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"The time has come for dialogue, not confrontation"

Movement "Forty forties" is ready for inspections at the request of deputies Rodnina and Pushkina

Activist of the "Forty Fortieth" movement Andrei Kormukhin at a meeting with deputy Natalia Poklonskaya Courtesy of The Forty Forties Movement

Representatives of the Forty Fortieth movement were surprised by the initiative of Russian State Duma deputies Irina Rodnina and Oksana Pushkina, who asked the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check the Christian State and Forty Forty organizations for extremism, but they are determined to fully cooperate with the security forces. The site was reported by the representative of "Soroka Sorokov" Andrey Kormukhin.

“We have repeatedly condemned the extremist actions that were committed in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, we also offered to provide a bodyguard to director Alexei Uchitel. The tension that has now arisen in society in connection with the film Matilda is understandable, but I want to note that now is the time for dialogue, not confrontation, ”said Kormukhin.

He added that the Forty Fortieth movement focuses on social projects and has nothing to do with extremism. “We organize humanitarian missions to Donbass and Syria, we help the disadvantaged and the elderly. I would like to emphasize that we are determined to cooperate with law enforcement officers in search of criminals, ”said our interlocutor.

As Interfax reported today, State Duma deputies Irina Rodnina and Oksana Pushkina sent a request to the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in which they ask to check Christian State and Forty-forties for extremism. This was announced on Wednesday by the lawyer of the director Alexei Uchitel, Konstantin Dobrynin.

“A parliamentary inquiry has indeed been sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, in which O. Pushkina and I. Rodnina are asked to check these organizations for involvement in extremism, and they also demand to explain why since February of this year, the law enforcement agencies have not been able to identify the persons involved in the threats to the director and to the entire creative team, as well as to direct forceful pressure on the heads of film distribution organizations and all those who provide them with any legal assistance, ”he said.

As noted in the request, the participants and ideological inspirers of the self-proclaimed All-Russian Public Orthodox Organization Christian State Holy Russia in their interviews and publications openly threaten not only ordinary citizens of Russia, artists who do not accept their ideology, but also the leaders of the state themselves. They question and try to undermine and destroy the existing constitutional system and the rule of law in the country.

At the moment, we have to admit that in an atmosphere of inexplicable inaction of law enforcement agencies, religious extremists and antisocial radical elements collaborating with them have switched from threats and intimidation to the methods of direct terror previously promised in their declarations, ”the parliamentary inquiry says.

“Evidence of this is the arson in August in St. Petersburg of the building of the documentary film studio" Lendok ", where the creative workshop of director A. Uchitel is located, the arson in Yekaterinburg in September of the cinema" Cosmos ", where a car filled with gas cylinders was sent, threats of murder to the Moscow journalist Vinokurova, in whose publications criticism of the deputy Poklonskaya, who stands in solidarity with the ideology and goals of the All-Russian Public Orthodox Organization Christian State - Holy Russia, as well as the deliberate arson of cars near the Moscow office of the Bar Association on September 11 the purpose of intimidating the latter, accompanied by a leaflet with the text "Burn for Matilda", ”the document says.

Pushkina and Rodnina emphasize that the established and jointly acting formations of nationalists and anti-Semites, hiding behind the slogans of protecting the Christian faith and values, have in fact been creating terror and violence for a long time with impunity.

Against the background of these appeals, the State Duma deputy and the most famous opponent of the film "Matilda" Natalya Poklonskaya again spoke about the situation on her page "VKontakte": among the creators of which is a native of western Ukraine, where "Euromaidan" is implemented, refuse to show the film, having every right to do so. And Poklonskaya is "to blame" for everything, ”she said in particular.

The still unreleased film by Alexei Uchitel about the history of the relationship between Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya caused a flurry of criticism. Against the background of public outcry, Alexei Uchitel's studio in St. Petersburg was bombarded with "Molotov cocktails". In Yekaterinburg, an inadequate opponent of a film that had not yet been released rammed the entrance group of the Kosmos cinema in a UAZ car, after which he threw a Molotov cocktail into the building. Now the man is under arrest on charges of causing property damage. Unidentified persons set fire to two cars near the office of Teacher's lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin. The criminals left leaflets next to the cars with the slogan “Burn for Matilda”.

Against this background, the united network of cinemas "Cinema Park" and "Formula Kino" refused to show the film directed by Alexei Uchitel because of security threats.

Today, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky asked the leadership of the country's law enforcement agencies "to firmly suppress the pressure on the state and the film business from unbridled" activists "with their socially dangerous methods of imposing their beliefs."

Also, incl. , and further

Forty forties "Matilda"
How the myth of "Orthodox terrorism" and "Orthodox ISIS" was suddenly born and died suddenly

Ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, Tsar Nikolay Romanov and State Duma deputy Natalia Poklonskaya- this timeless "love" triangle shook the foundations of general tranquility. The funnel of the scandal dragged on first the famous - in different ways - cultural figures, then the uncompromising politicians of the federal level, then the long-suffering Minister of Culture of Russia personally. Also, incl. , and also from Poklonskaya and

Leader of the "Orthodox Mission" Igor Smykov and State Duma deputy Natalia Poklonskaya were united by Emperor Nicholas II

Having splashed on television screens, the conflict has brought confusion to the minds of millions of citizens and even gave rise to no less than "Orthodox ISIS". (Recall that, in fact, ISIS is a terrorist organization banned in Russia - Ed.)
And all this happened during the entire "jubilee" 2017, in the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution.

The leaders of the "Orthodox ISIS" Alexander Kalinin (left)

and Miron Kravchenko (on the right and in the picture below)

Carnival "100 years of revolution"

A year ago, the Kremlin announced the approaching 2017 as a fateful time for comprehending the shot of the cruiser Aurora, as well as the final end in the minds of the Civil War. In fact, it turned out to be a noisy carnival, which, according to the laws of the genre, was dominated by the "bodily bottom". From century to century, the carnival turns everything upside down: royal honors are given to the city fool, a carnival bishop is elected, shrines are desecrated, the head becomes backwards with genitals, men turn into women, etc.

The movie "Matilda" became the king, or rather the queen of this carnival. A two-minute presentation of this film was shown at the Cinema Foundation back in 2015. “The project has the perspective of a historical blockbuster that tells a unique love story,” director Alexei Uchitel presented his film. In the shown trailer, in truth, there were no bed scenes with the holy Tsar Nikolai Romanov yet. The sets, the actors, the costumes - everything looked great. The Russian Tsarevich and the brilliant ballerina loved each other in the salon of the diving empire. How not to allocate money for such a project?

At this presentation at the Cinema Fund "Matilda" was presented as a planned unprofitable project: it was supposed to "recapture" no more than 215 million rubles, and the Teacher asked for 700 million in total. Half a billion rubles were preliminarily included in the “net loss” column. (According to the information of the Accounts Chamber, as a result, the estimate of "Matilda" amounted to about 814 million rubles, 280 million of which were given in the form of subsidies by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.) Only some "event created around the film" could save commerce. This event became the carnival “100 years of revolution”. The contours of the "bodily bottom" could already be guessed at that time. Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) was one of the first to protest:

“Why is Empress Alexandra Feodorovna depicted as a demonic fury, walking with a knife (I'm not joking!) At her rival? Vindictive, envious Alexandra Feodorovna, unhappy, wonderful, magnificent Matilda, weak-willed Nikolai, rushing to one or the other. Hugs with Matilda, hugs with Alexandra ... What is this - the author's vision? No - slander against real people. ... Why invent a swoon of Nicholas during the coronation with a crown that has flown down from the crowned head? Such is the "subtle" hint of future shocks? .. "

Then the carnival battle began: the underwear from the royal alcoves began to be thrown with dirty linen from the film bookkeeping department of "Matilda". Courageous, despite her fragile build, State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya said that the filming of the film directed by Alexei Uchitel was financed using "dubious schemes", which may contain "signs of embezzlement of public money and other financial machinations." She had enough connections and professionalism to get contracts with offshore companies, agreements and letters of guarantee from filmmakers and draw up a competent opinion about them.

The liberal public howled. Firstly, everyone understood that Poklonskaya, a well-known politician and former Crimean prosecutor, could well have put Teacher under house arrest, and on the eve of the film's premiere. Secondly, some have treated Poklonskaya almost like a city madman since she went to the Immortal Regiment with an icon of the Holy Passion-bearer Emperor Nicholas. Poklonskaya was presented with the standard abusive set of a neo-Soviet liberal: Black Hundreds, obscurantism, clericalism and medieval ignorance. The director Uchitel immediately sent the FSB director a letter that looked like a denunciation, in which he asked to check "Natalia Poklonskaya's connection with extremist groups." And since there is no carnival without fire, sooner or later in Yekaterinburg some mentally ill person in a car loaded with gas cylinders had to ram the Kosmos cinema. And in St. Petersburg, unknown people threw Molotov cocktails at the director's studio. After that, many regional cinemas received ominous wishes or "burn in hell", or refuse to rent "Matilda". Thank God, there were no human sacrifices.

Even the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov had to comment on the situation, and the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky said: "I've had enough." At this, the expanding carnival action was partly stopped by the forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without any extra jokes, they jailed some of the "extremists" who played too much, including the leader of the previously unknown organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" Alexander Kalinin. True, it was not without carnivalism: it turned out that in Lipetsk, where the arrested Kalinin lived in recent years, there is an event agency (event in English means “event”) called “Christian State” (HG), which conducts corporate events, weddings , anniversaries and other entertainment events, including carnivals. “We are engaged in the organization of all kinds of entertainment,” says the website of this company, whose domain almost coincides with the address of the “Christian State - Holy Russia”. In an interview with Top Secret, Kalinin did not recognize himself as a professional in the entertainment industry, but said that he knew the director of the event agency of the same name. No wonder they say that “an event is an entertaining event that raises the popularity of the game. It is carried out by both the administration and the gaming communities. "

Repentance of Alexander Bayanov

"Godless crocodile"

It seems that the anniversary of the "100 years of revolution" has turned into a carnival, because a hole has long been gaping in the place occupied by the right-wing conservatives on the political spectrum. In Britain this seat belongs to the Tory party, in the United States to the Republican Party, in France to the National Front. In Russia, however, all parties - from the ruling United Russia party to the opposition Yabloko - are, no matter what they say, on the left side of the political spectrum. The innate "leftism" of Russia is precisely the legacy of that revolution that took place 100 years ago. The right-wing part of society, as a rule, considers itself the heirs of those who became victims of the revolution and lost in the Civil War. These people remember the "church holocaust", when priests and monks were almost completely destroyed (out of 630 thousand clergy and members of their families, more than 200 thousand were shot and died in camps), when churches were closed and blown up (55 thousand of the pre-revolutionary churches continued to operate in the USSR less than 1% - about 350).

Therefore, even a casually thrown joke about "fat priests-obscurantists", etc. today causes a sharp rejection, sometimes even not quite adequate. What can we say about the insult of those whom the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) canonized. For any believer, a saint canonized by the church is an unconditional supervalue. Three-quarters of the host of saints in the ROC, which includes 2,000 people, are new martyrs killed by the Bolsheviks. But as a liberal and leftist get-together only does not vilify the holy passion-bearer of Emperor Nicholas ... The epithet "Bloody Nikolashka" will be, perhaps, the most decent expression. When you read posts on social networks, it’s like looking through a binder of the Godless Crocodile magazine from the 1920s. This once again, in the opinion of the right-wing conservatives, confirms that the leftist trend still reigns supreme in Russia.

Do not forget that even after the collapse of the "red empire" the monarchists still suffered more than the director Teacher and the fans of Matilda, and at the hands of completely mentally healthy people. At least twice, monuments to Emperor Nicholas II were blown up, using completely non-carnival pyrotechnics - in the Moscow region of Mytishchi (1997) and Podolsk (1998). Both explosions were carried out by the leftist group "Revvoensovet". At the trial, members of the Revolutionary Military Council were defended by lawyer Stanislav Markelov, a left-wing activist and antifascist. He was killed in 2009 by a shot in the head, and his killer was Nikita Tikhonov, a member of the neo-Nazi organization BORN, who had nothing to do with the monarchist movement. The war of total annihilation, as a rule, is waged by the twins-antipodes - the extreme left and the extreme right.

Natalia Poklonskaya is an ardent admirer of the cult of the passion-bearer of Tsar Nicholas

PR action "Forgive us, Sovereign!"

Because of the scandal around "Matilda" right-wing conservatives, scattered and sitting in a semi-underground, perhaps for the first time got into the top three news in Russia. It's time to unite and occupy an empty niche, decided by 43-year-old "Orthodox oligarch" Konstantin Malofeev. Let me remind you that Malofeev began his career as a lawyer at Renaissance Capital, was an investment banker, headed a department at MDM Bank, and then, together with his partners, founded the Marshall Capital Partners investment fund. According to one of his advisers, the entrepreneur will finance the founding congress of the right-wing conservative party. According to rumors, the new party will most likely be headed by Natalya Poklonskaya, and then a semblance of the French "National Front" with Marine Le Pen at the head will appear in Russia.

Billionaire Malofeev owns an entire empire of companies that work “for the idea”: the Orthograph publishing house, the Safe Internet League association, the St. Basil the Great Foundation, the Central Shooting Range of the Practical Shooting Federation ANO, the Romanovsky Jubilee International Public Organization, the Tsargrad film company , TV company Tsargrad Media, Katehon Analytical Center, Eurasian Dialogue Foundation, etc. A new parliamentary political party may well grow in the bins of this empire. By the way, from August 2016 to August 2017, the audience of the TV company "Tsargrad" increased 10 times and reached 8 million people.

Since the beginning of 2017, Malofeev has been conducting a large-scale PR campaign called "Forgive us, Sovereign!" Almost in all regional cities of the country, billboards with the image of Nicholas II are installed along the main highways. Funding for this action, according to available information, comes through the company "Romanovsky Jubilee" and the local branches of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPIiK). Placing portraits of the last emperor on the roadsides of Russia is not just a whim of a bored oligarch. Malofeev was a monarchist from early youth, at the age of 15, when, we note, the KGB of the USSR existed, he entered into a correspondence with the Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, the then head of the House of Romanov, who lived in Paris. All his entourage are people with similar monarchical views, with whom he has maintained relations for more than two decades.

There is no direct evidence that Malofeev financed a PR campaign against the release of the film "Matilda". It is only possible to more or less reliably establish with the help of which groups of Orthodox activists the scandal around the film was unleashed. It all started with the "Tsar's Cross" movement, which was not registered anywhere. On social networks, this movement began to spread letters of protest, then in the fall of 2016, on the online platform, it posted a petition demanding that the film be canceled. After that, the leader of the movement, Alexander Porozhnyakov, offered cooperation to the ex-prosecutor of Crimea, Poklonskaya, who, according to him, "has established herself as an admirer of the royal family." It should be noted here that the "veneration of the royal family" is especially widespread in the places of the so-called Russian world. So, in a prominent place in the office of the president of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky there is an icon of the royal martyrs. In this veneration, perhaps, there is more of a political conjuncture than a sacred meaning, since the “Russian world”, sometimes separated by thousands of kilometers from Mother Russia, is in dire need of self-identification. And the choice is not great: either to tint the symbols of the times of the USSR, or to create conservative values, the main of which is, perhaps, the holy emperor Nicholas.

It turned out that Porozhnyakov’s main place of work was an organization called “Two-Headed Eagle”, the founder and leader of which is the former head of the Information and Analytical Directorate of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, retired Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov. After his resignation in 2009, he was appointed director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies by presidential decree and headed this scientific state structure until the beginning of 2017.

And since January of this year, Reshetnikov has been the chairman of the council of the Tsargrad TV channel, which is owned, as mentioned above, by the billionaire Malofeev.

Leader of the "Christian State - Holy Russia" Alexander Kalinin at his headquarters

"Orthodox" mission of the Tsarebians

In Moscow, there are only two or three dozen dwarf organizations that can be conditionally ranked as right-wing conservative. Of these, apart from the "Tsar's Cross", one way or another, "lit up" in the scandal around "Matilda", only four: "Orthodox Mission", "Forty forties", the so-called Tsarist and "Christian State - Holy Russia". The only one of these four, with which the deputy Poklonskaya collaborated, was the "Orthodox Mission". There is a photo in which Natalia Poklonskaya poses with one of the leaders of this organization, Igor Smykov. The "Orthodox Mission" is registered at the address: Moscow, Izmailovsky proezd, house 11/2, office 208. Similarly, there are other, but not very Orthodox "offices" there: the Society of Friends of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Society of Russian-Iranian Friendship ". Their founder and executive director, according to the electronic register "Kontur.Fokus", is Sergei Dmitrishin, who together with Smykov heads the "Orthodox Mission". These organizations remind me personally of the firms for the cover of intelligence activities.

Forty forties is a rebranding of the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, which became familiar back in the 1990s. They have one and the same leader - Leonid Simonovich-Nikshich, the same number of activists - 15 - 20 people, and the same type of activity - "organizing and conducting religious processions, prayer stands and meetings", that is, "Forty forties" is is essentially the same kind of event agency.

It is a little more complicated with the movement of the "Tsarebozhniks". The fact is that such a movement, in fact, does not exist. There are some admirers of the cult of the passion-bearer of Tsar Nicholas, walking along the edge of a heretical abyss. They believe that as Christ accepted the sins of the whole world, so the last emperor from the House of Romanov took upon himself all the sins of Russia. Some "tsarist people" are so earnest in their worship that they put Tsar Nicholas above Christ. This is called "redemptive heresy" and leads to their ejection from the church. "Tsarebozhniki" appeared in the 1920s and 1930s, both in Soviet Russia and abroad. In 2008, a small group of adherents of this cult united in the so-called Royal Orthodox Church. This "Church" is led by Bishop Alexy - Archpriest Alexander Ivannikov, who was expelled by the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church from dignity in 2010. Before being deprived of the priesthood, he taught at the Orthodox gymnasium named after the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, located in the village of Razvilka near Moscow. Ivannikov was the founder of this gymnasium, and Princess Maria Vladimirovna helped find money for its construction, whom some of the monarchists consider the head of the House of Romanov.

Orthodox oligarch Konstantin Malofeev

"Orthodox-Leninist-Stalinist" ISIS?

The founder and leader of the unregistered and not yet banned organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" Alexander Kalinin, who was recently arrested in the "Matilda" case, was born in 1984 in Norilsk. Before retirement, my parents were ordinary workers.

In 2002, Kalinin was sentenced by the Norilsk City Court to 8 years in prison for murder with aggravated circumstances (Article 105, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), “robbery with penetration into a dwelling” (Article 162, Part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and forgery documents (Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In 2009, according to him, he graduated from the correspondence legal department of the Anapa branch of the Russian State Social University (formerly the Moscow Higher Party School). He had private legal advice, was engaged in trade business. Married, two children, one of whom is adopted. He spends most of his time in Lipetsk, a community of like-minded people has been formed here - about 100 people living close to each other. He also lives in Moscow and Krasnodar, in the Sverdlovsk region.

In an interview with Top Secret, Kalinin told how he survived clinical death. (By the way, Kalinin gave an interview literally on the eve of his arrest:

On September 23, at 3 am on the eve of the search, he sent me his photographs, and at 06:40 am he was detained.) Kalinin avoids talking about the medical reasons that led to clinical death, but it can be assumed that he was smashed the window pane with his hands, lost a lot of blood. On his hands are traces of incompletely removed tattoos and terrible scars. The "experience of death" he received in 2010 directed his life in a completely different direction. "Christian State - Holy Russia", which became famous in the days of the scandal around the film "Matilda", began to be called "Orthodox ISIS." A conversation with Kalinin showed that it is hardly possible to rank him among the right-wing conservatives, since in his head somehow both leftist and right-wing values ​​coexist. But this is probably what makes him interesting.

On September 20, 2017, FSB officers detained Kalinin in the town of Gryazi, Lipetsk Region. In his apartment were found leaflets with the words "Burn for Matilda." On the same day he was released, but he immediately ended up in the hands of the police: the Tagansky Court of Moscow issued a warrant for his arrest for the fact that the organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" sent letters to directors of cinemas demanding that the film "Matilda" be canceled. The message, in particular, said that any banner or poster of the film would be viewed as "a desire to humiliate the saints of the Orthodox Church." What's going on in this person's head? Judge for yourself.

Photo from the page in "VKontakte"

State Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya announced a new round of struggle against the film "Matilda" by Alexei Uchitel. She sent a parliamentary inquiry to the Minister of Culture, the Prosecutor General and the Minister of Internal Affairs “on taking measures ... to prevent insults to the religious feelings of believers and the desecration of Orthodox shrines by the plot line of the film“ Matilda ”. Poklonskaya claims that the request was signed by 37 State Duma deputies, including the deputy chairman of the lower house of parliament. In her message on the social network, Poklonskaya does not indicate the vice speaker, but the photos illustrating her message show the name of Pyotr Tolstoy.

The deputy's request is accompanied by 100 thousand signatures of citizens, whose feelings are offended by the fact that, according to the plot of the film, the heir to the throne and future Emperor Nicholas II enters into an intimate relationship with the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

The All-Russian action, which was planned for August 1 by the Orthodox movement “Forty forties”, should give weight to this "expression of the will of the people". The activists met with Poklonskaya and handed her their leaflet. The movement is made up of young, predominantly strong men who are experienced in street fighting. For example, residents of some Moscow districts who are protesting against the construction of Orthodox churches in park areas have an idea of ​​how convincing "Forty Forties" can be when the dispute is conducted in a raised voice. At the same time, the movement receives the support of the leadership of the Moscow Patriarchate. Almost all mass events of the Russian Orthodox Church, including those with the participation of the Patriarch, are not complete without patrolling by fighters in red T-shirts with a white circle on the chest.

"Forty forties", although the movement is made up of strong in spirit and body of men, declares a peaceful "prayer stand." But the background for any initiatives against "Matilda" remains various extremist actions, for example, the threats of the marginal movement "Christian State - Holy Russia" to burn down cinemas in which the "blasphemous" film will be shown. Note that the premiere of "Matilda" will take place at the Mariinsky, the former imperial, theater in St. Petersburg.

The wave of events and initiatives organized by Natalya Poklonskaya with the approval of fairly weighty politicians and public figures is increasingly conflicting with the patronizing attitude of the Russian authorities towards Matilda and its creator. The irrationality of the situation is emphasized by the fact that no one saw the film itself, there were only, according to rumors, closed screenings. The arguments of Poklonskaya and other offended believers are based only on footage from the trailer, to the creation of which the main film crew, according to them, was not involved.

What happens after the premiere on October 6? Perhaps nothing will happen, the anger of angry believers will dissipate like smoke. However, a precedent will remain, and not only a precedent for the interference of clerical lobbyists in the sphere of artistic freedom. The one who for the faithful, led by Poklonskaya, is an "Orthodox shrine", for the rest of the citizens - the last emperor who brought Russia to a political catastrophe. According to most historians, the reason for the inglorious end of the empire was the weakness of Nicholas as a leader in the conditions of unlimited autocracy.

Poklonskaya is offended that the cinematic image of the emperor does not correspond to the image of the saint canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. But if today the deputy and her supporters see blasphemy in the bed scenes with Nicholas, then, perhaps, believers will begin to be offended by the very judgments about the shortcomings of the autocracy. If this is so, then today's attack on the director Uchitel tomorrow may result in a denial of the right of free opinion about the history of the Russian Federation.

How the myth of "Orthodox terrorism" and "Orthodox ISIS" was suddenly born and died suddenly

Ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, Tsar Nikolai Romanov and State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya - this timeless "love" triangle shook the foundations of general tranquility. The funnel of the scandal dragged on first the famous - in different ways - cultural figures, then the uncompromising politicians of the federal level, then the long-suffering Minister of Culture of Russia personally. Having splashed on television screens, the conflict has brought confusion to the minds of millions of citizens and even gave rise to no less than "Orthodox ISIS". (Recall that, in fact, ISIS is a terrorist organization banned in Russia - Ed.) And all this happened throughout the entire "anniversary" of 2017, on the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution.

The leaders of the "Orthodox ISIS" Alexander Kalinin (left)

and Miron Kravchenko (on the right and in the picture below)


A year ago, the Kremlin announced the approaching 2017 as a fateful time for comprehending the shot of the cruiser Aurora, as well as the final end in the minds of the Civil War. In fact, it turned out to be a noisy carnival, which, according to the laws of the genre, was dominated by the "bodily bottom". From century to century, the carnival turns everything upside down: royal honors are given to the city fool, a carnival bishop is elected, shrines are desecrated, the head becomes backwards with genitals, men turn into women, etc.

The movie "Matilda" became the king, or rather the queen of this carnival. A two-minute presentation of this film was shown at the Cinema Foundation back in 2015. “The project has the perspective of a historical blockbuster that tells a unique love story,” director Alexei Uchitel presented his film. In the shown trailer, in truth, there were no bed scenes with the holy Tsar Nikolai Romanov yet. The sets, the actors, the costumes - everything looked great. The Russian Tsarevich and the brilliant ballerina loved each other in the salon of the diving empire. How not to allocate money for such a project?

At this presentation at the Cinema Fund "Matilda" was presented as a planned unprofitable project: it was supposed to "recapture" no more than 215 million rubles, and the Teacher asked for 700 million in total. Half a billion rubles were preliminarily included in the “net loss” column. (According to the information of the Accounts Chamber, as a result, the estimate of "Matilda" amounted to about 814 million rubles, 280 million of which were given in the form of subsidies by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.) Only some "event created around the film" could save commerce. This event became the carnival “100 years of revolution”. The contours of the "bodily bottom" could already be guessed at that time. Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) was one of the first to protest:

“Why is Empress Alexandra Feodorovna depicted as a demonic fury, walking with a knife (I'm not joking!) At her rival? Vindictive, envious Alexandra Feodorovna, unhappy, wonderful, magnificent Matilda, weak-willed Nikolai, rushing to one or the other. Hugs with Matilda, hugs with Alexandra ... What is the author's vision? No - slander against real people. ... Why invent a swoon of Nicholas during the coronation with a crown that has flown down from the crowned head? Such is the "subtle" hint of future shocks? .. "

Then the carnival battle began: the underwear from the royal alcoves began to be thrown with dirty linen from the film bookkeeping department of "Matilda". Courageous, despite her fragile build, State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya said that the filming of the film directed by Alexei Uchitel was financed using "dubious schemes", which may contain "signs of embezzlement of public money and other financial machinations." She had enough connections and professionalism to get contracts with offshore companies, agreements and letters of guarantee from filmmakers and draw up a competent opinion about them.

The liberal public howled. Firstly, everyone understood that Poklonskaya, a well-known politician and former Crimean prosecutor, could well have put Teacher under house arrest, and on the eve of the film's premiere. Secondly, some have treated Poklonskaya almost like a city madman since she went to the Immortal Regiment with an icon of the Holy Passion-bearer Emperor Nicholas. Poklonskaya was presented with the standard abusive set of a neo-Soviet liberal: Black Hundreds, obscurantism, clericalism and medieval ignorance. The director Uchitel immediately sent the FSB director a letter that looked like a denunciation, in which he asked to check "Natalia Poklonskaya's connection with extremist groups." And since there is no carnival without fire, sooner or later in Yekaterinburg some mentally ill person in a car loaded with gas cylinders had to ram the Kosmos cinema. And in St. Petersburg, unknown people threw Molotov cocktails at the director's studio. After that, many regional cinemas received ominous wishes or "burn in hell", or refuse to rent "Matilda". Thank God, there were no human sacrifices.

Even the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov had to comment on the situation, and the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky said: "I've had enough." At this, the expanding carnival action was partly stopped by the forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without any extra jokes, they jailed some of the "extremists" who played too much, including the leader of the previously unknown organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" Alexander Kalinin. True, it was not without carnivalism: it turned out that in Lipetsk, where the arrested Kalinin lived in recent years, there is an event agency (event in English means “event”) called “Christian State” (HG), which conducts corporate events, weddings , anniversaries and other entertainment events, including carnivals. “We are engaged in the organization of all kinds of entertainment,” says the website of this company, whose domain almost coincides with the address of the “Christian State - Holy Russia”. In an interview with Top Secret, Kalinin did not recognize himself as a professional in the entertainment industry, but said that he knew the director of the event agency of the same name. No wonder they say that “an event is an entertaining event that raises the popularity of the game. It is carried out by both the administration and the gaming communities. "

Repentance of Alexander Bayanov

"Godless crocodile"

It seems that the anniversary of the "100 years of revolution" has turned into a carnival, because a hole has long been gaping in the place occupied by the right-wing conservatives on the political spectrum. In Britain, this seat belongs to the Tory party, in the United States to the Republican Party, and in France to the National Front. In Russia, however, all parties - from the ruling United Russia party to the opposition Yabloko - are, no matter what they say, on the left side of the political spectrum. The innate "leftism" of Russia is precisely the legacy of that revolution that took place 100 years ago. The right-wing part of society, as a rule, considers itself the heirs of those who became victims of the revolution and lost in the Civil War. These people remember the "church holocaust", when priests and monks were almost completely destroyed (out of 630 thousand clergy and members of their families, more than 200 thousand were shot and died in camps), when churches were closed and blown up (55 thousand of the pre-revolutionary churches continued to operate in the USSR less than 1% - about 350).

Therefore, even a casually thrown joke about "fat priests-obscurantists", etc. today causes a sharp rejection, sometimes even not quite adequate. What can we say about the insult of those whom the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) canonized. For any believer, a saint canonized by the church is an unconditional supervalue. Three-quarters of the host of saints of the ROC, which includes 2 thousand people, are new martyrs killed by the Bolsheviks. But as a liberal and leftist get-together only does not vilify the holy passion-bearer of Emperor Nicholas ... The epithet "Bloody Nikolashka" will be, perhaps, the most decent expression. When you read posts on social networks, it’s like looking through a binder of the Godless Crocodile magazine from the 1920s. This once again, in the opinion of the right-wing conservatives, confirms that the leftist trend still reigns supreme in Russia.

Do not forget that even after the collapse of the "red empire" the monarchists still suffered more than the director Teacher and the fans of Matilda, and at the hands of completely mentally healthy people. At least twice, monuments to Emperor Nicholas II were blown up, using completely non-carnival pyrotechnics - in the Moscow region of Mytishchi (1997) and Podolsk (1998). Both explosions were carried out by the leftist group "Revvoensovet". At the trial, members of the Revolutionary Military Council were defended by lawyer Stanislav Markelov, a left-wing activist and antifascist. He was killed in 2009 by a shot in the head, and his killer was Nikita Tikhonov, a member of the neo-Nazi organization BORN, who had nothing to do with the monarchist movement. The war of total annihilation, as a rule, is waged by the twins-antipodes - the extreme left and the extreme right.

Natalia Poklonskaya is an ardent admirer of the cult of the passion-bearer of Tsar Nicholas


Because of the scandal around "Matilda" right-wing conservatives, scattered and sitting in a semi-underground, perhaps for the first time got into the top three news in Russia. It's time to unite and occupy an empty niche, decided by 43-year-old "Orthodox oligarch" Konstantin Malofeev. Let me remind you that Malofeev began his career as a lawyer at Renaissance Capital, was an investment banker, headed a department at MDM Bank, and then, together with his partners, founded the Marshall Capital Partners investment fund. According to one of his advisers, the entrepreneur will finance the founding congress of the right-wing conservative party. According to rumors, the new party will most likely be headed by Natalya Poklonskaya, and then a semblance of the French "National Front" with Marine Le Pen at the head will appear in Russia.

Billionaire Malofeev owns an entire empire of companies that work “for the idea”: the Orthograph publishing house, the Safe Internet League association, the St. Basil the Great Foundation, the Central Shooting Range of the Practical Shooting Federation ANO, the Romanovsky Jubilee International Public Organization, the Tsargrad film company , TV company Tsargrad Media, Katehon Analytical Center, Eurasian Dialogue Foundation, etc. A new parliamentary political party may well grow in the bins of this empire. By the way, from August 2016 to August 2017, the audience of the TV company "Tsargrad" increased 10 times and reached 8 million people.

Since the beginning of 2017, Malofeev has been conducting a large-scale PR campaign called "Forgive us, Sovereign!" Almost in all regional cities of the country, billboards with the image of Nicholas II are installed along the main highways. Funding for this action, according to available information, comes through the company "Romanovsky Jubilee" and the local branches of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPIiK). Placing portraits of the last emperor on the roadsides of Russia is not just a whim of a bored oligarch. Malofeev was a monarchist from early youth, at the age of 15, when, we note, the KGB of the USSR existed, he entered into correspondence with the Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, the then head of the House of Romanov, who lived in Paris. All his entourage are people with similar monarchical views, with whom he has maintained relations for more than two decades.

There is no direct evidence that Malofeev financed a PR campaign against the release of the film "Matilda". It is only possible to more or less reliably establish with the help of which groups of Orthodox activists the scandal around the film was unleashed. It all started with the "Tsar's Cross" movement, which was not registered anywhere. On social networks, this movement began to spread letters of protest, then in the fall of 2016, on the online platform, it posted a petition demanding that the film be canceled. After that, the leader of the movement, Alexander Porozhnyakov, offered cooperation to the ex-prosecutor of Crimea, Poklonskaya, who, according to him, "has established herself as an admirer of the royal family." It should be noted here that the "veneration of the royal family" is especially widespread in the places of the so-called Russian world. So, in a prominent place in the office of the president of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky there is an icon of the royal martyrs. In this veneration, perhaps, there is more of a political conjuncture than a sacred meaning, since the “Russian world”, sometimes separated by thousands of kilometers from Mother Russia, is in dire need of self-identification. And the choice is not great: either to tint the symbols of the times of the USSR, or to create conservative values, the main of which is, perhaps, the holy emperor Nicholas.

It turned out that Porozhnyakov’s main place of work was an organization called “Two-Headed Eagle”, the founder and leader of which is the former head of the Information and Analytical Directorate of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, retired Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov. After his resignation in 2009, he was appointed director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies by presidential decree and headed this scientific state structure until the beginning of 2017.

And since January of this year, Reshetnikov has been the chairman of the council of the Tsargrad TV channel, which is owned, as mentioned above, by the billionaire Malofeev.

Leader of the "Christian State - Holy Russia" Alexander Kalinin at his headquarters


In Moscow, there are only two or three dozen dwarf organizations that can be conditionally ranked as right-wing conservative. Of these, apart from the "Tsar's Cross", one way or another, "lit up" in the scandal around "Matilda", only four: "Orthodox Mission", "Forty forties", the so-called Tsarist and "Christian State - Holy Russia". The only one of these four, with which the deputy Poklonskaya collaborated, was the "Orthodox Mission". There is a photo in which Natalia Poklonskaya poses with one of the leaders of this organization, Igor Smykov. The "Orthodox Mission" is registered at the address: Moscow, Izmailovsky proezd, house 11/2, office 208. Similarly, there are other, but not very Orthodox "offices" there: the Society of Friends of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Society of Russian-Iranian Friendship ". Their founder and executive director, according to the electronic register "Kontur.Fokus", is Sergei Dmitrishin, who together with Smykov heads the "Orthodox Mission". These organizations remind me personally of the firms for the cover of intelligence activities.

Forty forties is a rebranding of the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, which became familiar back in the 1990s. They have the same leader - Leonid Simonovich-Nikshich, the same number of activists - 15 - 20 people, and the same type of activity - "organizing and conducting religious processions, prayer stands and meetings", that is, "Forty forties" is is essentially the same kind of event agency.

It is a little more complicated with the movement of the Tsarebozhniks. The fact is that such a movement, in fact, does not exist. There are some admirers of the cult of the passion-bearer of Tsar Nicholas, walking along the edge of a heretical abyss. They believe that as Christ accepted the sins of the whole world, so the last emperor from the House of Romanov took upon himself all the sins of Russia. Some "tsarist people" are so earnest in their worship that they put Tsar Nicholas above Christ. This is called "redemptive heresy" and leads to their ejection from the church. "Tsarebozhniki" appeared in the 1920s and 1930s, both in Soviet Russia and abroad. In 2008, a small group of adherents of this cult united in the so-called Royal Orthodox Church. This "Church" is led by Bishop Alexy - Archpriest Alexander Ivannikov, who was expelled from the dignity of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2010. Before being deprived of the priesthood, he taught at the Orthodox gymnasium named after the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, located in the village of Razvilka near Moscow. Ivannikov was the founder of this gymnasium, and Princess Maria Vladimirovna helped find money for its construction, whom some of the monarchists consider the head of the House of Romanov.

Orthodox oligarch Konstantin Malofeev


The founder and leader of the unregistered and not yet banned organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" Alexander Kalinin, who was recently arrested in the "Matilda" case, was born in 1984 in Norilsk. Parents before retirement were ordinary workers.

In 2002, Kalinin was sentenced by the Norilsk City Court to 8 years in prison for murder with aggravated circumstances (Article 105, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), “robbery with penetration into a dwelling” (Article 162, Part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and forgery documents (Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In 2009, according to him, he graduated from the correspondence legal department of the Anapa branch of the Russian State Social University (formerly the Moscow Higher Party School). He had private legal advice, was engaged in trade business. Married, two children, one of whom is adopted. He spends most of his time in Lipetsk, a community of like-minded people has been formed here - about 100 people living close to each other. He also lives in Moscow and Krasnodar, in the Sverdlovsk region.

In an interview with Top Secret, Kalinin told how he survived clinical death. (By the way, Kalinin gave an interview literally on the eve of his arrest:

On September 23, at 3 am on the eve of the search, he sent me his photographs, and at 06:40 am he was detained.) Kalinin avoids talking about the medical reasons that led to clinical death, but it can be assumed that he was smashed the window pane with his hands, lost a lot of blood. On his hands are traces of incompletely removed tattoos and terrible scars. The "experience of death" he received in 2010 directed his life in a completely different direction. "Christian State - Holy Russia", which became famous in the days of the scandal around the film "Matilda", began to be called "Orthodox ISIS." A conversation with Kalinin showed that it is hardly possible to rank him among the right-wing conservatives, since in his head somehow both leftist and right-wing values ​​coexist. But this is probably what makes him interesting.

On September 20, 2017, FSB officers detained Kalinin in the town of Gryazi, Lipetsk Region. In his apartment were found leaflets with the words "Burn for Matilda." On the same day he was released, but he immediately ended up in the hands of the police: the Tagansky Court of Moscow sanctioned his arrest for the fact that the organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" sent letters to directors of cinemas demanding that the film "Matilda" be canceled. The message, in particular, said that any banner or poster of the film would be viewed as "a desire to humiliate the saints of the Orthodox Church." What's going on in this person's head? Judge for yourself.

"Orthodox ISIS" in full force. Lipetsk. 2016


Alexey Chelnokov: Deeply religious, as a rule, are emphatically removed from everything that is associated with "dirty politics". What is your attitude to political activity?

Alexander Kalinin: When the question concerns the moral foundations in the country, when national immorality begins to influence your family - and this affects your child as well - then you begin to understand that Russian laws contradict the ordinary spiritual logic of a person. Then you have to cross the line between politics and the spiritual life of an individual, general and private.

- Specifically, how do you feel about the Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, United Russia, Fair Russia?

None of today's parties, not one of the political flagships corresponds to the direction that Russia needs: neither the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, nor the Liberal Democratic Party, nor United Russia, nor A Just Russia. They lack the spiritual component that made Russia great, there is no Lord God at the heart of these parties. There is communism, there is liberalism, and faith in God is considered something almost shameful, obscurantist, and therefore they cannot achieve anything, not a single party, not a single movement in Russia will be able to reach the heights and support of the people.

- In what form are you going to clothe your political alternative? Who are your leaders besides you?

These people are still disconnected, they are on their own. We are trying to bring them together ... Now there are about 4600 people in the "Christian State" - these are those who explained their point of view, registered and are officially a member of our organization. There are no other similar organizations yet. The "Christian state" will be created on the basis of the entire historical experience of Russia - and the monarchy, and the Soviet Union, and democracy. Many people love the Soviet past, even though they were persecuted for their faith back then; in the USSR, people loved each other, therefore the moral component was taken as the basis of the Soviet state. It is clear that if instead of a portrait of Stalin there were an icon of Christ, no one would have destroyed the Soviet Union ...

- And for you personally, what is the Soviet Union?

I love the Soviet Union very much, for me the Soviet Union is an example of how people can live together in a united moral spirit, when people go hand in hand, when they love their unity, when they are not chasing material goods. And when God allowed the persecution of believers in the USSR, the Lord thereby showed that love for God is, first of all, love for people. For me, the ideal foundation of the state is the Soviet Union, but with one caveat: instead of a portrait of Stalin, there should be an icon of Christ.

State Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya could lead such a "moral and spiritual movement"? Or someone else, whose name is heard, for example, priest Vsevolod Chaplin, oligarch Konstantin Malofeev?

Poklonskaya is a woman, and women should follow men, be with a husband. A woman should not be in front, and the fact that Poklonskaya is now, as it were, headed the movement against blasphemers, is a shame for Russian men. As a leader, Poklonskaya is not suitable, and she herself understands this.

Chaplin is a priest, and although I like his views in the sphere of our common just cause, he also hardly fits, besides his age ... Malofeev is a very worthy person, very worthy, but how the Lord will direct him is unknown.

Everyone who has acquired power or money has mistakes behind that must first be corrected, and then think about something more.

How do you feel about the movement of the so-called non-remembered, that is, those priests of the Russian Orthodox Church and their flock who do not pronounce the name of Patriarch Kirill at their church services?

I believe that in the history of Russia there were even worse patriarchs. For example, Patriarch Nikon. Those who do not remember are based on the facts that they see on the Internet, but in fact, we do not know enough about Patriarch Kirill to make categorical conclusions. Based on the Internet, it is easy to turn any person into the devil, the Internet is a field of sheer lies. But in fact, maybe our patriarch is generally a saint; maybe he is in a cage, he is forced to do some nasty things. We do not know, the identity of the patriarch is hidden from us. And the non-remembering movement takes false information on the Web at face value.

- And when did you become churchgoers? Do you have a confessor?

In 2010, I experienced clinical death. It was on vacation, in a Ukrainian town on the Sea of ​​Azov. I was cursed. Before that, I believed that there was no curse, I was a materialist and was not afraid of death. At the local market I quarreled with a woman who said that in three days I would die. I replied that her curses to me are like peas against the wall. And exactly three days later I wake up, get up and see that my body is lying on the bed. I am a person leading a healthy lifestyle, neither drinking nor smoking - I wake up and see my body in convulsions ... Can you imagine ?!

- And then what did the doctors say? What was the medical cause of clinical death?

The reason was that when the flesh seemed to crawl from my soul, falling down, at that moment I tried to catch on to the window. He broke the glass, cut all the veins to the bone and hung on the window. Blood was gushing, lost consciousness after a minute or two, woke up in the hospital. I lost a lot of blood, experienced clinical death - I flew through this tunnel ... I still remember this with horror. After that he turned to God. As such, I do not have a confessor; I have a very close relationship with the abbots of monasteries, rectors of temples, priests. It so happened that no one offered me spiritual guidance.

Some call your organization "Orthodox ISIS." They even talk about some semantic similarity of the texts. Did you deliberately strive for this similarity?

Yes, knowingly, knowingly. It was one day in 2013 or 2014, watching Syrian videos in which people in orange robes have their heads cut off. It was very painful to watch this, and the militants then threatened to come to Russia. In order to show that there are people in Russia who are ready to resist these radicals, that we do have a Christian state, that is, to put ourselves against them.

- Why borrow the style of ISIS texts?

For example, I say that under Ivan the Terrible the director of the Teacher would have been put on a stake, maybe his arms and legs would have been broken. And they would definitely be executed for his stubbornness against our faith. And the fact that they threw a Molotov cocktail is not a big deal. (Recall that this is Kalinin's personal opinion, which the editors categorically do not share.) It was scary to be impaled.

- What historical figures are your model for?

For me, the model is not the Ivan the Terrible, whom we know from books, but the Ivan the Terrible who existed in reality. Alexander Nevsky and Daniil Moskovsky. For me, the model is Paul I.

- And what can you say about the people of the twentieth century - Lenin, Stalin, Yeltsin, Putin?

Of course, everyone does not like Lenin, they say he destroyed the monarchy, but in fact, when Tsar Nikolai lived, people like Leo Tolstoy wrote to him a lot, wrote prophetic things about how he would be killed with his whole family, about how that the Russian state will be destroyed. The problem is that Tsar Nicholas was surrounded by very vile, vile people who later headed the Provisional Government. Tolstoy wrote to the tsar: the people humiliated by dignitaries love you, but look who surrounds you, and if you, sir, do not get rid of the high-ranking offenders of the people, this can lead to tragedy. And so the state grew, the governors grew rich, and the people remained in poverty. Therefore, to condemn Lenin ... I don’t know, if I lived at that time and saw the indifference of the district leaders to human troubles, I don’t know how I would have behaved myself. Personally, I would never go to overthrow the king, but I firmly know that I would go to destroy everyone around him. I would unite all the people to overthrow all the villains who surrounded the king. This is about Lenin.

If you take Stalin ... I have no right to treat him badly. Everything that happens in Russia is the will of God. I have no right to blaspheme - neither Lenin, nor Stalin, nor Brezhnev ... All of them are part of our historical experience. Stalin is an extraordinary person, and if we take 1937, then I must say that he could not change anything, the decision to carry out mass repressions was made at the congress. If Stalin was against it, he himself would be shot as a violator of the "Ilyich's precepts." And the main thing that Stalin did was to shoot those who organized 1937. Stalin really loved Russia and tried to do everything for her that the world and internal situation allowed.

Now Yeltsin. When something pure is destroyed, something so inconceivable, something so dependent, always comes to power. For me, Yeltsin is not even a person - he is a bunch of people who got caught up in food, who plundered the country. Yeltsin, apparently, lost his mind on the day when he was on the tank.

Putin is the mistake of Yeltsin and a handful of people behind him. They probably thought that Putin would dance to their tune. It is clear that now Putin, of course, cannot do everything he wants, because it is not difficult for the “fifth column” to kill the president or any governor. Someone thinks that Putin owns a certain "happiness button", in fact, there is no such button. In fact, the secret is that Putin works in such a way that he squeezes everything out of himself as much as possible in order to preserve his life, the peace of the country.

Is your organization "Christian State - Holy Russia" registered? What is its purpose, tactics, methods of work?

We tried to register it both in Lipetsk and in Moscow, but it didn't work out, and we decided not to bother with it anymore. The members of our organization are patriots of Russia, ready to give their lives for our historical and spiritual values, although they are not fanatics at all and do not look like such well-known haters of Putin and the country's government as Navalny, Maltsev, Udaltsov. Such people cannot be simply ignored, denied registration, but they can be used for the good of the homeland. The "Christian state" is the color of the nation, the color of the Russian people, although our organization includes Chechens, Dagestanis, Tuvans, and representatives of other peoples of Russia.

- When did the HG Congress take place?

The first congress was held in December 2016 in Moscow, about 200 people gathered, mostly Muscovites. We were not going to fight Matilda, although, of course, we must fight. The next congress was in March, then in June 2017, in the cinema of one of the shopping centers near the Voykovskaya metro station.

- How far is HG ready to go in its so-called direct actions?

The backbone of the "Christian State", those who created the HC, are well known both in the FSB and in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There is no one among them who would go to such actions. But we have a connection with those people who act on their own, each person acts according to his conscience. As one of the leaders of the HG, I have no right to know what will be done on behalf of the organization. And I have publicly stated more than once: if you want to do something at the behest of your conscience, do it, but don’t tell me about it, don’t expose the organization. But we have a connection with those people who act on their own.

- What is the structure of the "Christian State"?

Initially, we set the task of creating an organization with some kind of special structure. The goal was to consolidate Orthodox people throughout the country: from Vladivostok, Moscow, Tver, Kaliningrad. At least so that people who come to a foreign city could find shelter with a member of their organization. Now our organization has already built up, it really exists as a network. Before, when there was no "Matilda", there was no goal to create an organization of this type. Such a goal appeared only at the beginning of 2017, our cells exist in 25 regions of Russia, they operate, communicate with each other.

- Could members of the HC could join the long-standing Orthodox movements, what does not suit you in them?

Our organization pays special attention to the fact that now many Slavic children are converting to Islam. Not even understanding what Allah is, what the Koran is, they go to Syria. They are attracted by the courage and brotherly unity of the jihadists. The "Christian state" needed to create something new, to unite in the regions with a militant spirit (but not destructive in relation to the state). Therefore, there are many ex-Muslims in HG; they, having learned about us, leave Islam, become enemies for their loved ones. None of the existing Orthodox organizations is engaged in such work with Muslims, let alone such as "Forty forties", where no Muslim will go.

The awareness of death, which is in the CG, makes our preaching more effective. This path creates the soldiers of Christ, it makes a Christian out of a Muslim. You cannot imagine how blessed it is to see a former Muslim who has become an enemy for his loved ones: he becomes even more than a fellow believer for us, because he understands that he no longer has his former family. When his wife adopts Christianity and also becomes an enemy for her own. And they accept Christianity not because we wear red T-shirts, but because we love God and know Him personally.

- How do you feel about the so-called Tsarebozhniki?

This was invented by some abnormal people - "tsarebozhniki". And such a movement does not even exist. Tsar Nicholas is no God. There are, of course, people who go too far: they pray to the king, pray for the king, but we must pray to Christ. So there is no movement of the "kingdoms", but there are certain people who put the king above Christ.

Now some people and movements are persistently proposing to the ROC to rank Ivan the Terrible, Rasputin and even Stalin as saints. What is your attitude towards these initiatives?

Reading the lives of members of the royal family, you understand that Rasputin was not a libertine. He never compromised the king in his life. There were inventions of fighters against the ruling party who made a scoundrel out of Rasputin. But the empress herself, along with the cross, wore an image of Rasputin on her chest, she loved him like an old man. I remember Rasputin in my prayers together with Ivan the Terrible, because I know that both of them are slandered by the authorities. Whether they are saints is up to the church to decide, and the fact that they are next to God is one hundred percent. And Stalin ... in order to resolve this issue, it is first necessary to bring history into line, starting from 1937. Who organized the repressions at that time - Stalin? But the repressions began in Ukraine on the basis of some Leninist decrees. It is necessary to carefully study the historical documents, remove any bias from there, then we will see ... By the way, I was recently in a mountain monastery in Abkhazia, and when the conversation about Stalin came at the table, I said that he was supposedly a murderer. One very worthy old man came up to me and said: “Brother Alexander, I honestly tell you that the time will come, and you will understand that Stalin was completely different than you imagine. There is much we cannot tell you now, but do not judge him until the truth is revealed. " Now I cannot condemn Stalin.

What is your attitude to the events in Ukraine? If I am not mistaken, Miron Kravchenko, the second head of the Christian State, actively supported the Maidan.

Of course, we do not treat them well. We have many people who were on the side of Kiev and on the side of the LPR-DPR. There is such a "big game of patriots" going on here. As one famous person used to say, the people are “worn out”. The people are tired of sitting and looking for use. When two, in fact, Russian sides are at war, each of these sides has its own truth. It is necessary that they unite, for the truth to become complete, and go to Kiev together. Many now understand that it is necessary to unite on the "platform" of Kievan Rus.

But in Kiev, the "Russians" are denied the right of origin from Kievan Rus, calling them Horde, heirs of the Mongol Golden Horde ...

In order for the Ukrainians not to feel offended by the captured by the Horde, the capital of the future Rus must be returned to Kiev. Then the Ukrainians will really feel like a part of the Russian people. For myself, I have long found a way out of the conflict between Kiev and Moscow.


And now a man who tried to try on the chlamydas of “Orthodox ISIS” was arrested “for threats to set fire to cinemas and harm to the health of viewers,” and is also suspected of organizing the real arson of the director's studio and cars near the office of his lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin. It was there that the ominous leaflets "Burn for Matilda" were found. As journalists from the Federal Investigation Agency wrote, “the one who said:“ Burn for Matilda ”will now be in prison.” By the way, the accomplices of Alexander Kalinin, contrary to his hopes, showed not the best fighting qualities of the "soldiers of Christ". So, it turned out that Alexander Bayanov, a participant in the arson of the building of the film company, signed the protocol of his surrender on September 20, 2017, that is, three days before the arrest of the leader of the Christian State himself. In his confession, Bayanov, in particular, wrote: “On 08/31/2017 at about 02:00 in St. Petersburg, I find it difficult to name the exact address, together with Yuri Vladimirovich Kalinin (brother of Alexander Kalinin - Ed.) carried out the arson of the office of the director of the film "Matilda" Alexei Uchitel with the help of four glass bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters, inside which I and Yuri Kalinin poured a mixture of<…>, after which they fled from the scene. "

So, in our opinion, the terrible "Orthodox ISIS" is a scarecrow invented by a former Norilsk criminal and happily picked up by the liberal media, greedy for blasphemous comparisons and, as it turned out, turned a handful of arsonists into horrible monsters of "Orthodox terrorism" in a few weeks. But the birth of the right-wing Conservative Party of Russia is far from a myth. And, as it seems to me, we will hear about it more than once. The ideological Civil War never ended 100 years later.


14.09.2017 11:42

Natalia Poklonskaya is only the face of an organization unknown to society, which has chosen as its ideology ultra-right anti-Semitic views, multiplied by deep religiosity and adherence to the monarchy. This organization enjoys the open and tacit patronage of some church hierarchs, and some of its members openly declare neo-Nazi ideas under a religious sauce.

The Russian Orthodox Church looks monolithic only from the outside. A large number of religious groups operate within it. The most numerous and influential among which are the so-called Tsarebozhniki. Among the Orthodox flock there are at least several hundred thousand people. This is an organized group, which has its own units, consisting of fighters and veterans of hot spots, cover in the face of high-ranking officials. It is this group, and, according to a number of clergy and theologians, a heretical sect within the flock of the Russian Orthodox Church, is now struggling with the release of the film "Matilda". The editorial office of the New Day news agency in Yekaterinburg, where Poklonskaya likes to go to the monastery at the site of the execution of the royal family, talks about how it all works.


Back in 2012, the streets of Moscow were shaken by the performances of the Orthodox Fascists organization, which positioned itself as a structure operating with the blessing of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. These were the so-called royal marches that took place on July 18 - the day after the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II.

Royal march. Moscow. year 2012

About a hundred strong fighters with portraits of the last Russian emperor and icons marched in the procession, surrounded by police officers who provided security for the action. The men threw up their right hands in a Nazi salute with the exclamation "Russia - Russian order!" "Orthodox Fascists" is an organization that aims to restore the monarchy in Russia and establish monarchical Orthodoxy as the only true and acceptable ideology. At the same time, during the "royal marches" of Orthodox fascists, law enforcement officers did not detain, marches or religious processions invariably ended with prayers in memory of Nicholas II. The organization exists to this day and employs several hundred people.

The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is associated with another organization that has recently come to the fore. These are the famous "Forty forties", which is sometimes called the Orthodox "combat". A powerful disciplined structure in which almost the majority of the members are fighters, specialists in hand-to-hand combat or veterans of hot spots. "Forty forties" set as their goal the protection of Orthodox churches, including guarding the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. One of the most striking examples of the protection of churches was the construction of a spiritual institution on the site of the Moscow Torfyanka park. Then the inhabitants of the neighborhood did not hide their indignation and, on their own, tried in every possible way to prevent the disappearance of the park. When the "Forty Forties" took over the protection of the construction site, they began to attack the activists of the protest against the construction of the temple, they were beaten, family members were threatened with physical violence.

The leader of the DSS organization, Andrei Kormukhin, believes that Russia cannot exist outside of Orthodoxy, otherwise it will disintegrate. "Forty forties" was repeatedly accused of neo-Nazi views, but Kormukhin denied the accusations. It was the leader of the movement who flew to Yekaterinburg at the end of July this year to invite the deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, who was hosting a reception here, to the rally scheduled for August 1 - the so-called “Stop Matilda” stand. Rallies and pickets were held in a number of Russian cities, Poklonskaya, as the main fighter with the Teacher's film, did not stand aside, including Crimea to participate in the action.

"DSS" invite Poklonskaya to the action

The war of Natalia Poklonskaya with the film by Alexei Uchitel caused bewilderment among the public. There were many films about Nicholas II, and the common people wondered why Matilda caused such indignation. As it turned out, the ROC has the answer to this question.

“There is such a movement - the so-called tsarist people. These are people who believe that the murder of the royal family was in the nature of a sacred sacrifice for three hundred years of the sins of the Russian people. And such an ideology certainly raises questions - because in Christianity there is only one redeemer - Jesus Christ. And, of course, there is heresy here, which must be fought, ”explains theologian Andrei Kuraev.

According to a number of experts and clergymen we interviewed, who agreed to communicate with us exclusively anonymously for internal church reasons, there are now about several hundred thousand people living in clergy. They are credited with organizations like "Forty Forties", "Tsar's Cross", "Orthodox Fascists", "Christian State - Holy Russia" (promised to burn cinemas that released "Matilda" in distribution), "Union of Orthodox Banner-Bearers", "Black Hundred" and a number of others. In addition, some members of the Holy Synod are also, to varying degrees, influenced by the ideas of regalism.

“It is believed that support, moral or financial, can be provided by such persons as the former director of the FSB and the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, and now the chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society Sergei Stepashin and the first deputy president of JSC Russian Railways Alexander Misharin, a native of Yekaterinburg, known for his piety, the aforementioned Natalya Poklonskaya, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov and leader of the Novorossiya movement Igor Strelkov, "says Viktor Norkin, a sort of Orthodox dissident, a graduate of the Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary and Moscow All-Church Graduate School.

Standing in Yekaterinburg

Tsarist people of varying degrees of fanaticism have several ideological postulates. This is the belief in the atoning sacrifice of Nicholas II, which is placed almost on a par with Jesus Christ, and militant anti-Semitism - they sincerely believe that the tsar died in the course of ritual murder as a result of a conspiracy of Hasidim and influential Jewish circles, with the aim of destroying the Russian God-bearing people. This, in our opinion, neo-Nazi ideology is being retouched, but not too much.


It was Yekaterinburg that became a kind of place of pilgrimage for the Tsarists during the Tsar's days. Additional tourists are only for the benefit of the city. In the ideology of tsarist life, Yekaterinburg occupies the same place as Jerusalem for a Christian of any denomination - the Tsar-Redeemer was shot here. The place of the murder - the house of Ipatiev, by the representatives of the sect, is usually called the Russian Golgotha. And it is here that the film "Lies of Matilda" is being filmed. Its director Sergiy Aliyev said that before the release of the Teacher's film (he sincerely believes that the film will be banned), he will release his own, refuting "the blasphemous myths about Emperor Nicholas II". One of the myths that Aliyev will debunk will be the story of the execution of the tsar by the Bolsheviks.

“It was a Hasidic conspiracy. And the tsar was sacrificed - you read Sergei Nilus "There is near the doors ... the secret of the protocols of the wise men of Zion", from whom this is proved in the most detailed way, "says Sergiy Aliyev.

Aliyev about the film "Lies of Matilda"

At the same time, the brochure "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which was first published in 1903 by Sergei Nilus, was included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials in November 2012. In the list, it appears under number 1496: "The brochure" Protocols of the Elders of Zion "(decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Orenburg from 26.07.2010)". However, a brochure is considered to be no more than 48 pages. Accordingly, re-editions of Nilus are not subject to the law if the material is published as part of the author's work.

Interestingly, Sergiy Aliyev positions himself as the creator of the first positive portal in Runet. On the "positive portal", films like "The Ritual Murder of the Royal Family" are posted, where it is about a Zionist conspiracy under the voiceover text about the ritual murder of the king by dark forces, a six-pointed star is shown - visually, the style of the film resembles "The Eternal Jew" by Fritz Hipper (included in the federal register of extremist materials), filmed by order of the Ministry of Propaganda of Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany in 1940.

When representatives of the Tsarist people were collecting signatures at the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg against the release of Matilda, one of the volunteers told reporters that the film was being filmed by a “Jewish Teacher” who “makes such provocative films that split our society,” “raised his hand against holy tsar and tsarina ", and advised him to" show dirty scenes about his parents. " This provoked a sharp rebuke from the president of the Jewish communities Alexander Boroda, who said that he considered "categorically unacceptable the situation when the negative direction of the film is associated exclusively with nationality ..." of the outside world, the frightening appearance of a country inhabited by anti-Semites, ”said the head of the association.

Nevertheless, literature of this kind is also distributed in Yekaterinburg. And sometimes it is open in Orthodox churches, in particular, in the Temple-on-Blood and in the monastery on Ganina Yama. For example, the opus of a certain Victor Korn “On the orders of secret forces. What were hidden by the inscriptions in the Ipatiev House. The title page of the book indicates that this is supposedly the publication of a monastery in the name of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers on Ganina Yama, headed by Archimandrite Pimen. Place of pilgrims interested in the death of Nicholas II.

The publication informs us that the emperor and his family were killed on the eve of an important Jewish holiday, and representatives of the Hasidim left Kabbalistic symbols at the place of execution. The book in every possible way exaggerates the theme of the Jewish conspiracy. With reference to the book of Leviticus, the book mentions literally that the day of regicide "in a strange way coincides with the dates when sacrifices were prescribed for Old Israel." Kabbalistic symbols, in full accordance with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the publication deciphers as follows: “Here, by order of secret forces, the Tsar was sacrificed to destroy the State. All nations are notified of this. "

In the next part of our investigation, we will tell you about how the first ideologues of righteousism - representatives of the white emigration - were associated with Hitler's Germany, and which of these organizations are still operating today. In addition, we will explain why the Moscow Patriarchate really has nothing to do with the actions of the Tsarist people, distances itself from them, but does not openly condemn. Although earlier both patriarchs - Alexy II and Cyril - were critical of the doctrine of the redeemer tsar. We will tell the story of Priest Daniil Sysoev, discussions about the canonization of which are currently underway in the Russian Orthodox Church. The clergyman openly called regalism blasphemous. But he could not continue his struggle. Priest Daniel Sysoev was mortally wounded at the altar of the church of the Apostle Thomas with two shots at point-blank range, writes New Day.

Elder Sergius. Daria Shelekhova /

Novaya Gazeta also writes today about what a sect of Tsarebozhniki is. It would be incorrect to assert that all the activities of a czar-worshiping deputy are sheer "self-will" or clinical psychiatry, the newspaper notes. She acts "with the blessing" - though not of the official hierarchy, but of the mysterious elder - the confessor of the Sredneuralsky nunnery in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Bread" (Yekaterinburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate) of Schema-Archimandrite (according to other sources - schema-abbot) Sergius (Romanov).

In the world, this elder, by the way, was called Nikolai Romanov, so that “God himself commanded” such a confessor for Poklonskaya.

Elder Sergius is not very old yet - he is 62 years old, he is actively building a monastery and hermitages in the Ural land. The elder has a complicated relationship with the current church leadership - he venerates Patriarch Alexy II, opposing him to Cyril. About some sketes about. The church leadership does not even know Sergius, and the elder's independence from the hierarchy is supported by an abundance of influential spiritual children, including the presidents of Moscow banks, thieves in law (in particular, Ded Khasan's nephew Timur Sverdlovsky), the world ice hockey champion, and now the deputy State Duma. Few of the bishops will dare to conflict with such. Schiarchimandrite fundamentally does not communicate with journalists - perhaps because they show increased attention to his criminal past: under a number of articles of the Criminal Code (including "Murder" and "Robbery") Nikolai Romanov, who had previously worked as a police officer, spent imprisonment for about 15 years. According to the version of his current spiritual children, law enforcement agencies called the death by negligence of the passenger of the car, which was driven by the future elder, as murder. In the verdict of the court, however, a completely different version is stated. But be that as it may, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, a person who has committed even an involuntary murder can never become a priest. However, “who is now observing these canons,” the spiritual children reasonably object.

After leaving prison, the future elder suddenly became a cell attendant of the then Archbishop of Yekaterinburg Vikentiy (Morar), who opened in Fr. Sergius had the talent of organizer and builder, tonsured him into monasticism and ordained him to the priesthood.

Natalia Poklonskaya (with the icon of Nicholas II) and Father Sergius (to her right). Photo: Ilya Butkevich

The famous monastery on Ganina Yama, where, as the followers of the Russian Orthodox Church believe, the remains of the royal passion-bearers are buried under a bushel, is the work of Fr. Sergius. The current Sredneuralsky monastery was at first the agricultural compound of Ganina Yama, but gradually Fr. Sergius moved the center of his activity there, probably disillusioned with modern male monasticism. Now the Sredneuralsky monastery is one of the most populated in the Russian Orthodox Church: there are about 300 nuns and novices in it, and there are also dozens of children and cancer patients. The monastery attracts a lot of pilgrims, its confessor practices exorcism (exorcism), and the elder's authority is so great that some children sell their property and bring the proceeds to Fr. Sergius. In the monastery, opened in an open field (more precisely, a forest), one temple after another is being built. In one of them, Kazan, the wedding of Poklonskaya with a certain prosecutor Andrei Krasilnikov took place.

Views of Fr. Sergius, reproduced by his spiritual children, represent a complete set of apocalyptic and monarchical ideas that feed both "regalism" and, in general, the entire "right opposition" in the ROC-MP.
One of their recognized centers is the Bogolyubovsky Convent in the suburbs of Vladimir, headed by another charismatic elder - Peter (Kucher). Several years ago, the authorities tried to destroy this spiritual center, claiming that they had discovered cases of child abuse in the monastery shelter. But, relying on powerful patrons in Moscow (and among the "czar-worshipers" there are generals, and prominent businessmen, and deputies of different levels), the monastery survived.

“Tsarebozhniki” are also very common in the area of ​​the Diveyevo Monastery near Arzamas - there, in particular, the singer Zhanna Bichevskaya lives, who in recent years has devoted all her work to “Tsarebozhiy” and Holy Russia. In almost every monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate one can find supporters of this doctrine, who nourish the active laity from conservative parishes.

Most of the "Tsarebozhniks" are inherent in special reverence for Ivan the Terrible and Grigory Rasputin. The support of the cult of Grozny by the current Russian authorities is perceived by the "Tsarebozniki" as a good sign of the penetration of their ideas into the highest echelons of power.

According to the teachings of the "Tsarebozhniki", when the work of national repentance is completed, the Tsar will again ascend to the Moscow throne, and Russia will be revived "for a short time", after which the end of the world will come, writes "Novaya Gazeta".