XXI Century - Era of Computer Technologies. Today, the inability to print on the keyboard is comparable to write with the inability. In times, when every minute has a value, slowly print is a non-disabilities, limiting the possibilities of a person in the modern world.

Why need to print quickly

Most recently, the blind method of printing was rare. The ability to recruit any text, despite the keyboard, equated to the magic. Only units owned such skill. Now everything has changed, and high-speed printing is often used, professionally valuable skill. Many employers, selecting employees whose activities will be associated with computers, as one of the basic requests to applicants indicate the ownership of a blind typing method. Print Quickly in our time, not only computer set operators in publishers, but also accountants, economists, office clerks are all whose work is related to the creation of electronic documents.

What is the optimal print speed on the keyboard?

So, there are many services that help determine how quickly you are typing text. Just a minute you need to print for speed, and after that a cherished figure appears. But with what to compare it? What print speed is considered good? Those who are not familiar with the blind method of printing, most likely, it is hardly possible to dial more than 150 characters per minute. Looking at the keyboard and flying two fingers, it is difficult to achieve high speed. And even if you have already learned to print with a decade, do not expect high print speed immediately. At first it will be about 200 characters per minute, which is already not bad. Comfortable is the speed of the set, "successful" for the usual speech. The more workouts, the faster it increases. Having achieved an indicator of 300-400 characters per minute, begin to be proud of. Such speeds boast professionals. But even if it is for you, it is too early to relax. The world record of the print speed was delivered in 2005, and after ten years, no one can beat him. It makes it 750 characters in one minute.

What ways can be increased print speed

The goal we determined - learn to quickly type texts on the keyboard. What will happen from this is still unknown. Perhaps you are waiting for praise the boss and enhanced by the service, and a miracle may happen, and the new name will appear in the Guinness Book of Records. In any case, such a valuable skill will not be superfluous, it will make work at a computer more prompt and will help save time. Often, newcomers are trying to increase the speed, simply by entering texts from the keyboard, and for such a monotone occupation is carried out not one hour. Immediately let's say - this is a waste of time, if you do not use the proper set of set. The blind method of printing is that it will help. This is the only proper method that gives the maximum set speed. Only after mastering the principles of this method you can spend time training. In this case, they will be effective, and the results will not make it wait.

Sleeping print - how is it?

This method of set appeared at the end of the XVIII century. In those times about computers, even speeches could not be, because only the mass production of printed machines began. Learning a quick set of text did not pay any attention. Everyone was looking for convenient methods of working on keyboards. The most effective was the method of printing without spying on the keyboard and with the distribution of keys for each finger. Decade-False this method began to be called due to the involvement of all ten fingers on their hands, and blind - because by typing the text, you can not look at the buttons. Passing teaching blind printing, you will remember the location of each letter and each sign on the keyboard. Does it seem complicated? Nothing like this! Literally in a few days of training, the fingers themselves will start looking for the buttons in the right place. At the same time, each of the ten fingers has muscle memory and accurately remembers its work zone.

Two most important principles of a decade

Users who have long used the blind print method, perform two main rules without thinking about it. Newbies will need to try. So, if you decide to master the blind method of printing on the keyboard, remember:

1. Each finger presses only certain, "their" buttons. It is clearly shown in the figure below. The color of the finger corresponds to the color of the keys that it must click.

2. Look at the keyboard by typing the text, strictly prohibited. This habit is the main problem of beginners. Get rid of it is not as simple as it seems. At the beginning of training there will be many typos, which will have to correct, but over time, the tactile memory will begin to develop, and you will stop thinking about every movement. Fingers themselves will press the correct buttons.

Only adhering to these principles, it is possible to quickly learn to print on the keyboard. Ignoring at least one of them, you will expect results for a very long time.

How much time is required to learn to print blindly?

Blind-ten-legged printing method with everyday workouts can be mastered in a month. Do not be afraid, you will not have 30 days to type texts for 10-12 hours. Three-hour lessons, but regular. Often newbies, having a huge desire, mastered the blind seal in two or three weeks. This does not mean that after three weeks, the print speed will be 300-400 characters per minute. To achieve such speed, further training is necessary. It should not be focused on programming programs, just need to use the surveyed skills when using the computer. Perhaps at first it will seem that the blind method of printing you dial the text slower than the two-chamber "moisture" way. In this case, the main thing is not to worry and not abandon the further use of blind printing. A maximum of a couple of weeks will be a noticeable trend towards an increase in speed.

Basics of the Method Method

A decade printing method has several variations similar to one another in the main points. Before starting a set, the fingers are in a strictly defined place. They go back in pauses between the introduction of words or proposals.

We immediately need to find the support row of the keyboard. This is the third bottom of the key. The index finger of the left hand is placed on the letter A, and the right - on O. The remaining fingers occupy places above the adjacent buttons. To quickly determine the position of the support keys on any keyboard, they are marked with small relief protrusions. Imaging your skills, you will learn to feel the right position of hands without touching the keys. Significantly less often meet the recommendations to keep the position of the fingers in the letters "Ywam" and "Toll". Each finger presses only the closer buttons according to the color scheme. Each function key is also pressed only by a certain finger.

To the correct pressing of special buttons to get used to it more complicated than the alphabetic keyboard. The key is used to remove erroneously entered characters and is pressed by the maiden on the right hand. To press the key, use the little finger on the left hand. - Frequently used button, use the right little finger to press it. There are two keys on the keyboard. If you need to change the register of the letter that is entered using any finger of the right hand, then press the left maizin, and vice versa. Keys and [Space] are pressed with a thumb. Individually everyone can use left or right hand for this. Keys are pressed using the right or left maiz. This method of printing does not create an extra load on the joints of the hands and makes it possible to productively work on a set of text for a long time.

Literature to help

Recently, in addition to keyboard simulators, print editions on the topic of high-speed dialing are also available. The books of this topic are published in the form of self-teaching and except the theory also contain practical tasks.

  • "Blind printing and" hot "keys" - a tutorial for the development of a blind set by E. G. Avsaryan. He was published in 2008. The textbook will help in a short time to master the skill of the high-speed printing with a ten-chand method and will further introduce with the "hot" buttons in MS Windows.
  • "Tutorial" blind "printing." This book saw the light in 2013. By Vladimir Andrianov. The textbook introduces the history and types of keyboards, the theory of the blind printing method, offers typical exercises and reviews existing keyboard simulators.
  • "Tutorial quick and correct set on a computer" - the express course of the author of Berezina N. M. The book was published in 2006. The author promises on its method for 120 hours to teach the method of a blind dialing of text at a speed of 120 characters per minute.

Software for learning

The theory is definitely important, but only studying the concepts, it is impossible to master the blind decadent print method. The simulator is 80% of success in this matter. Special programs designed for high-speed training are not so rare. The principle of training in different keyboard simulators may differ. But all of them are aimed at achieving one goal - to teach you to quickly print high-quality texts without looking at the computer keyboard.

Most Popular Keyboard Simulators

What free programs will help you quickly learn to print on the keyboard? There are a lot of such applications. Consider the most sought-after programs, helping to master the blind method of printing:

Stamina simulator (Stamina) - An indispensable assistant of many newbies. It has several learning steps. If you already have any skills, you can start not from the very basics, but from a comfortable level. The simulator can be used both for learning the method and to increase the speed of printing. An interesting feature of the program is the ability to use your text for a set.

Verseq. - Another interesting program for blind printing. The simulator suggests immediately gain phrases and suggestions. Developers argue that the method is very effective, but it is definitely more difficult to work for this principle, especially for newcomers.

Benefits of the method

At the end, let us specify the benefit obtained from the ownership of the blind method.

  • No matter how cool, but the first advantage will always be saving time. The speed of printing on the keyboard increases at least twice. In proportion to the time required to work with documents.
  • Opportunity Concentration of attention. If the look at the set of text is concentrated only on the document, it is easier to form thoughts, and at the same time increases the opportunity to notice the error in the text.
  • The monotone input procedure from the keyboard becomes more dynamic that allows avoiding fatigue.
  • Opportunity additional earnings. As already mentioned, the ability to quickly print using a ten-legged method - a valuable professional skill. In addition, there is a lot of areas of activity where you can make money on it. For example: Paid text set, copywriting, sale of articles, etc.

Hello colleagues! Are you familiar with the expression "turn" and "olge"? If not, then I will tell you how learn to print quickly And at the same time to look only on the monitor, without moving a look at the keyboard. I will tell about online services that use yourself and about chips to help speed up the process. Go!

Many can admit that they are printed on the keyboard much more often than they write to the paper on paper. Computers entered our lives firmly, the absence of koi can even complicate life and leisure, not to mention the work related to the processing of information. The question about the possibility of fast printing today is about people more often than it could be assumed five years ago.

Student at school I went to the courses of improving, it was a year 2001. We studied on printed machines and paper, so the teacher could track all our mistakes. Now you can study rapid printing yourself, it resorting to trainings without spending money and travel time.

But for this, it is necessary not only to remember the location of the characters on the keyboard, but also take several conditions:

  • Regularity of occupations. Printing blindly (it is this method that is considered the fastest and efficient) implies work with muscle memory. Muscular memory develops through a plurality of repetitions. The minimum term for durable (before automatism) "Record" into muscle memory by scientists is considered a period of 40 days. If you regularly perform classes throughout this period, the ability to quickly print will remain with you for life;
  • Body position. Often this moment is omitted, believing that training tutorials totals him due to the prevention of the spinal curvature. Health is important, but there are other reasons. The main reason is rationality.

Direct posture (smooth spine) is the maximum interaction rate between the limbs (in our case with your fingers) and the brain. Another reason is the connection to the operation of peripheral vision, the signals of which, bypassing the analytical center of the brain, create an express bridge between the fingers and the central nervous system.

The elbows when working on the keyboard are in the "suspended" state, ensuring a greater degree of freedom for brushes and fingers.

It is necessary to remember the initial position of the fingers on the keyboard, and with further classes, observe the "zone of influence" for each finger, even if it first it seems that one or another key is easier to press with another finger, and not those that are recommended during classes. The printing system is worked out for many decades, the rationality of the position and use of the fingers has been thoroughly studied. As soon as the fingers teach to work "as it should", all the feelings of inconvenience will disappear without a balance.

Position of the fingers on the keyboard: "FIQU" and "Algeh"

Frequently asked question: "Why letters on the keyboard are located not alphabetically?". If the letters arrange alphabetically, then you can find them faster, right? But not everything is so simple.

The main criterion for the location of the letters on the keyboard was the frequency of use of the letter. The letter "A", for example, is used when printing more often than the letter "Kommersant", so "A" was placed under the zone of the index finger with which we are managed more confident than with the little finger (no wonder the newcomers begin to print from the two-chain method, using only index fingers ).

Therefore, the most frequently used letters are collected to the keyboard center (zone for index fingers), and the periphery are those that are printed less often.

The initial position of the fingers. Touch the keys on which the Russian characters "A" and "O" are depicted. On these keys there are embossed marks. These are "starting" keys. They are needed so that it can be, without looking at the keyboard, find the correct position of the fingers.

It is necessary to learn how to find "starting" keys as confidently, as with closed eyes, we show your own nasal tip. And this skill is produced like this: we look at the top of the monitor, and we try to immediately put on the "A" and "O" by the indicable fingers. Ten successful attempts in a row out of ten possible - and you can go to the next exercise.

The fingers of the left hand at the starting position occupy the keys: "A" (index), "B" (medium), "s" (nameless), "F" (Mysinets).

The fingers of the right hand at the starting position occupy the keys: "O" (index), "l" (medium), "d" (nameless) and "F" (Mysinets).

Separate keys to fingers

Each finger on the keyboard has its own "zone of influence", which must be observed and to ensure that the fingers do not violate the "sovereignty" from each other. This is achieved by persistent exercises.

The least "divide" among themselves has to be thumb: the big finger of the left hand "owns" the "Space" and "Alt" keys (left), and the big finger of the right hand works with the "Space" and "Alt" keys. More temptation to "break sovereignty" happens in "confident" fingers - index and averages, which are still drawn to the mailing keys and unnamed.

Working out that the finger does not cross the other finger on the key, a series of printing words and proposals in which the letters of adjacent zones are included.

Punch by keyboard

A common beginner error: a strong kick by key. It is possible that on mechanical typewriters, the blow strength and has some value, but on electronic devices, the blow can be replaced by simply pressing the key. For a closure of contact under the keyboard, you do not need a special force.

Strong blows lead not only to fast fatigue when printing, but also the process itself is very slow.

In order to remove the main load from the fingers, you can use the rule: the press is carried out by a pin with a pin, and not so much the muscular strength of the finger is involved in pressing how much brush weight. The brush reminds the multicast, which stepped over (or jumps) with the fingers from one key to another.

Printing rhythm with a blind method

Overlating rhythm is another secret for a quick and unmistakable set of text not keyboard. But it is necessary to go to work with the rhythm only when all previous exercises are passed. Fingers should accurately and confidently know their own keys (remember the "turn" and "Algeh").

Starting exercising with rhythm needed from a slow pace. The main task is to achieve error-freeness when typing with a given (even) rhythm. Taking into account the growth of mastery, the rate of tempo increases and the quality criterion always remains - this is the evenness of the rhythm (without acceleration and slowdown) and the accuracy of the fingers from entering their own keys.

Many creative people, when a long process of comprehending the searching behind, as if they learn the rhythm "to the will", and he begins to "lead" their imagination, clarifies analytical decisions, asks the pace of work as a whole.

  • The main error in the assimilation of fast printing is irregularity. The best condition - daily exercises before achieving the desired skill;
  • The lessons are set too fast. Tirelessness accumulates day after day. It is better to perform one exercise, but every day than to torment yourself a dozen exercise per day. Often throw classes only because they are tired, and the result is less than the expected result;
  • The lessons are set too much. Exercises should strain a little, to force new achievements. Relaxed execution does not lead to development. The occupation turns into a useless time.

As you understand, I did not extract anything from school courses for improving, I forgot everything over time, because there was no proper practice. To print with a decade, I studied again, already consciously using the services on the Internet. Here they are:

  • All10 (address: VSE10.RU) - with statistics and consistent lessons. I recommend novice;
  • Clavogonki (address: klavogonki.ru) - place for training, there are several different modes.

Paying on the day to 10-15 minutes after a month you will notice the result, and another 2 months of regular training will help you learn to print on the keyboard so quickly that you forget your old method. Good luck in endeavors!

Blogger, and copywriter, and any computer user often uses the keyboard. The text set is a standard procedure when working with a PC, but you can print with two fingers (or worse - one), constantly looking at the keyboard, and you can master the blind printing method. How to learn to print blindly, and will be discussed.

In this article, you will find information about basic print rules blindly, frequent newcomers, as well as how the speed printing text setting up this technique. At the end of the article there will be references to one of the best books - "", by V.Yu. Holkin.

For more than 6 years, I have been owned by a ten-legged method of a block blind, and my average printing speed is 300 characters per minute (without straining). And concentrating, I am achieving the best values \u200b\u200b(up to 400 clicks!). You can also master the blind seal if you give this case at least an hour per day for 2-3 weeks. Yes, at first you will dial the text very slowly, thinking before pressing each key. But then you will pick up much faster and more accurate than when you spied on the keyboard.

It is especially important to own stamp blindly for whom part-time job or basic. But any blogger should be able to print blindly, because:

  • a huge advantage of blind printing is a high dialing speed (up to 500 shots on the keyboard per minute);
  • those who look at the keyboard during printing, creek the cervical vertebra and tire the eyes, constantly translating the view from the monitor on the buttons;
  • internet users typing blindly tired much slower.

1. Rules of the blind method of printing

If you decide to master the blind method of printing, then immediately remember two main rules:

  1. During the text set you can not watch the keyboard!
  2. Every finger must press only "your" keys!

Never disturb these principles. Even if some key turns out to be "challenging" for you, do not spy anyway. So you just remember the wrong algorithm (spied - I pressed), which is deposited in your head, and it will be extremely difficult to redeem! Let you have errors, they are easy to fix. Over time, the accuracy of the set will only increase.

2. Arrangement of hands on the keyboard

2.1 Rules of Set

The arrangement of hands with a ten-dollar method of a block is blind equally for printing in any language. We will consider a special case - a Russian keyboard.

So, on any keyboard the buttons are located in six rows. The topmost is auxiliary, it is not used when printing blindly, so you can forget about it.

The lowest (zero) is a row with "Space", "Alt", "Ctrl" and others.

The fourth row is a series of numbers, it is rare enough. Most often, when the digit set is resorted to the numeric keypad, located to the right of the main, and the second row is not used again. This can be explained by the fact that the fingers have to far back - it slows down the print speed. Yes, and the amount of typos increases. Nevertheless, it is worth mastering the second row, but no attention is not necessary to accentuate.

There are different methods of arms, but the main is clearly visible in the picture:

The main position of the fingers on the keyboard is the supporting row of the keyboard: Fuck (Mysinetty, Unnamed, medium, index - fingers of the left hand) and Olge (index, medium, unnamed, the little finger - the fingers of the right hand). At the beginning of training, the fingers must lie on "their" keys, but over time they will stop relying on the keys, and start hanging over them at a distance of a few millimeters. This will happen in itself, as the result of the transition to a higher level of professionalism. It does not need to accelerate this process in artificially, except harm, it will not bring anything.

To control the position of the hands on the keys [A] and [O] there are small protrusions. Feeling their right and left hands with the right fingers, you can control the correctness of the hands on the reference row.

2.2 Auxiliary keys

To begin with, it is worth mastering the keys ,,,,, [space].

Key [Backspace]used to remove the characters that are left of the cursor is in the fourth row, row of numbers, and always clicks mizinsky right hand.

Key [ENTER] Also clicks mizinsky right hand. In very rare cases (with large sizes), it is allowed to press this key by the nameless finger.

Key [ Tab] Press mizinych left hand.

Key [Shift]used to switch to upper case (set of capital letters). There are two such buttons on the keyboard: one left, the second right. They are used as follows:

  • if you need to dial the upper register symbol with the right hand, then you press the left [ SHIFT] left maizin. For example, the "O", "YU", "G", "T", etc.
  • if you need to dial the symbol of the top register with your left hand, then you click right [ SHIFT] right maizin. For example, the keys "A", B "," I "," M ", etc.

Key [Ctrl] It can be used when changing the language (for example, from Russian to English). Such buttons are also two - on the right and left. They are pressed right and left maizin respectively.

Key [Alt] It is practically not used at a blind set (the Ctrl + Shift keys are used to change the language). They are also two, which can be pressed if necessary. big fingers.

Key [SPACE] One of the most frequently pressed. She is gaining learned left or right hand (as you prefer). If you are right-handed, then, most likely, you will be easier to press a blank right hand.

2.3 Basic keys

The correct arrangement of hands when printing must be viewed in the figure above. As can be seen, the index fingers take the main load on themselves as the most movable fingers. It is them that they have to press the most popular letters of the Russian language ("A", "O", "R", "M", "and", "P" and others) - the Russian-speaking keyboard is so arranged. Also, it is also difficult to make the little ones of the right hand - such is the fate of Russians: in our alphabet more letters than in English.

Storing the location of the keyboard buttons is in this order:

  • first, all "their" buttons studies the left index finger, after that - right;
  • next, the work of the middle finger of the left hand is being worked out, after that - right;
  • the left nameless finger, after it - right;
  • left Mysiline, after him - right.

3. Useful materials

You can learn to print blindly and yourself. To do this, simply open any book and start typing it. On the first pages you remember what a finger you click on. And a little later, you will achieve automatism, your fingers will start pressing the desired buttons. But this method of learning is very complex, it is not for everyone.

Therefore, I recommend two useful sources that will help you get comfortable. They are collected step-by-step exercises that allow you to easily learn the ten-legged method of block blind. Special attention I ask to pay the first source - the book of Holkina Vladimir Yurevich Decade Method Divor blindly on a computer . I myself studied on it and very grateful to the author for how simple and understandable in the book explains the principle of blind printing.

3.1 Book Holkina V.Yu.

In general, the book is paid, it costs about 50 rubles. But I will give your readers and subscribers a link to free downloading of this material. To download a book Decade Method Divor blindly on a computer can under this reference. Archive.RAR Weighs 9.5 megabytes, this includes a scanned book in DJVU format, a deja vial and a useful notebook that allows you to determine the print speed. The book allows you to learn to print in Russian and English blinds.

To open a book, you need to go to the djvureader_2_0_0_26 folder and run the djvureder.exe file

As soon as the reader starts, click File -\u003e Open

And in the window that appears, you need to choose the book of Holkina, as on the screen below (the book is in the same place - in the downloaded archive):

If you do everything right, you can start learning the print blindly.

3.2 Solo on the keyboard

If someone is inconvenient to use the book, he can use the program Solo on the keyboard . The program is conditionally free, to access the full version it will have to pay. Download this simulator can on this page . The program is considered one of the best programs, tutorials blindly, so I recommend downloading it and familiarize yourself with it. Printing is stupid in several languages \u200b\u200b(in particular - in Russian).

But in general both sources (book and simulator) are similar to each other.

Many of us, even those who work a lot at the computer, still "poke" on the keys with two fingers. Moreover, even with such a "method" of printing, the set of recruitment can be quite bad. However, this does not mean that you do not cost to learn to print ten fingers in the blind.

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West it is one of the items in secondary schools. What is it for? First, when printing with all fingers, the number of errors is reduced and the speed of the set increases. Secondly, the time for the text set is significantly reduced, the overall fatigue is reduced when working at the computer. Thirdly, it is useful for vision (when working in the dark with a black keyboard), and it is just nice - print, depending on the screen, and not on the keyboard.

How to learn? Many products, and already mentioned courses of blind printing, and online classes, and special programs. We will not dwell on the courses, but we will look at the program and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar technique. At first, the "student" studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is a fiwaprolje, trying to learn to gain certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult to "stir" a ring finger and, especially, a little finger. After mastering the middle row, the upper and lower rows are added. Training can be accompanied by irritation because the fingers nullify not on those keys that many mistakes, etc. - It is not avoided. But it is not necessary to be very upset - it is quite a serious skill, and to buy it, you need to work hard, do not wait for the "victory".

The most famous program for mastering a blind decada printing method is Solo on the keyboard. On this keyboard simulator, I will stop in more detail, because it is not just a program, but an advanced training course. In addition to the simple set of certain letters in Solo on the keyboard Contains detailed instructions, tips and many other materials helping to cope with irritation from errors, and helping not stay halfway.
The entire course consists of 100 exercises. Passing all 100, you will be guaranteed to type the text by all 10 fingers, despite the keyboard - verified. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises you will need to pass one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise, there are anecdotes from the creators of the program that will definitely raise your mood and help you relax. Also given numerous letters from the people who have already passed the solo, in which they describe the problems with which they encountered, and what was the most difficult for them. In them you will find and something your own, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the task, you are an estimate of the 5-point scale.

Another program for teaching blind printing. The authors apparently decided not to bother with the title :). Here is the first stage of training that is implemented in the form of a not big game - balls are falling with certain letters, and you need not to miss the ball and have time to press the appropriate key. Training need to pass up to level 6. The second stage is the practice of a set of texts. The program is paid, and the restriction is the inaccessibility of the last stage of learning - dictation. However, I would not pay for such a program.

Another new project that promises to save us from the habit of poke two fingers on the "clave". At the beginning you will need to go through the test to check the speed of your set. Then the exercises begin. Two courses are available - Russian and English. In the Training section, detailed instructions and recommendations regarding the tasks are set out.


To all the above, you can still add the following. Everyone who works at the computer, and especially if you have to gain a lot of text, you need to buy ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate, because the keys for each hand are separated in it. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle of each other, which allows not to bend a hand in the wrist when setting the hands into the initial position of the Fava-Algeh. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely get less tired, and this will increase the average print speed and, accordingly, performance.

I have already said that it is not worth it to hope for a slight "conquest" of the blind method of printing. It is difficult enough, especially at the beginning. To go through, for example, Solo on the keyboard Fully need to make a lot of effort and patience. In addition, for this you will need to take a special time. However, it is not necessary to be afraid of this, everyone who wants to undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!

Keyboard simulator - This is a computer program, or online service intended for training or improvement of blind printing skill. Improve the blind printing skill is an increase in the speed of the set, reducing the number of errors when printing.

Sleeping print Or a blind decade set method is a quick set of text on the keyboard with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. Blind-tenenth method have come up with more than 120 years in America. Using the blind printing can be achieved to print speeds 1000 characters per minute! This is certainly over-record speed, but there is no limit perfection!
Blind printing can learn each. For this, the keyboard simulators are developed by our site.

Keyboard simulator? And what to choose? With this question, many users of those who want to learn the high-speed unmistakable blind printing. In this article, we will look at 7 keyboard simulators that I consider the best if you did not like my selection on our site you can find a lot of other keyboard simulators.

Criteria for what we will choose the keyboard simulator:

  • Price. There are paid programs and there are free. Of course, all keyboard simulators on our website can be downloaded and used for free, but this is the case of your conscience;
  • The presence of methodical instructions - If you are learning from scratch you need a keyboard simulator with guidelines, you can use game keyboard equipment or programs without guidelines;
  • Language - This article mainly Russian-English keyboard exercises, but there are exceptions;
  • Number of exercise and learning time - Some keyboard simulator developers promise that you will learn to print quickly during a certain time;
  • Content exercise.
  • Program settings.
I will say right away, I will not write here and disassemble each keyboard simulator in detail for spare parts. Consider in briefly each according to the criteria, I myself know read tons of text not everyone. Keyboard simulators for children are not considered in this article.

1. Solo on the keyboard 9 - the most popular keyboard simulator:

  • Price: - paid , 600 rubles one language, course 3 in 1,900 rubles, (on our website for free) ;
  • Language: russian and English (in version 3 in 1 which can be downloaded for free on our website);
  • Exercises 100, the learning time individually and depends on the time of classes, if you study 1-2 hours every day, something about 1-3 weeks;
  • Exercise contents: In exercises Solo on the keyboard
  • Yes.

  • Price: - free;
  • The presence of guidelines: methodical instructions on the blind printing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the program certificate;
  • Language: russian, Ukrainian and English (You can download additional language packs on the official website);
  • Number of exercises and learning time: exercises in basic mode 17, the study time is individually;
  • Exercise contents: Mostly, the exercises are text, there are sound jokes, you can arbitrarily switch between the lessons, there are several modes;
  • Keyboard simulator settings: Yes.

    3. Solo on the keyboard 8 - the early version of the "solo" but no less demanded:

  • Price: - paid , the disk costs 800 rubles, (on our website for free) ;
  • The presence of guidelines: methodical instructions on the blind printing in the keyboard simulator are present are in the program itself;
  • Language: russian and English;
  • Number of exercises and learning time: Exercises 100, learning time individually and depends on time time;
  • Exercise contents: In the exercises you can find a lot of things, tests, humor, video, letters of readers, quotes, tips. Between the exercises, it is impossible to switch up randomly up (you can not pass classes);
  • Keyboard simulator settings: Yes.

    4. VERSEQ:

  • Price: - paid , 170 rubles, (on our website for free) ;
  • The presence of guidelines: methodical instructions on the blind printing in the keyboard simulator are present are in the help;
  • Language: russian, German and English;
  • Number of exercises and learning time: The number of exercises is infinite, the program generates exercises with problem symbols;
  • Exercise contents: You immediately get into practice;
  • Keyboard simulator settings: Yes, Little.

    5. Rapid Typing Tutor:

  • Price: free;
  • The presence of guidelines: methodical instructions on the blind printing in the keyboard simulator are present
  • Language: multilingual program;
  • Number of exercises and learning time: 4 difficulty levels, learning time depends on you;
  • Exercise contents: You immediately get into practice, you can switch between exercises arbitrarily;
  • Keyboard simulator settings: Yes, lot.

  • Price: conditionally free but without restrictions ;
  • The presence of guidelines: methodical instructions on the blind printing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the keyboard simulator;
  • Language: russian English;
  • Number of exercises and learning time: 100 exercises, learning time individually;
  • Exercise contents: theory and practice, you can switch between exercises arbitrarily;
  • Keyboard simulator settings: Yes.

    7. Virtuoso - rigid keyboard simulator:

  • Price: free;
  • The presence of guidelines: methodical instructions on the blind printing in the keyboard simulator are present are in the help;
  • Language: russian English;
  • Number of exercises and learning time: 16 exercises, learning time - until you learn;
  • Exercise contents: Practice, the difficulty is very high, to go to the next task you need to fulfill the previous one;
  • Keyboard simulator settings: Yes;