers. Because of this affair, Nastya broke up with her husband Dmitry Stryukov, leaving two children without a father. Viewers expected that Sergei and Nastya would play a magnificent wedding not only in the finale of the popular series, but also in real life. But the fairy tale had a beautiful ending only on the screen... True, in Nastya’s life the wedding did take place, but it was not Zhigunov who led her down the aisle, but the figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.

They met on the set of an ice show and never parted. After the wedding, they always appeared together at social events, holding hands. Nastya looked happy and peaceful. The country breathed a sigh of relief: it finally found simple woman's happiness! But it was not there.

They say that another ice show was the reason for the separation of the spouses. Let us remind you that in the project “Ice and Fire” they paired Peter with one of the brightest and sexiest participants - Nadezhda Granovskaya, the lead singer of the group “ VIA Gra" Now fans of the show vied with each other to discuss not the merits of Zavorotnyuk, but how good Granovskaya looked paired with Chernyshev.

It must be said that before Nastya, Chernyshev had no shortage of fans. Still would! He is handsome, rich, a US citizen, and a multiple champion of this country in figure skating. Having noticed such eligible bachelor, Nastya did not leave the slightest chance for any of his admirers.

On rights legal wife Zavorotnyuk followed her husband everywhere, letting everyone know that she was the No. 1 woman for Peter, and even during rehearsals she did not leave the skating rink. The change in the behavior of the still calm and reasonable Anastasia was immediately noticed by those around her. Soon the triangle relationship began to interfere with work. The coaches unanimously said that Chernyshev’s wife was preventing him and Granovskaya from establishing closer contact in order to perform, so to speak, in the same breath. Some even laughed at Nastya’s jealousy. But after gossiping, they soon stopped. However, such nervous behavior of a jealous woman was justified.

In film circles they say that the “beautiful nanny” realized that Nadezhda Granovskaya and her husband were not just having a fling, but a whirlwind romance, and she became seriously angry! How can one not recall the words of Nastya’s first husband, Olaf Schwarzkopf.

“Nastenka, if she breaks off a relationship, she does it once and for all, burning all bridges behind her,” admitted the former husband of the TV star.

It seems that she did the same with her third husband, Peter.

Took his mistress abroad

They say that without announcements in the press, decorously and calmly, Anastasia Yuryevna filed documents with the court. It’s even called on the Internet exact date Chernyshev’s divorce from Zavorotnyuk – December 17, 2010. The actress herself does not give any comments on this matter. As always, he answers in a calm tone, talking about how busy he is and that these rumors have no basis.

They gossip that any other woman could have taken Granovskaya’s place. attractive girl. But she had to be ready to give birth to the 41-year-old American figure skater's child. Peter had long dreamed of an heir, but Nastya was in no hurry to get pregnant. Peter’s first wife, Natalya Annenko, with whom the athlete lived for seven years, also did not give Peter an heir.

Six months later, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya became pregnant. For almost five months the singer hid her interesting situation, and then announced that the birth would take place in one of the elite clinics in Ukraine. The ex-member of VIA Gra made this decision with her common-law husband Mikhail Urzhumtsev. But, according to those close to the clinic staff, on the day of birth, in March 2012, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya in the said medical institution did not have. There are persistent rumors that Chernyshev took his mistress to the States to give birth. "Yellow Newspaper" decided to call the Ukrainian TV star and find out everything first-hand. Nadezhda's press secretary answered our questions.

“I don’t know anything about the connection between Peter and Nadezhda,” said the interlocutor. - These are all rumors generated by ice show. Nadezhda continues to broadcast on the Kiev channel and devotes herself entirely to her family.

To the question of who is now the head of this family, we never received an answer.

– Nadezhda lives with Mikhail Urzhumtsev? – we asked.

“Nadya is with the father of her child,” the girl answered evasively.

Was Zhigunov bewitched?

Perhaps this story would never have surfaced in the press if not for one circumstance. On our website Sobesednik.ru material was published about the new film that he is going to shoot ex-lover Nastya Sergei Zhigunov. All the comments on the post boiled down to one thing: people were discussing new project, but more often they mentioned Chernyshev’s connection with Granovskaya.

Many empathized with Zhigunov, who at one time could not keep Nastya. According to readers, if this couple had not broken up, perhaps everything would have gone differently for both.

Viewers noticed that after the breakup with Nastya, as soon as Sergei returned to ex-wife actress Vera Novikova, he began to wither before our eyes, often lashing out at those around him...

Evil tongues are talking about a certain love spell that was allegedly made to return an errant spouse to the family. They say that for Novikova this was the last chance not to be left alone in old age. She is older than her “midshipman” and is not famous like him. IN last years Zhigunov increasingly rested at his dacha in Gurzuf, and Vera and her daughters were left alone. But the girls have already grown up. Eldest daughter, 32-year-old Anastasia, gave Vera Semyonovna a granddaughter.

Younger Masha, common daughter Zhigunov and Novikova also no longer need special parental care. She is 22 years old.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s newly-made husband, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev, has long been dreaming of a child. And, as it turned out, the “wonderful nanny” is also not against another baby in her family.

Let us remind you that Nastya already has two children - 11-year-old Anya and 6-year-old Michael - from her first marriage to businessman Dmitry Stryukov. But Pyotr Chernyshev has no children yet. The newlyweds, while discussing the issue of childbirth, came to an unexpected turn - they suddenly started talking about adopting a baby from an orphanage.

We asked Anastasia Zavorotnyuk how serious her intentions are.

I have long had a desire to take a child from an orphanage. We came there almost every day. Even my daughter Anechka went with me. The hardest part is putting the package together necessary documents. In our country, this good deed has turned into heavy red tape.

By the way, how did your children react to this? They won't be jealous?

I cannot confidently say: “Come on! My children will accept it easily!” It is very serious. Such a decision is not made off the cuff! Everything must be weighed. Children must undergo certain preparation. It doesn’t take a month or two... I don’t want to bring the baby to the family and see that my own children are not ready. This is for all of us serious step. I try to cook Anya and Michael correctly, as different things happen. I explain to them that this is not to bring a kitten. I know that in addition to the joy of finding a family, there will be many problems.


What age child do you want to take?

The most important thing is to coincide with the baby mentally. So that a lot of things intersect, contact occurs. Character is the finest matter! Formation and development takes place up to two years. As a mother of two children, I can say that it is impossible to correct something in character. Of course, a fully formed baby takes more time. It will need to be actively developed. You have an idea of ​​the situation in domestic shelters - they don’t care for them there!

Did you and your spouse come to the decision to adopt a child from a shelter in agreement?

In such a matter, the husband’s opinion and support are very important! I wouldn’t be able to take such a step if I were alone... Such a decision must be made together!

Figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev has long dreamed of starting a family with big amount children. But not with ex-wife figure skater Natalya Annenko, nor his American fiancée Naomi Lang had any children.

The actress is preparing her children for the fact that they will have a brother or sister

My son - serious man, says the figure skater’s mother Lyubov Vasilievna. - He wants a family. Already aged. That’s why I was so happy about Nastya’s appearance! With her children at Petya's Full contact. But I will be happy if they have their own children.

Of course, Chernyshev dreams of his own children, but the busy filming schedule and participation in various shows they don’t allow the people’s favorite Anastasia Zavorotnyuk to go on maternity leave. So the decision came to take the baby from the orphanage. This responsible and noble act will make the union of Anastasia and Peter even stronger.

“I would be happy to plunge headlong into my father’s new role,” Pyotr Chernyshev confessed more than once.


For a long time, the “beautiful nanny’s” relatives did not want to accept Chernyshev as the new dad.

I'm already tired of everything! – barely holding back tears, Nastya complained to us in her hearts. “I haven’t slept for three days, and I still have such a busy filming schedule.” I adult woman, I have two children... They are very worried about this situation, about the changes...

The children were the most affected party: first they experienced a real tragedy during the divorce of their mother from Dmitry Stryukov. Nastya talked more than once about how her ex-husband made crazy scenes of jealousy for her and scared the children, even raising his hand to them.

The arrival of Sergei Zhigunov into the family was a huge relief for Nastya’s kids. Sergei quickly managed to find an approach to Anastasia’s children. And they became attached to him...

Then Nastya didn’t know how to explain to her son and daughter why Sergei left, and even more so why Peter appeared in their house. But life puts everything in its place. And I want this one beautiful couple I adopted a child as soon as possible and became a full-fledged family.

Maxim Sokolov

Pyotr Andreevich Chernyshev is a famous figure skater who represented Russia and the USA in the international ice arena. He built an excellent career in ice dancing, twice winning the championship at the Four Continents Championships (1999-2000 and 2001-2002 seasons). In addition, Peter held the US champion title for 5 years in a row (1999-2003). After finishing professional career became a coach and choreographer. He took part in the “Dancing on Ice” project, where, together with Yulia Kovalchuk, he took first place.

Biography of Peter Chernyshev

The athlete was born on February 6, 1971 in St. Petersburg. The boy's parents worked as ordinary engineers. Grandpa was pretty famous person in the USSR, achieved high results in single figure skating.

Peter's first hobby was hockey, but his father forbade his son to play this dangerous sport. At the age of 6, the boy was sent to figure skating. After 2 years, Chernyshev went to his first competition. The guy performed in single skating and took first place. Since then, the young athlete has participated in almost all away training camps. Due to frequent travel, he missed school classes, despite this, the student’s grades did not fall below a four.

Until the age of 18, Peter competed in single men's skating. He became one of the few skaters who mastered the triple sheepskin coat technique. However, he soon received a serious injury and switched to ice dancing. His partner was the increasingly popular figure skater Sofia Yelyazova. In 1992, the athletic couple moved to the United States and settled on the outskirts of New York. In America, Natalya Dubova began training athletes. Despite all their efforts, they did not achieve good results, and after 4 years the couple broke up.

Natalya continued to train Peter. Soon she matched him with figure skater from Detroit Naomi Lang. In 1997, the sports duo applied to participate in the US Championship. The skaters won bronze. From 1998 to 2003 they took first place in the national championship. At the same time, they competed at international competitions of the Four Continents, where they won gold twice, silver once and bronze three times.

After a successful performance at the US Championships in 2003, the skater announced his retirement from his professional career and became a coach.

Anna Zavorotnyuk showed her boyfriend

Height Former coaches Sports achivments

Pyotr Andreevich Chernyshev(English) Peter Tchernyshev; genus. February 6, 1971 in Leningrad) - Soviet, Russian, and later American figure skater, five-time US champion (1999-2003) and two-time winner of the Four Continents Championship (2000, 2002) in ice dancing. At the end sports career works as a trainer and choreographer.


Pyotr Chernyshev's grandfather, also Pyotr Chernyshev, was a singles skater and four-time USSR champion in the late 1930s. Peter followed in his grandfather’s footsteps and began to engage in singles figure skating at the age of 6 years.

In 1992, together with his first wife Natalya Annenko, who by that time had completed her amateur career and began performing professionally (duet Annenko - Sretensky), he moved to Lake Placid (USA), where he began training at an international dance school with Natalya Dubova. Peter's first partner was the aspiring figure skater and ballerina Sofia Eliazova. It was her mother Tatyana who helped Chernyshev come to the USA and get a green card. However, this couple did not have significant success. In 1996, it took only 13th place in the US Championship and disbanded shortly after that.

In 2001, Chernyshev received American citizenship, and he and Naomi were able to take part in the 2002 Winter Olympics, where they finished 11th. In addition, in 2000 and 2002, the duo won the Four Continents Championship twice.

As a choreographer, he stages programs for Russian and foreign figure skaters, in particular, he worked with pairs Yuko Kawaguchi - Alexander Smirnov and Rena Inoue - John Baldwin, single skaters Maxim Kovtun and Adelina Sotnikova.

Personal life

Pyotr Chernyshev's first wife was figure skater Natalya Annenko, who competed in ice dancing with Genrikh Sretensky. They lived together for seven years.

On September 22, 2008 he married Russian actress and TV presenter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Sports achivments

Competition/Season 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004
Winter Olympic Games
World Championships 10 8 9 9 8
Championships of the Four Continents 3 1 2 1 3
US Championships 3 1 1 1 1 1 W.D.
Grand Prix Stages: Skate America 5 3 5
Grand Prix stages: Cup of Russia 5
Grand Prix Stages: Trophee Lalique 5 4
Goodwill Games 4

WD = withdrawn from competition

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An excerpt characterizing Chernyshev, Pyotr Andreevich

– You can imagine! She refused, completely refused! – Natasha spoke. “She said she loves someone else,” she added after a short silence.
“Yes, my Sonya could not have done otherwise!” thought Nikolai.
“No matter how much my mother asked her, she refused, and I know she won’t change what she said...
- And mom asked her! – Nikolai said reproachfully.
“Yes,” said Natasha. - You know, Nikolenka, don’t be angry; but I know that you will not marry her. I know, God knows why, I know for sure, you won’t get married.
“Well, you don’t know that,” said Nikolai; – but I need to talk to her. What a beauty this Sonya is! – he added smiling.
- This is so lovely! I'll send it to you. - And Natasha, kissing her brother, ran away.
A minute later Sonya came in, frightened, confused and guilty. Nikolai approached her and kissed her hand. This was the first time on this visit that they spoke face to face and about their love.
“Sophie,” he said timidly at first, and then more and more boldly, “if you want to refuse not only a brilliant, profitable match; but he is a wonderful, noble man... he is my friend...
Sonya interrupted him.
“I already refused,” she said hastily.
- If you refuse for me, then I’m afraid that on me...
Sonya interrupted him again. She looked at him with pleading, frightened eyes.
“Nicolas, don’t tell me that,” she said.
- No, I have to. Maybe this is suffisance [arrogance] on my part, but it’s better to say. If you refuse for me, then I must tell you the whole truth. I love you, I think, more than anyone...
“That’s enough for me,” Sonya said, flushing.
- No, but I have fallen in love a thousand times and will continue to fall in love, although I do not have such a feeling of friendship, trust, love for anyone as for you. Then I'm young. Maman doesn't want this. Well, it's just that I don't promise anything. And I ask you to think about Dolokhov’s proposal,” he said, having difficulty pronouncing his friend’s last name.
- Don't tell me that. I do not want anything. I love you like a brother, and will always love you, and I don’t need anything more.
“You are an angel, I am not worthy of you, but I am only afraid of deceiving you.” – Nikolai kissed her hand again.

Yogel had the most fun balls in Moscow. This was what the mothers said, looking at their adolescentes [girls] performing their newly learned steps; this was said by the adolescentes and adolescents themselves, [girls and boys] who danced until they dropped; these grown-up girls and young men who came to these balls with the idea of ​​condescending to them and finding the best fun in them. In the same year, two marriages took place at these balls. The two pretty princesses of the Gorchakovs found suitors and got married, and even more so they launched these balls into glory. What was special about these balls was that there was no host and hostess: there was the good-natured Yogel, like flying feathers, shuffling around according to the rules of art, who accepted tickets for lessons from all his guests; was that only those who wanted to dance and have fun, like 13 and 14 year olds want to, still went to these balls summer girls putting on long dresses for the first time. Everyone, with rare exceptions, was or seemed pretty: they all smiled so enthusiastically and their eyes lit up so much. Sometimes even the best students danced pas de chale, of whom the best was Natasha, distinguished by her grace; but at this last ball only ecosaises, anglaises and the mazurka, which was just coming into fashion, were danced. The hall was taken by Yogel to Bezukhov’s house, and the ball was a great success, as everyone said. There were a lot of pretty girls, and the Rostov ladies were among the best. They were both especially happy and cheerful. That evening, Sonya, proud of Dolokhov’s proposal, her refusal and explanation with Nikolai, was still spinning at home, not allowing the girl to finish her braids, and now she was glowing through and through with impetuous joy.
Natasha, no less proud that she was in long dress, at the real ball, she was even happier. Both were wearing white muslin dresses with pink ribbons.
Natasha became in love from the very minute she entered the ball. She was not in love with anyone in particular, but she was in love with everyone. The one she looked at at the moment she looked at was the one she was in love with.
- Oh, how good! – she kept saying, running up to Sonya.
Nikolai and Denisov walked around the halls, looking at the dancers affectionately and patronizingly.
“How sweet she will be,” Denisov said.
- Who?
“Athena Natasha,” answered Denisov.
“And how she dances, what a g”ation!” after a short silence, he said again.
- Who are you talking about?
“About your sister,” Denisov shouted angrily.
Rostov grinned.
– Mon cher comte; vous etes l"un de mes meilleurs ecoliers, il faut que vous dansiez,” said little Jogel, approaching Nikolai. “Voyez combien de jolies demoiselles.” [My dear Count, you are one of my best students. You need to dance. Look how much pretty girls!] – He made the same request to Denisov, also his former student.
“Non, mon cher, je fe"ai tapisse"ie, [No, my dear, I’ll sit by the wall," Denisov said. “Don’t you remember how badly I used your lessons?”
- Oh no! – Jogel said hastily consoling him. – You were just inattentive, but you had abilities, yes, you had abilities.
The newly introduced mazurka was played; Nikolai could not refuse Yogel and invited Sonya. Denisov sat down next to the old ladies and, leaning his elbows on his saber, stamping his beat, told something cheerfully and made the old ladies laugh, looking at the dancing young people. Yogel, in the first couple, danced with Natasha, his pride and best student. Gently, tenderly moving his feet in his shoes, Yogel was the first to fly across the hall with Natasha, who was timid, but diligently performing steps. Denisov did not take his eyes off her and tapped the beat with his saber, with an expression that clearly said that he himself did not dance only because he did not want to, and not because he could not. In the middle of the figure, he called Rostov, who was passing by, to him.
“It’s not the same at all,” he said. - Is this a Polish mazurka? And she dances excellently. - Knowing that Denisov was even famous in Poland for his skill in dancing the Polish mazurka, Nikolai ran up to Natasha:
- Go and choose Denisov. Here he is dancing! Miracle! - he said.
When Natasha’s turn came again, she stood up and quickly fingering her shoes with bows, timidly, ran alone across the hall to the corner where Denisov was sitting. She saw that everyone was looking at her and waiting. Nikolai saw that Denisov and Natasha were arguing smiling, and that Denisov was refusing, but smiling joyfully. He ran up.
“Please, Vasily Dmitrich,” Natasha said, “let’s go, please.”
“Yes, that’s it, g’athena,” Denisov said.