Now it’s AUTUMN, and today we’ll talk about autumn tales for children .

We honor the classics - 19th and 20th centuries

I. S. Turgenev « Autumn day in a birch grove in the selection (excerpt from the story “Date” from the series “Notes of a Hunter”). By the way, many of the stories in Notes of a Hunter also take place in the fall. In the Ozone In the Labyrinth Short stories about autumn by different authors, who are already all classics in the side: I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov « Autumn" story, V. G. Korolenko « Late fall",I. A. Bunin « Antonov apples", K. G. Paustovsky « Dictionary native nature", "My house", "What kind of rains there are."

A collection of short stories was published in 2015 I. S. Sokolova-Mikitova "Autumn in the Forest" ( September has arrived, Cranes are flying away, Elk, Wood grouse on the pebbles, White hare, Hedgehog, Squirrels, Bears, Lynx, Evening in the forest, Wolves)

And one more book I.S. Sokolova-Mikitova : fairy tale "Leaffall"With wonderful, kind drawings E. I. Charushina.

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky « Autumn Prose Poem ".

Story I. A. Bunina " Antonov apples" together with other works of the author is in the collection "Dark alleys".

Stories K. G. Paustovsky about autumn " Badger nose» , « Farewell to summer" and several others can be read in the book " Disheveled sparrow."

A story about autumn V. Sukhomlinsky « I want to have my say" is in a wonderful collection "Flower of the Sun".

K. D. Ushinsky In the collection " Stories and fairy tales" except the story "Autumn" many works by the author.

M. M. Prishvin « Poetic miniatures about autumn "

N. I. Sladkov Collection “Forest hiding places”

September (Autumn is on the threshold, On the great path, Spider, Time, Birds, Squirrel fly agaric, Winged shadow, Owl that was forgotten, Sly dandelion, Friends and comrades, Forest rustles),

October (Sewing, Scary Invisible Man, Pheasant Bouquet, Trees Creak, The Mystery of the Birdhouse, Old Acquaintance, Magpie Train, Autumn Christmas Tree, Stubborn Finch, Forest Rustle, Magic Shelf),

November (Why is November piebald? Resort “Icicle”, Powder, Wagtail letters, Desperate hare, Tit stock, Starlings have arrived, Forest rustles).

Autumn underwater

G. A. Skrebitsky « Autumn "(A story from the book “Four Artists”), and another story "Nosy"

G. Ya. Snegirev Story "Blueberry jam" and many other wonderful stories are in the book "Cunning Chipmunk. Stories and short stories"

and in the collection G. Ya. Snegireva "First Sun" there is a story “How animals and birds prepare for winter.”

Fairy talesV. G. Suteeva « Apple", "Bag of Apples" can be found in almost any collection, for example, in "Funny fairy tales and stories."

V. V. Bianki « Autumn ", "Forest Newspaper. Fairy tales and stories"

D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak « Gray neck"

N. M. Gribachev « Red leaves"(from the series about Koska the Hare) in the collection "Tales of our forest".

Yuri Koval " All year round» (collection with beautiful illustrations and CD)

« The Tale of How Autumn Came" in the collection “Wormwood Tales”.

Collections for schoolchildren – Stories about autumn(E. Yu. Shim “Fives”, V. V. Bianki “September”, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Forest in Autumn”, V. V. Zankov “Why do tree leaves change color and fall in autumn?”)

Tatiana Domarenok – selection "Fairy tales and stories for children - Autumn", including: Autumn, Golden autumn in the schoolyard, and others (Borovichok. Last days of the passing summer, Poor Clubfoot, Golden Butterflies of Autumn, Girl Autumn, Golden Bouquet, Grandmother's Tales, Dimkina gold fish, How letters and numbers are prepared for school, World Map, Wizard Primer. for younger schoolchildren, Little Ostrich, first grader).

Natalya Abramtseva Autumn Tale.

Efim Vladimirov Fairy Autumn.

LANA RA Witches and falling leaves, fairy tale.

Oksana Ivanenko Good night!

Sergey KozlovTales related to autumn can be read in books, for example the edition “Hedgehog in the Fog. Tales of the present" edition 2015 publishing house Time of the Masters, in the series Best for Children. Artist Bodyakova Galina

Or you can read tales about autumn by Sergei Kozlov on Ezhin portal or numerous other sites in the series *Autumn Song of Grass* (The Last Sun, Russula, Chanterelle, Beauty, Autumn Ships, How to Shade Silence, In native forest, Pine cone, Bird, Free autumn wind, We will come and breathe) and * Autumn tales * (How to catch a cloud, Autumn tale, How the Donkey dreamed horrible dream, Trusting Hedgehog).

It should be noted that S. Kozlov has a lot of fairy tales where his heroes (Hedgehog and his friends) admire autumn. These tales are often used by adults. Thus, at a meeting with readers in the Central Children's Library of Slantsy “Autumn Bouquet of Feelings”, “autumn” fairy tales by S. G. Kozlov from the book “Hedgehog in the Fog” were heard. In October 2000, it was a reading and discussion of S. Kozlov’s fairy tales “Autumn Tale” and “Beauty”, and in 2002 - small fairy tales “The Last Sun” and “The Fox”. The kids were able to look into the world in order to be delighted and surprised by its beauty, to experience the happiness of recognizing their land.” And how interesting the children responded! Selection.

Lyudmila Krischenko Red Tale.

Marta Bystrova Brownie Tales. Autumn.

Vasily Morozov A new autumn is coming.

Olga Borina Tea with Autumn.

Ksenia Remizova Tale about the Day of the Beginning of Leaf Fall.

Padmini S. Marina Popova Leaf fall.

Nina Pavlova Autumn mushrooms.

Author's autumn tales in the blogosphere

Freelance journalist for Highway Legend of Autumn

Irishenka Lazur

Autumn somehow decided to prove to everyone that she is the most fashionable and beautiful. I went to a famous tailor and ordered him three outfits.

In September, to show that she was as beautiful as Summer, Autumn wore an outfit of flowers, herbs and fruits. It turned out very beautiful and tasty. Chrysanthemums and asters were scattered along the lower edge of the skirt different color. It immediately became like summer fun. The middle of the skirt was decorated with bunches of grapes and a branch of vine. And everyone saw how rich and generous Autumn is. The master made a wonderful hat for her from apples, pears and tangerines. Everyone could take something from the fruit and eat it, because they did not decrease in the hat. Instead of a shawl, Autumn threw on her shoulders intertwined silver threads of cobwebs that fly through the air during the period Indian summer. It turned out very airy, tender, like a bride’s. Autumn asked the Sun to lend her a golden comb for her hair in September.

- Dear Sun! - she begged. - I know that you love Summer more. But please leave me some warmth for just one month. I'm not asking for much. I would just like to let people warm up a little more, bask in your rays. It is so difficult for them to part with Summer! And it costs you nothing. Shining light, throw me your golden comb. With him I will not only be beautiful, fashionable, but also warm.

The Sun liked Autumn’s polite request, and it threw down its golden comb, in which there was still a little warmth left. People were glad that Summer had returned, they began to praise Autumn and admire its beauties. And that’s what Autumn needs. I started trying even harder. I packed my bags with tasty and healthy vegetables.

- Take as much as you want! I do not mind. “I’m even kinder than Summer,” Autumn generously shared her wealth.

But September quickly passed and October arrived. The golden ridge still radiated heat, but it was already much less than in September.

“Perhaps I should change my outfit,” thought Autumn, “then people will praise me again.”

Autumn dressed up in an outfit of multi-colored maple leaves, hung scarlet beads made of rowan berries around her neck, put on earrings made of bright bunches of viburnum, and took a fan made of crimson aspen leaves in her hands. A beauty and nothing more!

People couldn't get enough of the beauty autumn nature. What colors did she paint the leaves of trees and shrubs in! When on clear days Sun rays multi-colored leaves permeated through, everything around became like in a fairy tale. As soon as the breeze blew slightly, the leaves, smoothly circling in the air, began their path to the ground, covering everything around with a beautiful carpet. The dark brown, round, smooth, as if polished, chestnut fruits looked especially elegant on this carpet.

Autumn rejoiced like a child:

- I told you that I am the most beautiful and fashionable! - she chattered incessantly. - Admire me, admire me! Praise me, praise me!

Autumn has become quite proud. And then, as luck would have it, the sun’s ridge stopped warming completely, the weather turned bad, and cold rain began to fall more often. Clouds hung over the ground. Beautiful leaves flew around and dried up. They were collected in large heaps and burned. Puddles, cold and dirt are all that remains of Autumn’s excellent outfit. Arrived last month Autumn - November. Nature began to prepare for winter.

“So what,” Autumn continued, “you don’t always wear a bright outfit, sometimes you have to change into something dark.” And this dress is beautiful in its own way. Look what the tree crown looks like without leaves! What openwork, what weaving! And my cape is made of blue clouds. Doesn't it put you in a dreamy mood? In my puddle shoes you can see the reflection of everything around. They are like mirrors. Isn't this adorable?! I am good in all my outfits, darling!

But for some reason people no longer praised, but rather scolded autumn weather, and were on the street less and less. More often they took an umbrella with them from the rain. We said goodbye to summer cottages and went to the city, to warm apartments.

- Sun! - the upset Autumn begged. - Please give me at least a few warm days! I beg you very much. Everyone praised me so much, called me a beauty and “charm of the eyes.” And now everything has changed. Everyone just scolds me. Did I deserve this?! I tried so hard to give people a harvest of fruits, to warm them a little more, to please them with their colorful colors. Why are they so ungrateful?

- Nature doesn’t have bad weather, - the Sun shouted from above, - I can’t heat for a whole year. I need rest too. Forgive me, beautiful Autumn, but I’m very tired and can’t help you.

Autumn was completely upset and began to cry like cold, tedious rain.

- There you are! - she grumbled, crying. “You’ll know how to scold me and call me a slob!”

But the kind Sun took pity on the crying beauty and, with the last of its strength, sent the remaining golden ray to Earth. Immediately the clouds parted, the rain stopped drizzling, nature last time came to life, smiled in front of winter sleep. And immediately all the people went outside to enjoy the last warmth before a long cold winter. Exposing their faces to the ray of the Sun, people tenderly thanked Autumn for the belated warmth:

- Thank you, Autumn! - they whispered. - We will take your warmth with us for long snowy days and nights. It will give us hope that the cold will pass and the good Sun will appear again.

This time Autumn cried with joy. Good word and the cat is pleased. Autumn added morning frosts and an icy crust on puddles to her outfit. She helped all the plants and animals to finally prepare for winter so that they would not die, and with a light heart she retired until next September, transferring her rights winter month- December.

Questions and tasks

- Why do you think Autumn wanted to be praised?

—Which months are called autumn?

- After what time of year does autumn come?

—What are the three periods of autumn?

— How are these periods described in the fairy tale? What outfits did Autumn wear?

— How does nature prepare for winter in the fall?

— Why do plants and animals need gradual preparation for winter?

— Why do trees shed their leaves for the winter?

— What do people do in the fall?

— What period of autumn do you like most?

- Tell me about autumn. What is she like?

- Name the signs of autumn.

— Draw three periods of autumn.

- Using the suggested Velcro pictures, dress up in different autumn outfits. Tell us about yourself. Act out scenes from a fairy tale.

Preschoolers about autumn

Description of work
Target: expand children's knowledge about autumn in a fairy-tale form.
Tasks: introduce autumn signs, talk about preparing insects, birds, wild animals for winter, develop curiosity, cultivate a love of nature.
Material for preschool and younger children school age.
The material can be used both in routine moments and in classes on cognition (broadening one’s horizons), as well as in lessons on the world around us.
Author: Safargulova Irina Sergeevna. MDOBU kindergarten No. 1 city of Neftekamsk, Republic of Bashkortostan. Educator.

Description of work: Autumn has come. Nature is gradually falling asleep. How do animals and birds prepare for winter? You will learn about this by reading my fairy tale.

Autumn Tale

In some kingdom, in some state stood magical forest. Everything in this forest was good and beautiful. The ground was full of flowers - daisies with white eyelashes, blue-eyed cornflowers, stinging nettles. There were many different insects running in the grass - hardworking ants, voracious caterpillars, cute ladybugs. They lived in the forest and there were many different animals - a toothy wolf, and sly fox, and a clumsy bear, and an agile squirrel, and a prickly hedgehog. And there were many, many birds flying in the air. Everyone felt good and comfortable in the forest. And the weather was warm and pleasant.
But then one day a sorceress appeared in this forest. She was dressed in golden clothes and smelled of dampness.
-I Gold autumn. I brought with me rain, slush and wind. Soon it will become wet and cold in your forest, and then my sister will come and cover your forest with a white blanket.
Autumn waved her sleeve and the wind blew, tore leaves from the trees, and whirled them in a dance. She waved her other sleeve and the sky became overcast with black clouds, the rain poured down like buckets.
It's getting cold forest inhabitants, What should I do?
The bugs and spiders were the first to come to their senses and climbed under the bark of the trees. They are warm there and no wind or rain is scary.
The trees have shed their leaves and the branches feel at ease; now nothing bothers them.
The birds also hid, some in a hollow, some in a nest, and some even formed flocks and warmer climes flew away.
What about the animals? And they also came up with a lot of tricks. The squirrel brought more food into the hollow - mushrooms, berries, and nuts - and sits there well-fed - not afraid of the cold. The bear went to bed; in a warm den, he was also not afraid of any frost. The hedgehog and his family looked at the bear, climbed into his hole, curled up into a ball and also went to sleep. The fox quickly exchanged his fur for a warm one, and the wolf and his friends formed a pack - nothing is scary together.
“Well, sorceress Autumn, we are not afraid of you,” say the forest inhabitants.
Autumn looked at them, didn’t say anything, just let loose more winds and filled them with rain.
But the forest inhabitants are still not afraid, they are well prepared for the weather.
Nothing worked out for Autumn. She left, and was replaced by Zimushka-Winter. But this is a completely different tale.


Bull the hedgehog was sitting on the lawn near the house and noticed how green grass covers more and more yellow leaves. How sad he felt. After all, yellow leaves are a sign of autumn. The kid went to his room to find out when this insidious cold season would come. He looked carefully at the calendar and couldn’t believe his eyes. It turns out that autumn should come tomorrow! Can't be! He quickly called his friend, the squirrel Gru, for her the new time of year is a real fairy tale about autumn. And for him it’s a whole tragedy.

- Gru, do you know that autumn begins tomorrow?
- Certainly! I'm incredibly happy! Golden time of the year, beauty, flowers, warm sweaters, cocoa, books, fireplace….
- Wait wait. - Buhl interrupted his friend. – All this causes me terrible stress. Maybe you will come to visit me?
Squirrel agreed and quickly rushed to her friend. She took apples and nuts with her. Gru knew very well - the best remedy to calm the boys - food. And while cooking delicious dishes We could have a heart-to-heart talk.

A fairy tale about autumn for children: how to stop being sad and start rejoicing?

Gru put on a pink apron and began to chirp about latest news. At the same time, she was kneading the dough for an apple pie.
- And she bought exactly the same dress as mine, well, can you imagine! Give me another egg, great. At the same time, this dress fits her better than it does on me. I was very annoyed. You cut apples so well, well done, Buhl! But Chris the squirrel is not doing well at all, because she tells everyone that she was the first to buy this dress!
Buhl cut apples with a face that showed no emotion. He did not react to any complaints from Gru, who was waiting for sympathy. Didn't respond to her praise. It seems that Buhl was quite sad.
- My friend, tomorrow you and I will go to school! This is a fairy tale about autumn - walking in the park after school, chewing sandwiches and apples!
- I don’t know what you’re happy about. Judge for yourself. The days are getting shorter and colder. We won't be able to swim anymore. We won't be able to walk outside for a long time. Coming soon fairy forest It will start raining and we will sit at home. “No fresh apples, by the way,” said the hedgehog and popped a piece into his mouth delicious apple for the pie.
— The days are colder, but we have a beautiful new clothes! We won’t be able to swim, but we will be able to climb mountains of yellow leaves! During the rains we will do puzzles or read interesting tales. And in the morning, walk through the meadows in rubber boots. At the same time, Buhl, don’t forget that you and your parents collected apples from your needles all summer. And you have a whole warehouse of these juicy fruits in your basement. Enough for a whole year!

The squirrel poured the dough over the apples and opened the oven. I placed the pie in the middle.

- Now let's finish with the nuts! – she said and handed them to the hedgehog. She sat down to rest. While Buhl pressed walnuts and took out the core from them, Gru continued to protect her favorite season. “I spent the whole summer running around the forest and collecting fruits.” My house has a whole warehouse of useful things. For me, autumn is a long-awaited time when I will rest and enjoy the fruits of my labors. Autumn is the rebirth of nature. The forest is preparing for winter magic, and we can watch this preparation. Green color turn into many shades of yellow and orange, red and brown. And then it will turn gray for a while, until the snow decorates everything around. Poor monkeys and elephants. They have to face the sweltering heat and walk through the jungle for a whole year. We are so lucky with the variety of weather. For me, a fairy tale about autumn is a miracle!
Boule listened attentively and at first wanted to argue. But then I felt with what tenderness, tenderness and love Gru spoke about the long-awaited time of the year. It seems that the hedgehog has already begun to fall in love with this autumn fairy tale. The kitchen smelled of apple pie.
“The nuts are ready,” said Buhl. They took the hot pie out of the oven and sprinkled it with powdered sugar and nuts. We made tea. And they began to eat their culinary masterpiece.
“How delicious,” said the hedgehog. - Thank you, squirrel. It seems that the leaves outside the window no longer frighten me, but make me happy.
- Or maybe we’ll finish eating and go throw leaves? – Gru smiled.
That's what the friends did. The next day, Bull woke up very happy, because he was very lucky to be born in the Fairytale Forest, where four completely different seasons lived. Each of which gave its own beauty and magic.

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