The founder and leader of the rock band Nirvana was born on February 20, 1967. Today he would have turned 50 years old.


The founder and leader of the rock band Nirvana was born on February 20, 1967. Today he would have turned 50 years old. The only daughter of the musician, artist Frances Bean Cobain, who was born just two years before him tragic death, made a publication today in which she touchingly remembered her father. She wrote:

“Today would have been your 50th birthday. I love you and miss you. Thank you for this gift - life. Forever your daughter, Frances Bean Cobain."

Cobain was born in the small town of Aberdeen, Washington. He was fond of music since childhood - he played drums and guitar - and turned his hobby into a profession, creating the group Nirvana (however, before receiving this name, which remained in history, it changed several names - Skid Row, Ted Ed Fred, Bliss and Pen Cap Chew). Despite its relatively short existence - from 1987 to 1994 - it has become a cult song for several generations.

The group has only three studio albums: Bleach, released in 1989, Nevermind, released in 1991, and In Utero, released just a year before the death of the leader.

The musician had only one famous love- singer Courtney Love. He started dating her at the very beginning of the 90s (the starting point has not been reliably determined). They got married in 1992, and just six months after the wedding, Frances Bean Cobain was born, who became only child couples.

Kurt Cobain experienced serious problems with alcohol and drugs. He suffered from heroin addiction and underwent treatment several times, but each time he returned to his original position. It is believed that this is what led the musician to tragic end so much early age- he was 27 years old. He was found on April 8, 1994, four days after his death, on his doorstep own home in Seattle. Lying next to the body suicide note.

There were many versions of what happened. Some accused Courtney Love of orchestrating the murder. Courtney never commented on this. She also suffered from drug addiction all her life and once tried to commit suicide. She has not used anything, she says, since 2007.

You can have different attitudes towards the work of the Nirvana group, but its leader is deservedly called the symbol of an entire era and the idol of several generations. Even now, almost a quarter of a century after the tragic death of Kurt Cobain, his songs do not lose relevance and continue to win hearts.

We'll talk about only daughter Kurt Cobain, who practically does not remember her father, but, according to her, feels an invisible connection with him. How does the only son of the legendary musician live, what are his hobbies, and does he listen to his songs? Read about this in our article.

The mystery of the name

Full name girls - Francis Bean Cobain. The first part of the name was given to her in honor of Frances McKee, the vocalist of the Scottish band The Vaselines, who Kurt really liked.

The second part is more of a home nickname, which appeared long before the girl was born. When her mother Courtney Love was pregnant, the expectant parents went together for an ultrasound examination. Looking at the monitor, Kurt stated that he saw a bean, not a child. Later this cute nickname became part of the girl's name.

Childhood Francis

Anyone who is even superficially familiar with the biographies of Kurt and Courtney will probably assume that the childhood of their joint baby simply could not have been simple. This family could never be called a reference family. Two strong creative personalities were always sharing something, arguing, making loud statements, and then making up in a spectacular and noisy way. Difficult relationship complicated by the fact that both spouses were addicted to alcohol and drugs.

While pregnant, Courtney mentioned that she continued to use heroin. At that time, both she and Kurt were already famous, so something like this simply could not go unnoticed by the press. Later, Love tried to justify herself, claiming that her words were taken out of context, but the guardianship authorities were already closely monitoring the young star family. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love were deprived of parental rights.

They did not abandon the baby and achieved the cancellation of such a decision. But the problems didn't end there. The girl grew up in a difficult family. More than once, her paternal grandmother received temporary custody of her when her parents failed to cope with their responsibilities. And when Francis was barely 1.5 years old, the world was struck by the news of Kurt Cobain’s suicide.

Invisible connection with father

The last meeting between Frances and Kurt took place a few days earlier. tragic event. Due to her age, the girl simply cannot remember her. Maybe this is for the better? After all, there was a date within the walls rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

For a long time, Frances did not give interviews, despite the fact that a whole army of paparazzi was hunting for photographs of Cobain’s daughter, and many fashion publications dreamed of publishing material about one of the most stellar heiress in the United States on their glossy pages. But recently the girl said goodbye to her reclusive lifestyle.

She told reporters that she holds no grudges against her father, whom she always missed. According to Francis, she doesn’t really like his music, but she feels a great spiritual kinship with him. This is not the admiration that young fans feel for the deceased musician, it is rather a connection between kindred spirits, a connection between gifted people.

And if you look at the photo of Kurt Cobain’s daughter, you can easily notice that she is very similar to her father. Her eyes are as piercing and large, at the same time alarmed and naive, as Kurt's eyes were.

Relationship with mother

The entire burden of parenting fell on Courtney's shoulders. The small family did not live in poverty: firstly, Love, the frontwoman of the group Hole, earned decent money herself, and secondly, she inherited Kurt’s rights to his songs (by the way, her father’s musical inheritance still brings good dividends to Frances Bean).

But Courtney Love didn't make a good mother. She built a career, was fond of alcohol and drugs, and more than once ended up in treatment at specialized institutions. At such moments, the grandmother and paternal aunts took custody of the girl. Relatives even sued for guardianship, but until a certain point, Courtney managed to defend her maternal rights.

Frances herself set the decisive point in history. At age 14, she filed a lawsuit herself, claiming that her mother was beating her. The court prohibited Courtney from approaching her daughter or trying to communicate with her. The girl remained in her father's family.

Only recently did Kurt Cobain's daughter manage to learn to communicate calmly with her own mother. Today, women get along, periodically appear together at social events and even work on joint art projects.

Creative person

By the way, art is the main passion of Kurt Cobain's daughter. Now the girl gives him all her strength.

In her youth, she tried to study music, but, despite her great talent, it did not bring her pleasure. Frances dropped her guitar and picked up her brushes. She graduated from the Academy of Arts and is developing as an artist. The first exhibition of her works took place back in 2008.

Personal life Francis

At 22, Frances Bean married musician Isaiah Silva, but the marriage did not last long, only two years. The high-profile divorce proceedings ended in favor of the husband, to whom Francis paid costs and alimony by court decision. The girl did not challenge the verdict and tried to quickly forget about this story, throwing herself completely into her favorite business. Since then, she has striven not to disclose details of her personal life.

What is Kurt Cobain's daughter doing now? Photos of the beauty give an idea that she is active interesting life: travels, communicates with people, is creative. And we can only wish her success in her professional career and in her personal life.

Several years ago, Frances completed a summer internship at the New York office of Rolling Stone magazine. Recalling that time, the daughter of the Nirvana singer (and executive producer of the first documentary dedicated to him, “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck”), laughs out loud: “I was a 15-year-old little goth girl back then.” She helped the editors with a cover story about the Jonas Brothers and sat in front of a wall with a giant portrait of Cobain. “Yes, yes,” she says with a forced smile, “I looked at dad every day.”

This is just one of many stories that came up during a three-hour interview with Frances in March. The 22-year-old artist spoke openly for the first time about her father and her life after his death. difficult relationships with mother Courtney Love and a new film written, directed and produced by Brett Morgen. “Kurt got to the point where he had to sacrifice absolutely everything in his life for the sake of music. Because the world demanded it of him,” Francis reflects. “I think that’s one of the reasons why he didn’t want to be with us anymore and thought everyone would be better off without him.”

“But if he were alive,” she continues, “I would have a father. And that would be wonderful."

We publish the most bright quotes from our conversation:

What can you say about the movie “Montage of Heck”?

This is emotional journalism. If Kurt had talked about his life in his own words, something similar would probably have happened. This is a portrait of a man struggling with his humanity. When we met Brett, I already knew exactly what image of Kurt I wanted to see on the screen. I said, "I don't need Cobain's romantic mythology." Although he died the most terrible death, his image is usually romanticized. Because he is always 27. The shelf life of musicians or artists, as a rule, is not very long. Kurt has become an icon because he never ages. He will always be handsome and young.

All creative people have something of a maniac, a madman. Tropic of Cancer is my favorite book. Its author, Henry Miller, forced himself to get out of bed every day and write five pages. It was his strict rule. When I learned about this, I realized that if you work, you make progress. Many people are satisfied with everything “as is”. My father was extremely ambitious. But such fame fell upon him that he had never dreamed of. He wanted his group to be successful. But he didn't want to be the damn voice of a generation.

Do you remember the first time you heard a Nirvana record, knowing that your father was singing? I talked to Sean Lennon about this. He knew his father a little longer than you knew yours. And he said that through Jonah's music he realized what kind of man his father was.

I don't really like Nirvana that much. (Smiles.) Sorry, advertising companies and Universal studio. But I'm closer to Mercury Rev, Oasis, Brian Jonestown Massacre. (Laughs.) The grunge scene is not very interesting to me. But "Territorial Pissings" from Nevermind is a great song, as is "Dumb" from In Utero. I always cry when I listen to it. It reflects how Kurt perceived himself - when he was high, when he was sober, when he felt he was unfit to be the voice of a generation.

IN adolescence Were you embarrassed because you weren't very interested in your father's work?

No, it would be weird if I was his fan. At the age of 15, I realized that there was no escape from it. Even when I was just driving in the car, his music was constantly playing on the radio. He was “bigger” than his whole life. Yet our culture is obsessed with dead musicians. We love to put them on a pedestal. He could have become another guy who abandoned his family like a pig... But he didn’t. He was literally canonized. He became "Saint Kurt". After his death he became even more famous than during his lifetime. It seemed impossible, but it happened.

After the film's premiere, one guy told me that it was "a very interesting film about people I don't like."

Great description! (Laughs.)

It was funny that the story of Kurt, which Morgen told, did not awaken a drop of sympathy in this viewer, that Kurt’s art did not influence him in any way. He only noticed a person he didn't like.

But it's an interesting point of view. It seems to me that the main merit of this film is that it does not retell gossip and fables for the tenth time, but shares facts with the audience. There is now factual evidence of the kind of child (and teenager, man, husband, and musician) my father was. The film explores every minute aspect of his life.

I mean his live remarks and monologues.

Don't underestimate the power of genetics.

Yes, this is all very strange. Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic and Pat Smear came to my house one day. For the first time in many years they got together. And when they looked at me, they kept seeing Kurt. They stared at me as if they had seen a ghost. Dave said, "She looks so much like Kurt." They whispered to each other, remembering some old stories that I had heard a million times. I sat in a chair, staring at the floor, and blew rings of cigarette smoke. And they said: “Your father would do the same thing in such a situation!”

But I was glad they came. (Smiles.) This small Nirvana reunion took place without one member. Not counting, of course, his offspring.

Now that the film has been released, what are you planning to do? You acted as an executive producer of the film at 22 years old. At this age, your father had just recorded Nirvana's first album.

Yes, it was a coincidence. Oddly enough, it was this year that I first started to see fire in my eyes, and it had nothing to do with working on the film. I gained motivation as well as ambition that I didn’t have before. I say to myself: “I’ll go and paint a picture.” The most difficult thing in the creative process is to force yourself to start. But now, when I get out of bed in the morning, I immediately go to the studio and start drawing. I go there and work.

Kurt Cobain's 24-year-old daughter Frances Bean has literally burst into the fashion world. Judging by the girl’s new photos, the heir to the legendary musician has become a real beauty.

Frances Bean Cobain starred in new collection worldwide famous designer Marc Jacobs. The girl, who, by her own admission, does not like grunge, at one time literally idolized by her eminent parents Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, took part in a shoot of clothes corresponding to this particular style.
The public was delighted with the girl’s appearance. Indeed, Frances, who never sought to be the center of attention, to shine on the red carpet and pose for journalists, appeared before the audience as a real beauty - plump lips, large bright eyes, a magnificent figure. Apparently Frances decided to open new page in your life and come out of the shadows.
If you carefully look at the photographs of Kurt Cobain's daughter, which the girl posts on her official page V social network Instagram, then we can judge that Francis. as is typical for many attractive girls, tries not to focus attention on her appearance. The musician's heiress prefers loose clothes, jeans and sweaters. But in vain!

However, fashion business sharks have long noticed Frances. Judging by the photos that the girl posted on her account, this is not her first shoot with Marc Jacobs. This means that Frances will continue to be invited to advertise famous brands.

Let us remind you that Frances Bean Cobain was born on August 18, 1992. She got her name from Frances McKee, the vocalist of the Scottish twee pop group The Vaselines, beloved by Kurt Cobain. Soon after the baby was born, the new parents had to face law enforcement agencies- The Los Angeles Department of Children's Services filed a case against them to deprive the spouses of parental rights.

The fact is that shortly before the birth of Frances, Courtney Love gave an interview in which she admitted that she had been taking heroin for a short time, not yet knowing that she was pregnant. The journalist who spoke with her presented it as if Courtney had been dabbling in drugs throughout her pregnancy, and admitted that she was very “concerned” about this circumstance.

Love categorically denied this, but the journalist assured that she had relevant records. However, Courtney and Kurt managed to defend their right to raise their daughter independently. However, they were required to undergo regular drug tests.
Nirvana founder and frontman Kurt Cobain was found dead on April 8, 1994, in a greenhouse behind his home in Seattle. The perpetrator injected a large dose of heroin, and then shot him in the head with a gun. They say Cobain committed suicide because of drugs.

Original message
But in Frances’ life everything could have been different.

If Kurt was alive, in life For many, EVERYTHING could have been different.

And in general, you focused on the fact that Kurt committed suicide. Do you even watch documentaries? Watch more. And you will understand that Kurt was killed, and killed unprofessionally. Guess who ordered Kurt? That's right - Courtney Love. Read more, watch more, and not draw conclusions without any basis.

Version of murder
Nine months after Cobain's death, private detective Tom Grant first suggested that the cause of Kurt Cobain's death was not suicide, as previously thought, but murder. He was hired by Courtney Love to find out the identity of the man who tried to use Kurt's blocked credit card a few days before his death. Grant was alerted illogical behavior and Courtney's confused testimony during the investigation. According to the private detective, someone wanted to portray a picture of suicide and portrayed it quite convincingly.

In favor of the murder version, its supporters cite the following evidence:
Not only were there no “extraneous fingerprints” found on the gun with which Kurt allegedly shot himself in the mouth, but also Kurt’s own fingerprints.
The autopsy revealed two injection marks on both arms; it turned out that the blood contained traces of the administered dose of heroin, three times the lethal dose. One lethal dose of heroin can kill a person before he can even remove the syringe needle from his vein, medical experts say. Kurt had not one, but three lethal doses in his blood: a person in such a state is unlikely to be able to put the syringe and accompanying tools back in the box, take the gun and shoot himself in the head (this is the expected sequence of events).
The door to the greenhouse, next to which the body was found, was locked with an automatic lock that could be closed on either side of the door (that is, it was possible that it was closed not from the inside, but from the outside). However, it is possible that Cobain himself locked it.
According to Grant, Cobain's suicide note did not contain a direct indication of his death. In it, he wrote about leaving the stage, parting with his family, and asked his loved ones for forgiveness. The last lines: “Courtney, don’t stop - for Frances’ sake, for her life, which will be much happier without me; I love you” - written with more force than the entire note, and, according to supporters of the murder version, were added later by an outsider. According to experts, there is a possibility that this is true.
As you know, in March 1994, Kurt was suddenly hospitalized in a coma with traces of Rohypnol and alcohol in his blood (many believe that this was the first, failed suicide attempt). Kurt miraculously survived the combination of Rohypnol and alcohol and, upon returning to consciousness, told everyone, including doctors, that it was not a suicide attempt. Dr. Galetta, who treated him, agrees that it was an accident. Kurt also mentioned that he didn't remember what caused the coma. Memory lapses - known by-effect Rohypnol (flunitrazepam). Rohypnol is a colorless, odorless drug, rapidly soluble in liquids, including water, used to relieve symptoms of heroin withdrawal. Courtney had a prescription for the drug: Tom Grant found several empty prescription packets in her name during a search of Cobain's home.

Tom Grant cited the testimony of a certain Eldon Hawk, who claimed that Courtney Love tried to hire him for 50 thousand dollars to kill Kurt Cobain and then stage his suicide. On March 6, 1996, Hawk was sent for a lie detector test; the test was passed - the detector showed that the subject was telling the truth with a probability of 99.7%. Eldon Hawk appears for a brief interview in documentary film Nick Broomfield "Kurt and Courtney" On April 19, 1996, 8 days after filming, Eldon Hawke was found dead on railroad tracks.

Grant believes that the order of the murder (if, of course, it actually happened) was Courtney. Love's relationship with Cobain recent months his life was in critical condition; the detective thought the singer was scared possible divorce(as a result of which she would lose Kurt's money) and chose to get rid of her husband.

The murder version has not yet been officially confirmed.

Cobain, who left this world early, firmly took his place in music history as the outstanding founder of grunge rock.