Irina Meshchanskaya became famous after she became the wife of the very eccentric and outrageous Alexander Shpak. He is a bodybuilder, plus a media personality with unusual appearance, as all in tattoos and with shadows under the eyes.

Irina herself, this is a woman who has lived in this world for 36 years, and most importantly, what she noted for is that she loves to take care of herself. That is, he constantly makes plastic surgery and, changing his appearance, tries to improve himself. In addition, she generally likes to show on her Instagram page how she leads a chic and prosperous life, loves her husband and travels a lot.

True, Irina often does plastic surgery and can look different.

But while she remains outwardly quite an attractive woman.

She is 37 years old, height meter 65 cm.

Weight 55 kg, which is not even bad.

Here is her Vkontakte page, and here is Instagram.

Irina Meshchanskaya (Shpak) - what height and weight, photo, instagram, vkontakte?

Irina Meshchanskaya, better known as Irina Shpak, is a fairly well-known person.

She gained the greatest popularity thanks to her husband Alexander Shpak, who never ceases to amaze the public with his appearance.

Irina is 37 years old and she looks great. With a height of 155 centimeters, she weighs 55 kilograms.

The figure of Irina has undergone plastic surgery more than once. She repeatedly adjusted her waist, chest and hips to achieve ideal proportions. In addition, Irina a large number of spends time in the gym, and also carefully monitors his diet.

Here are her pages Vkontakte and Instagram.

Irina Shpak (nee Meshchanskaya) is a rather famous person, she is the wife of the famous bodybuilder Alexander Shpak.

Irina is a rather spectacular lady, with a height of 165 centimeters, she weighs 55 kilograms.

Irina repeatedly asked for help from plastic surgeons in order to correct her appearance, by the way, her husband absolutely supports her in this. Alexander himself more than once remade his appearance with the help of plastic surgery, it looks very extravagant.

Irina is 37 years old, she looks good for her age.

Irina Shpak leads her channel on YouTube (there are not so many subscribers yet), Instagram (private profile) and VK.

Popularity for Irina Meshchanskaya came after her marriage to the so-called bodybuilder Alexander Shpak.

Not much is known about Irina before her marriage. She was born in the city of St. Petersburg on May 30, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one.

Irina did not study badly and even after graduating from the institute she went to work as a commercial director in a company, but her hobby is modeling business, led to the fact that she had to quit.

After meeting with Alexander Shpak, Irina does not lag behind her husband, they improve their bodies with the help of cosmetic plastics.

The Shpakov couple have their own channel on YouTube, where they talk about the beauty of the body, proper nutrition and ways to achieve beauty.

You can view Irina Shpak's profile on Instagram and VKontakte here.

Irina Meshchanskaya (Shpak) is currently the wife of the famous bodybuilder Alexander Shpak. It is worth noting that this is the second marriage for the girl. Irina, like her husband, loves to play sports, as a child she went in for athletics, worked as a trainer in a fitness club.

It is known that Irina Shpak was born on May 30, 1981 in St. Petersburg, in 2018 the girl turned thirty-seven years old.

She has an Instagram page.

The girl received her higher education at the next educational institution.

There is information that, like her husband Alexander Shpak, the girl has had plastic surgery more than once. Below is her photo.

The wife of a bodybuilder with an extraordinary freak appearance named Sash Shpak is a media personality, her name is Irina Meshchanskaya, her age is 36 years old. She is two years younger than Alexander. With a spouse them - complete understanding. Both blog on YouTube. Both had plastic surgery. Now on the YouTube channel, the couple shares the secrets of self-care. She is already his sixth wife. Irina - Gemini by the sign of the Zodiac, slender (about 55 kg), tall (165 cm tall). Today there are 663 thousand subscribers on her Instagram. Her VKontakte page and YouTube channel are popular.

Alexander Shpak is a bodybuilder with a pumped up body and impressive knowledge of healthy eating, exercise and the importance of self-care. He maintains his competent and interesting channel on the Internet, helping others to bring their bodies to perfection.

But what he did with his appearance defies any logic. Some consider him crazy, turning himself from a handsome man into a monster, and someone cannot hide his admiration for the work done. Alexander Shpak before and after the total transformation are two outwardly completely different people.

What did he do to himself?

He is called a effeminate freak, had implants in his chest and gluteal muscles. As of today, they have been removed. The whole body is covered with colored tattoos. The dragon man made himself fangs like a vampire, and pierced He regularly passes cosmetic procedures and corrects the shape and volume of the lips.

Constantly takes care of herself: does makeup, manicures and pedicures. His body is always in a process of constant change. He loves pink in clothes and wears provocative outfits.

First wave of popularity

Alexander was born in St. Petersburg and did not attract a global public attention until one of his friends posted a photo of him from vacation. On it, in microscopic bathing underwear, he committed water procedures. This image made a splash, as the body of the athlete was already decorated with a lot of tattoos.

Arrest for sale of prohibited substances

Happened a few years ago loud scandal. Alexander Shpak worked in sales before and after the changes sports nutrition. He was detained for selling anabolics to his clients for several months. At another attempt was taken red-handed. He was sentenced to three years probation.

The personal life of a strange bodybuilder

In 2010, his first marriage was registered. Speaking of his orientation: before and after the changes, Alexander Shpak equally liked female gender. Today he is happy with his sixth official wife Irina Meshchanskaya. Together they maintain a microblog on the Instagram network and are successful.

The current wife loves to be naked in photo shoots, has implants in her breasts and buttocks, and is actively involved in sports in her chosen one. They live in a luxurious apartment, regularly go on vacation. Shpak works personal trainer in one of the fitness rooms.

Peak of popularity

Since 2015, Alexander Shpak has been actively promoting his personality on the Internet, which he succeeds perfectly. He shoots philosophical videos in which he focuses on the conscious choice of everyone and the lack of the right to condemn others. Everything changes, but Alexander Shpak, before and after the transformation, did not lose his individuality, but rather actively develops it.

Irina Meshchanskaya was born on May 30, 1981 in Russia, in the city of St. Petersburg. Irina was born in an ordinary family. Since childhood, Ira was not like her peers, she always stood out among other girls with her charisma.


Irina studied at school number 26. Ever since school days, Irina's father instilled in her a love for sports. The girl was involved in athletics, was the winner of several regional competitions. Higher education Irina Meshchanskaya received in St. Petersburg state institute psychology and social work, on the correspondence department. During her studies, Ira worked as a commercial director in big company. By specialty, Meshchanskaya never worked.

Personal life

Irina had two marriages, Ira lived in her first marriage for 3 years. As Irina herself says, she was very unhappy in marriage. Irina and her ex-husband there was no mutual understanding. The male for a long time did not show attention to Irina as a woman.

The second time Irina married. Irina was officially the sixth wife of Shpak. Now the young couple is happily married, in their videos they often talk about how lucky they are with each other. Irina is not embarrassed non-standard appearance Alexandra. Irina is sure that her husband is the most ideal man.

Joint life with Alexander Shpak

Irina and Alexander are a very popular couple on Instagram. They regularly make videos for their subscribers. In their video, you can see how reverently they treat each other. On Instagram, Meshchanskaya and Shpak call each other mom and masya, and mom is Alexander's nickname.

In my videos, Shpak and his wife shoot various videos: culinary notes, training videos, Alexander's thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman. Alexander and his wife discuss fairly frank topics that not every blogger could talk about. Perhaps that is why the young couple has such a large number of followers.

Also, Irina and Shpak very often meet with their subscribers in real life. At such meetings, Shpak and Irina answer questions, take a lot of photos. At every meeting organized by the spouses, Irina is given a large amount of chocolate, as in her videos Irina often talks about her love for sweets.

Plastic surgery and training

Meshchanskaya spends more than 4 days a week in the gym, she has excellent figure parameters. In 2014, Irina began working in gym, as a coach. She believes that if she could achieve such a result, she would be able to help others. Unfortunately, in 2017, Irina stopped working, but during her work she trained more than 20 people and showed the results on her Instagram.

Irina Meshchanskaya had two plastic surgeries. The first operation was done for breast augmentation, and the second Irina did on the buttocks. Irina very often shoots a video where she gives advice about plastic surgery, she does not advise unprepared girls to insert implants for themselves. To begin with, according to Irina, you need to prepare yourself well in the gym. Despite such a number of tattoos, the husband of Irina Alexander Shpak, she is against the drawings on the female body.

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Odious bodybuilder Alexander Shpak have been known on the web for a long time. A blogger and athlete is often called a freak behind his back. This strong man often shines on television, where he appears in various programs dedicated to the victims of plastic surgery.

Shpak travels a lot, is very active in all in social networks, and even leads fitness workshops. In the latter, by the way, Alexander really knows a lot. Unlike many other fans of altering his own appearance, the man always said that without regular exercises, there would be no point in a body reshaped by a surgeon.

Now it's hard to believe, but once Shpak looked pretty pretty. The athlete himself, however, believed that he had a very average appearance. Ordinary infuriated Alexander, and later the bodybuilder admitted that he did not want to be "faceless"!

The first step was cosmetics. At the same time, the young man thought over in detail the sketches of his future tattoos. Further more. After several tattoos, Shpak wanted more drastic changes.

The most interesting thing is that the transformation of the athlete did not prevent him from being attractive to the opposite sex. Eternal ladies' man Alexander is now married for the sixth time.

Shpak claims that in each of his marriages there was faithful husband. His current spouse, model Irina Meshchanskaya, supports her chosen one in all endeavors.

The man came to sports at the age of 14, and at the age of 23 he finally decided to professionally engage in bodybuilding. Today he owns a sporting goods store, and Alexander still has not left his job as a coach.

Fans estimated that Shpak had at least 15 plastic surgeries. The man went to correct the shape of the forehead and superciliary arches, went through the plastic eyelids and correction of the incision of the eyes. They say that the bodybuilder purposefully tried to make his look more expressive.

Of course, Alexander did not ignore the ever-popular rhinoplasty. The bodybuilder considered his former nose to be not elegant enough, so he had to pay doctors to change his shape. In addition, it can be seen from the man's face: the surgeon made contour plastic surgery of his cheekbones.

Caricature enlarged lips, traces of Botox injections and branded extended fangs complete the picture. Shpak loves to show the results of his transformations to his fans. In addition to a completely transformed face and still strong muscles, Alexander often shows off his pumped up buttocks in the pictures.

Body modifications of this caliber are not cheap. But the bodybuilder's body is also covered with many intricate, multi-colored tattoos.

One of the shocking jocks is considered to be bo -dibilder Sasha Shpak. Inflated figure, lip and eye adjustments, breast implants female type. Is Pisyun at least in place?

The son of a military man and a teacher, Sasha, was once an ordinary, handsome boy. It's in form. But in terms of content...

Not everyone is so lucky - the presence of a visual vector - 5% of people. What to do with innate wealth?
Sasha Shpak. Anal-musculoskeletal with vision. The mental core is a skin-visual boy.

Everything in the world is in opposites. And in vision too. Sasha naively believes that showing off is what saves her.

Never listen to what people say about themselves - lies! They can approximately pronounce: what they ate, where they were, what they saw and bought but they know nothing about their unconscious. All their talking about themselves is stupid rationalizations.

So Sanya is engaged in explaining, justifying fears and presenting from the hole of the visual vector, supposedly "an accomplished worldview" - a terribly beautiful life of a skin-visual man.

Paint yourself with aggressive portacocks, make fangs stand out, pump up mass. Target? He otpiarit- this, they say, self-expression. We see an unconscious desire to intimidate.

and the eyes are kind - kind... and with eyeliner, such women's - women's ....
Intimidate who?!

No, bro, what are you going to do with the animal smell? Pheromones and species role is innate.

AT wild nature predators look modest, they don’t need to show off, and the weakest individuals, on the contrary, try to open up and shove. With a predatory smallness, sometimes it passes, but a real beast takes on the smell and AM!

There is such an interesting uncle, a brain researcher, Professor S. Savelyev. He proved that in a person with a visual vector, the lobes of the brain responsible for the visual analyzer are 40 times larger than in ordinary person. Tortuosity, too, will be more abruptly.

Can you imagine? Machinery of intellect and sensuality! But it's in potential.
Assigned does not mean guaranteed. Then on your own, if you know how?!

However, at the root of the visual vector is the fear of the dark and the fear of being eaten.

In the primitive flock, they ate exclusively skin-visual boys. They are not warriors or hunters. Moreover, they do not have the smell of a woman, therefore they also have a span in reproduction.

In our two urges, sex and murder, they are useless.

Bo- dibil- there was no ding and male striptease then, but they are painfully sweet ... AM!
How were they defined? By smell.

Due to them, the flock survived on hungry days. Moreover, it is the most The best way removal of hostility: they ate such a team, got endorphins, sang a song by the fire and life is good!

Do you think something has changed?

Man is a creature of hostile type - a cannibal. Today we do not eat each other naturally. Zarathustra does not order, in the sense - a layer of culture. But psychologically constantly ... AM!

Hostility to the near and far, scandals, showdowns on the roads, mud smearing in Runet ... people are more and more dogging with each other. They realize a hidden desire to eat their neighbor, but they do it in a ritual form.

Three days of collective hunger and everything will be for real. Some, by the way, will breathe a sigh of relief, at last!
Who will we eat first? Skin-visual in awe!
If the human body adrenaline, it gives an unconscious message I can!

Combat tattoos, frightening fangs, testosterone and anabolic cubes through the vein. There is no smell on the Internet and on TV, therefore, such a fool rolls.

But at the level of natural contact, the smell of ranking-attraction, i.e. the first signal system, our animal essence perceives a person as he is.

So it will turn out, as in that joke: one man fed five cannibals.

It was an educational program for the skin-visual.
But in our world everything is on opposites. And in the visual vector too.

The fear of the dark - the fear of being eaten - is when emotions are inside, which means destructive adrenaline is a minus.

Quite the contrary - it is empathy, compassion and love - sensuality outward and absolute fearlessness ...

In the archetypal state: transvestites and transsexuals, gigolos and victims of oral cannibals.

In its implementation: artists, teachers, artists, singers and pop stars. How do you like: Brad Pitt, our E. Plushenko and D. Bilan? Realized skin-visual beauties.

In the dry residue we have:

When visual men choose for themselves a similar and constantly outrageous form and merge their sensual and creative potential into "I'm not a boy, I'm a girl", they receive in it the worst fate. Maybe not right away, but it unfolds in the course of the play ...

While the skin-visual is young, you can celebrate and earn with your body, but years will pass and all these anabolics, hormones and plastic surgeries with implants will come out inside out - it will be a complete star!

In short, the smart head went to the fool. Would you like to object?

Understand and realize who you really are, and then realize your perfect shape. And parents can immediately determine what miracle they have and engage in proper education.

A person has only two important events. The first is when he was born and the second, when he gained clarity for what.

The article was written using the training materials on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.