Arcanum XVI

“Tower of Karma”, CONDITIONS Zone

The 15th, 16th and 17th arcana form a triangle: the 17th arcana is the border; The 15th lasso is a drain, a reverse move; The 16th lasso is the zone of states.

Working with objects of the 16th Arcana
The 16th lasso (“Recoil”) is a zone of states, one of the peculiar attractions the afterlife. If you compare the 16th lasso with a car service, then this is the place where body work takes place. By performing certain actions, we deform ourselves in accordance with Newton's 3rd law. We influence external world, and the outside world, in turn, influences us, leaving imprints of its influences and changes.
As a result, dents form on our cocoon. These are what are called karmic events or karmic diseases. In the 16th lasso we straighten these dents. This is the place where a person ends up and where he gets stuck if he has such dents.
A person can leave this tower (a certain energy structure), into which absolutely everyone falls, when the influence of karmic bindings becomes minimal. He really wants to run away from there, but his sins won’t let him. In this tower certain changes occur to a person. He gets back everything he has done and “cooks” in every injury, mistake, etc. Until all these injuries are leveled out - and they are leveled by taking energy back - he cannot escape from there. His desire to escape is one energy, and what keeps him there is another energy. If a person runs away from the tower before these energies are leveled out, then he will take a certain amount of karmic attachments with him. But if a person stays there patiently, enduring the process of correction, he can get rid of all karma altogether.
If you have additional strength, or if a person develops great desire to escape from the tower of karma, the energy of this desire opposes the forces that keep it there. This means that, in principle, he can leave the tower without straightening everything that needs to be straightened. But as a result, a person will be incarnated, burdened with various karmic attachments. The one who dwells in the tower in calm state, leaves this place when they are completely cleansed. Those who try to escape or begin to worry return to the physical plane severely crippled. It's like a visit to the dentist: the treatment is unpleasant, but necessary. By turning the energy of the tower in the reverse circle, you, firstly, get there, and secondly, you feel what karmic problems are associated with you, that is, the karma that you have accumulated.
Scrolling energy in the Taoist circle is a kind of straightening of other people’s karmic diseases: you pull on these bindings, and they become actualized. This is karma for the moment, a bomb that cannot be discharged; you can only walk around it in circles or undermine it. When we use the energy of the 16th Arcana in the Taoist circle, we begin to detonate such bombs.
Accordingly, a person suffers, but not for too long. One healer loved to treat people this way. He would conduct this energy to the patient, and then leave somewhere for a week so that he would not be found. The patient at this time literally could not find a place for himself. But within a week the situation was detente; the healer arrives, and everything is already over, the patient has recovered. But if this doctor had come across the patient when he was alone with his problems for a week, it is not known what would have happened.
Working in the reverse circle- this is an analysis of your own karmic problems, which are actualized when you come into contact with the energy of the 16th lasso. Once in the tower of karma, you feel your own bindings. By pumping this energy out, you remind other people of these attachments.
Lightning- this is the force that acts. This is the energy you spent, and it should come back to you. When you perform any action, you waste energy. When it comes back to you, you will simply level out.
Here we're talking about about those energies that were not just spent by you, but were spent by you during some powerful collisions. Imagine a car driving through the streets. He spends energy all the time, but he doesn’t fight all the time. So, it is the energy you spent during the collision that creates the bindings. The lightning that strikes the tower is energy that needs to be returned. By bringing to the surface everything that torments you, you regain the energy you once expended. This lightning strike is called a karmic ray.
The card shows two people: one wearing a crown, the other with money. The main problems that are solved in the area of ​​the 16th lasso are the problems of the second and third castes. The problems of the first caste are not considered there.
Second cast- this is a merchant, the third caste is a warrior. So, in the zone of the 16th lasso, the problems developed in the second and third castes are solved. For the fourth caste this does not matter - they have other problems. Accordingly, if you are a representative of the second or third caste and have accumulated some karmic problems that have not yet been worked out, and every day you escaped from the 16th lasso, then these problems will follow you throughout life.
Crown. Remember that there is a crown at the top of the tower. The crown is a symbol of your spiritual achievement, which you will gain after you have completely gone through the torment of the 16th lasso.
You will be crowned when you move to the fourth caste.
Having endured all these tortures of the harsh 16th lasso, you find yourself on another level.
The rock on which the tower stands represents physical illnesses associated with your karmic problems.
Stone (rock)- symbol of the element Earth, the material world. In this case, these are some physical problems that you have not yet solved in the 16th lasso. If you work in the reverse circle, then this is seeing your own karmic changes in the body, that is, congenital diseases, and interacting with them, and in the Taoist circle - influencing others.

Elimination of karmic bindings
We begin to work with the energies of the 16th lasso. First we enter the land of the dead. We move to the opposite bank of the 17th lasso in the reverse circle.
Now let's start working with the energy of the tower in the reverse circle. Let's look at our own attachments and figure out what we brought into this life from the past. By joining them, you see events.
These events look like bindings that stretch from us into the tower. The interior of the tower is very similar to the inside of an organism. It turns out that you have very dark connections that are dragging you there. As you begin to join one or another energy thread, you see events that deform you. These events must scroll completely, then the thread breaks.
Work in Taoist circle mode, conduct the energy of the tower outward. What you are feeling now is called pangs of conscience: you are reliving what once happened to you.
So, we have worked with the tower, now tune in to the lightning: you will receive energy back. Conduct lightning energy in the reverse circle.
Remember when Castaneda spoke about impeccability, about taking the energy of connection and returning it to the cocoon? This is that same energy. Accordingly, if you influence someone in the Taoist circle, then you return this energy to him. Try now to work in the Taoist circle and conduct lightning energy.
Next, we spin the energy of the crown in the reverse circle. This is energy associated with our merits, with the fact that we receive acquired qualities when passing the 16th lasso. Now repeat the task in the Taoist circle: merits for sale, something like a medal.
The stone on which the tower stands is its own organic problems, which are associated with bindings coming from a previous life, karma. We work with the energy of the stone where the tower stands, in a reverse circle. Did you feel that some changes were happening in your body related to these energies?
Now work in the Taoist circle: you will influence the karmic diseases of other people. Just try to scroll through this energy.
You and I visited one of the attractions of the afterlife - we looked at the tower of karma, in which reward for accomplished deeds takes place. The main trick that magicians like to use is related to the fact that they remove all karmic deformations that delay mere mortals in the 16th lasso in advance. Therefore, finding themselves in the tower of karma, magicians walk past this attraction, so to speak, in marching order. If ordinary people If they fall into this tower, as they say, feet first, out of ignorance or misunderstanding, then magicians get rid of such attachments during their lifetime, and then nothing attracts them there. There are certain techniques that allow you to clean yourself. So, the tower of karma is one of the elements of purgatory.
© B.M. Monosov,

Arcanum 16 expresses in Divine World- punishment of pride.

Mental Plane. Logical exception. Logical conclusions in the field of philosophy. A set of philosophical theses. Prayer.
Astral Plane. Astral compulsion. Mental tension. The power of astral coercion. The mechanism of self-hypnosis. Destruction of forms. Laws of destruction.
Physical plan. Physical destruction. Physical harassment. A fall.

Arcana XVI is depicted as a tower, the top of which is broken by lightning. One man wearing a crown and another without a crown are thrown from the top of the tower along with its rubble. This is a symbol of the onslaught of material forces that can turn into dust both great and small, both kings and their subjects. At the same time, it is an emblem of rivalry that ends in the death of both one and the other side; failed projects, dashed hopes, failed enterprises, ambition dashed like lightning, death resulting from catastrophes.

“Remember, son of the Earth, that all misfortunes, all trials, accepted with humble submission to the supreme will of the Almighty, are a feat for which you will be rewarded forever. To suffer means to work in an effort to free yourself from matter! It means to be clothed with immortality.”


Number 16 - abuse of the love of others

1 is Strength, 6 is love.
The karmic debt of the number 16 arises from past involvement in forbidden love affairs, which brought suffering to others: in some way their love was insulted. Simply put, the number 16 indicates a past neglect of responsibility in love.
As with all karmic debt numbers, a 1 in this number indicates self-centeredness. Past hurts stem from a lack of honesty towards the feelings of others, including love, family or commitment - all components of the proverbial "love affair".

In its transformed form, 16 gives 7, which contains the means of getting rid of debt. Until people with the number 16/ learn to act differently, they will tend to demonstrate negative traits numbers 7:

- Alienation,
- Irresponsibility,
- Inaccessibility,
- Taking care of your privacy without regard for the feelings of others,
- Emotional intellectualism.

Number 16 indicates that a person with this number has a tendency to use his highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down on others. In addition, number 16 will be familiar with alienation and loneliness in this life.

It is difficult to maintain long-term relationships with the number 16. People with this number face significant difficulties until they learn to act in a selfless, loving way. There is nothing unusual (7 itself is unusual) in the fact that sudden, strange circumstances lead to loss of friends and connections. SIXTEEN- magic, mental control, World Mind, theoretical physics.

A comment.
This is the fifth level of manifestation of the spirit, on which the emphasis, compared to the fourth, is inverted. If at the fourth level the life of the dense plane is discussed, taking into account the influence of the subtle, then at the fifth level, on the contrary, the problems that arise for the subtle plane during its interaction with the dense are considered - so to speak, problems of spiritual teachers.

16=24 - the symbol of sixteen is a four-dimensional cube (with 16 vertices) or four-dimensional space. The fourth dimension symbolizes spirituality, that is, the direction that was previously called vertical. In four-dimensional space, however, all directions are equal (this is called isotropy), so that sixteen can be interpreted as life in the spirit in the narrow sense of these words, in contrast to fifteen, which symbolizes spiritual life. Sixteen (= 15+1) overcomes the isolation of fifteen and transfers its spirituality from the background and meditative category to the existential, existential. In other words, here and generally at the fifth level of manifestation of the spirit, the main plane of existence is subtle, and the subject of study and influence is dense, which is felt and perceived as partly alien, rough, inert, inert and unyielding. Here the role of the subtle is played by the subtlest plane, and one could change the terminology, that is, call the subtle plane dense, and the dense plane gross, but I will not do this. Through the eyes of the fifth plane, the spirituality of the fourth is perceived as its not hopeless, glimmers of hope for its possible development, the harmony of twelve and fifteen looks like gray and flat empty complacency and self-confidence, and the vitality and creativity of the five and its multiples is approximately like the vitality and creativity of ciliates, and It is with them that educational work is intended.

Sixteen symbolizes the rational structure of the subtle plane, about which in the dense plane one can only have a distant idea, a schematic model (eight). This is its bare skeleton, that is, a set of precise laws that govern it; in other words, his hard karma. At level sixteen, a direct channel to the World Mind opens, that is, a direct opportunity to read information from there. Sixteen represents magic as the art of mental control of the subtle world using its laws. One of the symbols of sixteen is magic square(4 x 4), that is, a square whose cells contain numbers from 1 to 16, forming the same sum in each row, each column and diagonal, for example, Dürer’s square:

Each such square is the key to calling a certain fragment of the World Mind.

On high level a person of sixteen has the art of entering the mental plane and, in particular, into his mental body, and thereby the ability to mentally control the three lower bodies: physical, etheric and astral (energy and emotions on the three lower chakras - muladhara, svadhisthana, manipura). The lowest manifestations of sixteen are dogmatic rationality with completely rigid, but sometimes inexplicable logic, sometimes reaching mental illness, which is a consequence of the inability to transfer laws subtle world to dense; strictly speaking, this is impossible and unnecessary, but a person may not realize this. At the intermediate level, this is, for example, very fast counting and memorizing large tables.

Sixteen is the number of magicians of professional manipura ajna level, especially those using astrology, numerology or other calculations, to a lesser extent - fortune telling cards and palmistry. At a high level - an extraordinary mind that is clearly “not from here”, the ability to clearly clairvoyance and divination.
16=14+2 - the result of a well-developed polarization of practical and spiritual teaching - access to the World Mind.
16=10+6 - the formalized life of a self-conscious spirit is possible only if one knows the true laws of the subtle plane.
16=8 x 2 - by combining the perfect tools of two different plans and overcoming the contradictions between their levels, you can comprehend the exact magical laws of governing the world.
Sixteen is distinguished by unearthly and incomprehensible precision and proportionality, breathes magic and hidden power, is solemnly gloomy and emphatically serious.

© Absalom Underwater

Interesting latest discoveries scientists. It turns out that each race has a certain number of specific energy channels, which determines skin color. The black race has 6 channels, the red race has 9 channels, the yellow race has 12 channels, and the white race has 16 channels.
This is reflected in calendars and number systems. For example, chinese calendar has 12 months and 12 zodiac signs. In Chinese medicine there are 12 channels.

Old Russian calendar (Kolyada's gift) - 16 zodiac signs (celestial palaces). In Rus' there was a 16-digit number system. There were 16 hours in a day. Therefore, time flowed more measuredly, without fuss. The measure of the scale is a pound.

“The number 16 is a Sacred Number that reminds us that the Clans of the Great Race have a hexadecimal number system; sixteen years constitute a Single Circle; on the Svarozh Circle there are sixteen Heavenly Halls (Constellations); there are sixteen hours in the Slavic-Aryan day; a girl can get married only after sixteen years, because before this period she is a Messenger, she leads, i.e. learns the message, and after sixteen years she ceases to message and becomes the Bride; through the sixteen Higher Worlds of the Most Pure Svarga, a person of the Clans of the Great Race passes through the Golden Path of Spiritual development and Perfection in order to achieve the Divine World of Rule; Every sixteenth Summer of the Daarian Circular Year of Chislobog is Sacred, it lasts 369 days.”

Karma- this is a unique law of the Universe, according to which each of us lives several incarnations, several lives, which are given so that a person can correct the shortcomings of his personality and develop his spirituality to the highest perfection. Everything that a person has done in past incarnations - both good and bad - comes back to him or to his loved ones. Everything that happens to a person in the present is connected with what happened in the past. We can say that karma is a combination of bad and good deeds a person has done in all his lives. Everything bad should be recognized and corrected in subsequent incarnations, and everything good brings a person closer to the perfection of spiritual development.

If in his past incarnations a person did not fulfill his obligations, violated Spiritual laws, took something from others or illegally appropriated someone else’s, ignored the needs of his Soul and its need for development, behaved irresponsibly, in this case Karmic Debts are formed. They will accompany a person throughout his life and cause him a lot of trouble. Karmic Debts will manifest themselves in the form of trials and obstacles, difficulties and problems. That is why it is very important to find out whether a person has his own Karmic Debt.

Karmic Debt, depending on the way it appears, can be of several types: own - the one that a person earned in present life; own - earned by a person in previous lives; acquired - inherited by family. Karmic debt is a kind of barrier that prevents a person from being what he could become.

How to find out if a person has a Karmic debt by name and date of birth?

Find out if a person has Karmic debt, science will help. In numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19. If a person was born on a day with one of these numbers, this indicates the presence of Karmic Debt, but even if there are none of these numbers in the date of birth, Karmic debt can manifest itself when calculating, in intermediate results (until the final figure is reduced to a single digit number).

To find out does a person have Karmic Debt by name or date of birth, it is necessary to calculate the Heart Number, Destiny Number and Number Life Path, but do not reduce the final number to a single-digit number, but use an intermediate two-digit number to interpret the results. Decoding the number of Karmic Debt makes it possible to take into account previous not very successful experiences, realize the results, draw conclusions and take measures that will correct the situation.

Using the online calculation presented on this page, you can find out whether a person has a Karmic Debt by name and date of birth. If you want to find out if there is Karmic Debt for your birthday, use.

Online calculation of Karmic Debt by name and date of birth

Surname Name Surname
Date of Birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900

Numerology, like most esoteric teachings, recognizes the influence of the “chain of reincarnation” on the formation of a person’s personality. But numerology, as always, is not limited to talking about the presence or absence of past lives and their number. Well, what kind of help, in essence, can a person have in improving his karma, the knowledge that in past life was he a Japanese fisherman? Yes, that's for sure interesting information, but, in my opinion, completely useless. The mistakes and shortcomings made in our previous incarnation are much more important. After all, it is precisely this incarnation that has the most big influence for our life today. Decoding the Number of Karmic Debt gives a person the opportunity to take into account previous not very successful experiences, draw conclusions and take specific measures to correct the situation.

What is the number of karmic debt

Before starting to talk about this number, I would like to clarify a few very important points. What does karmic debt mean? In numerology, the Number of Karmic Debt is not perceived in a person’s characteristics as a sentence that cannot be appealed. Rather, on the contrary: this knowledge serves as an additional guide in the turbulent ocean of our life.

Perhaps such a formidable wording of the number does him a disservice, because every time I discover a karmic debt in a numerological portrait and inform the person about it, he only shows negative emotions. He is offended and points out the injustice of fate, which is so cruel to him.

This reaction is understandable, because few people (even if they agree with the doctrine of reincarnation) are ready to fully understand the inextricable connection with previous personalities. Simply put, this information is perceived something like this: an outsider, for whom I already don’t have warm feelings, has messed up something with his life, and I have to clean it up.

Mistake number one. “This guy” is not an outsider at all, and the fact that you do not completely identify with him does not mean anything. What do you think the inexperienced but self-confident (to an extreme degree) sixteen-year-old creature you were some time ago has to do with you? Is this teenager you? But this is your immediate and conscious past. When you think back on the stupid things you may have done at that age, do you feel angry? Most likely, you simply understand that the mistakes of this creature were caused not by his stupidity, but by his lack of life experience. Now try to imagine that your previous incarnation was just such a teenager and you are in no way paying for it, but simply building your life taking into account past mistakes.

If you look from this side, deciphering the Karmic Debt Number does not so much dictate conditions as give advice. Of course it's nice to start with clean slate. I would like to think that life, not burdened by additional conditions, will be easy and successful. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The absence of Karmic Debt in your numerological characteristics does not mean that everything will work out for you the first time. There is no guarantee that you will not commit own mistakes, for which you will pay in your next incarnation.

I really hope that I have convinced you, dear readers, and that you will react positively to the calculation and decoding of the Karmic Debt Number.

The numbers of Karmic Debt in numerology are 13, 14, 16, 19. They may or may not be in your numerological characteristics. You can find out this as follows.

To calculate karmic debt by date of birth, we used only the numerological addition of your birthday, so all people who were born on the 13th, 14th, 16th, 19th will be related to karmic debt. In this case, debt obligations will appear clearly and a person must take them into account. Since the Birthday Number indicates practical use our innate abilities, then the Number of Karmic Debt must be deciphered from this position. That is, understand how not to behave in Everyday life and in relationships with loved ones.

But the search is not over yet. Now we need to find out whether the Karmic Debt Number is hidden in the calculations of the Life Path Number. In order to check this, you need to calculate your Life Path Number again and look at the intermediate result.

Calculation of karmic debt

For example, date of birth is 09/06/1966.

We calculate karmic debt:

1 + 9 + 6 + 6 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4

So we got an intermediate result, which corresponds to the number of Karmic Debt. If we were calculating the Life Path Number, we would continue the addition: 1 + 9 = 10 = 1. And one would be considered the final result. But we are now talking about karmic debt, and the presence of the number 19 in intermediate calculations means that the goals and objectives of the life path are influenced by the previous incarnation.

But our search continues. If you have not yet discovered Karmic Debt, then it is worth checking the results of calculating the Number of Soul Motivation.

Example: Petrov Andrey Vladimirovich.

6 + 7 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2

Let's sum it up:

We received the Karmic Debt Number 13.

This is the intermediate result of calculating the Soul Motivation Number. If we continued the addition, we would get 13 = 1 + 3 = 4, that is, four as the Number of Soul Urge.

The number 13 discovered in intermediate calculations will affect the owner of this name in the following way: he will have to adjust his desires and motives for his actions, taking into account his karmic debt.

Thus, in which of the calculations we found the Number of Karmic Debt, it depends on what its decoding refers to: to general direction destiny (Life Path Number), to everyday life (Birthday Number) or to spiritual aspirations (Mental Urge Number).

Now it’s time to introduce you to the deciphering of the Karmic Debt Numbers.

How to decipher karmic debt

Karmic debt of the number 13

For this number, karmic debt means that in his previous incarnation a person did not work enough, worked little or poorly, did not do a specific job, but only wasted his time. In general, I lived a useless life. I only indulged own desires and interests, regardless of others. This doesn't mean he was bad or an evil person, he was just a “massive egoist.”

In your current incarnation you will have to make more efforts to achieve your goals. It is possible that when implementing your plans you will encounter some kind of invisible barrier. It is important to understand: if this happens, you should not look for a workaround, you just need to push a little, and the obstacle will recede. If you show persistence and move on without turning back, then success will certainly come. In general, any chaos is contraindicated for you. Vanity and uncertainty will take away your strength, which could be used more effectively. When taking on any business or project, you need to choose a general line for yourself and follow it steadily. How to work off karmic debt? The essence of fulfilling this duty is to learn not to shirk from work and to receive joy from the results of your work. And also be sincere generous person.

It's not all bad. How do you think?

Karmic debt of the number 14

The number 14 as the Number of Karmic Debt means that in a past life a person did not realize the opportunities and abilities given to him. Perhaps he valued his peace too much and did not want to change anything in his life, or perhaps he spent his talents on some unworthy cause. Or he was unable to put his abilities into practice due to mental limitations. As the son of Toad said from the fairy tale about Thumbelina, “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married.”

For you in your current incarnation, such behavior of your predecessor may result in unnecessary unforeseen events, drastic changes in life, frequent shifts places of residence or a decline in living standards. But if you are mentally prepared for such turns of fate, you can easily benefit from them. The main thing you need to realize is don’t be led by circumstances. Don't change yours life goal, even if circumstances have changed. Just aim better and keep moving. You should learn to manage your emotions as best as possible. It is impeccable self-control in unpleasant situations that will ensure your success.

In order to quickly work off your karmic debt, you should try to serve some intangible idea. By following it, you will acquire a bright guiding star.

Fulfilling this duty does not require any supernatural effort. What do you think?

Karmic debt of the number 16

The number 16 as the Number of Karmic Debt indicates that in the previous incarnation the person was not distinguished by cleanliness in his personal life. This could be due to anything: betrayal, callousness, depravity... The point is that the people who depended on him suffered.

Not the most pleasant information, but karmic debt is still not as severe as it could be. This number can affect your current personality in different ways. The first option: you may be a person who is too closed to emotional experiences, fixated on your own problems, interests and feelings. Hence, as a consequence, problems arise in relationships with loved ones. Another option: you yourself will find yourself in the place of the abandoned and deceived. The second option is, of course, not the best, because there are fewer ways to prevent it. But fewer opportunities does not mean their complete absence. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to build your relationships with the outside world in the same way.

Sincerity and complete dedication in relationships are the cornerstone of your position. To paraphrase the saying of John Kennedy, your life credo should sound like this: “Don’t ask the person you love what he can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for him.”

In general, fulfilling this duty can even become enjoyable. Is not it?

Karmic debt number 19

This karmic debt arose due to the fact that in a previous incarnation you were a person, as they now say, “exceeding the limit of authority.” In other words, the power given to you was abused. An unpleasant image of a tyrant and tyrant is presented, who took full advantage of the fact that he was stronger than others. “I know better, don’t you dare order me...” And so on.

In this incarnation, karmic debt manifests itself in the fact that a person often finds himself alone in facing all sorts of problems and troubles. Sometimes this can be caused by a reluctance to accept help from loved ones, and sometimes by the fact that no one will offer this very help. In the latter case, it can be argued that the person behaves with people in such a way that it is not easy for him to gain sympathy from anyone.

How to work off karmic debt? The task that this Number of Karmic Debt sets for a person is to learn to cooperate with people, to develop such qualities as generosity, responsiveness, and generosity. It would be wrong to withdraw into oneself and accumulate grievances. It is much more effective to ask for help, but at the same time do not forget to share the successes that you are sure to have.

By fulfilling this duty, you can be proud of yourself. This is beyond doubt.

Incredible facts

Each of us was born on a strictly predetermined day, hour, minute and even second. Our fate is already predetermined by someone above for certain events. Each person comes into the world with his own destiny and karma.

Karma is a basic concept in philosophical teachings and in Indian religion; it is the law of the interconnectedness of events in human life. According to this teaching, a person will have to answer sooner or later for any of his actions or deeds. The action in this case is the cause, and the payment received is the consequence.

People often call this situation the boomerang law, which will return in any case. If you did something good, then goodness will definitely return to you, but if you sinned, then you will have to answer for that too.

Karmic number

That is, karma is the fate of a person, which he shapes daily through his actions; it is a system of bad and good deeds. When a person lives his life according to his conscience, then, as a rule, his life is joyful and easy. At the same time, a life full of sins is filled with losses, despondency and grief.

However, it also happens that a person lives according to all moral laws and the highest canons, but his life at the same time is sheer misfortune and negativity. In this case, experts say that he is working off the karma of his past lives.

When a person did not have time to real life to atone for all his sins and, in addition to everything, made new ones, then they go with him to the next life. This is how the formation occurs karmic debts. To prevent them from going to yours new life, they need to be accepted and worked out in this life.

In esotericism, it is customary to calculate the number of karmic debt based on your date of birth. This helps you understand exactly how your debt formed, what to do about it, and how to get rid of it. This number will tell you what obstacles and difficulties you will encounter on your path, and how to find a solution.

Karmic debt

What are karmic debts?

Debt earned in a past life

Debt earned in real life

Debt passed down from ancestors (sometimes the debts of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents are passed on to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; these debts are often worked off over several generations; this means that one of your ancestors did something incredibly bad, and cannot wash off on their own , that’s why his descendants pay).

Karmic debt is formed when the borrowed energy is not returned, and also when obligations to higher powers. This makes a person a sinner-debtor, and this is fraught with serious tests of karma.

For example, here are some sins that lead to the formation of karmic debt:

1. Appropriation of what does not belong to you.

2. Irresponsibility.

3. Refusal of self-development, debt to oneself.

4. Taking on and not keeping promises made to other people and higher powers. Remember that every promise matters, because the person who does not keep his word is the most serious debtor.

5. Unwillingness to fulfill one’s karmic goals and objectives, failure to realize one’s own destiny.

Karmic debts by date

All of these examples are certain life situations that can be grouped into common main causes of karmic debt:

Violation of the rules of life;

Failure to keep God's commandments;

Destruction of shrines;

Neglecting the power of prayer;

Disrespect for parents and dislike for their own children.

Karmic debt by date of birth

So, how can you find out your karmic number by date of birth? To calculate it, you need to add up all the numbers of your birth. For example, you were born on October 5, 1986. 5+1+0+1+9+8+6=30. The number 30 is your karmic number.

Each karmic number has its own meaning and interpretation. With its help, you will learn what in your destiny you need to pay more attention to, what situations it is better to hide from, and what to take a closer look at. You will also learn about your hidden talents, opportunities and available resources.

Do you have karmic debt?

If, as a result of adding your birth numbers, you get 13, 14, 16 or 19, then this means that there is a debt hanging in your karma. Each number has its own meaning. Read about the meaning of other resulting karmic numbers at the end of the article.

Karmic number 13

It indicates that your previous life was zero, that is, you did not use your past incarnation at all, you were an irresponsible and lazy person, you shifted your worries and difficulties onto the shoulders of other people. You lived your past life uselessly, without taking any experience from it at all.

In this life you face a huge amount difficulties that you must solve on your own. To work off karmic debt, it is vital for you to acquire the ability to complete the things you start without being afraid of obstacles and obstacles.

Karmic number 14

It says that in a past life you did not use your talent, buried it in the ground, you idle a lot, devoting yourself to taking care of your physical needs.

Most likely, in this life you have a lot different dependencies, you do not know how to finish the things you start, giving up at the first obstacles. To correct your karma, you need to get rid of bad habits and impulsive decisions, you need to cultivate wisdom in yourself.

Karmic number 16

This number is obtained from a person who in a past life was careless about the love side of life and engaged in adultery. A person with this karmic number in a previous incarnation completely devoted himself to feelings and passions, and also painfully wounded and betrayed other people.

In real life, such a person often suffers from loneliness due to the fact that either the relationship itself does not work out, or his pride interferes. To pay off a karmic debt, you need to cultivate modesty and engage in self-education.

Karmic number 19

This karmic number belongs to a person who, in a previous incarnation, abused his powers, suppressed other people, using his power.

In this life, such a person has no one to count on. difficult situation, no one comes to meet him or come to his rescue. Most likely, such a person is lonely. To pay this debt, a person must help people free of charge and selflessly, serve them.

Let's separate the number 10 into a separate part. If you get this number after calculations, then you are very unusual person, who had no karmic debts in any of his past lives. You lived all your lives quite with dignity, you had a good relationship with those around you, you worked in moderation and lived according to your conscience.

Karmic debt number

Now let's talk about what needs to be done to work off your karmic debt.

1. Understand the root causes of debt.

2. Understand what needs to be done by asking the forces of karma.

3. Work on yourself, try to correct the current situation, ask for forgiveness, etc.

4. Find your spiritual healer who will help you free yourself from karmic debt using an esoteric ritual.

The very first and important step is an understanding of the essence of karmic debt. To do this, you don’t need to immerse yourself in your previous incarnations at all, because all a person’s sins, in the overwhelming majority of cases, lie in plain sight in real life.

Karmic debt is usually repaid either through repentance or through suffering. A person can choose his own payment method. He can realize everything and change the situation, or he compensates with suffering and torment.

Therefore, if someone has offended you, then you should not rush to offend the person in return. Stop and think, it is likely that a similar situation has already happened in your life, only you were in the role of the offender. Understanding and repenting is the way out. This will mean that you have learned this lesson of karma and have purified it.

In Christianity, all believers are given the chance to repent by confessing and absolving their sins, however, this does not mean that a person is freed from karmic debt. It happens that a person purposefully shares his sins with the priest, he absolves them, but after going outside the person again thinks about doing what he repented of for a few minutes. When a person has actually realized, he will not do it again and will not want to do it.

The meaning of karmic numbers

Now let’s look at the specific actions necessary to get rid of karmic debt.

Karmic debt of the number 13

In this case, you need to work tirelessly. The more active and hard you work, the faster you can pay off your debt. You need to learn to enjoy what you do. Almost any problem you have can be solved simply by increasing the amount of effort you put into it. Throw laziness aside so that you can succeed. However, remember that the training will be long and thorny, do not count on quick results.

It is very important for you to learn to focus on the most important thing, throwing all your strength there. Keep your life in order. Chaos and disorder will throw you off, thereby significantly increasing the distance between you and your goal.

Karmic debt of the number 14

This karmic debt can be worked off only when you can learn to control yourself in any situation and not give in to any of your physical weaknesses.

Set yourself a serious goal and do your best to achieve it. Only in this case will you be able to achieve your integrity and come to inner harmony.

Karmic debt of the number 16

To repay this debt, a person must completely eradicate selfishness in himself. You must be modest and humble, think about the experiences and feelings of the people around you.

However, such a person faces one big obstacle: he has an analytical mind, thanks to which he incredibly quickly finds flaws in the people around him, which is why they automatically fall much lower in his eyes. That is, such a person, one might say, is doomed to eternal loneliness.

Karmic debt of the number 19

This debt can be fulfilled with the help of favor towards people. It’s corny, but it works: treat people the way you want to be treated, that is, with understanding and respect. You should learn to share the opportunities you have.

You will feel a lot better if you put aside your pride and begin to openly show friendship, love and affection. Only in this case will you be able to fully enjoy the reciprocal feelings.

It is important to emphasize that absolutely any karmic debt can be worked off; a person can correct his mistakes and stop the emergence of new ones. Behave as required, live according to human laws. Fill your life with compassion, positivity and kindness, which will definitely reflect well on your karma.

Karmic numbers in numerology

Now let's talk about decoding the rest karmic numbers. All of them are grouped into 4 groups, each with a corresponding level. The higher the level, the person has lived more lives, which means he has more opportunities, experience and resources.

First level – from 10 to 19

11 – a very trusting person who idealizes relationships. He has a hidden danger of betrayal and betrayal, because in his previous incarnation he himself was a traitor.

12 is a symbol of constant suffering. A person with such a karmic number often becomes a victim of bad conspiracies, because in a previous incarnation he himself was a participant in terror, weaved intrigues, or committed deception in love.

Experts in numerology firmly believe that a person’s purpose on Earth can be determined by his karmic number. Calculating the karmic number is not difficult. You can understand what this mysterious number promises you, relying on the laws of numerology.

Why is it important to know your karmic number?

Before we find out how to determine the karmic number by date of birth, let's find out why this is needed at all.

The birth of a person occurs at a specific time. Sometimes this happens according to doctors’ predictions, and sometimes contrary to these predictions. Numerology experts firmly believe that higher powers accurately determine when and at what hour each person will be born. With the time of a person’s birth, his destiny is laid down, those trials and joys that his soul deliberately endures. Your destiny today will help correct the mistakes you made in a past life, conditions are created to make maximum progress in this life and be even happier in the next.

Numerology - Karma in date of birth

Karma by date of birth.

Numerology - Karma in date of birth + Vedic numerology

In numerology and other sciences, this is called in one word karma.

Karma is the good and bad deeds that you have done in all past lives.

Negative actions in this life need to be offset by positive ones. Positive deeds have already helped you reach the level of awareness at which you are.

1 11 1 9 9 4= 35

It is important to take into account one more point here: if there are tens in your date of birth, then they should look like tens, and not like the number one and zero. In this case, the result does not need to be reduced to a single digit number. Here you can leave the karmic number in a two-digit value.

Based on the two-digit number that you determined, you can understand whether you have karmic debts that will have to be worked off throughout your life. Such karmic debt is indicated by the numbers: 13, 14, 16 and 19. These are the unwanted two-digit numbers.

Numerology insists that it is important to clearly understand that karmic debt is indicated precisely by last number. If any of these numbers happen during calculation intervals, then it means nothing.

There are no karmic debts in the date of birth that we gave as an example. But, unfortunately, this does not mean that a person with this date of birth has a life without sin and will not have to experience difficulties along the way. Moreover, he needs to take care not to make a karmic debt in this incarnation. You can also calculate your karmic number using online resources.

What does numerology suggest to do if the date of birth results in a karmic number with a debt?

Karmic debt by number 13

In almost all beliefs this number has meaning negative energy. This number indicates that the person did not live his past incarnation according to God's laws. Such a person’s priority was pleasure. Most likely, he did not think at all about his own mission on earth, about how he could be useful to people. And if this happened, then the work he started was not completed in a worthy manner. Such a person tried to shift responsibility even for his own life onto someone else’s shoulders. And there was no question of taking responsibility for someone. Here the image of a capricious child who has tried to live on everything ready-made all his life rightly arises.

The main quality that a person in the present incarnation must develop in himself is hard work. It is important to love what you do. Don't leave everything halfway. Perceive difficulties in work not as problems, but as tasks that can be solved through the correct organization of life. When faced with such a life task, do not fall into the state of a victim and try to throw it on someone else, but find the strength, responsibility and solve everything yourself.

Develop an understanding that it is impossible to achieve everything at once. First, choose one goal to strive for. Write down a plan for its implementation. And only after this goal is achieved should we move on to the next one. You can start small.

After such a person learns to take responsibility for his life, he can think about extending his influence to others. Take responsibility for others, for your spouse, children. This is how you can redeem this karmic number.

Karmic debt by number 14

This number tells us that in a previous incarnation a person tried to jump above his own ceiling. There is a place for delusions of grandeur and some kind of omnipotence here. A high goal for such a person is all that matters. At the same time, the individual sacrificed himself and his loved ones on the way to the goal. Captivated by a lofty goal, the man was completely unaware of how his real life was going on. His soul, body and those who were next to him suffered from this. In the past incarnation, when faced with difficulties, the individual showed aggression and rage; this is also important to work with.

For a person with such a karmic debt, it is important to develop a sense of proportion and humility before higher powers. Karmic number 14 suggests that it is important to learn to restrain your pride. Don't try on the role of God. Learn to be kind person, who not only has good goals, but also who enjoys every day of his life. It is important to think about others and how they feel around you. Under no circumstances should you use these people to achieve your own goals.

Here, it is even useful to set more earthly goals, aimed at giving something good and bright to others. When faced with difficulties, it is important to gain wisdom, to think that difficulties strengthen, and not to mindlessly show anger.

Karmic debt by number 16

In a past life, such a person was completely focused on himself and his desires; he was a true egoist. The people around him were just a means on the path to pleasure. Karmic number 16 indicates that the emphasis is on love relationship. These are men and women who truly enjoyed the trust and love of their lovers. Because of this behavior, the souls of their loved ones suffered. Here the person had a clear passion for sensual pleasures, for which he was ready to do anything.

Such karmic behavior in the past incarnation is reflected in the present:

  • state of loneliness,
  • inability to establish spiritual contact with the opposite sex,
  • as soon as a person comes into such contact, character traits such as narcissism and selfishness immediately become apparent, and as a result, the person himself suffers from this,
  • Communication problems also arise with relatives, there are many quarrels and misunderstandings.

In the present incarnation of such a personality, it is important to focus as much as possible on spiritual contact with people, not on the sensual. We need to pay attention to the spiritual aspects of communication and develop them. To overcome selfishness when communicating, focus on the other person’s feelings towards you, and not vice versa. This behavior will help you work off your karmic debt.

Karmic debt number 19

In a previous incarnation, a person recklessly strived for power. He swept away everything in his path to achieve her. All communication was based on this. When coming into contact with a person, you first of all thought about how you could subjugate him. There was no inclusion in a person, which makes communication human.

In order to gain the trust of people in real life, you will have to work hard and prove to them the sincerity of your intentions. It is important to learn to give without demanding anything in return. Don't be surprised if people don't believe you at first. This is a certain karmic check. If at this stage you show humility and do not give up trying to establish real human contact, then the karmic debt will be worked off. Moreover, you yourself will become much happier.

If the karmic number is 10

If, as a result of calculations, you received 10 as a karmic number, then your situation is also unusual. Don't worry, when we say unusual, we mean it in a positive way.

This number means positive karmic meaning. With this number, you do not have any karmic debts. It means that in all your past lives you lived with dignity, according to God’s laws. You built good relationships with people, worked honestly, and did not chase after something ephemeral. In a word, they lived their lives harmoniously.

But this does not mean that you need to live haphazardly in real life. Most likely, you have some kind of talent that will bring joy to people. Your task in this incarnation is to reveal this talent. Sometimes keeping balance is the same challenging task how to find it. So, your task is not to go to extremes, but to clearly maintain harmony inside and outside. Don’t go completely into work, think about loved ones, remember God, isn’t this a task worthy of a lifetime.