On March 30, the legend of our cinema and theater, People's Artist of the USSR, passed away Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko.

She died from heart attack in the 76th year of his life at about 19:00 in his Moscow apartment in a house on Trekhprudny Lane. The ambulance doctors who arrived 20 minutes later, no matter how hard they tried, could not do anything. If it weren't for the capital's traffic jams, who knows...

Let us remind you that in February of this year Lyudmila Markovna was walking with her dog near the house, it was very slippery, she slipped, fell and received a serious injury - a fracture of the femoral neck. After this, the actress underwent surgery, and, according to her husband, she felt good. Last week she was even discharged home...

Perhaps, if not for this ridiculous accident, the actress would have been alive. Alas...

By an evil irony of fate, a few weeks ago the Internet has already rushed to bury Lyudmila Markovna. Rumors about her death appeared simultaneously on several resources, and the actress’s husband even had to officially deny the information.

“You won’t wait for my death!” – Lyudmila Markovna said with a laugh then.

We waited...

Some critics called Gurchenko a miracle. It turns out that even a miracle has an end.

During her creative life, Lyudmila Markovna played more than 100 film roles - among them films beloved by millions "Carnival Night", "Old Walls", “Station for two”, “Five evenings”, “Beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov”, “Love and doves”, "Old Nags"... She played more than a dozen roles in the theater. How much did she sing and how!

The actress’s last film, “Motley Twilight,” in which she acted as both director and composer, became her kind of farewell confession. In the film, the actress for the first time lifted the veil of personal secrets and hinted at her misfortune as a woman - her unfulfilled relationships with her closest people. And she intrigued everyone until the very end: “I’m in love again!”

The press attributed her to an affair with a young stylist, with whom she even managed to star in a new music video. True False? Most likely, another hoax of a talented woman who dreamed of love...

Television urgently made amendments to the broadcast schedule. Broadcast programs are dedicated to the death of the great actress “Let them talk”, “Looking at night”, “Temporarily available”...

“It was with deep sorrow that I learned about the death of the outstanding actress Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko,” wrote Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a telegram of condolences. “Her passing is an irreparable loss for the entire national culture.”

Late in the evening of March 30, the first flowers from fans of her talent began to appear near the house where Lyudmila Gurchenko lived.

Farewell to the actress will take place on Saturday, April 2, from 10 a.m., at the Central House of Writers. Gurchenko will be buried on the same day at the Novodevichy cemetery.

“Around TV” expresses its condolences to the husband and relatives of Lyudmila Markovna.

Sergey Amroyan

Biography and episodes of life Lyudmila Gurchenko. When born and died Lyudmila Gurchenko, memorable places and dates important events her life. Actress quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

born November 12, 1935, died March 30, 2011


And on earth she smiled like an angel:
What's there in heaven?


When she sang a song about five minutes to the whole country, happy, light, dancing, no one could have thought what a difficult fate lay behind the shoulders of the Kharkov girl who came to conquer Moscow and, in the end, conquered it. Unemployment, lack of money, intrigue, pettiness of the environment, loneliness - she went through all this with her head held high, proud, beautiful, stately, a real “Diva” Lyudmila Gurchenko.
The biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko could remain the story of an ordinary girl from Kharkov, where the actress was born. Lucy, as her loved ones called her all her life, went to first grade a week after the liberation of the city from the Nazis, in 1943. Gurchenko knew the war not from books - she sang in front of the Germans to bring home at least a piece of bread, saw the wounded and killed on the streets of the city, hid from bombings. Since childhood, she quickly grasped everything, was lively, bright, artistic, she knew for sure that she would become an artist! After school, she left for Moscow and entered VGIK and, while still studying at the acting department, played Lenochka Krylova in “Carnival Night.” But along with fame came intrigue and gossip. Gurchenko, in dire need of money, agreed to any acting “hack work,” for which she was often condemned by colleagues and journalists. But nothing could break Gurchenko’s spirit - she starred in one film after another, successfully playing both in musical films and in the images of dramatic heroines, such as in the films “Five Evenings”, “Flights in Dreams and in Reality”, "Station for two." True, the actress appeared in roles that were truly worthwhile, in her opinion, only 14-15 years after “Carnival Night.” In total, Gurchenko starred in about 100 films during her life, and all her roles were bright, textured, and unforgettable.
Gurchenko’s personal life was also not easy - she was married several times, which often gave food for gossip. It was difficult for men to be near her, in the shadow of her talent, her strength and authority, to put up with her unbending character. From one of her marriages she had a daughter, Masha. Last marriage, with Sergei Senin, lasted almost 20 years, until the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Gurchenko, who no longer believed in love or relationships, did not immediately take Sergei’s feelings seriously, but he was able to convince the actress of their sincerity, and until her very last days Gurchenko lived in love and care.
In February 2011, Gurchenko slipped on the street and broke her hip, requiring surgery. A few days after the operation, she was already at home when she suddenly became ill. The husband called an ambulance, but doctors were unable to resuscitate the actress. Gurchenko's death occurred at 19:28 on March 30, 2011. Two days later, a farewell to the great actress took place at the Central House of Writers; on this day, the funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko took place at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Thousands of people came to Gurchenko's funeral to say goodbye to their beloved actress. On this day, songs performed by her were heard in the Moscow metro.

Lyudmila Gurchenko has always been an example of a stylish and beautiful woman

Life line

November 12, 1935 Date of birth of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko.
1953 Moving to Moscow, entering VGIK, the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova.
1956 He made his film debut in the films “The Road of Truth” and “Carnival Night.”
June 5, 1959 Birth of daughter Maria from marriage with Boris Andronikashvili.
1963-1966 Work at the Sovremennik Theater and the Film Actor Studio Theatre.
1966-1969 Work at the State Concert.
September 22, 1982 Birth of a grandson, Mark, named after Gurchenko’s father.
November 17, 1983 Birth of granddaughter Elena.
1983 Receiving the title of People's Artist of the USSR.
1994 Receiving the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
December 14, 1998 The death of Mark's grandson from a drug overdose, which became a great shock for Gurchenko.
2010 Receiving the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.
February 2011 Hip surgery.
March 30, 2011 Date of death of Lyudmila Gurchenko caused by pulmonary embolism.
April 2, 2011 Funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Memorable places

1. Gurchenko’s house in Kharkov, where she lived with her parents during the war.
2. Kharkov Mariinsky Gymnasium No. 6, where in 1943-1953. Lyudmila Gurchenko studied there, and a memorial plaque in memory of the actress was installed here.
3. Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where Lyudmila Gurchenko played in 1963-1966.
4. State Film Actor Theater, where Lyudmila Gurchenko played in 1964-1966.
5. The Central House of Writers, where on April 2, 2011, a farewell ceremony was held for Lyudmila Gurchenko.
6. Novodevichy Cemetery, plot No. 10, row No. 10, where Lyudmila Gurchenko is buried.

Episodes of life

One day Lyudmila Gurchenko received a letter from the camp, in which a prisoner confessed to her that, having seen her photograph, he wanted to rob her after he was released. But then he watched the film “Station for Two,” which they brought to the camp, and did not sleep all night, and realized that the actress makes a living with blood and sweat. Finally, he wrote: “And this is what I decided - live in peace. And he ordered all his people not to cross the threshold of your house.”

In 1965, the song written by Lyudmila Gurchenko was performed by Margarita Suvorova at a music festival, where it took first place. Critics immediately accused the actress of speculating on people’s feelings, after which Gurchenko for many years, until the release of her directorial debut “Motley Twilight,” did not admit that she wrote songs.

A video for the song by singer Zemfira called “Do you want?” was Gurchenko's last work. The actress performs the song as if standing among the screen images of her film partners who passed away before her - Abdulov, Borisov, Kaidanovsky, Nikulin, Yankovsky, Mironov, Evstigneev. A month after the release of the video, Lyudmila Gurchenko died.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's last marriage - with Sergei Senin - became her happiest


“Please believe in yourself, love, don’t be afraid of anything, be free, take risks. You see, life is such a thing that you seem to be young, young, young, and then bam - and it’s over. You look around and think about how much you didn’t do because you were afraid, embarrassed, and cowardly. There is no need to be afraid of anything. Take risks. Even if you are wrong. That's life. And most importantly, of course, love each other. Always, every minute."

Transfer of memory of Gurchenko “Lyudmila Gurchenko. How I became a goddess"


"She passed away great actress, whose name constitutes an entire era of Russian cinema. Starting from the enchanting “Carnival Night”, each film with the participation of Lyudmila Gurchenko gave the audience a fairy tale, beauty, optimism and great mood. Bright memory she will forever remain in the hearts of millions of fans of her talent.”
Sergei Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow
“She was absolutely unbridled, truly embodying on set female character. I remembered Lyudmila Markovna, when she was going through a very difficult period, no one took pictures of her. However, thanks to her willpower and her strong character, managed to survive this and created a brilliant galaxy of images not only in cinema, but also on stage.”
Andron Konchalovsky, director
“Her passing is an irreparable loss for everyone - for the audience, for the artists, for all her colleagues. I never thought that Lucy could die. It always seemed to me that it would be eternal. Despite her, let's say, advanced age, she retained her youthful enthusiasm, she surpassed us all both on the stage, and in the cinema, and in the theater. If you take all her roles, you can see that none of them repeats the other.”
Oleg Basilashvili, actor
“She was an amazingly richly gifted person, a versatile person, was very talented, young, energetic. As long as I remember her, she was always bright and temperamental, and these qualities did not diminish over the years. At the same time, we talked to her, she said that she had health problems, but remained optimistic and was confident until the very end that everything would be resolved well.”
Alexander Adabashyan, director, screenwriter, actor
“I believe that Gurchenko’s death is a truly irreparable loss. Absolutely all genres were subject to her - from pop to theatrical. God rewarded her with all her talents.”
Pyotr Todorovsky, director

The cause of death has become known famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Her life was interrupted due to pulmonary embolism.

Among the versions initially put forward in the media, there was an assumption that Gurchenko’s death was caused by the delay of the ambulance team, which allegedly arrived late when called. It was reported that doctors tried to resuscitate the artist for half an hour, but were unable to do so.

However, Gurchenko’s friends denied this data. “Lyudmila Markovna died almost instantly. Therefore, the rumors and gossip that appeared on the Internet that the ambulance doctors did not have time to save her are idle speculation,” one of the actress’s friends told Komsomolskaya Pravda, emphasizing that the doctors did everything they could in their power."

Earlier it was reported that doctors allegedly could not get to Gurchenko’s house on time due to traffic jams. However, it soon became known that the ambulance driver violated the rules traffic and crossed the Garden Ring in the wrong place in order to quickly arrive at the actress’s house in Trekhprudny Lane.

The preliminary cause of the actress’s death was announced by the head of the capital’s health department, Leonid Pechatnikov. “Based on the nature of death, I, as a doctor with 30 years of experience, can assume that Lyudmila Markovna died from late thromboembolism of a large trunk of the pulmonary artery,” Pechatnikov said.

As the actress’s husband Sergei Senin told reporters in an interview, Lyudmila Gurchenko told her last program, filmed in Kyiv. “Lyudmila Markovna was happy about how well everything turned out. Unfortunately, out of the 12 songs that were in this program, Lyudmila Markovna managed to listen to two. And she died suddenly, in one minute, on the third song,” Senin said, noting that there was no The artist had no premonition of death.

Let us remind you that People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on March 30 at the age of 76. Relatives, following the last will of the actress, refused to have a funeral service in the church. She was buried on April 2 at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to the graves of actors Tatyana Shmyga and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. IN last way great artist thousands of people saw off her - her relatives, friends, stage colleagues and numerous admirers of her talent.

A few months before her death - in November 2010 - Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. On the eve of the anniversary, she finished filming feature film"Motley Twilight", in which she played main role, she sang to the music she wrote. Up to last days Lyudmila Markovna performed on stage.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a sudden blockage of the branches or trunk of the pulmonary artery by blood clots (esbolas). As a result, the blood supply to the lung tissue is stopped. The development of pulmonary embolism often occurs rapidly, leading to the sudden death of the patient. According to medical statistics, pulmonary embolism kills 0.1% of the world's population every year.

To the question: Why did Gurchenko die? given by the author Yoveta M the best answer is they say it’s from heart failure, besides, she broke her hip before, and older people don’t tolerate it well.

Answer from old world[newbie]
It's just her time! Gurchenko is a STAR!!!

Answer from philosophize[guru]
SHE WAS SURVIVED A LOT, her heart was torn, and then something bad happened.... I feel very sorry for her. Great artist.

Answer from Lady Flame[expert]
heart attack... I feel sorry for her... I can’t even believe it...

Answer from European[newbie]
everyone dies and she is no exception, death always finds its reason for a person’s life to end. She died at the age at which everyone usually dies. So there is nothing to regret, except that all living people should feel sorry for themselves, that we will not see something that she did not manage to do in her work.

Answer from Oly[guru]
I didn’t even know... but after the previous answers I can say that it’s better to die of love

Answer from Karim_Qa[active]
Information has appeared on the Internet that People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko has died, talks.su reports.
Information about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared on Sunday, February 27, on the Twitter microblog of one of the news portals. The message said that the 75-year-old People's Artist died in her Moscow apartment. However, a few hours later the information was refuted.
Information about Gurchenko's death is a little exaggerated
The editors of the news portal apologized, stating that information about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared prematurely due to a technical failure. It is reported that the news was created by a microblog hacker, and the portal employees had nothing to do with it.
Information about Gurchenko’s death appeared in the news feed without the knowledge of the editors, so it has nothing to do with reality. IN soon representatives of the site will find out who took this step and for what purpose. Lyudmila Markovna’s husband Sergei Senin said that the people’s artist is feeling well, but she will have to stay in the hospital for another week.
Talks.su recalls that on February 14, Lyudmila Gurchenko broke her hip and was taken to the hospital. However, there was no reason to talk about the death of the people's artist. About the deadlines for discharge this moment It’s hard to say, because Lyudmila Markovna needs to undergo rehabilitation procedures. Most likely, she will stay in the hospital for another week.

Answer from Kasandra[guru]
Lord accept her soul. Very, very sorry.

Answer from Andrey Klapshin[guru]
From life

Answer from Igor[guru]
From another plastic surgery

Answer from Lyudmila Didenko[guru]
From old age.

Answer from No clique[guru]
they wrote over the net that she started young lover and you write she died, but what about her lover - to the grave?

Answer from ***NS***[expert]
I've already come of age)

Answer from Marina Korchneva[guru]
Lyudmila Gurchenko died
30.03 18:50 MIGnews.com
The legend of Soviet cinema, People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko died on Wednesday at the age of 76. Her husband Sergei Senin told reporters about this.
According to him, the actress died at home - she felt bad, they called " ambulance", but the doctors were powerless.
According to preliminary data, actress Lyudmila Gurchenko died of a heart attack.
Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov.
Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov (Ukraine). She starred in more than 80 films. She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000) and III degree (2005) and the Badge of Honor " Public acceptance"(1998). Winner of many film awards.
Lyudmila Gurchenko made her film debut in Jan Fried's film "The Road of Truth", but her role in the New Year's comedy "Carnival Night" brought her fame and love from the audience.
Among her best works also include roles in such films as “Twenty Days Without War” by Alexei German, “Five Evenings” by Nikita Mikhalkov, “Station for Two” by Eldar Ryazanov, “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov” by Pyotr Todorovsky, “Flights in Dreams and in Reality” by Roman Balayan .
In 1982, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s book “My adult childhood". Later, the actress published the books "Applause" and "Lucy, Stop! ". In addition, several records were released with songs performed by her.
Last November, Lyudmila Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. On the eve of the anniversary, she shot the film "Motley Twilight", for which she wrote the music herself, played the main role and sang herself. Until very recently, the actress continued to perform on stage and star in videos.
The place and time of farewell to Lyudmila Gurchenko is currently being clarified.

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was a prima of acting. She was imitated, admired, envied and not recognized.

However, in any case, one can hardly find a person indifferent to her work.


The future star was born on November 12. 1935 in Kharkov. The father whom Lyudmila idolized, Mark Gavrilovich, was from a family of poor hired peasants.

Relatives on my mother's side had noble roots. Grandfather - Alexander Simonov belonged to an ancient Slavic family, from which the Radonezh brothers came (the most famous monk Sergius of Radonezh).

Alexander Simonov headed the Moscow gymnasium; in 1917 he was arrested and sent into exile. Grandmother was a housewife.

She managed a noble estate in Smolensk, which was taken away after the revolution.

Lyudmila spent all her childhood years, until the war began, in Kharkov. The family lived in a small semi-basement apartment.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth

Father was creative and musical man, who instilled in his daughter an interest and love for the stage.

He played the button accordion, so he often took part in various concerts, holidays and school performances.

Next to him behind the scenes was always Lyuda, in whom his father always saw the makings of a future artist.

When the war began, my father, despite his disability and age, volunteered for the front. Kharkov was captured by the Germans.

Lyudmila, in order to somehow survive, entertained the invaders with dances and songs from German operettas. She often covered Marika Rökk's repertoire.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth

In 1943, Kharkov was liberated, and Lyudmila, albeit belatedly, went to 1st grade.

A few years later, simultaneously with general education, I began to attend the music school named after. Beethoven.

In 1953, having received a certificate, she decided to go to Moscow and enter VGIK. My father returned from the front in 1945 and strongly supported Lyudmila in her decision.

Thanks to his faith, Gurchenko becomes a student in Sergei Gerasimov’s workshop on the first try.

Study and cinema - career in Moscow

During the entrance exams, the commission was fascinated by her vocal abilities with a slight Ukrainian accent.

During her studies, she constantly participated in musical student productions, where she had the opportunity to reveal her talent.

For a long time, Lyudmila worked on her speech, removing her accent. And by the end of the 3rd year she spoke almost fluently.

Graduate work was represented by the operetta “Keto and Kote” and a role in some scenes of “The Trap” by T. Dreiser. In 1958 she became a professional actress.

While still a student, she starred in her first film, “The Road of Truth,” in 1956. Her parents were proud of her when they saw their daughter on the screen of the central cinema in Kharkov.

In the same year, Eldar Ryazanov invited Gurchenko to audition for his new musical film “Carnival Night,” the premiere of which was scheduled for the end of December.

This film brought great success to Lyudmila. She instantly became popular. Everyone was discussing not only the acting and vocal talents of the young actress, but also her surprisingly thin waist.

Moreover, according to Lyudmila herself, she came to the audition wearing several skirts to appear more voluminous.

In 1958 she appears in the film with a telling name"Girl with a Guitar" Lyudmila's financial situation in those years left much to be desired.

She gives concerts at various production sites (factories, mines), and organizes creative meetings with audiences throughout the country.

IN Soviet time such tours by actors were considered “hack work”, which discredited the name of the Soviet artist.

In 1957, Lyudmila Gurchenko was invited to educational conversation to the Minister of Culture - Nikolai Mikhailov.

He offered to turn a blind eye to her numerous part-time jobs if she agreed to cooperate with the KGB during the international festival in Moscow. Lyudmila refused, and after that she fell out of favor with many directors.

After a bright and rapid takeoff, a period of calm began when Lyudmila was no longer invited to auditions or offered a job.

This unfavorable period lasted about 10 years, and was very difficult for the energetic L. Gurchenko. In the prime of her strength, beauty and talent, no one needed her.

During this time, she was able to star in only 9 films, which were not very successful. These were “Workers’ Village”, “Walking”, “ Summer dreams" and others.

Lyudmila Gurchenko nevertheless gained fame as one of the brightest and leading actresses of Soviet cinema.

Most of all, she was successful in filming musical films and operettas. In 1974, the film “Straw Hat” was released.

Then, 2 years later, there were “Sky Swallows” and the musical fairy tale film “Mama.”

She was recognized for her work in the film “Station for Two” best actress according to a survey conducted by the magazine "Soviet Screen" in 1984.

Theater works

Immediately after graduation theater university, Lyudmila came to work at the acting theater studio, where she worked for 6 years.

Then in 1964 she joined the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater. There she was constantly in the background.

She was offered only minor roles or participation in crowd scenes. After 2 years she left there. However, later I really appreciated the experience gained.

TO theatrical activities she returns again years later, in the late 90s. Lyudmila Gurchenko plays in performances of the Satire Theater.

There she realized her old dream and created the musical “The Bureau of Happiness” together with director A. Zhitinkin.

TO latest works in the theater include “Unattainable” and “Madeleine, calm down!” delivered in 2001

In addition to theater and cinema, Lyudmila Gurchenko released 2 music album- “Songs of War” and “Favorite Songs”.

Personal life

Personal, like creative life The actress never stood still. Serious passions were boiling there. In total, Lyudmila Gurchenko was officially married 6 times.

She entered into her first marriage at the age of 18, in 1953. Her chosen one was the promising director Vasily Ordynsky.

However, a quiet divorce followed a couple of years later. Few people knew about this marriage, and Lyudmila did everything to prevent this fact from spoiling her biography.

The second marriage was concluded by Great love. She ran into handsome Boris Andronikashvili in the student cafeteria.

Their couple became the object of not only admiration, but also envy from their classmates. Lyudmila hoped so much that this marriage would be happy and, without thinking about her figure and career, she gave birth to a child.

With daughter Maria

Daughter Maria - only child Lyudmila Gurchenko, whom she did not like to talk about. After 3 years there was a divorce.

The next husband was actor Alexander Fadeev. They signed, practically without knowing each other, simply tired of loneliness, and after a short time the marriage broke up again.

The long and beautiful courtship of the handsome star Joseph Kobzon also led to the wedding. However, such 2 are strong and famous personalities couldn't get along together. Lyudmila was the first to file for divorce, and Joseph did not particularly object.

With husband Konstantin

Pianist Konstantin Kuperveys became the first who was able to give woman's happiness Lyudmila Gurchenko, disappointed in men. They lived together for 20 years, but his betrayal destroyed the family idyll.