There are many celebrity accounts on the social network Instagram. An influential businessman, who became the chosen one of the popular TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, also started personal page on Insta, which we will talk about today. Omarov Kurban’s Instagram is filled with pictures with family and children; the feed contains many photos from travel. Fans are especially pleased with joint photographs with Ksyusha, who are Lately it became quite a lot.

We will analyze the businessman’s profile and tell Interesting Facts from his life. If you want to see photographs and videos of Kurban, go to this link. Also on the page is helpful information for people who want to provide interesting offers. Fans of the businessman and star couple It will be interesting to learn about the development of a man and his meeting with Ksenia Borodina.

The nickname Zima was not chosen by chance, because that is what Kurban was called as a child. It's funny that the place where he grew up cold weather can't boast. The village of Khadzhalmakhi in Dagestan is not of particular interest to tourists, but the man cherishes the memories of his childhood. He was born on August 25, 1980. “Zima’s” father was a successful businessman in the construction industry. His son also had a passion for entrepreneurship, which he himself admitted during broadcasts on in social networks.

In his youth, Borodina’s chosen one worked in law enforcement agencies, but such activity did not bring him joy. In the end he decided to continue family business. Having moved to the capital of Russia, the man took an important position in his father’s business. An interesting fact is that Omar Omarov chose Kurban as the main heir among all his sons. Exactly how many sons Omar has is not specified in interviews and publications.

Until 2015, the Dagestani businessman was known only in Russian business circles, but after meeting with Borodina, all fans of the TV presenter of the scandalous show “Dom-2” learned about him. The young couple attracted the attention of the public, hence the interest of Kurban Omarov Instagram zimamoscow. You can easily find by this nickname official pages on various social networks. Now his Insta profile is followed by 1.6 million followers. There are about 1.5 thousand posts on the page.

The man regularly posts new pictures. A series of photographs from New York, where the wife went, caused a stir.

Subscribers can study truly spectacular photographs and videos, but Osmanov does not remove the veil from private topics.

There is also no information about what exactly the man does.

Many people are interested in how a husband actually lives famous TV presenter. His profile is filled with expressive photographs, but he pays virtually no attention to his work on Insta. Many followers believe that the account should be diluted with workdays. There are also plenty of short videos on the businessman’s page; you can view them by going to the official Instagram website. Special attention should be paid to his YouTube channel. There he maintains his blog, where his wife regularly appears.

On Instagram, the man comes up with ironic descriptions for his posts and chooses good moments for filming. It's clear from his Instagram posts that he's a fan. healthy image life and gets carried away modern technologies. Famous athletes are present in joint photographs. Travel also plays an important role in “Winter’s” life; different landscapes appear in the photographs, from the Emirates to New York.

Instagram Kurban Omarov winter

Fans of the star couple are most interested in family photos. There was even a special hashtag where you can find joint photos of Kurban and Borodina - #borozima. Followers are especially pleased with photographs of the whole family, where children are present, including those from previous marriages. His Insta profile shows that Omarov is an extravagant person; here you will find landscapes of big cities and cozy pictures with cats. Each post receives tens of thousands of likes, and this also applies to comments on posts.

Having become the husband of Ksenia Borodina, Kurban Omarov, it seems, could not even imagine what he was facing new status. The man has found himself the center of increased attention, and this attention sometimes turns into a stream of harsh criticism. Now every step of Kurban is examined by Internet users meticulously and closely. Well, if Borodina’s husband makes some kind of mistake, there will be no mercy: for weeks Internet users will savor the man’s mistakes.

Thanks to the popularity that has fallen on him, Kurban Omarov has already acquired 1.5 million subscribers on his blog. However, the increased attention seems to be depressing the TV presenter's husband, and some of the comments are driving him crazy. For the last few months, discussions have been disabled on Kurban Omarov’s Instagram.

However, such preventive measures did not stop critics - they leave their comments about Omarov on Borodina’s microblog and in various antique groups.

Kurban Omarov responded to criticism in an original way

The internet has been buzzing for the past two months. Fans and envious people of Ksenia Borodina’s family cannot calm down. The fact is that the husband of the TV star has changed in appearance not in better side: followers are haunted by Kurban Omarov’s goatee and mustache, which, according to the majority, does not suit him at all.

Omarov’s mustache is discussed daily on Borodina’s microblog, calling on the Dom-2 host to somehow influence her husband. It also goes to Kurban himself, whose personal account was flooded with critical remarks from subscribers.

In the end, the patience of the imperturbable Winter (Zima is Kurban’s old nickname) ran out, and instead of banning all critics, he opened comments, giving everyone the opportunity to speak. At the same time, one cannot help but admire the calmness of the man, who ironically noted that he is not a handsome man:

I am very pleased that people are so not indifferent to me. Thank you for not passing by. I'll leave the comments open so you can have your say. Please don't be shy. handsome man it's not me)))

Note that in just less than an hour, almost 1,000 comments appeared under Kurban Omarov’s post, turning the discussions into a battlefield for followers.

I wonder if, after such pressure, Kurban Omarov will still shave his mustache?

We celebrate this material in Zen and stay up to date with all the intrigues and scandals of show business.

Until quite recently, alien to the world of social life, Kurban Omarov, after his wedding to Ksenia Borodina, turned into one of the tycoons of domestic show business. Details of the personal life of this couple became one of important topics in the yellow press.

Brief information

A man named Kurban Omarov was born in 1980 in the Caucasus into a mixed Russian-Dagestan family. His father, a prominent construction magnate in Makhachkala, did everything to ensure that his son did not need anything. As a result, the boy received an excellent education, having studied at universities in both England and Russia.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the young man went to conquer the capital, and a few years later he had his own business. Today, Zima, as Kurban’s closest friends call him, is at the head of a large conglomerate of companies whose specializations are diverse:

  • Development and related construction work;
  • Logistics services;
  • Taxi;
  • According to some reports, he owns a diamond business.

The father is a co-owner of some of Kurban's enterprises.

Kurban Omarov's first wife

Until relatively recently, the tabloids ignored the life of a businessman who shuns social life. As a result, facts from his personal life have to be collected bit by bit:

  • Zima married for the first time in 2005, but a couple of years later the marriage was dissolved;
  • For the next few years, the young man preferred not to tie the knot, which did not prevent him from cohabiting for more than five years with the woman who gave him a son;
  • For some time he dated model Alena Storm;
  • In 2015, Omarov again decided to tie the knot of Hymen, this time with the star of the scandalous television project “House 2” Ksenia Borodina.

The future spouses met in 2012 at a party at one of the former participants of the reality show. But the relationship between Borodina and Omarov did not develop immediately: only two years later they announced their affair.

Marriage to Ksenia Borodina

In the middle of summer 2015, a wedding was held on a grand scale in one of the most expensive restaurants in the capital. The result was, perhaps, the most resonant event in bohemian life in Moscow.

Journalists tracked every step of the newlyweds from the Ukraine Hotel, where the bride was getting ready, to the trip in a luxury car to the registry office. About two hundred people attended the “wedding of the year,” among whom were:

  • Olga Buzova;
  • Ilya Yudichev;
  • Group "Ivanushki international";
  • Irina Dubtsova.

Designers hired specifically for this event took care of the visual component of the holiday: the dresses of all the bridesmaids were designed in an elegant coral color, and the restaurant was decorated with flowers on a white background in the style of a winter fairy tale.

The guests were delighted with the food, which was a separate “highlight” of the celebration. The newlyweds did not stint treating everyone with caviar, rare fruits and expensive sweets.

The result of the marriage was a daughter, who was named Theona.

Borodina divorces Kurban Omarov

However family idyll didn't last long. Already a year later life together Rumors began to appear about the impending breakup of the famous couple due to the fact that the spouses stopped posting joint photos online.

And, to the disappointment of fans, the rumors were confirmed: in July, Borodina officially announced the breakup of the family, declaring the reason husband's constant cheating(even during pregnancy). This information was confirmed in mid-July 2016, when photographs of Kurban with actress Nastasya Samburskaya on vacation in Europe appeared on the Internet.

At the same time, Borodina quarreled with her husband’s friends, who successfully covered up Omarov’s adventures.

In addition, she immediately announced herself ex-girlfriend Winters, Alena Storm, who expressed words of support for Ksenia and also spoke about the man’s flighty behavior. The girls published joint photo ambiguous content, which brought even more confusion into an already complex story.

The couple did not celebrate their wedding anniversary. On this day, Ksenia decided not to star in a reality show, but to spend the day with her closest friends and two daughters.

On July 19, Ksenia decided to finally put an end to this soap opera, announcing a divorce and hiring one of the most expensive lawyers in the country.

Did Borodina and Kurban Omarov break up?

At the beginning of August 2016, the story took an unexpected turn. The couple was filmed shopping together in one of the stores near Moscow. Winter and Ksenia were choosing household goods with such an air that all the rumors about divorce were nothing more than journalistic speculation. After shopping, the couple got into their cars and went home. And this after statements about refusal to communicate with each other.

Soon Borodina's husband gave his vision of the situation, saying that he was ready to remain friends with Ksenia for the sake of the child.

As of early August 2016, they remained married, but wedding rings still weren't worn.

Constant plot twists in this complicated story made some journalists doubt: was it all a well-executed farce in order to attract the attention of the media and fans?

Instagram of Kurban Omarov

Stars of Russian and not only show business actively promote themselves on social networks and Internet resources in all possible ways.

The reasons for this are obvious:

  • So a star can, bypassing unscrupulous journalists, give his point of view on this or that event in his personal life;
  • it's the same a great opportunity to stir up interest on the part of fans;
  • In some cases, a celebrity's popularity online can exceed their fame in real life.

The spouses Ksenia and Kurban were no exception and also made full use of the opportunities photoblog "Instagram" to confirm or debunk some rumors. The couple gave fans the opportunity to see with their own eyes all the details of their personal life. At first, the pictures showed the quiet family comfort of an “ideal” family, worthy of emulation. Recently, a popular photo blog has become a tool for dirty games and mutual accusations, in which even children suffer.

In June 2016, both husband and wife simultaneously deleted their Instagram pages. Some time later, Omarov started a new one. However, fans of the star believe that new account has nothing to do with Kurban and was started by an online hooligan.

If 2015, when Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina got married, was marked by the “wedding of the year,” then the year 2016 risks going down in history with an equally memorable divorce. The speed with which the wind changes in the relationship of this star couple may indicate a well-staged performance for the needs of an undemanding public.

Video about a businessman

In this video, businessman Kurban Omarov will personally comment on the rumors about his disagreement with Ksenia Borodina, which of this is true and which is the fabrication of journalists:

For almost two months, fans wondered who new guy Ksenia Borodina. On Instagram The famous TV presenter herself posted photos in which he was almost invisible - sometimes his arm, sometimes his shoulder, sometimes from behind, in general, you couldn’t see him at all. At the end of January, she completely closed her profile, but in February she opened it and pleased not only with excellent photos of her new boyfriend: Borodulya even covered his nickname on Instagram! This wintermoscow.

However, not everything is so simple and smooth, because the account is young man closed, and his name was still unknown. He is subscribed to by only a hundred followers (apparently, purely close people) and, for sure, he will not add any fans of the TV star. We won’t see the face on the avatar either - there’s a black square with the inscription “Winter” in the middle. So all I could do was look at the new guy’s photos only on her page, and then only until she restricted access to it (and for some reason the girl does this often).

However, closer to the summer and to the wedding, the name of Ksyusha’s boyfriend became known. It turned out that his name is Kurban Omarov. By the way, he never opened his Instagram even after the wedding. Therefore, all photos associated with him can be viewed only on the TV presenter’s page or using special hash tags: #borozima and #Borozima are dedicated to their love stories, and #borozimawedding collects all the photos from Ksenia Borodina’s wedding. We remind you that Ksyusha’s nickname on Instagram is borodylia.

Date of birth: 08/25/1980
Place of birth: s. Khadzhalmakhi, Republic of Dagestan

Biography of Kurban Omarov

Kurban Omarov was born on August 25, 1980. Kurban comes from the Dagestan village of Khadzhalmakhi. Kurban Omarov was brought up in big family, with mom, dad and brothers. He is the eldest child in the family.
Kurban Omarov's parents did a good job raising their son. According to him, he was brought up in strictness, but fairness; this is the kind of upbringing he wants to give to his children. Kurban's father is a successful businessman in the city of Makhachkala, his mother is a housewife.

Many fans of the couple Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, watching videos and photographs of the family, put Kurban as an ideal, thinking that he was successful and wealthy with youth. But this is a big misconception. After Omarov moved from Dagestan to Moscow, his life was not sweet. For many months the young man could not find himself in big city. After a grueling search, Kurban began working in law enforcement.
Since 2003, the young man’s life changed, he began to engage in his father’s construction business. Almost immediately, Kurban began earning good money and purchased real estate in Moscow. In 2007, Omarov was one of the most successful businessmen not only Dagestan, but also Moscow. The young man had more than 10 registered companies on his account.

Personal life

Before meeting Kseniy Borodina, Kurban Omarov was not public figure. Omarov hides his entire past personal life and ex-wives. It is known that Kurban had two wives, before Ksenia Borodina. He has a son, Omar, from his previous marriage. Now Omar lives with his father and Ksenia.
Kurban Omarov's ex-wife has nothing to do with show business. Who this girl is and what she looks like is unknown. Photos of Kurban's son with the same woman often appear in the press. Kurban does not comment on these rumors in any way.

Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina and Kuban met in 2012, at the birthday party of a mutual friend. After several months of communication, the couple began an affair. Photos of them together began to appear on the Internet. Then Ksenia did not give any answers to questions about her man. Only after a year of communication, Ksenia officially introduced her man on her Instagram. Almost immediately after Borodina introduced her lover, the guys got married. In 2015 it was one of bright events of the year. Almost all the girls in Russia dreamed of the same wedding.
A few months after the wedding, Ksenia gave birth to a daughter. As Kurban admitted in an interview on Channel One, it was the happiest day of his life. Borodina and Omarov named their daughter Teona, which is a Dagestan name. Kurban insisted on this.

Instagram of Kurban Omarov

Recently, Kurban Omarov has become very popular on the Internet. Kurban Omarov's Instagram has more than 600 thousand subscribers. Cuban maintains a very interesting blog. In his photographs you can often see Ksenia and his children. On Instagram, Kurban is signed as Winter. This is what his friends have called him since childhood. Now almost everyone associates Kurban with the name Winter.
Also, Kurban runs his own YouTube channel together with Ksenia. The channel is called Father. Kurban's videos are family-friendly and sincere. It's always nice to see something like this happy family. Despite the popularity of Kurban Omarov, few people know about his YouTube channel. But according to Kurban, it’s all a matter of time; he has big plans to conquer YouTube.

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